Crafts from the system unit. Computer crafts - the best homemade toys and stylish decorations from computer elements (100 photos)

Unknown engineer Steve Chamberlin (Steve Chamberlin) decided to change the generally accepted opinion that it is impossible to create a processor with your own hands. More precisely, the processor of a sufficiently complex PC that could duplicate the functions of 8-bit computing devices that became widespread in the early 1980s. At first it was a small project, which eventually grew into something more. Now BMOW 1 is a full-fledged PC based on a homemade processor that runs programs, has a keyboard, VGA video, and an audio system. Software environment for BMW 1 - Basic.

The processor, created by Steve Chamberlin, consists of dozens of the simplest logic chips, so not everything in this PC is wire and textolite. However, all this was assembled by hand, which took Steve several years. As mentioned above, at first he just wanted to create a processor assembled by himself, but in the end he decided to create a working PC that could perform certain tasks.

Steve set several goals for himself, all of which were achieved:

Create a processor from simple elements, chips of the 7400 series were used, without components of the 6502, Z-80 series, etc.;

Keep hardware complexity to a minimum;

The computer was supposed to run "real" programs, not just a "toy";

The processor should become an element of a full-fledged PC system;

The system must be fast enough to launch and run programs interactively.

The idea itself came to Steve in November 2007, and the engineer began to implement it in February 2008. In April 2008, the BMW 1 system started up for the first time, which our creator was incredibly happy about. Gradually, VGA video, an audio system, BASIC, a bootloader were added, which allowed interacting with a connected PC. After a while, BMOW 1 became complex enough to run complex programs. The main work on the creation of BMOW 1 was completed in February 2009, the PC has been finalized to date.

Here are some details about the device configuration:

The current frequency of the processor is about 2 MHz. The processor can be "overclocked" up to 3 MHz (theoretically, not tested yet);

512 KB RAM, 512 KB ROM;

Power consumption 10 Watts, 2A at 5V;

The output picture has a resolution of 512*480, two colors, or 128*240 - 256 colors;

Audio - three-channel sound generator;

Regular keyboard with PS\2 connector;

Additional display for text output, 24 * 2 characters;

1250 wire conductors, i.e. about 2500 connections;

Other details on

If you decide to purchase new computer or it is broken and beyond repair, and you do not know where to put it - this article is for you. It takes a little imagination and effort to fit an unnecessary processor and monitor. Let's look at some options for the transformation of old iron.

Barbecue from the body

To build a brazier, it is enough to separate sidebar system block and take out the insides. This brazier is great for barbecue in the country and is very functional. You can put not only skewers on it, but put a bowler hat for fish soup. Also, it is easy to place a barbecue grill on it.

To transform the monitor into an aquarium, you need to remove all components from it, leaving only the plastic case. Place a glass aquarium in it. The monitor can be left in its usual form or decorated with stones, rhinestones, sequins. Such an element of interior decor will express the originality and extraordinary thinking of the owner.

For the house from the monitor, only a plastic case is needed. Its content depends on what kind of animal will live in it. For a hamster, it is filled with dry grass or sawdust; instead of a screen, a metal mesh is stretched in the form of a door. If the monitor will serve as a bed for a cat, it is covered with a soft cloth inside, and a mattress is placed on the bottom.

A grinder requires a hard disk chip, a part with disks, a motor and a reading head, and sandpaper. Sandpaper is cut out according to the diameter of the disk, fixed with glue and connected to the motor. When using such a device, do not press the knives strongly against the disk.

For the original clock with a pendulum, the motherboard and hard drive are removed from the system unit. A clock mechanism is attached to the textolite and numbers for the dial are glued. A hard disk is used as a pendulum, which is attached to a long perch. Such Wall Clock will not go unnoticed by the guests.

This is a convenient compact thing that allows you not to clutter up your computer with thousands of photos from your mother-in-law's birthday or New Year's corporate party. The server for data storage can be designed in the form of a fabulous casket by placing a hard drive in a wooden openwork box unnecessary computer. On the back of the chest, make holes for the output of wires for connecting to a PC.

This accessory will become a unique thing, making the image of its mistress unique. The keys can be matched with letters that line up in a word. To assemble the bracelet, you will need a fishing line, keys and an awl. With a red-hot awl, holes are made on both sides of the keys and strung on a fishing line, connecting its free edges.

For earrings, you will need keys and fasteners for them. You can select buttons with first and last initials. A hole is made in the upper part of the button, into which the metal hooks of the earrings are inserted. Such a decoration will surely attract attention and enthusiastic looks to their mistress.

Ego can be used as an element of interior decor or play a trick on a work colleague. To create such a lawn, you need to disassemble the keyboard, lay out a layer of cotton wool, lay grass seeds on it. It is necessary to water such a lawn in the morning and in the evening, and in two days the first sprouts will be visible.

Original mailbox will please all the neighbors and emphasize the imagination of its owner. The old system unit must be freed from internal filling and the drive removed. The hole from it will serve as a place for immersing correspondence. Such a design must be fixed on a column and installed at home. For a more attractive look, the box can be painted in a bright color and write a fun inscription.

To do this, you need to remove the processor, motherboard, video card from the old computer and connect them to the TV.

Get gold

Gold is contained in small contact elements motherboard. You can extract it from there using chemical reagents. To do this, they are removed from the board and a series of chemical procedures are carried out. It is worth noting that you can get quite a bit of gold, and the procedure itself is very dangerous.

For such an invention, it is necessary to purchase a TV tuner, connect it to a PC and install a suitable operating system.

To use the cooler on hot days, you need to disconnect it from the system unit, leaving the red and black wires, install it on a stand and connect it to the trigger with a motor.

To make a hinged shelf, you need to unscrew the side panel of the system unit and screw on the loops for attaching such an original piece of furniture to the wall. The shelf can be painted in your favorite color.

Such unpretentious transformations will allow you not to throw an old non-working computer into a landfill and find new original and useful things in everyday life.

Thin ultrabooks, mini PCs and all-in-one devices do not have an integrated optical drive due to lack of space. However, a user who wants to play or burn DVDs will need to external solution with USB connector.

The most inexpensive option is a used desktop or laptop DVD recorder installed in a suitable case. However, compact drives are powered via USB, while larger 5.25-inch models require an additional power supply.

Users who find the usual plastic case too boring can turn their attention to high-end models such as the backlit RaidSonic Icy Box IB-550StU3S (about 5000 rubles on eBay).

Labor intensity: average; costs: 1500 rubles.

Cordless DECT phone becomes baby monitor

Available wireless phone without special efforts and additional costs, you can use it as a "babyphone" and thus control your baby's sleep with great convenience. This only requires a used DECT phone.

Most models, regardless of manufacturer, support GAP technology. You only need to register your old cordless handset to the DECT base station. How this function works on a case-by-case basis is described in the respective instruction manual. In most cases, the PIN code required to connect to the base is "0000".

After registering the handset, find the "Baby Monitor / Direct Call" mode in the menu, which is supported by most devices. Once enabled, the handset can be placed in close proximity to the child. If the sound volume exceeds a certain level, the call will be sent to another device.

Labor intensity: small; costs: no

Router becomes a repeater

An old wireless router can be used in home network as a repeater and thus optimize the quality and range of the wireless network. We'll show you how to reconfigure it.

1. Open the interface of the router through which you connect to the Internet. Usually, for this, in the address bar of the browser you need to enter an address like In the item "System" ("System"), check the version software and download updates as needed.

2. Then, in the "Working Mode" item, check if the "Router" operating mode is enabled. Please note that these items may have a different name in your router.

3. Now with network cable connect the old router to the computer, disconnect wireless connection and open in browser user interface router. If you need to update the firmware, go to the manufacturer's page and download the software for your model to your computer. Then open the “System / Update” item in the menu of the old device and specify the path to the update file.

4. Now in the menu item "Working Mode" ("Working Mode") of the old device, select the operating mode as a repeater. Next, select from the list available networks your home wireless network, enter password. An old router will immediately expand your wireless network. If there is no such item in the configuration of your router, try setting alternative firmware DD-WRT.

Labor intensity: small; costs: no

Turning a monitor into a computer

Do you have a monitor for which there is currently no use? For a little money, you can turn it into a full-fledged computer. To do this, you will need a mini PC such as Compute Stick from Intel (about 7000 rubles).

This "baby", despite the pocket format, is a full-fledged PC with an Atom processor, 2 GB of RAM and Windows 10. It easily connects to a monitor via an HDMI port, a keyboard and mouse can be connected via USB or Bluetooth.

An even more affordable option is the Raspberry Pi computer (about 4000 rubles), but you will have to be content with only Linux distributions.

Labor intensity: average; costs: 4000 rubles.

Search for extraterrestrial life

Is there life outside our solar system? How can the particle accelerator be improved? How will the climate change in the coming decades?

If you want to participate in the search for answers to such questions, you can put your technical means at the service of science. Software platform BOINC UC Berkeley is one of the most famous software systems for organizing distributed computing.

The most famous projects are [email protected]- a search program for extraterrestrial intelligence. To participate in it, you need to install the free BOINC software on an unused computer, connect it to the Internet and allow its use in the computer network.

Labor intensity: small; costs: no

Turning a PC into a media center

You can turn an unused computer or a discarded laptop into a powerful media center without much hassle and additional costs. In this case, two scenarios are possible: you operate the computer as a separate system with a monitor, or you place it near the TV and connect the devices via HDMI ports.

The software used is Kodi (, which many people know by its previous name Xbox Media Center (XBMC).

First steps: in the main menu item "Settings / Appearance", or "Settings / Appearance", on the International tab (" Language settings”), you can select the language, region, and keyboard layout. Then tell the Kodi program where the media files are located. In the main menu, in the sections "Photo", "Video" and "Music" you can specify the path to the data.

Labor intensity: average; costs: no

These PC components should be kept

> HDD: high-capacity drives are always needed and can be used as external HDD.

> RAM: modules random access memory can be easily removed and used to upgrade another personal computer.

> Discrete graphics card: don't throw away the graphics card, keep it as an important spare part.

A photo: manufacturing companies

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crafts from computer disks handmade with children can be an excellent decoration for a children's room or apartment interior:

Smeshariki. The CD has a round shape, and to make it the heroes of a popular cartoon, you just need to cut out the details from thick colored paper - handles, legs, eyes, ears and others.

On the Internet, you can find ready-made templates and just print them. To connect the parts to the disc, use strong glue or a glue gun.

Watches are another easy craft for kids. The disk is the clock face. You only need to make arrows out of cardboard and draw numbers. Decorate the mono craft in any way you wish.

Christmas decorations, wall panels, garlands and even curtains are made from CDs.

Crafts from other computer parts

Before you send a computer that has become unusable to the trash, think about what can be done from its spare parts?

Wonderful crafts can be made from computer wires. Having found detailed master classes on the Internet, you can give a second life to other components.

A useful household craft from a computer fan will be a mini-generator, a small desktop or car blower that will save you from the exhausting heat.