Where we receive information. The largest amount of information is a person with the help of ... human sense authorities

Class: 3

Purpose:formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mechanism for obtaining information from the world around the world.

  • remember the system of human senses;
  • enter the classification of types of information;
  • show the possible advantages and disadvantages when receiving information by various senses;
  • improve the skills to work with the mouse.

Equipment: lemon, onions, garlic, bread, mandarin; tea, milk, coffee, juice, water; cube, ball, machine, rake, fungus, soft toy; Writing a fragment of the ballet "Nutcracker" P. I. Tchaikovsky; Electronic textbook "World of Informatics" 1 year of learning Mogilev; Audio recording fairy tales "Fear is great"; Textbook "World of Informatics" 1 year of learning Mogilev

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. (Slide 1. Presentation)

2. Repetition of the material studied earlier

Every day we learn something new, speaking by scientific, we receive information. Without her, a person can not live. Why? Prove. Remember, the last lesson on which we acquainted with the concept of "information". (Supporting question: When moving the street, a red traffic light signal caught fire, you did not notice it, what could happen?)

What is "information"? (Environmental information)

Is it possible this issue answer so? (Slide 2)

  • what is transmitted on TV in news releases;
  • weather forecast;
  • what is printed in the newspaper.

Which of these answers is the most complete? Prove

3. Conversation about receiving information by man

Today, at the lesson, we need to find out how a person receives information which types of information is distinguished by carrying out practical work,

3.1. Introductory conversation

How does a person know about different events, the news, gets interesting information? (Slide 3)

All you called are sources of information.

But after all, a person learns news, events from these sources with something. Maybe you guessed how? Let's give examples: (slide 4)

  • the alarm clock rang in the morning, we were helped to hear it ... ears
  • on TV is an interesting cartoon, we see it with the help ...
  • fire fire burns greatly, we felt it with the help of ... palms hands
  • the cocktail was very sweet, we learned using the language
  • from the street in the room penetrated the smell of a flower, it helped to feel this smell ... nose.

It turns out that we get all the information about the world with the help of five feelings of perception: vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste. Human has special organs with which different feelings arise.

3.2. Practical work

1. Students are offered by smell Define item: lemon, onions, garlic, bread, mandarin.

This information is called a hearing. What do you think, why?

2. Students are offered taste Define item: tea, milk, coffee, juice, water.

With what sense organs did you define the subject? (Slide 5)


3. Students are offered to the touch Define item (magic bag): Cube, ball, machine, rake, fungus, soft toy

With what sense organs did you define the subject? (Slide 5)

This information is obtained from the tangible organ, so it is called tactile or tactile.

Is it always worth touching the subject?

4. Students are offered on the musical fragment to identify the author. (Nutcracker P and Tchaikovsky)

With what kind of senses did you define the author of the work? (Slide 5)

What is this information called?

5. Students are offered from the proposed figures to choose. (Game "Who is attentive") (slide 5 - hyperlink for word information - slides 9-13)

On the slide of the figure: triangles, quadricles, circles, ovals, stars.

Close eyes. At this time, the figure is changing or color, or the location of the figures, or the size

With what kind of senses did you define what changed? (Slide 13-hyperlink per rectangle)

What is this information called?

3.3. Generalization of the senses and types of information

What kind of information is available? (Visual, sound, olfactory, flavor and tactile)

What is the associated type of information? (With the authority of the sense that information transmits)

3.4. Listening ml "How we get information"

We repeat the safety regulations when working for PC.

3.5. Conversation about receiving information by man and animals. (Slide 5 - Hyperlink Feeling Organs - Slide 14)

Most of the information, a person receives with the help of vision: We perceive the letters, numbers, drawings; Split color, shape, size, location of items. It is known that over 80% of the information received by a person from the outside world is to vision, about 10% - on tactile sensations and only 7% is the information perceived in the text form. (Slide 14 - hyperlink for types of information - Slide 6)

Not only people, but all living organisms are obtained about the world around the world. The dog-shepherd may feel the climbing of the wolf and warn your owner about it. In India, on the banks of the rivers there are overgrowns of an amazing plant "Shading Mimosa". When the tropical shower begins, and the first raindrops fall on the plant, mimose hurries to roll their leaves. The information is laid in each cell of a living organism, and this allows it to grow, develop, cope with diseases.

Animals also receive information with the help of their senses, but the significance of a particular sense organ for different animals is different.

Look at the picture and answer the question: what, in your opinion, the feeling is the most important and most developed by the eagle; wolf; volatile mouse; Dolphin; CROT? Slide 6)

Look at the picture and answer the question: what kind of information does the average monkey get the information? (Slide 7)

4. Exercises for fixing material

4.1. The conversation on the fairy tale "the fear of the eyes is great." (Slide 8)

Information is useful, understandable, reliable, complete. These are the properties of information. In the proof of these words, we listen to the fairy tale "Fear of the eye is great."

Tutorial, page 46.

Do we always perceive the information that the senses give us?

What properties of information can be said after reading a fairy tale?

4.2. The game "spoiled phone"

Conclusion: When transmitted, the information may be distorted, become incorrect.

Write 5 mysteries on the senses

6. Outcome. (Slide 16)

Continue deals:

I found out that…

I realized that ...

It was interesting to me …

Remember! Dangerous voltage is lifted to each workplace.

While working should be extremely attentive.

In order to avoid accidents, defeat electric shock, equipment breakdowns are recommended to perform the following rules:
Come in the computer class calmly, not in a hurry, not pursuing, not hurt furniture and equipment and only with the permission of the teacher.
Do not turn on and do not turn off the computers without the permission of the teacher.
Do not touch the feed wires and connecting cable connectors.
Do not touch the screen and back of the monitor.
Do not place outsiders in the workplace.
Do not get up from your places when visitors come to the office.
Do not attempt to independently eliminate malfunctions in the work of the equipment; In case of failures and failures in the computer, immediately stop working and report this to the teacher.
Work on the keyboard clean, dry hands; Easily press the keys, without allowing sharp blows and without holding down the keys in the pressed position.

Remember! If you do not take precautions, work at the computer may be harmful to health.

In order not to harm your health, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations:
Incorrect landing at a computer can cause pain in the shoulders and lower back. Therefore, sit free, without tension, without stitching, not leaning and not bothering on the back of the chair. Put the legs right on the floor, one near the other, but pull them out and do not bend.
If the height-adjustable stool, it should be adjusted so that the angle between the shoulder and forearm was a little more direct. The body must be from the table at a distance of 15-16 cm. The line of the gauge should be sent to the center of the screen. If you have glasses for constant wearing, work in glasses.
Shoulders when working should be relaxed, elbows - slightly touching the body. The forearms should be at the same height as the keyboard.
With stressful long-term work, the eyes are overwhelmed, so every 5 minutes, take a look from the screen and look at something far away.

Right landing

The most important thing

1. When working at the computer, it is necessary to remember: a life-threatening voltage is lifted to each workplace. Therefore, during work, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and comply with all safety requirements.

2. To work at the computer, it is not harmful to health, it is necessary to take precautions and follow the right organization of your workplace.

Poster "Safety"

The concept of information. Representing information

The world around the world is very diverse and consists of a huge number of interrelated objects. To find your place in life, you from early childhood together with your parents, and then with teachers step by step to know all this variety. At school, you acquire knowledge that humanity has accumulated for many millennia. Each educational discipline helps you to know the world from the position of your knowledge area.

So, in the lessons of geography you are learning geographical objects And the processes occurring on the planet Earth, and in the lessons of history, getting together stages of the development of human society. The objects of studying biology are representatives of wildlife: plants, animals, man. In the lessons of physics, you are studying the physical properties of objects and physical processes, and in chemistry lessons - the chemical properties of objects and chemical processes. Thus, you form the physical, biological, historical and other paintings of the world.

To reduce these ideas in a single whole, you need to try to find something in common in all this variety. This general is information. A person receives information from the world around the world and, on the basis of this information, forms its understanding of him, that is, it creates an informational picture of the world. It is very important that the person learned to correctly perceive the world, receiving and processing the necessary information for this.

This section will allow you to get on the path of forming an idea of \u200b\u200bthe information picture of the world. What is needed for that? The final answer to this question today is very difficult to give. However, it is quite obvious that you first need to learn to targeted work with information.

Anyone perceives information with the help of senses and presents it in a convenient form for further work with any language. It is important to choose the right language and the form of information presentation so that they are understandable to others. The form of information presentation may be different depending on the area of \u200b\u200bits use and the possibilities of a person working with it. In order to navigate in a huge sea of \u200b\u200bvarious information, you need to know what properties it possesses and what actions can be performed with it.

However, information exists without itself. Information carries a person to know about everything that surrounds him and occurs around, that is, about objects, processes and phenomena of the real world. In this section, you will get acquainted with such concepts as an object, a system, information process, learn how to allocate the most significant information about them so that the information picture of the world compiled by you has fully reflected the diversity of the surrounding world. Themes dedicated to models and modeling are very important. What information model And how to create it, what is the difference between the information model of the object and the system, what is modeling and what stages you need to go through to get the expected result - it is only a small part of the questions you will receive answers by studying the material of this section.

In the world around the world there are everywhere information processesManaging which allows a person to competently organize not only production, but also the relationship between people. In order to take well-thought-out, not reconciliation solutions, it is necessary to learn to analyze everything that happens around, and be able to draw conclusions. This is only possible, provided you learn how to work with information, attracting modern technical means, including a computer, if necessary.

From this section, you will learn how a person perceives information about the world around, what is information activities A person who helps him in this, which role is played by the computer.

Acquisition, storage, multiplication of knowledge is based on the ability to collect and purposefully process information about the objects of the surrounding world.

Topic 1.
The concept of information

Having studied this topic, you will learn:
- which means the term "information";
- What types of information exist;
- as a person perceives information;
- What properties have information.

1.1. What is information

Critting the surrounding worldEach of us forms its idea about him. Daily we learn something new - we get information.

Term "information" translated from Latin means "Clarification, presentation, set of information". Information - This is a very capacious and deep concept that is not easy to give a clear definition. Information you get from different sources: When you read or listen, watch the TV shows or look at the picture in the museum, touch the subject or try some food, etc. Information is always intended to a specific recipient, in some areas of activity called the receiver.

Exists information for the narrow circle of peoplespecializing in a specific scientific field: chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, etc. Such information is called scientific.

Information you get when meeting art (paintings, musical works, dancing, cinema), causes a variety of feelings, emotions, mood. Such information is called aesthetic.

For a person, an important role is also played by information distributed by the media: radio, television, newspapers and magazines. This is a socio-political, and popular, and cultural information that allows a person to learn about the events in the world, science and art.

Is there some more information intended only for one person - Completely secret or very personal. For example, preparing a gift to his friend's birthday, you will try to save this information in secret.

Information carries a person to know about the world around.

Nowadays, humanity has accumulated a huge amount of information! It is estimated that the total amount of human knowledge until recently doubled every 50 years. Now the amount of information doubles every two years. Imagine a colossal library containing this information! From the ability of a person to correctly perceive and process information depends in many ways its ability to know the surrounding world.

1.2. Perception of information

The world around us is full of all kinds of images, sounds, smells, and all this information comes to human consciousness His senses: Vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. With their help, a person forms his first idea of \u200b\u200bany subject, living creature, works of art, phenomenon, etc.

Eyes People perceive visual (visual) information. It can be text book, painting in the museum, geographic map, road sign, ballerina dance.

Head organs Deliver information in the form of sounds (audio): speech, phone calls, birds singing, music, noise. In different people, this organ of feelings can work in different ways: some hear better, others are worse. The contemporaries of the Great Violinist Nikolo Paganini argued that he was heard of people talking in a whisper at a distance of 10 meters.

Selication authorities Allow a person to feel smells. You usually do not think about the fact that the smells around you are also very important information. When you want to characterize the smell, you try to give it a comparative assessment: heavy, easy, spicy, pleasant. There is a very rare specialty - "Perfume". This person mixes extracts of different colors, fruits and gets a new combination, which is used in the manufacture of spirits, toilet water and other perfumes. Sometimes odors enhance the perception of the surrounding world. For example, the smell of burgundy oil aggravates the visual sensations, and the smell of geranium - hearing.

Body taste They carry a person information about the taste of food. Imagine what it would be if you didn't have this feeling! You could not distinguish an orange, for example, from salt cucumbers. Historical studies have shown that there are people with an exacerby feeling of taste. For example, records found that the ancient Roman gastrions to taste fish were determined, in which location of the Tiber River it was caught.

Touch bodies Allowed to obtain other information, such as the temperature of the subject (hot or cold), on the state of the surface (smooth or rough, wet or dry). Such information is called tactile. Once in complete darkness, you will not be able to distinguish a black ball from white. But if one of them is made of rubber, and the other from the glass, then you can easily distinguish them. To do this, sufficiently feel the tips of the fingers.

Each smell, color and sound act per person. Some colors are annoyed, others soothe. For example, a red color is considered warming, active, cheerful; Yellow - warm, cheerful. Sounds affect emotions and physical condition of a person. For example, sad music participates and deepens his breath and pulse, joyful - has an opposite effect.

Types of information that a person receives with the help of senses is called organoleptpical information. Almost 90% of the information, a person receives with the help of organs of vision, about 9% - through hearing organs and only 1% - with the help of other senses.

but information can perceive not only a person, but also animals and plants . You read a lot or heard about the abilities of dogs working in rescue services. Their smell bodies are so sensitive that they allow people to find people even under the snow. Dogs are sensitive to the smells of traces, but they have reduced the perception of the smells of herbs, colors that form a background. Many animals hear high sounds that are not able to perceive a person. The organs of the senses of man and animals perceive the world around differently.

1.3. Properties of information

People, exchanging with each other, must constantly ask themselves questions: is understandable, is it relevant and is it useful for others, is it worthy of the information obtained. This will allow you to better understand each other, find the right solution in any situation. You are constantly analyzing the properties of information, often without giving it values. In everyday life, the life and health of people, economic development of society often depend on the properties of information.

In what class of information give more - in the 8th or 10th? "Of course, in the tenth," you say. Maybe immediately go to the 10th grade, get all the information in one year and faster to finish school? It turns out, not everything is so simple. In the 10th grade of information, you will get more, but will you understand her? The 8th grade physics textbook contains useful information for you, but there is nothing new for a student of the 10th grade. The textbook on the physics of the 10th class is completely incomprehensible to the eighth grader, as it contains "strange" terms and formulas. The information becomes clear if it is expressed by the language that perceives the one to whom it is intended. Suppose you will contact you a foreigner with a request to explain how to go to some monument of architecture. Would you help him help not knowing a foreign language?

However, not only this is important in life. Only actual - On time the information obtained can benefit people. No wonder there are weather forecasts, and scientists try to find more reliable ways of warning about earthquakes, hurricanes, other natural disasters.

Sometimes it happens that in the process of talking on the phone to hear the interlocutor hinders the noise, because of which you do not always exactly perceive the information. This happens in other situations. If you sent a telegram asking you to meet you at the station, and the telegraphist was mistaken in the date, then you are unlikely to meet on time. Unreliable information can lead to incorrect understanding or making an incorrect decision.

If two agreed on a meeting at a certain time, then you can hardly find each other, without agreeing on the place of the meeting. If you got behind the wheel of a car, not knowing how to manage it, it is unlikely to go far away - you have incomplete information for driving a car. Informous information restrains decision making or may entail errors. The information is full, if it is enough to understand and make decisions. It means that the information must be fully and reliable.

In any situation, even very simple and ordinary, you need up-to-date, reliable, complete, understandable and helpful information. Consider several situations.

In the morning, going to school, you will definitely look at the clock - you need only reliable information. In addition, you will probably look out the window or look at the thermometer to decide what to wear. it actual information. Then go to school and find the Cabinet according to the schedule. You need complete and reliable information, otherwise it is impossible to find the desired office.

You often use a geographic map to determine the route of the trip, dating with a new country, studying historical events. The card has always served a person to a source of information about the earth's surface. It is also an important tool for research in various fields. Tasks such as correlation with real terrain and coordination of construction work, geodesy, geology, solved with the help of cards. Therefore, it is vital that the conformity of real-country cards is vital - their accuracy and fullness. Now the "geographic information systems" are created - live cards on the computer. The information in them comes from satellites, is analyzed, processed.
Such systems allow us to solve even unconventional tasks:
◊ Forecast of sales and market capacity, as they can display information about the location of stores, assortment of goods, demographic data;
◊ Analysis of the situation and the choice optimal solution to eliminate the consequences of environmental accidents;
◊ Constructing models of the hydrographic network and the definition of flooding sites;
◊ Constructing the surface relief models.

All maps are described by a special language, which is clear only by a specialist. This means that information is not available to everyone. Each symbol for a specialist carries a large amount of reliable, objective and understandable information that is not available to those who do not know this language.

In modern "space technologies" used, in particular, on board the Space Station "Peace", the decisive role plays information obtained using various devices. For example, the location of the station relative to the Sun is important for the operation of solar panels. The slightest inaccuracy, and the ship will lose energy. Such information should be relevant, reliable and complete.

Check questions and tasks

1. How do you understand what information is?
2. What role does the information in the life of a person play?
3. Give examples of special information with which you meet in lessons.
4. What is the name of the information obtained by a person with the help of sense organs?
5. List the types of information perceived by a person. Give examples.
6. Give examples of information perception by animals, plants.
7. What properties has information? Give the characteristic to each property.
8. Does the properties of information from a person - recipient depend? Explain.
9. Give examples of relevant, reliable information used in everyday life.
10. What properties have the information from which you meet lessons?
11. Give examples proving the vital importance of reliable, relevant, complete information.

Topic 2.
Representing information

Having studied this topic, you will learn:
- What is the basis for presenting information;
- What are the forms of information presentation;
- What is code and encoding information;
- which units are used to determine the amount of information;
- As text, numerical, graphic and sound information is encoded in the computer.

2.1. Form and language of information presentation

Perceiving information with sense organs, a person seeks to fix it so that it becomes clear and other presenting it in one form or another.

The musical theme of the composer can be played on the piano, and then record with the help of notes. Images inspired by the same melody, the poet can embody in the form of a poem, choreographer to express the dance, and the artist is in the picture.

A person expresses his thoughts in the form of proposals compiled from words. Words, in turn, consist of letters. This is an alphabetical presentation of information.

The form of representation of the same information may be different. It depends on the target you set up. With such operations you encounter in the lessons of mathematics and physics, when imagine a solution in different form. For example, the solution of the problem: "Find the value of the mathematical expression y \u003d 5x + 3, at x \u003d -3; -2; -one; 0; one; 2; 3 »Can be submitted in tabular or graphical form. To do this, you use visual information to the presentation of information: numbers, table, drawing.

Thus, information can be represented in different form:
an iconic written, consisting of various signs, among which it is customary to allocate:
♦ symbolic in the form of text, numbers, special characters (for example, textbook text);
♦ graphic (for example, geographical map);
♦ Table (for example, a physical experiment entry table entry table);
in the form of gestures or signals (for example, road control signals);
oral verbal (for example, conversation).

The form of information presentation is very important when it is transferred: if a person is heard poorly, it is impossible to transfer him information in sound form; If the dog has a poorly developed sense of smell, then it cannot work in the search service. At different times, people transferred information in a variety of shape with: speech, smoke, drum battle, bells, letters, telegraph, radio, telephone, fax. Regardless of the form of representation and method of transmitting information, it is always transmitted using any language.

In mathematics lessons you use a special language, based on the numbers, signs of arithmetic actions and relationships. They constitute the alphabet of the language of mathematics.

In the lessons of physics, when considering a physical phenomenon, you use characteristic for of this language Special characters from which make up the formula. The formula is a word in physics.

In the lessons of chemistry, you also use certain characters, signs, combining them in the "Words" of this language.

There is a language of deaf and dumb, where language symbols are certain signs expressed by the facial and hand movements.

The basis of any language is the alphabet - the final set of signs (characters) of any nature, of which the message is formed.

Languages \u200b\u200bare divided into natural (conversational) and formal. The alphabet of natural languages \u200b\u200bdepends on national traditions. Formal languages \u200b\u200bare found in special areas of human activity (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.). There are about 10,000 different languages, dialects in the world. Many spoken languages \u200b\u200boccurred from the same language. For example, French, Spanish, Italian and other languages \u200b\u200bhave been formed from the Latin language.

2.2. Information coding

With the advent of the tongue, and then the characteristics expanded the possibilities of communication between people. This made it possible to store ideas, knowledge gained and any data, transfer them in various ways to the distance and to other times - not only to its contemporaries, but also to future generations. The creations of the ancestors reached this day, which, with the help of various symbols, they perpetuated themselves and their acts in monuments and inscriptions. Fashionable drawings (petroglyphs) still serve as a mystery for scientists. Perhaps this way the ancient people wanted to come into contact with us, future inhabitants of the planet and report events of their lives.

Every people have their own language consisting of a set of characters (letters): Russian, English, Japanese and many others. You have already met with the language of mathematics, physics, chemistry. The presentation of information with any language is often called coding.

Code - Set of characters ( conventions) To submit information. Coding is the process of presenting information in the form of code.

The driver transmits a signal with the help of beep or flashing headlights. The code is the presence or absence of beep, and in the case of light alarm - flashing headlights or absence.

You meet with the encoding of information when moving the road across the traffic lights. The code determine the colors of the traffic light - red, yellow, green.

The basis of the natural language on which people communicate is also given the code. Only in this case it is called the alphabet. When talking, this code is transmitted by sounds, with letters - letters. The same information can be submitted using various codes. For example, a conversation recording can be recorded by Russian letters or special stenographic icons.

As the technique develops appeared different methods Coding information. In the second half of the XIX century, American inventor Samuel Morse invented an amazing code that serves mankind so far. The information is encoded by three "letters": a long signal (dash), a short signal (point) and the absence of a signal (pause) for the separation of letters. Thus, encoding is reduced to using a set of characters located in a strictly defined order.

People have always been looking for ways fast exchange messages. To do this, sent messengers, used postal pigeons. Peoples had various ways of notification of impending danger: drum fighting, smoke of fires, flags, etc. However, the use of such a presentation of information requires a prior agreement on the understanding of the received message.

The famous German scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz offered in the XVII century a unique and simple system Presentations of numbers. "Calculation with the help of bobs ... is the main one for science and generates new discoveries ... When the numbers are checked to the simplest beginning, what are 0 and 1, a wonderful order appears everywhere."

In 1676, Leibniz was engaged in the study of mathematical laws in relation to binary system Note. Leibnitsa first came to use binary numbers in computing device. However, the numbers in the binary system were represented by long chains of binary discharges, and it was difficult to reproduce in the technical device. Therefore, the mechanical difference machine developed by the leibyer performed arithmetic actions over decimal numbers.

In 1816, English Mathematician George Boula picked up the idea of \u200b\u200bLeibnitsa and created a universal logical language subordinate to mathematical laws. With this language, the Bhul suggested encoding statements, and then manipulate them like how in mathematics manipulates ordinary numbers.

In 1867, American scientist Charles Sanders Pierce applied laws mathematical logic To describe electrical switchals.

With the help of two digits 0 and 1, not only numbers, but also familiar with all the life concepts, which, in essence, have two opposite states, for example, day and night, good and evil, light and darkness, truth and lies, etc.

Achievements of scientists and inventors who contributed to the development of binary mathematics and logic over the years have found a real embodiment only in the middle of the 20th century, when the first digital computing machine was created. Since then, many years have passed, but to this day, the work of all devices modern computer There are laws of mathematics and logic in relation to the binary number system.

2.3. Presentation of information in the computer

Units of measurement of information in the computer

The method of converting a variety of information into a sequence of zeros and units of a binary code, that is, its recordings on a strict mathematical language, is widely used in technical devices, Including in the computer.

Using two digits 0 and 1, you can encode any message. When creating the first computing machine, this method of presenting information attracted the attention of the simplicity of technical implementation: there is a signal - this is 1, there is no signal - this is 0.

The symbols of the binary code 0 and 1 are called binary numbers or bits (from the English. Binary Digit - binary sign). Bit is a minimum unit of measurement of the amount of information. The amount of information in the message is determined by the number of bits.

Bit - the smallest unit of measurement of the amount of information.

A larger unit of measurement of the amount of information serves 1 byte consisting of 8 bits.

It is also accepted to use larger units of information volume, which are shown in Table 2.1. Number 1024. (210) is a multiplier when moving to a higher unit of measurement.

To convert information to binary codes and two processes should be organized in the computer:
coding - transformation of input information into a machine form, that is, in binary code;
decoding - Transformation of binary code into a form, understandable person.

Coding is provided by input devices, and decoding - withdrawal devices. 

Table 2.1. Units of Measurement of Information

Encoding numerical information

The numbers in the computer are presented in binary number system, that is, through two digits - 0 and 1.. it position system From which it follows that the weight of the number 1 depends on the place (position), which this figure takes place. Any number can be decomposed in the degrees of the base of the number system, including binary. Accepted when working with different systems Purchase at the bottom about the number to put a digit to designate specific system Number, for example, 1101 2, 1201 3, 3204 5, 3058 10, 8B50D 16.

For comparison, we consider two examples of numbers representation:

♦ B. decimal system Number 3058 10 may be represented as follows:
3058 10 \u003d 3x10 3 + 0x10 2 + 5x10 1 + 8x10 0 \u003d 3x10 3 + 5x10 1 + 8x10 0,
where the degrees of the number 10 (system bases) correspond to the number of the number of the numbers among the number;
♦ In the binary number system, the number 1101 2 can be represented as follows:
1101 2 \u003d 1x2 3 + 1x2 2 + 0x2 1 + 1x2 0 \u003d 2 3 + 2 2 + 2 0 \u003d 13 10,
where the degrees of the number 2 (base base) correspond to the number of the number numbers among the number.

In computer distinguish the representation of integers and real numbers.

Whole numbers They are presented in the form of one, two or four bytes with a sign or no sign. Formats without a sign exist only for positive numbers. In formats with a sign of a sign of a number determines the eldest discharge: 0 - positive, 1 - negative. Such a view received the name of the presentation with a fixed point.

Actual numbers In the binary number system are presented in exponential form:

A 2 \u003d ± m 2 x2 p,

where M 2. - Mantissa numbers in the form of proper fraction, and R - An order showing how many discharges should be shifted with a decimal point of the Mantissa to obtain a source number.

This representation was called floating Point View .

Coding text information

Pressing any alphanumeric key on the keyboard leads to the fact that the signal is sent to the computer as a binary number representing one of the values \u200b\u200bof the code table. The code table is an internal representation of the characters in the computer. For a long time around the world, the ASCII table was adopted as a standard (American Standard Code for Informational Interchange - American Standard information exchange code).

With this coding, 1 byte \u003d 8 bits was released for storing the binary code of one symbol. Considering that each bit can take a value of 1 or 0, the number of possible code combinations (combinations of units and zeros) to display the characters was 28 \u003d 256.

In the ASCII standard, the codes of the first 128 characters from 0 to 127 were discharged for numbers, letters of the Latin alphabet and control characters. The second half of the code table (from 128 to 255) was not determined by the American standard and was intended for the symbols of national alphabets, pseudographic and some mathematical symbols.

Currently, UNICODE standard is mainly used to encode text information, as the result of cooperation between the International Organization for Standardization with the leading manufacturers of computers and software. The purpose of creating this standard is a single table for all national languages \u200b\u200b(for 25 actually existing writing).

To coding the alphabets of all national languages, a 16-bit representation is enough (2 bytes per symbol). Each National Alphabet has its own block with the characters of this writing.

To date, the coding of all official writing can be considered completed. Unicode 3.2 In addition to the Russian language, the following languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia with additional Cyrillic letters are supported: Bashkir, Buryat, Kalmyk, Komi, Nenetsky, Ossetian and many others.

As the prospect of the development of the UNICODE standard is the development of a 21-bit space of codes for coding the writing of the "dead" languages, additional Chinese characters and artificially created alphabets.

Coding graphic information

Create and store graphic objects in your computer in two ways - as a raster or as a vector image. For each image of the image, uses its coding method.

The raster image is a set of points used to display it on the monitor screen. Volume raster image It is defined as a product of the number of points and the information volume of one point, which depends on the number of possible colors. The more colors, the longer there should be code of this color. The number of bits on the encoding of one color is customary to be called color depth.

For a black and white image, the information volume of one point is 1 bit, since the point can be either black or white, which can be encoded with two digits - 0 or 1.

Consider how much bits need to display a color point: For 8 colors, 3 bits are required; For 16 colors - 4 bits; For 256 colors - 8 bits (1 byte).

The vector image is a graphic object consisting of graphic primitives. Each primitive consists of elementary segments of curves whose parameters (coordinates of nodal points, the radius of curvature, etc.) are described by mathematical formulas. For each line, its type is indicated (solid, dotted, bar-dotted), thickness and color, and the closed figures are additionally characterized by the type of fill. Coding vector Images Perfect in various ways depending on the applied environment. In particular, the formulas describing the segments of curves can be encoded as the usual alphanumeric information for further processing by special programs.

Sound coding

The sound is a continuous signal - a sound wave with a changing amplitude and frequency. The volume of the signal depends on its amplitude (the greater the amplitude, the louder signal). The signal tone depends on its frequency (the higher the signal frequency, the higher the tone). The frequency of the sound wave is expressed by the number of oscillations per second and is measured in Hertz (Hz, Hz). The human ear can perceive sounds in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. This frequency range is called sound.

When encoding audio information, the continuous signal is divided into equal time intervals (discrete). It is assumed that at each site the signal does not change, that is, it has a permanent level, which can be represented by binary code. Obviously, such a replacement of a real signal to the set of levels is reflected on the quality of sound. Therefore, the less time intervals (discretes), the more precisely the signal can be represented as codes.

An important characteristic when encoding a sound is the sampling frequency is the number of measurements of the signal levels in 1 second. Other an important characteristic It is the depth of sound encoding - the number of bits assigned to one measurement of the sound signal level.

Who at least once played computer games or, for example, received a certificate of current time on the phone, dealt with a synthesized sound. The output of such sounds is carried out by a synthesizer that reads the sequence of sound codes stored there from memory. In a similar principle, a table-wave coding method is founded. In advance prepared tables, samples of sounds of the surrounding world, musical instruments, etc. and their numeric codes are stored. Numeric codes express the tone height, duration and intensity of sound and other parameters characterizing the features of sound. Since the "real" sounds are used as samples, the sound quality obtained as a result of synthesis is obtained very high and approaches the actual quality of sound.

Check questions and tasks

1. What information presentation forms do you know?
2. Imagine weather information in different form.
3. What is the information transmitted?
4. What is the alphabet? Give examples of alphabets.
5. Where do natural languages \u200b\u200bapply? Give examples.
6. Where are the formal languages \u200b\u200bapply? Give examples.
7. What is code and coding?
8. Give examples of encoding information used in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography.
9. What is the importance of coding in the development of mankind?
10. Come up with three ways to encode Russian letters using various forms of information presentation.
11. What alphabet found the greatest distribution in various fields of activity? What are the symbols of this alphabet?
12. What is one byte?
13. Specify that it is taken per unit of measurement of the amount of information: 1 byte, 1 bit, 1 kilobit?
14. What is more - 1 KB or 1000 byte?
15. What units of information measurement do you know?
16. Indicate the correct order of increasing units of measurement of information and indicate their correlation with each other:

a) bit, byte, gigabyte, kilobyte;
b) byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte;
c) byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte;
d) byte, kilobyte, gigabyte, megabyte.
17. On a standardly decorated typewritten page, there should be 30 rows of 60 characters in each. Determine the informational volume of the page in bits (kilobit) and bytes (kilobytes). The amount of information contained in one symbol (letter, digit, a special symbol or a space) is equal to one byte.
18. 30 rows of 60 characters in each are placed on a standardly designed typewritten page in each. Determine the information volume of the page in bytes and megabytes when encoding in ASCII and Unicode codes.
19. How is the raster image encoded?
20. What is the color depth?
21. How is a vector image encoded?
22. How is music encoded?
23. What is the depth of sound coding?

In 1074, the German priest Hans Schmitle unexpectedly for his colleagues offered his students to move to the study of manuscripts, while the main method of comprehending knowledge in antiquity was to read fascinated paintings and papyrus. From there all the information was drawn. In the XVII century, there was a transition from manuscripts to mass printing and reading books that became the main source of information. In the 20th century, there is a transition from reading (very slow, unfortunately) books to the absorption of information through radio and television, which broadcast huge arrays of impressions and data.

Just as in the XI century, the teachers scolded the disciples for the fact that they are not going to excavation of the Egyptian pyramids, but read the processed manuscripts and in the XVII century, other teachers scolded their disciples for reading books instead of studying Parchmen-Tov ; The same thing happens now when young people prefer to learn news and impressions from the TV, and not from the original-source book, which is in the library, which is sent to the poor student and schoolchildren parents and teachers, tormented by nostalgia on the past. They and the unwitting that the rate of changing the information space overcame the mentality of the past generation, and now the conservatives must be struggling not only with omnivorous radio and TV, but also by replacing themselves not just computers, but by personal systems, with which we begin to form our own information space. . Just like some people enjoy public transport, while others are a private car and with information: you do not use what they give you or impose without much the right to choose, but what you personally interesting at the moment. Today is the Internet system, tomorrow - Personets - In any case, we are further and further away from the rocky paintings, therefore, instead of reproaching children for the fact that they do not go to the library, we should see the library of the archaic species with books on dusty shelves. You ask:

"But what about the soul - to read Conan-Doyle, Pushkin, Shakespeare?" Of course yes. Art and exists for the soul to dream, empathize, suffer and overcome suffering. Balance the food for the mind with food for the soul, and you will be happy.

In life, we sometimes contact people whom we see for the first time. If the interlocutor is interesting to us, I want to know more about him, I want to build a conversation in such a way to be interested in him. For business, availability information is money. And the more you own information, the less unknownness, it is easier to come to the goal.
How to get information from opponent and about opponent?

I offer some observations, ways that people most often use in a business for promoting opponent to information.
Not always these methods are honest, sometimes a conscious manipulation, sometimes unconscious. I am a supporter of the "win - win" situation.
But, you see, it is better to know how to be armed and not to issue some secret information when someone uses them.
Either to understand what weapons you own, and apply it to the appointment and in the right situations.

This article for those who want to find out how, what ways people affect each other to get the desired information.

Ways promotion on information

1. to issue a variant of possible action, solving opponent for valid

using affirmative phrases " I know», « You are probably... (Do so, such a person, feel something ...) "
And carefully fix the reaction of the opponent.

The more incorrect option, especially the assumption of the feelings of the interlocutor (the conversation about the feelings unconsciously disables partially or completely logic), the more frank its reaction.

Sometimes there are several solution options on behalf of the interlocutor, although he did not voiced them. Information is obtained by comparing reactions on both situations.
List the problems that are most likely to have. "Surely ..." and ask the opponent that the list is interesting, but what does it matter? Ask an alternative question: or is it or it's interesting?
Even if a person has not guessed - the opponent is often revealed when he is attributed not to what is.
To say that is the causes of failure. But at the same time make a challenge: "If I say that it all does not apply to us and prove, you sign?"

2. To start a topic with the source, which is indirectly related to the topic of interest.

The transition from a safe close topic to the desired easier to do, and often information can be obtained, listening to the beliefs of the opponent.

For example, someone wants to know about the problem of man, begins to talk about what it causes it.
Want to know human diseases? Start talking about food, smoking, about stress ...
Want to know about competitor prices? Start a conversation about the high cost of deliveries, about the labor market ...
Start talking about competitors. About their clients, about their prices ... On the differences and advantages of the opponent with them. About the market situation on this segment.
Sometimes describe a similar situation that is supposedly or in reality has occurred with his opponent's competitor.
Touch in conversation the subject of staff.
It is always relevant for the head, like sales. Start talking about updates in these issues. Often the opponent himself begins to talk about the plans.
Talk about dreams, drawing the desired image. Often, executives easily talk about plans that are in dreams, i.e. Ideal, not real. But if you carefully listen and encourage a conversation, a person himself turns into real plans and opportunities.

3. Find a common with the interlocutor.

"I know that ..." "I also had a similar experience ..." "I came across ..." "I'm from the same area, so I know what problems are ..." "I talked with all those like you, and they have ..."
It is clear that the experiences come closer, give more understanding and trust. And the information is given to those who are safe and whom they trust.
Link to credibility.
Sometimes it is easier to do what someone has already done to you. And if it was authority ...

4. Enter the interlocutor into an emotional state.

This can be done through an emotional topic or the topic of "other levels" of communication.
The emotional topic is the topic that "transfers", "switches" a person to the sphere of "emotions". Moreover, both pleasant and unpleasant. If you bring the opponent to a scream, and start asking the necessary questions, it can answer, because the control over logic is sharply reduced.
Emotional topics are topics that can worry your interlocutor. Money, prestige, its status, riding on the roads and brand of cars, extreme sports, relationships (including staff, competitors) ...
Call for discussion of a controversial topic in the field of opponent, where there is no right-wing 50% by 50%.
It is possible in the form of a request from the opponent of the Council. "You are an experienced person, I wanted to know the opinion of a specialist for such a controversial issue ..."

Now I will tell about using different levels Communication for information in business.
There is one system that highlights 3 communication levels: business, friendly and sexy.
Each level of communication implies its definite behavior, its lexicon words, its topics, their gestures, allowed poses, even their breath ...
The business level involves a conversation about the facts, friendly - about feelings, sexy - about sensations.
To enter an opponent in trance, or to take control over the main topic for a while, it is enough to use one level at the core, and some element insert from another level.
For example, men can talk about serious things using the lexicon of the level of sexual or friendly.
Even the phrases of the subordinate to the woman at the conclusion of a serious agreement "I want you" or at the conclusion of the supply contract "I love big sizes»Can unconsciously switch opponent to another level, which already involves another relationship. And it does not matter whether the opponent move to another level, it is important that he switched and the thoughts that appear shot down from the main topic, and with the loss of control, people can issue information.

5. Make the original and the topic of compliments.

Recognize the advantages of the opponent. "I know that you have and without me a solution. But all my customers also had a solution. And refused because ... But they were interested ... you are interested in development ...? "
This method is valid for the rule - give the interlocutor the opportunity to win, recognizing the dignity, and he will be ready and give you.

6. Fix negative, or incomprehensible to your opponent reaction

(silence of a person, his "resistance"), let at the level of "your sensations", and describe this reaction out loud to the interlocutor.
For example, "I see that you are silent. You are not interested? What is important to you? " "I see that you do not want to talk. What should I do differently? "

When visiting your own feelings or guessing the feelings of another interesting fact - "Sharing responsibility" for the emergence of these feelings.
To test it, try to say out loud "bad headache" or "stuffy in the room", and others will most likely begin to offer solutions to your problem or suddenly will begin to be angry, because The emergence of the feeling of guilt, which cannot help can cause such a reaction. 🙂

7. Cause curiosity, interest through the promise or disclosure of your own secrecy.

For example, "I have several solutions, several sentences, but I do not know what interest you? So that you do not lose time, I want to know the answer to one question, after that I will tell you exactly what is interesting to you ... "
Curiosity acts at the level of instincts, it is difficult to refuse to find a response. And when a person opens his secrets, he seems like weapon, becomes more secure. And when there is nothing to fear, people relax more and less control and tension in relationships.
It is not necessary to issue secrets whose disclosure can bring to you or anyone, there are simply some revelations or new information for the opponent.

8. Play the role of the client. Ask questions as if you were a client of an opponent, which is going to purchase his goods, service.

Sell \u200b\u200bgoods everyone wants and willingly speak this topic.
Questions are better to build on the basis of possible problems With this product or service.
"Is this on time done?" "And how to check your product quality?" "And if it is ...?"

9. Find out the criteria in understanding the opponent "good customer", its benefit