Enabling night mode YouTube. How to activate the secret mode in YouTube (Night mode)

YouTube releases a redesign of his site that includes night mode, protecting your eyes at night and gives it a kind of filmmate. You can wait when a new design will completely replace the old one and will open by default or you can already try it now.

So how to include this Night YouTube mode? There are several ways to include it. Let's start with a more complex, but interesting way, which, however, works only in Chrome browser.

To do this, you will have a moment to plunge into the world of Chrome developer tools, which takes less than a minute. This is what needs to be done to enable night mode on the standard YouTube site:

It is worth mentioning that you will have to restart the mode specified in the way every time you open the chrome.

However, now there is a simpler way to turn on the night mode, which runs on any browser and saves your settings when you close the site. To do this, you just need to go to the site showing the new YouTube design at YouTube.com/New. After logging in to your account, you can activate the night mode from the menu accountBy clicking on the icon of your profile in the upper right corner.

If you find that you do not like the youtube redesign site, you can return to the old design by opening the account menu and selecting "Back to Classic Design".

In 2016, bloggers randomly found a test version of the updated, more minimalistic design YouTube.com. In May 2017 it became known: Testing is not yet completed, but Google already offers an updated "Onion" YouTube as an option, and everyone can use anyone.

In contact with

The fundamental principles were based on the design language, which Google has implemented in recent versions Android.

Fred Gilbert, head of the USER Experience direction in YouTube:

"We do not want UI to interfere with users. In the first place should always be content. "

What has changed in the updated YouTube?

  • The names of the rollers scored in blue, now steel black and do not distract attention;
  • "Fired" the side menu-Saydbar;

  • YouTube logo, the search string and channel icons have become less (and the last - also round).
  • There was an auto-loading of new video while scolding down (no longer need to press the "More" button).

What to say - it turned out great and refund to old version YouTube leaves a painful impression.

But there are no changes not only externally, but also "under the hood". The new YouTube site works on the Polymer framework.

Thanks to him, the service works a little faster, but the most important thing here is that Polymer allows you to add new features - such, for example, as a night mode (how to enable it is described below). The latter changes the bright "substrate" on black, and as a result of watching the video at night it becomes much more comfortable - the black color does not "cut" eyes. "

Want to go to the new YouTube design? Then just go under this reference and press Try.

Without a doubt, many users would not mind the appearance in all the applications and the dark regime services that reduce the eye load. Google Company Especially improves its programs and services, adding new features to them.

One of these innovations also affected Youtube video hosting. Attentive users noticed that a hidden mode appeared in Youtube, which changes the white web interface background to gray-black.

How to enable Dark YouTube Mode

Click on your YouTube Avatar and in the Activity menu that opens. Dark mode" After that, a dark theme of design should appear.

Google introduced an updated and improved design YouTube.. The list of bright differences is the "night mode" - a version of hosting with a black background. Today, one of the most careful users managed to discover what YouTube.there was an opportunity to enable "dark mode". Google continuously works on its services and programs, including in them newest functions and visual improvements. It is quite clear that innovations are first checked in a narrow circle of user individuals. And the most important thing is that now all the possibilities of this feature are available, however, so far, the owners of smartphones based on the iOS system. But soon, according to video hosting developers, this feature affect all platforms.

And so, in order to activate the dark mode in the Youtube application, we will need, in addition to the application itself, service ""

1) First do you download and run the program "Preferences Manager"
2) We are looking for in the list "YouTube"
3) Open the file youTube.xml.
4) Enter in the search bar "DARK"
5) In both points you need to change the parameter falseon the true.In case there are no, it is necessary to add them manually using the "+" symbol in the upper right corner.

6) After that, save the changes and restart the application.
7) We use! Dark mode will especially make up users who often
spend time for watching rollers on YouTube. At night.

I already told how you can change the topic on YouTube with a bright on the dark. If in the past lesson we used a special extension for browsers, then in this lesson we use the built-in mechanisms of the YouTube site itself. Now you will feel like a little developers.

We open the browser and go to the Youtube video hosting site. Next click the keyboard key Ctrl + SHIFT + I Or click the right mouse button over an empty site and select "View code" from the drop-down menu (in other browsers it may be called "Explore the element"). This will allow you to open a panel with developers tools. Here we are interested in the "Console" tab (console), so we immediately go to it.

Insert the code in the console below and press Enter:
document.Cookie \u003d "Pref \u003d F6 \u003d 4; Path \u003d /; domain \u003d .youtube.com";

This action has added special cookies to your browser. Thanks to them, you can get a little more features compared to ordinary users.

Now let's close the console for developers and update the page. The site must transform a little, but the topic still remains light. The next step in the upper right corner of the page, click on your icon. A new item should appear in the drop-down menu, which allows you to enable special "night mode".

To disable the Night YouTube mode, it is enough to simply put the switch to the "Off" position. For those who want to completely turn off this topic and the possibility of switching, it is enough in the menu to select "Return to Classic Design".

After rebooting the page, the site will return to the previous mode of operation, and from the night mode of YouTube there will be no trace.

In this lesson I will tell about the function view later on YouTube. This option allows you to save the rollers to yourself into a separate folder that are interesting for you, but, unfortunately, now there is no choice now, i.e. Those videos that you do not want to lose.

Today we will analyze the first of several ways, with the help of which you can change the standard white theme of Youtube video hosting on the dark. To the aid, we will receive a special expansion called Magic Actions for YouTube. This extension is available for all browsers and has a number of additional chips that we will talk about below.

In this lesson, I will tell you how to enable and how to Disable Avtovo Video Reproduction with YouTube. The principle of operation of this feature is that while you are watching a specific video, YouTube analyzes it, selects similar and automatically starts the show when the current video ends.

Material Design and Night Mode YouTube, and now they entered into force. About the availability of new Youtube design on all devices and browsers officially announced the company Google.

In this article, I announced an update of the YouTube interface and the transition to a dark color, and in this - described the secret translation into the version test. Now, each user can enjoy new Youtube design and easily switch youthube night mode in the page settings, and if you wish to return to the classical mind. To learn how to transfer YouTube to night mode, remember why they came up with.

Many YouTube users are watching videos at night. One thing happens due to excessive employment during the day, and others have a special preference. Watching the computer monitor, a laptop or another gadget at night is extremely unpleasant, sharp white color screens annoying, strains his eyes and spoils eyesight. And the black color of the screen will help solve this problem, make video view more enjoyable and unload tired eyes. And now about the main thing!

Open the settings by clicking on the avatar in the right corner of the screen, and turn on the "night mode" by clicking on the relevant item in the drop-down menu:

At any time you can include \\ Disconnect the Night YouTube mode as well safe mode YouTube, language, country or back to classic design.

Give feedback

Yes, the menu expanded significantly. Perhaps, for many, it turned out to be a surprise that the "Leave Review" item was added to the profile menu. Thus, the developers decided to find out the opinion of users about the new interface and about possible errors. So, if necessary, or wishes, you can leave your feedback, with these problems, inconveniences or wishes: