The Windows 7 mouse and keyboard does not work. Why does the keyboard work only in the bios, and when loading it turns off? But what to do when the protective program is not installed in the computer

Hello everyone, dear friends. Most recently, I had a strange at work, as it seemed to me, the situation. Just stopped functioning the keyboard. Rather, not quite stopped. As it turned out, the keyboard only works in the BIOS, and with further download it simply stops responding to any pressing.

And here also an unpleasant situation happened, or rather failure. After rebooting, it was necessary to choose the download mode, but I could not do anything, because I didn't react any of the keys. The first thing I thought it was to blame the keyboard, after which I replaced it to a new one, but it turned out, but after i Put another device, the situation has not changed.

In general, I will not tomorrow. Most likely you used a USB keyboard, since with PS / 2 such problems have anyone arose. The fact is that the USB keyboard support is disabled in your BIOS when booting Windows.

"How so? After all, everything worked before, "you say. Yes, indeed, you could do everything, and you could not notice anything, since when loading the operating system, it automatically activates this support. But as soon as the failure occurs, and you need to make any actions during the download screen, then alas, you will not be able to do anything.

How then do it? Immediately I want to say that the first thing you need to check the simplest thing that can come to your head, because sometimes the problem can really be somewhere on the surface. Therefore, at first, check if the keyboard cable is connected to the computer, try to rearrange it in another USB port, well, and if there is an opportunity, connect another keyboard.

If nothing of this helped, then most likely the case in the setting. You need to enter Bios., namely at the very beginning of downloading your computer to click function keyresponsible for the entrance. Most often it is key Del.but in different cases it may be F1, I. F2..

As a result, when you get into the BIOS itself, you, depending on the version, you will need to find the item associated with the support of the USB keyboard. It may be called "USB Keyboard Support" or "Legacy USB Support". If you see that in front of these items it is the "disabled" mode, then the support is disabled and you need to activate the "Enabled" mode.

After that, we save all the settings, reboot and voila.

As a rule, it is this setting It is a solution to this problem. Although I heard that someone this solution It did not help, and he decided to try to look for a problem in the components. It turned out that one plank random access memory There was not entirely working (from his words) and when he pulled it out, the keyboard earned in normal mode. I do not know how it is interconnected, but in the event that you can try this method.

Well, on this I will finish. I hope that you liked my article. And if you are still not signed on updating my blog, then you must do it now, so as not to miss the most interesting. Well, I'm waiting for you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

The main means of interaction of a person with operating system PCs are mouse and keyboard.

Therefore, if the display does not have sensory functions, then in case of failure of these tools for feedback User with a machine, the work stops until the trouble is to eliminate the fault.

Below, the above guidelines will help independently solve the most common difficulties with this important peripheral equipment.

Where to begin?

The hardware cause is the most common, so if the mouse or keyboard stopped working, first of all it is recommended to produce their visual inspection, in order to identify damage.

In the absence of visible defects outside the devices, it is necessary to raise them and shake, if any of the elements broke out or departed from its place, then according to the characteristic sound, this will help immediately diagnose the presence of problems in the equipment itself, and not in the PC.

However, better without appropriate experience, do not open and attempt to repair a mouse or keyboard.

They are required to be configured to another computer and, making sure they are completely not working to replace with new ones.

If the equipment is associated with a PC by means of a wired connection, then it will be necessary to carefully examine the cable, there should not be cuts, scuffs, ignitions, and even more so visible breaks.

If a wireless connection is used, then change the batteries. When an optical or laser mouse begins to bite when moving the cursor, the emitter probably needs to be clogged, which needs periodic cleaning.

To do this, it is convenient to use a cotton wand. And in the case of the application of the old sample mouse, then remove the ball and wash it with warm water with soap.

Before installing the ball inside, it will be necessary to clean the three rollers rotating around it with a cotton wand.

If the device does not respond to the keystroke, the contact clogging also sometimes causes a malfunction. The problem is solved by simple cleaning and removal of accumulated contaminants.

You need to remove the wire plug or the transmitter (if it is "bluetooth" device) and paste it into another USB.

When the connection is carried out by PS / 2 or through the COM port, it is necessary to disconnect and connect the periphery only on a cold PC, that is, the computer must be turned off (only this condition will provide safe method reconnecting equipment).

It should be noted that the mouse is hanging in a PC in no dependence on the installed OS, Windows 7 or a modern "dozen".

The response of the device on the movement of a person largely depends on the state of the emitter and the reflection surface.

If it has pronounced reflective and refractive properties, it can cause reaction delays for a long time.

Making sure that there are no hardware problems, you can proceed to the analysis of software malfunctions.

Software failure

The computer is interacting with the equipment by means of a special software called by drivers. First, restart PC.

If the repetition has not eliminated the problem, then you need to perform such sequential steps:

An important digression: the steps below can be performed using only the keyboard or the mouse, depending on which of the devices can act correctly, and when using a laptop, then apply the touchpad.

Of course, the owners of modern sensory displays no difficulties in the execution of the instructions will arise.

In the case when simultaneously refuse to respond to the impact of the user "Klava" and "rodent", and at the same time they are connected to a stationary PC without a touchpad and the monitor does not have the proper information input function through touch, then all actions will be required through remote control.

In the "seven" for this you can use Radmin, which makes it easy to dispose of your computer through another computer.

Obviously, on this "friend" PC peripherals should act properly:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" window;
  2. Go to the "System" tab;
  3. Click "System Properties";
  4. Clasp "equipment";
  5. Log in to "Device Manager";
  6. Select the problematic equipment marked with the sign "!" on a yellow background;
  7. Clasp "action";
  8. Click "Delete";
  9. Click "OK";
  10. Exit the "Device Manager";
  11. In the "System Properties" menu, open the "Equipment" tab;
  12. Clasp "installation of equipment";
  13. Then in the displayed menu click "Next";
  14. Follow the instructions of the master;
  15. After completing the procedure, the device will start properly, i.e. the system will be able to see it again and interact with it.

Note: If in automatic mode The OS could not find the driver, then the user will need its own download, for this it follows, by visiting the official resource of the manufacturer, download the software and install it in the PC.

Often, when you acquire some models of mouse or keyboard, together with them, the drivers are included with the drivers.

In this case, it is just necessary to insert it into the drive and waiting for the start of the installation wizard, install the software to the computer.

The result of the impact of malicious applications

The virus can be a source of failure in software Computer, so it is recommended to scan all its discs for infection with malicious utilities.

But what to do when the protective program in the computer is not installed?

If there is no anti-virus in the PC, then on the Internet are available for installation and use free modifications of such programs that successfully cope with the detection of many viruses, for example, "AVG", "Nano" and "Avir".

But if malicious programs damaged the registry or other important components of the system, then after the treatment of the PC, in "Windows 7" it will most conveniently make a simple rollback of the OS to working conditionWhen all the elements and connected equipment functioned normally.

How to roll back "seven"

When you roll back, the user's personal data will remain intact, however, the software for which the update was completed later, will disappear, and will have to update them again.

Perform the following steps:

Oh, these computers are always exiting what to do. Even during the time when instead of the Internet were BBS (Bulletin Board System), replacing the current chats, social networks And File Lumps, I said that the computer can be given all the time you have. And now, with the widespread dominance of the Internet, this topic is even more relevant. And it's still surprising how some seemingly elementary things, if you call the computer to help, do not take at all elementary time. It was a surcharge. And a fairy tale ahead.

Let's start from afar. As you all know, a computer without input devices, such as a keyboard and a mouse, may be touchscreen (and some also a joystick) is a simple piece of iron that buzzes and consumes electricity. I got to me the computer that it was necessary to look and reanimately reanimate, after the virus came out there. I pulled out a spare monitor from the shelf, connected the spare keyboard, the USB spare mouse (this is important), turned on, climbed bIOS settings (Basic I / O System), downloaded Windows and Owl, the mouse is turned off. Just worked in Bios, the pointer ran lively so, and after windows downloads does not work. What the heck?

We know that there are at least two common types of mice (computer), differing in the connector connector. This is PS / 2 and USB. If the first option is used primarily on stationary computersthen the second can be used everywhere, even connect to modern smartphones. And what is important oh, USB connector can be turned on and off in hot mode, i.e. With the computer enabled, but if you have a PS / 2 connector, it is better not to risk, because it can just burn. It is better to turn off the computer, and then connect and disable the details. In old computers there were two PS / 2 connections differently in color. Green - for mouse and purple for keyboard. Now can only be one, or even none.

Let's go back to my computer. The symptoms are as follows: the mouse is completely good, it works until the operating system does not boot, all the time works on another computer, i.e. Business in Windows. USB port It also works, they could connect the keyboard or flash drive to it, then everything is fine. Another USB mouse also does not work. But the PS / 2 mouse is perfectly functioning. When connected to another USB connector, the system writes that the device is found, the driver is installed, the driver is installed successfully, but the mouse also does not work.

We look at the device through device manager. In it, we are interested in mice and other indicating devices. If in the tab we do not see our mouse, then the problem with the driver *. And one more problem is that the USB mice are so standard that special driver I do not need and already exist in the list of standard. We connect the mouse, we see that something new appeared in the section HID devices, therefore the mouse is recognized not as a mouse, but as something else. At the same time, at all the same in which USB port turn on the mouse. It will not work. To correct the situation, you must manually change the driver on the HID device. From the context menu HID device to select Refresh Drivers-\u003e Search and Install Driver Drivers-\u003e Select from installed drivers-\u003e HID Compatible Mouse

After that, the USB mouse appears in the mouse list and starts working. Even after disconnecting and rebooting the computer.

* Driver is a program that allows you to directly control the device in the operating system. Since the operating system does not know about all the variety of devices, it is for full-fledged work, devices manufacturers produce a driver that becomes an intermediate layer between the device and the operating system. If the device is standard, the special driver is not needed, it is already included in the operating system.