Is it possible to replace the glass of the ipad. The cost of replacing glass on an iPad

It is known that all Apple products always come with a very high-quality assembly. If we talk about tablets, then users rarely encounter the problem of a non-working touchscreen. The same can be said for other difficulties that a poor design could entail.

In this article, we will talk about sensor problems that do occur sometimes. This element may not work completely or some of its functions may partially fail. In any case, this will result in a lot of inconveniences for the user, for example, it will be necessary to replace the glass on the iPad 2.

Typically, iPad glass breakages are serious. But in some situations, you can replace the glass on the iPad 2 at home. This material contains step-by-step instructions on how to perform this procedure correctly and without negative consequences for the device. And first, let's analyze the causes of breakdowns and their manifestations.

Most often, the display does not work for the following reasons:

1 Liquid has spilled into the housing. Moreover, a few drops are enough. The device does not have to fall into the water and lie there for a long time. The fact is that the proximity sensor is located on top, next to the earpiece opening. In general, trouble can happen even during the rain, if the user is talking at that moment. 2 The unit has been dropped or there has been a strong impact from the cabinet for another reason. In this case, the display can be completely intact. But the proximity sensor located near the touchscreen may stop working normally. In such cases, the screen usually remains lit during a call. 3 If the glass was replaced not by a specialist, but by an amateur. For example, the owners of the device themselves, who decided that he would cope with the task himself. But at the same time, the features of a particular tablet model were not taken into account, the device was assembled incorrectly and the like. After that, the above-mentioned sensor may stop working if the loop is working. 4 After replacing the locking element. The physical button is always replaced with the ribbon cable. However, the display may stop dimming if the filter on the sensor has not been repositioned.

As you can see from the above list, there are a lot of reasons for breakdowns. Therefore, it is better not even to try to carry out repairs yourself. Especially if there is no experience and skills in handling equipment of this level. It is better to immediately go to the repair shop, where the specialist will first diagnose the breakdown. And only after that you can prescribe procedures and make repairs.

What to do if the iPad sensor is not working?

If malfunctions appear regularly, but the touchscreen works, albeit intermittently, you need to try to restart the device. This can be done in the following way:

  • by simultaneously pressing the power and Home buttons;
  • holding these elements for 15-20 seconds;
  • the device will reboot;
  • if the Apple symbols pop up on the display, everything went well.

Also, if the screen of the device is protected by an appropriate film or bumper, you need to remove them and test the smartphone's performance again. Perhaps the reason for the malfunction was precisely the use of these accessories.

If the owner of the tablet has completed all of the above, but failed to reanimate the device, you should think about a visit to the repair shop.


If the user decides to replace glass at home, he will have to purchase this list of materials:

  • several screwdrivers;
  • glue tape;
  • a scapula made of metal, as thin as possible.

It is advisable to disassemble the device on a table with an antistatic coating. If this is not possible, gloves with appropriate properties should be worn. All appliances, including tablets, react to this type of electricity. Therefore, without taking into account the precautionary rules, there is a risk of damage to the device. Then it will be necessary to replace not only the glass, but also the elements of the board.

But it should be remembered that any wrong step can lead to serious damage to internal parts. All parts of the tablet that make up the "filling" are very fragile. Then expensive repairs cannot be avoided. Therefore, before deciding on the procedure at home, it is worth considering everything many times.

Instructions for replacing the touchscreen

The sensor fits snugly and tightly to the gadget. Therefore, to remove the display, you need to warm it up with a hair dryer. In this case, the temperature should be no more than 200 degrees, otherwise the plastic frame near the wheelbarrow will melt. Warm-up should be done with caution near the “Home” element to prevent it from melting.

1 To remove the glass, use the thinnest metal spatula to pick it up. The tool must be placed between the body and the glass. In this case, it is necessary to continue heating throughout the entire area, moving the spatula itself along the same trajectory. If the element is lifted unheated, it will split. 2 When the touchscreen is disconnected, you need to lift it up and put it down. Now you need to remove the display - you cannot connect the sensor cable in another way. To this end, you first need to remove the remnants of the fragments from the screen. 3 Disconnect the touch from the system. To do this, remove the cable located under the display. If the element is going to be replaced, the tire can be cut off for convenience. 4 We begin to remove the display. We unscrew the 4 bolts that we find in the corners of the device. 5 The screen is removed back. Everything must be done with care so that nothing breaks. Prying off with a screwdriver is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the element will crack. We pull the “ear” and raise it. 6 We disconnect the display cable. To this end, raise the clasp and pull. The display can still be removed to the side. 7 We turn off the loop of the wheelbarrow itself and remove it. 8 With a thin tool we clean the remnants of glass and glue, again heating around the entire perimeter. Previously, this was not worth doing, since small pieces of glass could fly onto the screen and damage it. The shards can be simply removed from the inside of the gadget. 9 Remove the button from the damaged wheelbarrow. This element is also glued. Therefore, heating will be required, followed by removal with a thin instrument. You need to work very carefully so that the plastic does not float. 10 Remove the metal plate located around the camera. It is also heated, and only then can it be removed.

A spatula or other similar element should be the thinnest so that the touchscreen does not get damaged even more and does not cover the screen with debris. A number of craftsmen use plastic spatulas. But such material can easily melt if the allowable temperature is exceeded.

If the display is not broken, and you do not need to replace it, but you just need to get inside the case, you should be especially careful. After all, you can easily harm the train. If you position the tablet so that the Home element is on the left side, the bus will be in the top left corner. If it breaks, the sensor will also need to be replaced.

Installing the display and assembling the device

Now let's get down to the most important thing - installing a new part on iPad two, Air or another tablet model. To do this, we perform the following actions:

1 Place a metal plate on the new touchscreen of the gadget. It must be covered with a sufficient amount of glue mass, which can be heated, and then the element can be attached. If there is not enough glue, you need to resort to using glue tape. The plate must be attached correctly so that the hole of the camera falls strictly into its center after assembling the device. 2 We glue the button element. Here it is important to observe the correct location so that the square rushes straight ahead, and is not shifted anywhere. 3 Along the entire border you need to glue with tape. Then you can start assembling. In essence, all the steps are similar to those that were done when disassembling the case. First, a touch is placed, because if you put the display first, connecting the sensor cable will become impossible. And only then we install the display. Everything should be in place and assembled in the correct sequence. 4 We carry out a performance check. The glass must respond to touch, and the display must correctly display the picture. After checking that everything is fine, you can start the assembly. It is important to thoroughly clean the display from small debris, hairs and other debris before it. Otherwise, after assembly, it will not be possible to remove them a second time.

We remove the base of the adhesive tape and glue the touch. This completes the procedure. Remember that iPad 2 repairs and glass replacement should only be done by someone with proper knowledge. It only seems that replacing the glass with the Air 2 iPad or any other tablet model is a simple operation. In fact, the replacement part is easily damaged, just like other parts. Therefore, you need to weigh everything and, whenever possible, take the iPad 2 to the workshop to change the glass. Of course, replacing a touchscreen isn't cheap. For example, in Kazan and other large cities, replacing the sensor will cost 3000 rubles or more.

When the owner accidentally breaks the glass of the iPad, we do not recommend delaying solving this problem. The longer the iPad remains inoperative, the more difficult and expensive it will be to fix it. The specialists of our service center can quickly and efficiently change the glass on the iPad 4, 3, 2, Air, Air 2, mini 2, 3, Pro, and even if your iPad 3 glass is cracked, we can help.

Despite the fact that the screen is quite reliable, you should not expose it to negative mechanical stress, which, of course, is quite difficult to avoid. How to identify faults? Simple enough - it happens that the glass on the iPad is cracked, cracks appear on it, the touchscreen does not respond to touches, etc. If a user breaks the glass of iPad 3 and 2, don't be upset and throw away the equipment. Our workshop will definitely help you. We will carry out iPad glass repair quickly and professionally.

Important: Promotion! Reduced price by 50% marked with the word "Promotion", valid until the end of this month

1. As an iPad spare part from a copy;
2. We install original spare parts and give a 1 year warranty!
3. 20-50% discount at the request of regular customers - see the special
4. When repairing, select a free

installation details
in our
service center:
Name of spare parts iPad
4, 3, 2
Air 2
mini 1,2
mini 3
mini 4
Pro 9.7
Pro 12.9
in rubles
Repair time without pressing
(with pressing + 4 hours)
Touch glass (original) 1980
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
Promotion until Sunday
600 40 minutes
Display (original) 2890
7900 2840
8900 11900 12900 600 40 minutes
Touch glass (copy) 790 1190 1190 1390 1390 600 40 minutes
Home button (body part) 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 600 40 minutes
Home button (interior: ribbon cable with components) 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 600 40 minutes
Volume button cable, power on 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 600 1 hour
Headphone flex 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 600 1 hour
SIM card cable 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 600 2 hours
Speaker 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 600 2 hours
Microphone 1190 1190 1190 1190 1190 1190 1190 1190 600 2 hours
Antenna 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 600 2 hours
Battery Promotion! 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 600 3 hours
Large iPad camera 860 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 600 40 minutes
Small iPad camera 790 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 600 40 minutes
Power connector with ribbon cable 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 600 40 minutes
Power connector 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 600 40 minutes
WiFi antenna 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 600 40 minutes
Wi-Fi module 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 600 from 2 hours
Power Management ICs 2290 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390 600 from 2 hours
pad 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 600 40 minutes
Back cover (body) Promotion! 2985 2985 2985 2985 2985 2985 2985 2985 1200 from 2 hours
Sim reader 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 600 2 hours
Become our regular client and get a discount on our special.
Service center services
Installation of modules and components: display, speaker, housing repair, etc. from 100-900 rubles, from 20-50 minutes
Installation of radio elements: capacitor, diode, transistor, varistor, etc. from 50-900 rubles, from 1 hour
Restoration of the printed circuit board (without replacing radioelements) from 200-800 rubles, from 1 hour
Installation of microcircuits, controllers, etc. from 600 rubles, from 1 hour
Recovery after moisture ingress from 900 rubles, from 1 hour
Firmware RUB 900, 40 minutes.
Free diagnostics and troubleshooting!

What will be the cost of the repair

If, for example, the glass of the iPad 2 is cracked, first of all we will carry out a comprehensive diagnostics of the device in order to make sure that the internal components are not damaged. This service is absolutely free for our clients. If there are no problems with the hardware, then the master will be able to change the glass for the iPad as soon as possible, since we have a huge warehouse of original spare parts. We also sell parts throughout Russia, which makes our prices the lowest.

You should not repair the device yourself, repair the glass of the iPad 3 and 2, as this can only harm and disable the rest of the working parts. In our service center, only highly qualified specialists who have vast experience will take care of them in order to qualitatively change the glass on the iPad 4, 3, 2, Air, Air 2, mini 2, 3, Pro and easily solve any of your problems. At the end of any repair work, the user necessarily receives a guarantee for the entire device, and not just a guarantee for the replaced part.

After our repair, your iPad will work and will not break in the future!

For this we have developed a special guarantee. After we have to change the glass to the iPad, the masters will definitely test the performance of the new component and the mechanism as a whole. This is done using professional technology. Based on its results, the user can be absolutely sure that WiFi 3G will function like new.

How long will it take to repair and replace glass on iPad 3 and 2 and other models.

Due to the fact that we have close to 99% of original spare parts in stock, specialists will be able to change the glass on the iPad 2 as soon as possible. If the iron is intact, this will take 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the nature of the damage.

Generally, replacing the front glass on iPad 3 and 2 is a simple task. Our main principle is not only to eliminate the breakdown, but also to make sure that in the future everything functions as in a new tablet. Testing takes very little time - only 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the model. If the iPad Wi-Fi 3G fails, we will definitely fix it. Our professionals will repair Apple iPad 3G Wi-Fi 64gb / 32/16.

Real life example:

The girl accidentally dropped the device on the asphalt, as a result of which> the iPad glass was broken. She went to our service center for help. First of all, the specialists carried out a full diagnosis and determined that the internal components were not damaged. Replacing the display took only a few minutes. After the equipment was tested, the girl was given a full guarantee for the entire apparatus.

What mobile devices break down most often? Those that they like to use are constantly in their hands and sometimes fall: mobile phones, smartphones and tablets. The percentage of tablets on hand is the most Apple iPad of different generations. Literally, a week ago I found out that the official Apple service does not repair devices, but replaces them with new ones with a surcharge. With this material, I start a new series for the repair of mobile devices Apole and not only. Therefore, when giving an iPhone or iPad for repair, know that they will replace broken parts with non-original ones. The quality of the repair will depend not only on the master, but also on the selected parts, their prices.

How to replace broken screen in Apple iPad 2 GSM 64 Gb? Using this example, I will tell and show you how to replace the protective glass of Apple iPad 2. I will explain how, if necessary, replace the display, repair a broken Home button and a number of other elements. Apple iPad 2 repair is similar to Apple iPad New repair, the devices are assembled in the same case. Apple iPad Wi-Fi is easier to repair than the version with GSM and GPS module due to the lack of additional antennas.

It is advisable to turn off any device before starting the repair, protecting yourself from errors. But this is not always possible to do, for example, the area of ​​the screen where the shutdown slider is located has stopped responding or the Power button has broken. The considered case of iPad repair without turning off the device.

iPad can be disassembled from the front. However, like the iPhone 3G and iPhone 5. First, you need to remove the iPad's protective glass. A hairdryer warms up the frame around the display to melt the factory glue, the temperature is about 140 degrees. Further into the lower right or upper right corner, insert a scalpel or a stationery knife, slowly peel off the protective glass. When the slit is large enough to insert the second blade, insert it and slide it up or down the long edge. Instead of a scalpel, you can use ordinary plastic picks, working with plastic instruments, reducing the likelihood of damage to the device. The task is to go along the perimeter of the frame and stop in the lower left corner, there is a capacitive touch glass cable.

Peeling off the glass with a blade must be stopped a centimeter before the volume buttons so as not to damage the cable. Then you need to peel off the glass in the direction of the Home button, stop also a centimeter. When the corner of the protective glass is torn off from the aluminum case, it must be pulled back to a noticeable tension. The protective glass in the iPad is durable, even with significant bending, it will not crack. In the gaps that appear, loops will be visible, gently press them against the body and continue to unfasten the glass with a scalpel. Go to the lower left corner, past the Home button.

Then you return to the upper edge, you need to be extremely careful behind the Power button, there is a GSM antenna and its loop. It is necessary to peel off the glass by pressing the antenna to the body. The next GPS antenna, it is attached more securely than GSM, tear off the glass from it with a bold movement. The left side comes off without any special wisdom, at this the first and most difficult stage is passed.

If, when removing the protective glass, one of the loops is damaged, complicate your repair. It will be necessary to splice the halves of the train; or replace the entire module. For example, a GSM antenna and its loop that goes under the display.

Opening the iPad frees the display matrix and controls from captivity. The Home button is removed along with the broken protective glass. Second, you need to remove the iPad display. Unscrew a few screws in the corners of the matrix frame. Lift the display, find the loop fastening latch and open it by picking it up with the blade. Remove the ribbon cable from the connector and set the iPad display aside. If the Apple iPad display is directly damaged, replace it with a new one and collect everything back.

Third, remove the iPad touch screen flex cable in the same way. On a note, if you are repairing an included iPad, after removing the display and capacitive glass cables, you cannot press the Home and Power buttons, the backlight in the device will turn off. By pressing these buttons, the Apple iPad sends a signal to the loops, their absence will give 0 and the tablet will stop working with them. There is nothing wrong with turning off the backlight, the refurbished iPad will start working normally after rebooting.

How the iPad looks under X-ray does not provide the same experience as a live tablet dissection. The lion's share of the iPad's space is taken up by the battery. The batteries are firmly glued and almost never need to be replaced. Frequent breakdowns in the iPad are: failure of the Home and Power buttons, the 30-pion connector. The device is so simple and elegant inside that there is nothing more to break mechanically. The Home button is removed when repairing a broken display, I will not consider it separately. In order to replace the Power button in the iPad, after removing the protective glass, you need to unscrew the two screws on the right side, disconnect the ribbon and change the button module.

Apple iPad breakdowns and repairs, when the tablet is wet, damp, flooded with water or drowned in this material will not be considered. Most often, for such a tablet repair, you need to remove the metal screens from the motherboard and re-solder the chips.

When the Apple iPad 2 and iPad New fall, it happens that the aluminum case is crumpled, most often the corner. It is necessary to assess whether the protective glass fits snugly into place. If not, then the jammed area of ​​the case is filed with a file. After such an operation, the Apple device looks like a bitten off logo. During the repair process, the task was slightly changed: how to make a black iPad out of a white iPad. All of the iPad's color is concentrated in the bezel around the display. There is also white plastic in the edging of the case, in the 3.5 jack and 30-pin connector, not much to pay attention to.

Pay attention to the upper left corner and the upper edge of the Apple iPad 2 GSM, here are the GSM module and two antennas. The Wi-Fi version of the iPad does not have these elements. In iPad 2, a sore spot is the cable from the GSM modem to the motherboard. This 50-core cable is set on conductive glue, peels off if it is hit or dropped. Its damage is fraught with the following problems: the iPad does not see the sim card, the GSM connection is lost, the GPRS session is constantly interrupted, the tablet does not find GPS satellites. Replacing the loop is a complex operation; such repairs cannot be performed at home. The repair consists in replacing the loop with 50 soldered thin wires.

Fourth, remove the Home button from the old glass and apply it to two contacts under the display. The operation of precise positioning of the button relative to the iPad case and the stele, so that the part does not shift to the side during gluing. Double-sided tape is glued to the edges of the Home button lying on the contacts. A new glass is applied in place and a button is glued to it. After that, the glass is removed together with the button.

Reconnect the display cables and protective glass. The display is secured with screws.

Fifth, for the repair of iPad and other tablets, they came up with and successfully sell 3M double-sided tape. The tape has rounded edges, the radius of curvature follows exactly the radius of the corners of the iPad. The corners are glued into the corners, longitudinal stripes on the edge of the tablet. Two drops of Super Moment Gel glue are added to the lower left corner, where the screen cable passes. Super Torque is needed to protect the loop from breakage; In direct sunlight, the iPad heats up and may peel off the glass.

Sixth, remove the tape from the other side of the tape and attach the protective glass in place. This completes the iPad repair. Replacing the glass in an iPad takes about two hours of work, with confident knowledge of what follows.

When the iPhone 5 breaks down in St. Petersburg and gets repaired, you will be the first to know about it. Eugene, an Apple technician repairman, has got his hands on all the previous generations of the iPhone. Apple's technique is simple and repairing the iPhone 5 does not bode well. I hope that the new section "Service" about the repair of devices will find its readers, then I will be able to prepare new reviews and instructions. If you still have questions about the repair and replacement of broken glass in iPad 2, then call +7 911 099 13 33 or write comments. We will try to answer promptly to everyone who is faced with a breakdown and repair of the iPhone. Website of our service and online store

IPad 3 Glass Replacement - A service that Apple gadget owners often need. The problem arises due to the large size of the display, which can be damaged as a result of rough handling. Broken protective glass on the iPad 3 can lead to a touchscreen failure, as well as cause breakage of the matrix and other tablet modules.

We offer free device diagnostics to point out all problems. After inspecting and testing the gadget, specialists will be able to qualitatively change the glass on the iPad 3. The work performed is guaranteed for a period of 6 months (in some cases, it can be extended).

When does the iPad 3 touch glass need to be replaced?

Replacing the iPad 3 Touch Glass by Yourself - Big Risk. Without professional skills and tools, you can further damage an expensive device. Better, immediately contact Apple's PlanetIPhone service center. If iPad 3 glass cannot be repaired, you will need to replace it. A professional will be able to do the job in your presence. This will take 15-30 minutes.

Seeking qualified help is necessary not only when the glass is broken. Professional services may be needed if:

  • - Glass cracked as a result of falling.
  • - Liquid has spilled into the housing.
  • - Due to careless use, scratches appeared.
  • - The touchscreen began to work incorrectly.

To replace damaged glass, only high-quality, original spare parts are used. After their installation, the uninterrupted operation of the device is guaranteed, which does not differ from the operation of the new device.

How much does it cost to replace glass Aypad 3

Thanks to direct cooperation with component suppliers, the cost of repairing the third iPad will be affordable. The price is lower than in other service centers. The price of professional services directly depends on the complexity of the work. It may be necessary not only to replace the iPad 3 sensor, but also to repair, install other components (power buttons, camera, back panel, etc.). In this case, Apple will take a longer time to repair. We will tell you the exact deadline for the work after a detailed inspection of the device. You can leave the defective gadget with us and get it fully functional in a few days. Delivery services in Moscow are provided free of charge. The courier will bring the repaired tablet to your home or office.

IPad 3 repair at home.

You do not have to look for the addresses of service centers in Moscow for a long time, you can find them on the website in the section - Contacts. The workshops are located within walking distance from metro stations (VDNKh, Okhotny Ryad, Taganskaya, etc.). If you do not have the opportunity to go to the service center on your own, the master is ready to come to you. Replacement of the iPad 3 touchscreen or other damaged components will be performed by a PlanetiPhone service representative, efficiently and inexpensively. Specialists have all the necessary components in stock, so the replacement of parts is carried out right in front of you.

  • Repair in 15-30 minutes from 990 rubles.
  • Onsite repairs in Moscow and Moscow region
  • 314 service centers

Replace the glass on the iPad exclusively in a specialized network of services, whose employees will be able to guarantee you both accuracy during this time-consuming procedure and the use of high-quality spare parts and a special compound for attaching the sensor. We present information about 314 reliable centers of our city.

Please be sure to pay attention that the installation of the touch glass on, and should be carried out only with the use of double-sided tape of a certain American company, otherwise, if you put it on glue, in the future, large-scale damage when disassembling the tablet and replacing other parts will not be avoided.

In the organizations represented on the site, you can be sure that highly qualified specialists work, competently performing such operations on a daily basis. You will also be pleasantly surprised by the warranty period provided by the masters for their work.

The price of replacing the glass of the iPad with the visit of the master to the house

If you want to carry out this procedure at home, you just need to leave a request on the website or contact the hotline operators by phone 8-800-775-90-67.

Repair the sensor or change the touchscreen?

Many customers ask us: is it possible to repair the sensor or change it right away? Most of the malfunctions that break the touchscreen require replacing the iPad screen. Do not confuse, by the way, the display (which displays the image) and the screen (which is touch sensitive).

Despite its apparent strength, tablet glass is a fragile material that is constantly exposed to external influences and therefore is so vulnerable. If your device stops responding to touches or the use of the tablet is difficult due to abrasions or scratches on the surface, contact the service center sooner, any of those presented on the site, and then you are guaranteed to receive qualified assistance in a short time!

When do you need to replace the sensor?

There are several reasons when a screen replacement is needed:

  • firstly, due to the appearance of chips, cracks on the screen, making it impossible to work correctly with the tablet;
  • secondly, if the tablet does not respond to touch or reacts incorrectly;
  • thirdly, if a part of the sensor has ceased to function;
  • fourthly, if streaks appear when you tap the screen.

Please note that both original parts and AAA grade can be used to replace the glass on the iPad. In the latter case, it is worth knowing that these parts, not yielding in general quality, tolerate mechanical stress a little worse.

Common reasons leading to iPad glass replacement

Among the frequent reasons leading to the replacement of the screen on the iPad, of course, one cannot but mention a fall or a strong blow, although in fairness it should be noted that even a small crack can lead to a complete loss of sensor sensitivity. Since the display and screen change on the tablet separately, be sure to carry out a preliminary diagnosis in order to know exactly what exactly needs to be changed.

The specialists of the services listed above will complete this procedure in less than 15 minutes, after which another hour will be required for the repair itself.

How much does it cost to replace iPad glass?

Device Price on departure Price in service centers
iPad 1
iPad 2 from 1 990 rub
iPad 2017
iPad Pro 9.7 (2018)
iPad 3
iPad 4 from 2 590 rub
iPad Air from 2 590 rub
iPad Air 2 from 15 090 rub
iPad mini from 2 790 rubles
iPad mini 3 from 2 990 rub
iPad mini 4 from 12 590 rub
iPad mini Retina from 2 990 rub
iPad Pro 9.7 (2016)