When starting world of tanks, the game is minimized. WoT crashes on startup

Quite often people come across a problem that annoys them the most in this world. Alas, she is not connected with the neighbors and their constant friction, not connected with the mother-in-law, who is already so fed up that sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. Everything is much simpler, but so annoying, because a lot of players faced a similar problem, when you first registered, it seems, for ages, then downloaded the game even longer, and it is huge, despite the fact that the Internet is simply useless. Yes, yes, every already experienced player remarkably remembers his first day in the game, more precisely outside of it, while he had to spend a whole day, or even more, to finally play such an alluring game world of tanks. Many newbies are faced with this problem and, unfortunately, you can't get away from it. But, even this is not as frustrating for the player as the situation when the newly loaded world of tanks game crashes at startup. Then everyone immediately rushes into fury, because it is unbearable how much it will suffer with installing the game and downloading the necessary updates, and as a result, nothing works. Very often this happens both among new players and among experienced ones who have been playing the game for a long time, but for no reason the game stopped starting.

As for the problem of launching the World of Tanks client for those people who have just begun to delve into this wonderful game, everything is quite simple here, since many of them simply do not read minimum requirements to the game. For people of this type, Wargaming has compiled a number of recommendations for launching the game and possible problems that might prevent the client from starting. The fact is that the very first thing you need to make sure that the car you want to play in world of tanks has the necessary specifications, and they should be as follows:

Operating system on Windows platform any of such versions as XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10;
- the presence of an Internet connection with a speed higher than 256 Kbps;
- CPU with the presence of at least two active cores, with a capacity of 2.2 GHz;
- Availability random access memory volume of 2 GB or more, for a more comfortable game it is recommended
use a computer with 4 GB of RAM;
- graphic card with at least 256 MB of memory and availability installed DirectX 9.0c;
- the sound card must also be compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
- in addition to this, it is recommended to have at least 20 GB for installation and comfortable play
free space on your drive.

Very often, it is because of non-compliance with the minimum characteristics of the machine that the game does not start or works very poorly. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these characteristics to avoid unnecessary workload for customer support. In addition to the availability of the necessary technical characteristics of the computer, there are requirements for the software that must be installed on the computer, since during the game it is it that is used for its normal functioning. Such software includes the following tools:

Availability of the latest version of drivers for the graphic card installed, depending on
from its manufacturer (NVIDIA, Radeon, Intel);
- if you have problems with sound during the game, it is recommended to update and install
the latest drivers for sound card computer (drivers must be
used exclusively from the official website of the developer);
- in addition to these two very important components, the player's computer must have
installed without fail latest version DirectX taken from the official site
- the presence of such libraries is required for the game to function as a Microsoft add-on
Visual C ++ 2008 and Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 according to your operating system type
- also make sure that you have these versions of the program installed NET Framework as 1,
3, 3.5 and 4.0, since without installing them, the game will not work in the same way as without previous programs.
- don't forget to install such a useful add-on as nVidia Physx.

There are cases, both among beginners and experienced players, when even after installing all the necessary package software the game does not want to start. In this case, it takes place to talk about whether your computer is infected with viruses. Recently, it was they who most often began to block access to the game, as well as steal personal data of players, to which logins, passwords and mail addresses belong. The question of why world of tanks crashes at launch and already regular players does not cease to torment. The fact is that there are millions of such people around the world and their problems are very different depending on the cause of their occurrence. Someone installed the latest modifications that block files and lead to a general crash, so the game closes, someone accidentally deleted desired file instead of uninstalling the add-ons, and someone simply interrupted the updates, and as a result, there was a crash, after which the game stopped starting. In most cases, a simple reinstallation of the game helps, which not only completely creates all the original files, but also cleans the game of modifications. It happens that the game crashes when launching the world of tanks and those who have already used this recommendation and reinstalled the game, but still something is wrong. Quite often, this is due to damage to the operating system, which becomes clogged over time from the moment of installation. unnecessary programs and many files that not only burden its work, but can also interrupt the normal functioning of everything in it. Therefore, its usual reinstallation also very often solves all problems that may arise both while working with this game and while launching other games.

To this day, many errors in the game itself are not excluded, which the developers, for some reason, are in no hurry to solve. Therefore, there are times when it is these bugs that lead to the problem of starting the game and enjoying the direct gameplay... Like other known to many errors of departure from the battle itself, loading tanks in the air or normal freezing in battle out of the blue, there is an error that is directly related to the departure of the client. A bug that closes the game while minimizing to the game panel and many, many others. All this is possible even despite the fact that you have just downloaded the game and you have all the gaming software necessary for a successful launch, and the hardware is so cool that Jove himself might envy him. If after all this the game still crashes, then you are welcome to bomb the game's user support service as soon as possible. Perhaps they will not only help you solve the problem related to the crash from the game at startup, but also think about the fact that if the number of requests related to the game and errors in it increases, then it might be worth thinking about fixing them. And, of course, if you have tried all the methods and nothing helps, then you definitely need to contact them as often as possible and then the developers will finally start thinking about the simplest players and their problems and take care of everything.

After all, the mistakes that we face day after day have accumulated over the years from the day the game was created and released to people, and no one wants to deal with them, which is very, very sad, given that the game has gained such popularity among people worldwide.

Solutions to the problem:

Problem solving

Option 1.

Run the WorldofTanks.exe application as Administrator.

Option 2.

Removing mods. Go to the directory res_mods –> ... We delete all files from the folder.

Option 3.

We update the drivers for the video card and reinstall DirectX... We download them from the official websites of your video card manufacturer.

Option 4. OK.

Option 5.

Right-click on WorldofTanks.exe, choose Properties a, tab Compatibility ... We set the lowest compatibility - Windows 95... OK.

If it does not help, we return to the starting position.

Option 6.

Rename the file WorldofTanks.exe to file WorldofTanks000.exe... In this case, it will be impossible to enter through the launcher. If it does not help, we return everything as it was.

Option 7.

We create in the catalog WorldofTanks folder with the username (see option 4.), inside its sequentially nested folders AppData -> Local -> Temp .

Option 8.

We completely remove the game client WorldofTanks from the computer and install it again

If you have any questions, ask ...

The first difficulties can begin at the stage of the game's launcher. If after launching the launcher crashes, you will need to configure it correctly.

  1. Delete the Updates and Wargaming.net folders from the system Windows folders: XP C: \ Documents and Settings \ UseName \ Local Setings \ temp, Vista and Win 7 C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Local \ Temp
  2. Launch the launcher again, specifying port 6881 and using a torrent connection.
  3. Add the game to the firewall and antivirus exceptions (if you are using a standard firewall, this is done right in the launcher settings).

Launcher freezes, the gear is spinning

If you see a similar picture, try the following:

The game crashes after clicking "Play"

Launcher started normally, but when you press the "Play" button does not start or the game client itself crashes? The following options are possible.

System requirements do not fit

While WoT does well on older PCs, there are minimum requirements that the game will not launch without meeting them. Only computer upgrade will help.

Incorrect graphics settings

Crashes are possible if you used graphics settings higher than the computer can handle. Difficulties can begin both during the battle and at the very start of the game.
For a solution, choose more modest graphic settings starting with the recommended parameters.

Rights and compatibility issues

Security systems in new operating systems(Vista and newer) do not always give games a comfortable running environment. Try to run Tanks with administrator rights and in compatibility mode.

  1. Right-click on the WoT shortcut and select "Properties".
  2. Go to the "Compatibility" tab.
  3. We set the level of rights and check different modes compatibility.

The drivers for the video card are not suitable

To run the game correctly and ensure good performance, be sure to take care of installing drivers on your graphics card.

  1. Visit the NVIDIA or AMD / ATI website to find a driver for your device.
  2. Select your graphics card model from the list on the site.
  3. Download the full installer (we do not recommend using the update).
  4. Install the drivers.

Missing Windows system components

For the correct operation of Tanks, a lot of auxiliary programs are required. If they are not present on the computer, it will not work to start World of Tanks. Let's briefly go through the components necessary for launching (link).

Individual case

If all the above recommendations did not help, you should contact the Wargaming.net support forum to resolve the issue. To get an accurate solution, be as informative as possible when drawing up your application.

  • PC configuration;
  • under what circumstances the game crashes;
  • what have already been tried for the solution;

We hope that these methods will allow you to resolve the issue of the client's departure, and help you enjoy the game of Tanki by full program... If none of this helped, try deleting it and again, or write in the comments, we will try to help you.

Well-known tanks "World of Tanks" is one of the most popular online game projects, which has already won the sympathy of millions of users around the world.

The game is beautifully filled and optimized. However, there are flaws everywhere, there is no getting away from it.

Tank users are often tormented by the question "why is the world of tanks game being phased out?"

Let's figure it out.

There are actually many reasons. One of them is the mods installed on your game client. Many users often supplement the game in this way, but not everyone is careful here. Many people download modifications from unreliable sources, or those add-ons that cause conflicts with each other. If you have installed modifications on your client, then first of all you need to erase them and see how the game will behave after that.

Another reason for disagreements in the game and its constant minimization may be the incorrect operation of the game client itself. If you have already removed the modifications, or there were none at all, then it is recommended to reinstall or update the game client.

If the actions with the client did not help you, then we conclude that this is not the problem. Then we are left with two options: your PC and the actual files of the game itself, and not its client. If you do not see any obvious problems with the files, then it is better to update them all. It's worth starting by clearing the game cache, if it does not help, then we completely erase all data about the game and reinstall it. It is very important to pay attention to the source from which you download the application, there are a huge variety of files on the network, but to be sure of the installer, you should download it from the official site of tanks.

If even this does not help, then there is another fallback option: manually deleting all Java game files

This is done very simply through the control panel and uninstall programs. We just find the files in the list and delete them, after that, of course, you need to reinstall them.

Answering the question: "why is the world of tanks game being phased out?" you should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the device you use while playing. If the system requirements of the application do not match your system, then this is undoubtedly the problem. This is a call to the fact that you should upgrade or buy a completely new PC.

Computer games collapse by themselves at the moment of the game itself. This problem occurs quite often. There can be many reasons for it. In this article on our website, we will try to tell you in detail about situations when any changes have been made to the work. personal computer which may cause some applications and games to minimize spontaneously.

1. The problem may lie in the overheating of the components of the computer or laptop. When the video card overheats, freezes or artifacts appear in the game, and when it overheats, the games freeze, as if tightly, or crash.

2. It is possible that the matter is in the keyboard. Launch the game and do not touch it, having previously disabled the keyboard. The hotkey combinations may be “worked on”, and as a result, false positives of the keyboard begin. Sticky keys can also occur. Try replacing the keyboard with a different one.

3. Without visible windows, a process is launched, and therefore the windows that are active at this moment are minimized. Download Process Explorer and Autoruns (you need it to control startup). Filemon - performs the function of monitoring file accesses by processes. Download the entire Sysinternals Suite for a deeper system check.

4. There is a possibility of a lack of RAM. This can affect minimizing programs that are especially demanding on computer resources. As a solution to the problem, you can add RAM. Can also interfere Skype programs, RocstarGames.

5. The presence of a virus is another problem. And not just any, but Win32.Sality. Different antiviruses define it differently, but the general name remains the same. What is he capable of, and is it worth treating him urgently? Naturally! This virus is not only the answer to the question that worries you about why games are being phased out. This is the smallest dirty trick he can do. More precisely, just a side effect. Sality infects most of the executable files on your computer, penetrates most files and folders, and also creates copies of itself on removable media. Not only ordinary programs are affected, but also antiviruses, which makes the treatment of a computer problematic. In addition, it performs the functions of an autoloader, spy and keylogger. In addition, the virus blocks safe mode, Registry Editor and Task Manager.

6. If you use a USB modem, then, most likely, it is the cause of game crashes. The fact is that the modem regularly checks for updated drivers on the Internet, and this is what causes the game to be minimized. It is treated simply by uninstalling the program for servicing the modem. There is no problem here. It will work without her. Alternatively, you can type in command line command "msconfig", in the window that appears, go to the "Services" tab and uncheck the box next to "OUC" or another service responsible for updating the modem software.

You can try to figure out the reasons for minimizing windows yourself, now you know where to look for the problem.

It happens that you sit yourself playing your favorite computer toy and suddenly - the window collapsed! You were thrown onto the desktop. Sound familiar? If this happens once a year or a month, then there is no point in paying attention, but if the games are minimized regularly, you need to do something about it. Basically, a similar problem is seen on computers under Windows control 7, although the "ekspishka" sometimes sins with similar "glitches". So why do windows collapse, and what to do about it?


When games at 7 are minimized almost every 3 minutes, there can be no question of comfortable rest and entertainment at the computer. And you don't really think about the reasons for such oddities - you want to quickly remove this "functionality" and relax while completing the next mission or sweat over an exciting online tank battle. This can happen when watching movies and videos in full screen.

So what is the reason why games and videos are being phased out, and where is the root of the problem? The games themselves running in Windows 7 have nothing to do with it. It turns out that there can be countless options. The fault itself is correctly referred to as “spontaneous minimization of active windows”. It can arise both in licensed Windows 7 and pirated build. For some users, games are minimized due to:

  • incorrect operation of programs such as Firewall;
  • Software “work curve” from USB-modem;
  • incorrect functionality of the router's Wi-Fi utility.
  • Due to some driver software.

In any case, the culprit is usually some process, the completion of which (albeit forced), solves the problem.

How to get rid of

It's worth starting by launching the Task Manager. Hold down the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys on the keyboard and select the desired item in the menu that opens. Go to the processes tab of your Windows 7.

Ideally, you should carefully study the entire list for strange processes. But this is not so easy and requires a lot of knowledge. But there are some general recommendations. We will consider them. First, there are two processes: ouc.exe and TWCU.exe.

The ouc.exe process is unlikely to appear if you do not use a USB modem from MTS. If one is connected to your computer or laptop, and the windows are now and then collapsed, then consider that the answer is found! This notorious ouc.exe creates problems on a Windows 7 computer that are similar to the operation of a Trojan horse. In fact, this is a small program that checks for updates to the modem.

If you find this process in yourself, you can forcibly terminate it. If there are multiple processes with ouc letters, terminate all. Go to the game and check the result. If the windows don't roll up anymore, you can congratulate you. But the trouble is that you have to complete ouc at every Windows startup 7. The only way to completely get rid of the interfering process once and for all is to remove all MTS software and refuse the modem.

Still, it is easier to “kill” the process every time it boots. You can automate the process by creating a file in notepad with the following content:

taskkill / f / IM ouc.exe

DEL/ F / Q "% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Connect Manager \ ouc.exe"

replacing USERPROFILE with your username. Save the file to your desktop with a .bat extension. Launching it will close the process.

TWCU.exe - program TP-Link routers... The recipe is the same as in the previous case: stop using the router and uninstall all its software or end the process every time Windows 7 starts.

If it doesn't help

Why else can games be minimized on Windows 7, because the above two examples do not always turn out to be a solution:

  • Open Start.
  • At the Run prompt, type msconfig and press Enter.
  • Examine the list for the item “Realteck HD Manager”.
  • If there is one, uncheck the box and reboot.

Make sure there is no such process in the Task Manager. After that, games on Windows 7 should stop involuntarily minimizing.

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