Installation slk. How do I update the licensing system? Location of software keys

SLK 2.0 is used in the following configurations:

  • "1C: Accounting of an agricultural enterprise" version 2.0
  • "1C: Comprehensive accounting of an agricultural enterprise"

Consider first general principles SLK installation and differences from previous versions.

Unlike previous versions of SLK, the SLK version 2.0 distribution contains only the following components:

  • SLK Server Module
  • Security key driver
  • Files of registration information and protected data for a certain series of keys (for both configurations one series "33CE" is used) *
    *v latest versions, the protected data file is located in the general configuration layout

The external component of the SLK "LicenseAddIn" is made according to new technology NativeApi and physically located in the general layout of the configuration itself.
On the thick client and on the 1C: Enterprise server, the component is installed and launched automatically. At the first launch of the thin and web client, the component must be installed manually (starting from SLK version this action is unnecessary).

Attention!!! Due to the restriction imposed current version SLK2.0, operation of the 1C-Enterprise server in client-server mode is possible only under operating Windows systems , as a client, you can use any operating systems and web browsers supported by the 1C: Enterprise platform.

Before installing the licensing and configuration protection system (not to be confused with external component SLK), the configuration protection keys must be removed and all applications using them must be terminated.

To install the licensing system and protect the configuration, in the start menu of the installer, select "Install the configuration licensing system".

Attention!!! When installing the distribution kit (including updates) of the configuration, the SLK distribution kit is always installed in the configuration template folder
"C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ tmplts \ AgroSoft \ BUHSH \ Version \" to the "Protection" subdirectory *

* the path to the configuration template may differ from the specified one.

After installing SLK 2.0, if it is supposed joint work with SLK of previous versions, you need to specify a different port for the SLK server (by default it is 9099), for example 9098. This can be done by running the server settings file "LicenseServerOptions".

Now we will consider the procedure for installing and configuring the SLK for each option for starting the configuration.

Working in file mode with a single-user SLK security key

In this mode, the SLK distribution kit must be installed on each client computer.
If were chosen standard settings server SLK, no settings need to be made. You can run the configuration and everything should work.
If another port of the SLK server was selected, then at the first start of the configuration, in the appeared SLK window, you must specify the correct port of the SLK server.

Working in file mode with a multi-user SLK security key

only on that computer to USB port which it is supposed to connect a multi-user key (or several keys) for the protection of the SLK (hereinafter this computer will be called SERVER SLK). On other client computers, install the SLK distribution kit not necessary.
When starting the configuration for the first time, on each client computer, in the SLK window that appears, you must specify the IP address and port SERVER SLK.
The specified settings will be saved automatically.

Work in client-server mode, when the 1C: Enterprise server and SLK security keys are on the same physical server

In this mode, the SLK distribution must be installed only on SERVER... On client computers, install the SLK distribution kit not necessary.

Work in client-server mode, when the 1C: Enterprise server is on one server, and the SLK security keys are on another server

In this mode, the SLK distribution must be installed only on a computer, to the USB port of which a multiuser key (or several keys) of SLK protection is connected (hereinafter this computer will be called SERVER SLK). On client computers, and on a server with an installed 1C: Enterprise server, install the SLK distribution kit not necessary.
Further, on the server with the 1C: Enterprise server installed, you need to go to the folder with the general settings for all users (for example, for Windows Vista it will be "C: \ Users \ All Users \ 1C \ License 2.0", for Windows 8 it will be "C: \ ProgramData \ 1C \ License 2.0 ") place text file"LicenseAddIn.config" containing the following data:

Host =
Port = 9099
ReadTimeout = 30
KeepAlivePeriod = 60
KeyNo = 0

Where Host is the IP address and Port is the port SERVER SLK

Attention!!! After that, be sure to restart the 1C: Enterprise server.

P / S In the latest versions of the SLK, this item can be automated, to do this, run the configuration (be sure to file mode !!!) on the server with the 1C: Enterprise server installed, in the SLK window that appears, set the correct parameters for communicating with SLK server and right-click at the top of the window, in the menu that appears, select "Save settings for use by 1C server", the required file will be automatically created in the right place.

SLK 2.0 is used in the following configurations:

  • "1C: Accounting of an agricultural enterprise" version 2.0
  • "1C: Comprehensive accounting of an agricultural enterprise"

First, we will consider the general principles of SLK installation and the differences from previous versions.

Unlike previous versions of SLK, the SLK version 2.0 distribution contains only the following components:

  • SLK Server Module
  • Security key driver
  • Files of registration information and protected data for a certain series of keys (for both configurations one series "33CE" is used) *
    * in the latest versions, the protected data file is located in the general configuration layout

The external component of the SLK "LicenseAddIn" is made using the new NativeApi technology and is physically located in the general layout of the configuration itself.
On the thick client and on the 1C: Enterprise server, the component is installed and launched automatically. When the thin and web client is started for the first time, the component must be installed manually (starting from SLK version, this action is unnecessary).

Attention!!! Due to the limitation imposed by the current version of SLK2.0, 1C-Enterprise server operation in client-server mode is possible only under Windows operating systems, as a client, you can use any operating systems and web browsers supported by the 1C: Enterprise platform.

Before installing the licensing and configuration protection system (not to be confused with the external SLK component), the configuration protection keys must be removed and all applications using them must be terminated.

To install the licensing system and protect the configuration, in the start menu of the installer, select "Install the configuration licensing system".

Attention!!! When installing the distribution kit (including updates) of the configuration, the SLK distribution kit is always installed in the configuration template folder
"C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ tmplts \ AgroSoft \ BUHSH \ Version \" to the "Protection" subdirectory *

* the path to the configuration template may differ from the specified one.

After installing SLK 2.0, if you intend to work together with the SLK of previous versions, then you need to specify a different port for the SLK server (by default it is 9099), for example 9098. This can be done by running the server settings file "LicenceServerOptions".

Now we will consider the procedure for installing and configuring the SLK for each option for starting the configuration.

Working in file mode with a single-user SLK security key

In this mode, the SLK distribution kit must be installed on each client computer.
If the standard SLK server settings were selected, then no settings need to be made. You can run the configuration and everything should work.
If another port of the SLK server was selected, then at the first start of the configuration, in the appeared SLK window, you must specify the correct port of the SLK server.

Working in file mode with a multi-user SLK security key

only on the computer, to the USB port of which it is supposed to connect a multiuser key (or several keys) for protecting the SLK (hereinafter this computer will be called SERVER SLK). On other client computers, install the SLK distribution kit not necessary.
When starting the configuration for the first time, on each client computer, in the SLK window that appears, you must specify the IP address and port SERVER SLK.
The specified settings will be saved automatically.

Work in client-server mode, when the 1C: Enterprise server and SLK security keys are on the same physical server

In this mode, the SLK distribution must be installed only on SERVER... On client computers, install the SLK distribution kit not necessary.

Work in client-server mode, when the 1C: Enterprise server is on one server, and the SLK security keys are on another server

In this mode, the SLK distribution must be installed only on a computer, to the USB port of which a multiuser key (or several keys) of SLK protection is connected (hereinafter this computer will be called SERVER SLK). On client computers, and on a server with an installed 1C: Enterprise server, install the SLK distribution kit not necessary.
Further, on the server with the 1C: Enterprise server installed, you need to go to the folder with the general settings for all users (for example, for Windows Vista it will be "C: \ Users \ All Users \ 1C \ License 2.0", for Windows 8 it will be "C: \ ProgramData \ 1C \ License 2.0 ") place the text file" LicenseAddIn.config "containing the following data:

Host =
Port = 9099
ReadTimeout = 30
KeepAlivePeriod = 60
KeyNo = 0

Where Host is the IP address and Port is the port SERVER SLK

Attention!!! After that, be sure to restart the 1C: Enterprise server.

P / S In the latest versions of the SLK, this item can be automated, to do this, run the configuration (be sure to file mode !!!) on the server with the 1C: Enterprise server installed, in the SLK window that appears, set the correct parameters for communicating with SLK server and right-click at the top of the window, in the menu that appears, select "Save settings for use by 1C server", the required file will be automatically created in the right place.

In this manual, we will consider how the SLK is configured to work on multiple computers. The example will consider working on two computers connected into a single network. Two hardware dongles are used: the main workplace red and an additional yellow workplace.

Note: instructions for working with software protection keys can be found

Configuring SLK

    First of all, you need to install the licensing system itself (SLK), detailed instructions can be viewed at the link. SLK needs to be installed only on the main computer on which the protection keys will be located.

    After installing the SLK, install both keys on the main computer, launch the SLK console. The console can be opened via the Start menu:

    Note: the console should open in a browser. If it did not open automatically, you need to open any browser on your computer and specify in the address bar.

    If the keys are functional and everything is installed correctly, they will be displayed in the console:

    For each key, its type and number of licenses are written.

    V this case there is a main key for 1 workplace and an additional key for 5 workplaces.

    IMPORTANT: the additional key will not work without the primary key. If you install only it on the computer, then a warning will appear in the console that the master key is required:

    If the keys are not displayed in the console, you need to check the following:

    If the device does not work correctly, you need to try updating the driver:

  1. We launch the 1C program.

    When starting the program at an additional workplace, a message may appear:

    You need to follow the link "Licensing system parameters". In the window that opens, specify the name or IP address of the computer on which the protection keys are installed, as well as the network port. The computer name can be specified only if it is written in Latin letters. Next, click "Check license", if the key is found, a message will appear:

    After that, close the settings window by clicking the "Record and close" button.

    The next time you open the program, the settings will be saved.

    Note: If the check fails, it is possible that a firewall or antivirus is blocking port 9099 or another port in use. Check if this port is open. If the port is closed, you can either disable antivirus and firewall or configure rules for that port.

    Note: You can find out which port is in use in the SLK console:

    What to do if the SLK "does not see" the security key

    If, after the steps described above, you still cannot configure the SLK operation, you need to send a request to our technical support by mail [email protected]... For a quick analysis of the issue, it is advisable to indicate:

    1. Full name and release of the program.

      Mode of operation in 1C: file, client-server, web server. Where to see the opening hours, see

      SLK version, information on licenses used:

      hardware or software keys;

      for how many workplaces there are licenses.

  2. Detailed description of the question:

    the wording of the displayed messages, if any (attach screenshots);

    whether the security keys are on. If not, have you tried to check their performance on other ports or computers;

    whether the keys are displayed in the SLK console;

    on which computer it is impossible to set up work: on the main or on the additional ones.

In this manual, we will consider how the SLK is configured to work on multiple computers. The example will consider working on two computers connected into a single network. Two hardware protection keys are used: for the main workstation in red and for an additional workstation in yellow.

Note: instructions for working with software protection keys can be found

Configuring SLK

    First of all, you need to install the licensing system itself (SLK), detailed instructions can be found at the link. SLK needs to be installed only on the main computer, on which the protection keys will be located.

    After installing the SLK, install both keys on the main computer, launch the SLK console. The console can be opened via the Start menu:

    Note: the console should open in a browser. If it did not open automatically, you need to open any browser on your computer and specify in the address bar.

    If the keys are functional and everything is installed correctly, they will be displayed in the console:

    For each key, its type and number of licenses are written.

    In this case, there is a main key for 1 workplace and an additional key for 5 workplaces.

    IMPORTANT: the additional key will not work without the primary key. If you install only it on the computer, then a warning will appear in the console that the master key is required:

    If the keys are not displayed in the console, you need to check the following:

    If the device does not work correctly, you need to try updating the driver:

  1. We launch the 1C program.

    When starting the program at an additional workplace, a message may appear:

    You need to follow the link "Licensing system parameters". In the window that opens, specify the name or IP address of the computer on which the protection keys are installed, as well as the network port. The computer name can be specified only if it is written in Latin letters. Next, click "Check license", if the key is found, a message will appear:

    After that, close the settings window by clicking the "Record and close" button.

    The next time you open the program, the settings will be saved.

    Note: If the check fails, it is possible that a firewall or antivirus is blocking port 9099 or another port in use. Check if this port is open. If the port is closed, you can either disable antivirus and firewall or configure rules for that port.

    Note: You can find out which port is in use in the SLK console:

    What to do if the SLK "does not see" the security key

    If, after the steps described above, you still cannot configure the SLK operation, you need to send a request to our technical support by mail [email protected]... For a quick analysis of the issue, it is advisable to indicate:

    1. Full name and release of the program.

      Mode of operation in 1C: file, client-server, web server. Where to see the opening hours, see

      SLK version, information on licenses used:

      hardware or software keys;

      for how many workplaces there are licenses.

  2. Detailed description of the question:

    the wording of the displayed messages, if any (attach screenshots);

    whether the security keys are on. If not, have you tried to check their performance on other ports or computers;

    whether the keys are displayed in the SLK console;

    on which computer it is impossible to set up work: on the main or on the additional ones.

Certain third-party configurations, incl. produced under the 1C brand within the framework of 1C-Joint projects have additional protection with a software or hardware key, which operates through the Configuration Licensing System (SLK).

Installation without "crutches" in the form [email protected] possible starting from SLK version 3. At the time of this writing, version 3 is available as Release Candidat (rc)

Version 3.0 is an evolution of version 2.1 and is backward compatible with it, i.e. the configuration, which included the SLK version 2.1, can be transferred to the SLK version 3.0 without interfering with its program code.

Start by getting SLK version 3. Write a letter to the address technical support configuration (specified in the documentation for it) with the following content:

We are installing the 1C: Enterprise server on Linux and we would like to install SLK on the same server. We know that there is already a version of SLK 3 that works fine on Linux, but has not yet been officially released and supports backward compatibility with SLK 2.1. We really need its distribution. You, as developers, can get it by contacting SLK technical support at [email protected] Please provide us with server distributions and SLK 3 components.

You need to get two archives

where is the SLK build number up to date, at the time of this writing, you can get a more recent build.

Server installation

The server package includes a distribution kit for Windows OS and 4 distribution packages for various Linux architectures.

Copy required files to the home folder of the Linux user, for example ~ / slk. Installation, for example for Ubuntu 64-bit architecture:

$ cd ~ / skl $ sudo dpkg -i licenseserver-3.0.10-6556.rc1.amd64.deb

Running the SLK service on Linux

$ sudo service licenseserver start

The SLK console is available in the browser through the default port 9099. type in the address bar of any browser through which you can reach the server server_address: 9099

The console looks something like this:

The server service is up and running. The hardware keys work right away without installing any additional drivers. Activate the software keys if necessary.

Updating client components

If the configuration developer for some reason is not ready to transfer the configuration to SLK 3.0, you can independently update the protection components at the workplace. Everything you need for this is contained in the licenseaddin archive.

For client-server installation, server on Linux

The server checks the availability of licenses in the client-server version of 1C: Enterprise. To do this, you need to install an external component on the server. Support for Linux OS components appeared only in the SLK 3 version.

Copy to user's home folder Linux package corresponding to the architecture of the server and install it, e.g. Ubuntu 64-bit architecture

$ cd ~ / slk $ sudo dpkg -i licenseaddin-3.0.10-6556.rc1.amd64.deb

For file mode

Go through the workstations on Windows OC and install the distribution kit on them ( is the SLK build number actual at the time of writing, you may have a different one, the main thing is that it matches with the build number of the SLK server). On Linux workstations, install the distribution kit for the appropriate architecture, as described in the previous section.