Calibrating the iphone battery 5. How to calibrate the iPhone battery and why is it needed? Disable automatic updates

Modern mobile devices are very advanced in energy conservation, new standards and technologies are being developed, however, the problem of battery life and, therefore, the use of the gadget itself is still acute.

Most mobile devices have a removable battery, which allows it to be quickly and easily replaced in case of failure, but there are some where this is impossible, for example, in Apple devices, which is an absolute disadvantage. Frequent cycles of improper charging of iOS devices lead to the failure of controllers, both the battery itself and the device. For example, when the iPhone or iPad shows that you still have 5-7%, but the next moment the device turns off, or the battery level of 98% hangs for a long time, during the charging process.

To prevent the iOS gadget from being able to "deceive" you and present a bad surprise, there is the possibility of calibrating the controllers - this is a forced process that brings the battery and controllers of the device to the optimal state. Calibration is recommended by computer manufacturers and will be useful for all devices, not just Apple.

The lithium batteries that power the iPhone and iPad will not get any "miraculous" benefits from calibration, but will normalize all sensor readings, which will undoubtedly increase battery life.

How to calibrate batteries in iPhone and iPad:

1. Fully discharge your iPhone or iPad so that the gadget turns itself off. This can be done quickly by playing on your device, with maximum screen brightness, internet on and sound at full volume. Yes, a complete discharge of lithium batteries is strongly discouraged, but it will not happen the way the gadget turns off at 0%, which does not correspond to the actual lack of charge in the battery.

2. After full discharge, you need to charge your mobile device to 100%, it is better to use the original, standard power supply.

3. After 100% is displayed on the screen of the iPhone or iPad, leave the gadget connected to the charger for another hour.

4. Disconnect the device from charging and use it as always until the next full discharge to zero, but without recharging.

5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to get your iPhone and iPad with calibrated batteries and sensors.

A little bit of sense from a gigahertz processor, megapixels of a camera and other products of the high-tech world, if the smartphone's batteries do not have energy for them. Extending the battery life of the gadget is perhaps the most important task posed today.

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And, despite the fact that Apple engineers solved it more or less successfully, we, too, can and must make our contribution to the common cause.

No, of course, no one forces you to gnaw the granite of applied science and acquire new skills. There was enough money to buy a flagship - it will not be difficult to save up and, fortunately, an extra 100-200 grams in your pocket is not a hindrance. Moreover, in iOS 7 a lot has appeared to optimize energy consumption, a good half of which are capable of operating in automatic mode.

However, the unpleasant truth is that the efficiency of the battery is not constant and depends greatly on the mode in which the device is used. Simply put, the batteries need to be periodically calibrated - a kind of reset to factory settings, which will only benefit the i-gadget's energy system.

How to improve battery performance on iPad or iPhone

1 ... Run any application on your iPhone or iPad, preferably the most resource-intensive. And go for tea, to a restaurant on the other side of the city, and walk on foot - during this time the device will be completely discharged and turn off by itself.

2 ... 0% charge - Connect your charger and charge your iPhone or iPad to 100%.

3 ... The cherished numbers are highlighted on the display, but do not disconnect the charger for at least one more hour.

4 ... Do your best again to drain the battery quickly. An important point is that while the energy is leaking nowhere, you need to stay away from the outlets. No contact with the charging, even for a second, otherwise the "magic" will be destroyed.

5 ... Repeat steps 2 and 3 again, charge the battery of the iOS device and let it brew.

6 ... The calibration is verified, you can use the tablet as usual.

The harsh truth of life is that even advanced devices such as the iPhone or iPad Air have a very limited battery life. For compact size and affordable price you have to pay with something, right? Over time, they degrade and the time between recharges will get shorter, the battery will have a tendency to discharge spontaneously and in the end it will simply have to be replaced. But before that, regularly carrying out simple calibration, it will be possible to squeeze the maximum possible out of its working module.

Increase your iPhone battery life here and now - only proven methods.

IPhone battery capacity is growing, but iOS is not becoming more energy-optimized and therefore one of the hottest topics for Apple smartphone users is still related to the problem of quickly discharging the iPhone. In this article, we have collected all the proven methods that allow you to both increase the battery life of the iPhone here and now, and extend the life of the smartphone's battery in the future.

About iPhone batteries

All current Apple devices use a lithium-ion battery. Compared to traditional batteries such as nickel metal hydride batteries, they have a number of advantages. Lithium-ion batteries are lighter, have a higher capacity and a short charging time, and most importantly, they are durable. The last statement is true provided that the batteries are used correctly.

How to Extend iPhone Battery Life

There are a few basic rules that, if you follow them, can significantly extend the life of your iPhone's battery.

1. Do not allow the battery to be completely discharged

One of the features of lithium-ion batteries is the almost complete absence of the so-called memory effect. This concept means a reversible loss of capacity that occurs when the charging mode is violated, in particular, when charging an incompletely discharged battery. Since the iPhone battery has almost no memory effect, it is highly recommended to charge the smartphone before it turns off due to a lack of charge.

More specifically, it is necessary to connect the iPhone to the charger when the battery level drops below 10-20%. How much will this help? Experts have found that the amount of life of a lithium-ion battery due to this ratio increases up to 2.5 times. Much more useful for the battery and altogether do not lower its charge level below 50% .

2. Avoid overheating and hypothermia

Heat and cold are the worst enemies of lithium-ion batteries. Overheating and overcooling iPhone can significantly reduce the battery capacity of your smartphone, so it should never be kept in adverse conditions.

For the sake of completeness of this manual, please note that the iPhone can be used without jeopardizing battery life in temperatures between 0 ° C and 35 ° C. Store - at temperatures from -20 to 45 ° C.

3. Use the original charger

In the case of the iPhone, this point is especially important. The original charger for Apple smartphones is not cheap, while the Chinese alternatives, on the contrary, are attractive for their availability. However, it is better to pay a lump sum once than a few months later to type in the search query "Why is my iPhone running out so quickly."

Why are non-original iPhone chargers so bad? Cheap chargers are mostly made on the knee. Hundreds of showdowns of Chinese chargers are presented on the Web, which show that craftsmen from the Middle Kingdom do not strain at all over the design of their two-dollar accessory. The build quality of such chargers is extremely low, and the power is half that of Apple's models. In addition, the insulation is quite often very lame, which means that such accessories are simply life-threatening.

4. Discharge iPhone every three months

If you have decided to start firmly following (or are already following) the first tip, there is one more thing you need to know. Fully charging lithium-ion batteries for a long time is just as harmful as continuously discharging to zero. Due to the fact that the charging process for most users is chaotic (we charge our iPhones as soon as possible), experts strongly recommend that you completely discharge your iPhone every three months. Moreover, this must be done in a special way.

After long-term operation of the iPhone without shutting down, the smartphone must be completely discharged, then charged to 100% and held on charge for an additional 8-12 hours. Such a simple trick will allow you to reset the so-called upper and lower battery charge flags.

5. Charge iPhone without a case

Some iPhone cases can cause the battery to overheat, which can negatively affect battery capacity. Determining whether your case has a detrimental effect on your smartphone is very simple. If you notice that your iPhone is getting very hot while charging, remove it from its case first.

How to store iPhone

Separately, it is worth talking about how to properly store unused iPhones. When sending an old iPhone to the back shelf, make sure that its battery has a charge level of 30-50%. Long-term storage of an iPhone with a fully discharged battery will, over time, lead to a decrease in its capacity, and a significant one.

How to increase the battery life of your iPhone

We figured out the correct operation of the iPhone to extend the life of its battery, let's move on to the most interesting - ways to increase the operating time of Apple smartphones without the need for recharging.

1. Start using power saving mode

Since iOS 9, Apple has offered iPhone owners to use the power saving mode. " Power saving mode»Allows you to extend the battery life of your iPhone by an additional three hours. The mode is activated in the menu " Settings» → « Battery».

How does the "Power Saving Mode" increase the battery life? When activated, the device performance, network activity is slightly reduced, motion effects, mail checking, background application updates are disabled, and animated wallpapers turn into static ones. In other words, the mode does not affect the main functions of the iPhone, the smartphone, as before, remains capable of coping with any tasks.

2. Decrease display brightness

Do not get upset ahead of time, we will not talk about the banal setting of the minimum display brightness in the menu “ Settings» → « Screen and brightness". Here's an advanced way to reduce brightness using iPhone accessibility settings.

Step 1. Go to the " Settings» → « The main» → « Universal access».

Step 2. Select " Increase"And turn on the switch of the same name.

Step 3. Press the display three times with three fingers. A window with zoom mode settings will open.

Step 4. Set the minimum magnification and click " In full screen».

Step 5. Go to the section " Select filter"And select" Faint light". Tap anywhere on the screen to close the settings menu.

Step 6. Go to the " Settings» → « The main» → « Universal access» → « Keyboard shortcut"And check the box" Increase».

As a result of applying these settings, you get the opportunity to set the minimum brightness on the iPhone by triple pressing the Home button. The display will begin to strain the battery less and the smartphone will be able to work longer. To exit the minimum brightness mode, press the Home button three times again.

3. Set the minimum display lock time

Simple but extremely useful setup. On the menu " Settings» → « Screen and brightness» → « Auto-lock"Check the box" 30 sec". This will allow the iPhone display to automatically lock after just 30 seconds of inactivity.

4. Turn on "Reduce Motion"

There is another option in the accessibility settings, the activation of which has a positive effect on the battery life of the iPhone. We are talking about the "Reduce Motion" option, which reduces the movement of the user interface by turning on parallax on the icons. iPhone doesn't waste its resources on playing unnecessary animations, saving them for more useful tasks. Turns on Reducing movement" on the menu " Settings» → « The main» → « Universal access».

5. Turn off background content refresh

The more applications on your iPhone that turn to the Internet for any information, the faster the smartphone is discharged. Fortunately, their activity is very easy to figure out. Go to the menu " Settings» → « The main» → « Content update»And disable applications whose background activity you want to block.

6. Disable unnecessary pop-up notifications

Each notification from an app on an iPhone activates the display, which is known to consume the most battery resources. This is why it is recommended that you keep the list of apps with toast notifications enabled in order. Go to the menu " Settings» → « Notifications»And turn off notifications from unnecessary applications.

7. Use an ad blocker in Safari

If you actively use the Safari browser on iPhone, then any ad blocker can help increase battery life. Many people do not know, but advertising inserts and pop-up banners on websites are an additional and not the weakest load on the device. There are a large number of free ad blockers on the App Store, for example, Adguard .

8. Turn on "Airplane mode" when the signal of the mobile network is weak

When iPhone cannot establish a stable connection to the cellular network, it starts sending signals to the carrier over and over again. The smartphone spends a lot of effort on this operation, and, accordingly, the battery charge. Airplane mode allows you to prevent iPhone from continuously sending signals to the carrier when the connection is poor.

9. Disable automatic Wi-Fi search

By default, the iPhone is constantly in the search mode for available wireless networks, which is often not required by users. Scanning influences the battery charge very strongly, of course, for the worse. Fortunately, you can turn off automatic scans for Wi-Fi networks. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → Wi-Fi and switch the switch " Connection request»To the inactive position.

10. Disable AirDrop

AirDrop makes it easy to share files between Apple devices, but not everyone uses it. If you don't use AirDrop either, feel free to open “ Control point", Click on AirDrop and select" Reception off»So that the function is no longer wasting battery power.

11. Prevent some applications from using geolocation services

A huge number of applications use the iPhone's location services. And quite often - in vain. But tracking your location by a smartphone is an extremely resource-intensive process. Of course, it is not recommended to completely disable geolocation services, but it is worth forbidding specific applications to use the function. Go to the menu " Settings» → « Confidentiality", Select the application that should not be able to use geolocation services and click" Never". Go through the entire list of installed applications and leave only the really important tools, for example, the navigator, allowed to work with the function.

Working ways!

Lithium-ion batteries in iPhones and other modern smartphones age over time. Their initial capacity is gradually decreasing, which is why smartphones start to last less and less time on a single charge. However, the "aging" of batteries can be slowed down in various ways, the most effective of which we described in this article.

Don't overheat your iPhone

Lithium-ion batteries do not like extreme heat. Operating or storing iPhone in an elevated temperature environment has the most negative impact on the battery. In particular, the capacity of the battery decreases, which ultimately leads to faster discharge of the smartphone.

But at exactly what temperature does the battery get bad? It will come as a surprise to many, but the ideal temperature for an iPhone battery is between 16 and 22 ° C. This is confirmed by numerous studies of lithium-ion batteries, including those carried out by Apple. The optimal temperature for using the iPhone is up to 30 ° C.

Of course, no one will attach a thermometer to an iPhone for constant temperature monitoring. But this is not required, just remember that the iPhone should not be used in hot weather. And certainly the smartphone should not be left even for a short period of time in very warm rooms or in direct sunlight.

Don't overcool your iPhone

Damage to the iPhone battery and cold. At temperatures of 0 ° C and below, the lithium-ion battery begins to slow down reactions, which also reduces the battery's capacity.

Winter is fast approaching, so this advice will be most relevant in the next few months ( more tipsabout using iPhone in winter). Try not to use your iPhone outside in cold weather. And we are not talking about severe frosts, but even the most insignificant ones, when the temperature may seem quite comfortable to you personally. For a battery, it is not.

Yes, limiting yourself to the usual iPhone usage can be uncomfortable. But thanks to this, the smartphone battery will definitely work much longer.

Do not charge iPhone with iPad charger

There is an opinion that the iPhone can be charged even with powerful charging adapters from the iPad. Apple itself says that you can really do this and not be afraid of any consequences.

Apple is tempting to believe, but is charging the iPhone with a more powerful adapter really safe for the battery? Those who at least once charged the iPhone using an iPad charger will certainly notice that the smartphone heats up much more than usual during charging. As we already wrote, high temperatures are detrimental to lithium-ion batteries, so overheating the iPhone while charging is definitely detrimental to the battery.

The experts of the authoritative resource Battery University also warned about this. They conducted a series of tests and found that the iPhone's battery capacity decreases when the smartphone is charged with a powerful adapter from the iPad. Moreover, a significant decrease in capacity was recorded - overheating is to blame.

Of course, iPhone charges much faster if you use an iPad adapter or other powerful charger. But is boosting battery capacity worth it? Definitely not. It's better to charge your iPhone for longer, but keep the overall battery health high for a long time.

Give up wireless charging

If you have an iPhone 8/8 Plus or newer iPhone models that support wireless charging, then this tip is for you. When you wirelessly charge your smartphone, up to 25% of energy is lost. It causes additional heating of the iPhone, which in turn negatively affects the battery.

Unplug iPhone while charging

Another simple tip to help reduce the damaging effects of heat on your iPhone battery. Turn off your smartphone after connecting it to the charger. The processor and other components of the iPhone will stop working and heat up, providing ideal conditions for charging the smartphone. In addition, iPhone will charge faster, even when using a standard charging adapter that is not the highest power.

Remove iPhone from Case while Charging

IPhone cases are most often made of silicone or neoprene. These materials lead to additional heating of the smartphone body during charging, which should not be allowed. Just take your iPhone out of the case while it's charging. Especially if you notice that your smartphone gets very hot when connected to the charging adapter.

Calibrate iPhone Battery

Not all users know, but there is a way to calibrate the iPhone battery, proven by Battery University specialists. This not only improves the battery life here and now, but also has a positive effect on the overall health of the battery.

To calibrate your iPhone battery:

Step 1. Completely discharge the battery.

Step 2. Leave your iPhone turned off for a few hours (ideally overnight).

Step 3. Connect iPhone to charger and leave it on for at least five hours. Even after the battery is 100% charged. It is best to turn off your iPhone while it is charging.

After completing this simple but time-consuming process, the iPhone battery is calibrated. It is advisable to perform this procedure every 3-4 months. This allows iPhone to last longer on battery life and slows down the battery drain on its overall capacity.

Keep iPhone battery charge above 60-80%

Earlier, we wrote about studies that proved that the capacity of lithium-ion batteries decreases more slowly if their charge is kept above 60-80%. Not so long ago, Battery University experts once again proved this by conducting extensive testing.

They have determined empirically that if the battery is discharged by 100%, then its service life is 300-500 charge cycles. If you keep the battery charge above 80%, then the number of full charge cycles is 2500!

At the same time, Battery University experts conducted testing not only on the iPhone, but also on other smartphones with lithium-ion batteries. In all cases, the results were identical.

For many, keeping the battery charge always above 60-80% is an extremely difficult task. However, this is one of the most effective ways to extend battery life.

To begin with, I myself am an engineer, but without a specialized education, nevertheless, I am quite familiar with the operation of batteries and even worked for 5 years on very powerful and large electrolysers. I will not say that I am an electronics guru, but the stupidity of the phrase "battery calibration" has always been completely obvious to me, but only when faced with this problem I realized that I was just looking at this problem and its solution, as a person who understands the battery device, but I did not take into account the programmatic component of the question.

I will describe the problem that I encountered. The iPhone battery began to drain quickly, and it began to do so extremely inadequately. For example, the phone could be discharged and turned off in a matter of hours, but after a short rest, I could use it. At the same time, the battery charge indicator signaled me about 30%. Also, very often the phone was discharged and turned off at the moment when the battery charge was 50%, the same charge remained when connected to the charger, I could even disconnect the iPhone from the network at that moment and calmly continue to spend this unfortunate 50%.

And even observing the blatant behavior of the battery, I would justify it or wear and tear by harsh operation, if not for the warm weather and infrequent use of the phone. That is why I started to figure out what exactly is "battery calibration" on the iPhone and iPad.

Related materials:

How to calibrate iPhone and iPad battery

Many people know that a rechargeable battery inevitably loses capacity with daily use, and also that when you see a charge indicator with a value of 1%, the battery is not completely discharged. A special controller is responsible for the limits of charge and discharge, with which, as it turns out, problems may arise over time. As a result, you may face the fact that your iPhone or iPad will not fully charge, or, conversely, turn off uncharged, as it happened with me.

And so, what are we going to do:

  • We completely drain the iPhone, iPad battery;
  • we charge up to 100%, preferably through an outlet, since the charging speed will be higher. Leave the device on charge for another 40-50 minutes;
  • we disconnect from the charger and again completely plant the battery from 100% to 0%, without connecting the device to a computer (iTunes) or charging;
  • We again fully charge the iPhone, iPad to 100%, leaving it connected to the charger for 40-50 minutes and cut it again. That is, we repeat the second and third points.
Basically, that's all. With enough free time, I recommend repeating the second and third paragraphs a third time.

Despite the primitiveness of all the above actions, my problem of turning off the iPhone without charging has been solved. If you encounter a similar problem, try it, it is highly likely that the instructions presented above will help you. The main thing is to fully charge and fully discharge, otherwise you are unlikely to achieve a positive result.

I note that on the network, some users unsubscribe that this instruction helped them also extend the battery life of the iPhone, iPad.

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