How to earn money. How to earn easy money? How to make a lot of money? Easy way to make money

Approximately two third population of Russia regularly wonders in earnings. You love to dream long and a lot. In the best traditions of Russian fairy tales. How real is the prospect to earn a large amount of money from a person who never did anything like this? Government, USA, financial crisis and many more who have already scolded repeatedly. Maybe it's time to act independently?

Think about your life. What are your "adventures of a person worker" like? You dreamed about such a life for yourself and our children. So why is the fear of change rolls on hand and legs? The main reason for all our troubles is lazy. You can not even imagine what a huge number of opportunities passes by daily and even hourly!

How to really make a lot of money

In recent years, huge money is rotated in numerous market segments information technologies. The direction of mobile payments is considered the most promising niche for business development not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main customers of high-tech applications for smartphones - companies oriented retail sales of goods or services online. Today, no one will not surprise the purchase of a movie ticket with a gadget. After a few years, the direction promises to grow to unprecedented sizes. With the help of mobile phones, everyone will pay from lunch in a restaurant, before drugs in the pharmacy and environmentally friendly products in the corporate store.

How to make a lot of money without investment

Already in 2050, the population of the planet will grow to 9 billion people. Each of them is interested in ecologically clean vegetables and fruits. Start with small. To make the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products in small volumes, attachments at the start are practically not required. But with a competent, professional approach to the crop, which we collect from six acres, it is quite realistic to increase two, three or more times. Focus on one or two popular cultures and bring your skills to perfection. You will not have time to look around, hire personnel and additional land will need to expand the farm. But the most important thing is that all this can be afforded to the profit from the harvest previously sold.

How to make a lot of money online

The creation of the site is a rather laborious process, which, with the right approach, is able to provide serious and stable profits. We will not count the profits of the owners social networks, online cinemas or shops household appliances National scale. Take the standard site of motorcycle lovers with a stable number of visitors 3000 people every 24 hours. Only for contextual advertising Such a project earns from 20 to 30 dollars a day. Such sources of income on a far from the most popular resource at least two or three. The result makes at least thoroughly think about the prospect of creating a good site.

How to make a lot of money on the stock exchange

Trading on the stock exchange is a business with high potential and minimum start costs. The absence of dissatisfied buyers, nonpumbure suppliers, problems with defective goods, tax service, sanitary station and firefighters - only the top of the iceberg. The most important advantage is the opportunity to earn several dozen, and sometimes hundreds of dollars with just a few moves of the mouse.

Relationships of the solar and bosses are absent as such. The weekend and overtime does not exist. Drinking loaders and suddenly sick sales manager also in the furnace. Without special education, it is also quite realistic to do. At Forex, your estimates in the certificate are not needed. The main thing is the desire to learn and improve the surveyed skills here and now.

How people earn a lot of money

A lot of money often earn entrepreneurs who managed to invent the next know-how. Look back around and think carefully what is missing a spoiled person in reutable various benefits modern world. How to make the hands of millions of people who drink beer in the evenings and watch TV, reached for your product. Why not release the same beer on sale, which opens by pressing the TV console button. Stupid? Not more stupid than telephonewhich shows movies and loses music. A hundred years ago, such a thought seemed to the top of madness. Expensive? But we live in the world not only high, but also available technologies. Everything in your hands, the Lord-comrades.

Tip from earn a lot of money, it is not necessary to be a shareholder of Gazprom. This truth is once confirmed by China, which earns on sales of children's toys is not the highest quality many times more than Russia on the export of oil and products of its processing. Such results are achieved only by stubborn labor and rational distribution of available resources. Universal formula, works not only on the scale of the state, since successfully applies to build business systems of any level of complexity. Create an active and stable demand for products of our own production is the shortest way to big money.

Each user at least once tried to earn through the Internet. The newcomer is always difficult to look for sites bringing income. You should not believe fraudsters promising huge amounts and assuring that no need to learn. What site can make money on? Web resources are much, so they should be divided into several groups.

Which sites you can quickly make money

Newbirds are performed simple tasks In the boxes. Daily income does not exceed 600 rubles. Each user registered in the system can start earning. Remuneration is accrued for surfing, reading advertising letters, passing simple tests, watching videos, publishing comments and other. To get the greatest benefit, you must simultaneously work with several letters.

On which sites you can earn real money by performing tasks? mail sponsor is highly paid orders. Money is displayed in dollars. You can also make money on the sale of articles. SEO SPRINT website offers the user a lot of tasks divided into several categories.

It is convenient to choose a specific type of orders. Socpublic Buc provides not only many tasks, but also a profitable partner system. The performer can receive up to 60% from the reservoirs. The QCComment site offers expensive tasks for huskies and subscriptions. With a plug-in for a browser from the Teaser service, you can earn automatic view banners.

Other letters with instant payments

To register on ProfitCentr, you need to enter the WM-keeper. The "Earn" block is displayed in the left menu. Dynamic links are at the bottom of the page. Transitions on them are paid in rubles. Remuneration for clicks on static links is not accrued.

What site can make money through automatic surfing? SEO-FAST BUX provides users with such a chance. During viewing this section, it is not recommended to turn off the antivirus.

Remuneration is accrued in rubles. IN personal Cabinet You can specify the number of wallets. In order to withdraw funds, you need to get a working status. It is issued when the user is reached 10 rating points.

The best questionnaires

On which sites you can make money schoolboy, a housewife or even a pensioner? Sites with paid polls offer users to fill out a remuneration questionnaires. Participants must be answered by what cars they use than they eat, etc. In the questionnaire there are no correct options. Users express their own opinions.

When registering, Platnijopros site gives a small amount in the form of a bonus. For output, you need to accumulate 300 rubles. Ankenka service sends the questionnaires more often than similar sites. For one user passing, the survey is usually charged 50 rubles. The site is designed for owners of one or more machines.

All questions in the questionnaires on the car theme. The administration of the "Expert Opinion" service promises a remuneration of up to 1000 rubles for each survey passed by the participant. The output of money is carried out on WebMoney or account mobile phone. The Anketer website pays remuneration depending on the user spent time and its rating in the system. Questionnaires send questionnaires 1-2 times a month, so it is recommended to register immediately in several systems.

The best advertising services in social networks

Find out what site you can make money through likes and subscriptions, many users dream. This method Production income is very simple. Each user account can be profitable. For the husky, subscriptions, the joining the group people pay money. Since the work is elementary, reward for completing tasks is minimal.

How to make money on the Internet with social networks? To do this, you must register in one of the advertising services. On the VkTarget website you can add not only personal accounts, but also groups. Money is charged for publishing advertising. The Cashbox service offers not only tasks performed through WebMoney, but also a mobile application.

The Sarafanka system needs to invest. Jobs must be performed through Facebook. For one finished order, 50 cents are usually charged. Most tasks on the Forumok website implies the publication of references to thematic forums. SMMOK advertising service is different large quantity Low payment orders.

Top sites to work with text

Private users often publish reviews, answers to complex questions and advice on the Internet. Many of them do not even think about which sites can earn real money using texts. To do this, choose orders for content exchanges or simply post articles for sale. For someone, such work is a stable source of income.

To get more money, you need to learn to print faster. How to make money on the Internet using texts? To begin with, it is necessary to log in in one of the sales and purchase systems. The ADVEGO site differs from similar services by the availability of easy tasks (invite acquaintances, subscribe, put like). At the Etxt Exchange Exchange, you can sell not only texts, but also photos.

The TEXTSALE site makes the lowest requests for content quality. Articles with several errors or insufficient uniqueness are not rejected. In the bolshoyvopros system you can write answers to questions and receive money for watching. On the Otzovik website you need to publish reviews about services, tours, products, etc. To attract buyers, at the initial stage of sales of finished articles, it is recommended to undersports.

Top game sites

There are many systems, so it is recommended to divide money and create multiple sources of income. In each game that makes a profit, it is necessary to make attachments. Conditions can be different. One game offers to purchase cars. Instead of cars there can be poultry, wild animals, trees and gnomes.

The user receives different products that need to be sold. You do not need to play for hours, you can go once a week and perform all required actions. In this group of sites for earning the most systems created by fraudsters. Therefore, it is recommended to register only in the most popular games. What site can earn a lot of money on entertainment?

In Taxi Money, cars purchased cars work in a taxi. All actions are performed on the machine. Only sometimes it is necessary to take money from safes so that metal boxes do not overflow. In Rich Birds, players sell eggs and perform tasks for which you can get free birds. During registration, silver is issued.

Other sites for earning games

Robot Cash users acquire robots that generate energy. This resource You can sell. The minimum starting fee is 150 rubles.

On which site you can make money for registration? Golden Tea offers to collect tea leaves with purchased bushes. For registration is issued 100 rubles in the form of a bonus. In Golden Mines, users buy gnomes that mining ore. In the game you can find several types of bonuses.

To order payment, you need to accumulate payments. Without them get money will not succeed. Therefore, you need to think immediately, as the user will invite acquaintances and collect points. This system Works in all such games. Restriction of payments ensures the constant flow of money to the reserve.

The best exchanges of Freilance

This method of earnings can be considered if the user is a specialist in any area. He will not have to look for, on which site you can make money without investments. The user will cooperate with the employer directly. Freelance Exchanges offer various ways to produce income. You can create promotional materials, promote sites through forums, publish posts on social networks.

Most often, employers choose experienced professionals. Therefore, without special knowledge, it will not be possible to do. At the initial stage will have to leave many applications. It is recommended to seek work on the most popular stock exchanges. On the WebLancer website, find customers the easiest way, since the service is paid and competition is low.

The KWORK service provides an opportunity to add a new offer. The site is characterized in that the cost of any services is 500 rubles. Workzilla's Freelance Exchange is added easy tasks. To gain access to orders, you must pay 250 rubles. FL service is the most popular free Freelance Exchange in Russia.

Other online earnings options

All of the above web resources will help the user to scor the first money to create their own website. You can immediately start writing texts for the project. At first I will need to work for free. However, the author no longer have to guess, on which site you can make money. Owners of own project owners make it possible to conclude that the efforts spent paid off after 1 year.

The user can also create a channel, add interesting video and enter into an agreement with Youtube. The author will receive a percentage from each show in the rollers of advertising from Google.

Under the video, you can publish links to pictures, music or computer programsuploaded to file sharing. For each download, the user will receive a reward. In order to get more profit, it is recommended to register on several file sharing.

The advantage of earned money before credit is obvious: they will not need to return, and even with interest, but you can safely spend your needs. It happens that a certain amount is urgently required, up to the date of issuance of the official wages. It is not always convenient to handle how to give a duty to friends and acquaintances.

How to quickly make money, accelerately replenish the budget and not get into dependence on the bank or microcredit organization? What ways to solve the problem are the first to come to mind?

Illegal ways to get money is better to discard immediately. Otherwise, the consequences for an intelligent person, not a leaving of the criminal environment, will be frightening and worthy of a novel or a film in the style of Noir.

Legal opportunities for fast earnings abound, you should only choose the most suitable. Even at their disposal of real estate or values \u200b\u200bforces to find part-time engagement on the Internet. Most of the proposals do not require any initial investments.

If you have to deal with online offers once and it is urgent to find a solution to how quickly make money, some win-win options will suit.

How to quickly earn - effective ways

There is work and tasks that are paid on the fact of execution. For example, the teaching of foreign languages \u200b\u200bor the tutoring of schoolchildren provides for the fee for each lesson.

If a person does not boast of deep knowledge of English or history, it is available to simple orders, such as posted on Youdo. With couriers, food delivery, housekeeping and nanny are also usually calculated at the end of the day.

However, the most real way Immediately get money - this is something to sell.

Most dwellings are risening things and forced furniture. Many gifts received for the past holidays are not yet unpacked. First of all, you should pay attention to them. Since the thing has still not used, it is unlikely that it will be needed in the future. An additional advantage will be its novelty and sealed packaging.

Having made several cute photos of the product and make up a concise, but attractive description, they should be placed in the appropriate section on the AVITO or Yula website. Survived things are bought on the day of appearance on the resource. Most often, the buyer comes behind them and takes after payment.

Thus, you can arrange a small auction of unnecessary items and earn without leaving home.

Rent a room, apartment, garage

The owner of the property at a difficult moment is able to start hand over it. Almost any suggestion finds its tenant. Accelerate the transaction will be able to study the average price of the market and a slight decrease in its own rental rates. The advantage of income for the delivery of a room or garage in the initial payment and for the current, and for the last months.

Save on the payment of the realtor will allow the ads of the ads and placement of the offer on the Internet. Many sites offer it to do this.

Lay a valuable thing

The plot of jewels and antiques will be able to rescue for a short time. The rate in the pawnshop ranges from 5 to 10% per month, depending on the amount issued. These are more favorable conditions than in MFIs, but compared with banks greatly lose.

Nevertheless, the money owner of values \u200b\u200bis instantly and when buying a pledge during the week-of-two, it is not particularly affected by high percent. In turn, the pawnshop guarantees the high preservation of things.

If we are talking about a shortage at all small money, I will solve the question of accepting scrap metal or other redemption, how to quickly earn. This idea is not new, but not particularly popular due to the low raw material assessment for processing.

And yet, than throwing it away, it is better to rescue at least a couple of thousand rubles and at the same time free apartment or a garage. Addresses of reception items is easy to find on the Internet.

Write an article (copywriting, rewriting)

Not being a great writer, a competent person can engage in activities such as drawing up descriptions of goods or editing texts. On the sites of Work-Zilla, Copylancer, Advego, etc., hundreds of tasks are laid out every day - both for beginners and experienced authors.

The main thing is to show the effort, spend a sufficient amount of time and accurately fulfill the specified requirements for the text. Most sites have a minimum limit for the output of funds, so the more tasks the performer has time to pass, the faster the necessary amount will accumulate.

Of course, the speed of work should not harm the quality, otherwise the unfairly written text will return to refinement.

Donate blood

Bold people can not only earn, passing blood in a medical institution, but also help the patients. Holders of a rare blood group will surely save someone's life. Often to resort to a similar method of obtaining money is not worth not harmful to your health.

Offer donor services are better in private clinics, where payment is much higher than in government. The basic condition for the donor is the lack of infectious diseases transmitted through blood.

Slit at the child, pet

The work of the nanny or walking dogs will most likely be a neighbor or a familiar person. After all, not only parents consider the heir to their main treasure. The owners of a domestic pet also tremble over him and do not trust the first oncoming.

Recommendations partially contribute to obtaining work, but the decisive moment will be appearance and friendly behavior of the candidate. Nanny should know that many families are installed in the entire apartment chamber and watch the hired employee.

Pet owners are more trusted by the reactions of pets on the person they are engaged. Payment for services is made for the worked hours at the end of the day or once a week.

Talented creative personalities should think about the monetization of their passion. For example, the stylish hand-painted clay dishes decorate the interior of the apartment, and there are many wishing to buy it. Fashionistims will enjoy the belt and shawls beaded or sequins, and young mothers are unusual children's toys.

Pretty profitable business is a cake cooking service for memorable dates and a festive design of the house or restaurant hall. All these offers with bright photos need to be placed on several Internet sites. If the price is quite democratic, customers will appear immediately.

How not to run into fraudsters?

Sometimes in a hurry considering the possibilities how to quickly make money, a person falls in the network of unfair entrepreneurs. They use different ways of deception: they leave products without paying for them; not withdraw from the online service earned funds; Make an order and do not take it.

For some signs, you can calculate such mast businessmen. The most famous "symptoms":

  • the order for production is made remotely, with the performer no one occurs and does not leave an advance;
  • the customer does not leave his address, except for a mobile phone, promising personally to arrive behind the products. Perhaps concerns are in vain, but still worth alerting;
  • payment for the goods exhibited for sale on the Internet is made by transfer to the owner's mobile phone number. It is possible that after receiving the goods, an erroneous translation message will come from the telecom operator, and the money from the account will disappear;
  • at the pledge of values, the official receipt is not issued, and the receipt is written from hand. With great probability, things on it will not be able to succeed even with timely redemption;
  • for tutoring, walking dogs and the work of a nanny salary is constantly delayed, and then they can simply not give;
  • tenants cease to pay for removable accommodation or garage, threatening to contact the tax inspection and report on concealment by the owner of the income. This is easy to avoid, paying income tax at 13%.

Should I take microloans and loans?

To get into dependence on loans in MFIs is easier than simple. They instantly translate money on the map, allowing a person for a while feeling calm. But after two weeks or a month, they will persistently require a loan refund, having survived with enormous interest. What to do, so as not to get into the tricky trap?

First, do not borrow extra money. They will suffer imperceptibly, and they will have to return them with huge accruals. Another important detail is a reduction in loan period. For 3-7 days, the overpayment will be not so significant as for the entire use of the loan.

If you pay off the loan, the fines for the delay will be much higher than the interest in the contract. The debtor will have to take money into another MFI to cover interest in the first, and so it will fall into the real Kabalu.

It is best not to bring the situation to appeal to the microcredit organization, and using its services, to pay back to it.

Permanent clientele and customers who came from acquaintances are more reliable than random people found via the Internet. The level of confidence in them above. With the recommended customers, misunderstandings are also not excluded, but they are easier to settle.

If the goods or service are intended to be a wide range of people, the site design is better to entrust professionals. A beautiful patch with spectacular elements or special effects will produce a great impression on potential buyers.

The quality of the proposed product should be held at all costs. In this case, consumers will repeat themselves and will advertise friends themselves.

With buyers, tenants and other customers who provide earnings, you need to behave extremely politely, even when they are not entirely right. Every day may not be asked and it is better to gently repay them discontent than get involved in the sklock. Hardly after the scandal, a person will contact the order again.

It is not easy to identify scammers, but feeling something wrong, you should immediately finish communication. Intuition often gives the correct signals, it is important to listen to them. There is nothing galloping to interrupt dubious discussion and leave. Much worse to lose money, yielding to provocation.


You never need to fall into despair, even being in a difficult situation. Sadness and sensitiveness of hopelessness are bad advisers. The problem should be discussed with relatives and friends. Some of them can offer help or express useful opinions and support. Close in your troubles wrong. Such behavior will not allow you to navigate and find the right way out.

In the end, many techniques of instant earnings are feasible and do not require great effort. A very worthy step in the eyes of acquaintances will be part-time and solving the problem in this way. The surrounding will begin to consider a person, raising difficulties, strong and responsible.

Perhaps the implementation of the objects made with their own hands will bring fame to the author. The more people find out about his talent, the higher the probability to become famous. So, showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, it will be possible not only to earn money, but also get rid of loneliness and boredom. Let's consider temporary monetary difficulties as a sign start actively acting and getting out the winner of the established circumstances.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "Alma-Press" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge positive and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about the epoch. I offer you articles capable of captivate a new hobby or just give pleasant moments. You need to dream of beautiful, then it will come true!

The secret how to make money is not in high paying work, but in finding extraordinary ways to solve problems of other people. To do this, you do not need a learned degree.

To make your extraordinary thinking work, read about these well-known and not very ways to replenish your budget. In this article you will find many ideas how to make money quickly, as well as several financial advice.

The article is quite volume, if there is no time to read, save PDF and read how time will be.

Resale of goods and services

Sale of used books

Perhaps you have, or your parents familiar have a bookshelf with old books.

Such books can be beneficial to sell. I collected all the information on this topic in this article -

If you speak English, then you should look at foreign online auctions, where you willingly buy books issued in the USSR and in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Bidding on bankruptcy

Very many enterprises and physical. Persons declare themselves bankrupt.

By law, all their property should be sold with bidding.

At such trading, you can buy anything, ranging from apartments, land and ending with cars and TVs, and at a price much lower than the market.

How to earn at bankruptcy auction, I told in this article -

Resale products on AVITO

The earnings scheme is very simple, the only condition - you should know well the goods with which you will work.

Alexander buys guitars, leads them in order and resells.

And Mikhail buys cameras with good optics and resells optics separately.

Attachments in the goods amounted to 17.5 thousand rubles, income - 24 thousand. Net profit, respectively, 6.5 thousand rubles.

Gets a good income. Here is his story -.

Earnings on mediation

Andrei Timeyev in his article told how he earned on mediation.

He resoldled his pallets, he was an intermediary from the brigade of the finishers, he had an intermediary from the foci of the cleaning of snow from the roofs, resell trainers.

8850 thousand rubles for three hours! Pretty not bad!?

If you are attracted by a mediation business, then read -

Real Estate Agency

If you are easy to communicate with people, it is worth paying attention to an interesting business based on the delivery of rooms or apartments.

Collecting applications from landlords and reselling this information to tenants, you can well earn, you can work without an office.

The first month, was incredibly difficult, and we managed to pass only eight rooms.

Read this real story -

Participation in research

Register in Focus Groups

From time to time on the Internet, announcements appear on the search for participants for a variety of studies.

It can be a focus group on hair paint testing or, for example, testing electronic cigarettes.

Be careful and carefully choose the employer, in this area there are many scammers. Good vacancies can be viewed.

Participation in Medical Research

If you are not afraid of doctors, you can earn in this way.

In some studies you may be asked (especially if you have some kind of disease) check new treatments or medications that may have negative side effects.

In other studies, they may ask for participants to carry out exercise without any long side effects.

Work can be found through the search engine, a lot of vacancies. Here is an example of such a job:

Participation in marketing research

Become a secret buyer

This means evaluate the products and services of companies and organizations without their knowledge.

On average, one task can earn 150 rubles, per day you will most quickly perform 2-3 tasks

Photographing goods

Millionagents are a permanent set of secret checking. Upon receipt of the task, you will need to go to the specified stores and take a picture of certain goods, sometimes fill out the questionnaire and answer questions.

More information about this method can be read in my article -

Running online polls

Open your artistic possibilities

Sale of photos

If you have a camera and a good feeling of light, color and composition, you can do and sell stock photos. That is, ordinary photos that buy sites and printed publications for their articles.

The main star of this industry Yuri Arkurs, according to some estimates, earns several million dollars a year.

Photos of the surrounding area (trees, houses, streets) are easier to do, but they are not sold very well, but the photo of people (for example, people argue, people kiss, people laugh) usually sell better, as they are in great demand.

Sale of drawings

If the photo is not your horse, you can try your hand in creating caricatures and cartoons on well-known people. Such work is well bought at the photos.

Mikhail Wet Trennev draws cartoons and sells them.

Dovald Trump drawings - 74 downloads, 91 dollar earned.

Read about it in his article.

Sale of drawings and photos to create postcards

Greeting cards are very popular in America. There are sites that buy photos, expectations and ideas for creating new postcards.

I found 10 companies that you can buy your creativity. Someone pays a fixed amount - $ 50 per postcard, someone pays percentage from every postcard sold.

Sale Sketches for Tattoo

Like creating sketches for tattoos? This can earn. There is a special site where you can sell your work. For one sketch you can get $ 300, how do you like such a prospect?

Sale of photographs of nature

If you are an experienced photographer who makes high-quality photographs of nature and the animal world, then you have the opportunity to sell your work by Antician global companies working in the sphere of the photobusiness.

So, National Geographic, Animals Animals, Nature Picture Library and others.

Prices for example:

Royalty FREE - $ 500 per photo.

RML - $ 360 for the site for a year in one photo.

About how to do it, I tell in this article -

Creating designs for T-shirts

Invent the design of a print for a T-shirt, place it on a special site, get a percentage from sales. Even I, without having drawing skills, created several prints and earned on them.

If you are familiar with English, you can earn more:

Hendmade (needlework)

If you even know how to make a little like, think about selling your crafts on the Internet.

For people who know how to work with their hands, the Internet is a great place to sell their works.

I have a series of articles in which the masters tell how they earn on Hendmade. Choose a suitable way for you and earn:

Earn on your hobbies

Create a blog

Of course, competition in the online world is very big, but there is one thing that allocates a good website or blog is the dedication and enthusiasm of its creator.

Many site owners pay too much attention SEO and keywordsBut if you write about what really matters for you, then you go far from your competitors.

I prepared for you a few articles on this topic:

Earnings on games

Do you like to play games? You can earn on your hobby.

The top player in League of Legends can receive from 120 thousand dollars a year, and excluding prizes.

You can sell weapons or skins, you can earn money on cutters or make a video about the passage of the game, you can write about games for various game sites.

All this and also a bunch of ways to make money on games in my article -

Earnings on video

If you are passionate about the handful of something, then create a channel on YouTube and tell about your passion to others.

Over time, you will come to popularity, and with it and great earnings.


If you like to create, invent something new, then try your hand in nemine. Inspecting titles and slogans for sites, companies and organizations.

Top Nemer Freelancers on the stock exchange earn 10-25 thousand rubles. For completed order.

Comments on movies

This way of earning will be interesting to lovers to watch movies on the Internet. Some online cinemas pay several rubles for the comment on the film.

You can combine a pleasant with useful -


Do you like to do photo? Is there an instagram account? Turn it into a profitable business.

I made the translation of the articles of the famous American marketer, in which he tells in detail how to turn his account in Instagram, in a profitable business.

Its account is filled with beautiful paintings from her life. And last year, she earned about 120,000 pounds sterling.

Sale of their culinary recipes

Do you love to cook? This can earn. Take a picture and send photos with the recipe for special sites.

Writing reviews about goods

Many online stores willingly pay such services. Product reviews are a great way to make money and this work does not require greater artistic talent and literary training, this is different from many other works on writing articles.

Personally, my greatest record in this direction is 100 rubles for feedback in 150 characters. If you take an average, since I work directly, then 100 rubles for 1000 characters.

Here are some articles on this topic - - -

Write texts for sale

On the Internet there are a huge demand for high-quality texts of various topics. Start working with copywriter. How much can earn on the twist, you can read.

Part-time job

Pet walking

Walking a few dogs in the park during the week is good way Have fun, get a little exercise and get acquainted with new people and in addition to everything earn a little extra money.


If you are young and full of energy, you can work a promoter. It will be necessary to hand out leaflets and participate in the presentations of goods.

All the subtleties and complexity of this work are described in this article -


You can make some money, in your free time or work time, becoming a courier.

You can register as a courier on the site delivered and you will receive tasks to your smartphone. What you need to do and how much they pay you learn from this article -

If you do not work in your city, you may be interested in the work of the courier in Pizzeria. Want to know the whole truth about this work?

Minor repairs

You are well versed in the computer or know how to repair the plumbing, there are many people who need your help. Where to find orders I described in this article -

Growing and selling their products

If you have your own land, you can establish

And you can take a few hectares for rent and organize

Become an entrepreneur

From the outside, all this seems very difficult and incomprehensible, but in fact, entrepreneurship is common work with its advantages and minuses.

Anyone can become an entrepreneur would be desire.

My site has several articles in which entrepreneurs talk about their experience.

Cleaning of premises

A simple premises cleaning business can bring 120 thousand rubles per month. And you do not have to carry a mop, everyone will make hired employees.


Another variant. You can take courses of massage therapists and earn 60 thousand rubles per month. How do you like this perspective?

Mikhail Wet Datnis kindly shared his experience as a massage therapist -


Maybe you have a good camera? You can make a good photo. Yes, now mad competition, and everyone has photoppers in smartphones, but there are still free niches where you can earn.

His coffee shop

You probably thought, but no, it's not for me, here you need a lot of money. You're wrong.

For the launch of the mini-foam you will need no more than 200 thousand rubles.

Andrei Timofeev tells -

Profit per month reached 42 thousand rubles. After half a year he paid off all costs.

Business at home - manicure

The feast after a divorce did not lower his arms, but learned on the manicure masters and created a successful home business.

His pizzeria

Serious business with serious income.

You will need about 400 thousand rubles for the start. If you do everything correctly, you can count on a clean profit of 120 thousand rubles per month.

Creating and distributing advertising leaflets

You can offer firms to the distribution of advertising leaflets on the mailboxes of the city's residents.

It seems that this business is not very profitable, but in fact, you can earn up to 70 thousand rubles per month.

Unusual ways to earn money

Only people do not earn. I will give a few examples.


The work is not easy and requires certain qualities of certain qualities. But you can quickly make money and do not require special knowledge.


There are hunters for meteorites. Meteorites are very expensive and there are people who are engaged in their search.

If you are a creative and creative personality, then these ways will be interesting for you.

Creative contests

You can shoot short videos on a given topic and win monetary prizes.

Website Eyeka.

This is a free website with a community of more than 250,000 authors from 154 countries of the world. The site holds creative contests in various fields: animation, video, graphic design, design of labels and packaging, illustration, writing script, writing art, photography.

Very big competition, but prizes are very good.

For example, a contest:

Task: How can you give the idea of \u200b\u200bChinese youth about what they can get a powerful charge of energy, taking a shower!


  1. Prize 4000 €
  2. Prize 2000 €
  3. Prize 2000 €
  4. Prize 1000 €
  5. Prize 1000 €

Ideas for postcards

There are sites that pay for original ideas for postcards.

If your idea is winning, then you will receive from $ 50 to $ 500.

Competitions on the Internet

You can find and participate in simple competitions carried out by the owners of sites.

Most often it is a competition for the best commentator. Typically, the win is from 100 to 300 rubles.

Model for Titigram.

Tittygram startup sells photos with girlfriends. Naturally, the girls are also earned.

The fee record set by one of the models is 15,000 rubles in one day.

By what criteria there is a selection of models and technical requirements for photos, you can learn from my interview with the founders of the service -

Web model

Working a web model on a special site where girls models communicate online with registered users and get money for it.

Use the law of supply and demand

Most of us are familiar with the law of supply and demand - if the product (or service) is presented in large quantities, it is cheaper and, on the contrary, the more unique product (or service), the more expensive.

We do not apply the law of supply and demand in our own life - in particular, our career. For example, if you strive to do what many other people are already doing (and do it for free, as a hobby), then you will be harder to earn on it.

On the other hand, if you do what most people do not want to do or do it better than others, then you can earn much more money.

If your goal is to earn enough money to retire earlier, It is necessary to put the priority direction - earnings of money, and not satisfaction from work.

If you are planning to get out of rat runs early, then you will have to do it anyway.

You should look at the types of work on which they pay a lot, but with difficult working conditions. If you can control your expenses, while holding them at a low level, and do it for 10 years, then you can make savings for modest, but early, pensions or supplement your income. You will do what you really love and not badly bother.

But keep in mind to achieve this, you will need a clear setting of goals and strong will.

Admit that time is money

In the end, you can come to the point when your assets will do all the work for you, and you will just stay and count money!

Watch for inflation, it gradually destroys your assets.

Inflation makes today's money is valuable in the future. To defeat the race with time and inflation, learn how to invest your money in the right places.

Savings accounts can help you keep up with inflation, however, to go ahead, you must invest in bonds, promotions or other investment mechanisms that return tools above the average inflation.

  • Save money. All extra money that you will earn, will not bring you any use if you can not save
  • Work on the elimination of any debts that you can be. If you have a big debt load, you earn money to someone else. The sooner you pay off your loans and debts, the faster you stop throwing money to the wind
  • Start analyzing your decisions from the position of a commercial firm. In the economy, the goal of the company is to increase profits. Well managed firms spend money only when they expect returns from their investments and they distribute their resources into the most profitable niches. Of course, you are not a firm and you think differently, but if you spend most of your money on investments that will bring you high income, you will earn more money and this is good news for shareholders (you and your family).


  • Beware of schemes promising instant enrichment! Millions of people still come across such tricks. If something sounds too good to be true, it really is bad
  • Do not miss sight of what is really important for you in search of money. Of course, you can earn more if you work more, but will you get your family satisfaction from such additional money?

Money can do a lot for you but Do not forget about your health - it is invaluable.

useful links

In addition to the information above, I want to recommend you read the book of Robert Kiyosaki - a rich dad, poor dad, it will guarantee your worldview and attitude towards money.

I also recommend subscribing to channels of two millionaires - Oscar Hartmanna and Evgenia Chernyaka . They take interviews from successful entrepreneurs. See how people think about the Forbes list.

And do not forget about self-education -.

We continue to study the course "Magic Magic". You will learn how to get a lot of money. You will be opened rare technique that enjoy the richest planets!

So, we approached the main principle of our practical abundance!

What do you need to do to get a lot of money?

After us, with the help of various aspects of the magic of money taught themselves correctly treating money, learned the main principles of prosperity, and eliminated various blockages that prevent large amounts of money, we can move to immediate magical work.

This method allows you to quickly and confidently get the desired amount of money.

Research has shown…

During the experiment, one group of volunteer students was engaged in manual recalculation of paper strips, and the other was a bill of $ 100.

After that, the participants asked to lower their hands in hot water and keep them there as possible. Hriing endurance of students who considered dollars turned out to be higher.

Scientists from the University of Minnesota emphasize that manual recalculation of money increases human self-esteem. At the same time, the content of endorphine is increasing in the body - powerful natural anabolic.

American scientists from the School of Public and International Relations named Woodrow Wilson at Princeton University found out how much money you need a person for happiness.

It turned out to be easier to treat life troubles, you need to earn 75 thousand dollars a year. Scientists say that speech in this case, It is about the state of overall satisfaction with his life, and not about a specific emotional lift and mood, which changes during the day.

Main method, how to get a lot of money!

It is time to remember the first step, which we have already done. So:

  • we calculated how much money we need for satisfactory life;
  • we firmly know what exactly we will spend them;
  • we also multiplied this amount for ten.

For example, it turned out 100,000,000 rubles. Now we will work on attracting this amount to your life.

The more you order in a space bank¹, the more you get. Such is the law of this bank. But often give ten times less than asking. This is already tested by many people. Therefore, we order ten times more money than we need.

Practice this technique every day in the morning and in the evening, and you soon replace how money will start coming into your life.

The more energy and time you put in this exercise, according to, accordingly, get this money or ideas to get faster.

The most favorable time for exercise - morning, immediately after waking, and evening, immediately before bedtime.

So how to get a lot of money?

During the exercise, your eyes should be closed, and the muscles of the whole body are as relaxed as much as possible. Exercise is desirable to perform in a well-wedrid room.

1. It is important to establish a connection with the cosmic energy of prosperity. To do this, it is necessary to imagine that the breath goes through the head of the head, and mentally pronounce the prosperity formula: "Om-Shing-Ma".

2. It is to imagine that during the inhalation in the top, a green beam of dazzling money energy is poured. This energy is impregnated with the smell of fresh bills. During the exhalation, the energy of money fills the whole body. It is necessary to fill in this green energy of prosperity.

3. Fit this way for 5-10 minutes, and feel a significant influx of space energy prosperity and smell of money in your body.

4. Then in his imagination to imagine that the amount of money is needed in front of you, multiplied by ten. Imagine money as brighter as possible, and in the largest bills, and even better in sealing packs of money (first learn what amount lies in these packs).

5. Take this money in your imaginary hands, feel the feeling of hands from touching the imaginary money. Feel the smell of money, as much as possible to feel the presence of money.

6. Thank the Universe for the fact that she has already given this money, and you can fulfill all your desires on them. Thank you for saying that now your opportunity has increased significantly.

7. Start mentally, with the help of imaginary hands, recalculate these bills (you can open packs or packs). Recalculate them: one thousand, two thousand, ten thousand, a million, etc.

8. Represent how hands are moving bills and packs of money. Feel possession. The more bright feelings, the faster these images are materialized in real life.

9. Complete the process requires 10 minute repetition of mantraxy "Om-Shing-Ma".

Now you know how to get a lot of money! Practice this technique every day in the morning and in the evening, and you soon replace how money will start coming into your life.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Mantra - the sacred text in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jain, usually requiring accurate reproduction of sounds, its components (