Insider Russian. Inssider - program for searching and scanning available Wi-Fi networks

Inssider is an application whose task is to check and diagnose wi-Fi networks Wireless type, which are located within the reach of the PC, and ultimately optimize the performance of available connections. This utility practically does not cause complications when working. She also does not need installation third-party programs (except Microsoft. Net Framework. 2.0) and inexorably gaining popularity in different countries World. Therefore, users can download Infssider for free in Russian for Windows 7 / 8/10 with a key via torrent and start using software. But it is worth noting that there is no scanner in a portable form, it needs to be fully installed, like many other applications.

When the program is only started by the user, it immediately automatically collects information on all available networks available in free access. The scanner represents the following characteristics:

  • bandwidth;
  • access points within the range;
  • signal strength;
  • performance;
  • MAC address of the router and its developer;
  • types of safety and others.


The application provides information in the form of a table about access points and any device connected to the network. It is able to scan the range of 2.4 / 5 GHz, as well as build graphs and histograms for permanent monitoring of the signal power. The utility easily detects malfunctions in the found network. It indicates the interior items or other interference on the signal path affecting the quality of the connection. In addition, it shows the coverage zone under existing obstacles.

The application will provide information on the geographical coordinates of the wireless network access in the event that there is a GPS receiver in the PC. Any Wi-Fi has separately dedicated channels to transmit information. When the Wi-Fi distribution points are located near each other and transmit information on the same channel, then the quality of communication together with the speed of the network is markedly declining. Inssider can help in this case by defining the least used channel and switching to it.

For work in 7, 8 and 10th versions of Windows There is a function of determining the "dead zones" with an unstable signal. To find them, it is enough to go throughout the building with the program enabled. Such a measure will give to identify the most suitable place for the router and avoid dislocation in advance with a bad connection capabilities. The best decision For the organization of Internet connections in wireless networks.


It turns out that Inssider is fast way Careful analysis of available Wi-Fi networks, and providing the possibility of determining the most appropriate connection. Download this utility does not prevent any user wireless network. Moreover, it applies to free access.

In addition to those mentioned above 2 versions of Windows, the application supports Android and Mac. Selecting the user is provided by 3 Inssider download links for 3 operating systems. The program in which there is already a key is translated into Russian, which makes it easier to make it even more clearly understood the work algorithm. It remains only to wish successful and easy way Permissions of possible problems with wireless networks, as will inspire the functionality of this software Product. Share an article with friends! Thank you!

Main features

  • scanning space and search for available network connections;
  • obtaining information about routers that are within the signal range;
  • provision of information about the MAC address, a router manufacturer, maximum channel width, security type, network name, SSID identifier;
  • creating reports and building visual graphs to assess the performance of the found networks.

Pros and cons

  • free distribution;
  • ease of use;
  • receiving regular updates.
  • english-speaking menu.

Net Scan. Free appwhich scans network ports. It finds all home and public network connected to the computer. With it, you can restore the status of the connection and scan other computers for the existence of open ports.

Lanscope. Free multi-threaded scanner for research local networks. It can scan the address ranges, identify access to and identify access to shared resources for recording and reading.

Network Stumbler. Free utilitywhich can greatly facilitate work with various networks W-LAN. She knows how to determine the range of networks, clearly display the deterioration of the quality of communication and the place of its violation.

How the application works

After the first launch of the program before you should appear Wi-Fi adapterThrough which the network scans will be performed. After that, go to the Networks item. It will feature available networks and a table with several columns:

  1. SSID - network name.
  2. Signal - signal level.
  3. Channel - network channel.
  4. Security - Type of connection protection.
  5. Mac-Address - physical adress Router.


The right window will display the number of connections configured to the same channels, as well as networks whose channels intersect. In order to select the most productive of them, select the channel with the smallest intersection.

Inssider will allow you to quickly find affordable Wi-Fi connection with optimal performance.

Every year there are so many programs that can help do everything you wish. A huge number of applications for testing, checks and tabs. There are software for entertainment and games, work and just everyday help. Today we will learn how to use Inssider.


Do you know a lot of programs that help in the diagnosis of Internet connection? If there are any problems with it, we usually look for the first online service. He is primitive and shows only the basic data.

To get a more detailed analysis, you must install Inssider. This software is designed for using it you can get different kinds of indicators that will continue to help determine the work of the Internet provider.


As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to learn how to use Inssider to those who want to distribute Wi-Fi networks and loading channels. Such software defines the speed and loading of the network, indicates the indicators of the signal strength. Specifies the SSID identifier, the type of protection.

Using the program, you can find out the addresses of access points, equipment manufacturer, etc.


Used utility only in the house or small office. Analyzes Wi-Fi wireless networks. Testing helps to choose the channel gets better and more stable.

Information information collected on private networks with a frequency in the range of 2.405 GHz. If you want to learn about the operation of other household appliances of the Wireless Radionean, microwave oven, etc., then information on how to use the Inssider program, you do not need because software does not work with these types of devices.

These devices usually create interference in the wireless network, so the software cannot determine their work correctly.


As practice shows, experienced userswho love to keep everything under control, this utility is needed in the collection. The tool keeps aware and helps to work with a high-quality network. To use the program, you need to know one detail.

The fact is that the CIS countries work with the 13th channels, and in the US there are two fewer them. If a wireless adapterwhich is connected to the device, should work on the territory of America, then you will have to use only 11 channels: from the first to 11th.

If you use the rest, then there is a possibility that the device does not identify the access point.


Before you understand how to use Inssider, you need to download and install software. Load on the device that uses wireless network Wi-Fi. Do not forget that you need to download the program according to your operating systemso that there are no compatibility issues. You can do it from the official site. From there, as always, safer and the likelihood that you pumped into the virus or advertising system is zero.

It is important to understand that the program interface may differ depending on the versions. But overall it is almost the same for any system.

If on your PC then you also need this package in order to understand how to use Inssider 4. You are lucky if you work with official windows version 10, then this package does not need to be installed because it enters the system.

Library set

It is still important to stay in more detail on Net Framework. The fact is that if you have previously downloaded some programs or games, then, most likely, there is already this set of libraries in the system. Another thing, if you want to install Inssider to the "clean" system. Then you will notice the alert that you need to download a set of libraries.

It is good that this decision will be offered to you automatically. You only need to agree. After that, you need to find the appropriate file on the official website and download it.

Know that setting the library set takes a lot of time. Of course, it all depends on your system. But about 15-20 minutes you have exactly in stock. After install Net. Framework will be successfully completed, you can enjoy the Inssider program.

Beginning of work

The installation itself does not represent anything difficult to install anything difficult. Therefore, it will be enough to follow step by step instructions. But then you can start working and deal with how to use Inssider. Video in Russian is in Youtube, so if you easier perceive visual information, you can watch a couple of guides.

The utility, as mentioned earlier, works with two bands of 2.4 and 5 GHz. It shows in a special table all sorts of networks that could detect. There are extended information for each of them. MAC-address, name, signal strength, etc.

It is possible to connect GPS, which will give information and geographic coordinates. All data is easy to assemble into one KML format file.

The question of how to use Inssider 3 should not arise. Especially if you need superficial diagnostics. The interface is quite understandable. From above placed information about equipment. It is through this device that the scan is passed. To start the process, just click on the "Start" or "Stop" button to pause it.


To receive extended information, you need to use filters. They are below the equipment name. Allow you to sort all unnecessary data. To make the parameters there, click "+", and to exclude from the list, click "-".

You can filter the results by name SSID. It is enough just to enter the device manufacturer. You can also include the username. Thus, the table will remain data on a specific manufacturer and username.

Filter "Channels" will help to sort unnecessary frequency bands. Just enter 2.4 or 5 GHz. Immediately enter the channel number. You may want to receive information on specific options.

In addition, you can filter the information on the type of network and security. In the first case, you need to specify one of the pairs of the proposed options. In the second - to sear an unnecessary security type that you are not interested in this diagnosis.


Learn how to use Inssider, it is not difficult. Just just carefully look at the interface and understand why you need this utility. If you are aware of its tasks, you can easily use filters and make data. After a few minutes of diagnosis, it will not be difficult to understand what the situation with your wireless network, whether the channels intersect whether to change them.

Experienced users advise to scan the wireless network at least once a week. This is caused by the fact that other users can change the settings that affects your work. Therefore, the search for free channel can significantly improve the speed and affect the stability of Wi-Fi.