Tools for creating web applications. Tools for Effective Web Application Development: Training Course

DISADVANTAGES OF SITES Inconsistency of the site with psychophysiological requirements, which leads to increased fatigue or distraction q passion for animation, graphic images and video fragments that do not carry a semantic load q redundancy or lack of information presented q incorrect choice of development tools, which entails an unreasonable increase in the cost of the finished product product. q 3

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SITE The site must be easy to use - pages must load as quickly as possible, and the resource itself must have a logical and understandable structure. Only in this case can you count on the visitor being interested in the information provided and staying on the site. 4

WEB APPLICATION A web application is an application that runs using a web browser over the Internet or Intranet. It's also computer application program, user interface (UI), which is coded in languages ​​understandable to browsers (HTML, CSS, Java. Script, etc.). 5

WEB CLIENT (BROWSER) A web browser or browser (browser) is software for requesting web pages, processing them, displaying them, and moving from one page to another. 6

WEB SERVER (HTTP SERVER) A computer program responsible for accepting HTTP requests from a client and sending them an HTTP response with some set of data, which are usually HTML documents or related objects. 7

HTTP REQUEST B HTTP request contains an indication of the resource: HTML page text file (txt, doc, pdf) graphic file multimedia file (sound, video) executable file (exe or dll) file with scripts (asp, aspx, php, jsp, etc.) 8

SERVER ACTIONS ON REQUEST Sending a file, launching an exe program or dll module for execution and sending the result to the client; transferring a file with scripts to script processing programs on the server for processing and sending the result to the client. 9

CASCADING STYLE SHEETS A style sheet is a set of rules that tell the browser how to display a document. Each such rule consists of two parts: a selector, which specifies the HTML tag to which the rule should be applied; a style declaration, which describes the properties of the style that should be attached to the HTML tag specified in the selector. 12

CASCADING STYLE SHEETS Selectors are special pointers to tags to which a CSS rule needs to be applied. You can use the class name as a selector. The convenience of such selectors is that you can assign one class name to many HTML tags in a document and then control their appearance by referring to them by class name. You can apply an identifier (ID) to any HTML tag. The ID must be unique within the HTML document. 14

CASCADING STYLE SHEETS strong (font-weight: normal; color: red; ) h 1 ( font: bold 10 pt verdana; ) . my. Class (font: bold 10 pt verdana; ) #my. Object ( margin: left; ) /* change the margins for the tag whose id=”my. Object” */ span#today ( margin: left; ) /* change the margins for the span tag, which has id=”today” */ 15

Concept and classification web technologies. Requirements for web applications. Carrying out assessment work. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 16

BASIC CONCEPTS Information, available to users Internet, located on Web servers. Much of this information is organized in the form of Web sites. Each of them has its own name (address) on the Internet. A website is information presented in a certain form, which is located on a Web server and has its own name. To view Web sites on the user's computer, special programs called browsers are used. 17

BASIC CONCEPTS Modern web applications are mainly portals that provide services. One of the disadvantages of such services is the difficulty of exchanging information between companies. 18

CLASSIFICATION - PUBLIC PORTALS Yahoo, Lycos, Excite, Rambler. Such portals are often the result of the development of search engines. Intended for a wide audience. The information they provide is general in nature, as are the services they provide ( Email, newsletters and so on). 20

CLASSIFICATION - VERTICAL PORTALS Designed for specific types of market and serving the audience using the services of this market or working in it. Examples of such portals: travel agencies providing services for hotel reservations, ordering and delivery of tickets, access to maps and information about road routes, business-to-business portals that allow their clients to implement joint business operations: select suppliers and make purchases goods, conduct auctions. 21

CLASSIFICATION - CORPORATE PORTALS Designed for employees, clients and partners of one enterprise. Users of such a portal receive access to services and applications intended for them, depending on their role and personal profile. 22

CLASSIFICATION - OTHER WEB APPLICATIONS Regional Internet portals. Search engines. A directory is a collection of links to websites. Electronic bulletin boards. Forums. Chats. Mailing list servers. Online stores and auctions. 23

PROJECT STAGES Analysis of the site's goals and functions that will be offered to the user. Construction of the information architecture of the site. Navigation and page design. 25

SITE MAP The page displaying the map should not exceed two pages in size on the user's screen. It is most effective to use a map with a static display of the information architecture. The map must display not only the user’s current position on the site, but also those sections that he has already visited. 26

HOME PAGE The home page clearly states the company's goals. Each design element should allow the user to understand the sequence of actions to solve their problems. 27

CONTENT Highlighting of keywords well-written headings lists with bullets one paragraph per idea inverted pyramid style (the article begins with a conclusion) fewer words than in a regular article a minimum of unclear terms indicating the date of creation of the message contextual information of the attribute " ALT 28

LINKS The user must know what will happen if he clicks on a link; links in the text should be colored or underlined; the color of visited and unvisited links should be different; do not allow the appearance of broken links. thirty

CONDUCTING ASSESSMENT WORK To carry out the assessment work, it is necessary to involve from three to five participants. Each of them does the work individually. After which their results are compared. The test is carried out in two stages: understanding the operation of the interface and concentrating on certain elements. 33

HTML (HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE) Hypertext Markup Language is used to describe the content of a web page and its formatting. An HTML page consists of text and images, as well as special elements called tags. The browser displays parts of the page according to specified parameters or determines how content elements are related to other pages. 35

PHP (PERSONAL HYPERTEXT PROCESSOR) is a server-side embedded scripting language that allows developers to quickly and efficiently build dynamic web applications. PHP features include support for regular expressions, tools for working with arrays, object-oriented methodology and support for working with databases. One of the main advantages of PHP is the fact that it integrates into HTML and Java. Script, WML, XML and other languages. 36

JAVASCRIPT This is an object-oriented language for developing client and server applications. Main areas of application of Java. Script: Dynamically create a document using a script operational check reliability of fields filled in by the user HTML forms before transferring them to the server, creating dynamic HTML pages together with cascading style sheets and the document object model, interacting with the user when performing local tasks solved by the Java application. Script embedded in the HTML page. 37

VBSCRIPT Scripts written in VBScript have the same functionality as Java scripts. Script: dynamic creation of a document or its parts, interception and processing of events, and so on. VBScript is used for client-side scripting (in which case the browser must have a built-in interpreter for that language) and for server-side scripting (in which case the server must support VBScript). 38

DREAMWEAVER Supports clean HTML code, as well as the latest DHTML and CSS extensions contains automatic link management tools dynamic checking for various browsers has a library of elements such as navigation bar, copyright descriptor, etc. 39

DREAMWEAVER (2) Used to add various multimedia files and interactive elements to pages. Dreamweaver does not have its own image creation tools. It presents only the simplest tools for editing them. 40

FIREWORKS Fireworks This is a graphics editor with the ability to further optimize it and post it on the network. You can create and edit both vector and raster graphics within a single file. Fireworks generates HTML and Java code. Script and can create dynamic menus and navigation bars. It is possible to edit page layouts and create active graphics that respond to the cursor, without knowing a programming language. 41

FLASH Flash is characterized by Vector graphics and animation, although bitmap graphics can be manipulated or displayed, video footage can be edited, and audio files can be manipulated. In favor of Flash is the small size of the resulting files, the use of vector image formats, and the compression of raster and sound files. Powerful event-driven Action language. Script is a programming language that supports conditions, loops, arrays, functions, and classes that can be inherited. 43

PHOTOSHOP The most popular image editing program. With its help you can create highly artistic images. It contains everything you need to create and edit professional graphics. 44

CORELDRAW When building vector images lines and shapes are overlaid until the final image is achieved. Each object can be edited independently of the others - one of the few advantages of the object approach. In the program, vector drawings of lines, shapes and text are specified by mathematical expressions, which makes it possible to automatically adjust them to maximum resolution output devices. Another advantage of vector designs is that they don't require much disk space. 45

Software development trends require that a stand-alone computer be equipped with network software (browsers, software implementations of protocols). A feature of computer network software at the present stage of development is the extremely wide range of software tools and programming languages ​​used. This is due to the dynamic development and huge variety of computer networks and related technologies. In such conditions, no single technology or programming language can have a decisive superiority over others. This situation forces a specialist engaged in software development to simultaneously master and use practical work a large number of development tools and programming languages.

For example, even to create an ordinary interactive WEB page that meets modern requirements, you need knowledge of the hypertext markup language HTML, cascading style sheets (CSS) and more complex server-side application development technologies such as PHP. In addition, to develop the server part of the software, the programmer must have access to databases using the Mysql query language.

Denver: Automation of toolkit installation.

Installation Apache server and related programs manually can be quite a tedious task. The point is that you will have to deal with numerous Apache, PHP and MySQL configuration parameters that will never be useful to you again.

Denver is a universal installer that can simplify the installation of all programs needed by a Web programmer; these are the same distributions of Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl, combined into a single archive, equipped with a convenient installer and configuration utilities for a specific machine (including tools for automatically configuring virtual hosts ).

Denver is a fully automated facility.

Terms of Use.

Denver was designed to make it easy to set up and install freely

distributed programs (Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc.). Naturally he can

may be used free of charge by any Web programmers and designers, but only for non-commercial purposes.

Denver has a modular structure. Its core is the so-called “ basic package" All other components come as standalone extension packs that require the base pack to function.

Contents of the basic package.

The basic package contains most of the programs and utilities necessary for a Web programmer:

Apache with SSI support, mod_rewrite, modphp;

PHP with GD and MySQL support;

MySQL with transaction support (nrysqld-max);

PhpMyAdmin - MySQL management system via a Web interface; fully

replaces the MySQL command line;

Perl core without standard libraries;

sendmail emulator;

Supports work in conjunction with PHP and Perl;

The distribution containing all the components listed above takes up only about 2 MB.

Additional Expansion Packs

There are also many expansion packs available for Denver, containing:

documentation for all programs included in the complex;

full version of Perl with standard libraries;

full version of PHP 5;

Developer Support.

There is a forum at where you can get advice from the authors of the book on issues related to the use of Denver. It also contains an extensive database of questions and answers that users have asked over the past two years. The forum has a flexible search system.

Installing the distribution.

All distributions are archives in 7-Zip format (http:// The format was chosen because it provides the best compression ratio.

After purchasing the distribution, you need to run it. First, the archive will be unpacked into a temporary directory (you need to wait a little), and then the installer will automatically launch.

You will be asked in which directory you would like to install the complex (by default, C:WebServers is used, you just need to press the to agree with this choice). Absolutely all system components will be located in the specified directory, and no further files will be created outside of it (except for shortcuts on the desktop).

Denver has several configuration files, and they are located in places where they are easiest to find for the complex components. Some files do not exist by default - they must be created before changes can be made.

  • * Main configuration file: /etc/CONFIGURATION.txt.
  • * Apache httpd.conf configuration: /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf.
  • * .htaccess files with local site settings: in the document directories of the corresponding sites.
  • * PHP configuration: php.ini: /usr/local/php/php.ini.
  • * PHP 3 configuration: /usr/local/php3/php3.ini.
  • * MySQL configuration with transactions: /usr/local/mysql/my.cnf.
  • * Hosts file- correspondence of site names to their IP addresses:

for Windows 95/98/ME: C:Windowshosts;

for Windows NT/2000/XP: C:WinNTsystem32driversetchosts.

Get started with Denver.

After installation is complete, click on the Denwer shortcut on your desktop.

Open http://localhost in your browser (stored in the home/localhost/www folder).


Information exchange on the Internet is carried out using application level protocols that implement one or another application service (transferring files, hypertext information, mail, etc.). One of the youngest and popular services The Internet, the development of which led to a surge in the popularity of the Internet itself, became the World Wide Web (WWW), based on the HTTP protocol (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). Hypertext documents presented on the WWW have one fundamental difference from traditional hypertext documents - the connections they use are not limited to one document, and moreover, they are not limited to one computer. Used to prepare hypertext documents HTML language(Hyper Text Markup Language - a markup language for hypertext documents), providing ample opportunities for formatting and structural markings documents, organizing connections between various documents, means of including graphic and multimedia information. HTML documents are viewed using a special program - a browser. The most widely used browsers at present are Navigator from Netscape (NN) and Internet Explorer from Microsoft (MSIE). NN implementations are available for almost all modern software and hardware platforms, MSIE implementations are available for everyone Windows platforms, Macintosh and some commercial Unix systems.

An HTML document consists of text, which represents the content of the document, and tags, which determine its structure and appearance when displayed by a browser. The simplest html document looks like this:


Document body

As you can see from the example, a tag is a keyword enclosed in angle brackets. There are single tags, such as

, and paired, like , in the latter case, the tag's effect extends only to the text between its opening and closing brackets. Tags can also have parameters - for example, when describing a page, you can set the background color, font color, etc.: text="black">.

The text of the entire document is contained in tags , the document itself is divided into two parts - the header and the body. The title is described by tags , which can include the title of the document (using tags </i>) and other parameters used by the browser when displaying the document. The body of the document is enclosed in tags <i><body> </i> and contains the actual information that the user sees. In the absence of formatting tags, all text is displayed in the browser window as a continuous stream, line breaks, spaces and tabs are treated as whitespace characters, several whitespace characters in a row are replaced by one. The following main tags are used for formatting:</p> <p><p>The beginning of a new paragraph may have a parameter that determines the alignment:</p> <p> <p>Line feed within the current paragraph;</p> <p><u></u>- highlighting text with underlining</p> <p>A link to another document is established using a tag <i><a href= «URL»>…</a> </i>, where URL is the full or relative address of the document. In this case, the text enclosed in the tag <a>, is usually highlighted with an underline and color, and after clicking on this link, the browser opens the document whose address is specified in the href parameter. Graphic images are inserted into a document using a tag <i><img src='/sredstva-sozdaniya-web-prilozhenii-sredstva-effektivnoi.html' loading=lazy loading=lazy> </i>.</p> <p><u><b>PHP</b> </u></p> <p>PHP (English PHP: HyperText Preprocessor - “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”, English Personal Home Page Tools (obsolete) - “Tools for creating personal web pages”) is a general-purpose scripting programming language, intensively used for web development. applications. Currently supported by the vast majority of hosting providers and is one of the leaders among programming languages.</p> <p>PHP is a language specifically aimed at working on the Internet, with a universal and clear syntax, very similar to C, combining the advantages of Perl and C. Allows you to embed program code in HTML documents. We can use it to generate HTML documents and eliminate a lot of calls to external scripts. This language is used on about a million servers around the world, and their number continues to grow. The new generation of PHP5 should erase all the advantages of Perl over PHP, both in terms of program processing speed (and the third and fourth versions of PHP lagged far behind Perl when processing large loops), and in terms of syntax. Finally, most PHP scripts (especially smaller ones) are faster than their equivalent programs written in Perl.</p> <p><u><b>PHP version 5</b> </u></p> <p>Of course, first of all, the speed of work has increased a little. We owe this to the transition to a new system core - Zend Engine 2. But the main reason for changing the version number from 4 to 5 is a significant improvement in PHP's object-oriented capabilities and the integration of two powerful libraries into the interpreter core: the SQLite DBMS and a module for working with XML.</p> <p>PHP version 5 is compatible with PHP 4 much better than PHP 4 is with PHP 3. This means that programs developed with PHP version 4 in mind are highly likely to work on PHP 5 without any modifications.</p> <p>Popularity in the field of website building is determined by the presence of a large set of built-in tools for developing web applications. The main ones:</p> <ul><li>· automatic extraction of POST and GET parameters, as well as web server environment variables into predefined arrays;</li> <li>· interaction with a large number of different database management systems (MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, InterBase, Paradox, etc.);</li> <li>· automated sending of HTTP headers;</li> <li>· working with HTTP authorization;</li> <li>· working with cookies and sessions;</li> <li>· work with local and remote files, sockets;</li> <li>· processing files uploaded to the server;</li> <li>· work with XForms;</li> </ul><p>PHP is currently used by hundreds of thousands of developers. According to the TIOBE Corporation rating, based on search engine data, in April 2011 PHP was in 5th place among programming languages.</p> <p><u><b>CSS</b> </u></p> <p>CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the appearance of a document written using a markup language, a powerful mechanism for controlling the presentation of individual documents or sets of them.</p> <p>CSS is used by web page creators to specify colors, fonts, layout, and other aspects of document presentation. The main purpose of developing CSS was to separate the content (written in HTML or other markup language) from the presentation of the document (written in CSS). This separation can increase document accessibility, provide greater flexibility and control over its presentation, and reduce complexity and repetition in structural content. Additionally, CSS allows you to present the same document in different styles or rendering methods.</p> <p>Before the advent of CSS, the design of web pages was carried out exclusively using HTML, directly within the content of the document. However, with the advent of CSS, it became possible to fundamentally separate the content and presentation of a document. Thanks to this innovation, it became possible to easily apply a single design style for a mass of similar documents, as well as quickly change this design.</p> <p><b>Advantages:</b></p> <p>Several page designs for different viewing devices. For example, on a screen the design will be designed for a large width, the menu will not be displayed during printing, but on a PDA and cell phone the menu will follow the content.</p> <p>Reducing the loading time of site pages by transferring data presentation rules to a separate CSS file. In this case, the browser only downloads the document structure and data stored on the page, and the view of this data is downloaded by the browser only once and can be cached.</p> <p>Easy to change the design later. You don't need to edit every page, just change the CSS file.</p> <p>Additional design options. For example, using CSS layout you can make a block of text that will wrap around the rest of the text (for example, for a menu) or make the menu always visible when scrolling the page.</p> <p><b>Flaws:</b></p> <p>Different layout displays in different browsers (especially older ones), which interpret the same CSS data differently.</p> <p>It is often necessary in practice to correct not only a single CSS file, but also HTML tags, which are associated with CSS selectors in a complex and obscure way, which sometimes negates the ease of applying uniform style files and significantly lengthens editing and testing time.</p> <p><u><b>MySQL</b> </u></p> <p>Today it is difficult to imagine any significant information system that would not have a database as an important component. Database concepts and technologies developed gradually and have always been closely related to the development of automated information processing systems.</p> <p>Databases are created to store and access data containing information about a certain subject area, or in our case a price list, that is, in the field of human activity, which in turn simplifies work and increases labor efficiency. This is due to the dynamic development and diversity of database management systems.</p> <p><u>MySQL</u>- free database management system (DBMS). MySQL is the property of Oracle Corporation, which acquired it along with the acquired Sun Microsystems, which develops and supports the application.</p> <p>MySQL is the solution for small and medium-sized applications. Included in the WAMP, LAMP servers and in portable server builds Denver, XAMPP. MySQL is typically used as a server accessed by local or remote clients, but the distribution includes a back-end library that allows MySQL to be included in standalone programs.</p> <p>The flexibility of the MySQL DBMS is ensured by support for a large number of table types: users can choose both MyISAM tables that support full-text search and InnoDB tables that support transactions at the individual record level. Moreover, the MySQL DBMS comes with a special EXAMPLE table type that demonstrates the principles of creating new table types. Thanks to the open architecture and GPL licensing, new types of tables are constantly appearing in the MySQL DBMS.</p> <p>MySQL 5.1 continues the path to the SQL:2003 standard. MySQL 5.1 contains the following innovations.</p> <p>Partitioning is the ability to split one large table into several parts located on different file systems, based on a user-defined function. Under certain conditions, this can provide a significant performance boost and also makes it easier to scale tables.</p> <p>The behavior of a number of operators has been changed to ensure greater compatibility with the SQL2003 standard.</p> <p>Row-based replication, in which only information about actually changed table rows will be written to the binary log instead of the original (and possibly slow) query text. Row-by-row replication can only be used for certain types of SQL queries, in MySQL terms - mixed replication.</p> <p>Built-in scheduler of periodically launched jobs. In terms of syntax, adding a task is similar to adding a trigger to a table; in ideology, it is similar to crontab.</p> <p>Additional set of functions for XML processing, implementation of XPath support.</p> <p>New problem diagnostics and performance analysis utilities. The capabilities for managing the contents of log files have been expanded; logs can now be saved in the general_log and slow_log tables. The mysqlslap utility allows you to perform load testing of the database and record the response time for each request.</p> <p>To simplify the upgrade operation, the mysql_upgrade utility has been prepared, which will check all existing tables for compatibility with the new version, and, if necessary, make the appropriate adjustments.</p> <p>MySQL Cluster is now released as a separate product based on MySQL 5.1 and NDBCLUSTER storage.</p> <p>Significant changes in the operation of MySQL Cluster, such as, for example, the ability to store tabular data on disk.</p> <p>Revert to using the built-in libmysqld library, which was missing in MySQL 5.0.</p> <p>An API for plugins that allows you to load third-party modules that extend functionality (such as full-text search) without restarting the server.</p> <p>Implementation of a full-text search parser as a plug-in.</p> <p>New Maria table type (crash-resistant clone of MyISAM).</p> <p><u><b>Web</b>-<b>Apache server</b> </u></p> <p>When running the project, the Apache Web server was chosen. Why Apache? The fact is that this is the most common server at the moment, and it is unlikely that it will lose its popularity in the next few years. It is installed on most hosting providers. In addition, and importantly, there is a Windows version, almost identical in functionality to its Unix counterpart.</p> <p>According to Netcraft, the total number of Web sites operating under its control reached 2 million by the end of 1998 (55% of the total number of sites) and is constantly growing. For comparison: Microsoft servers account for 25%, Netscape - 7%. Being a free, open-source program designed for free Unix systems (FreeBSD, Linux, etc.), Apache is not inferior to commercial servers in functionality and reliability, and its extensive configuration capabilities allow it to be configured to work with almost any specific system. There are server localizations for various languages, including Russian.</p> <p>Historically, Russian texts on the Internet can be presented in different encodings, of which the most common are koi8-r (or simply koi8) and Windows-1251: the first one works with most servers and workstations running Unix, the second one is standard for all Windows versions. Since the Windows-1251 encoding is naturally used on the vast majority of client machines, the share of those who travel through the Russian part of the WWW using koi8 now does not exceed 5%. However, documents are stored in this encoding on many Unix servers, mail messages are most often transmitted in it and almost always letters in teleconferences, and many Russian-language IRC channels work with it (by the way, the abbreviation KOI stands for “information exchange code”). To solve the problems that arise when text encodings on the server and the client machine do not match, the Russian module Apache-RUS was created for the Apache Web server.</p> HTML. The process of developing web applications becomes similar to the development of ordinary Windows applications, where the developer visually has <span>controls</span> on the form, sets their properties and writes event handlers. <h4>Extensible hosting and lifecycle management environment for web applications</h4><p>An extensible ASP .NET hosting framework manages the application lifecycle from the first time a user accesses a resource until the application exits. ASP .NET itself uses a web server (IIS) as its environment, while providing hosting functions. ASP .NET allows you to handle events that occur in applications and create your own HTTP handlers and modules.</p> <h4>An extensible web application user interface design environment</h4><p>ASP .NET allows you to create your own visual editors for server controls and integrate them into development tools such as Visual Studio. Visual editors allow you to develop user interfaces for controls and add the necessary properties and methods to controls.</p> <p>During the preparation, the following materials were used: “HTML Editors and Web Page Editors”, “Best free web development IDE for JavaScript, HTML and CSS”, “Cloud IDEs For Web Developers – Best Of”.</p><p>There are many ways to write code for web applications, from <a href="">text editors</a> to cloud development environments. It is difficult to immediately decide which environment is best suited for the tasks at hand. To save you time, we selected the most popular:</p> <i> </i><p>At the end of each section there is <a href="">pivot table</a>, in which you can clearly see a comparison of the functions of editors for web development. This article discusses exclusively free cross-platform solutions, so popular proprietary editors like Sublime Text are not included in the selection. <br></p> <h2>Text editors for web development</h2> <h3>Komodo Edit</h3> <p>Main features:</p> <ul><li>endless story of cancellation,</li> <li>a wide range of plugins,</li> <li>support for hundreds of programming languages ​​and file formats,</li> <li>powerful search and replace,</li> <li>integration with third party tools.</li> </ul><p><span class="CM7UP-un1vc"></span> <span class="CM7UP-un1vc"></span></p> <h3>GNU Emacs</h3> <h2>Desktop Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)</h2> <h3>Eclipse</h3> <h2>Cloud IDEs</h2> <p>Most desktop applications have moved to the cloud, so it is not surprising that cloud environments are also becoming popular among programmers. Not everyone immediately trusts cloud IDEs, but popular tools like Github and Pastebin help you get used to the fact that the source code is stored not on the local machine, but on a third-party server.</p> <h3>Cloud9</h3> <p>After a few minutes of working in Cloud9, you get the impression that you are in paradise for programmers. The interface is written in JavaScript, and the server part is written in NodeJS. Although Cloud9 is favored by developers and interface designers, it supports syntax highlighting for C#, C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scala and some other languages.</p> <p>Vim's built-in mode is a nice touch, as is support for popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial and SVN. With CSSLint and JSBeautify, it is one of the most beautiful development environments.</p> <p><span class="UX0mqLVlauk"></span> <span class="UX0mqLVlauk"></span></p> <h3>Codeanywhere</h3> <p>Another app creation tool that often tops lists of the best is Codeanywhere. This cloud-friendly IDE supports code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and other languages. With apps for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry, Codeanywhere allows programmers to work anywhere.</p> <p>Additionally, Codeanywhere supports Dropbox and SFTP, which make it easy to back up project files and share them with colleagues. It's not the most fully featured environment, but it gets the job done perfectly.</p> <p>The system is paid, but there is a free tariff plan.</p> <p><span class="WESSQrre8WY"></span> <span class="WESSQrre8WY"></span></p> <h3>Eclipse Che</h3> <h2>useful links</h2> <p>What editors and environments do you use? Share your experience!</p> <h3>Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below</h3> <p>Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.</p> <h3>Similar documents</h3> <ul><p>Consideration of the concept and classification of Web technologies. Basic requirements for creating the main page of the site, the “About Us” section, content, attachment. Determination of directions for using programming languages ​​HTML, PHP, JavaScript, VBScript, Perl.</p><p>course work, added 07/13/2010 <br></p> <p>Research into the capabilities and areas of use of the JavaScript programming language. Comparative analysis of the programming languages ​​JavaScript and PHP. Development of an interactive Web application using the example of a test on the topic "Programming in Delphi".</p><p>practical work, added 02/04/2015 <br></p> <p><a href="">Comparative characteristics</a>, capabilities and functions of the JavaScript and PHP programming languages. Main areas of their use. Development of an interactive Web application using JavaScript using the example of a test on the topic "Programming in Delphi".</p><p>course work, added 07/01/2014 <br></p> <p>Functions of Ajax technology for developing Web applications: executing HTTP requests in the client part and analyzing the XML server response. Generate XMLHttpRequest object data for different browsers. Processing using a servlet. Task functionality in Ajax.</p><p>laboratory work, added 06/06/2009 <br></p> <p>The structure and design of the AJAX method, as well as the history of its origin and development. Toolkit for developing AJAX applications. Security of AJAX applications and ways to solve them. Development of design for the client and administrative parts of the portal.</p><p>thesis, added 07/22/2011 <br></p> <p>Application of programming languages ​​in web development. Create a hypertext-enabled document with <a href="">using HTML</a>. <a href="">Using JavaScript</a> For <a href="">software access</a> to application objects. Perl is a procedural programming language; pseudo-object language PHP.</p><p>course work, added 07/07/2013 <br></p> <p>Development tools focused on specific DBMSs. The most famous applications based on the Eclipse Platform. NetBeans IDE project, its capabilities. KDevelop is a free integrated development environment for UNIX-like operating systems.</p><p>abstract, added 04/14/2014 <br></p> <p>Structure and history of development of AJAX technology. AJAX method device. Web Application Development Toolkit. Development and creation <a href="">information portal</a> on programming languages ​​using AJAX technology. 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