Download night clock in android Russian. Smart night watch

A program for displaying time, date, weather, alarm clock, battery charge on the locked screen of the phone. This program is not new, it was originally developed for the implementation of some interesting features Windows Phone on Android, but has since acquired even more new features, including those that allegedly first appeared in the LG G5 and Galaxy S7. Glance Plus is able to keep a piece of the screen constantly on and thus save battery power. The developers claim that for 1 hour the always-on Glance Plus screen draws no more than 1% of the charge, and in a day - no more than 8%. You can install the program on any smartphone or tablet equipped with a proximity sensor and with OS version from Android 4.3 and newer. In the future, the proximity sensor of the smartphone will automatically activate the "always-on screen" as soon as you take the smartphone out of your pocket or case, or if you just swipe your hand over the turned off display.

Glance Plus can be customized to your liking - you can choose between a pair of analog and digital watch faces, weather information, battery level, calendar, adjust brightness, color and font size. Overall, the Glance Plus looks great and doesn't use up a lot of battery power.


  • Change the size and color of the font;
  • Enable / disable the display of certain notifications;
  • Change clock style (you can choose digital or analog);
  • Changing the positions of information display on the display.

Download Glance Plus app for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: THSoftware
Platform: Android 4.3 and above
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Status: Full
Root: Not needed

If you have a desire to personalize the design of your mobile device, as well as to make it even more convenient, useful, pay attention to the application called Smart night watch designed for operating system android. It offers completely free of charge to update the internal design of a smartphone or tablet.


The program offers an assortment of settings, among which some of the most interesting are worth noting. Opening the tool, the user will see a main menu with four options, as well as large-sized dials. It's kind of preview- you can see how the gadget display will approximately look after all the manipulations.

By clicking on the "Set wallpaper" button, the user enters a new menu. Here you can customize the appearance of your mobile device. First of all, choose your favorite watch - analog or digital. Several style options are available. Don't forget to apply your changes.

It is noteworthy that if there is of this application there is no need to additionally unlock the display - this is done automatically. The arrangement of the elements can be quickly adjusted. To do this, open extra menu by clicking on the button above. In this box, you must put a checkmark in front of the appropriate items. Place the clock on the screen as you like, resize it. Now you can find out in a matter of seconds how long it will take - just unlock the device. The program also offers to quickly set, activate the alarm.


Smart night watch have a nice interface. English does not interfere with the full use of the application. The watch has interesting design options.

Several design options for a smartphone;
- quick setup;
- instant unlocking of the device.

An advertisement appears after almost every user action;
- many of the promised features are missing.

Smart night watch on android - a good application that will help you always keep track of the time.

We bring to your attention an excellent application called "", which requires an Android platform with a version of the operating system 4.3 or higher. The development of the proposed program was carried out by the guys from the creative studio "Ideal Apps Tech", who are not the first time creating various utilities for gadgets and tablets. The presented project is a very convenient and functional watch that lends itself to incredibly flexible customization.

It should be noted right away that the application "" was left without Russian translation, but thanks to the minimalistic and intuitive interface, it will not be difficult to figure out what is what. All the user needs is to decide on the basic settings, namely: choose the style and design of the watch, its color, as well as the position on the screen. You can choose a classic look with arrows, or choose a modern electronic format. The time will be set automatically according to the one set on the gadget. After completing the settings, it remains to determine where the clock will be set: on home page or lock screen.

You will find here a lot of interesting visual solutions, in addition to the time itself, the date will also be displayed.

In general, the project received positive reviews users, the total score for Google play is 4.5 out of five maximum, and the number of downloads has reached half a million mark. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the presence of advertising content, but for a small cash contribution it can be turned off. The app is simple and clear interface, and does not take up a lot of gadget memory, its size is only 6.

4 megabytes. The program is fully compatible not only with smartphones, but also with tablet computers... Verdict: It turned out to be a great tool with beautiful themes, which will be a good alternative to the standard built-in clock. The presented application "" applies to free of charge and is designed for OS Android, download it from the link from our website.

Night Clock is an application that allows you to use your Android device as a bedside clock.

Available functions

When the smartphone is connected to the mains, the application activates night mode- partially extinguishes the screen. Now there is no need to screw up your eyes because the brightness of the unlocked device is dazzling. The locked display will show the date, time, and the current battery charge status as a percentage.

The user can change the color and font, as well as activate the accelerated charging mode. The latter will automatically "put to sleep" the processes. When the scale is 100% full, the night clock will emit sound signal(the sound can be turned off in the application settings).


Night watches are aimed at those who prefer to charge the device at night, or want to receive notifications when the charge indicator is full. Thanks to this program, you will be able to track the process, clearly "catching" the moment when the smartphone is charged and even watch what time it is, without unlocking the screen.

The functionality offered by this program may be partially present in some "firmware". Android Also, similar functions are often found in various optimizers and cleaners.

Key features

  • battery monitoring for timely disconnection from power supply;
  • viewing the current date and time on the locked display;
  • setting the color and font of the displayed data;
  • use of several modes of accelerated charging;
  • compatibility with relatively old versions of the Android operating system.