Writes an insecure connection what to do. What to do if a message appears in Firefox "Your connection is not secure

Mozilla Firefox is a more robust browser that lacks stars in the sky, but does its job just fine. Unfortunately, very often Firefox users may encounter various kinds of complexities... In particular, we will talk about the problem "Your connection is not secure".

The message "Your connection is not secure" that appears when you try to access a web resource means that you tried to switch to a secure connection, but Mozilla Firefox was unable to verify the certificates for this website.

As a result of this, the web browser cannot guarantee that the open web resource is safe, and therefore it blocks entry to the site of your choice.

Bug fix

Date and time setting

If the problem with the "Your connection is not secure" window has become urgent for many web resources at once, then the first thing you should do is to start checking the correctness of the date and time on your computer.

If the date is set incorrectly, click on it with the left side of the mouse and in open menu select the "Date and Time Options" section. In the open window, it is worth activating the sections "Set time automatically" and " Automatic installation time zones ". If the date and time are still displayed incorrectly after enabling these options, disable these options, and then manually enter the desired date and time.

Scanning System

Very often this important message can appear due to the activity of spyware on your computer.

  • In this option, you should enable the full system scan mode on your computer for the presence of a virus P.O. This can be done both with your antivirus and with special utility, for example, Dr. Web CureIt.
  • If viruses are found at the end of the scan, cure or remove them, then reboot the system.

Destroying the certificate store

On the computer, the browser profile folder contains all information about the use of the browser, including certificate data. It can be understood that the certificate store is slightly damaged, and therefore we will be deleting it.

  • First, click in the right upper corner on the browser menu button and in open window select the icon with a question mark. In the same area, auxiliary menus will open, in which we need to click on the item "Information for resolving problems". In the window that appears in the "Profile folder" column, click on the "Show folder" section.
  • Go to the profile folder and close Firefox completely. In the same profile folder, we need to find and delete the cert8. db.
  • After this point, you can start Firefox again. The browser itself will make a fresh copy of the cert8. db, and if the problem was in a corrupted certificate store, the problem will be resolved.

Antivirus settings

Many antivirus applications that provide network security have the feature enabled scan SSL, which can create the appearance of the window "Your connection is not secure" in the browser.

To find out if antivirus or other protective program cause this problem to appear, stop it, and then try refreshing the page in your browser and check if the error disappears or not.

If the error disappears, then the problem is only with the antivirus program. In this case, you only need to disable the function in the antivirus, which is responsible for SSL scanning.

Working with antivirus software

Configuring Avast

Let's open the antivirus program menu and go to the "Settings" item. Let's open the "Active protection" section and click on the "Configure" item near the "Web Shield" part. Uncheck the box "Enable HTTPS scanning", and then save the changes.

Configuring Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Let's open the menu of the Kaspersky anti-virus program and go to the "Settings" item. Click on the "Additional" tab, and then go to the "Network" section. Opening the "Scanning encrypted connections" tab, you will have to check the box next to the "Do not scan encrypted connections" item, and then you can save settings.

For other antiviruses, you can see the manipulation of disabling scanning of a protected and unsecured connection on the creator's website in the help section.

Operating system update

The certificate verification system is performed by certain services that are built into operating system Windows. Such services are always changing, in this regard, if you do not immediately install updates for the system, then you may encounter the problem of checking SSL certificates in the browser.

To check Windows for updates, open the "Control Panel" menu on the PC, and then go to the "Security and System" tab - "Center Windows updates».

If certain updates are found, they will immediately be shown in the window that appears. You will need to install all updates, even optional ones. So we learned how to remove a secure connection, and why such a problem arises.

Mozilla Firefox has long established itself as a reliable and stable browser. In the event of any malfunctions or vulnerabilities, it warns the user by displaying appropriate notifications on the screen. One of these is "your connection is not secure" in Firefox. How to fix this and access the site, read the article.

What does notification mean?

The message "Your connection is not secure" occurs when you try to go to a web resource with a secure connection, for which Firefox was unable to verify certificates. Since the check failed, the Internet browser warns that the connection may be dangerous and blocks entry to the site using this notification.

Sometimes, the browser can block the connection of popular sites, such as yandex.ru or youtube.com. If you trust the site, and for some reason the browser has blocked it, you can turn off this notification.

How to disable?

If your notification appears on several sites, do the following manipulations.

Check the correct time in Windows 10:

Disable SSL check

Antiviruses can intercept connections for eavesdropping and monitoring while Firefox is trying to process this data as well. Accordingly, there is no way for the browser to check the correctness of the certificates. To protect the user from potential threats, he replaces the web page with the message "Your connection is not secure." To eliminate the conflict between the antivirus and the browser, disable the SSL and HTTPS protocol checking function:

  1. Avast. Go to Settings → Active Protection and click on Configure next to Web Shield. Then uncheck "Enable HTTPS Scanning" and click OK.
  2. Kaspersky. Go to "Settings" → "Advanced" → "Network" and in "Scan encrypted connections" check the box "Do not scan encrypted connections". Then click OK.
  3. ESET. Go to settings and disable / enable "SSL / TLS" protocols, and click OK.

Deleting the certificate store file

The possibility of damage to the certificate file cannot be ruled out. In order for the browser to generate a new file, you first need to delete the damaged old one.

With a reliable Internet site, where a single resource locator (URL) begins with "https: //", the Internet browser must check the validity and relevance of the certificate, the sufficiency of the encryption level for user privacy. If such a check fails positive results, the Mozila search engine will stop trying to establish a connection with an unverified Internet portal and will give information alert"Your connection is not secure." This does not mean that this website is potentially dangerous and could harm both the user. global network by stealing personal data and a computer by introducing malicious software or viruses into it.

The cases when users are faced with the message in the Mozilla Firefox browser "Your connection is not secure" can be different. Let's consider the most common options in order to understand the risks and be able to eliminate this problem, if necessary.

One of the options for events when you can face a denial of access to network resource and see the message "unprotected Firefox connection”May occur due to incorrectly set date and time. In this case, the user can check the relevance of his settings and correct them by setting the settings for automatic synchronization by time. This problem can be especially acute for the residents of Russia twice a year, when other countries switch to winter or summer time. And the operating room Windows system can change the time on its own. In such cases, it is worth revising the time zone.

Also, antivirus programs guarding the user's device may not allow you to visit certain websites. The enabled scanning of the protected socket level may be the fault. You can try disabling this SSL option to experiment and try again to visit the site. IN this case the risk of running into trouble increases. From the same category, it is possible that the computer is already infected with malware software... Required full scan system for the presence of such, followed by a total cleaning of the PC.

Note: Problems with validating SSL certificates can be due to the absence or outdatedness of certain components built into the Windows OS itself. Remember to check for updates and install them on your operating system in a timely manner. In the "Control Panel", in the item "System and Security" there is "Windows Update", where you can check for updates, and if any, install them.

If with date and time as well as security personal computer Everything is fine. An experiment with disabling the SSL option in the antivirus did not give any results. You can try cleaning the certificate store. To do this, you need to find and delete a specific file "Data Base File".

Mozilla Firefox browser settings => "Open Help Menu" icon => "Troubleshooting Information".

In the profile folder, open the resources with the saved data, find the "cert8" file and delete it, after closing the Mozilla browser.

After launch search engine this file will be generated automatically and the certification issue may be resolved.

The next method does not eliminate the error, but allows the user to bypass browser restrictions. To do this, you should try using the "" option.

This method will allow you to bypass restrictions and will not save any information about the user's activity on the Internet in the browser, cache memory, cookies and your location.

The most common situation when Mozilla browser Firefox gives an error "your connection is not secure", occurs when connecting via Wi-Fi networks with the proxy server settings, where you need to use a username and password. In this case, you just need to add a security exception, obtain a certificate and use all the features of a progressive Internet browser.

When Firefox requests web pages over a secure network protocol HTTPS, it pre-requests a security certificate from the site. And then it analyzes it for compliance with all established security requirements: validity period, registration, verification (is it a fake). If Mozilla successfully checks the secure connection, the web page in the tab is loaded. But if the web browser detects or suspects that there is something wrong with the connection, it blocks access and warns the user about a problem with the connection.

So how do you fix your Firefox connection if it's not secure? Let us consider in detail various options for solving this problem.

An error appeared - what to do (first steps)

If a notification about an unsecured connection appears (FF "writes" about an error), do not rush to change the browser options, disconnect / connect the Internet and perform any other drastic actions.

  1. Inform the site owners that access is denied due to errors in the HTTPS certificate.
  2. If a connection problem is observed on your site, you ask for clarification in service center in which the certificate was registered.
  3. Wait a bit. The error may go away. Refresh the page, restart Firefox.
  4. If the site is unfamiliar, try to find its analogue on the Internet in accordance with your tasks (information, purchases, provision of services).
  5. If you plan to transfer via a “problematic” web resource confidential information, carry out monetary transactions, abandon this venture in principle until the problem is successfully resolved.
  6. The warning can be ignored: through the "Advanced" option you can still go to the blocked website. However, this approach carries risks. The PC system can be attacked by a virus, your credentials, payment details, etc. can be stolen from you. It is highly discouraged to use it.

Common mistakes and their solutions

To find out the cause of the problem, click "Advanced" on the notification tab. Then proceed depending on the error code reported by the browser.

Date mismatch

Errors SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_ISSUER _... (... will not be valid until ...), SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED _... (... expired) may occur due to the fact that the time and date are incorrectly set in the system. Click in the tray on the electronic dial once with the left button, or in the Control Panel open the "Clock, language and region" section. Check the year, month, day, time, if necessary, set the correct values ​​on the calendar and in the clock. Please try to reload the page.

Note. This problem can also occur when trying to query for trusted sites. For example, Yandex search engine, Youtube video hosting, etc.

No trust

SEC_ERROR_UNKNOW_ISSUER - FF cannot identify the certificate chain or the server cannot send the required data to verify the protocol.

This problem usually occurs due to the fact that in antivirus programs, for example, Kaspersky (Kaspersky), the SSL scan option is enabled, which performs incorrect filtering, blocking network packets. Try to deactivate it.

Note. If you do not know how to disable scanning of SSL protected traffic, read the antivirus user guide or contact technical support at the developer's office.

The second reason for this error- use of self-signed certificates (officially unregistered). They encrypt the connection, but do not tell the browser information about the final recipient of user data. This kind of blocking can be bypassed at your discretion.

Other site license

SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT - another site's certificate is used; valid, but only for another domain or group of domains.

With this error, the connection is still secure, but there is no guarantee that the request and data will be delivered to the recipient site, the address of which is displayed in the line of the web browser.

At the same time, there are some situations when the protocol is configured for another part of the same site. For example, it works correctly for the WWW.website.com version of the domain, and the request for the website.com URL (without “www”) is blocked due to an error.

The file with certificates is damaged

Check the loading of the problem page, site in another browser (Yandex, Google chrome). If there are no errors, then it can be assumed that the Firefox certificate store is corrupted. Correction of its contents is possible only by deleting and subsequent automatic recovery during the restart of the web browser.

If you don't know how to remove the storage, follow this instruction:
1. Click the Menu button in the Firefox window.

2. In the drop-down block, click the "question mark".

3. In the submenu, click on "Troubleshooting Information".

4. On the tab with technical data, click the "Open folder" button.

5. Remove the storage: in the browser directory, right-click on the cert8 file, start the "Delete" operation.

6. Restart Firefox.

Everything! Now you know how to establish a correct HTTPS connection, how to analyze connection errors. Happy and safe web surfing!

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find a person who does not use the Internet.

Many users spend quite a large number of time. Therefore, more than ever in demand.

But what to do if all plans are violated by a warning that suddenly appears your connection is not secure.

In this article, we will look at why given error in different browsers and what to do if it appears.


The first step is to consider the occurrence of this problem during use.

The meaning of such a message

Often this message appears when visiting secure sites. Such sites when interacting with FireFox browser use a special encryption method - #encryption. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of viewing the transmitted information by intruders.

To understand that you are visiting exactly such a site, pay attention to the line displaying the address of the page you are visiting. In the status line ( #status_Bar) a secure site will display a closed padlock icon. It will also be displayed in the address bar ( #lokation_bar).

In addition, the browser will display and Domain name site in the status bar, highlighted in yellow. This is necessary so that the user cannot be misled with the purpose.

Such sites may contain not only protected information, but also unprotected information to which everyone has free access.

If the site's information is unprotected, FireFox will display a lock icon crossed out by an oblique line in the status bar. The domain name will also be missing in the address bar and status bar. If you pay attention to such information, you can immediately understand that the site you are visiting has partial protection.

To solve it, you will need to reinstall the antivirus or disable interception of protected connections in its settings.

For example, if you are using to protect the system - open "Settings" and go to the tab "Active protection".

There you will need to click on the "Configure" button located next to the web shield.

In the window that opens, uncheck the selection box from the line "Enable HTTPS Scanning"... In conclusion, it is necessary to confirm the changes made in the settings by clicking on the "Ok" button.

If you are using a product such as - you will need to follow these steps:

  • open a window with antivirus settings;
  • in the lower left part of this window, click on the "Settings" button;
  • use item "Additionally" to go to the "Network" tab;
  • deselect the menu bar "Scan encrypted connections";
  • tick the parameter "Do not scan encrypted connections";
  • confirm the changes by clicking the "OK" button.

It is not difficult to find the information you need for other antivirus products on the Internet.

Lack of trust in the certificate, your browser can display not only on little-known sites, but also on such giants as Google. Most often, owners may encounter this. This is because Microsoft family settings are activated in user accounts.

The next step is to delete all existing family members using the function "Remove from family" on the advanced options tab.

In conclusion, you should also leave the family yourself, using the parameter of the same name.

The fourth mistake

It lies in the lack of trust in the certificate, since the latter is self-signed.

These types of certificates are designed to protect against eavesdropping, but do not provide any information about the recipient.

Most often, non-public sites use this, so you can easily bypass this warning.

Fifth mistake

It consists in the fact that the certificate provided to you belongs to a completely different Internet resource.

This problem occurs quite often and primarily due to the fact that the issued certificate is valid for one part of the visited site.

For example, you visited https: /example.com and received a warning about a similar error, and a certificate was issued for https: / www example.com. If you go to the last one, no warnings will appear.

Certificate store

The appearance of such messages can also occur due to file corruption cert9.db that stores all your certificates.

In this case, without opening FireFox, delete the above file so that it will be restored the next time you start it.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • open the menu and select the "Help" item;
  • go to tab "Information for problem solving";
  • open the profile folder located in the section "Application Information";
  • open the menu again and select "Exit";
  • highlight the file db and remove it;
  • restart your browser.

When is it possible to ignore warnings?

This option is suitable if you are confident in the reliability of the resource.

However, even in this case, you are not insured against eavesdropping and interception of confidential data by unauthorized persons.

If you nevertheless decide to ignore the warning that appears, follow a few simple steps.

On a page with a similar warning, use the button "Additionally".

If the browser connects to a site with weak encryption, load it using the outdated security system. You will be provided with the possibility of such download. In the case of a resource whose certificate is unverified, add it to the exceptions.

Error reporting capability

There are quite a large number of sites on the Internet that make it possible to report an error to your center.

To do this, check the box at the bottom of the issue record page, next to the line "Report bugs like this to help Mozilla and block malicious sites."

A warning about an unsecured connection appears in the browserChrome

The occurrence of problems with the certificates of certain sites opened by the Chrome browser is identical with FireFox and can be solved by similar methods.

The reasons for their occurrence should also include:

In the first case, to eliminate the error, you will need to correct the system date and time so that they match those set on the server. To do this, open the tab for time and date settings, and adjust them.

A warning due to an unverified or outdated certificate most often occurs when you try to enter your personal account on a particular resource.

To get around this, click on the tab in the error display window "Additionally" and then use the button "Go to the site".

Blocking extensions are more related to the antivirus program installed on the computer.

To fix this situation you will need to open Chrome browser and go to the installed extensions tab.

Select your modules from the list of available ones and uncheck the checkbox.

After that, reopen your browser and try to go to the site.

The occurrence of such an error may also be due to a crash in Chrome. A banal reinstallation of the browser can fix the situation.

To remove the faulty version, open the window "Programs and Features", select a title installed browser and click the "Delete" button.

After the application has been removed, restart your computer and re-run Google installation Chrome.

In most cases, the insecure connection warning stops bothering you.


This article has come to an end, in which we examined the options for the appearance of a warning about the presence of an unsecured connection.

We hope that the available information will be useful to you and will help you in solving this error.

Your connection is not secure how to fix: