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  • Non-verbal communication. Psychologist Natalya Kucherenko, lecture No. 06.

  • Communication boundaries. Psychologist Natalya Kucherenko, lecture No. 07.

  • Physiognomy. Psychologist Natalya Kucherenko, lecture No. 08.

  • Psychologist Natalya Kucherenko. Psychotrauma. Lecture number 09.

"Psychotrauma" Most people, including psychiatrists, associate psychic trauma with events such as wars, disasters, accidents, situations of physical, mental or sexual violence, and so on. However, quite ordinary events, including ordinary medical procedures and operations, can be just as traumatic, especially for children. Subsequently, psychotrauma can manifest itself as anxiety, migraines, functional disorders, asthma, epileptic seizures, panic attacks. Psychological trauma often occurs due to:
- traumatic situations in life (Loss of a loved one or status, violation of emotional attachment, committing morally and ethically unjustifiable actions ...)
- feelings as such (fear of death, fear of being abandoned, fear of loneliness, emotional distress; disappointed love and helpless anger, shame and guilt)
- emotional disorders and conflicts (let go and grieve or hold on to the past and what has been lost; trust or not trust people; learn to love again; whether to hide the fact of a crime or accept responsibility for it ...) There are four main ways in which a person gets out of traumatic situation:
. Perception blockage: the person feels as though they are through a fog;
. Freezing feelings: numbness, indifference, coldness;
. Self-awareness outside the body: a person feels that he has left his body, and the event is perceived as happening from the outside;
. Division into subpersonalities.
Today we will consider the structures of the positive formation of the character of the child and, accordingly, with negative upbringing, disorders and psychotraumas that are formed in childhood and are “strengthened” and “complemented through a person’s life.

  • Psychologist Natalya Kucherenko. Psychomatrix of Pythagoras. Lecture No. 10

A unique method of rapid psychological diagnosis of a person by date of birth. Psychological test. Psychomatrix of Pythagoras is a separate direction of numerology and gives a characteristic by date of birth. In fact, this teaching originates from the Egyptian priests. It was they who were among the first who began to compare the qualities of a person’s character depending on the numbers. Pythagoras took this knowledge of numbers as a basis and applied to them a mathematical aspect based on the harmony of the square.
Pythagoras and his followers extended the possibilities of the Egyptian system by supplementing the meanings of individual digits with the values ​​of the target lines of the Pythagorean square. Thus the new doctrine helped to reveal the possible purpose of human life. The main idea of ​​the psychomatrix is ​​that the date of birth carries certain combinations of numbers that can be used to characterize a person's psychotype. And this is important when drawing up a psychological portrait of a person.