Multiplication table how to learn quickly and easily. Other amazing and simple patterns

At some point, the parents will surely face the question: how to quickly learn the multiplication table for a child? He himself will not cope with this task, he needs the help of adults. And also - correctly chosen memorization methods.

Learning basics

To help your child quickly learn the multiplication table, it is best to first explain the action to him. He already has the concept of addition and subtraction. We explain that 2 multiplied by 2 means adding two twos, that is, 2 + 2.

You can also give more complex examples: 3 multiplied by 4 means adding three times 4 times - 3 + 3 + 3 + 3.

It is good to support your explanations with real, understandable examples for the child: “Grandpa brought 2 sets of felt-tip pens for you and Ksyusha. Each contains 5 pieces. How many markers will you get? How do we calculate: 5 plus 5 or 2 multiplied by 5? And so, and so we get 10 ".

Game tricks

How to quickly learn the multiplication table for a child? Of course, use playful visual techniques. We take the box and balls. We put them in a box in pairs. Then the next two balls, then another and another. It turned out like this:

Methods for studying the multiplication table

Different methods will help your child quickly learn the multiplication table. The fact is that some of the children learn numbers well simply by mechanical means (at this age, this type of memory is quite well developed for them).

Someone needs visual reinforcement: videos, drawings, emotional nourishment, game techniques and tools such as online games and poetry work well.

Multiplication table - where to start?

The child needs to explain how the Pythagorean table is arranged: there are numbers in columns and in lines, and where they intersect, we are looking for the answer - the product of numbers, for example, six by eight will be forty-eight (6x8 = 48).

You can start studying the table with its usual version. Explain to your child right away that you should not be afraid that she is so big at first glance. Many examples are already known there and do not require memorization.

For example, multiply by 1 and 10. What does it mean to multiply a number by 1 - take it 1 time. Two will remain a two, four a four, and so on. That is, the number will not change. And multiplying by 10 is also easy - just add a zero to the number: 5x10 = 50.

Multiply by 2, by 5 and learn the squares of numbers

How to quickly learn the multiplication table for a child - memorize simpler options at first. Multiplying by 2 is usually not difficult for children. It's like adding another one to a number.

Then you can learn how to multiply by 5. Answers will end with either 0 (even numbers) or 5 (odd numbers).

The next step is memorizing squares of numbers. Repetition and consolidation are indispensable here. The child will simply have to remember that 8 by 8 is 64, and 9 by 9 is 81.

Usually, the first difficulties begin with multiplication by 3. Here it is time to introduce additional methods of memorization - visual techniques, for example, playing cards or associations using poetry. About them - just below.

How to multiply by 6, 7, 8 and 9

This step is the most difficult and some examples just need to be remembered. You will have to repeat these few of the most difficult works with your child constantly until the numbers reach automatism.

The main thing is to show the child that he already knows almost the entire table, and there are mere trifles left. These are the tricky meanings that are so hard to remember:

6x7 = 42
6x8 = 48
6x9 = 54
7x8 = 56
7x9 = 63
8x9 = 72

About changing factors

Adults understand that 4x3 = 3x4. But the child needs to be explained that if the factors are reversed, the result will not change.

Then it will be much easier for your student to remember how much will be, for example, 7 by 4. If you forgot, let him remember the multiplication of 4 by 7. This is an important point in studying the multiplication table.

Different techniques for studying the multiplication table

A variety of ways to study the multiplication table helps you find the right one for your child.

Memory cards

All online games on the Internet also contribute to memorization, but the most reliable and proven method remains the visual method, using flashcards for memorization.

Create flashcards with examples: for example, write 7x8 on one side and your answer on the other. How we play - the child takes the card, answers the question and turns it over to see the answer. If he answered correctly, he keeps the card for himself, if not, he takes another card. The winner is the one with the most cards. During the game, repetition and memorization takes place, but in a fun way.

One of these options is digital lotto. You enter the answers from the table into the cards, make cards with example tasks. Gameplay stimulates memorization.

Multiplying on the fingers

There is such a way of counting - on the fingers. Suitable for multiplication by 9. You need to lower your hands with your palms down and straighten your fingers. We need to multiply 7 by 9. We bend the 7th finger and see - the number of fingers before it will be equal to tens in the answer - 6, and after the 7th finger - to units, that is, three. We get 63.

There is another interesting method for multiplying by 9. You need to multiply the given number, for example 6, by 10 (6 by 10 = 60). Now we subtract 6, we get 54.

Repetition is the key to memorization

To make it easier for your child to remember, give him visual aids. He must constantly see examples in front of his eyes and repeat them. You can decorate the table brightly and colorfully and hang it in the children's room and in the kitchen. This will make the information easier to remember.

Teaching Poems

Many children, especially those in the humanities, find it much easier to memorize a table using a poetic form. The most famous similar poems were written by Marina Kazarina and Alexander Usachev:

We multiply five by six,
As a result, we get THIRTY.
And five seven - easy to count -
The answer is short: THIRTY FIVE!
Once a deer asked an elk:
- How many will be seven eight? -
The moose did not go into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!

Cartoons to remember

If you set yourself a goal, then you can find a lot of interesting cartoons to help students learn the basics of multiplication. Children always accept this form of presentation well, so we advise you to actively use it. An example is in this video:

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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Do you think it is difficult to portray people on paper, and this art is available only to the gifted? Nothing like this! We will tell you how to draw a person, breaking down the process into stages and simplifying it as much as possible. Following our instructions, even a child can depict homo sapiens.

At first glance, the multiplication table seems cumbersome. 100 elements! The child, probably, does not even expect that this will have to be taught. But there are several ways you can learn this table faster than cramming. Some of them are difficult and not very effective, while others, on the contrary, are very effective.

And I will share one of such effective methods. He based on the sequence of studying individual tables for individual numbers and knowledge of some of their regularities.

How to quickly memorize the multiplication table

Half of the multiplication table does not even make sense to teach.

Multiplication by 1, 2, 10. It's obvious how to multiply numbers by 1 and 10. And multiplying by 2 is a very simple addition of a number to itself.

2 x 2 = 2 + 2 = 4
6 x 2 = 6 + 6 = 12
9 x 2 = 9 + 9 = 18

Accordingly, by the time the child learns the multiplication table, the child should know what the addition of numbers is. Now that we have dealt with multiplication by 1, 2, 10, we are left with a table of only 49 elements.

Remaining table

Multiplication by 3, 4. The main difficulties I have noticed in memorizing the multiplication table are multiplications by 3 and 4. When you learn this, very little remains.

I propose to learn the sequence (the results of the product of numbers when multiplied by 3): 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 so that you can learn to name the given sequence quickly enough.

Thus, we compare the sequence (the results of multiplication by 3), which we learned earlier with the factors of the number 3. Further, I propose to do this in any order:

"3 times 3" - 9!
"3 times 1" - 3!
"3 times 7" - 21!

Until you learn to multiply by 3.

We do the same with multiplication by 4. Learn the sequence 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.

We pass consistently
"4 times 1" - 4!
"4 times 2" - 8!
"4 times 3" - 12!
"4 times 4" - 16!
"4 times 10" - 40!

Multiplication by 5. Multiplication by 5 is easy to learn because the product of any number by 5 ends with either 0 or 5.

Multiplication by 9. There is an interesting trick for multiplying by 9

9 x 1 = 09
9 x 2 = 18
9 x 3 = 27
9 x 4 = 36
9 x 5 = 45
9 x 6 = 54
9 x 7 = 63
9 x 8 = 72
9 x 9 = 81
9 x 10 = 90

First, the sum of the digits of the product gives us 9.

9 x 2 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9)
9 x 3 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9)
9 x 4 = 36 (3 + 6 = 9)
9 x 5 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9)

Second, the number of the multiplier 9 is 1 more than the first digit in the result of the product

9 x 2 = 18 (9 times 2 starts with one)
9 x 3 = 27 (9 times 3 starts with 2)
9 x 4 = 36 (9 times 4 starts with a 3)
9 x 5 = 45 (9 times 5 starts with a 4)

Using these 2 facts, you can greatly simplify the task of memorizing multiplication by 9.

Now that we know the multiplication table for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10. A small piece remains:

Easy to remember

Many people find it easy enough to learn how to multiply a number by itself (the square of a number)

6 x 6 = 36
7 x 7 = 49
8 x 8 = 64

And then there are 3 "difficult" facts:

7 x 6 = 6 x 7 = 42
8 x 6 = 6 x 8 = 48
8 x 7 = 7 x 8 = 56

You just need to learn them.

As a result, decomposing everything into step-by-step steps, we understand that memorizing the multiplication table is not so difficult.

To repeat the multiplication table, I advise you to use cards, but just for repetition!

Just go through all the steps sequentially and repeat the memorized table on the cards and quick results will not keep you waiting!

Fear and horror grips parents when it's time to learn the multiplication table! Don't panic! There are many techniques and tips to help you master a difficult topic. Memorizing in order, it turns out, is not considered an effective method of memorizing numbers.

How to quickly learn the multiplication table? The best way is to make learning fun. Playing in any form allows the child to immediately apply new knowledge in practice, and this significantly improves memorization!

In this article, you will learn

Help your child understand the meaning of multiplication

The first thing to do is explain the convenience of multiplication. You can start studying the multiplication table long before it appears in the school curriculum. For example, tell in advance that there is such a magic mathematical action that allows you not to add the same numbers one by one, but to get the result in one action.

Psychological bonus. Such advanced learning will not only help the child better understand mathematics, but also slightly increase self-esteem, because he will know a little more than his classmates.

Visual miracle

Suppose a family has a tradition of calculating expenses per month. Ask your child to take part in home bookkeeping. After all, he is already such an adult and even goes to buy bread himself!

Let the young mathematician calculate the cumulative total every day or the whole month at once. And then just show him how magic is a single action:

And I know one amazing mathematical secret:20 rubles x 30 days = 600 rubles per month

This technique is a kind of presentation of an important skill. As a result, parents get a good motivational tool for the child: "Let's learn the multiplication table so that you can easily and quickly count."

School of Mathematical Tricks

Tricks with numbers should not end with calculating the family budget. Now ask your second grader to figure out the relationship between addition and multiplication on his own. Review the continuation task with the student.

- For two days in a row, you and I bought lollipops for 9 rubles. How much money did we spend on them?

- 9 + 9 = 18 rubles, - the student will answer.

- And if I buy you such candies all week, how much money will I spend?

-? .. There are 7 days in a week, which means: 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 =…, - he will think and count for a long time. Let him finish the example and get 63.

- 7! - select a column by 7.

- How much does each candy cost?

- 9 rubles! - find the line at 9.

- Look how much it turns out?

- Also 63! Wow!

- The calculator also knows the multiplication table. Look: 7 multiplied by 9 equals 63. You see how fast! Great?

Keep the dialogue entertaining, try to captivate the child, create intrigue, point out the "wonderful" properties of numbers.

Important! Do not forbid playing with the calculator. Ask questions yourself. The range of topics is any. Let the baby calculate, for example, how many grams of flour are in two glasses, if you know how much one can hold. Such tasks teach you to navigate in terms of factors, terms, sums and products.

Other amazing and simple patterns

Boys and girls quickly learn that multiplication is lightweight addition. You can immediately tell about other interesting patterns of works:

“I give you 1 apple to school every day. How many apples in a week? And in 30 days? And for 365? "

“You leave every day and don't take apples with you. How many apples don't you eat at school in a week? And in 30 days? And for 365? "

"The first factor is" such and such ", the second is 10. To get the value of the product, you need to add a zero to the first factor on the right."

  • Multiplication by 100, 1000 or more it is better to postpone it for now, unless the child asks the question himself.

From practice to theory: table patterns

When the child is finally carried away by all sorts of calculations, you can proceed to mastering the theory. Usually in the classroom above the blackboard there is a Pythagorean table, which children study throughout the year in columns and rows. There are a few things to point out to your child:

It is advisable to hang the table in several places in the house, where you can look at it more often. Visual memory will work on its own, and if necessary, the kid will be able to refer to the cheat sheet when counting household items and toys.

Helpful advice!Buy a set of toy soldiers or get your old collection of toys from "kinders". Line them up in rows and columns, right on the printed table - one soldier per cell. So abstract and visual thinking will unite.

Pairs and triplets

Counting in pairs, like counting in threes, is also easy to master on the principle of an army of soldiers. For an explanation, beads or buttons are suitable, which must be laid out on the table in different configurations.

Fours, eights and fives

Fours are notable for the fact that they are a pair of pairs. It turns out that in order to multiply a number by 4, it is enough to multiply 2 times by 2: 2x2 = 4, 4x2 = 8.

And in the case of eights, the number doubles three times: 2x2 = 4, 4x2 = 8, 8x2 = 16.

Counting by fives is not only a combination of twos and threes, but also a special result. Help your toddler notice that all pieces end in 0 for even numbers or 5 for odd numbers. And when you multiply a number by 5, the result is half as much as when you multiply the same number by 10.

"By-effect. When working with buttons and beads, fine motor skills will also be added to the study of the table, which in itself is the driving force behind the child's intellectual development.

Sixes and Nines

With the help of the table, it is easy to understand the counting by sixes (a couple of threes).

Nine counting is easy to explain by the principle of the opposite: if you subtract the multiplied number from the product by 10, you get the result of multiplying by 9:

2x10 = 20, => 20-2 = 18.

Another way to manipulate nines is through the already known threes: three threes is a nine.

Celebrate progress

A child's self-esteem at eight is very fragile. Be sure to remember to praise the young mathematician for his excellent memory and ability to navigate the multiplication table. When he manages to master the work of one or ten, arrange a small party. And then move on to the next columns.

There is no need to memorize the table in a strict order from 1 to 9. It is much easier for a child to master the inconsistency:

  1. one and ten;
  2. zero;
  3. five;
  4. pairs and fours;
  5. threes and sixes;
  6. seven.

Before each new step, fasten the previous material randomly. It is good if the child independently comes to the conclusion that the seven is the sum of the products of one number by 3 and 4. Exercise with a visual table until the student's memory begins to give answers automatically.

Color or shade those cells in the table that are well mastered so that the student can see his progress. It is best to do this after each session. But it is imperative to return to the exercises for the examples already studied.

Play and remember

Even the most ideal army of soldiers can bore a student of the second or third grade. Therefore, stock up on other games and exercises. In the arsenal of parents, there should always be back-up options for didactics in mathematics.

Math is a very exciting science indeed. The child will be much more interesting if you and him re-immerse themselves in the magic of numbers and play with the whole family.

Mathematical lotto

You can buy ready-made or print and draw together with mom, dad, and older child. The participants have cards with tasks, the leader has answers-works. Considering that the same product can be obtained using different multipliers, someone will close the field faster if they count faster:

18 = 1x18, 2x9, 3x6, 6x3, 9x2, 18x1.

Cards and cards

You can start with simple cards without answers. If the child answers correctly, he takes a point for himself. If there is no answer or it is incorrect, the task is returned to the deck. You can add one of the following conditions:

  • name more correct answers per unit of time;
  • give the correct answer to at least seven out of ten tasks, etc.

You can complicate this game by turning it from a didactic to a card game. Participants take four cards from the deck. The right of the first move can be determined by lot or by counting.

The task of the players is to calculate the values ​​of the products (or any other mathematical operations). Whoever has more work takes the stake.

See how great the game is to remember the multiplication table in the Brovchenko family.

Household tasks

Let your young genius be involved in some family matters. Let her count the food and cutlery for the holiday with her mother, and the gas consumption for the trip to the store and back with her father.

Rhymed strings

The development of memory in children is easiest to stimulate with rhymes and songs. Moreover, at school they are rarely allowed fun ways to memorize the rules. What is studied in a positive mood, on an emotional upsurge, is remembered faster and stronger. Therefore, the kid will definitely appreciate the desire of mom and dad to fool around all together and read math phrases before dinner.

Pay attention to special textbooks with ready-made verses. One of them is the poems of Marina Kazarina "About multiplication" and Andrey Usachev "Multiplication". You can also try to compose a few rhymes with the children yourself. They will definitely be remembered for a lifetime! Ready-made rhymes can be found on the Web, and children's imagination will tell the plots.

By the way. The song about "twice two - four" can only become a starting point in joint creativity. Writing and rhyming exercises will help you master the Russian language and literary reading at the same time as mathematics. Isn't it interdisciplinary connections?

Colored squares

Print out the Pythagoras table, shade the squares in it according to any pattern for cross stitching. To complete the drawing, the student will have to fill in the colored squares with products of numbers.

The reverse version of the exercise: set the code, in which the values ​​of the works and the color will be given, and the child needs to fill in the squares in accordance with the code.

Miracles Continue

Studying the multiplication table for more than 5-10 minutes a day is a punishment for a second grade student, but this must be done. Talk to him about the fact that there is no person in the world who would not use multiplication in everyday life or work. Knowledge of numbers is the foundation of many sciences. Give examples from biology and genetics, history and art.

Half Pythagoras

Once the displacement law is mastered, you can halve the multiplication table exactly along the diagonal. The dividing line will pass through the squares of the numbers. And here another amazing property of the works is revealed to the child - the squares of numbers in the Pythagorean table are not repeated, like the others. The number is multiplied by itself only once.

Smaller multiplier - forward. Tell the student the technique of fast counting: let him learn that three times six is ​​considered faster than six times three.

Finger Multiplication: The Magic Nine

For parents, this technique can be a revelation. On the fingers, it is customary to add and subtract, but not to multiply numbers. However, this technique of multiplying by 9 is much more entertaining than cramming equalities.

Ask your child to circle their left and right arms. Number each finger from the left little finger (1) to the right (10). To multiply a number by nine, circle the corresponding finger on the paper. Now explain to the child the principle of counting: to the left of the circled is the number of tens, and to the right is the number of units. Check it out for yourself.

There are also GIF-animations and a video "Why We weren't taught this at school." Show these videos to your child. He will definitely appreciate it.

Train the skill

The best way to remember a large amount of information is to allow this information to flow through different channels: sound, image, actions with objects. Print colorful posters. Hang them in significant parts of your home: on the refrigerator, front door, on the TV screen, or a note board above your desk.

Each new mention triggers an electrical impulse in the child's brain. The more often he runs along his path, the stronger the connection between an external stimulus (task, example) and an internal response to it (activation of a memory cell) becomes.

Rotate the set of up-to-date cards and posters periodically. It is easier for the eye to catch on to something new. The usual landscape is not psychologically interesting, especially at eight years old.

A little trick. Try to make a mistake on purpose, and then be sure to praise your child when he tells you about it: “What a fine fellow you are! You see, I didn’t notice, but you’re so attentive! ”

Books and toys for memorizing the multiplication table have already been invented and are on sale. You can buy them in special stores or via the Internet. Pay attention to color, but choose manuals with a minimum of distractions. To make educational pictures at home, you only need imagination, a printer and cardboard.


Consider a small list of readings you can use at home:

Toys and manuals

Give preference to aids that combine delivery through different channels of perception. Cards should be pleasing to the eye, posters are better interactive, and electronic toys speak and show.

It is good if the game is designed for several participants. For example, in elementary school, children really like walking board games - with chips and a cube. Look for one for your child and his neighbors at the entrance. Their joint games will immediately become useful, educational, and no one forbids to intersperse them with war or hide and seek!

Internet projects

One of the most famous and loved by children - Here you can train for free for 20 tasks per day (about 20 minutes) or pay for unlimited access. As a bonus, the child gets the opportunity to study other compulsory subjects: Russian, English, the world around him. Video lessons and olympiads motivate well to learn.

You can learn the multiplication table on other school projects. features a fun application for mobile devices. You can play educational games, master multiplication and division at the same time. A well-thought-out technique allows you to securely fix the material in 5 minutes a day.

The kid will be able to learn a column a day if the parents help him at every stage. The study of this complex topic at school takes at least half a year. Math dictations, writing tasks, games - the teacher in the class, as best she can, occupies the children's memory. Try not to make your homework tedious. Parents' goal is learning with passion.

Parents warnings:

... 3 minutes at the beginning of the study of the table is enough.
  • Take your time to force your child to learn- coercion has never been a good way.
  • Organizational issues and assignments cannot be mixed... Before the lesson, it will be right to give the child time to prepare the workplace and prepare a pen, notebook and counting material.
  • You need to start and end the lesson only on a positive note.
  • Any simulator is effective if used in dosage... Do not strive to learn everything at once, divide the information into small blocks.
  • Information should be repeated many times, but not monotonously, otherwise you will overwork the child and get the opposite result - poor appetite and sleep, memory loss.
  • The game method of memorization is the best choice for home exercise. Playfully, children do not notice that they are being taught. It is this perception of the lessons that allows information to be firmly rooted in the child's memory.
  • Your child needs help to learn by heart... It is unlikely that a second grader will be able to force himself to sit and cram. At least part of the session, try to say the equalities out loud together. First in a row, then at random.
  • Memory works better for future sleep, at night. Before sending your baby to bed, randomly ask a few examples.
  • Try to complication of tasks did not happen often and not too early... Otherwise, the child will cease to understand the material.
  • Change the order of assignments from session to session... Alternate between mobility and focus in games.
  • Invite your child to record a table on the recorder... Your own voice better than any simulator puts information into memory.
  • In Russia in the past centuries, the multiplication table was studied through drill, cramming and rods. Today, unique author's teaching aids, tabular and pictorial stimulating material, electronic devices and applications help to effectively master complex material.

    It has become easier to motivate children to study, but they still need the presence and participation of parents, because in communication and joint activities, any lessons are given easier.

    IMPORTANT! * when copying the materials of the article, be sure to indicate the active link to the first

    Learning the multiplication table is easy if you use a game teaching methodology.

    It is difficult for an elementary school student to immediately master such a mathematical action as multiplication. Stubborn classes will certainly bear fruit, but it is necessary first to understand the reasons for the baby's difficulties.

    It often happens that a child who successfully masters the elementary school curriculum has difficulty in completing the Multiplication topic. Parents do not need to panic and do not scold the baby.

    Tip: Do some extra activities and help your son or daughter remember these simple steps.

    How to teach a child to multiply, how to explain?

    Second grade students have difficulty memorizing the multiplication table, as children do not understand the essence of the mathematical operation "multiplication". How to teach a child to multiply, how to explain:

    • Take the counting sticks and arrange them in pairs on the table. For example, 4 pairs. The child must count how many chopsticks are on the table.
    • Let the kid write the addition as an example: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8. Explain to the child the features of this action: the same numbers add up
    • Continue the series of terms and place two or three more pairs of chopsticks on the table. Write an example on paper: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12
    • Explain to your child that this action can be written as multiplication: 2x6 = 12
    • Now invite your child to take one more action. Place, for example, 8, 9 or 10 pairs of counting sticks on the table. Let the baby compose the multiplication action on his own. You will see with what interest he will do it.

    Important: When multiplication "by 2" is mastered, you can proceed to more complex actions.

    Multiplication table simulator

    Important: It is good for a child's memory when a child sees clearly a mathematical action. Buy posters with the multiplication table or draw it yourself on a sheet of A1 paper.

    Explain to your child that he only needs to memorize 36 combinations. Other steps are repetitive or very simple.

    When the baby understands the peculiarity of these actions, the whole multiplication table will seem easy for him. The simulator will help the memory to remember complex actions and learn simple actions without spending a lot of time on them.

    Video: Multiplication table

    Video: Teaching your child the multiplication table is very easy and simple

    Video: Visual multiplication table. Counting video clip.

    It is easy to multiply any number by "2", since this is the addition of this number two times.

    2x1 = 2(2 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 2)

    2x2 = 4(2 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 4)

    2x3 = 6(2 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 6)

    2x4 = 8(2 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 8)

    2x5 = 10(2 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 10)

    2x6 = 12(2 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 12)

    2x7 = 14(2 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 14)

    2x8 = 16(2 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 16)

    2x9 = 18(2 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 18)

    2x10 = 20(2 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 20)

    Explain to your child with a visual example how multiplication by "3" occurs so that he understands. Then he will be able to quickly remember this action.

    3x1 = 3(3 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 3)

    3x2 = 6(3 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 6)

    3x3 = 9(3 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 9)

    3x4 = 12(3 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 12)

    3x5 = 15(3 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 15)

    3x6 = 18(3 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 18)

    3x7 = 21(3 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 21)

    3x8 = 24(3 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 24)

    3x9 = 27(3 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 27)

    3x10 = 30(3 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 30)

    The fourth column of the multiplication table is still easy and the child will easily remember it. Help your baby with your hints and support in the form of words of encouragement and praise, and he will definitely be able to do everything.

    4x1 = 4(4 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 4)

    4x2 = 8(4 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 8)

    4x3 = 12(4 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 12)

    4x4 = 16(4 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 16)

    4x5 = 20(4 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 20)

    4x6 = 24(4 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 24)

    4x7 = 28(4 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 28)

    4x8 = 32(4 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 32)

    4x9 = 36(4 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 36)

    4x10 = 40(4 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 40)

    The fifth column of the multiplication table is easy math operations. To get the result, you need the number by which "5" is multiplied, first multiplied by "10", and then halved.

    Important: When the child understands how numbers are multiplied by "5", over time, a logical chain of each action from this column will appear in his head. Thanks to this, he will already be able to multiply by "5" instantly.

    5x1 = 5(5 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 5)

    5x2 = 10(5 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 10)

    5x3 = 15(5 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 15)

    5x4 = 20(5 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 20)

    5x5 = 25(5 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 25)

    5x6 = 30(5 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 30)

    5x7 = 35(5 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 35)

    5x8 = 40(5 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 40)

    5x9 = 45(5 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 45)

    5x10 = 50(5 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 50)

    With multiplication by "6", the first difficulties appear: the actions are difficult to remember, and the numbers turn out to be large.

    Important: Explain to your child that the "6x6" lines are repeating pieces from the previous columns that have already been learned. There are only four difficult actions to learn.

    6x1 = 6(6 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 6)

    6x2 = 12(6 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 12)

    6x3 = 18(6 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 18)

    6x4 = 24(6 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 24)

    6x5 = 30(6 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 30)

    6x6 = 36(6 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 36)

    6x7 = 42(6 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 42)

    6x8 = 48(6 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 48)

    6x9 = 54(6 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 54)

    6x10 = 60(6 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 60)

    The seventh column of the multiplication table is usually easier to remember than the subsequent ones. It has a couple of tricky activities to learn.

    7x1 = 7(7 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 7)

    7x2 = 14(7 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 14)

    7x3 = 21(7 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 21)

    7x4 = 28(7 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 28)

    7x5 = 35(7 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 35)

    7x6 = 42(7 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 42)

    7x7 = 49(7 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 49)

    7x8 = 56(7 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 56)

    7x9 = 63(7 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 63)

    7x10 = 70(7 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 70)

    The last complex column of the multiplication table. If the child remembers the previous columns well, then it will not be difficult for him to learn multiplication by "8". It has only two new actions: 8x8 and 8x9

    8x1 = 8(8 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 8)

    8x2 = 16(8 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 16)

    8x3 = 24(8 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 24)

    8x4 = 32(8 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 32)

    8x5 = 40(8 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 40)

    8x6 = 48(8 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 48)

    8x7 = 56(8 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 56)

    8x8 = 64(8 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 64)

    8x9 = 72(8 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 72)

    8x10 = 80(8 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 80)

    The ninth column is one of the easiest. We have already multiplied all the numbers by "9". Therefore, the kid will have to learn only one action: 9x9

    9x1 = 9(9 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 9)

    9x2 = 18(9 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 18)

    9x3 = 27(9 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 27)

    9x4 = 36(9 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 36)

    9x5 = 45(9 is repeated 5 times - it turns out 45)

    9x6 = 54(9 is repeated 6 times - it turns out 54)

    9x7 = 63(9 is repeated 7 times - it turns out 63)

    9x8 = 72(9 is repeated 8 times - it turns out 72)

    9x9 = 81(9 is repeated 9 times - it turns out 81)

    9x10 = 90(9 is repeated 10 times - it turns out 90)

    Multiplication table - game for children

    Multiplication table - game for children

    Today, you can find many different techniques for memorizing the multiplication table. Math is a difficult science, but for a child it doesn't have to be that way. If the classes are carried out correctly with the baby, then he will easily perceive and memorize any information.

    The easiest way to learn the multiplication table is with a game for children. If the kid is willing to go to classes, then he will be able to remember everything that will be offered to him in these classes.

    Important: If you see that the child is not in the mood to study, for example, he is naughty. Postpone the lesson until a better moment.

    Games for kids to quickly learn the multiplication table:

    Video: Educational online game for children for fast learning multiplication tables


    Video: Educational lessons and cartoons for children. Arithmetic. Multiplication table

    As mentioned above, the main rule for teaching a child the multiplication table is a playful form of lessons. You can use multiplication in verses for children.

    Important: Poems are well remembered because of the rhyme, which means that the multiplication table will also be perfectly deposited in the kid's mind.

    Poems - multiply by 8

    Multiplication by 5 - verses

    Multiplication by 8 - verses

    Video: Verse Multiplication Table in Verse

    To keep the class fun, buy books with the multiplication table for your child. Read them with him, and positive emotions will help you quickly remember difficult math actions for your baby.

    Video: We increase the child's academic performance in mathematics - Everything will be kind - Issue 481 -20.10.14-Everything will be fine

    Multiplication by 1 and 10

    It's worth starting with this to reassure the child: multiplication by one is the number itself, and multiplication by 10, the number and zero after it. Now he already knows the answers to the first and last examples in all columns.

    Multiplication by 2

    Multiplying a number by two means adding two identical numbers.

    Multiplication by 3

    To memorize this column, mnemonic techniques are suitable, for example, short rhymes. You can invent them together with your child or search for "ready-made" ones on the net:

    Come on, my friend, look

    How much is three times three?

    Nothing to do!

    Well, of course, nine!

    All the guys need to know

    How many will be three times five,

    And don't be wrong!

    Three times five - fifteen!

    If you are not strong in poetry, come up with prosaic stories, the heroes of which will be a two - a swan, a three - a snake, a four - an inverted chair, an eight - glasses, and so on - the children themselves will tell you who, in their opinion, the numbers look like ...

    Stories and rhymes can be invented not only for the troika, but also for any column of the Pythagorean table.

    Multiplication by 4

    Multiplication by 4 can be represented as multiplication by 2 and again by 2. This column will not cause difficulty for students who have mastered multiplication by two.

    Multiplication by 5

    This is the easiest column to memorize. All values ​​of this column are located 5 units from each other. Moreover, if an even number is multiplied by 5, the product will end with 0, and if it is odd, it will end with 5.

    Multiplication by 6, 7, 8

    These columns, as well as the column of multiplication by 9, traditionally cause difficulties for schoolchildren. You can reassure students by explaining that they have already learned most of the examples from these columns and that the terrifying 8 × 3 is the same as the already learned 3 × 8. By swapping the multipliers, you can remember what the product is equal to.

    This means that children will only have to remember 6 "unfamiliar" examples:

    These examples can be written on cards, hung on the wall, and memorized mechanically. Or you can learn to count on your fingers:

    Likewise, you can multiply 7 by 8 or 8 by 9.

    You can see the process of such multiplication with your own eyes in the video (note: in the video, the numbering is carried out in a similar way, but starting with the thumbs):

    Multiplication by 9

    To begin with, you can remember that in the multiplication table by nine, the sum of tens and ones in the answer always equals 9. Namely: 9 × 2 = 18 (add the digits of the answer: 1 + 8 = 9), the same is also in other examples: 9 × 6 = 54 (5 + 4 = 9).

    In this case, the number ten in the answer is always one less than the second factor in the example. In practice: 9 × 7 = 63 (the second factor is 7, which means tens in the answer 6. If we now recall the first regularity that the sum of tens and ones in the answer should equal 9, we get the answer 63).

    And one more "secret": if you have paper and a pencil at hand, it is fashionable to quickly write down the numbers from 0 to 9 (these will be tens) in a column, and next to the second column from 9 to 0, you will get the answers of the multiplication table by 9.

    You can quickly check multiplication by 9 on your fingers:

    Place your hands on the table with palms;

    Mentally number the fingers from the little finger of the left hand to the little finger of the right (the little finger of the left hand is 1, the nameless finger of the left hand is 2, and so on to the little finger of the right hand, which, accordingly, will be 10):

    What is the number by which you want to multiply nine. Let's say this number is 3:

    Bend the finger that was assigned the serial number 3 (this will be the middle finger of the left hand);

    The fingers that remained to the left of the bent one represent tens (in our case it is the little finger and the ring finger - two fingers, that is, 2 tens, the number 20);

    The fingers that remain to the right of the bent one are units. We have 2 fingers of the left hand on the right + all 5 fingers of the right - a total of 7 fingers, 7 units;

    2 tens (20) + 7 units (7) = 27. This is the product of 9 and 3.

    Likewise, you can multiply 9 by 7 or 9 by 10.

    Studying the multiplication table from any student will require perseverance and patience, but counting on the fingers, rhymes, flashcards with examples will help facilitate memorization and make it interesting and fast.