What is wireless lan. WLAN: what is it, how it differs from Wi-Fi, WLAN in the phone

Nowadays, there is an increasing need for access to information on the Internet at any time and anywhere in the world. This opportunity is provided by technology wireless connection WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). This technology does not use wired systems to connect and transmit information, but radio frequencies, this allows a huge number of users to be on the Internet at the same time.

In principle, this is a regular wireless Internet that can be used not only from a laptop or tablet, but also from a smartphone.

Today, this convenience is available in most modern models of various manufacturers. You can use the function for free and regardless of whether the device has a SIM card or not. The connection can be made in the "Wireless networks" settings while in the range of the access point. The only drawback of this technology is that in a Lenovo smartphone, like in any other mobile device, during a session like wireless connection the battery runs out quickly.

Setting up a wireless connection

When purchasing smartphones from Chinese manufacturers, many users do not take into account the existing in almost all mobile devices Wi-Fi technology, which makes it possible to use the Internet through hotspots or access points.

Nowadays, many establishments provide the opportunity to use the Internet for free. But how to activate this function on your phone? The instructions below tell you how to set up in your Lenovo in a couple of minutes wireless communication with the internet.

  1. It is necessary that the smartphone has been configured for GPRS in advance.
  2. Find the Wi-Fi or WLAN icon in the device menu.
  3. Open, and the menu that appears, select "Search available networks».
  4. Select the icon of an unblocked network.
  5. In the options, check the "Connect" item.

If everything is done correctly, then Lenovo smartphone will connect to a free network and the corresponding icon on the screen will turn green or blue. After such a connection is made, you need to go to the browser and use the Internet.

In the options, you must select a network profile and "Profile mode" click the "Custom settings" button. Next, you need to select a SIM card through which you will access the Internet, and in the "Java Profile for SIM" press WLAN and OK, then select "Start". This completes the connection, and now you can freely use the Internet.


While talking about all the advantages of free wireless internet access, you shouldn't forget about the disadvantages. The point is what is using wifi in public places, implies unsecured connection as there is no need to enter a password.

Consequently, other members of the local network can see the Internet resources you visit and the data entered, and attackers are able to intercept them for their own purposes. Therefore, it is not advisable to enter passwords in such places and conduct financial transactions.


WLAN - what is it and how to use it? How to connect and configure WLAN?

18 March 2014

Today, users increasingly need to gain access to the resources of the world or corporate network from anywhere on the map of the city, country, world. Provide opportunities for comfortable work and entertainment, information search using a computer, laptop, mobile phone when you are out of the office or at home, wireless technology allows. By far the most famous in the world local network using such technology is WLAN. What is, how does this network function and how is it connected? You will find the answers to these questions by reading the article below.

Wireless network concept

WLAN stands for Wireless Local Area Network, which means "wireless local area network" in Russian. In the course of its work, it does not use cable networks to establish communication and transfer data (as in the case of a conventional wired connection), but radio frequencies. This makes it space-independent and available for a large number users. Most popular on this moment the technology for transmitting information over radio waves is Wi-Fi.

Communication between WLAN and Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is an acronym for Wireless Fidelity. Through the use of this technology, users gain access to the network throughout its coverage area. Most laptops are marked with Wi-Fi, which means they are WLAN compatible.

What is wireless coverage and what does it depend on? This is nothing more than a Wi-Fi coverage area within which users can roam without breaking the connection. Typically, the signal transmission distance is about 100 meters. It depends on many factors, in particular - on the number of obstacles and their type. In any case, WLAN is a more reliable way of connecting than cable networks. At the same time, the number of users is practically unlimited, and the range of operation can be expanded by establishing overlapping (additional) access points and increasing the number of users in one zone.

WLAN in the phone

Access to the virtual network can be obtained not only from a computer / laptop, but also from a mobile one. What is WLAN in my phone and how do I use it? In essence, this is the usual wireless Internet, but not on a laptop, but on your mobile phone. This function is now built into all modern models and can be very convenient. For example, you can use Wi-Fi while sitting in a cafe or waiting for your flight at the airport - in general, in any public place where there is an appropriate coverage area. At the same time, using the service, as a rule, is free of charge and does not depend on the presence / absence of a SIM card. The only negative is that the battery runs out quickly enough. You can connect Wi-Fi (WLAN) in the phone settings "Wireless networks" if you are within the range of the access point.

Benefits of WLAN

Local wireless networks are used as an extension or alternative to cable networks. Their installation is absolutely justified and, moreover, it is recommended in the case when cable routing is economically inexpedient and inconvenient. Installing a WLAN saves money and time in wiring. Thus, we can highlight its main advantages:

  • providing access to the network and the Internet regardless of the user's location (freedom of movement + freedom in obtaining information);
  • simplicity and fast speed building;
  • low cost of use;
  • the ability to easily expand the network;
  • compatibility with various types / models of devices.

It is difficult to overestimate the advantages of a wireless network (whether it is used indoors or outdoors), and therefore setting up a WLAN in an apartment / house is an excellent solution for providing a comfortable Internet experience, especially if several family members need access at once. Below is a guide on how to connect it.

Connecting and configuring a WLAN network

What is home wireless network and from what elements is it built? It will consist of a modem / router (access point) and one or more computers (clients). It is assumed that you already have a modem or router, connected to the Internet and the required WLAN driver (if required, it can be easily downloaded from the network for any model of wireless adapter).

First, you need to position the router correctly:

Step by step guide

We proceed to setting up an access point (that is, a router):

  1. We go into any browser and enter the IP address of our modem in the address bar. You can find it in the documentation that came with the device. Press the Enter button.
  2. We are asked to enter a username and password. They can also be found in the related documents. Usually the default pair is admin / 1234 (but may differ).
  3. We get to the main menu and find the WLAN item. How do I connect a wireless network? Opposite Wireless Lan, put a check mark to activate. V next line Name (SSID) enter the name of your network (under which it will be shown in the list of available networks). Next, write the name of the region, and set Auto in the Channel field. Click "Apply".
  4. Go to encryption settings ( different methods). Open the Wireless Settings tab and select WPA (or WPA2) - this security protocol is better than the outdated 802.1x. Next, you will need to enter a password (depending on the router model, it can be called differently - Pre-shared Key / Security Ecryption, etc.). It must be at least 15-22 characters long. Click "Accept".
  5. Now you need to register the names of those devices for which access to your wireless network will be open. Select them from the list of connected equipment in the Setup Access List (Advanced / Wireless Settings menu).
  6. The final touch: put a tick in front of the Turn Access Control On item. Yours is ready secure network Wlan.
  7. What is VPN? This is a private virtual network between an access point (router) and a computer, which is recommended for secure data transfer within the network. For this there is the Hotspot Shield program.
  8. To configure all client computers on the network, use the setup wizard and set all the parameters that the access point uses.

By following the instructions above, you will be able to configure your own wireless WLAN, which is protected by strong encryption. Now you have your own Wi-Fi coverage at home - and the use of the Internet becomes even more convenient and easy.


WLAN is short for of English language which refers to wireless LAN, an expression that can be translated as wireless LAN... As the denomination points out, WLAN is network local type, equipment which does not need to be connected with cables to connect.

WLAN is a special type LAN : computer network, formed by units located in a geographic space of reduced size. While computers (computers) that are part of a local network are connected to each other or to a router using cables, on a wireless LAN, the connection is made using radio frequency waves .

Since they are wireless networks WLANs generally allow users to have widespread mobility as they do not rely on cables or physical elements that remain on the network. The absence of cables also helps to keep order or organization in the office or the environment in question.

An example of a WLAN is a wireless network that is installed in a home using technology WiFi... Let's say there is a computer in the bedroom, another computer in the dining room, and a third laptop. All three computers have wireless network cards and are linked through a wireless access point (a device known as WAP). Thus, a parent who uses a computer in the dining room can send a photo to his son, who uses a computer in the bedroom. At the same time, both can exchange files with whoever is using the laptop.

There are two main problems or weaknesses with, shall we say, WLAN:
-Security. It is believed to be much more vulnerable than other networks, so every possible precaution must be taken to prevent anyone from gaining access to it. Hence, choosing, for example, what encryption is and using different keys and algorithms.
-Speed. Likewise, there is still a much better WLAN in this regard. And it is believed that at present it has not yet been possible to achieve the speed that they offer and have other types of local networks.

Faced with these disadvantages or weaknesses of the WLAN, we can highlight the most noticeable advantages, some of which you have already intuitively understood to some extent:
-In business it makes it possible that any employee can get information from any part of the same from your position and immediately. This is a circumstance that no doubt makes a significant contribution to making your job easier and also to a significant increase in your productivity.
While this can lead to higher costs in the beginning in many cases, in the long run it means a much more profitable investment.
- WLAN is very quick and easy to set up, so you can use it immediately.
“Likewise, the changes that need to be made are very easy to implement.

  • change

    The verb "fix" hints at fixing a bug or fixing something. For example: "The main challenge facing the government is to change public accounts", "The leaders of both countries intend to change the link", "There are mistakes of the past that, unfortunately, cannot be corrected." A change action can refer to a physical (material) or abstract (symbolic) location. Suppose a child falls while playing soccer and his pants break at the level of his left knee. His mother, in this situation, decides


  • elegy

    Elegy is a poetic composition belonging to the lyric genre, which in Spanish is usually written in free verse or in tercets. This subgenre is associated with regretting the death of a loved one or any event that causes pain and sadness. Greek and Latin poets, however, also dealt with pleasant themes in their elegies. In literature, narrative genres allow the ordering of elements that are part of a literary taxonomy, and names


  • title

    From the Latin titŭlus, a title is a term or expression that conveys the title or theme of a work, be it a book, disc, film, etc. For example: “The Lost Symbol” is the title of Dan Brown’s last novel ”,“ An artist is working on a new album whose title is not yet known ”,“ The name of the television program had to be changed after the accusation of plagiarism. ”In cinematic matters, we can clarify that in addition to this name, which gives the“ name ”to the film itself, there are also so-called credit titles. for list expression or cn

Hello! I used to use home Wi-Fi without any problems, but when I bought a new smartphone, this became impossible. At first I could connect to the network, then I started to write "WLAN connection error", I rebooted the router, smartphone, nothing changed, then I saw the notification "The current network is not connected to the Internet, tap to fix it", I pressed, put a checkmark, it was everything is fine for a couple of days, then it began to knock out an error.

The notification appeared again three weeks later somewhere, I accidentally removed it, now I don't know what to do at all. I called the provider, told me to return the phone to the factory settings, and that's it. But the catch is that everyone can connect to the network except me. And my phone can connect to networks other than my home one.


Hello. If other devices connect and work to your router without problems, then the problem is not with the router, and even less with the provider.

You first need to try deleting your Wi-Fi network on your smartphone. Click on it, support and delete (or otherwise). For some reason, you didn't even write what kind of smartphone you have. After deleting, you need to connect to your home Wi-Fi networks again by entering the password. The "WLAN connection error" should disappear.

If this does not help, then you need to use the advice of the provider - to reset the settings on the smartphone to the factory settings.


Efforts to improve data transmission technology are more about ease and convenience. Whenever possible, we always want less effort to communicate with others. Modern technological advances make it possible to transmit and receive digital information without physical connection wires or fiber optics. Of course, for network administrators and engineers, nothing is more easy and convenient than wireless connectivity.

WLAN, short for Wireless LAN and sometimes called Wireless LAN, is a network of computers several hundred feet away that uses high-frequency radio signals to send and receive data. The network can also connect multiple computers to a central information system, printer or scanner. This enables mobility in the network (internet), which also helps to avoid the use of cumbersome and inconvenient cables for communication. IEEE 802.11 is the primary standard for wireless LANs.

In principle, a WLAN allows peer-to-peer and / or point-to-point data transfers, such as LAN-to-LAN, WLAN-to-LAN, or even WLAN-to-WLAN, in a relatively small area (building or campus). Regular local area networks usually use twisted pair, coaxial wires, or in some cases optical fibers. The WLAN gets rid of these physical connections and instead uses electromagnetic waves to send and receive data over the network. Potentially, the transfer rate is not as fast as that provided by a regular LAN, but for most users, average and industry professionals, the slow transfer rate is a minor limitation.

WI-FI stands for Wireless Fidelity. This term is actually the name brand used to label products belonging to the WLAN device category. Devices or equipment marked with the WI-FI trademark are based on the standards specified in IEEE 802.11. In most cases, WI-FI is viewed by most as synonymous with the actual standard itself.

An association of companies around the world called "Union WI-FI" supports WLAN technology and related products. This alliance also certifies various hardware and devices as long as they meet interoperability standards. It should be noted that there are many devices that do meet the standards but are not certified by the WI-FI Alliance and therefore do not have the WI-FI logo. The reason for this is the cost and hassle of the certification procedure.

A WI-FI device (ready) effectively means that it is WLAN ready. Such devices range from desktop computers, laptops, notebooks to smartphones, palms and other small devices.

1. WLAN is a type computer network in a relatively small area that excludes the use of physical means of interconnection.

2. WI-FI is the brand name for branded devices that comply with IEEE 802.11 standards.

3. Devices in WLAN essentially use branded WI-FI products.

4. Finished WI-FI device simply means it is WLAN-ready.