What to do if the mobile Internet does not work on the beeline. What to do if the mobile Internet does not work on the Beeline Check the traffic status

There was such a situation: your number has a positive balance, but you still can't get through to anyone. What does it depend on?

Why can't you make a call with a positive balance?

There can be many reasons, consider some of them:

  • Phone problems. Try rebooting it or inserting the SIM card into another device.
  • You may have dialed the wrong number. Check all the details and try to call again.
  • The number you dialed is blocked or is on the Black List.
  • You are out of network coverage. In this case, no positive balance will help.
  • Your number may be blocked. This happens if you have not paid subscription fee on other numbers of the same operator.
  • Check the network selection settings on your phone. It so happens that they get confused, then you need to manually select the desired operator.

If none of the points helped you solve the problem, contact the salon cellular... They will definitely help you there.

You are a Beeline subscriber and want to know why it does not work Mobile Internet Beeline? Has your mobile internet started to go awry, freeze, or even disconnected? Wait, it might not be the operator's fault.

First of all, check if you turned off the Internet when you weren't using it (and then just forgot to turn it on)? Or maybe you are just in a place where the phone does not pick up the connection well?

If you are sure that the data transfer is activated and this is not a connection, then, probably, your gadget is simply buggy. Try turning off the mobile internet on your cellular, then turn it back on and reload the active browser tab, or refresh one of the open applications... Does not work?

In this case, you can try to reboot the device itself. Before that, be sure to turn off the Internet and turn it on again when the mobile device restarts. And it didn't help either? There is also a possibility that the matter is still in your operator or the settings of the tariff plan.

To understand all this, check out the methods described below:

Check the connection of the "package of three services"

Operator Beeline provides its users with a "package of three services". This package is free and provides subscribers with the opportunity to use mobile Internet (if their device supports this, of course), WAP and MMS. It is automatically activated after you start using a new SIM card. But of course, there can always be some kind of glitch due to which this standard package won't connect. And since this function can be turned off by the Beeline subscriber himself, there is a possibility that you yourself once deactivated it and completely forgot about it.

To see if the "package of three services" service is active on your tariff, call the service number 0674 —09 ... After the call, the operator will send you a message with a list of all active on this moment services connected to your number. If there is not a package of three services among them, then to activate it, you need to call the number 0674 —09 —181 ... If this package was initially connected, but after that it was deactivated by the user, then you can activate it again using the USSD command * 110 * 181 # .

Check your balance

It is possible that the matter is not at all in the settings of your mobile device or starter pack. How long have you checked your balance? It is likely that you missed the moment when you had to deposit funds to your personal account, the moment when the operator had to withdraw the monthly payment according to your tariff plan.

That is why Beeline could restrict your access to the mobile Internet. It happens, however, that there is money on the balance, you can make calls, send SMS too, but the Internet still does not work - this means that there are not enough funds to connect and pay for the mobile Internet, and therefore this service was restricted in access. You can get access to it again by replenishing your account with the required amount.

NS check traffic status

Any tariff (even if it is unlimited) provided by the operator has its own price for the services provided and its own volume of Internet traffic. If everything is in order with your account, and the operator took the monthly fee for your package on time, but suddenly the mobile Internet disappeared, then most likely you have exceeded the permissible traffic limit for your tariff.

In this case, the operators usually notify that you have used all the package gigabytes or megabytes given to you for a month, earlier than this month ended and that from that moment you will pay for the Internet at different rates or the Internet will be completely unavailable (in fact the Internet will be active and available to the user, but the speed of loading pages will become so low that it will be unbearable to use the Internet) until the end of the month (not calendar, but until the day when you replenished your account and the operator withdrew money from the balance).

Check your incoming SMS messages - most likely, the operator sent you an SMS notification about the ending traffic, but you missed it. If you do not want to be without the Internet, then in this case you should simply purchase a package of additional traffic - Beeline will provide you with such an opportunity.

Make sure your device supports Internet access

This item does not apply to previously used devices that accurately support network access. You bought new phone or a tablet but can't use the internet on it? It is likely that you could have acquired a fake, in which the possibility of accessing the Internet is generally not available, so all of the above methods are not even worth trying, but it is best to go to exchange the device for another.

That is why new devices should be checked immediately after purchase, because they can be returned back to the sender only before a certain period has expired, which usually does not exceed several weeks.

If none of the above methods worked, and you are sure that your cell phone supports access to the network, then you need to consult with a specialist by calling the Beeline operator.

A message from my father: "Call me back, I need to discuss my mother's birthday." Well, good. - There are not enough funds on your account, top up the balance or ... - I see. Thanks. Goodbye. - I spitefully answered the answering machine. It must be strange to talk to a robo-woman, but that's the way I am. There’s nothing to be done, you need to put money on your phone, but I’ll do it after school, and now I’m late for geography.

To sit out seven lessons and not be asleep that I have no homework at all - talent! But now you can safely go home and sleep. On the way to the sweet embrace of a soft blanket, I remembered that I needed to call my dad back, but there was no money in the account. And in the wallet there are not very many, only one piece of paper in the amount of a thousand rubles. Go to the store, exchange - reluctance. I hope that this is not the last money and there are still houses at home. Oops, here is the Beeline salon. Such a nice consultant, only he is now explaining to some woman what is the difference between the two phones. Well, good luck to him, but I will have to "communicate" with the terminal. Entering the number ... Damn, someone's calling. Lilya ?! We wanted to meet today! I'll get it from her! - Hello ... - Are you completely crazy ?! Where the hell are you ?! I've been sitting under the door for twenty minutes! - Don't shout! Now I'll put the money on my phone and come, wait ten minutes! - Yes, you are already there! - I've got a cake! - La-adno, I'm waiting. And there is nothing to buy a cake. I think the cookies will come off, however, I have had them for a month already ... I took the check and ran home. Was in place in five minutes, that's the speed! In front of the entrance, a girl with blond hair, small in stature, a little plump, was smoking, but she even suits. This is Lilya. For a long time I have been telling her "Quit smoking", a girl with a doll-like appearance and a cigarette looks awful. But even less suits her the face with which she met me. More precisely, not me, but the absence of a cake. - Lil, I put all the money into the account, I'm sorry. - Okay, come here. She hugged me and we went up to the apartment. - And why were you not at school today? - Yes, I rode a motorcycle with Vasya all night. - Lil, he is nineteen, and you are sixteen. He will play with you and leave. - No, I’ll play it with them and give it up. Better tell me what you have there on personal. - In one day of your absence, nothing has changed in my personal life. - Get yourself a boyfriend at last. You live alone, you can bring him to you, no one will forbid. - No guys until I graduate. - You are boring. What's new at school? Or is nothing happening there without me? - Surprisingly, it happens. Today two students were sent to us for practice. One Russian and literature will lead, and the other - physics. “Mmm… Students, you say. And how are they? Beautiful? - Yeah. The first is blond, smiles constantly, jokes, is very cute, dresses stylishly. But the second is its opposite. Dark hair, a pierced nose, tattoos on his neck, I don’t know how he was taken as a teacher, he never smiled during the lesson. Gloomy type. - And how old are they? - Yes, how about your Vaska, probably. - So-ak, my blonde! - Lilya!

Lilya left. It's getting dark, and I still haven't called my dad! - On your account there is not enough ... - What ?! So much time has passed, the money should have come long ago! So, somewhere there was a check, did I put the money on the wrong number ?! Exactly! Mixed up the figure at the end! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! It is worth calling, asking for a refund. It's good that calls with the same operator are free: - Hello. - a beautiful male voice. - Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but I accidentally put a thousand rubles into your account. Could you return? - Yeah, I run and fall. Can't you get anything back, slut? And he dropped it. Why so rude?! Normally asked the same! Goat! I tried to call again, but it's pointless. Dump, bitch. After school you will have to go to the communication salon again, otherwise it is already dark, the area is dangerous. It's good that there is still money left. I'll put in fifty rubles this time.

I overslept the first lesson, damn it! Why is everything so bad ?! The phone still sat down. She ran to school, ignoring breakfast. It's already five minutes from the second lesson! In addition, this is physics, and even in some unknown office. Stop, is this not the student who teaches physics here? Exactly he! At least we will reach the office together. - Hey, Alexander Dmitrievich! Stop! - Nastya? What are you doing here?! The lesson began long ago! - Your lesson, actually. - I'am a teacher. I can be late. - how rude he answers! “I don’t know where we have a lesson. - Three hundred and five. - Where is it?! - Yes, I myself do not know what stuck ?! The headmistress came out to our conversation, already in a raised voice: - What are you doing here? March to class! - Yes, we do not know where it is! - we shouted in one voice. It's bold, of course, to yell at the headmistress, but everything pisses me off! - Next to informatics. - Albina Lvovna answered in a slightly frightened voice and quickly went into her office. Alexander Dmitrievich and I laughed at this. "Together we are strong!" - he said. Nice guy, but hot-tempered and rude. By the middle of the lesson, we still got to this three hundred and fifth. When they entered, everyone looked askance at us. I sat down with Leela, and Sasha (it is stupid to call a person who is three years older than me by name and patronymic) immediately began to explain something. - Nast, - Lilka began in a whisper, - there is something between you, right? - What?! Of course not! Sasha made a remark to us, but when did it stop us? - It's a pity. You look great together. You are a tall brunette, always in everything dark. It's almost the same. Take a closer look. - So, girls, do you have any questions? - No, Alexander Dmitrievich. - Lily answered coquettishly. This was the end of the lesson. Unfortunately, the next one is also physics. I told my friend that I had put the money on the wrong number, and that this bastard was no longer answering me. She laughed at me, but gave me a call from her phone. Suddenly, her number will be more lucky. There was almost no one in the class, but it was still hard to hear. - Hello, hello! Return the money! - Excuse me, who is this? It's hard to hear here. - This is the girl who put money in your account! - I raised my voice a little. - Oh, so it's you again! You know, if you don't have enough, then apply, and now go to hell! - Ham! Thief! - I already yelled. Silence fell in the classroom, and Lilka looked with round eyes first at me, then somewhere ahead. I raised my head and met the gaze of the student who ... was on the phone. There is silence on that wire. Sasha got up and slowly walked to our desk, showed me the phone screen, on the cat I saw Lily's number ... - Ham and a thief, then? he began in a calm and displeased voice. - I have a lot of money, then ?! - Yes, you can see it. - What do you allow yourself ?! Our short discussion was interrupted by a call for a lesson. For forty-five minutes I listened to jokes from Lily, caught the glances of classmates who saw this from Alexander Dmitrievich himself. I wanted to approach this bastard at recess, but he quickly disappeared into the lab.

After looking at the schedule, I found out that he has as many lessons as I do. I decided to wait for him at the exit. And here he is. Seeing me, he swiftly walked in the other direction, I ran after him. - Alexander Dmitrievich, return the money! - Get away from me! - he pushed me so that I fell to the floor. - Ay! To my surprise, Sasha ran up to me: - Hit hard? - Fuck you, goat! - I hit him in the face. The response was very surprising: Alexander Dmitrievich kissed me. Nice, of course, but what the fuck ?! - What are you doing?! - Are we already on you? he chuckled. - You have character, I like it.

Four years have passed since that moment, and we are still together. Since then, I have never had any problems with physics, and I always have money on my account so that I don’t mix up the number again, otherwise I’ll find someone else.