ASUS RT N12 C1 Reset Settings. Reset Router Settings Asus: Detailed Guide

Hello! We continue the topic of routers. And if more precisely, today I will tell you how and why make reset settings to standard values. On our portal most likely there will be instructions for routers of different manufacturers. And I chose a reset of settings on the ASUS router.

If some questions arise in the course of reading, or you want to add something, be sure to write in the comment!

Why do you need it?

The option "Reset settings to the factory" is on all routers, regardless of the company and model. What is this feature? Here are three main points when it can come in handy:

  1. When you set up a Wi-Fi router, change the login and password to access the administrative panel. It was necessary to change some parameters, but it was found that the data for authorization was safely forgotten, and the leaflets were lost with the records. Then the reset will be reset standard settings. But there is one point - be prepared to configure the router again.
  2. If during the work in the web interface you saved incorrect parameters, it will also help RESET. After restoring the factory settings you can re-configure the device.
  3. In some cases, the reset helps remove some problems in the router.

Well, the most important thing. How to restore the factory settings? There are two options that work for all routers:

  • Press the RESET button on the device itself;
  • Use the web interface (of course, if you remember the login / password).

Now you can go to the main question - how to reset the settings Wi-Fi Router ASUS?

Immediately suggest watching a video on the topic:

Hardware method

The easiest option is to press the back of the device. On the ASUS RT N16 models, the parameters to the factory is done by pressing and hold for 5-7 minutes of the Reset button on the back of the device.

The method is suitable for most models of routers of this company. On some old devices, the reset button is called Restore.

Maybe this option - the button is not signed. Look for the one that is recessed in the panel. Usually, to press RESET, you need to use the clip or needle.

How to be if the button executes two functions - reset and WPS (intended for simplified connection to wi-Fi network)? In this case, we hold at least 10 seconds.


A more difficult option, but it is necessary to know it. How to reset to factory settings through the "admin", tell us on the example of ASUS RT N12:

  1. Open any browser and in the address bar (not in search!) Put the IP router. We have In the authorization menu we write a login / password. If you did not change them to your own, then this word admin in both fields.
  2. In the "Advanced Settings" section, we are looking for a string "Administration". Top select the "Settings" tab.
  3. In the window that opens, we find "factory settings" and press the key opposite "Restore".

  1. Now you need to confirm your intentions. In the confirmation window, press OK.

The router will reboot. The process lasts a couple of minutes. Then you can re-enter the administrative panel and configure the router.

If the web interface is in English, reset the settings on the ASUS router can be so. We are looking for the "Administration" item, the RESTORE / SAVE / UPLOAD SETTING and CLICK on "Restore".

Reset settings on the ASUS RT N10, N14, N18U, AC1200 and other models are also made by the button or through the control panel.

We are waiting for questions and comments. Be sure to write if something failed or need help in setting the router after restoring the factory parameters. So far!

Today's conversation will be devoted to resetting the settings and password on the ASUS router. The model line of the manufacturer is big, so I will try to show all possible options Reset to factory settings. And as the main example, take a popular ASUS RT-N12 router.

What is the factory settings of the router?

The factory settings, or they are also called "by default", is the condition in which the router was located when you got it the first time out of the box. It already sets some primary parameters - for example, an address, data for entering the office, the standard network name and some others.

In the process of using it, during, you change them on your own depending on the type of Internet connection and necessary for the work of certain functions.

But over time you can move to another apartment, change the provider. And so as not to bathe long with detailed changes in its configurations, it is easier to reset the ASUS router settings to the factory to install everything from scratch for a new connection.

How to return the factory settings of the ASUS router?

In general, I note that the reset of the router to the factory settings solves a lot of glitches that appeared during operation. And what if the Internet does not work, WiFi is not distributed, the device is buggy and any nonsense occurs, which was not from the very beginning of operation. In 90% of cases it is treated full reset Router.

ATTENTION! After reset, the ASUS router will need. All previous data will be erased!

How to reset the ASUS router settings to the factory button?

First of all, return factory condition You can use the "reset" button on the back face. On the ASUS RT-N12 router, it is delivered by a separate button, which is recessed into the housing to protect against random press. To activate the function, you need to take a clip, and hold it for 10-15 seconds.

But on some models, the reset button is combined with. it automatic connection to the router of other devices. For example, it is flored in ASUS RT-N11P. Then the return of the factory settings is carried out by a long pressing on it until the LEDs are shimming.

By the way, this option is also suitable for resetting the password on the ASUS router. If you do not know it or forgotten, and you can not log in under accounting Administrator in the device control panel. About how without this cardinal way, we wrote separately.

Software Reset Settings on the Asus Router

The second way to reset the ASUS RT-N12 settings is from the control panel, which is located at Read more about, read also in another publication.

Here we need to go to the "Administration" section, the "Settings" tab.

Well, to reset the parameters, click on the "Factory Settings" button and wait.

On earlier models Asus with old version personal Cabinet The reset function is located in the same section "Administration". The difference is pure in the external design of the interface

That's all - I will note that this instruction will also be relevant for devices of other firms. Well, for completeness, you can also

The instruction will tell you how to restart the ASUS, D-Link, Netgear, TP-Link, Zyxel, Huawei, and others. Prepare a router, put it on a free illuminated place and take a sharp object, for example, the needle. Routers from D-Link, TP-Link, Asus, Netgear, Tenda, Zyxel, Huawei will be taken as the main examples. Make sure that the reboot you really need and what it is not necessary to do that the router would not turn into a brick or lost all your settings.

Should immediately make a reservation that the procedure for different firms Looks, but do not confuse. These two operations should not be confused.

Cause of reboot

What reasons require overload?

The router, regardless of the manufacturer, assumes a long and uninterrupted work. It does not require his disconnection in the evening or night. In this regard, on some models, the power button may be missing completely. This happened on the ASUS RT-N13U B1 router. The reboot is most often necessary if you change the settings and they need to enter into force. In such a situation, the device itself proposes to perform it.

Despite the declared uninterrupted operation, in practice it turns out that the devices can be hung, periodically disappears the connection to the network. Such problems are most characteristic of the budget line of routers. They meet both TP-LINK manufacturer. It is characterized by the disappearance of the Internet without visible reasons. At the model of the ASUS RT-N13U B1 router, such a nuisance also meets. Those who enjoy them say that reboots have to be produced several times a day.

Reboot is the first and basic recommendation that is given when problems with the operation of the router without visible reasons.

Reboot with or off from the network

The first and easiest way to reboot is to turn off the power. To reboot the power to be powered, it should be turned off at least 30 seconds. It is recommended to hold the device turned off 1-2 minutes. In order to turn off any router, it is enough to pull the plug from the outlet.

Second version of this procedure - button ON / OFF.which is available on separate models. If your device has it, turn it off with it and wait a couple of minutes. Then turn on the back.

There is another third option, it is associated with the use of the RESET button. This button is recessed into the router housing. To press it, you need to use a sharp object. Press it should be 1-2 seconds and let go. After that, an overload will occur. If you hold down the button for too long, the settings will be reset. For this reason this method Use is not recommended.

Reboot through the settings panel

Each user who independently produces the router's tincture gets acquainted with its parameters and capabilities. For this reason, he probably saw the reboot button on the Administration page. With it, the restart device is reserved software. Run it easy. Initially, you must log in to the Administration page, then find a section with the button and click on it. This method is great for those situations where the router is located far from the administrator, that is, there is no physical contact with the device.

If you provide the primary entry of parameters or change the data on the router, the reboot should be made only through the Administration page. Pressing the shutdown button or disconnecting the power supply can lead to errors and not saving data.


The first action that is performed is not dependent on the router model - authorization in the administration panel. This means that you need to connect to the device and go to addresses. , or The form where the data should be specified for the login and password. After that, the control panel will be available. If you have problems, read the article currently for your router: address or as.

  1. TP-LINK router. This brand of devices is very common in users. They have a reboot button hidden in the menu with a side. To go to it you need to select in the left menu System tools - After that, click on the link so the names of the partitions and the buttons look like a Russian-language version. In the case of an English firmware, you should find a section System Tools.Reboot and button Reboot.TP-LINK router models support translation.
  2. Router ASUS. This manufacturer took care of its users. Not depending on the firmware version, the reboot button is located in one place - on main page. It should be pressed, confirm the action and wait the right time.
  3. D-Link router. If you have this device, then in the administration panel you should find the drop-down menu System.It will have an item Reboot.Possible a reboot with saving, then you should choose Save. and restart.
  4. Router NetGear. If you have this device, then the parameters should find the item Advanced settings.On the left side is the section The state of the router.In it, click on the button

There are other models of routers, such as ZyXEL, Cisco, Tenda. In them, restart is also carried out by software. But they will not be described in this article. It should be noted that it is not dependent on the manufacturer if problems arose with the device, its restart is performed by a simple operation - shutdown from the power supply.

Extreme ways to reboot

If all the actions described are not suitable, you can offer two more options - a special script or telnet. But these options are suitable for experienced users or programmers. The usual user, without specialized knowledge, do not use them.

ASUS RT-N12 is a very popular apparatus that belongs to budget options. It has all the necessary characteristics for the successful operation of the usual home, public or working network. The device is a portable access point Wi-Fi, which has the speed of information transfer to 150 megabits per second (possible Internet speed). The operating frequency of this device is 2.4 GHz. According to the standard there are 4 network (ordinary cable) ports, these are standard characteristics for the ASUS RT router, which are needed for direct connection to the desktop.

Overview of all light bulbs and connectors

The front part contains 7 indicators that will be given to understand the condition of the device at this point.

Figure 1. We marked the most important LED indicator. This is the power indicator. The indicator can have several configurations:

  1. Light does not burn. This means that there is no power, or the device is simply turned off.
  2. The light flashes with a large amplitude. This means that the router is only started.
  3. The light flashes with a small amplitude, quickly. This means that automation takes place.
  4. Light burns without blinking. This means that the system is loaded and can be used.

Figure 2. we denoted the indicator that determines wi-Fi states ROTETER ASUS RT N12 D1 on this moment. It has three configurations:

1. The light does not burn. No food or can be turned off wireless mode.

2. The light flashes. This means that there is a transfer of information.

3. The light is just lit. The device is ready for data transmission, but no exchange of packages is currently happening.

Digital 3. We denoted the indicator that defines the connection of the router to the Internet. Total two configurations:

1. It does not burn - there is no Internet. This may be due to non-payment, due to problems with communication, due to disconnecting from the Internet in equipment installations.

2. Lit - everything should work properly.

Figures 4-7 Indicators of local port status indicators. Three configurations for each:

1. It does not burn - the cord is disabled.

2. The light flashes - the exchange of information is performed.

3. The light is simply lit - this is a sign that the port is engaged in the PC connection cable to the network.

On the rear panel there are connections and switches. There are no indicators on it.

1. The WPS button (starting on the right side of the side), which is used to quickly enter the network.

2. WAN port, it is designed to attach the Internet cable to the router.

3. Four network ports that are needed to directly connect the PC to the router through cables.

4. A micro for power cord.

5. Turn on and off key.

6. Settings reset key. It is inside the hole, clamp it for seven seconds to reset to the factory settings. On factory installations standard password and login.

How to install router

Installing the router is not cunning and does not take much time. Connection and configuration takes more. First, it is worth checking for all components, so that the installation passed correctly:

· Router itself.

· Power Supply.

· Internet cable, which should be provided by a firm or provider.

· For the first installation you need to use the local (direct) Internet connection so that there is no interference.

After you have found everything you need to proceed to a fairly simple installation. First you need to figure out how to connect the Internet to the router using the Internet cord. The connector for this cable we denoted the number 2. After you need to join with a network LAN cable. It remains only to connect the router to the power supply, inserting one end of the power cord to the power supply with a voltage of 220 watts, and the other side into the connector under the number 4. Then press the power key. We act in this order.

Set as you see is not difficult. After these actions, the router should start running. On this, the router installation ends, further debugs are made using a specific page embedded in the router.

Setting ASUS RT-N12

To configure the router you need any browser. As an address of the site to register "" or "" - without quotes.

Attention! PC or laptop must be attached to the router, and not to the Internet cable.

After switching to the page, a window appears with data entry fields.

Here you need to register the user name (user name) and password (Password). When the router is only purchased, the default login and password there is the same - "admin". After full debugging, it is recommended to change both UserName and Password to eliminate the possibility of hacking.

There are times when the router was already exploited before, then the name and password sometimes differ from the standard. In order to correct the device ASUS RT N12, the firmware returns to the original state. To do this, it is necessary to hold the key, which the above was denoted at number 6. It is necessary to clamp some thin object, the easiest to the clip. Keep a key for 7 seconds. After that, all modified router settings will go to the initial state.

If the manipulation data does not help, the router does not return to the standard settings, then the setting should be performed by a specialist, the range of which includes aSUS firmware RT N12. You can and independently cope with this task, however, the router firmware is not a standard situation for the usual user. Remove the router is an order of magnitude harder.

Connecting the Internet using the full setup

In order to connect the Internet to the router, on the site that opens, you need to go to the router settings. Then - " additional settings" Select the "WAN" item you need (this is the configuration of the Internet connection).

In the main settings you need to set these data:

· Wan connection type - choose PPPoE here (most popular) or for Bilain L2TP (you need to clarify the provider).

· Enable WAN - our choice "Yes."

· Include NAT - our choice "Yes."

· Enable UPNP - our choice "Yes."

In the following window, called the WAN IP address opposite the WAN IP address automatically, you need to mark the answer - "yes."

Setting up DNS WAN, like that items that came earlier, opposite "connect to the DNS server automatically" you need to put the option - "Yes."

In the username field, as you could guess, you need to register your number or login that provides the Internet provider to perform the entry into the Internet.

Password is identical.

Some fields are allowed to skip. In the VPN server to enter the one that provides your Internet provider. If you configure the ASUS RT N12 router for Beeline, then it is "", nothing needs to be celebrated for Rostelecom.

After all this procedure, click on the "Apply" key. On this, the configuration of the Internet itself on the marchutizer ends.

Connecting the Internet using quick customization

Quick Setup ASUS RT N12 can significantly reduce the time required for full setting Router. On the main page of the router, press the "Go" or "GO" key.

Then the router automatically determines the type of connection. Although he will determine the necessary parametersBut Login and Password to the Internet will still need to register with handles in WiFi settings.

Setting up wireless mode

Set up ASUS RT N12 in wi-Fi mode It is possible enough thanks to the "quick setup". Finishing stage fast settings - Debugging wireless network settings. Here you can set an SSID and the key or password of the network.

Still configure in manual mode. Here we go to the window " Wireless network"We need to set only a few parameters. Among them:

· "SSID" is a name to detect your Wi-Fi router ASUS RT N12. Latin letters (English).

· The field of "authentication method" - here you will definitely highlight WPA2-PERSONAL, will help secure your Internet from unwanted users.

· "WPA preview key" is the key or password from your wi-fi. Enter when connected to Wi-Fi. Register the key is not shorter than eight characters.

Now you can save settings. Now now wiFi Setup The ASUS RT N12 router is completely complete. You can connect all the devices that are in the apartment, and use Wi-Fi at least on a washing machine.

A small addition

How to perform port timing? We will tell about how to open ports on the ASUS RT N12 C1 router, here is a quick setting. Since this is just an addition, the instruction will be very compressed. We act according to such a scheme: (address) -\u003e Local Network tab-\u003e DHCP server window-\u003e Enable Purpose manually Purpose - "Yes" -\u003e MAC address (here you need to choose required computerwhich will be assigned a static address) -\u003e Select and apply (after you have chosen the necessary PC).

If it does not help, then check your antivirus and firewall.

Video on the topic

Quickly you internet!

To learn how to reset the factory configurations on routers from ASUS, you need to read this article to the end. In fact, this is an incredibly useful thing, so the information has been received by many useful. In general, resetting settings on the ASUS router is almost the same as on other network PCs. This is done using the button, for this purpose, located on the case or using the control panel where such a function is mounted.

What is the burden and what is it all?

The answer is simple - each gadget has default settings laid by the manufacturer. But, having bought it, we still want to set up as it is necessary and convenient for us. Wi-Fi password is set to the Wi-Fi password, the network name changes, etc.

For example, almost a couple of weeks ago we set up ASUS RT-N12 +. This practice has shown us that there are cases where it is necessary to clean the parameters, so that the device returns the factory settings. An example can be a change of provider in the case when you decide to sell the gadget or during the settings something went wrong and you need to return everything to the original, i.e. factory position. That is why we remove all existing parameters and reconfigure the device again.

Even using the reminder to set up the necessary configurations, for some models, it is more practical to make their reset to the factory. This must be done with those settings that you have been set earlier, as they can become a source of any problems.

Immediately, I would like to note that the information of this article is great for various devices ASUS (RT-N10, RT-N12, RT-N14U, RT-G32, etc.). In general, the principle is one, the differences can only be in the location of the button.

Resetting the settings on the ASUS router

Attention! By producing an operation to reset the settings, it is worth remembering that everything will be removed from the gadget, so after you have to reinstall everything that is important to you. You can set up a router by using a memo that is possible in.

As mentioned above, to reset the settings, you need to use special buttonlocated on the device case. She can be signed as Reset. or Restore.. By the way, it is on ASUS that this button can also perform the WPS function, which is activated during the short pressure.

So, to drop uploads, you you need to press this RESET button for 10 seconds and hold it. After letting go and reboot the gadget, which will restore the factory settings. What does this button look like, can be viewed on the example of ASUS RT-N12 +:

Note, on the RT-N18U model, this button is not denoted at all.

Thus, a button on the old ASUS RT-N13U is presented:

This picture will certainly do not have any questions, everything is extremely clear here: pressed on the button, superseded for 10 seconds. And, vua-la, tinctures are ready.

How are the factory settings from the control panel are restored after

In addition, there is a great option for saving settings, which, if necessary, can be restored from the file. But, all the subtleties of these events will be described in another article. And now, I hope this information You will help you to reset the settings of your device from ASUS.