Super mts has changed. Internet on the "Super" tariff from MTS: description and how much does it cost? Super MTS tariff: description

Tariff plan " Super MTS”Is popular among the category of undemanding users who use communication mainly for making calls.

TP without subscription fee, and as the operator declares, a profitable and cheap tariff with good opportunities.

It should be noted that the offer of the mobile operator "Super MTS", although it is one of the most economical in the line, is designed primarily for those subscribers who use communication capabilities in a narrow segment - for infrequent short calls and sending SMS messages.

"Super" tariff from MTS

The mobile operator made sure that, within the framework of the offer, the subscriber had access to the transmission and reception of data on the Internet.


The “Super MTS” tariff provides subscribers with the Internet with a rather modest functionality, it can be called a “tariff without the Internet”. In addition, the cost within the tariff plan is quite high.


For 1 MB of transmitted or received information, the subscriber will have to pay 9.90 rubles. For those who spend a lot of time looking through mail and pages social networks in the phone this functionality is insignificant and very expensive. It will not please with the data transfer speed.

How to reduce the cost of the Internet?

A number of Internet options are available to subscribers to optimize costs, thanks to which they can expand the capabilities of the tariff:

* - the cost of the service may differ depending on the region.

Important! Traffic units provided as part of the options are reset to zero at 00:00 and are not carried over to the next day.

After the quota is exhausted, subscribers are provided with packages additional internet and access to the “Turbo Button” option. These services are paid additionally.

Across Russia

In Russia, Internet traffic is provided within the framework of the services included in the initial package:

  • "MiniBIT" - when downloading up to 3 Mb of traffic, with a 100% discount on its payment;
  • "SuperBIT Smart" - when downloading 3 MB or more, with a convenient daily payment.

Internet options connected before switching to the tariff are disabled.

When traveling around the country, the Super BIT options and the Super BIT Smart promo option are available. Traffic volume - 3 GB / month.

Reference! They operate throughout Russia, and provide a subscription fee.

In roaming

When traveling to the CIS countries, Europe and the world, it is recommended to use the "BIT Abroad" service.

Depending on the host country, users are provided from 5 Mb to 100 Mb / day.

The "Super MTS" tariff is a popular offer for online communication. Under the terms of the TP, subscribers receive preferential packages of minutes and SMS messages without a monthly fee.

In the line of tariff offers "Super MTS" is one of the most profitable and affordable. The tariff is designed for users who prefer to communicate with friends and family, who also use the services of the MTS operator.

The main advantage is free calls on MTS in your region. The monthly fee is 0 rubles per month. Incoming calls per minute are also 0 rubles.

Free calls on the "Super" tariff from MTS

If you rarely make calls to other operators and communicate within the network for no more than 20 minutes, such communication will be really free. But additional costs will always appear if the subscriber needs more communication.

Every month you need to top up your account with a certain amount to support the selected tariff plan. If this is not done, the service fee mobile communications will be charged from subscribers daily in a certain amount.


The offer includes 20 free minutes per day for calls within the network.

From the 21st minute (over the limit) the cost of outgoing calls will be:

  • on MTS in the home region - 1.50 rubles;
  • on mobile phones in Russia - 5 rubles;
  • for mobile and city other operators - 2.50 rubles;
  • other operators in the Russian Federation - 14 rubles.

Calls abroad will cost:

  • in the CIS - 35 rubles;
  • in Europe - 49 rubles;
  • to other countries - 70 rubles.

SMS messages

Incoming SMS and MMS in home region and across Russia - 0 rubles per message.

Cost of SMS and MMS on the "Super" tariff from MTS

The cost of outgoing SMS will be:

  • RUB 2 subscribers mobile operators home region;
  • in other regions of the Russian Federation - 3.80 rubles;
  • subscribers of international operators - 5.25 rubles;
  • MMS - 9.90 rubles.

Reference! Get information about the remaining minutes and units additional packages you can use the command *100*1# - challenge.

After reviewing such a price list, each subscriber will be able to determine for himself how much he will have to spend on a monthly basis.

How much does the transition or connection cost?

The cost of switching to "Super MTS" from other tariffs of the operator is 0 rubles. provided that with of this issue there has been no TP change in the last 30 days. In other cases, the transition cost will be 150 rubles, of which 50 remain on the user's balance.

Reference! The command to change the tariff - *111*8888# - challenge.

The "Super" tariff can be activated by purchasing a starter pack in any communication store. The price of a SIM card will be 150-200 rubles, of which 100 rubles will remain on the user's account. But it is possible that another amount will remain on the account, be sure to check with the operators when buying.

How to reduce the cost of a tariff?


The MTS company offers users of the tariff. When activated, the subscriber receives 100 minutes per day for communication in the home region and across Russia.

Calls on the "Super" tariff from MTS when the option "Call for free to MTS Russia 100" is activated

After the limit is exhausted (from the 101st minute per day), the cost of calls will be:

  • for calls in the home region - 1.50 rubles;
  • to landline numbers - 2.50 rubles;
  • to mobile RF - 5 rubles.

You can connect the option by dialing *868# - call or *111*868# - call, as well as by sending SMS with the text “ 868 ”To the number 111 ... You can disable the option by sending an SMS with a code 8680 to the room 111 or dial the command on the phone *111*8680# - challenge.

Reference! A fee of 3.50 rubles is charged daily for using the offer.

Option connections - 3.50 rubles. The activation cost is included in the cost of the first day of using the service.

SMS messages

Sending SMS messages within the network is charged at 2 rubles. for one message. To optimize costs, subscribers can use. The option is provided automatically once when you connect or switch to the "Super MTS" tariff.

Reference! Upon activation of the TP, the first 15 days, this service is provided for free of charge... From the 16th day, the cost of using the service will be 5 rubles. per day.

The user gets the opportunity to send 10 free SMS per day.

If within 15 days the subscriber has sent less than 3 SMS messages, then the "SMS Smart Package" option is disabled automatically.

There are several ways to disable the offer:

  • by typing and sending a command *111*9009# - call;
  • by sending SMS “ 9009 ”To the number 111 ;
  • through personal settings in the personal account of the official website.

Disconnection is free.

Reference! If the option is disabled, reconnection is not possible.

Still on tariff plan"Super" it is possible to connect free SMS packages. They are divided into periodic and one-time. If you often send SMS, to large quantities, then the following packages will suit you:

  • 100 SMS for 120 rubles;
  • 300 SMS for 210 rubles;
  • 500 SMS for 260 rubles;
  • 1000 SMS for 340 rubles.

To activate one of the specified packages, you need to send the command * 111 * 0XXX #- call, where instead of XXX need to write 100, 300, 500 or 1000 - i.e. the number of messages in the packet to be connected.

You are an MTS user and are looking for profitable proposition from company? MTS presents you with the "Super MTS" tariff, which allows you to talk free of charge with subscribers within the network of your region, use high speed internet and other interesting ones.

It is more suitable for those who make frequent calls, use internet services and send SMS. Next, we will tell you how to connect free tariff"Super MTS" and what advantages it has.

Description of the tariff "Super MTS"

A good advantage of the tariff is that it does not provide a subscription fee, services are paid only upon using communication services, so you will not be required to make monthly payments for the tariff. We present to your attention a table with the features of such an offer from a company as the "Super MTS" tariff in Moscow:

Calls to MTS in your region
From the 101st min. - 1.5 rubles. in min.
Calls to MTS in Russia 1 - 100 minutes - not charged
From the 101st min. - 5 rubles. in min.
Calls to numbers of other operators
in your region
2.5 RUB / min
Calls to other operators throughout Russia RUB 14 / min
SMS to MTS in your region Not charged
SMS to other operators in your region RUB 2
SMS throughout Russia 3.8 RUB

The prices, of course, are not the most favorable, however, for few people who communicate, the tariff is ideal. Those who like to communicate from a mobile can use service packages in addition, making their communication more profitable.

SMS packages

You can connect message packets, which include both one-time packets and periodic ones. The latter are more suitable for those who frequently use the SMS service. There are such SMS offers:

  • 100 SMS - for 120 rubles.
  • 300 - for 210
  • 500 - for 260
  • 1000 - for 340

To connect one of the above packages, you should send a request corresponding to this form, depending on the selected package: * 111 * 0XXX #, where XXX- number of messages: 100 , 300 , 500 or 1000 ... To deactivate, an SMS code is used in the form of a text of the form 00XXX, where XXX means the number of messages.

In addition, packages of a one-time type are available to you: 50 , 150 or 300 SMS. Send your request in the form: * 111 * 444 * XX #, where Xx- number of SMS. The disconnection here is also made by a message to 111 in the form of a text containing the number of SMS.

Please note: as soon as you have connected the tariff, you will be automatically provided with free access an option in the "trial" mode called "SMS Smart Package", which allows you to freely send 10 posts per day in your region. The option is presented as a "trial", therefore it is provided free of charge only during 15 days... Then every day they will shoot 5 rubles, and it doesn't matter if you use the package or not. You can disable the option by making a request *111*9009# .

Long-distance communication

On the tariff, you can use the option called “ Profitable intercity". You will need to pay per month 40 rbl... Thanks to this option, you can make calls within the Russian Federation for just RUB 3 in min... The option is connected through a personal account or by sending a request *111*903# ... Disconnection is made through Personal Area or via SMS as text 9030 on 111 .

What about the internet?

Do you need internet? MTS gives you the opportunity to use such services as the "BIT" line: "Mini BIT", "Bit", "Super BIT", as well as such offers as "Internet Mini", "Internet Maxi" or "Internet VIP". Each of the above proposals is special in its own way.

The simplest of the above options is the Mini Bit. We will tell you more about it.

It is more suitable for those who use the Internet on rare occasions. The subscriber is given only 10 MB and it costs him 20 rubles if he is a subscriber of Moscow and Moscow region, and 40 rubles- when registering his number in other regions. At the end of the day, the subscriber is connected 10 MB in addition, and for this he is debited from his account 10 rubles if he is from Moscow and Moscow region, and 20 - if from other regions of the country.

Would you like to activate such a service? Dial *111*62# and in the menu that appears on the screen, press 1 ... To disable, use the following command: *111*62# , and in the drop-down menu the numbers are pressed 2 ... In addition, you can manage the service through.

You do not go online, and at the same time you are worried about debiting from your account? Then turn off the options that provide an Internet connection, or simply block your device from accessing the Internet to avoid wasting money.

A useful command here is *217# ... It is designed to check the remaining traffic on the account.

How to switch to the "Super MTS" tariff or, on the contrary, disable it?

Everything is simple here! Connecting to it is as follows:

  • Sending a request *888# .
  • Contacting your Personal Account.
  • Visiting an online store or company office.

To deactivate a tariff, simply change it to something else.


In this article, we got acquainted with such an interesting offer from MTS as the "Super MTS" tariff. In 2017, it is quite relevant, and you can easily connect to it using the methods described above. Have a nice chat! MTS is with you!

It offers its users a variety of tariff plans that allow you to use free minutes, limited Internet traffic and, of course, free SMS and MMS. Such tariffs are an excellent alternative for those who constantly use smartphones or tablets, for the simple reason that the monthly fee for all this abundance is quite low.

But do not forget about those subscribers who do not need all this. After all, what is the point of paying a fixed monthly fee every day if you simply do not use most of the services? A special tariff plan was created for inactive users - " Super MTS".

There is no subscription fee in this tariff. That is why it is perfect for older people who make calls very rarely.

But keep in mind if you constantly have to travel abroad and use international roaming, then such a tariff will not be suitable for you, so it is worth looking for more profitable options.

Super MTS tariff - description

So, it has already been said above that the Super MTS tariff does not oblige the subscriber to pay a fixed monthly fee on a daily basis. But it is worth checking such a small but important nuance: are you connected to any outside services. They can withdraw all your money from the account. To check this, use the "Internet Assistant".

Let's take a closer look at what kind of tariffication of calls on our tariff plan is. Remember that prices are shown without taking into account additional options that optimize the tariff.

Prices per minute of conversation in the Super MTS tariff plan

1. Calls to other MTS users within the Moscow region (that is, local):

  • the first 20 minutes are free;
  • starting from the 20th minute - 1.5 rubles / min.

2. Calls made to other operators - 2.5 rubles / min.

3. Calls to a landline phone within the Moscow region (including Moscow):

  • the first 20 minutes are free;
  • starting from the 20th minute - 2.5 rubles / min.

In essence, you need to remember the main thing: calls to local MTS users and to landline phones located within the Moscow region (including the capital), the first 20 minutes will be free for you. But do not forget that you will have to pay for calls to users of other operators from the very first minute of the conversation. Such a tariff is an excellent solution for economical people who do not want to spend a lot on communication services due to the fact that they rarely use them.

The cost of sending messages on the Super MTS tariff

1. SMS to local MTS subscribers - 2 rubles.

2. SMS to subscribers of other operators - 3.8 rubles.

3. SMS to international numbers - 5.25 rubles.

4. MMS - 6.5 rubles.

Super MTS tariff - what's the catch?

In comparison with the current tariffs, which have a fixed subscription fee and include minutes and SMS, Super MTS turns out to be quite expensive. Therefore, such a tariff plan is profitable only when you are saving minutes. If you connect additional function "Zero on MTS", then you will be given 200 extra minutes per day to communicate with subscribers within the network.

If you regularly send SMS or make calls, you can connect additional options that will make the cost less:

1. "Call for free on MTS Russia 100"... Provides 100 minutes for free calls to all subscribers home network excluding their region of residence. This service also includes free local landline calls.

2. "Profitable calls"... Allows you to call other operators in the Moscow region (and Moscow) at 75 kopecks per minute. It is relatively inexpensive.

3. "SMS Smart Package"... Provides 10 free SMS per day.

Do not forget that these services are available for a fee. Consider this immediately before ordering them.

How to switch to the Super MTS tariff?

If you decide that this tariff will be more profitable for your wallet, then you need to take one of the following actions:

1. Dial *888# and press the call button.

2. Use the "Internet Assistant" service.

3. Seek help from the communication salon.

You can switch to the Super MTS tariff absolutely free of charge if you changed your tariff plan more than 30 days ago. If you do not belong to this category, then changing the tariff will cost 150 rubles, 50 of which will remain on the account, you can freely use them.

How to disable the Super MTS tariff?

To unsubscribe from this tariff plan, follow one of the tips below:

1. Switch to some other tariff using the USSD command.

3. Contact the MTS office (but in this case, be sure to take your passport with you).

"All Super" option- a new service from the MTS company, used in the "Super MTS" tariff plan. Previously, this tariff was considered free, since its users could not pay for outgoing calls to MTS SIM cards or landline phones in your region, if the daily limit of 20 minutes was not exceeded.

Now subscribers using this tariff plan will pay in any case, since the daily subscription fee is charged for using the option. The tariff changes associated with the appearance of the "All Super" option caused negative responses from the operator's customers. The tariff plan has ceased to be beneficial for pensioners, for whom it was originally intended.

Option capabilities

The service is included in the mandatory and initial package for TP "Super MTS". When using the service, customers can make unlimited free calls to MTS SIM cards and any city number in the region of connection. In addition, users of the tariff plan will receive 100 MB of Internet traffic per day.

The cost of the option is 9 rubles / day. Thus, now for the "free" use of the tariff plan, subscribers will have to pay 270 rubles / month When traveling around the country, the service provides the opportunity to make free calls to MTS phones in the user's region of residence and spend 100 MB of mobile internet.

The Internet traffic package is updated daily at 00:00. In this case, the transfer of the remains of the package to the next day is not carried out. When the daily 100 MB is exhausted, the Internet access is suspended. Customers will be able to get it in two ways:

  • using the "Turbo button";
  • just wait for a new day to come.

The option does not work on the territory of Crimea.

How to activate?

If you liked the "All Super" option, but it is not activated on your tariff plan, you can do it yourself. The service can be activated exclusively on the Super MTS TP. You will need to pay 9 rubles for the connection. This cost includes the first day of using the service. To activate the option, enter the USSD combination on your phone * 111 * 249 # ... You can also use your personal account on the official website of the MTS operator.

How to Disable "All Super" on MTS?

Few people will like the daily debiting of 9 rubles from the phone balance at the “no monthly fee” tariff. Refuse the service in one of the following ways:

  • USSD command input * 111 * 249 # (then select the appropriate item in the menu that appears);
  • open your personal account on the official website of the MTS operator.


The "All Super" option was introduced to optimize user costs. When the service is activated, you can use "free" daily Internet traffic packages and make calls to operator numbers in the region of connection without restrictions.

If the option is disabled, all packages are burned out, and you will have to pay for any call. Thus, the free plan with no monthly fee has ceased to be free, and its benefits for inactive pensioners are questionable. As for active retirees, they will be able to use daily Internet packages and make unlimited calls to MTS customers for a moderate fee of 9 rubles / day.