How to use AMD Catalyst Control Center. How to configure AMD Radeon video card for games? AMD Radeon Video Card Configuration Program

Even the most powerful video card will not be able to reveal its potential, without being properly configured. Almost all video card manufacturers for drivers control provide specialized control panels, and today we will get acquainted with such a panel from ATI - the so-called Catalyst Control Center (hereinafter referred to as CCC). The article will consider both basic and advanced driver settings, which are possible from the control center.

If you are just starting to master the world of three-dimensional graphics, pre-read the article for 3D Likbez. Many questions are covered there much more than what allows the volume of this article.

Notethat the settings available in the center are formed dynamically. This means that if any function is not supported by your video card, you will not see it in the CCC. If the setting is there, but not available - look for another parameter associated with it. As a rule, in CCC prompts, it is clearly written: the parameter is available. X.first turn on or configure the parameter Y..

In cases where any settings are applicable to any type of display devices (such as a monitor or TV), we will call them displays.


The control center has architecture client-server.based on on .NET Framework. Such an architecture allows third-party developers to create and integrate their own software modules in CCC:

The control center consists of several components. CCC Run-Time works as a server, providing communication between the display driver and the user interface.

NET Framework provides the connection of components by LocalHost. This is a full-fledged network activity, and although it does not go outside the system, some firewalls react to it quite nervously.


The CCC installation is extremely simple: download the latest version and run the installation by double clicking on the downloaded file (for Catalyst 7.1 is 7-1_ccc_en_40211.exe). Upon completion, the computer must be reloaded.

For correct operation of ATI Catalyst Control Center, you must have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0 or 3.0 . Without it, the installation will be interrupted by the following post:

Note that .NET 1.1 and 2.0 differ quite significantly and can live in the system together. But.Net 3.0 is fully compatible with 2.0, so there is no need to put the second version in the presence of the third.

First start

When you first start the CCC, you will be prompted to select CCC mode - basic or advanced:

Basic mode

Running the CCC, you will see a window with three tabs:

The first tab will allow you to perform some settings using the wizard, but its ability is quite limited. The third tab will provide information about the hardware and software components of your video card.

But on the second tab - "Fast setting" - We will focus more ...

On this tab you are available three basic settings groups: display, three-dimensional graphics and video. Each of these contains one or more available to change parameters.

IN "Display Settings" You can change the desktop permission, select its mode, configure the advanced desktop or deploy the image:

Quality three-dimensional graphics can be configured only in the most common features, i.e. The slider is better / worse. Thin setting parameters in the base mode is not available.

Settings video playback Also not well, however, the required minimum is present:

CCC settings provided depend on the devices found them. Here is what the fast setup tab for a laptop looks like:

Laptop Desktop Settings Window:

There is nothing more significant about the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe presentation. All settings are described in detail directly directly in the base window, there are also good pop-up tips. And if so, go to the extended regime.

Advanced mode

Go from the basic to the extended mode is very simple - just press the button "Additionally" In the lower left corner of the base window.

The number of settings in the window on the left will quite please the sophisticated user:

CCC Settings

Settings Actually CCC are available from the top menu.

Change the mode of operation and configure the advanced view mode you can in the menu "View":

Check on those items you want to see in the main CCC window and select in the menu "View" paragraph "Custom View":

Menu "Key combinations" Allows you to make CCC capabilities much more convenient:

Configure hot keys for all significant CCC functions, and you will no longer have to climb into a leisurely control center interface:

Menu "Profiles" It will help you upload optimal graphics parameters Personally for the selected program:

You can select the parameter group included in the profile. To do this, you need to configure the desired group in the main CCC window (for example, 3D), and then simply put in the manager the desired check mark:

Also in the manager there are several ways to enable the profile you need:

In conclusion, you can choose a program with which this profile will be associated:

It is especially convenient for games of different generations: some quickly work on the maximum settings, others barely move on medium. Well, now you do not need to reconfigure graphics parameters before starting games - it is enough to configure the desired profile once.

Menu "Settings" Responsible for the launch, work parameters and the appearance of the CCC:

CCC Interface Language Select:

Unfortunately, the translation into Russian is quite mediocre, and maybe the English interface you will enjoy more.

The selection of the so-called "skins", changing the appearance of the CCC:

The preview window will allow you to quickly evaluate the result of the shkins change.

And now I turn directly to the main window of the control center.

Information Center

Information Center, as well as in the basic mode, provides information about the hardware and software components of the video card.

Selecting item "Graphic software" You can find out the version of Catalyst, Drivers and CCC:

Selecting item "Hardware", you can find out the video card ID, bIOS version, Type of tire and memory:

Display Manager

Display Manager Allows you to configure the display settings of the standard working wooden tables:

Here you can assign the primary and secondary display, select the resolution and depth of the desktop color for it, and also rotate the image if your monitor supports work in portrait mode.

If there is a second monitor or TV in the system, the desktop configuration is also performed in this window.

Configuring desktops is carried out using the context menu called by clicking the right mouse button on the image of the desired display:

You can choose one of the three desktop configurations:

By default, the displayed display is connected in mode. extended desktop. All programs will open on the main worker, but you can drag them to the second.

The position of the second desktop relative to the main one can be set by dragging it with the mouse:

Cloning Just creates a copy of the desktop on the second display. It is convenient, for example, to organize training or a variety of presentations. Just connect the projector or plasma panel more.

Full-screen video on the desktop clone is available only with Catalyst 6.5 drivers for x1xxx video cards.

Stretched desk It is convenient when using two monitors installed in close proximity to each other. Your desktop is fully stretched on both displays, forming a similarity of the panorama.

If the second display is temporarily not needed, it can be turned off. To do this, pull the icon to the special field below:

The second display is turned on with a similar dragging, and you can immediately select the desired mode of operation:

Button "Forcibly" Allows you to override the display settings that are required by a specific application or are not allowed by this application:

Display Parameters

Paragraph "Display Parameters" Allows you to configure some additional display options:

In the first group you can configure the forced update rate in full-screen applications (usually 3D).

In some applications, the default update frequency may be too low. On CRT monitors, this is not only harmful to the eyes, but also does not affect the speed of games. Forced installation of the update frequency for full-screen DirectX / OpenGL applications will allow you to get around this problem. But for liquid crystal monitors, this parameter is unpleasant.

Below you can configure the method of finding additional displays - automatically or manually.

In a group Control parameters Display You can enable forced detection of televisions with non-standard inputs that are not defined by your graphics card. For displays with limited resolution, you can enable the display in the list. Manager displays All regimes, including panoramic.

Monitor parameters

Paragraph "Monitor Settings #" Allows you to configure the monitor data channel (Display Data Channel, DDC), output of the connected monitor and adjust the screen / size.

IN "Properties" You will see information about the connected monitor. Also here you can enable the use of EDID - extended display identification data.

Adjustion The monitor will allow you to change the size and position of the desktop on the screen. You can also turn on the composite and adjust horizontal / vertical synchronization.

"Support HDTV" Need for displays that support the HDTV modes that are not specified in the display manager.

- These modes in the display manager are not specified, since the frequencies of 30 Hz or 25 (50) in computer terminology are unacceptable.
- The transition to HDTV modes is carried out from the display manager after installing the corresponding check mark in this window. When activating the HDTV, the video card is fully translated into this mode, and other permissions in the display manager become unavailable. Return to normal mode is possible only with the button Forced Point Display Manager.

"Avivo colors" (Available only for the X1xxx series) allow you to configure the tone and color saturation for each connected display.

Since CCC uses the settings connected to the video card connected to the video card, then when using the device different from the standard monitor, the list of configurable parameters can change. For example, when connecting TV after "Monitor Settings #" You will see an additional item. "TV # properties" With the following settings:

Paragraph "Avivo colors" Completely identical to the monitor parameters.

But on the laptop we considered the item "Monitor Settings #" Modifies B. "Laptop Screen Properties #":


Most interesting for gamers item "3D" - settings of three-dimensional graphics.

"Standard parameters" Do not deserve a detailed analysis - the graphics quality setting is performed better / worse than the basic mode.

Smoothing (Antialiasing, AA) allows you to remove the ladder effect, most noticeable on inclined edges and contours of objects.

ATI video cardsStarting with the Radeon 9700, the multisampling method (MSAA) is used. The theory is discussed in detail in the article by 3D Likbez, we can only add that this moment Smoothing is the most heavy for video cards a way to improve 3D images. If you see that the video card does not cope with your favorite game, it is advisable to sacrifice the smoothing in the first place.

Here is how smoothing looks like with different samples (on the example of the road from the demo roller of the old control center):

Also in this window you can enable temporary smooth (Temporal AA). It processes fewer samples at greater speed. However, note that temporary smoothing works only when the vertical synchronization is enabled (V-SYNC), which limits the speed of the video card in the games. When the temporary smoothing is activated, the vertical synchronization is turned on by the drivers in a compulsory.

Adaptive smoothing It is combined - a combination of multisampling (MSAA) and supersembling (SSAA) is used, while its strongest sides are taken from each method.

Adaptive smoothing provides more realistic rendering containing transparent elements of 3D objects, but also quite resourcefully. In addition, some applications can work incorrectly. Look at the little puddle from the game "Eastern Front: Unknown War" - The screenshot of the left is made with an enabled adaptive smoothing:

Anisotropic filtration Anisotropic Filtering, AF) provides high-quality detailing of surfaces with a three-dimensional perspective - namely, flowing out into the distance and gradually merging with the background.

Here's what anisotropic filtering looks like different levels on the example of the same road:

Anisotropic filtering works more efficiently if used together with multiple mappings (MIPMAP). For modern video cards, the price for the use of anisotropic filtering is relatively small.

Catalyst A.I. It is intended to improve and speed up the filtering of 3D images.

Does this Catalyst A.I. By cunning optimizations and only for the applications known to it. Those. The ATI programmers created a kind of database, which contains information about the games - namely, on the specific game you can save it to work faster, and the loss of quality on the eyes was invisible.

A.I. Deciphered as "Artificial Intelligence", which means "artificial intelligence".

Multiple Display Detail Level (MIPMAP Detail Level) allows you to save parts on the surface of the outgoing distance of a three-dimensional object when it is gradual fusion with a background.

For such objects, depending on the required level of detail, several high-resolution textural cards are used. Modern video cards This method of improving images practically does not load.

Paragraph "All settings" Just collects all the above settings in one window - without a beautiful picture, clearly showing the effect of applying the selected parameter.

Notethat vertical synchronization is available only in this window.

Additional settings Provide access to some specific DIRECTX and OpenGL parameters. As a rule, it is not necessary to touch them - the positive effect is minimal, but you can sprinkle.

On this settings of three-dimensional graphics end.


Paragraph "Color" Allows you to adjust the brightness, contrast, desktop range - both rough and thin.

All settings regarding video viewing are focused under the item. "Video".


basic settings allow you to set up the quality of the video with the help of pre-created profiles - House, office, theater, user. Just as standard 3D parameters, is a tribute to the basic mode.

Video cards of the Radeon 1xxx family and older use Avivo technology, which is reflected in the addition Avivo. To the names of subparagraphs.

Paragraph "Color: Standard" Allows you to configure such video options such as brightness, contrast, gamma, tone, and saturation. A small demo video will immediately show you the consequences of the settings made.

Theater mode Allows you to configure a way to view streaming video. You can choose a way to view a video for a clone mode and an extended desktop - standard or full screen.

Paragraph "Quality" Responsible for settings of deinterlacing and allows you to create one frame from two half-fold formats for further output to a progressive display (for example, on the monitor). If the display does not support progressive spread, the utility of this parameter is small.

Paragraph "All settings" Just collects all the above settings in one window (similar to 3D settings).

On this video viewing settings end.

VPU Recover

VPU Recover. Allows you to avoid computer hang in the event that the graphics processor stops responding to the driver commands. An attempt is made to reset the video card settings, and in the case of a successful reset you will simply throw out of the game. And this is still much better than the RESET button.

If the computer cannot automatically recover after a failure, the VPU Recover will switch the computer to program rendering mode. This will allow you to save everything that can still be saved, and only then restart the computer.


ATI OVERDRIVE Automatically disperses the video card depending on the temperature of the graphics processor. On the Radeon X1xxx, you can run a built-in test program that will independently find the overclocking limits of your video card.

The owners of the senior video cards of the X1XXX family should take into account that they work in two modes - 2D and 3D. During office operation of the voltage and frequency of the chip / memory, the video card is reduced, which reduces the temperature and load on its components. And the full speed of the video card shows only in 3D. For example, for x1900xtx frequencies for 2D are set for chip / memory to 500/600 MHz, and for 3D - 650/775.

For dynamic switching frequencies on older Radeon "Ah is responsible ATI Hotkey Poller.

Mobile and built-in ATI solutions

Mobile solutions ati Can have settings in CCC inaccessible on ordinary video cards. An example of this is the technology of energy saving PowerPlay. You can customize the various performance of the video card when working from the network and batteries and the trigger threshold when the charge level decreases. This technology reduces the frequency and voltage of the chip / memory of the video card is similar to how this is done on mobile CPUs.

On mobile and desktop chipsets ati built-in graphics A configuration is available for video memory. Since integrated schedules for their needs, part of the system memory, you can limit its requests a bit.

Ogrechi of the Russian interface

As we have already mentioned, the translation of the interface into Russian is quite mediocre. Some phrases let the cumbersome and inaccurate, but at least understand.

In some places, the proposals are not climbed into the place allocated and cut off:

And the presence of real errors is completely able to confuse you. Here are just some examples seen when setting up a multimonitorial configuration:

Transfer help system Also causes complaints. If the pop-up tips is quite satisfactory, then the transfer of reference causes a legitimate doubt that its translators and interface localizers at least ever communicated with each other. When writing an article, it was necessary to contact a certificate regularly, and the author often tried to correlate seen in the interface with the CCC described in the CCC reference system.


In general, the Catalyst Control Center control center copes with its tasks. All settings are easily accessible and quite logical, the scientific tick method works fine and no special difficulties when setting up the video card does not occur.

The main minus CCC is its brakes. An absolutely clean system after installing the control center begins to boot markedly longer, and even after the final drawing of the desktop, it still crushes a screw for a long time, periodically stopping reacting to the mouse.

Directly in the brake interface, also interfere with living, especially when setting up a multimonitorial configuration. The system freezes, the screen flashes, the CCC window redraws so painfully long, which is created by the impression of the fatal error.

But the main thing is that CCC fully fulfills the tasks assigned to it. If you have a philosophical view of life and infrequently set up a video card, then CCC is quite suitable for you.

The Control Center application contains parameters to improve the quality of the image and performance of games and other 3D applications. 3D graphics parameters apply to DIRECT 3D and OpenGL applications and are on the page located in groups Games\u003e Game performance and Games\u003e Image quality In the standard representation.

In the advanced view, all the settings of the 3D applications are on the page 3D applications settings In the game group. If you are using AMD FirePro ™ graphics cards, this page is in the group AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance In the standard view and in the AMD FirePro group in the extended representation.

To preview changes before applying them, use 3D graphics parameters in an extended representation. Instead, to quickly configure or save the current parameters of 3D graphics in a user-defined application profile, use a page 3D applications settings with an extended representation.

You can also access some 3D graphics parameters using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® taskbar notification area. To access these parameters, click the right-click icon, select the appropriate graphics card, and then click 3D graphics parameters.

Note: The availability of 3D graphics parameters varies depending on the choice of standard or extended representation. Availability may also differ depending on the specific graphics.

Laptops with switchable graphics capabilities

If your computer is a laptop with a switchable schedule support, and you use the GPU selection method to assign applications to a specific GPU, the following pages are available on which both GPUs can be configured:

  • Standard representation - two sets of 3D pages are available: one for high-performance graphics, and the other for energy saving.
  • Extended performance - two pages become available 3D applications settings: one for high-performance graphics, and the other for energy saving.

To configure the discrete GPU, use the pages of the high-performance graphics parameters. To configure an integrated GPU, use the pages of the power-saving graphics parameters.

The page contains settings for balancing the quality of images with the performance of games and other 3D applications.

Use the slider on the page to automatically adjust all the available standard 3D graphics parameters to enhance the performance of applications or image quality. Using this slider is especially useful when you do not know which 3D setting to apply to the application or when you need to quickly configure the application.

Note: This page Available only in a standard representation.

Setting up standard 3D graphics parameters

Use the slider on the page Standard 3D graphics parameters To automatically optimize the system in order to improve the quality of three-dimensional images or application performance. In addition, as an alternative solution, you can configure the system to use the parameters specified on other pages of 3D graphics parameters in the Control Center application.

  1. Games\u003e Game performance > Standard 3D graphics parameters
  2. To use the 3D graphics settings indicated on other 3D graphics settings, select Span. Custom settings. Otherwise, uncheck the checkbox and move the slider accordingly. The permalement of the left slider to improve the performance of applications or to the right to improve the image quality.
  3. Click the Apply button.

Multiple display

Multiple display is a method of texturing, in which parts of 3-dimensional objects are saved as they are moved across the screen. A series of high and low resolution texture cards is stored in memory and is selected to create an object surface, depending on the required level of detail.

Setting multiple display settings

Use the parameter The level of detail set. Display To select a multiple display level to improve the performance of applications or image quality.

Note: This feature is supported only by certain graphics cards.

  1. In the standard view, go to page Games\u003e Performance in games > Multiple display.
  2. Move the slider accordingly:
    • The performance setting is recommended to use when viewing animated three-dimensional images, when the smoothness of the movement of objects is of great importance.
    • Quality settings are recommended to use when high surface detail is required, especially if objects rotate or move to the rear background.

    You can also access the multiple display parameters using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® taskbar notification area. To access the parameters, right-click icon, select the appropriate graphics card, and then click 3D graphics parameters > Multiple Display Detail Level.

  3. Click the Apply button.

Smoothing (AA)

Smoothing is a rendering method designed to remove stepped edges, flickering and pixelization, which often occur in the treated three-dimensional images. Instead of determining the color of the pixel, by sampling from one place in the center of the pixel, when smoothing the samples are made in different places of each pixel, and the results obtained are mixed to create a final color.

Control by the number of samples on each pixel is carried out using smoothing filters. Use the smoothing options available in the Control Center application to select a filter that provides an increase in image quality or an increase in application performance.

In AMD graphics boards, a smoothing method is used, which is called smoothing with multiple sample (MSAA). Depending on the graphics card, this method provides a sample with 2 ×, 4 ×, 6 × or 8 × programmable places within each pixel and uses the mixing of samples for gamma correction and smoothing the edges of polygons.

Super depository for AMD CrossFirex ™

AMD CrossFirex configurations provide more opportunities compared to standard features MSAA, increasing the number of sample places with 2 ×, 4 × or 6 × up to 8 ×, 10 ×, 12 × and 14 × predetermined places. For smoothing in AMD CrossFirex configurations, both MSAA mode and other mode, called low-resolution smoothing (SSAA) are used. SSAA affects each pixel in the image and its application is most efficient to improve the quality of some types of textures, especially textures with transparent sites, in which stepped edges are observed, which cannot be eliminated when using smoothing using the MSAA method.

When using SSAA, the rendering of the scene is first performed at more high resolutionThan the resolution of the output signal submitted to the display, and then the forced decrease in the resolution is performed to the level of the display resolution. At the same time, a more efficient sample model can also be used, providing a higher quality smoothing of almost horizontal and almost vertical edges, which makes it possible to achieve a higher overall image quality.

Note: SSAA is available only when AMD Crossfirex is enabled.

Note: When the low-resolution smoothing is enabled for AMD CrossFireX configurations, only two graphics processors are used for rendering, regardless of the number of graphics processors in the system.

    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality \u003e Smartwork.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select the page corresponding to that graphic processorthat you want to configure.

    Smoothing Page:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  1. Use application settings or select it

    3D graphics parameters \u003e Smartwork.

  2. Click the Apply button.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality \u003e Smartwork.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
    • Morphological filtration
    • Morphological filtration

Smoothing methods

For DIRECTX® and OpenGL applications, you can use one of the following smoothing methods when rendering 3D objects: multiple sample, redundant sample and adaptive multiple sample. Use the smoothing method parameter in the Control Center application to select a method that the best way Corresponds to your needs.

Smoothing with multiple sample (MSAA) displays 3D objects, drawing multiple samples in different programmable places for each edible pixel and combining values \u200b\u200bwith gamma correction, smoothing the edges of polygons. An excess sampling smoothing (SSAA) works on the same principle, but draws multiple sample for each pixel on the screen, unlike the multiple sample, at which only multiple samples are drawn on the edgal glands. Recovering a multiple sample for each pixel, an excess sample smoothing provides best qualityThan smoothing with multiple sample, reducing the blurring of textures and shadows, as well as edges of polygons. With an adaptive multiple sample, a combination of both methods is used: redundant sample for rendering surfaces with transparent elements and multiple sample for rendering of all other surfaces.

Smoothing with an excess sample can be much slower than smoothing with multiple sample, because it draws the entire scene in the resolution, much superior to the resolution of the display. Cancellation of the image 2560 × 1600 C 4 × multiple smoothing with a redundant sample takes as much time as the image and drawing an image 5120 × 3200 without excess sample.

Installing smoothing method

Use the parameter Smoothing method

Note: This feature is supported only by certain graphics cards.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality > Smoothing method.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings. Expand Area Smoothing methodpages.

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to one of the following pages and expand the area Smoothing method pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Smoothing method:
    • Multiple sample
    • Excessive sample

    3D graphics parameters > Smoothing method.

Anisotropic filtering (AF)

Anisotropic filtering is a method that ensures the preservation of small parts on the surfaces with a three-dimensional perspective leaving for the background. This feature acts best in combination with multiple display.

Use the parameter Anisotropic filtration To select an anisotropic filter to improve the performance of applications or image quality. If you are not sure which anisotropic filter parameter must be used, select the anisotropic filtering parameter installed by the application.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality > Anisotropic filtration.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings. Expand Area Filtering texturespages.

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to one of the following pages and expand the area Filtering textures pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Use application settings Redefine application settings Pixel samples or Filtration level 3D graphics parameters > Anisotropic filtration.
  3. Click the Apply or Save button.

3D applications settings

Page 3D applications settings Only in an extended representation. It contains the basic parameters of the 3D graphics to quickly configure without prior view. This page also contains parameters to create user-defined application profiles that can be used to configure image quality and performance specific applications and games.

Instead, to preview changes, use 3D pages in the standard view.

You can also access some 3D graphics parameters using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® task panel notifications. To access these parameters, right-click icon, click the appropriate graphics card, and then select 3D graphics parameters.

Note: The availability of 3D graphics parameters may depend on the characteristics of specific graphics cards. Some 3D graphics parameters are available only in an extended representation.

Laptops with switching switching graphs

If your computer is a laptop with a switchable schedule support, and you use the GPU selection method to assign applications to a specific GPU (dynamic scheme), two pages become available 3D applications settings: one for high-performance graphics, and the other for energy saving. To configure the discrete GPU, use the pages of the high-performance graphics parameters. To configure an integrated GPU, use the pages of the power-saving graphics parameters.

Management of application profiles

Application profiles contain 3D parameters optimized for a specific application or game. There are two types of profiles: predefined AMD application profiles available for download at, and user-defined application profiles that can be created and updated on page 3D applications settings In an extended representation.

When adding a profile, the current parameters 3D graphics are associated with a specific application. By creating a user-defined application profiles, you can customize the image quality and performance of applications that have no predefined AMD profile. If necessary, you can also override the parameters of the predefined AMD profile by creating a user-defined profile for a specific application. The parameters saved in the profile are used each time the application associated with it is launched.

Note: When adding or updating the profile, the 3D graphics parameters for each available graphic Professor AMD are stored in this profile.

  1. Games\u003e 3D applications settings

    AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.

  2. In the list Application Parameters Perform one of the following actions.
    • To change an existing profile, click the name of the application to download existing settings.
    • To create a new profile, click Add. In the opened dialog box Go to Appendixselect the application for which the profile should be added.
    • To delete user-defined profile, click the Delete button (red icon X) opposite the application name. Unable to delete a predefined AMD application profile. However, you can override its settings by adding a user-defined profile for the same application.
  3. Change the parameters on the page accordingly.
  4. After the operation is completed, click Save. If the profile for the selected application already exists, a request will be displayed for override or overwrite an existing profile. When you display the query, click Yes.

    All parameters on the page are stored in the selected profile and are used each time the associated application is launched.

Using the profile settings as system parameters 3D graphics

You can specify that the 3D graphic system parameters correspond to the parameters of a specific application specified by the user profile. This will help you to save time when creating a new profile based on an existing one.

  1. In the advanced view, go to the page Games\u003e Application profiles. If you use the AMD FirePro ™ graphics card, go to page. Application profiles in a group AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance In the standard view or in the AMD FirePro group in the expanded representation.
  2. In the profile list, right-click a profile containing the settings that should be used.
  3. Choose Use as system parameters.
  4. In the confirmation dialog that opens, press Yes. All 3D parameters will be updated to match the parameters of the selected profile.
  5. Click Save to Save Changes.

Setting smoothing parameters

Smoothing filters increase the actual number of samples obtained and processed for image rendering. For each filter, you can set the desired smoothing level. A lower level, as a rule, provides improved application performance when viewing animated three-dimensional images, when the smoothness of the movement of objects is of great importance. Using a higher level allows you to see more detailed and realistic 3D objects. In general, the more samples are made, the higher the image quality.

For example, in systems other than AMD CrossFirex ™, when choosing a Wide-Tent filter with an 8 × smoothing level, an effective sampling frequency is 16 ×, then approaches smoothing capabilities characteristic of AMD CrossFirex.

If you are not sure which filter you need to use, select the smoothing parameters set by the application.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality \u003e Smartwork.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings. Expand page Smoothing Page.

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics cards, go to one of the following pages instead and expand the page Smoothing Page:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. To use the smoothing settings specified by the application, select the Checkbox. Use application settings or equivalent option from the drop-down list. You can also select the option. Improve application settings From the list mode, if it is available. This option allows the AMD 3D graphics driver to improve smoothing parameters used in 3D game.

    Note: This option is supported only by certain graphics cards.

  3. To manually select the smoothing parameter, uncheck the checkbox Use application settings or select it Redefine application settings In the mode drop-down list, and then adjust the quantity of samples accordingly. This setting adjusts the number of executed and processed samples when smoothing is enabled. With an increase in the number of samples, the level of image quality also increases, but the application performance can decrease depending on other application options included.

    For certain graphics boards, smoothing levels of increased quality are also available. These levels can provide the smoothing parameters of the highest possible quality by expanding standard smoothing levels with additional coating samples. High quality smoothing levels are indicated by the term "EQ" (for example, 4xeq defines the MSAA level with 4 additional coating samples).

    You can also access smoothing parameters using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® taskbar notification area. To access the parameters, right-click icon, select the appropriate graphics card, and then click 3D graphics parameters \u003e Smartwork.

  4. If applicable, select the type of filter, which provides preferred image quality, from the drop-down list filter:
    • Box or Standard - Only samples are used within the current pixel. All samples are given the same weight. (Provides maximum sharpness and highest performance.)
    • Narrow-Tent - samples are used from the current pixel and adjacent area. The samples are attached weight taking into account the distance from the center of the pixel. (Provides less sharp image with slightly less performance.)
    • Wide-Tent - samples from the current pixel and adjacent area are used. The samples selected by the "WIDE-Tent" filter include areas that are a little further from the current pixel than the samples used by a narrow filter, but not more than 1.25 radius of the current pixel. The samples are attached weight taking into account the distance from the center of the pixel. (Provides less sharp image with slightly less performance.)
    • EDGE-DETECT - samples are used from the current pixel and adjacent area. The samples selected using the "Edge-Detect" filter are weighed to ensure improvement of smoothing along the edges without mitigating or blurring the scene. (Performance is slightly lower)

      Selecting the EDGE-Detect filter with a 4 × smoothing level provides an effective sampling frequency and AMD CrossFirex smoothing coefficient equal to 12 ×. Selecting the level of smoothing in 8 × provides an effective sampling frequency and an AMD CrossFirex smoothing coefficient equal to 24 ×.

      Note: The availability of filters and smoothing levels varies depending on the type of graphics card.

  5. Click the Apply button.

Installing smoothing method

Use the parameter Smoothing method To select the smoothing method used to align uneven edges in 3D scenes. The following methods are available: Adaptive multiple sample, multiple sample and redundant sample.

Note: This feature is supported only by certain graphics cards.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality > Smoothing method.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings. Expand Area Smoothing methodpages.

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to one of the following pages and expand the area Smoothing method pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Select the desired method using the slider or in the drop-down list. Smoothing method:
    • Multiple sample - This method provides the highest processing speed. Only multiple sample is used.
    • Adaptive multiple sample - This method provides the balance of image quality and processing speed. A combination of excess and multiple sample is used.
    • Excessive sample - This method provides the highest quality. Only excess sample is used.

    Note: Outlet sample can be much slower than smoothing with multiple sample, because it includes rendering much more objects in the scene.

    You can also access smoothing modes using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® taskbar notifications. To access the parameters, click the Right-click icon, click the appropriate graphics card, and then select 3D graphics parameters > Smoothing method.

  3. Click the Apply or Save button.

Enable / disable morphological filtering

Morphological filtering includes using smoothing filters with post-converting to improve image quality in 3D applications. Turning on the morphological filtering, you can smooth out the unevenness in games and other 3D applications.

Note: This feature is available only for certain graphics card models and only works in the "Desktop" mode.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality \u003e Smartwork.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings. Expand page Smoothing Page.

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics cards, go to one of the following pages instead and expand the page Smoothing Page:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Perform one of the following actions to enable or disable the filter.
    • In the standard view, select or deselect the parameter Morphological filtrationAnd then click Apply.
    • In the advanced view, select ON. or off From the drop-down list Morphological filtrationAnd then click the Save button.

Adjusting anisotropic filtration

Anisotropic filtering saves the details of objects that seem to be away in 3D scenes. It is possible to choose the required level of anisotropic filtering. A lower level, as a rule, provides improved application performance and is best suited for applications that display objects with smooth simple surfaces, such as CAD applications. A higher level is best used with applications that displays scenes, background images and textured objects with a high degree of detail (for example used in three-dimensional games). In general, the more samples are made, the higher the image quality.

  1. Navigate to one of the following pages:
    • Standard view - Games\u003e Image quality > Anisotropic filtration.
    • Extended performance - Games\u003e 3D applications settings. Expand Area Filtering texturespages.

    For some laptops there may be two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to one of the following pages and expand the area Filtering textures pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. To use the anisotropic filter parameters specified by the application, select Use application settings. Otherwise, uncheck the checkbox or select Redefine application settingsand then change the parameters accordingly Pixel samples or Filtration level. Also you can access the anisotropic filtering parameters using the Control Center icon in the Windows® taskbar notification area. To access the parameters, right-click icon, select the appropriate graphics card, and then click 3D graphics parameters > Anisotropic filtration.
  3. Click the Apply or Save button.

Setting the quality of texture filtering

Use setting Quality of filtering textureTo enable different levels of optimizing texture filtering.

Note: This feature is supported only by certain graphics cards.

  1. Games\u003e 3D applications settings And expand the area Filtering textures. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to one of the following pages and expand the area Filtering textures pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Select Quality of filtering texture In the drop-down list. Select the setting Performance To optimize without reducing performance, setting High qualityfor maximum optimization with minimal reduction in performance or setting the standard for the balance between the two settings.
  3. Click the Save button.

Enable / Disable Surface Format Optimization

Including the surface format optimization feature, you can optimize certain surface formats in games and 3D applications without influence on image quality. You can also disable this feature when you do not need it.

  1. In the advanced view, go to page Games\u003e 3D applications settings And expand the area Filtering textures. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you use AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to one of the following pages and expand the area Filtering textures:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Optimization of surface format.
  3. Click the Save button.

Setting the vertical update waiting

To prevent image breaks that can occur at a higher frame rate, you can configure the Control Center application to synchronize the frame rate of 3D applications with the screen update frequency. Use the parameter to specify when synchronization should turn on and off.

In general, the enabling of synchronization can improve the image quality, but it may adversely affect the performance of the application.

  1. In the advanced view, go to page Games\u003e 3D applications settings And expand the area Personnel frequency management. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    Personnel frequency management pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. In the drop-down list Wait for vertical update Select the condition at which the 3D application screen update is synchronized with the screen update frequency of your display screen.
  3. Click the Save button.

You can also access the parameters using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® taskbar notification area. To access the parameters, right-click icon, select the appropriate graphics card, and then click 3D graphics parameters > Wait for vertical update.

Turning on the triple buffering OpenGL

When the frame rate in 3D applications below the vertical sync update frequency, you can turn on the Triple OpenGL buffering to improve the frame frequency of the applications when the vertical synchronization is enabled.

With a small amount of memory, turning the triple buffering can reduce the performance of the application, since the smaller frame rate of the frame buffer will be available for texture and geometry data. If the amount of memory is not sufficient to support triple buffering, this function will be automatically disabled.

  1. In the advanced view, go to page Games\u003e 3D applications settings And expand the area Personnel frequency management. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you are using AMD FirePro ™ graphics cards, go to one of the following pages instead, and then expand the area. Personnel frequency management pages:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. On the menu Triple buffering OpenGL From the drop-down list, select ON.
  3. Click the Save button.

Adjusting tessellation levels

Tessellation improves a detailed display of 3D objects by increasing the volume of the geometry used. With an increase in the tessellation level, the geometry levels of certain 3D objects also increase, but the application performance can decrease depending on other application parameters included.

Note: This feature is supported only by certain video cards.

  1. In the advanced view, go to page Games\u003e 3D applications settings and expand the tessellation area of \u200b\u200bthe page. For some laptops there are two versions of these pages; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you are using the AMD FirePro ™ video card, go to one of the following pages instead and expand the pageSelocation of the page:

    • Standard view - AMD FirePro\u003e Graphic performance > 3D applications settings
    • Extended performance - AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.
  2. Select one of the items below from the drop-down list. Tessellation mode.
    • Optimized AMD - Use the tessellation level, which provides the best impressions of the game when using tessellation support applications.
    • Use application settings - Use the tessellation level set by applications with tessellation support.
    • Redefine application settings - choice of tessellation level, installed applications with tessellation support. Select the tessellation level from the drop-down list Maximum level of tessellation; When you select Off. Tessellation turns off.
  3. Click the Save button.

You can also access the tessellation parameters using the CONTROL CENTER icon in the Windows® task panel notifications. To access the parameters, right-click icon, click the appropriate video card, and then select 3D graphics parameters \u003e Tessellation.

Enable / disable shaders caching

When displaying detailed and realistic images, most applications and games using three-dimensional graphics require compiling complex shaders. As a rule, shaders are combined while running the application and can increase the application load time.

The caching function of shaders is designed to save in the system of compiling the shaders, demanding to the resources of the CPU in order to use them next time if necessary. When using this feature, there is no need to re-compile the results of shaders in the cache, which reduces application load time and in some cases even reduces the shake of images.

Compilation data are located in the C: \\ Users \\ folder<пользователь>\\ APPDATA \\ AMD \\ DXCACHE.

Note: This feature is available only for DIRECTX® 10 and 11 applications.

  1. In the advanced view, go to the page Games\u003e 3D applications settings. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you are using AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to the page AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.

  2. Using parameters System settings > Shader caching Select one of the following options:
    • Incl. (only supported applications) - Enable shaders caching only for those games and applications that are supported by AMD information. The list of supported applications is provided in the notes to the versions.
    • Off - Disable shaders caching.
  3. Click the Apply button.

Enable / disable frame leveling

Enabling frame alignment allows you to align the output time of displayed frames that can be grouped into some GPU DirectX® 10 and later applications when working in configurations with multiple GPUs.

Note: Frame alignment settings are available only for Windows® 7 or later systems with identical graphics cards with AMD CROSSFIRX ™ support that use cables for a bridge connection (AMD CROSSFIRX hardware). Frame alignment settings are applied only when AMD CrossFirex is enabled.

  1. In the advanced view, go to page Games\u003e 3D applications settings and expand the AMD CrossFirex area. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you are using AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to the page AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settingsand expand the AMD CrossFirex area.

  2. Select ON. or off in the drop-down list Leveling frames.
  3. Click the Save button.

AMD CROSSFIREX / DUAL Graphics mode System for 3D applications

When creating or updating a user-defined application profile, you can select AMD CROSSFIREX ™ / AMD Radeon.™ Dual Graphics, which will be used with the associated application. If you select another graphic mode, the quality of the image and application of applications can increase, but not all models are compatible with all applications. Use these parameters to your discretion, because They can lead to unexpected results and reduce application performance.

Note: These parameters are available only for AMD Crossfirex or AMD Radeon Dual Graphics.

  1. In the advanced view, go to the page Games\u003e 3D applications settings. For some laptops there are two versions of this page; Select a page that corresponds to the graphical processor you want to configure.

    If you are using AMD FirePro ™ graphics boards, go to the page AMD FirePro\u003e 3D applications settings.

  2. In the list Application profiles Select the application to be updated.
  3. If necessary, expand the AMD CrossFirex page. In area AMD CROSSFIRX mode for 3D applicationsor AMD Radeon Dual Graphics mode for 3D applications Select the graphics mode most suitable for the application used.
    • Disabled - Disables AMD CrossFirex / AMD Radeon Dual Graphics support.
    • Default mode - uses optimal graphics mode based on the current application and AMD user profiles available.
    • With AFR support, uses alternate rendering mode (AFR) for applications that do not have the standard AMD Crossfirex / AMD Radeon Dual Graphics AMD AMD Crossfirex / AMD Radeon Dual Graphics profile.
    • AFR compatible - Developed for applications that do not have the standard AMD CrossFirex / AMD Radeon Dual Graphics AMD profile.
    • Optimize 1 × 1 - Uses alternate frame rendering mode (AFR) with additional optimization for 1 × 1 resources.
    • Use a predefined AMD profile - uses a predefined AMD application profile together with another application profile. If this option is selected, a list of available predefined AMD profiles will be displayed. Use this list or search field to select a profile with AMD CrossfireX / AMD Radeon Dual Graphics to be used.
  4. Click Save to Save Changes. If the profile for the associated application already exists, a request will be displayed for override or overwrite an existing profile. When you display the query, click Yes.

The selected graph mode will be saved in the current profile and will be used each time the associated application is launched.

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Most video card manufacturers offer their users the maximum number of useful programs. AMD did not exception. This article describes the AMD Catalyst Control Center configuration process for computer games. All will also be considered possible methods Settings for parameters affecting image quality and performance.

AMD Catalyst Control Center: Installation of the program

Not all owners of video cards from AMD installed by default AMD Catalyst Control Center program. To configure the games, the user will need to be installed in advance. For installation this component You can use in several ways. In both cases, the user will have to visit the official website of the manufacturer Hop by main page Site, the user will be able to detect the "Drivers and Support" section in the upper page. After that, you need to open the "Download Center". In the menu that opens, select your operating system and the type of video card used.

It should be borne in mind that drivers for laptops and stationary computers differ in each other. On this page you can download AMD Catalyst Control Center with a separate distribution or together with a fresh version of the device driver. If you have not updated the driver for a long time, then it is recommended to download a comprehensive archive. You can immediately kill two hares - and update the software, and set the software described. Another way is to use the program for automatic search. Such a program will independently determine and establish the missing components.

AMD Catalyst Control Center: Acquaintance with the program

Now you have an AMD Catalyst Control Center on your computer. To configure games first it is necessary to open this program. After installation, the utility icon will appear in the "Start" panel. You can also open it when you click right-click on the desktop, calling the context menu. Here on the first line you must click on the AMD Catalyst Control Center. The main subject of this instruction will be setting up for games in the 64-bit system. The thing is that 32-bit systems are currently almost used. They outlived their age with the operating room windows system XP. Almost all modern computer systems Based on a 64-bit architecture, which requires configuring AMD Catalyst Control Center for games. Also, such computers include a laptop.


Before starting to work, you need to deal with the program menu. By default, all the graphics settings in laptops are hidden. To access them, you must use the "Parameters" tab. In the menu you need to select the "Extended View" item. After that, new sections should appear in the left column. Consider all these sections in order.

- "Desktop Management": this section Allows you to configure the desktop on your own. Here you can create different working tables, customize color, etc.
- "Common Display Tasks": This section is responsible for turning the display and the detection of new monitors;
- "Video": This section contains comprehensive video playback settings - from brightness settings to distortion and acceleration.

How to properly configure AMD Catalyst Control Center games?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are setting. If your computer gives a sufficient amount of FPS and without additional changes, while you are completely satisfied with the image, and during the game the system does not overload, it is probably not the point of picking up in the settings. If you know that the system can squeeze the game from the picture more and you want to somehow improve the image on the screen, then you should perform a number of actions. Portable computers are usually somewhat weaker than stationary. They spend much more resources for modern computer games. The main task of AMD Catalyst Control Center on a laptop is to set up games. Take for example a modern and very demanding resource game GTA 5.

AMD Catalyst Control Center: Productivity and Quality

The AMD Catalyst Control Center program provides a special mode for inexperienced users. Here all settings can be set by changing the "Performance" slider - "quality". All default settings are balanced. If you use enough weak computer, it is better to install the slider into the "Performance" mode. As a result of the schedule in GTA 5 worsens, but the system resources will be released, and the video card will be able to sigh freely. It is especially recommended to use this mode of laptop owners. If you are the opposite, you want to unscrew all the possibilities of the device to the maximum, move the slider to the "quality".

AMD Catalyst Control Center: Smoothing

When using more advanced settings, the user can choose the level of smoothing. When you move the slider, you can observe the change in the picture. This allows you to clearly estimate how this game will look. You can leave this setting To control the game. It will be enough to simply mark the application of the application settings. Next you need to choose the type of smoothing. The setting is carried out by the same principle. Most of all this parameter affects the quality of the FPS in the game. If smoothing will be disabled, the FPS will be at the maximum. If you put a smoothing at maximum, then the game is possible.


In this section of the program, you can set the frequency of frames and tessellation modes. For debugging, the choice of level of anisotropic filtration is also available, etc. If you do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions of the AMD Catalyst Control Center program, it is better not to use the setting in the extended mode.


The features described above are not all that can be done using the AMD Catalyst Control Center program. You can configure games using game files. To do this, you need to go from the left column to the "Games" tab. In the window that opens, under the inscription "Application Settings" you want to click on the Add button. Here you need to find the GTA5.exe file, which is located in the folder with the installed game. Then you need to click on the "OK" button.

The program will analyze the game settings and optimizes the video card for stable operation. This feature is especially useful for laptop owners, which allows you to minimize vocabulary. The most advanced mode is to configure games by changing the frequency of the video card. This can be done by moving the slider in the "Performance" section. You can also choose one of the specified modes: " Standard settings"," High Quality "," High Performance ". You can experiment with the settings, select them for the performance of your laptop.

Each video card manufacturer tries to offer its users a maximum of useful software. AMD is no exception. This article describes how to configure AMD Catalyst Control Center for games. All possible ways to configure various parameters that affect either performance or image quality are considered.

Program installation

Not all data owners are the default video cards there is AMD Catalyst Control Center. Setting for games involves the presence of a predetermined center. This can be done in two ways. In both cases, you need to visit the official site Having hit the main page, in the upper partition selection band find the "Drivers and Support" item. After getting a "download center". In the menu that opens, select the type of video card and your operating system. It is worth remembering that drivers for stationary computers and laptops differ. On this page you can download AMD Catalyst Control Center for your laptop or separate distribution, or along with a fresh driver version. If you are not recommended for a long time to download a comprehensive archive. By this, you will kill two hares at once - update the software and set the program described. Another way to download the automatic search program. It will independently determine the missing components of AMD and install them.

Acquaintance with the program

Now you have an installed AMD Catalyst Control Center. Setting for games begins with the opening of the program. The utility icon after installation appears in the tray panel menu "Start". You can also open it by clicking the right mouse button on the desktop, and call it on the first line to click on the AMD Catalyst Control Center. Setting for games 64-bit systems will become the main subject of the instruction. The fact is that 32-bit systems are currently practically used. Their eyelids ended after Windows XP. Everything modern computers Based on the 64-bit architecture for which the AMD Catalyst Control Center is required also refers to such computers.

Programs menu

In the window that opens, the program must be sown to start. By default, in laptops, all the graphics settings are hidden. You can access them through "Parameters". In the menu, select "Extended View". After that, new sections will appear in the left stoble. Consider everything in order.

"Desktop Management" - This section helps to customize the desktop at will. It is possible to create different desktops, color setting and so on. "Common Display Tasks" are responsible for finding new monitors and turn turning. The "Video" section contains integrated video playback settings from brightness setting up to acceleration and distortion. Now we gradually approached the main thing.

How to configure AMD Catalyst Control Center for games?

First, you need to decide on setting up. If your computer and without additional changes gives a sufficient amount of FPS, does not load the system and the image quality is completely satisfied - it makes no sense to climb into the settings. If you know that your system can squeeze more from the picture of the game and you want to improve the image - then it is worth conducting certain actions. Also tune the video card recommended users of laptops. Insofar as portable computers Several weaker stationary, they spend more resources for modern games. The main task of availability on the AMD Catalyst Control Center laptop is setting up for games. GTA 5 Take as an example of modern and very demanding to computer resources game.

Performance and quality

For inexperienced users, the program offers simplified setup mode in the form of a "Performance - Quality" slider. By default, settings are in balanced mode. If your computer is rather weak - install the slider into the "Performance" mode. Naturally, the graphics in the game GTA 5 will worsen. But there will be resources, and the video card will be able to "sigh calmly." This mode is recommended for laptop owners. If you, on the contrary, want to unscrew all the possibilities to the maximum, move the slider towards the "quality".


More advanced settings offer to choose the level of smoothing. When you move the slider, you see changes in the image in the picture, which makes it possible to clearly estimate how the game will look like. You can also leave this setting to control the game. It is enough to mark the item "Use Application Settings". The following item selects the type of smoothing. The setting passes on the same principle. This parameter is most affected by the amount if the smoothing is disabled - the FPS will be maximum. If you expose smoothing to the maximum, the game is possible on the laptop.

Other settings

In the same section, you can set the timeline modes and frame rate. Also for debugging the choice of level and so on. If you do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthese AMD Catalyst Control Center features, the game setting in the extended mode is not recommended.

Advanced settings

The features described above are not all that can be done using AMD Catalyst Control Center. Setting for games is also possible through game files. To do this, go to the "Games" tab from the left column. In the window that opens, under the "Application Settings", click the Add button. Locate the GTA5.exe file, which is located in the folder with the installed game. After that, click "OK". The program must analyze the game settings and optimize the video card for stable operation. This feature It is very convenient for laptop owners - it allows you to minimize the wear of the video card.

The most advanced AMD Catalyst Control Center mode is setting up games by changing the video card frequencies. You can do this by moving the slider in the "Performance" section. You can also select one of the three predetermined modes: "High performance", "High Quality" and "Standard Settings".

Do not be afraid to externize with the settings and customize them under the performance of your laptop. If something is not suitable for you and you will not remember which items changed, you can always reset the settings to factory. It is done through the last item in the left column - "Information". Next, select "Update by". After clicking on the "Check Updates" button, the program will automatically determine whether new versions of drivers or AMD Catalyst Control Center are available. The same in the program has poundation performance settings in battery mode and network. From the network it is recommended to exhibit maximum productivity For a comfortable game.


AMD Catalyst Control Center is equally suitable for experienced users, and for beginners. A visual setup system will allow you to choose the optimal parameters, even if you do not know, for which one or another parameter is responsible.

Any video card, even the most productive and modern, requires an appropriate driver or a special utility for additional settings. Radeon video adapters, discrete or integrated, work much better and provide a greater frame rate after installing the AMD CATALYST Control Center (CCC) control center (CCC), first released in 2007. This tool is intended for fine configuration of the graphic card characteristics of the American brand Advanced Micro Devices.

The CCC utility, which has been completed for the Radeon video card drivers for more than 10 years, can replace the Software CRIMSON software package from the same manufacturer. However, today it still needs to be installed on a desktop PC or a laptop with graphics from AMD.

Every year, the functionality of the utility increases, increasing the possibilities of proper distribution of resources and the performance of graphics cards that continue to successfully compete with NVIDIA models.

The Catalyst Control Center features:

  • 3D-graphics optimization that allows you to increase image quality in most games;
  • integration with social networks, which improves the work of the widgets built into these resources and game applications;
  • smoothing the frames needed for use in games;
  • laptop power management, allowing to reduce power consumption mobile computers when working from the battery;
  • setting the optimal level of contrast and detailing the picture - a function that is useful not only for games, but also when working with graphic editors and watching high-resolution movies;
  • simultaneous adjustment of multiple screens connected to the video card (computer or television displays);
  • updating software for video adapters, in most cases automatic.

The advantages of using AMD CCC include small requirements for computer resources, a built-in game manager and the possibility of hardware acceleration of video cards.

The control center also works on modern high-performance computers, and on outdated devices, allowing you to speed up the work of graphics and add several frames per second for the gameplay. Using the same utility, you can configure the frame frequency manually.

AMD Catalyst Control Center: Setting for games

Play using the CCC control center is more convenient and easier, and the game setting process takes no more than a few minutes. And the only problem characteristic of laptops with the integrated and discrete graphic installed simultaneously occurs when there are no video card settings in the utility menu, and there is no ability to optimize the image.

The question is solved by switching from one graphics adapter to another - via BIOS, using Catalyst Control Center or when choosing the appropriate GPU, which is proposed to the Laptop user when the power supply is changed.

Solving the question with the settings of the video card for the game, you should decide on the need to make changes. If the frame rate during the gameplay is high enough, and there are no problems with graphics, it is recommended to leave the default management center. If you need to increase the level of FPS, it is worth performing such actions:
  1. Open AMD Catalyst Control Center.
  2. Select the game tab in the left post.
  3. Click on the Add button, located in the application parameters section.
  4. Find in the list executable game file (has an extension .exe and in Windows is indicated as "application") and click "OK".

The utility automatically analyzes the gaming settings and optimize the built-in or discrete graphics. Thanks to this, the video card is not only running faster, but also less wears during operation.

With manual configuration of the graphics, the user gets the ability to independently select the maximum image quality, high speed of the game or standard settings that suggest a compromise between FPS and permission.

How to run AMD Catalyst Control Center

Special attention to the control center requires when you first start. Before opening AMD Catalyst Control Center, the user selects the setup mode:

  • the basic, default video card settings and allows you to configure resolution, quality and number of connected image output devices;
  • advanced, providing manual setting Most characteristics of graphics.

In the absence of the need to change the parameters of the video card, it is recommended to choose the usual mode. An experienced user going to optimize the work of the games is to give preference to the second option.

If the problem arose that the AMD Catalyst Control Center does not open, it is enough to update the drivers, previously removed old.

How to update AMD Catalyst Control Center

To update the control center from the user, you will need almost the same actions as when installing new drivers for any other component computers. Get a new version of the utility along with the management programs for the graphics adapter can be on the official website of the company.

Where to download AMD Catalyst Control Center

The only correct option when downloading the CCC management center is the official website of the AMD video card manufacturer. After switching to the main page, the computer owner must open the DOWNLOAD AMD Drivers & Software Software tab.

After that, in the right half of the page, you can see the menu of manual selection of the AMD video card and find a suitable series and model. The last item "Select The Supported Operating System That You Have" allows you to select one of the supported card operating systems:

  • for old video adapters, this will be Windows XP and UNIX platform;
  • for video cards of later releases - Windows 7 and 8;
  • for the latest desktop models - only Windows 10.

By selecting the appropriate option, you should download this version and start the installation on your computer. It is undesirable to use foreign sites to download. The result can be not only the installation of obsolete software, but also an increased risk of infection with viruses.

How to install AMD Catalyst Control Center

Installation of the control center is performed in three ways:

  1. By switching to the official website of the manufacturer and the choice of a suitable video card model. After downloading the installation file, it is installed on the computer.
  2. Selecting the automatic definition of a video adapter model on the same site.
  3. Use utilities to automatically update Drivers type Drivers Pack Solution.

AMD Catalyst does not start: what to do?

Problems arising when installing and starting a software package are often associated with incorrectly selected system bit. The correct operation of the program is possible only if the version downloaded from the resource version coincides with the Windows beacon. For example, for 32-bit windows, the AMD Catalyst package installation error occurs when trying to install the control center for the 64-bit platform.

The utility is not launched and when problems with the compatibility of versions appear. Therefore, if you cannot run AMD Catalyst Control Center, it is necessary to delete the already installed software for the video adapter.

How to completely remove AMD Catalyst Control Center

One way to solve the problem with the launch of the control center is full removal AMD CCC from a computer. To do this, the user must do the following:

  1. Open control panel.
  2. Select programs and components (or installing and removing programs for Windows XP).
  3. Find in the list that has opted a remote utility and choose its removal.

When the program is completely removed from the computer, you should restart the system. Now the PC (or laptop) is ready to install the new version of the control center.

Best setting for games: video

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