Does not detect yusb. Why doesn't the laptop sees a flash drive? Possible causes of malfunction

USB flash drives are now practically each. This is a simple and reliable way to transfer and storing information. But the failure of these devices has become a common problem for many users. Below are all possible causes of troubleshooting and elimination options.

First, simpler and effective ways to solve the problem will be described, therefore, recommendations in order should be performed. But do not forget that some problems, such as strong physical damage, will not be possible to eliminate.

Reasons why the system does not recognize the device

For the USB device, the built-in special controller is in it. With a certain failure, it can be blocked that it will not give the computer to recognize the USB flash drive.

The reason for the failure can be a jump of the power, a sharp extraction of the flash drive, its incorrect formatting, etc. You can still correct violations, but it is impossible to restore the flash drive to the work of the Flash-drive.

It is possible to understand that the flash drive is not determined by the computer, by fact that

  • The USB device is connected, but the computer writes "Insert the disk";
  • the message "The device is connected is not determined";
  • issues a request for formatting a flash drive;
  • a data read error message appears;
  • the indicator on the drive is lit, and it is not displayed in the computer, etc.

Also the cause of the failure can be:

  • non-working USB ports of the computer;
  • outdated drivers;
  • viruses on the device;
  • failure settings in BIOS;
  • different file system of USB devices and a computer;
  • assigning a flash drive of a connected hard disk letter, etc.

Check Driver

First you need to check if the driver is installed on the computer.

To do this, go to "Disk Management":

Now try tightening and paste a USB device, and see if it will appear in this window. If the flash drive is displayed, and the state is "FIXT", click on it with the right mouse button and select "Make the section Active".

If the status fails, the label is not distributed, "not initialized" or "unknown", this means that the device is damaged.

The system can assign a flash drive that the letter, which will also not allow it to recognize. Right-click on the device and select "Change the Disk Letter" and assign another value:

The flash drive driver itself needs to be checked in the Device Manager:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • device Manager.

If the driver for the Flash drive is not installed, then yellow question marks will be lit near one or more USB devices.

Computer hardware errors

When a new flash drive is not defined in the PC, insert it into different USB ports. With normal operation in all connectors, except one, the cause of the problem is a problem in this port.

The same problem may occur when the flash drive is connected directly, but via a USB hub or extension. Try to connect the device immediately to the USB port. If everything has earned, the reason is the adapter.

It happens that a lot of devices are connected to a computer to a computer, then in the ports may not be enough power for the Flash drive. In turn, disconnect other devices from the ports, leaving only the mouse and keyboard. If now the USB drive earned, then the cause of the malfunction in the disadvantage of the power.

Photo: usb-hub transformer apacer p150

In this case, it is better to put a more powerful power supply unit or a USB hub with a separate power source. But if the size of the Flash device is very large, old laptop models simply do not stretch its food. With this variant, it is almost impossible to solve the problem.

Another of the problems is the heating of the connected USB device. A malfunction can be in the installation on the device board.

You can check it on another computer - if continues to heat up, then the USB drive is faulty. And if in other places everything is fine, the port of the computer can be sinking.

If the Flash drive and USB port are working, the indicator will light on the device. Then the cause of the problem is systemic, not a hardware.

Video: We restore the flash drive that is not recognized by the computer

Check for viruses

Then why the flash card seems to be a computer, but not read? One of the reasons may be a virus that infects the USB storage boot file. Because of this, the device is or not loaded at all, or is immediately blocked by antivirus. And if it is displayed, it issues a warning "refused" in access when trying to open.

First of all, you should destroy the infected file download "autorun.inf". To do this, enter the address of the Flash drive (for example, G: /) in the Explorer.

  • "Service";
  • "Folder properties";
  • "View";
  • "Hidden files and folders";
  • "Show hidden files and folders."

Now the download file will be displayed. It must be removed and scanned by antivirus data from all over the device.

If it did not open through the Flash drive, use the command line:

Configuring USB in BIOS

The flash drive may not be recognized due to shutdown in USB ports. It happens very rarely, but it is better to check the settings just in case. Note that in the disabled USB port no device will not be recognized, so if others work normally, then skip this item.

To go to the BIOS, restart the computer, and during switching on the DEL or F2 button. On different PCs there may be different keys, therefore see what will be written on the screen (approximately "Press F2 to Enter Setup"). If a blue table with settings opened, then everything is correct - you went to the BIOS.

Now you should find the menu item in which the USB is regulated. Its name may differ, but most often this Advanced tab (Peripherals, Integrated Peripherals):

In it, look for USB Configuration / Controller item, etc. BIOS menu options are very much, therefore, specify the exact paragraph is quite difficult. But the USB word must be present. Now make sure that the USB support is "enabled", if not, then switch them:

Some BIOS versions not only adjust the switching on the controller, and also indicate the mode of its operation - v1.1 or v1.1 + v2.0 (already 3.0). Choose an option that supports all directions (v1.1 + v2.0). Save the settings and exit the bios (most often the F10 key).

USB drive is not determined by the system due to errors

After formatting, which could not be completely successful, the operating system may not see the flash drive due to errors. This can be checked in the "Disk Management" item, the entrance to which was described above. If there is a "FIRM" flash drive near the Flash carrier, but it is still not visible in the conductor, the reason for the formatting error may be.

Eliminate this can be new formatting. Press the right mouse button on the device and choose "format". Now the Flash drive must be displayed and operating without errors.

Different File Systems Flash Card and Computer

To restore the USB Flash, which is not defined in the PC you need to change the file system, because of which there may be a conflict in the computer. The file system has the last most often NTFS, and the flash device is FAT32. In the "Disk Management" window, you can see the types of file systems of different PC media.

The problem solves correctly formatting. For this:

In the window that opens, take the compliance of the specified container and parameters of the flash drive. File System Specify NTFS and check the box near "Fast (Cleaning Table of Contents)". Now click "Start":

Confirm your actions:

After the process is completed, the system will notify this:

Photo: Formatting Completion Message

Necessary OS updates for work

When the Windows XP system is installed, a flash drive may not be recognized due to outdated updates needed to operate it. At the same time, some flash drives can work in USB ports of PCs, and others are not.

The main updates required for the normal operation of USB devices:

  • KB925196 - incorrect recognition;
  • KB817900 - Stop the port of the port after the device is removed and reloaded;
  • KB968132 - Errors during connecting several flash drives;
  • KB88740 - Error Rundll32.exe;
  • KB895962 - Stop the operation of the USB device after turning off the printer;
  • KB871233 - Flash card does not work after the PC output from sleep or hibernation;
  • KB314634 - Support only old USB devices;
  • KB312370 (2007) - Support USB 2.0.

Methods of recovery

When the problem is not detected, you can use special recovery programs:

  • Chipgenius - determines the manufacturer and other information about the device;
  • Alcormp - refrestees USB Flash controllers most manufacturers;
  • Jetflash Recovery Tool - Refereels Flash drives from Transcend.

If the computer writes "Insert the disk" when loading, the problem may be in outdated drivers to be deleted.

For this:

        • when the computer is turned off, turn off all USB devices (except mouse and keyboard);
        • turn on the PC;
        • download the program "DriveCleanUp";
        • depending on the version of the OS, copy a 32-bit or 64-bit "DriveCleunup.exe" to the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder;
        • go to the command line and register "drivecleunup.exe";
        • drivers will start removing:

After that restart the computer. Insert the USB flash drive, and the system will find new drivers for it.

Flash The drive may not be determined for many reasons, the main of which are the malfunction of the device or USB port, as well as system errors, most of which are eliminated using the correct formatting and installation of drivers. Some programs are also able to help restore USB Flash, therefore, in order to execute instructions.

What did the technique reached! It's just something! If once, 10-15 years ago, we had to use heavy and large so-called hard drives, now in a very small (with a finger), more than a hundred gigabytes of pure memory are fit. Memory cards (flash drives) are much more convenient, cheaper, and have the ability to almost do not break. However, there are such moments when the flash card stops working when the laptop does not see a flash drive. Questions arise: why and what to do? Let's figure it out.

The reasons for which the laptop may not see flash cards

In fact, the causes can be very different, and very often there are such situations that the problem is not in the flash card, but in a computer, laptop or netbook. But it happens that such problems are really with the memory card itself. To find out if your flash card works, you need to connect it to the USB port and carefully look at the device during connection. If a special LED signal lights up, then with your card everything is in perfect order. But when the bulb does not light up, it can be assumed that, most likely, your laptop does not see USB flash drive.

Very often, users are due to the misunderstanding of what happens to their flash drive or laptop, begin to worry and releasing with it that only the head comes. A small defenseless memory card begins to shove into all available ports, if only she earned. But now really think about why the laptop does not see the bootable flash drive, no one does not try. People hope that here is about, right on the next inlet in a laptop flash card by itself will take and start working as if nothing was with her. But, in fact, it is impossible.

Laptop nest malfunction

All your excitement may be unreasonable if it happened so that the USB nest on the laptop simply does not work. Very often, people throw out flash drives due to the fact that they do not see the laptop, not even trying to pre-insert a flash card into another computer or netbook. After all, why buy a new one (spend extra money), if the old one is capable of working?! This is especially true for photographers. After all, these people have really important documents on the flash map. When the laptop ceases to see it, they simply throw out a flash drive. But it was worth it before this step simply try to find the answer to the question: "Why doesn't the laptop sees the camera flash drive?"

Inattentive user

It is often possible such situations where a particular laptop, take, for example, asus, does not detect a flash drive only due to the fact that the Support for USB is disabled. This does not mean that you are disconnected or someone else, it may happen even during the ordinary power failure of the laptop. In addition, in such a situation, the flash drive is often simply not recognized by the computer, and instead of a safe removal icon in the lower right corner of the screen, a yellow triangle appears with a small exclamation mark. But if the laptop Asus does not see a flash drive, no need to be upset, everything can be fixed!

Recoven: maybe a problem in a laptop?

Very good, if you have another laptop or netbook at hand, and the computer will also fit! After all, only with the help of another computer you can make sure that the problem is valid in the flash drive itself, or find out that the nest in your laptop is broken, and it urgently needs to be repaired. Insert a flash drive to another socket and, if nothing happens again, you are convinced that the problem is in the flash drive. In this case, it will be highly difficult to restore it, because for this you already need the help of specialists who know their business. In such a situation, it will be easier to forget about the flash drive and buy a new one. But if this option does not suit you, you are quickly going to think with thoughts and let's think why the laptop does not see the flash drive?

Problem in Drivers

If we talk about drivers, then this is also a very common situation. Problems with drivers are often available on the already old laptop models, where they simply are outdated, because of what the laptop actually cannot detect a memory card. The easiest solution to such a problem is an ordinary update of drivers. You can easily download them with a couple of minutes from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop. But in no case do you not download those or other drivers with extraneous Internet resources!

It can be dangerous for a laptop, as you can completely randomly catch on the Internet the most ordinary virus, which after you have to delete. But not all viruses can be removed, there are only true professionals with which only real professionals can cope. If, after updating the drivers, the laptop does not see the flash drive, then we go to look for a true problem further!

Violation of the system

It may be that your system is simply at the time of connecting a flash card to a laptop believes that the flash drive is already open in the conductor. Well, even more precisely, the laptop assigns the name of that disc flash drive, which is already available in the system of your device. But problems of this nature are solved very quickly. To do this, go to the laptop control panel, then select an item under the name "Administration", then click on "Computer Management". The following window opens the normal size window in which you want to click on "storage devices", and then select "Disk Management". After performing these actions, you will see a list of all disks located on your system, among which will be the flash card itself. Find a SD flash drive, press the right mouse button, then click on the "Change the letter of the CD Disk ..." and choose the letter that has not yet been tied. If the problem was only in this, the laptop should see the flash drive.

The presence of "uninvited guests" (viruses) in the system

It is often the reason that the laptop does not see the flash drive, the viruses are becoming, which will be removed independently not so simple. But you have to try! And what to do in such a difficult situation - you ask? And the answer is that simple! It is necessary to use high-quality antivirus. But before that, it is necessary to upgrade the entire system to the newest (last) version, because if it does not do, it may not be that the effect you expect. In the event that the acquisition of the official version of the antivirus is impossible for any reason (for example, there is not enough funds), it is best to take advantage of special free utilities, such as, for example, Mc Afee Free. In no case do not download any dubious antiviruses from the global network. First, you can infect your laptop even more, and secondly, it is no longer able to repair your device can not be repaired. Therefore, it is better not to risk.

Conflict File Systems PC

Another common problem of that, because of which the laptop does not see the SD flash drive, are conflict situations of file systems of your personal computer. It often happens when the file system of your flash drive is named as FAT32, but a computer (laptop, netbook) as NTFS. Here the output is only one, there is no other simplicity. You will have to make formatting a flash drive, otherwise it will have to be thrown out, well, or to give it to the laptop can "feel" a flash card with such a file system. It should be remembered that during the formatting of a particular flash drive, all data is deleted from it, and no specialist can restore them! So be careful!

And what do we have? If the whole problem is hiding inside your PC, then you can easily decide it for yourself, but if the situation is such that the problem with the flash drive itself, then here you will have to contact this specialists, because it will be almost impossible to "reanimate" the memory card itself.

Each user of the computer and flash drives at least once dared in a situation where the flash drive failed. That is, it is impossible to view the information that is stored on it. The flash drive does not work, the computer does not see the flash drive, the files are either not recorded, or do not drop from the flash drive, or shows the discrepancy between the volume of the storage device.

But first things first.

The computer does not see a flash drive

In fact, problems that affect the definition of a flash drive computer, there is a lot - even the version of the operating system itself.

And so, you inserted a flash drive into the computer, it is not defined. How does this manifest?

The computer tells you about what you need " insert disk" Even when you did it.

The computer writes that the disk must be formatted because it is not formatted;

An error has occurred;

The computer hangs when the flash drive is inserted;

The device is not identified.

Now you will read a small instruction on how to solve the problem when the computer does not see the flash drive. But this does not mean that this instruction will help you 100%. If one way does not help, go to another until the problem disappears.


The first thing you can do is check if the utility sees disk management»Your USB flash drive. To do this, launch this very utility:

Press StartPerform (Win + R)→ Enter → diskmgmt.msc.→ Press ENTER. OR

Control PanelAdministrationComputer ManagementDisk management.

In the disk management window, pay attention to what happens when connecting and disconnecting a flash drive to a computer - disappears the disk and appears again, or not?

As the best option - this is when the computer sees a flash drive, and all the sections on it are in a state " Form" If so, then we do the following: click on it with the right mouse button and select the item in the context menu. make a section active" You may need to assign a letter to the section.

Well, in principle, it will be enough for the computer to see the flash drive.

Well, if suddenly a message will be displayed in this utility " Unknown" or " Not initialized", As well as one section in a state" Not distributed", It will mean that the flash drive has damage. Therefore, the computer does not see a flash drive. You need to recover data (more than this).

If you connect your flash drive via an extension or USB-hub, then try to connect it directly. Also try to connect to all available ports for USB. Further, as an option, you can turn off and restart the computer, disable other devices from the computer (well, in addition to the keyboard and mouse of course), and then restart the computer. In this case, if the flash drive is determined and earned, the problem is obviously in the power supply on USB ports, it is not enough elementary power. Tip One - Replace the power supply to more powerful.

Option with the removal of old drivers

Use this option in the case when the computer does not see the USB flash drive and writes " Insert the disk", Provided that the flash drive is already inserted. This problem and not only can cause old drivers that are available in Windows. For example, when you connect a flash drive to a computer, your PC is turned off or reboots.

The reason is all that Windows installs the drivers for flash drives while you are connecting them to the port for the first time, and when you turn off the USB flash drive, then the drivers remain in the system and do not go anywhere. Then you connect a new USB flash drive, there is a conflict that is caused by the Windows response while trying to use the old driver, which was installed during the connection of the first flash drive.

How to remove old drivers?

To begin with, turn off the computer. Disconnect all memory devices from it and peripherals, accessories.

Turn on the computer.

Download the utility DriveCleanup.

Copy, depending on your version of Windows, 32 or 64-bit versions driveCleanup.exe. In daddy C: \\ Windows \\ System32.

Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator (right mouse button on the menu " Start") And introduce driveCleanup.exe. . Press ENTER And we see how the computer deletes to all drivers and records.

After completing the deletion, simply restart the computer, insert a new USB flash drive and installs new drivers to it.

USB device is not recognized

When you connect a flash drive, printer, or another any device that connects via USB in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and you see an error, an unidentified device - read this instruction and we will try to figure out.

The reasons why Windows cannot identify the USB device is actually a lot, respectively, there are also many solutions.

The device is not identified. What to do?

If you encountered a problem when you insert a flash drive and a message appears that you have connected an unidentified device when connecting any device via USB, make sure that the USB itself is in good condition. This will save our time with you. What would make sure the plug's USB service can be tried to connect it to another computer or laptop. If everything also does not work, then the problem is in the device itself. If it works, we read on.

This method for those cases when the device previously worked without comments. Everything was determined.

Turn off our USB device that cannot recognize the computer, turn off all the devices that we do not need at the moment, and connect the device that is not defined to the rear panel of the system unit and see whether the problem is solved.

Correction of the message " The device is not identified" through USB Device Manager and Driver Manager.

Go to B. Device Manager (Press Win + R keys) We enter devmgmt.msc. Field of what is pressed ENTER.

The connected device will most likely be in the list USB controllers or Other devices(and called " Unknown device»).

If it is in the list with other devices, and you are connected to the Internet, you can click on it right mouse and press the button. update Drivers.

If an unidentified device is still in the list USB controllers, then click on it right mouse button, and on the Driver tab, click the button roll out or Delete.

Another option, in the USB properties in the " Power management»Remove the tick from the point" Allow disconnecting this device to save power.».

You can also try for all devices that are in the list. USB controllers»Make the following:

Press Refresh Driver».

Press run the search for drivers on this computer.

Select the driver from the list of already installed drivers.

The list can be seen that there is a driver that is compatible with the device. Choose it and click " Further" A driver installation will occur, after which it is possible that the computer identifies the device.

In Windows 8.1, this problem occurs with external hard drives and flash drives that run from the USB 3.0 port.

This problem is solved in the control packet parameters of the laptop power supply.

To do this, go into the Windows control panel to the power section, select the power scheme used and click "Change Advanced Power Parameters". In USB parameters, it is necessary to prohibit the temporary shutdown of USB ports.