finance: management accounting. Bit finance: management accounting Bit finance management accounting


BIT.FINANCE solution: Management accounting of the "BIT.FINANCE" line is a ready-made business application for complex automation of corporate finance management, including parallel management accounting in accordance with IFRS, US / UK GAAP and its own internal standards, financial planning, management Treasury Department, conducting a plan-fact analysis based on any financial accounting standards.

The solution is available for use with most standard accounting systems of the 1C Company on software platform"1C: Enterprise 8", and can also be integrated with any other solutions on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8".

BIT.FINANCE: Management accounting will allow you to solve the whole range of key tasks in corporate finance management:

  • Implement, within one system, accounting for all necessary standards - RAS, NU, IFRS, US / UK GAAP, internal standards, based on one array of primary documentation;
  • Create a single database of reference data, including Counterparties, Agreements, Articles, Central Federal District, Projects, etc .;
  • Introduce multi-scenario budget planning in the necessary analytical sections using the “top-down” and “bottom-up” methods, “from goals” and “from achieved”, etc .;
  • Introduce a rolling planning procedure, with regular updating of budgets and expansion of planning horizons;
  • Automate the work of the Treasury, ensuring operational control of the BDDS execution and multi-stage approval of payments;
  • Automate the receipt of management accounting data for the BDR and the Budget balance sheet from any accounting subsystem - RAS, IFRS, US / UK GAAP, internal standards;
  • Ensure receipt of plan-factual reporting for all types of budgets on-line with the ability to obtain all necessary transcripts;
  • Provide a complete package of management and external reporting;
  • Ensure the receipt of consolidated statements according to any standards;
  • Ensure that the company's management receives up-to-date financial information in a visual graphical form using external dashboards.

Who is the BIT.FINANCE: Management Accounting solution intended for?

  • Holding structures of medium and large businesses, any areas of activity and forms of ownership, including geographically distributed structures;
  • Public companies, sub-holdings of public companies, companies with foreign capital;
  • Using the BIT.FINANCE solution: Management accounting is optimal when management accounting is based on IFRS, US / UK GAAP or proprietary accounting standards, in situations where accounting data is clearly insufficient to generate reliable management indicators.


1C: Accounting 8;

1C: Accounting 8 CORP;

1C: Integrated Automation 8;

1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.

Contents of delivery

User's manual;

Distribution on CD;

Registration form.


Cash Management (Treasury)

  • Applications for spending and receipt of funds;
  • Control of budget limits in applications;
  • Registers of payments under the agreement;
  • Automatic generation of payment documents;
  • Payment Calendar and Plan-Actual Analysis;
  • Storage of scanned copies of invoices, contracts and acts.


  • Formation of the Cash Flow Budget (BDDS);
  • Formation of the Budget of Income and Expenditure (BDR);
  • Balance Sheet and Balance Sheet Budget;
  • Reports "Budget" and "Plan-actual analysis of the budget";
  • Mechanism "Comparison of values ​​of dimensions of accounting and management accounting";
  • Mechanism "On-line broadcast of payment documents (fact on BDDS)";
  • Mechanism "On-line broadcasting of accounting data (fact on BDR)".


  • The movements are analyzed using reports. For example, balance sheet (managerial), account card (managerial) and others.
  • Separate chart of accounts for international accounting. A new one can be corrected or completely introduced.

Broadcast mechanism

  • Broadcast rules can be assigned to one organization, a group of organizations, or all organizations at the same time. It is possible to set the validity period for the matching rules.
  • The blank details of the "Organization" and "Group of organizations" forms indicate that the rules specified in the tabular section will be active for all companies in the system. The start date of the rules is mandatory.

Accounting for Fixed Assets

  • Accounting for fixed assets in IFRS is regulated by IAS 16. All fixed assets are divided into classes. For each class of fixed assets, the parameters of fixed assets characteristic of this group of assets are fixed. An accounting model is established for each class of assets: a historical (original) cost model or a fair (revalued) cost model.
Financial reporting and financial analysis
  • The mechanism allows generating reports in user mode.
  • The presentation of the financial statements and notes to them is not regulated in IFRS, therefore their presentation varies from company to company. Customization of layouts and forms is carried out directly by employees of financial services.
  • Reports can be generated in any language with any number of disclosures and notes to it.
  • For financial analysis and financial reporting, you can access any system data: initial and final account balances, debit and credit, debit and credit account turnovers, in the context of analytics presented in the configuration.
  • The ability to form as reporting of one legal entity and group of companies.

Investment property accounting

  • The possibility of separating fixed assets (according to IAS 16) and investment property (according to IAS 40) has been implemented.
  • An asset can be transferred from fixed assets to investment property and vice versa. For investment property objects, the same documents are used as for fixed assets, but with the transaction type "Investment property".
Data analysis

Detailing information

Number of projects: 1200+ (according to information on the website)
Price: about 800 tr. (10 licenses. The price includes a year technical support)
Managed forms support: Yes
Licensing: Separate key
Main window image:

Rich functionality... Of the existing solutions on the 1C platform, it is most independent of the accounting system.
The reporting engine is fully customizable, you can specify data sources and the calculation formula for each row. The ability to drill down by different periods is also added to the report.
and transcripts by available analysts. The report reproduces the form of most financial statements.
The mechanism for importing data from Excel and other sources is very flexible and customizable. Allows you to perform checks, immediately generate transactions, perform routine imports, etc.
The data translation mechanism contains the whole programming logic. With conditions, choices, branches ...

Disadvantages for the user:

In version 7, the terminology of the form "virtual table of the accumulation register" is already encountered ... which finally closes the ability to configure the system by an unprepared user
Setting up a broadcast is also not a trivial process, and, unfortunately, not a linear one. The performance of the system can significantly depend on the settings made, and this already requires the qualifications of a good developer level.
The treasury system is not well thought out and does not work well.

Advantages for the developer:

Still, there is a small chance of doing without a developer.

Disadvantages for the developer:

Technologically, the solution is terrible. What is just the logic of using PVC, in which "a slight movement of the hand" can irrevocably destroy all the information in the system.
In addition, before the 7th version, VKs were used, with which there were always problems.

You can also find a lot of "interesting" things in the code. Each line is provided with author's comments, which is very important for a boxed edition solution ...

You can find the following code:

RegisterInt = Int_Starts With (Receiver. Object, "Int_");

Or a line like this (it's one line):

If NOT Link. Deletion Mark AND (TreatmentType = TreatmentTypes. Carrying out AND (NOT POSITIONED ORTypeZnch (Link) = Type ( "DocumentLink.Int_Proform")) OR (TreatmentType = TreatmentTypes. UndoProvided And Passed) OR TreatmentType = TreatmentTypes. InstallSelectRemoves) Then

Well, or similar requests:

If List.Number () Then Query = New Query ("SELECT Is NULL (Minimum (" + RuleVerification + "), 2) AS Rule | FROM Registry.Int_SettingCurrent | WHERE User = & User | AND (Object IN (& Objects) | OR Object In | (SELECT | Cards.Parent | FROM | Directory.Int_Cards AS Cards | WHERE | Cards.Ref To (& Objects) | And Cards.ThisGroup = FALSE)) "); Request.SetParameter ("User",? (User = Undefined, Int_User (), User)); Request.SetParameter ("Objects", List); Selection = Query.Run (). Select (); If Selection.Next () Then Right = Selection.Rule; EndIf; EndIf;

Here, in general, "own" RLS is implemented in an interesting way. We all know how many problems arise even with RLS, which is built into the platform. And with such an "external" RLS, the number of these problems can be safely multiplied by 2.

Total: The main disadvantage of Intalev, in my opinion, is precisely its manufacturability. The methodology is correct and proven, there is more than enough functionality. The only problem is that in the process of implementation is
there are a lot of mistakes, both logical and technological. And Intaelev's code is rather difficult to modify due to its not the best structure.

BIT Finance

Official site:
Official documentation:
Number of projects:--- (less than Intalev but more than 100)
Licensing: Separate key
Source: closed, but on request can provide
Price: about 400 tr. (delivery + 10 licenses)
Managed forms support: ?

Main window image:

Main advantages for the user:

A very convenient system for setting up matching chains. Flexible, simple and straightforward.
Thoughtful and streamlined treasury.

Disadvantages for the user:

Lack of a managed interface for all subsystems. Support for managed forms has been announced, but not yet "rolled out". At the time of this writing, the "working" version remains the version on conventional forms, it is also presented in the demo.

A somewhat complicated mechanism for setting up broadcasting and reporting. The mechanism implies writing code directly in the built-in 1C language,
which makes it insecure and inaccessible to the average user.

Advantages for the developer:

"Nice" code, "1C-Compatible", open source.

Disadvantages for the developer:

We also have to participate in the setup.

Total: Subjectively one of better solutions, slightly falls short of Intalev in functionality, but it wins significantly in manufacturability. It is also very bad that the solution does not fully support UV.

RARUS UKF (90% "budgeting in UPP")

Official site:
Official documentation: ---
Number of projects: 20 (only UKF implementations)
Licensing: For 1C licenses
Source: Open
Price: about 250 tr. (delivery, licenses only for 1C)
Managed forms support: no (although SCP 2.0 ...)
Main window image:

Main advantages for the user:

A security key is not required.
Available in UPP.

Disadvantages for the user:

A complex and not flexible enough configuration tool.
Linking the broadcast to budget items.
There is no treasury in its normal form.
There are no consensus chains.
No data export / import
No customizable input forms
There are no custom reporting forms.

Advantages for the developer:

Typical solution, well-written code.

Disadvantages for the developer:

The functionality during implementation will definitely have to be finalized. You will definitely have to add reports, input forms, import mechanisms.

Total: Very little functionality. The solution is generally good, but its full use will most likely require very significant improvements. Part of the necessary functionality is implemented, of course, in the IFRS subsystem. But the prospect of using it for budgeting looks very strange.

ITAN Management balance sheet

Official site: http: //finprosoft.rf
Official documentation: http: //finprosoft.rf/download.shtml
Demo: http: //finprosoft.rf/demo_dostup.php
Number of projects: more than 40 (the number of clients is published on the site)
Licensing: Separate key
Source: open
Price: about 300 tr. (delivery + 10 licenses)
Managed forms support: No
Configuration window image budget model:

Main advantages for the user:

The budgeting model settings are close to business logic, not technology.

Disadvantages for the user:

Lack of flexibility in settings.
Non-standard and in some places outdated interface solutions.

Advantages for the developer:

There is probably a chance to do without development on very simple projects.

Disadvantages for the developer:

The same as in Intalev. The code is slightly better, but not much better.
The use of outdated mechanisms reduces the manufacturability of the solution.

Total: I did not dwell on the solution in detail, since it is becoming less and less popular. To get a demo version, you have to survive a salesman attack, so current version I looked only according to the description on the official website, the rest from memory, but oddly enough, in 2 years, it seems like little has changed in it. Still, it is worth noting that the solution is quite functional. Everything necessary tools are present in it. Maybe with a slightly unusual interface and not the most better code but the functionality is there.

BIT.FINANCE: Prof is a full-featured solution for automating enterprise budgeting. It is intended for the formation of all types of budgets: BDR, BDDS, BBL. This version implements the budgetary chart of accounts, which allows you to consolidate the forecast balance of the enterprise. A powerful custom reporting block is available here.


  • Formation of master budgets of the enterprise: BDDS, BDR, BBL;
  • Security centralized management payments for enterprises with a complex organizational structure;
  • Implementation of the plan-fact analysis of the enterprise;
  • Control automation current payments in accordance with budget limits;
  • Automation of multi-stage approval and approval of payment documents.


  • Creation of a unified format for management accounting and reporting based on the RAS standard, including the main forms of the budgeting system: BDDS, BDR, Balance budget;
  • Creation of a single database: including contractors, contracts, articles, CFD, projects, etc .;
  • Implementation of multi-scenario planning of budgets in the necessary analytical sections by methods "top-down" and "bottom-up", "from goals" and "from achieved";
  • Rolling planning, with regular updating of budgets and expansion of planning horizons;
  • Obtaining plan-factual reporting for all types of budgets on-line with data detailing to the document;
  • Accounting for contracts: from agreeing a draft contract to forming a payment schedule.

Main advantages

  • Complete management reporting package;
  • Automated budgeting system;
  • Full and operational control of each payment document;
  • Automated payment calendar;
  • Prevention of misuse of funds;
  • Avoiding MS Excel and the possibility of multi-user work.


2013: New opportunities

Integration of BIT.FINANCE with 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 will allow an organization to expand its capabilities in budgeting, treasury and cost management, reporting in accordance with IFRS, consolidating reporting in holding structures and other areas.

When integrating the two software products, users will receive a full set of analytical data, as well as the ability to make any changes to the actual data on the BDDS (cash flow budget). Users will be able to easily display the movement of funds between bank accounts and cash desks of the organization, where both the planned expense and the planned receipt of funds are recorded.

“Integration of BIT.FINANCE with 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0” became the next step in the implementation of the development strategy of one of our key products. The sales of the integrated version of the program began in all offices in Russia, - says Viktor Aglichev, head of corporate projects of the First BIT. - As part of this strategy, we have previously released the English version of the program, as well as mobile app for operating systems iOS, Android and Windows, which makes it possible to endorse documents and manage tasks in the BIT.FINANCE system ”.

A software product called "BIT Finance" was created with the aim of effectively building an integrated information space for all financial services, line divisions, holding structures and individual enterprises, both medium and large businesses. Over the years of its development, this software solution collected a significant number positive feedback from small organizations to powerful holdings.

With the help of this application, it is possible to build a productive activity of the financial service, which the management of the company and business owners will provide with all the necessary financial information necessary in order to fast mode make important decisions.

Functions of the software product:

The BIT Finance software solution includes the following:

Multi-scenario budget planning based on a model that has free and standard analytical views, in particular, a composite type. The program supports the formation of all core and subsidiary budgets by top-down or bottom-up methods;

The BIT Finance 1C program has easily customizable algorithms for outputting and receiving actual data, there is a link to primary documents in on-line and off-line modes, and, in addition, deferred broadcast is supported;

Balance sheet accounting according to the budget model on the plan of Budget accounts;

Multidimensional plan-fact analysis, in particular, multi-scenario analysis. At the same time, it is possible to obtain decryptions of certain indicators up to drill-down, - primary documents;

A universal constructor of arbitrary reports for a specific required source of information;

According to the main, key indicators, the analytical system configures such panels as dash-board;

Convenient work in the BIT finance 1C program with applications for the expenditure of material resources (preliminary and operational), as well as work with the Register of payments and verification of budget and electronic approvals;

Formation of payment calendars and payment position;

Automatic creation of payment documentation upon agreed requests;

Expanded consideration of the concluded agreements, in particular, additional payment schedules and conditions;

Through the use of various translation mechanisms by maintaining on the chart of accounts in parallel and management accounting and a universal mechanism for various kinds of business transactions;

According to already configured algorithms, independent closing of accounts in general ledgers called "BIT Finance 1C", for example, ABC distribution;

Through the use of translation mechanisms, parallel accounting in accordance with IFRS, and, plus, independent accounting of certain individual types of transactions;

Independent closing of periods in various general ledgers, where all changes are reflected;

Independent operations in accordance with IFRS in the following sections: fixed assets, intangible assets, inventories, revaluation of monetary items, financial leases, deferred taxes, financial instruments;

Preparation of consolidated IFRS statements: in the above-mentioned software product it is possible to manage the perimeters of consolidation, set up reporting on SBI, elimination of SBI and consolidated IFRS reports;

A very simple customizable system for coordinating the necessary documents with changing the statuses of various kinds of documents;

Interactive balance sheet for a specific chart of accounts. With the help of this reporting, in one reporting form, it is possible to receive arbitrary data spreads from all admissible analytical sections;

A system for alerting users by using an electronic mailbox;

A universal mechanism for the distribution of user rights;

A universal loading mechanism into the above software information from MS Excel.

BIT.FINANCE: Management accounting Is a universal tool for the operational management of your business. The functionality of the system is intended for organizing management accounting of an enterprise of any size, any areas of activity and forms of ownership.

In addition to the capabilities of the versions BIT.FINANCE: Prof and BIT.FINANCE: Standard version Management accounting allows you to implement several types of accounting in one system, starting from single primary documents. This is based on five independent charts of accounts and unique mechanisms for setting up business transactions.

Tasks to be solved

  • Management accounting at the enterprise according to the individual rules for reflecting business transactions adopted at your enterprise;
  • Full automation of the enterprise budgeting system: BDR, BDDS, BBL;
  • Simultaneous accounting and reporting under several standards: RAS, NU, IFRS, US / UK GAAP;
  • Creation of a unified information field and consolidation of the holding's reporting;
  • The management of the company receives up-to-date financial information in a visual graphical form: diagrams, graphs, gauges.


  • Parallel maintenance of several types of accounting;
  • Formation and updating of master budgets: BDR, BDDS, BBL;
  • Control of budget limits and execution of budget applications;
  • Maintaining electronic document management, approval and endorsement of documents;
  • Implementation of a plan-fact analysis;
  • Conducting multi-scenario planning and analysis: "what if ...";
  • Consolidation of reporting for the Group of Companies.

Implementation results

  • Up-to-date management reporting, as well as reporting in accordance with IFRS;
  • Obtaining a flexible control mechanism and maintaining management accounting of costs;
  • Possibility of on-line assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise, minimization of risks;
  • Avoiding MS Excel and the possibility of multi-user work;
  • Differentiation of user access rights to documents, reference books.