What is the latest generation of intel. Which is the best Intel Pentium processor

On January 3, the birthday of the company's founding father Gordon Moore (born January 3, 1929), Intel announced a family of new 7th generation Intel Core processors and new Intel 200 series chipsets. We have the opportunity to test the Intel Core i7-7700 and Core i7-7700K processors and compare them with the previous generation processors.

7th Gen Intel Core Processors

The new 7th Gen Intel Core processor family is codenamed Kaby Lake, and these processors are a bit of a stretch new. They, like the 6th generation Core processors, are manufactured using a 14nm process technology and are based on the same processor microarchitecture.

Recall that earlier, before the release of Kaby Lake, Intel released its processors in accordance with the "Tick-Tock" algorithm: the processor microarchitecture changed every two years and the production process changed every two years. But the change of microarchitecture and technical process was shifted relative to each other by a year, so that the technical process changed once a year, then, a year later, the microarchitecture changed, then, again a year later, the technical process changed, etc. However, the company has to maintain such a fast pace for a long time could not and eventually abandoned this algorithm, replacing it with a three-year cycle. The first year is the introduction of a new technical process, the second year - the introduction of a new microarchitecture based on the existing technical process, and the third year - optimization. Thus, another year of optimization was added to Tick-Tock.

The 5th generation Intel Core processors, codenamed Broadwell, ushered in the 14nm ("Tick") process technology. These were processors with the Haswell microarchitecture (with minor improvements), but produced using a new 14-nanometer process technology. The 6th generation Intel Core processors, codenamed Skylake ("Tock"), were manufactured using the same 14nm process technology as Broadwell, but with a new microarchitecture. And the 7th generation Intel Core processors, codenamed Kaby Lake, are manufactured according to the same 14nm process technology (although now it is designated "14+") and are based on the same Skylake microarchitecture, but all this is optimized and improved. What exactly optimization and what exactly improved - so far it is a mystery shrouded in darkness. This review was written before the official announcement of the new processors, and Intel could not provide us with any official information, so there is still very little information about the new processors.

In general, at the very beginning of the article, it was not by chance that we remembered about the birthday of Gordon Moore, who in 1968 together with Robert Noyce founded the Intel company. Over the years, this legendary man has been credited with many things that he never said. First, his prediction was elevated to the rank of law ("Moore's law"), then this law became the fundamental plan for the development of microelectronics (a kind of analogue of the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR). However, Moore's law had to be rewritten and corrected several times, since reality, unfortunately, cannot always be planned. Now you need to either rewrite Moore's law once again, which, in general, is already ridiculous, or simply forget about this so-called law. Actually, Intel did just that: since it no longer works, they decided to gradually consign it to oblivion.

However, let's get back to our new processors. It is officially known that the Kaby Lake processor family will include four separate series: S, H, U and Y. In addition, there will be an Intel Xeon series for workstations. Kaby Lake-Y processors targeted at tablets and thin laptops, as well as some models of Kaby Lake-U series processors for laptops, have already been announced. And in early January, Intel introduced only a few models of the H- and S-series processors. The S-series processors are oriented towards desktop systems, which have an LGA design and which we will talk about in this review. Kaby Lake-S has an LGA1151 socket and is compatible with motherboards based on Intel 100 series chipsets and the new Intel 200 series chipsets. We do not know the release plan for Kaby Lake-S processors, but there is information that a total of 16 new models for desktop PCs are planned, which will traditionally make up three families (Core i7 / i5 / i3). All Kaby Lake-S desktop processors will use only Intel HD Graphics 630 (codenamed Kaby Lake-GT2).

The Intel Core i7 family will consist of three processors: 7700K, 7700 and 7700T. All models in this family have 4 cores, support simultaneous processing of up to 8 threads (Hyper-Threading technology) and have an 8 MB L3 cache. The difference between the two lies in power consumption and clock frequency. In addition, the top-end Core i7-7700K has an unlocked multiplier. A summary of the 7th Gen Intel Core i7 processor family is shown below.

The Intel Core i5 family will comprise seven processors: 7600K, 7600, 7500, 7400, 7600T, 7500T, and 7400T. All models in this family have 4 cores, but do not support Hyper-Threading technology. Their L3 cache size is 6MB. The top model, the Core i5-7600K, has an unlocked clock multiplier and a TDP of 91W. “T” models have a TDP of 35W, while regular models have a TDP of 65W. A summary of the 7th Gen Intel Core i5 processor family is shown below.

CPUCore i5-7600KCore i5-7600Core i5-7500Core i5-7600TCore i5-7500TCore i5-7400Core i5-7400T
Process technology, nm14
ConnectorLGA 1151
Number of Cores4
Number of threads4
L3 cache, MB6
Nominal frequency, GHz3,8 3,5 3,4 2,8 2,7 3,0 2,4
Maximum frequency, GHz4,2 4,1 3,8 3,7 3,3 3,5 3,0
TDP, W91 65 65 35 35 65 35
DDR4 / DDR3L memory frequency, MHz2400/1600
Graphics coreHD Graphics 630
Recommended cost$242 $213 $192 $213 $192 $182 $182

The Intel Core i3 family will consist of six processors: 7350K, 7320, 7300, 7100, 7300T and 7100T. All models in this family have 2 cores and support Hyper-Threading technology. The "T" in the model name indicates that its TDP is 35 watts. Now in the Intel Core i3 family there is also a model (Core i3-7350K) with an unlocked multiplier factor, the TDP of which is 60 W. A summary of the 7th Gen Intel Core i3 processor family is shown below.

Intel Chipsets 200 Series

Along with the Kaby Lake-S processors, Intel announced new Intel 200-series chipsets. More precisely, so far only the top-end Intel Z270 chipset has been presented, and the rest will be announced a little later. All in all, the Intel 200 series chipset family will include five options (Q270, Q250, B250, H270, Z270) for desktop processors and three solutions (CM238, HM175, QM175) for mobile processors.

If we compare the family of new chipsets with the family of 100-series chipsets, then everything is obvious: Z270 is a new variant of Z170, H270 is replacing H170, Q270 is replacing Q170, and Q250 and B250 chipsets are replacing Q150 and B150, respectively. The only chipset that hasn't been replaced is the H110. There is no H210 chipset or similar in the 200 series. The positioning of the 200-series chipsets is exactly the same as of the 100-series chipsets: the Q270 and Q250 are targeted at the enterprise market, the Z270 and H270 are targeted at consumer PCs, and the B250 is targeted at the SMB sector of the market. However, this positioning is rather arbitrary, and motherboard manufacturers often have their own vision of chipset positioning.

So what's new in the Intel 200-series chipsets and how are they better than the Intel 100-series chipsets? The question is not idle, because Kaby Lake-S processors are compatible with Intel 100 series chipsets. So is it worth buying a motherboard based on Intel Z270 if, for example, a motherboard based on the Intel Z170 chipset turns out to be cheaper (all other things being equal)? Alas, there is no need to say that the Intel 200 series chipsets have serious advantages. Almost the only difference between the new chipsets and the old ones is the slightly increased number of HSIO ports (high-speed input / output ports) due to the addition of several PCIe 3.0 ports.

Next, we will take a closer look at what and how much is added in each chipset, but for now we will briefly consider the features of the Intel 200 series chipsets as a whole, focusing on the top-end options, in which everything is implemented to the maximum.

To begin with, like the Intel 100-series chipsets, the new chipsets allow 16 PCIe 3.0 processor ports (PEG ports) to be combined to implement various PCIe slot options. For example, Intel Z270 and Q270 chipsets (like their counterparts Intel Z170 and Q170) allow you to combine 16 PEG processor ports in the following combinations: x16, x8 / x8 or x8 / x4 / x4. The rest of the chipsets (H270, B250 and Q250) only allow one possible combination of PEG port allocation: x16. Also, Intel 200 series chipsets support dual-channel DDR4 or DDR3L memory operation. In addition, Intel 200-series chipsets support the ability to simultaneously connect up to three monitors to the processor graphics core (just like in the case of 100-series chipsets).

As for the SATA and USB ports, nothing has changed here. The integrated SATA controller provides up to six SATA 6Gb / s ports. Naturally, Intel RST (Rapid Storage Technology) technology is supported, which allows you to configure a SATA controller in RAID controller mode (albeit not on all chipsets) with support for levels 0, 1, 5, and 10. Intel RST technology is supported not only for SATA -port, but also for drives with PCIe interface (x4 / x2, M.2 and SATA Express connectors). Perhaps, speaking of Intel RST technology, it makes sense to mention the new technology for creating Intel Optane drives, but in practice there is nothing to talk about yet, there are no ready-made solutions yet. The top models of Intel 200 series chipsets support up to 14 USB ports, of which up to 10 ports can be USB 3.0, and the rest can be USB 2.0.

Like the Intel 100 series chipsets, the Intel 200 series chipsets support Flexible I / O technology, which allows you to configure High Speed ​​Input / Output (HSIO) ports - PCIe, SATA, and USB 3.0. Flexible I / O technology allows some HSIO ports to be configured as PCIe or USB 3.0 ports, and some HSIO ports as PCIe or SATA ports. In total, Intel 200 series chipsets can implement 30 high-speed I / O ports (Intel 100 series chipsets had 26 HSIO ports).

The first six high-speed ports (Port # 1 - Port # 6) are strictly fixed: these are USB 3.0 ports. The next four high-speed ports on the chipset (Port # 7 - Port # 10) can be configured as either USB 3.0 or PCIe ports. Port # 10 can also be used as a GbE network port, that is, the GbE network interface MAC controller is built into the chipset itself, and the PHY controller (the MAC controller in conjunction with the PHY controller forms a full-fledged network controller) can only be connected to specific high-speed ports on the chipset. In particular, these can be ports Port # 10, Port # 11, Port # 15, Port # 18 and Port # 19. Another 12 HSIO ports (Port # 11 - Port # 14, Port # 17, Port # 18, Port # 25 - Port # 30) are assigned to PCIe ports. Four more ports (Port # 21 - Port # 24) are configured as either PCIe or SATA 6Gb / s ports. Ports Port # 15, Port # 16 and Port # 19, Port # 20 have a feature. They can be configured as either PCIe ports or SATA 6Gb / s ports. The peculiarity is that one SATA 6 Gb / s port can be configured on either Port # 15 or Port # 19 (that is, this is the same SATA port # 0, which can be routed to either Port # 15 , or at Port # 19). Likewise, another SATA 6Gb / s port (SATA # 1) is routed to either Port # 16 or Port # 20.

As a result, we find that the chipset can accommodate up to 10 USB 3.0 ports, up to 24 PCIe ports and up to 6 SATA 6 Gb / s ports. However, one more circumstance should be noted here. A maximum of 16 PCIe devices can be connected to these 20 PCIe ports at the same time. Devices in this case refers to controllers, connectors and slots. One PCIe device may require one, two, or four PCIe ports to connect. For example, if we are talking about a PCI Express 3.0 x4 slot, then this is one PCIe device, which requires 4 PCIe 3.0 ports to connect.

The diagram of the distribution of high-speed I / O ports for the Intel 200-series chipsets is shown in the figure.

Compared to what was in the Intel 100 series chipsets, there are very few changes: we added four strictly fixed PCIe ports (HSIO ports of the Port # 27 - Port # 30 chipset), which can be used to combine Intel RST for PCIe Storage ... Everything else, including the numbering of the HSIO ports, remained unchanged. The diagram of the distribution of high-speed I / O ports for the Intel 100-series chipsets is shown in the figure.

Until now, we have considered the functionality of the new chipsets in general, without being tied to specific models. Further, in the summary table, we present brief characteristics of each Intel 200 series chipset.

And for comparison, here are the brief characteristics of the Intel 100 series chipsets.

A diagram of the distribution of high-speed I / O ports for five Intel 200-series chipsets is shown in the figure.

And for comparison, a similar diagram for five Intel 100-series chipsets:

And the last thing worth noting when talking about the Intel 200 series chipsets: only the Intel Z270 chipset has support for overclocking the processor and memory.

Now, after our quick review of the new Kaby Lake-S processors and Intel 200-series chipsets, let's move on to testing the new products.

Performance research

We were able to test two new items: a top-end Intel Core i7-7700K processor with an unlocked multiplier factor and an Intel Core i7-7700 processor. For testing, we used a stand with the following configuration:

In addition, in order to evaluate the performance of the new processors in relation to the performance of the previous generations, we also tested the Intel Core i7-6700K processor on the described stand.

Brief specifications of the tested processors are given in the table.

To evaluate performance, we used our new methodology using the iXBT Application Benchmark 2017. The Intel Core i7-7700K processor was tested two times: with default settings and in a state of overclocking to 5 GHz. Overclocking was carried out by changing the multiplication factor.

The results were calculated for five runs of each test with a 95% confidence level. Please note that the integral results in this case are normalized relative to the reference system, which also uses an Intel Core i7-6700K processor. However, the configuration of the reference system differs from the configuration of the bench for testing: the reference system uses the Asus Z170-WS motherboard on the Intel Z170 chipset.

Test results are presented in the table and in the diagram.

Logical group of testsCore i7-6700K (ref. System)Core i7-6700KCore i7-7700Core i7-7700KCore i7-7700K @ 5 GHz
Video conversion, points 100 104.5 ± 0.3 99.6 ± 0.3 109.0 ± 0.4 122.0 ± 0.4
MediaCoder x64, s106 ± 2101.0 ± 0.5106.0 ± 0.597.0 ± 0.587.0 ± 0.5
HandBrake 0.10.5, s103 ± 298.7 ± 0.1103.5 ± 0.194.5 ± 0.484.1 ± 0.3
Rendering, points 100 104.8 ± 0.3 99.8 ± 0.3 109.5 ± 0.2 123.2 ± 0.4
POV-Ray 3.7, s138.1 ± 0.3131.6 ± 0.2138.3 ± 0.1125.7 ± 0.3111.0 ± 0.3
LuxRender 1.6 x64 OpenCL, with253 ± 2241.5 ± 0.4253.2 ± 0.6231.2 ± 0.5207 ± 2
Вlender 2.77a, with220.7 ± 0.9210 ± 2222 ± 3202 ± 2180 ± 2
Video editing and video content creation, points 100 105.3 ± 0.4 100.4 ± 0.2 109.0 ± 0.1 121.8 ± 0.6
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015.4, with186.9 ± 0.5178.1 ± 0.2187.2 ± 0.5170.66 ± 0.3151.3 ± 0.3
Magix Vegas Pro 13, with366.0 ± 0.5351.0 ± 0.5370.0 ± 0.5344 ± 2312 ± 3
Magix Movie Edit Pro 2016 Premium v., s187.1 ± 0.4175 ± 3181 ± 2169.1 ± 0.6152 ± 3
Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3, c288.0 ± 0.5237.7 ± 0.8288.4 ± 0.8263.2 ± 0.7231 ± 3
Photodex ProShow Producer 8.0.3648, with254.0 ± 0.5241.3 ± 4254 ± 1233.6 ± 0.7210.0 ± 0.5
Digital photo processing, points 100 104.4 ± 0.8 100 ± 2 108 ± 2 113 ± 3
Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5, s521 ± 2491 ± 2522 ± 2492 ± 3450 ± 6
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015.6.1, c182 ± 3180 ± 2190 ± 10174 ± 8176 ± 7
PhaseOne Capture One Pro, s318 ± 7300 ± 6308 ± 6283.0 ± 0.5270 ± 20
OCR, points 100 104.9 ± 0.3 100.6 ± 0.3 109.0 ± 0.9 122 ± 2
Abbyy FineReader 12 Professional, with442 ± 2421.9 ± 0.9442.1 ± 0.2406 ± 3362 ± 5
Archiving, points 100 101.0 ± 0.2 98.2 ± 0.6 96.1 ± 0.4 105.8 ± 0.6
WinRAR 5.40 СPU, s91.6 ± 0.0590.7 ± 0.293.3 ± 0.595.3 ± 0.486.6 ± 0.5
Scientific calculations, points 100 102.8 ± 0.7 99.7 ± 0.8 106.3 ± 0.9 115 ± 3
LAMMPS 64-bit 20160516, s397 ± 2384 ± 3399 ± 3374 ± 4340 ± 2
NAMD 2.11, s234 ± 1223.3 ± 0.5236 ± 4215 ± 2190.5 ± 0.7
FFTW 3.3.5, ms32.8 ± 0.633 ± 232.7 ± 0.933 ± 234 ± 4
Mathworks Matlab 2016a, with117.9 ± 0.6111.0 ± 0.5118 ± 2107 ± 194 ± 3
Dassault SolidWorks 2016 SP0 Flow Simulation, with253 ± 2244 ± 2254 ± 4236 ± 3218 ± 3
File operations speed, points 100 105.5 ± 0.7 102 ± 1 102 ± 1 106 ± 2
WinRAR 5.40 Storage, s81.9 ± 0.578.9 ± 0.781 ± 280.4 ± 0.879 ± 2
UltraISO Premium Edition, s54.2 ± 0.649.2 ± 0.753 ± 252 ± 248 ± 3
Data copying speed, s41.5 ± 0.340.4 ± 0.340.8 ± 0.540.8 ± 0.540.2 ± 0.1
Integral CPU result, points100 104.0 ± 0.2 99.7 ± 0.3 106.5 ± 0.3 117.4 ± 0.7
Integral result Storage, points100 105.5 ± 0.7 102 ± 1 102 ± 1 106 ± 2
Integral performance result, points100 104.4 ± 0.2 100.3 ± 0.4 105.3 ± 0.4 113.9 ± 0.8

If we compare the test results of processors obtained at the same bench, then everything is very predictable. The Core i7-7700K processor at default settings (no overclocking) is slightly faster (by 7%) than the Core i7-7700, which is explained by the difference in their clock speed. Overclocking the Core i7-7700K to 5GHz allows for up to 10% better performance than this processor without overclocking. The Core i7-6700K processor (without overclocking) is slightly more productive (by 4%) compared to the Core i7-7700 processor, which is also explained by the difference in their clock frequency. At the same time, the Core i7-7700K model is 2.5% more productive than the previous generation Core i7-6700K model.

As you can see, the new 7th generation Intel Core processors do not provide any performance jump. In fact, these are the same 6th generation Intel Core processors, but with slightly higher clock speeds. The only advantage of the new processors is that they run better (we are, of course, talking about K-series processors with an unlocked multiplier). In particular, our copy of the Core i7-7700K processor, which we did not choose on purpose, overclocked to 5.0 GHz without any problems and worked absolutely stable when using air cooling. It was possible to run this processor at 5.1 GHz, but in the stress test mode of the processor the system freezes. Of course, it is incorrect to draw conclusions on a single processor instance, but the information of our colleagues confirms that most Kaby Lake K-series processors run better than Skylake processors. Note that our sample of the Core i7-6700K processor was overclocked at best to 4.9 GHz, but only stable at 4.5 GHz.

Now let's look at the power consumption of the processors. Recall that we connect the measuring unit in the break of the power supply circuits between the power supply and the motherboard - to the 24-pin (ATX) and 8-pin (EPS12V) connectors of the power supply. Our measuring unit is capable of measuring voltage and current on the 12V, 5V and 3.3V rails of the ATX connector, as well as the supply voltage and current on the 12V bus of the EPS12V connector.

The total power consumption during the test is understood as the power transmitted over the 12 V, 5 V and 3.3 V buses of the ATX connector and the 12 V bus of the EPS12V connector. The power consumed by the processor during the test is the power transmitted over the 12 V bus of the EPS12V connector (this connector is used only for powering the processor). However, it should be borne in mind that in this case we are talking about the power consumption of the processor together with the converter of its supply voltage on the board. Naturally, the processor supply voltage regulator has a certain efficiency (obviously below 100%), so that part of the electrical energy is consumed by the regulator itself, and the real power consumed by the processor is slightly lower than the values ​​we measure.

The measurement results for the total power consumption in all tests, except for the drive performance tests, are presented below:

Similar results of measuring the power consumption of the processor are as follows:

Of interest is, first of all, a comparison of the power consumption of the Core i7-6700K and Core i7-7700K processors in the operating mode without overclocking. The Core i7-6700K processor has lower power consumption, that is, the Core i7-7700K processor is slightly more productive, but it also has a higher power consumption. Moreover, if the integrated performance of the Core i7-7700K processor is 2.5% higher than that of the Core i7-6700K, then the average power consumption of the Core i7-7700K processor is already 17% higher!

And if we introduce such an indicator as energy efficiency, determined by the ratio of the integral performance indicator to the average power consumption (in fact, performance per watt of energy consumed), then for the Core i7-7700K processor this figure will be 1.67 W -1, and for the processor Core i7-6700K - 1.91 W -1.

However, such results are obtained only if we compare the power consumption over the 12 V bus of the EPS12V connector. But if we consider the full capacity (which is more logical from the user's point of view), then the situation is somewhat different. Then the energy efficiency of a system with a Core i7-7700K processor will be 1.28 W -1, and with a Core i7-6700K processor - 1.24 W -1. Thus, the energy efficiency of the systems is practically the same.


We have no disappointments about the new processors. Nobody promised what is called. Let us remind you once again that we are not talking about a new microarchitecture or a new technical process, but only about optimizing the microarchitecture and technical process, that is, about optimizing Skylake processors. Of course, there is no reason to expect that such an optimization can give a serious performance boost. The only observed optimization result is that we managed to slightly increase the clock speeds. In addition, the K-series processors in the Kaby Lake family have better overclocking than their Skylake counterparts.

When it comes to the new generation of Intel 200 series chipsets, the only thing that sets them apart from Intel 100 series chipsets is the addition of four PCIe 3.0 ports. What does this mean for the user? And it doesn't mean anything at all. There is no need to wait for an increase in the number of connectors and ports on motherboards, since there are already too many of them. As a result, the functionality of the motherboards will not change, unless they can be simplified a little when designing: you will have to come up with less sophisticated separation schemes to ensure the operation of all connectors, slots and controllers in the face of a shortage of PCIe 3.0 lanes / ports. It would be logical to assume that this will lead to a decrease in the cost of motherboards based on 200 series chipsets, but it's hard to believe.

And in conclusion, a few words about whether it makes sense to change the awl for soap. There is no point in changing a computer based on a Skylake processor and a motherboard with a 100-series chipset to a new system with a Kaby Lake processor and a motherboard with a 200-series chipset. It's just throwing money down the drain. But if the time has come to change the computer due to the obsolescence of the hardware, then, of course, it makes sense to pay attention to Kaby Lake and a motherboard with a 200-series chipset, and you should look first of all at the prices. If the system on Kaby Lake turns out to be comparable (with equal functionality) in cost to the system on Skylake (and a board with the Intel 100 series chipset), then it makes sense. If such a system turns out to be more expensive, then it makes no sense.

Marking, positioning, use cases

This summer Intel launched a new, fourth generation Intel Core architecture, codenamed Haswell (processor marking starts with the number "4" and looks like 4xxx). The main direction of development of Intel processors now sees the improvement of energy efficiency. Therefore, the latest generations of Intel Core show not such a strong increase in performance, but their total energy consumption is constantly decreasing - due to both architecture and technical process, and effective management of component consumption. The only exception is integrated graphics, whose performance has grown significantly from generation to generation, albeit at the expense of worsening power consumption.

This strategy predictably brings to the fore those devices in which energy efficiency is important - laptops and ultrabooks, as well as the only nascent (because in its former form it could be attributed exclusively to the undead) class of Windows tablets, the main role in the development of which should be played by new processors with reduced energy consumption.

We remind you that we recently released brief overviews of the Haswell architecture, which are quite applicable to both desktop and mobile solutions:

In addition, the performance of quad-core Core i7 processors was examined in an article comparing desktop and mobile processors. The performance of the Core i7-4500U was also examined separately. Finally, check out Haswell laptop reviews that include performance testing: MSI GX70 on the most powerful Core i7-4930MX processor, the HP Envy 17-j005er.

This article will focus on Haswell's mobile line as a whole. V first part we will consider the division of Haswell mobile processors into series and lines, the principles of creating indexes for mobile processors, their positioning and the approximate level of performance of different series within the entire line. In second part- we will consider in more detail the specifications of each series and line and their main features, and also move on to the conclusions.

For those who are not familiar with the Intel Turbo Boost algorithm, we have posted a brief description of this technology at the end of the article. We recommend with him before reading the rest of the material.

New letter indices

Traditionally, all Intel Core processors are divided into three lines:

  • Intel Core i3
  • Intel Core i5
  • Intel Core i7

Intel's official position (which company representatives usually voice when answering the question why there are both dual-core and quad-core models among the Core i7) is that the processor is assigned to one or another line based on the overall level of its performance. However, in most cases, there are architectural differences between processors of different lines.

But already in Sandy Bridge, another division of processors has appeared, and in Ivy Bridge, another division of processors into mobile and ultramobile solutions, depending on the level of energy efficiency, has become full. Moreover, today it is this classification that is basic: both the mobile and the ultramobile line have their own Core i3 / i5 / i7 with a very different level of performance. In Haswell, on the one hand, the division deepened, and on the other, they tried to make the ruler more slender, not so misleading by duplicating indices. In addition, another class has finally taken shape - ultramobile processors with the Y index.Ultramobile and mobile solutions are still marked with the letters U and M.

So, in order not to get confused, first we will analyze what letter indices are used in the modern line of fourth generation Intel Core mobile processors:

  • M - mobile processor (TDP 37-57 W);
  • U - ultra mobile processor (TDP 15-28 W);
  • Y - processor with extremely low power consumption (TDP 11.5 W);
  • Q - quad-core processor;
  • X - extreme processor (top solution);
  • H - processor for BGA1364 packaging.

Since we have already mentioned TDP (thermal package), we will dwell on it in a little more detail. It should be borne in mind that the TDP in modern Intel processors is not "maximum", but "nominal", that is, it is calculated based on the load in real tasks when operating at the nominal frequency, and when Turbo Boost is enabled and the frequency is increased, the heat dissipation goes beyond the declared nominal thermal package - there is a separate TDP for this. The TDP is also determined when operating at the minimum frequency. Thus, there are as many as three TDPs. In this article, the tables use the nominal TDP value.

  • The standard nominal TDP for mobile quad-core Core i7 processors is 47W, for dual-core processors - 37W;
  • Letter X in the name raises the thermal package from 47 to 57 W (now there is only one such processor on the market - 4930MX);
  • Standard TDP for U-Series Ultra Mobile Processors - 15W;
  • Standard TDP for Y-series processors is 11.5 W;

Digital indexes

The indices of the fourth generation Intel Core processors with the Haswell architecture begin with the number 4, which just indicates that they belong to this generation (for Ivy Bridge, the indices began with 3, for Sandy Bridge - with 2). The second digit denotes belonging to the line of processors: 0 and 1 - i3, 2 and 3 - i5, 5-9 - i7.

Now let's take a look at the last digits in the names of the processors.

The number 8 at the end means that this processor model has an increased TDP (from 15 to 28 W) and a significantly higher nominal frequency. Another distinguishing feature of these processors is the Iris 5100 graphics. They are aimed at professional mobile systems that require consistent high performance in all conditions for continuous work with resource-intensive tasks. They also have overclocking with Turbo Boost, but due to the greatly increased nominal frequency, the difference between nominal and maximum is not too great.

The number 2 at the end of the name indicates a reduced TDP from 47 to 37 W for a processor from the i7 line. But for reducing TDP you have to pay with lower frequencies - minus 200 MHz to the base and overclocking frequencies.

If the second digit from the end in the name is 5, then the processor has a GT3 graphics core - HD 5xxx. Thus, if the last two digits in the name of the processor are 50, then the graphics core GT3 HD 5000 is installed in it, if 58 - then Iris 5100, and if 50H - then Iris Pro 5200, because Iris Pro 5200 is only available for processors in the version BGA1364.

For example, let's take a look at the processor with the 4950HQ index. The processor name contains H, which means the packaging is BGA1364; contains 5 - this means the graphics core is GT3 HD 5xxx; combination of 50 and H gives Iris Pro 5200; Q is quad-core. And since quad-core processors are only found in the Core i7 line, this is the mobile Core i7 series. Which is confirmed by the second digit of the name - 9. We get: 4950HQ is a mobile quad-core eight-thread processor of the Core i7 line with a TDP of 47 W with GT3e Iris Pro 5200 graphics in BGA performance.

Now that we have figured out the names, we can talk about dividing processors into lines and series, or, more simply, about market segments.

4th Generation Intel Core Series and Lines

So, all modern Intel mobile processors are divided into three large groups depending on power consumption: mobile (M), ultramobile (U) and ultramobile (Y), as well as three lines (Core i3, i5, i7), depending on productivity. As a result, we can compose a matrix that will allow the user to choose the processor that best suits his tasks. Let's try to bring all the data into a single table.

Series / rulerOptionsCore i3Core i5Core i7
Mobile (M)Segmentlaptopslaptopslaptops
Cores / Threads2/4 2/4 2/4, 4/8
Max. frequency2.5 GHz2.8 / 3.5 GHz3 / 3.9 GHz
Turbo BoostNothere isthere is
Performanceabove the averagehighmaximum
Autonomybelow the averagebelow the averagelow
Ultramobile (U)Segmentlaptops / ultrabookslaptops / ultrabookslaptops / ultrabooks
Cores / Threads2/4 2/4 2/4
Max. frequency2 GHz2.6 / 3.1 GHz2.8 / 3.3 GHz
Turbo BoostNothere isthere is
Performancebelow the averageabove the averagehigh
Autonomyabove the averageabove the averageabove the average
Supermobile (Y)Segmentultrabooks / tabletsultrabooks / tabletsultrabooks / tablets
Cores / Threads2/4 2/4 2/4
Max. frequency1.3 GHz1.4 / 1.9 GHz1.7 / 2.9 GHz
Turbo BoostNothere isthere is

For example, a customer wants a laptop with a high processor performance and a moderate price tag. Since a laptop, and even a productive one, then an M-series processor is needed, and the requirement of a moderate cost forces you to stop at the Core i5 line. We emphasize once again that, first of all, you should pay attention not to the line (Core i3, i5, i7), but to the series, because each series may have its own Core i5, but the performance level of a Core i5 from two different series will be significant differ. For example, the Y-series is very economical, but has low operating frequencies, and the Y-series Core i5 processor will be less powerful than the U-series Core i3 processor. And the mobile Core i5 processor may well be more powerful than the ultra-mobile Core i7.

Approximate level of performance, depending on the line

Let's try to go one step further and make a theoretical rating that would clearly demonstrate the difference between processors of different lines. For 100 points, we will take the weakest processor presented - a dual-core, four-thread i3-4010Y with a clock speed of 1300 MHz and a L3 cache of 3 MB. For comparison, the highest-frequency processor (at the time of this writing) from each line is taken. We decided to calculate the main rating by the overclocking frequency (for those processors that have Turbo Boost), in brackets - the rating for the nominal frequency. Thus, a dual-core, four-thread processor with a maximum frequency of 2600 MHz will receive 200 conditional points. An increase in the third-level cache from 3 to 4 MB will bring it 2-5% (data obtained on the basis of real tests and research) an increase in conditional points, and an increase in the number of cores from 2 to 4 will accordingly double the number of points, which is also achievable in reality with a good multi-threaded optimization.

Once again, we strongly draw your attention to the fact that the rating is theoretical and is based mostly on the technical parameters of the processors. In reality, a large number of factors are combined, so the performance gain relative to the weakest model in the line is almost certainly not as large as in theory. Thus, you should not directly transfer the resulting ratio to real life - you can only draw final conclusions based on the test results in real applications. Nevertheless, this estimate allows you to roughly estimate the place of the processor in the lineup and its positioning.

So, some preliminary notes:

  • The Core i7 U-series processors will be about 10% faster than the Core i5 due to slightly higher clock speeds and more L3 cache.
  • The difference between the Core i5 and Core i3 U-series processors with a TDP of 28 W without Turbo Boost is about 30%, i.e., ideally, performance will also differ by 30%. If we take into account the capabilities of Turbo Boost, then the difference in frequencies will be about 55%. If we compare the Core i5 and Core i3 U-series processors with a TDP of 15 W, then with stable operation at the maximum frequency, the Core i5 will have a frequency 60% higher. However, the nominal frequency is slightly lower, that is, when operating at the nominal frequency, it may even be slightly inferior to the Core i3.
  • In the M-series, the presence of 4 cores and 8 threads in the Core i7 plays an important role, but here we must remember that this advantage manifests itself only in optimized software (as a rule, professional). Core i7 processors with two cores will have slightly better performance due to higher overclocking frequencies and slightly larger L3 cache.
  • In the Y series, the Core i5 processor has a base frequency of 7.7% and an overclocking rate of 50% higher than the Core i3. But in this case, there are additional considerations - the same energy efficiency, the noise of the cooling system, etc.
  • If we compare the processors of the U and Y series, then only the frequency gap between the U and Y processors of the Core i3 is 54%, and for the Core i5 processors - 63% at the maximum overclocking frequency.

So, let's calculate the score for each ruler. Recall that the main score is based on the maximum overclocking frequencies, the point in parentheses is based on the nominal ones (i.e. without Turbo Boost overclocking). We also calculated the performance factor per watt.

¹ max. - at maximum acceleration, nom. - at rated frequency
² coefficient - conditional performance divided by TDP and multiplied by 100
³ overclocking TDP data for these processors is unknown

From the table below, the following observations can be made:

  • The dual-core Core i7 processors in the U and M series are only marginally faster than the Core i5 processors in the same series. This applies to comparison for both base and overclocking frequencies.
  • The Core i5 processors of the U and M series, even at the base frequency, should be noticeably faster than the Core i3 of the same series, and in Boost mode they will go far ahead.
  • In the Y-series, the difference between processors at minimum frequencies is small, but with Turbo Boost overclocking, the Core i5 and Core i7 should go far ahead. It's another matter that the magnitude and, most importantly, the stability of overclocking are very dependent on the cooling efficiency. And with this, given the orientation of these processors to tablets (especially fanless ones), there may be problems.
  • The Core i7 U-series almost reaches the level of the Core i5 M-series in terms of performance. There are other factors (it is more difficult to achieve stability due to less efficient cooling, and it costs more), but overall this is a good result.

As for the ratio of power consumption and performance rating, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Despite the increase in TDP when the processor enters Boost mode, energy efficiency is improved. This is because the relative increase in frequency is greater than the relative increase in TDP;
  • The ranking of processors of various series (M, U, Y) occurs not only in terms of decreasing TDP, but also increasing energy efficiency - for example, Y-series processors show more energy efficiency than U-series processors;
  • It is worth noting that with an increase in the number of cores, and therefore threads, energy efficiency also increases. This can be explained by the fact that only the processor cores themselves are doubled, but not the accompanying DMI, PCI Express and ICP controllers.

An interesting conclusion can be drawn from the latter: if the application is well parallelized, then a quad-core processor will turn out to be more energy efficient than a dual-core one: it will finish computations faster and return to idle mode. As a result, multicore could be the next step in the fight to improve energy efficiency. In principle, this trend can be noted in the ARM camp as well.

So, although the rating is purely theoretical, and it is not a fact that it accurately reflects the real alignment of forces, even it allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding the distribution of processors in the lineup, their energy efficiency and the ratio of these parameters to each other.

Haswell vs. Ivy Bridge

Although Haswell processors have been on the market for quite some time, the presence of Ivy Bridge processors in turnkey solutions remains quite high even now. From the point of view of the consumer, there were no special revolutions during the transition to Haswell (although the increase in energy efficiency for some segments looks impressive), which raises questions: is it worth choosing the fourth generation, or can we do with the third?

It is difficult to directly compare the fourth-generation Core processors with the third, because the manufacturer has changed the TDP boundaries:

  • the M series of the third generation Core has a TDP of 35 W, and the fourth - 37 W;
  • the U series of the third generation Core has a TDP of 17 W, and the fourth - 15 W;
  • The Y series of the third generation Core has a TDP of 13W, while the fourth has a TDP of 11.5W.

And if for the ultramobile lines the TDP dropped, then for the more productive M series it even increased. Nevertheless, let's try to make an approximate comparison:

  • The top-end quad-core processor Core i7 of the third generation had a frequency of 3 (3.9) GHz, the fourth generation had the same 3 (3.9) GHz, that is, the difference in performance can only be due to architectural improvements - no more than 10%. Although, it is worth noting that with heavy use of FMA3, the fourth generation will outstrip the third by 30-70%.
  • The top dual-core processors Core i7 of the third generation of the M-series and U-series had frequencies of 2.9 (3.6) GHz and 2 (3.2) GHz, respectively, and the fourth - 2.9 (3.6) GHz and 2, 1 (3.3) GHz. As you can see, even if the frequencies have increased, it is insignificant, so the performance level can only grow minimally due to the architecture optimization. Again, if the software knows about FMA3 and knows how to actively use this extension, then the fourth generation will have a solid advantage.
  • The top-end dual-core processors Core i5 of the third generation M-series and U-series had frequencies of 2.8 (3.5) GHz and 1.8 (2.8) GHz, respectively, and the fourth - 2.8 (3.5) GHz and 1.9 (2.9) GHz. The situation is similar to the previous one.
  • The top-end third generation dual-core processors Core i3 M-series and U-series had frequencies of 2.5 GHz and 1.8 GHz, respectively, and the fourth - 2.6 GHz and 2 GHz. The situation repeats itself again.
  • The top dual-core processors Core i3, i5 and i7 of the third generation of the Y-series had frequencies of 1.4 GHz, 1.5 (2.3) GHz and 1.5 (2.6) GHz, respectively, and the fourth - 1.3 GHz, 1.4 (1.9) GHz and 1.7 (2.9) GHz.

In general, the clock speeds in the new generation have practically not increased, so a slight performance gain is obtained only due to architecture optimization. The fourth generation Core will get a noticeable advantage when using software optimized for FMA3. Well, do not forget about a faster graphics core - there optimization can bring a significant increase.

As for the relative difference in performance within the lines, the third and fourth generations of Intel Core are close in this indicator.

Thus, we can conclude that in the new generation Intel decided to lower the TDP instead of increasing the operating frequencies. As a result, the increase in operating speed is lower than it could have been, but it was possible to achieve an increase in energy efficiency.

Suitable Tasks for Different 4th Generation Intel Core Processors

Now that we have figured out the performance, we can roughly estimate what tasks this or that fourth-generation Core line is best suited for. Let's summarize the data in a table.

Series / rulerCore i3Core i5Core i7
Mobile M
  • surfing the net
  • office environment
  • old and casual games

All the previous plus:

  • professional environment on the verge of comfort

All the previous plus:

  • professional environment (3D modeling, CAD, professional photo and video processing, etc.)
Ultra Mobile U
  • surfing the net
  • office environment
  • old and casual games

All the previous plus:

  • corporate environment (e.g. accounting systems)
  • undemanding computer games with discrete graphics
  • professional environment on the verge of comfort (it is unlikely that it will be possible to work comfortably in the same 3ds max)
Super-mobile Y
  • surfing the net
  • simple office environment
  • old and casual games
  • office environment
  • old and casual games

It is also clearly seen from this table that first of all it is worth paying attention to the processor series (M, U, Y), and only then to the line (Core i3, i5, i7), since the line determines the ratio of processor performance only within the series, and performance differs markedly between series. This is clearly seen in the comparison of the i3 U-series and i5 Y-series: the first in this case will be more productive than the second.

So what conclusions can be drawn from this table? Core i3 processors of any series, as we have already noted, are interesting primarily for their price. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them if you are on a tight budget and are ready to accept a loss in both performance and energy efficiency.

The mobile Core i7 stands out due to architectural differences: four cores, eight threads and noticeably more L3 cache. As a result, it is able to work with professional resource-intensive applications and show an extremely high level of performance for a mobile system. But for this, the software must be optimized for using a large number of cores - it will not reveal its merits in single-threaded software. And secondly, these processors require a bulky cooling system, that is, they are installed only in large laptops with a large thickness, and they do not have very much autonomy.

Core i5 mobile series provide a good level of performance, sufficient for performing not only home-office, but also some semi-professional tasks. For example, for photo and video processing. In all respects (energy consumption, heat generation, autonomy), these processors occupy an intermediate position between the Core i7 M-series and the ultra-mobile line. All in all, this is a balanced solution for those who value performance over a thin and light chassis.

Dual-core mobile Core i7 is about the same as the Core i5 M-series, only slightly more productive and, as a rule, noticeably more expensive.

Ultramobile Core i7 have about the same level of performance as mobile Core i5, but with caveats: if the cooling system can withstand prolonged operation at an increased frequency. Yes, and they heat up pretty well under load, which often leads to strong heating of the entire laptop case. Apparently, they are quite expensive, so their installation is justified only for top models. But they can be installed in thin laptops and ultrabooks, providing a high level of performance with a thin body and good battery life. This makes them a great choice for the frequent traveler of professional users who value energy efficiency and light weight, but often require high performance.

Ultramobile Core i5 show lower performance compared to the "big brother" of the series, but cope with any office load, while having good energy efficiency and much more affordable price. In general, this is a universal solution for users who do not work in resource-intensive applications, but are limited to office programs and the Internet, and at the same time would like to have a laptop / ultrabook suitable for travel, i.e. lightweight, lightweight and long-lasting. batteries.

Finally, the Y-series also stands out. In terms of performance, its Core i7, with luck, will reach the ultra-mobile Core i5, but this, by and large, no one expects from it. For the Y series, the main thing is high energy efficiency and low heat generation, which makes it possible to create, among other things, fanless systems. As for performance, the minimum acceptable level is sufficient, which does not cause irritation.

Turbo Boost at a glance

In case some of our readers have forgotten how Turbo Boost technology works, here's a short description of how it works.

To put it bluntly, the Turbo Boost system can dynamically increase the frequency of the processor over the set due to the fact that it constantly monitors whether the processor is out of normal operation.

The processor can operate only in a certain temperature range, that is, its performance depends on heating, and heating depends on the ability of the cooling system to effectively remove heat from it. But since it is not known in advance which cooling system the processor will work with in the user's system, two parameters are indicated for each processor model: the operating frequency and the amount of heat that must be removed from the processor at maximum load at this frequency. Since these parameters depend on the efficiency and correct operation of the cooling system, as well as external conditions (first of all, the ambient temperature), the manufacturer had to lower the frequency of the processor so that it would not lose stability even under the most unfavorable operating conditions. Turbo Boost technology monitors the internal parameters of the processor and allows it to operate at a higher frequency if external conditions are favorable.

Intel originally explained that Turbo Boost uses a "thermal inertia effect." Most of the time, in modern systems, the processor is idle, but from time to time it needs maximum output for a short period. If at this moment the processor frequency is raised strongly, then it will cope with the task faster and return to the idle state earlier. At the same time, the processor temperature does not rise immediately, but gradually, therefore, during short-term operation at a very high frequency, the processor will not have time to heat up so as to go beyond the safe limits.

In reality, it quickly became clear that with a good cooling system, the processor is capable of operating under load even at an increased frequency for an unlimited time. Thus, for a long time the maximum overclocking frequency was absolutely working, and the processor returned to the nominal only in extreme cases or if the manufacturer made a low-quality cooling system for a particular laptop.

In order to prevent overheating and failure of the processor, the Turbo Boost system in the modern implementation constantly monitors the following parameters of its operation:

  • chip temperature;
  • consumed current;
  • power consumption;
  • number of loaded components.

Modern systems based on Ivy Bridge are capable of operating at an increased frequency in almost all modes, except for the simultaneous serious load on the central processor and graphics. As for Intel Haswell, we do not yet have sufficient statistics on the behavior of this platform under overclocking.

Approx. author: It is worth noting that the temperature of the chip also indirectly affects the power consumption - this effect becomes apparent upon closer examination of the physical structure of the crystal itself, since the electrical resistance of semiconductor materials increases with increasing temperature, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in electricity consumption. Thus, the processor at 90 degrees will consume more power than at 40 degrees. And since the processor "heats up" both the textolite of the motherboard with the tracks and the surrounding components, their loss of electricity to overcome the higher resistance also affects power consumption. This conclusion is easily confirmed by overclocking both "in the air" and extreme. All overclockers know that a more efficient cooler allows you to get additional megahertz, and the effect of superconductivity of conductors at temperatures close to absolute zero, when the electrical resistance tends to zero, is familiar to everyone from school physics. That is why, when accelerating with cooling with liquid nitrogen, it turns out to reach such high frequencies. Returning to the dependence of electrical resistance on temperature, we can also say that to some extent the processor also heats itself up: when the temperature rises, when the cooling system fails, the electrical resistance also increases, which in turn increases the power consumption. And this leads to an increase in heat dissipation, which leads to a rise in temperature ... Besides, do not forget that high temperatures shorten the life of the processor. Although manufacturers claim high maximum temperatures for chips, it is still worth keeping the temperature as low as possible.

By the way, it is quite probable that “turning” the fan at higher speeds, when it increases the power consumption of the system, is more advantageous in terms of power consumption than having a processor with a high temperature, which will entail power losses due to the increased resistance.

As you can see, temperature may not be a direct limiting factor for Turbo Boost, that is, the processor will have a perfectly acceptable temperature and not go into throttling, but it indirectly affects another limiting factor - power consumption. Therefore, you should not forget about the temperature.

To summarize, the Turbo Boost technology allows, under favorable operating conditions, to increase the processor frequency beyond the guaranteed rating and thus provide a much higher level of performance. This property is especially valuable in mobile systems where it achieves a good balance between performance and heat.

But it should be remembered that the reverse side of the coin is the impossibility of assessing (predicting) the pure performance of the processor, since it will depend on external factors. Probably, this is one of the reasons for the appearance of processors with “8” at the end of the model name - with “raised” nominal operating frequencies and increased TDP because of this. They are designed for those products for which consistent high performance under load is more important than energy efficiency.

The second part of the article provides a detailed description of all modern series and lines of Intel Haswell processors, including the technical characteristics of all available processors. And also conclusions were made about the applicability of certain models.

Previously, when choosing a processor for their computer, users mainly paid attention to the brand and the clock speed. Today the situation has changed a bit. No, even today you will need to make a choice between two manufacturers - Intel and AMD, but this is not the end of the matter. Times have changed and both companies produce a good quality product that can satisfy the needs of almost any demanding user.

However, each manufacturer's product has its own strengths and weaknesses, which are manifested in the performance of various software applications, as well as in the range of prices and performance. Plus, today a processor with a much lower clock frequency can easily bypass its faster brother, and a multi-core processor may turn out to be slower than a processor based on the old architecture, with a certain load on the system.

We will tell you how modern processors differ from each other, and the choice is yours.

Characteristics of modern processors

1. CPU clock speed

This indicator, which determines the number of clock cycles (operations) that the processor can do per second of time. Previously, this indicator was decisive when choosing a computer and a subjective assessment of processor performance.

Now, the times have come when this figure is sufficient for the vast majority of modern processors to perform standard tasks, therefore, when working with many applications, there will not be a significant increase in performance due to a higher clock frequency. Performance is now determined by other parameters.

2. Number of Cores

Most modern computer processors have two or more cores, the exception can be made only by the most budget models. Everything seems to be logical here - more cores, higher performance, but in reality it turns out that everything is not so simple. In some applications, the performance gain may indeed be due to the number of cores, but in other applications, the multi-core processor may be inferior to its predecessor with fewer cores.

3 The amount of cache memory for processors

In order to increase the speed of data exchange with the computer's RAM, additional high-speed memory blocks are installed on the manufactured processors (the so-called caches of the first, second, third levels, or LI, L2, L3 cache). Again, everything seems logical - the larger the cache memory in the processor, the higher its performance.

But here again different models of processors emerge, which, as a rule, differ from each other by several technical parameters at once, so it is practically impossible to reveal the direct dependence of performance on the size of the chip's cache memory.

Moreover, a lot also depends on the specifics of the software application code. Some applications, with a large cache, give a noticeable increase, while others, on the contrary, start to work worse because of the program code.

4 Core

The core is the basis of any processor, from which other characteristics are based. You can find two processors with at first glance similar technical characteristics (number of cores, clock frequency), but with different architectures and they will show completely different results in performance tests and software applications.

Traditionally, processors based on newer cores are much better at handling various programs and therefore perform better than models based on outdated technologies (even if the clock speeds are the same).

5 Technical process

This is the scale of modern technologies that actually determine the size of the semiconductor elements that serve in the internal circuits of the processor. The smaller these elements are, the more perfect the applied technology. This does not mean at all that a modern processor, created on the basis of a modern technical process, will be faster than a representative of the old series. It's just that he can, for example, heat up less, and therefore work more efficiently.

6 Front Side Bus (FSB)

The system bus frequency is the rate at which the processor core communicates with the RAM, discrete graphics card, and peripheral controllers on the computer's motherboard. Everything is simple here. The higher the bandwidth, the correspondingly higher the performance of the computer (all other things being equal technical characteristics of the computers in question).

Deciphering the names of Intel processors

Learning to navigate the huge range of different names of Intel processors is quite simple. First you need to figure out the positioning of the processors themselves:

Core i7- currently the top line of the company

Core i5- are distinguished by high performance

Core i3- low price, high / medium performance

All Core i series processors are built on the Sandy Bridge core and belong to the second generation of Intel Core processors. Most models start with the number 2, while more modern modifications based on the latest Ivy Bridge core are marked with the number 3.

Now it is very easy to determine what generation this or that processor is, and on the basis of which core it is created. For example, the Core i5-3450 belongs to the third generation based on the Ivy Bridge core, and the Core i5-2310 is, respectively, the second generation based on the Sandy Bridge core.

When you know the type of processor core, you can already roughly judge not only its capabilities, but also about the potential heat release during loading. Representatives of the third generation are heated much less than their predecessors thanks to a more modern technical process.

In addition to numbers, suffixes are sometimes used in processor names:

TO- for processors with an unlocked multiplier (this allows experienced computer users to overclock the processor themselves)

S- for products with increased energy efficiency, T - for the most economical processors.

Intel Core 2 Quad

The line of popular four-core processors based on the outdated Yorkfield core (45 nm process technology), due to the attractive low price and fairly high performance, the line of these processors is relevant today.

Intel Pentium and Celeron

When labeling budget Pentium and Celeron processors, they use the designations G860, G620 and some others. The higher the number after the letter, the correspondingly the processor is more productive. If the marking numbers differ insignificantly, then, most likely, we are talking about various modifications of chips in the same production line, usually they are small and consists of only a few hundred megahertz of the core clock frequency. Sometimes the size of the cache memory, and even the number of cores, differ, and this already has a much stronger effect on the differences in power and performance. Therefore, it will be better if you do not rely on the marking of chips, but check all the technical specifications on the official website of the seller or manufacturer, because it will take little time, but it will help save nerves and money.

An illustrative example is that the Celeron G440 and Celeron G530 processors, differing in price by only 200 rubles, actually have a different number of cores (Celeron G440 - one, Celeron G530 - two), different clock frequency of the core (the G530 has 800 MHz more ), the G530 also has twice the cache. However, the heat dissipation of the latter processor is almost twice as high, although both processors are based on the same Sandy Bridge core.

Intel processor technologies

Intel processors are considered the most productive today thanks to the Core i7 Extreme Edition family. Depending on the model, they can have up to 6 cores simultaneously, clock speeds up to 3300 MHz and up to 15 MB L3 cache. The most popular cores in the desktop processor segment are based on Intel - Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge.

Just like the competitor, Intel processors use proprietary technologies of their own design to improve system efficiency.

1. Hyper Threading- Due to this technology, each physical core of the processor is capable of processing two threads of calculations simultaneously, it turns out that the number of logical cores actually doubles.

2. Turbo Boost- Allows the user to automatically overclock the processor, while not exceeding the maximum allowable operating temperature of the cores.

3. Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI)- The QPI ring bus connects all components of the processor, due to this, all possible delays in the exchange of information are minimized.

4. Visualization Technology- Hardware support for virtualization solutions.

5. Intel Execute Disable Bit- In practice, it provides hardware protection against possible virus attacks, which are based on buffer overflow technology.

6. Intel SpeedStep-A tool that allows you to change the voltage level and frequency depending on the load on the processor.

Deciphering the names of AMD processors


Top line of multi-core computer processors with a specially removed multiplier limit (for the sake of self-overclocking) to ensure high performance when working with demanding applications. Based on the first digit of the name, we can say how many cores are installed in the processor: FX-4100 has four cores, FX-6100 has six cores, and FX-8150 has eight cores. In the line of these processors, there are also several modifications with slightly different clock speeds (the FX-8150 processor has it 500 MHz higher than that of the FX-8120 processor). AMD A

A line with a graphics core built into the processor. The number designation in the name indicates that it belongs to a specific performance class: AC - performance sufficient for the vast majority of standard daily tasks, A6 - performance sufficient to create HD video conferencing, A8 - performance sufficient for confident viewing of Blu-ray movies with the effect of 3D or launching modern 3D games in multi-display mode (with the ability to connect four monitors at the same time).

AMD Phenom II and Athlon II

The earliest processors from the AMD Phenom II line were officially released back in 2010, but due to their low price and fairly high performance, they still enjoy some popularity today.

The number of cores in the processor is indicated by the number in the name immediately after the X. For example, the marking of the AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb processor tells us that it belongs to the Phenom II processor family, has four cores and is based on the Deneb core. Completely similar marking rules can be seen in the Athlon series.

AMD Sempron

Under this name, the manufacturer produces budget processors designed for desktop office computers.

AMD processor technologies

The top-of-the-line AMD FX processors, based on the new Zambezi core, can offer the discerning user eight cores, 8MB L3 cache and processor clock speeds up to 4200MHz.

Most modern processors made by AMD support the following technologies by default:

1. AMD Turbo CORE- This technology is designed to automatically adjust the performance of all processor cores, through controlled overclocking (Intel has a similar technology called TurboBoost).

2. AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions), ХОР and FMA4- A tool that has an extended set of commands specifically designed for working with floating point numbers. Definitely a toolkit.

3. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)- In software applications using data encryption, improves performance.

4. AMD Visualization (AMD-V)- This virtualization technology helps to ensure the sharing of the resources of one computer among several virtual machines.

5. AMD PowcrNow!- Power management technology. They help the user achieve performance gains by dynamically activating and deactivating a portion of the processor.

6. NX Bit- Unique anti-virus technology that helps prevent infection of a personal computer with certain types of malware.

Comparison of processor performance

Looking through price lists with prices and characteristics of modern processors, you can come to real confusion. Surprisingly, a processor with more cores on board and with a higher clock speed can cost less than copies with fewer cores and lower clock speeds. The thing is that the real performance of the processor depends not only on the main characteristics, but also on the efficiency of the core itself, support for modern technologies and, of course, on the capabilities of the platform itself for which the processor was created (you can recall the logic of the motherboard, the capabilities of the video system, about bus bandwidth and much more).

That is why, one cannot judge the performance of a processor based on only the characteristics written on paper, you need to have data on the results of independent performance tests (preferably with those applications with which you plan to work constantly). Depending on the type of workload created, similar processors can produce completely different results when working with the same programs. How can an untrained person figure out which type of processor is right for him? Let's try to figure it out by conducting a comparative test of processors with the same retail price in various software applications.

1. Working with office software. When using familiar office applications and browsers, performance gains can be achieved due to a higher clock frequency of the processor. A large amount of cache memory or a large number of cores will not give the expected performance gain for this type of application. For example, the cheaper AMD Sempron 145 processor based on the 45nm Sargas core compared to the Intel Celeron G440 shows better performance in office applications, while the Intel product is based on the more modern 32nm Sandy Bridge core. The clock speed is the key to success when working with office applications.

2. Computer games. Modern 3D games with settings set to maximum are some of the most demanding for computer components. Processors show performance gains in modern computer games as the number of cores grows and the amount of cache memory increases (of course, if at the same time, the RAM and video system meet all modern requirements)... Take the AMD FX-8150 processor with 8 cores and 8 megabytes of L3 cache. When tested, it gives a better result in computer games than the almost identical Phenom II X6 Black Thuban 1100T with 6 cores, but with 6 megabytes of L3 cache. As noted above, when testing office programs, the performance picture is exactly the opposite.

If you start testing the performance in modern games of two similarly priced processors brands FX-8150 and Core i5-2550K, it turns out that the latter shows better results, despite the fact that it has fewer cores, and has a lower clock speed and even volume it has less cache memory. Most likely, here, in terms of efficiency, the more successful architecture of the kernel itself played the main role.

3. Raster graphics. Popular graphics applications such as Adobe Photoshop, ACDSee and Image-Magick were originally created by developers with excellent multi-threaded optimization, which means that with constant work with these programs, additional kernels will not be superfluous. There are also a large number of software packages that do not use multicore at all (Painishop or GIMP). It turns out that it is impossible to say unequivocally which technical parameter of modern processors more than others affects the increase in the speed of raster editors.... Different programs working with raster graphics are demanding on a variety of parameters, such as clock speed, number of cores (especially related to the real performance of one core), and even the amount of cache memory. Nevertheless, the inexpensive Core 13-2100 in tests shows much better performance in this kind of applications than, for example, the same FX-6100, and this even despite the fact that the basic characteristics of Intel are slightly inferior.

4. Vector graphics. Nowadays, processors show themselves very strangely when working with such popular software packages as CorelDraw and Illustrator. The total number of processor cores has practically no effect on application performance, which indicates that this type of software does not have multi-threaded optimization. In theory, there will even be a lot of dual-core processor for normal work with vector editors, since the clock frequency comes to the fore here.

An example is AMD Ab-3650, which with four cores, but with a low clock speed cannot compete in vector editors with the budget dual-core Pentium G860, which has a slightly higher clock speed (while the cost of processors is practically the same).

5. Audio encoding. When working with audio data, you can observe completely opposite results. When encoding audio files, performance increases as the number of processor cores increases and as the clock frequency increases. In general, even 512 megabytes of cache memory is quite enough to perform operations of this kind, since this type of memory is practically not used when processing streaming data. A good example is the eight-core FX-8150 processor, which, when converting audio files into different formats, shows the result much better than the more expensive quad-core Core 15-2500K, thanks to the larger number of cores.

6. Video encoding. The kernel architecture plays a big role in software packages such as Premier, Expression Encoder or Vegas Pro. Here the emphasis is on fast ALU / FPU - these are the hardware computational units of the kernel responsible for logical and arithmetic operations in data processing. Kernels with different architectures (even if these are different lines of the same manufacturer), depending on the type of load, provide a different level of performance

Intel's Sandy Bridge Core i3-2120 processor, with a lower clock speed, less cache and fewer cores, outperforms the AMD FX-4100 processor based on the Zambezi core, which costs almost the same money. This unusual result can be explained by differences in kernel architecture and better optimization for specific software applications.

7. Archiving. If you are often involved in archiving and unpacking large files at your computer in programs such as WinRAR or 7-Zip, then pay attention to the amount of cache memory of your processor. In such cases, the cache memory is in direct proportion: the larger it is, the more computer performance when working with archivers... The benchmark is the AMD FX-6100 processor with 8 MB of level 3 cache installed on board. It manages the archiving task much faster than comparable processors Core i3-2120 with 3 MB L3 cache and Core 2 Quad Q8400 with 4 megabytes of L2 cache.

8. Extreme multitasking mode. Some users work with several resource-intensive software applications at once with background operations activated in parallel. Just think, you are unpacking a huge RAR archive on your computer, simultaneously listening to music, editing several documents and spreadsheets, while you are running Skype and an Internet browser with several open tabs. With such active use of the computer, the ability of the processor to perform several threads of operations in parallel plays a very important role. It turns out that the number of cores of the processor is of paramount importance for such use.

Multitasking is handled by the AMD Phenom II Xb and FX-8xxx multi-core processors. It is worth noting here that the AMD FX-8150 with eight cores on board, while running several applications at the same time, has a slightly larger performance margin than, for example, the more expensive Core i5-2500K processor with only four cores. Of course, if maximum speed is required, then it is better to look towards the Core i7 processors, which can easily overtake the FX-8150.


In conclusion, we can say that a huge number of different factors affect the overall performance of the system. Of course, it is good to have a processor with a high clock speed, a large number of cores and a large cache memory, plus it would be nice to have the most modern architecture, but all these parameters have different meanings for different types of tasks.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you want to invest money sensibly in upgrading your computer, then identify the highest priority tasks and imagine scenarios for everyday use. Knowing the specific goals and objectives, you can easily choose the optimal model that best suits your needs, work and, most importantly, budget.

Choosing a processor is one of the most important decisions affecting the performance of your computer or laptop, so you should at least know what to expect from it.

When choosing, everyone wants to get the best. There are not many tasks here. Usually they ask what is the best amd manufacturer or intel manufacturer, which generation, which line and which manufacturer.

As for which processor is better than amd or intel, then everyone is leaning towards intel, and they are, respectively, more expensive.

Usually in search they rush between intel core2 duo, pentium, celeron, atom, i3, i5, i7, but if you choose, for example, for games, then it is not a fact that intel core i5 will be better than i3, since there are many of those and those.

The wrong choice of computing device can lead to deep feelings of dissatisfaction, for example, when you are a player and accidentally bought a model strictly for the office.

Unfortunately, this will not go away painlessly, since the inspiration for change comes too late.

There are significant differences among the systems installed in desktop PCs that do not allow for a quick decision.

The number of cores, confusing characters, Turbo mode, multipliers - such a stream of information, most buyers are in a stupor.

They can't figure out what's what and rely on the experience of retailers, who are not always competent in these matters, but are well versed in marketing.

How to choose the best Intel processor yourself

Many sites publish processor comparisons, although such publications are usually aimed at advanced readers, showering them with confusing analyzes that do not mean anything to ordinary users.

If you do not have the slightest idea about the computer components, then you better sit in front of the monitor for a while, and not rely on someone else's opinions, so to speak, master the basics.

Contrary to appearances, choosing the “best processor” for your computer is easier than you might think, just a little technical knowledge to navigate the categories.

Let's start with a simplified card - Intel processors have a very diverse offering that is divided into several segments, ranging from budget.

Of course, faster models are more expensive - they offer higher performance and additional technologies.

Detailed specifications for each line can be found on this page below, which will further understanding the description.

Which is the best Intel Celeron processor

Celeron - the cheapest dual-core processors for office applications and computers with basic functionality, that is: for word processing, simple browser games, surfing the Internet or watching movies.

Pentium is dual-core, but noticeably faster than Celeron, but still not primarily intended for solving complex problems. Often chosen by players with modest requirements.

The Core i3 is a very versatile device for work and play, with dual cores and Hyper Threading.

Core i5 - has four cores and Turbo Boost technology, supports all typical applications, including semi-professional ones. Designed for gaming.

Core i7 is the fastest model with four or more cores, Hyper Threading and Turbo Boost modes, combining the best features of the aforementioned systems. They deliver uncompromising performance on every front.

Intel K-series / X - Unlocked multiplier processors for overclockers and unlimited power, which, if necessary, can independently increase their clock frequency to higher than the standard settings.

Intel T / S series - Both types of processors have a lower TDP, which emits less heat. Their performance is lower than in conventional models, but at the same time the demand for electricity decreases.

To choose the best processor - determine your needs

First, you need to answer the main question - what will be mainly used on the computer?

Only then can you look for a suitable solution. If you are in a circle of interests that does not require computer games and powerful software, a low to mid-range processor is sufficient for you.

The situation is completely different for entertainment lovers who use a multithreading application.

Here you will definitely need a modern block of the best work. For processors that play Battlefield 4, Crysis 3 tudzież Watch Dogs well, and you want the latest releases of Grand Theft Auto V, Far Cry 4 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the bar needs to be raised.

The processor is the most important, as it is responsible for part of the calculation, no other system does it.

A weak processor combined with a fast graphics card will limit the performance of the entire computer. Let's take a look at what features the various series offer.

Hyper Threading is a technology that doubles the number of supported threads in order to increase the efficiency of parallel computing, that is: a dual-core processor can perform four operations simultaneously. It is available in Core i3 and Core i7 models.

Turbo Boost - Automatically increases the processor clock speed to the value specified by the manufacturer, providing a safe way to free up performance. You don't need to configure anything. It is available in Core i5 and Core i7.

Intel Quick Sync is a technology that uses special mechanisms for creating and processing multimedia, which makes it faster and easier to convert. Supported by all 4th Generation Celeron, Pentium, Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7.

Layout - All Intel Core LGA 1150 socket based on Haswell architecture have an integrated Intel HD graphics chip, so no external graphics card is required to start the computer. The performance of such microcircuits varies greatly.

Instructions are a set of programmed instructions to speed up the execution of certain operations that have a very significant impact on processor performance.

The 4th Generation Core series supports multiple instructions depending on the model, and the number increases with a higher position in the product hierarchy.

Load "to the maximum" - insurance processor

An interesting service that, probably, few people have heard of is the extended warranty on Intel processors, which provides for emergencies due to the fault of the user.

The fact is that processors "die" extremely rarely, however, incorrect settings can cause overheating.

If the product will perform normally, use the normal warranty. The problem may be in the cases mentioned above, which is not included in the standard contract.

In other words, the extended service provides a completely new warranty for replacement in case of damage.

The cost of such protection is highly dependent on the model, starting at $ 10 and going up to $ 35.

All action is aimed primarily at overclockers, various enthusiastic experimenters and covers only blocks with an unlocked multiplier (K ​​or X versions).

Which is the best Intel Celeron processor

For desktops, the cheapest dual-core Celeron processors use the modern energy efficient Haswell architecture, thus delivering good performance in mainstream applications.

Working with spreadsheets, documents, tests, surfing the net or watching movies with Celeron will not be a problem.

It is important to note that the integrated Intel HD graphics chip eliminates the need for an external graphics card, thus keeping your computer costs down if you are interested in gaming.

  • Celeron G1840T - 2500 MHz ->
  • Celeron G1840 - 2800 MHz ->
  • Celeron G1850 - 2900 MHz -> dual cores / dual threads / Intel HD.

For example, the Celeron G1840 assembly is suitable for creating a small media center connected to a TV or a home file server, taking up the minimum amount of energy, so they can be passively cooled.

Which is the best Intel Pentium processor

Like Celeron processors, Pentium dual-core processors are aimed at users with modest requirements who need a PC mainly for simple tasks.

Their advantages over weaker brothers at a higher clock speed, but the price is still low.

Although the manufacturer did not create them for entertainment, i.e. technically advanced games, combined with an external graphics card, have worked well in games that do not use more than two cores.

Unfortunately, people looking to the future should consider buying something faster. The Pentium lineup includes the following models:

  • Pentium G3240T - 2700 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3440T - 2800 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3240 - 3200 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3258 - 3200 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3440 - 3300 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
  • Pentium G3450 - 3400 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.

Pentiums are inexpensive - pricing varies by configuration. Since they have integrated Intel HD, they can work successfully without an external video card.

This solution is admittedly weak, but easily allows you to display your desktop, watch a movie, or play a simple game.

The newest Pentium celebrated its twentieth birthday, which the manufacturer celebrated with the release of a limited-edition G3258 processor that allows overclocking. It is an interesting choice for the budget-conscious enthusiast.

Which is the best Intel Core i3 processor

The Core i3 certainly belongs to a bigger league than the Celeron and Pentium processor. It supports Hyper Threading technologies, doubling the number of supported threads and improving the efficiency of parallel computing.

In this case, a dual-core processor can perform up to four operations simultaneously. But here you should clearly understand that such a function must be supported by the operating system and the launched application.

Thus, the advantage of Hyper Threading may not always work, but on the latest games it is immediately noticeable. The series includes the following models:

  1. i3-4150T - 3000 MHz ->
  2. i3-4350T - 3100 MHz ->
  3. i3-4150 - 3500 MHz -> dual cores / 4 threads / Intel 4400 HD.
  4. i3-4350 - 3600 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  5. i3-4360 - 3700 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

The fourth generation Core i3 can be used for a variety of tasks. While players recommend investing in a Core i5 Quad, the Core i3 also provides decent liquidity, especially when paired with NVIDIA GeForce graphics, whose drivers enable Hyper Threading.

In addition, the Core i3 processors have their own integrated Intel HD 4000 cards, which are much faster than those found in Celeron and Pentium, allowing you to run more modern games.

Which is the best Intel Core i5 processor

The Core i5 must meet the expectations of the vast majority of computer users looking for efficient and future-proof solutions.

First, they have four cores (no Hyper Threading) that have enough processing power for every type of application.

Secondly, they are equipped with Turbo Boost technology, automatically increasing their sync. Overall, this makes a very powerful combination, especially with Intel's Haswellam architecture.

Four cores are slowly becoming the standard these days, so you should consider buying them, especially if you want to play Battlefied 4, Grand Theft Auto V, or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The series includes the following models:

  • i5-4460T - 1900 MHz -> 2700 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4590T - 2000 MHz -> 3000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4690T - 2500 MHz -> 3500 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4460S - 2900 MHz ->
  • i5-4590S - 3000 MHz ->
  • i5-4690S - 3200 MHz ->
  • i5-4460 - 3200 MHz -> 3400 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4590 - 3300 MHz -> 3700 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i5-4690 - 3500 MHz -> 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

The Core i5 can be equipped with a dedicated graphics card for comfortable gaming. But like the rest of Intel's fourth-generation processors, the Core i5 has an integrated graphics chip that allows it to self-select images.

Such devices do not require additional investment in other components. The original cooling system is sufficient for them, as well as the mid-range power supply and the motherboard.

Although the price of the Core i5 is noticeably higher than the Core i3, such a purchase will be justified in the long run. A good processor doesn't change too often after all.

Which is the best Intel Core i7 processor

The Core i7 is absolutely the top shelf in Intel's offerings and is designed for demanding gamers and professionals alike, combining all the positives of other models in one system.

The first one - four cores and support for Hyper Threading, doubling the number of supported threads in parallel, that is: a four-core processor can perform up to eight operations simultaneously.

Of course, this function must be supported by the operating system as well as the application being launched. The second thing is Turbo Boost mode, in which the clock speed is automatically increased to very high values, going up to 4400 MHz, providing owners with uncompromising performance. The series includes models:

  1. i7-4785T -> 2200 MHz - 3200 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  2. i7-4790T -> 2700 MHz - 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  3. i7-4790S -> 3200 MHz - 4000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  4. i7-4790 -> 3600 MHz - 4000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

Until recently, the Core i7 required specialized software that was able to take advantage of Hyper Threading.

Nowadays, more and more games are starting to use Hyper Threading like Crysis 3.

Core i7 processors have integrated graphics and are among the fastest in the desktop market.

Which is the best processor from Intel manufacturer

A separate category of Core i5 and i7 sockets in the LGA 1150 core model with the letter K in the name (except for the Core i7 Extreme series, intended for absolute performance enthusiasts) will provide free overclocking with a multiplier.

Despite the fact that until now the Pentium G3258 has been released for twenty years, it offers identical functionality, this certainly applies to the lower segment of the market.

So let's focus on the above two. What benefits will K processors bring?

When you find that your computer is underpowered, you can manually increase or release unused computing power.

Conventional models do not allow such operations to be performed in any respect, and the profit can reach several hundred megahertz, increasing the overall performance by tens of percent. The series includes:

  • i5-4690K -> 3500 MHz - 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores - 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
  • i7-4790K -> 4000 MHz - 4400 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

For the privilege of having a processor with an unlocked multiplier, you have to pay a little extra, but then you will play at the highest settings, consider buying at least an i5-4690K core.

Of course, overclocking is useful and requires a little bit of knowledge in this area, a better motherboard and a better cooling system, so it's a pleasure for a little more advanced users.

Don't worry - I'll explain soon how to do this safely. Only if you are very afraid of damaging the processor, you can take advantage of an extended warranty covering accidents, for example, when it burns through too high supply voltages.

A good game is definitely worth it, and gaming loads will only increase in the future - no doubt about that, but now you know which is the best processor and which generation is better to choose: intel i5 or i7, celeron or intel pentium, intel or mediatek, pentium or intel, mediatek or intel atom. Good luck.

This article will take a closer look at the latest generations of Intel processors based on the Core architecture. This company occupies a leading position in the computer systems market. Most modern computers are assembled on chips of this particular company.

Intel: development strategy

Previous generations of Intel processors were subject to a two-year cycle. This strategy for the release of new processors of this company was called "Tik-Tak". The first stage, called "tick", is to transfer the processor to a new technological process. So, for example, the generations "Ivy Bridge" (2nd generation) and "Sandy Bridge" (3rd generation) in terms of architecture were identical. However, the production technology of the former was based on the rate of 22 nm, and of the latter - 32 nm. The same can be said for Broad Well (5th generation) and Has Well (4th generation). The "so" stage, in turn, implies a radical change in the architecture of semiconductor crystals and a significant increase in performance. The following transitions can be cited as examples:

- 1st generation West merre and 2nd generation Sandy Bridge. In this case, the technological process was identical (32 nm), but the architecture has undergone significant changes. The north bridge of the motherboard and the integrated graphics amplifier were moved to the central processor;

- 4th generation Has Well and 3rd generation Ivy Bridge. The power consumption level of the computer system was optimized, and the clock frequencies of the chips were also increased.

- 6th generation "Sky Like" and 5th generation "Broad Well": clock speeds have also been increased and power consumption has been improved. Several new instructions have been added to improve performance.

Core Processors: Segmentation

Intel CPUs are positioned in the market as follows:

- Celeron - the most affordable solutions. Suitable for use in office computers designed for solving the most simple tasks.

- Pentium - almost completely identical to Celeron processors in terms of architecture. However, higher frequencies and increased L3 cache give these processor solutions a certain performance advantage. This CPU belongs to the entry-level gaming PC segment.

- Corei3 - occupy the middle segment of the CPU from Intel. The two previous types of processors usually have two computational units. The same can be said about the Corei3. However, for the first two families of chips there is no support for the HyperTrading technology. Corei3 processors have it. Thus, at the software level, two physical modules can be converted into four program processing threads. This allows for a significant increase in the level of performance. Based on such products, you can build your own mid-level gaming personal computer, an entry-level server or even a graphics station.

- Corei5 - occupy a niche of solutions above the average level, but below the premium segment. These semiconductor crystals boast the presence of four physical cores at once. This architectural feature gives them a performance advantage. The more recent generation of Corei5 processors has higher clock speeds, which allows for continuous performance gains.

- Corei7 - occupy a niche of the premium segment. The number of computing units in them is the same as in Corei5. However, they, like the Corei3, have support for the "Hypertrading" technology. For this reason, four cores are converted at the software level into eight processed threads. It is this feature that allows you to provide a phenomenal level of performance that any personal computer based on Intel Corei7 can boast. These chips have a corresponding cost.

Processor connectors

Generations of Intel Core processors can be installed in a variety of socket types. For this reason, it will not be possible to install the first chips based on this architecture in a 6th generation CPU motherboard. And the chip with the code name "SkyLike" cannot be installed in the motherboard for the second and first generation processors. The first processor socket is called Socket H or LGA 1156. The number 1156 here indicates the number of pins. This connector was released in 2009 for the first central processing units manufactured in 45nm and 32nm process standards. Today this socket is considered to be morally and physically obsolete. LGA 1156 was replaced in 2010 by LGA 1155 or Socket H1. The motherboards in this series support 2nd and 3rd generation Core chips. Their codenames are "Sandy Bridge" and "Ivy Bridge" respectively. 2013 was marked by the release of the third socket for chips based on the Core architecture - LGA 1150 or Socket H2. In this processor socket, it was possible to install a fourth and fifth generation processor. In 2015, the LGA 1150 socket was replaced by the current LGA 1151 socket.

First generation chips

The most affordable processors were Celeron G1101 (running at 2.27 GHz), Pentium G6950 (2.8 GHz), Pentium G6990 (2.9 GHz). All of these solutions had two cores. The mid-range segment was occupied by Corei 3 processors, designated 5XX (two cores / four threads for processing information). Processors with the designation 6XX were one notch higher. They had identical parameters to the Corei3, but the frequency was higher. At the same stage was the 7XX processor with four real cores. The most productive computer systems were assembled on the basis of the Corei7 processor. These models were designated as 8XX. In this case, the fastest chip was labeled 875 K. Such a processor could be overclocked due to the unlocked multiplier. However, the price was appropriate. For these processors, you can get a significant performance gain. The presence of the K prefix in the designation of the central processing unit means that the processor multiplier is unlocked and this model can be overclocked. The S prefix was added to the designation of energy efficient chips.

Sandy Bridge and planned architecture renovation

The first generation of chips based on the Core architecture was replaced in 2010 by a new solution codenamed Sandy Bridge. The key feature of this device was the transfer of the integrated graphics accelerator and the north bridge to the silicon chip of the processor.

In the niche of more budget processor solutions were the Celeron processors of the G5XX and G4XX series. In the first case, two computational units were used at once, and in the second, the third-level cache was cut and only one core was present. Pentium processors G6XX and G8XX are located one notch higher. In this case, the difference in performance was provided by higher frequencies. Because of this important characteristic, the G8XX looked much more preferable in the eyes of the user. The line of Corei3 processors was represented by the 21XX models. Some designations had a T at the end. It denoted the most energy efficient solutions with reduced performance. Corei5 solutions were designated 25XX, 24XX, 23XX. The higher the designation of the model, the higher the level of performance the CPU has. If the letter "S" is added at the end of the name, it means an intermediate option in terms of energy consumption between the "T" -version and the standard crystal. The "P" index indicates that the graphics accelerator is disabled in the device. Chips with the "K" index had an unlocked multiplier. Such marking remains relevant for the third generation of this architecture.

New progressive technological process

In 2013, the third generation of processors based on this architecture was released. The key innovation was a new technological process. Otherwise, there were no significant innovations. They are all physically compatible with the previous generation processor. They could be installed in the same motherboards. The designation structure remains the same. Celeron was designated G12XX, and Pentium - G22XX. In the beginning, instead of "2" was "3". This indicated belonging to the third generation. The Corei3 line had 32XX indexes. More advanced Corei5 processors were designated 33XX, 34XX, and 35XX. The flagship Core i7 devices were labeled 37XX.

Fourth Generation Core Architecture

The fourth generation of Intel processors is the next step. In this case, the following marking was used. Economy CPUs were designated G18XX. Pentium processors - 41XX and 43XX - had the same indexes. Corei5 processors could be identified by the abbreviations 46XX, 45XX, and 44XX. Corei7 processors were referred to as 47XX. The fifth generation of Intel processors based on this architecture was focused mainly on use in mobile devices. For stationary personal computers, only chips related to the i7 and i5 lines were released, and only a limited number of models. The first of them were designated as 57XX, and the second - 56XX.

Promising solutions

In early fall 2015, the sixth generation of Intel processors debuted. This is the most current processor architecture at the moment. In this case, the entry-level chips are referred to as G39XX for Celeron, G44XX and G45XX for Pentium. Corei3 processors are designated 61XX and 63XX. Corei5s are referred to as 64XX, 65XX and 66XX. Only one 67XX solution is allocated for the designation of flagship models. The new generation of processor solutions from Intel is only at the beginning of development, so such solutions will remain relevant for a long time.

Overclocking features

All chips based on this architecture have a locked multiplier. For this reason, overclocking the device can only be performed by increasing the system bus frequency. In the last sixth generation, motherboard manufacturers will have to disable this ability to increase system performance in the BIOS. In this regard, the processors of the Corei7 and Corei5 series with the K index are an exception. The multiplier is unlocked for these devices. This makes it possible to significantly increase the performance of computer systems based on such semiconductor products.

User opinion

All generations of Intel processors listed in this material are highly energy efficient and phenomenal in performance. Their only drawback is that they are too expensive. The reason is that Intel's direct competitor, AMD, cannot compete with worthwhile solutions. For this reason, Intel sets the price tag for its products based on its own considerations.


This article took a closer look at the generations of Intel desktop processors. This list will be enough to understand the designations and names of processors. There are also options for the computer enthusiast and various mobile sockets. This is all done to ensure that the end user can get the most optimal processor solution. Today, the most relevant are the chips of the sixth generation. When assembling a new PC, you should pay attention to these particular models.