Mfa doors. New business ideas

Continuing the conversation about the monetization of the resource, consider the sites created to make money on search advertising - MFA.
MFA - made for adsense, sites created to make money on Google advertising. Why adsense (AC) and not YAN? The AU accepts sites with any traffic and the only limitation is the subject of the site. If the site is not about porn, about Nazism, etc. then it will probably be moderated.
What is the difference between MFAs and regular websites? These sites are tailored for certain requests for which they do not give a complete answer, but to get it, you need to click on the advertising link. Let me give you an example. Let's say the site was created on the automotive theme, promoted by request: buy a car. An article is being written containing keywords about buying a car, but the site does not sell cars. The AC units are installed. Google, having determined the relevance of the request, issues an advertisement for the sale of cars. Moreover, the location of the visitor will be determined by the IP and, if possible, the advertisement will have regional attachment. A visitor who has not received an answer to his request has two options: close the site and return to the search, or click on the advertisement.

IPA topics

Before creating an MFA website, you need to decide on the topic. The subject matter will determine the cost per click. Here are some of the most lucrative topics.
Sale of auto and auto insurance
Banking and lending
Women's theme
Real estate
This list is far from complete. You can find the topic yourself, the main thing is the presence of competition and the turnover of funds in this area. Any goods and services that are offered on the network. The topics I have proposed are the most popular and filled as much as possible, it is difficult and financially costly to break through them, but if successful, it is very profitable.

MFA site structure

IPA sites can be divided into two categories: typical HS and pseudo SOM. Let's see what is the difference between them. As an example, we will continue to use the theme of selling cars.
Typical HS will be built in this way: a template for a car dealership, several categories, subsections of categories.
Home page is created in full accordance with the standards of car dealerships. The text is written, keywords are inserted. A menu is created with sections: Mercedes, Audi, Volvo, etc. Sections are written and designed like real stores. Each section creates its own menu, which contains the models of a certain car brand. When navigating to any page from this menu, the visitor is taken to a blank page. Rather, the page is not empty, there is only an AC advertising block.
This is a three-tiered site, but more often than not, two-tiered sites are created. The main page, tailored for specific requests, and a menu with pages with ads. Example: the main one is tailored for requests to buy a car, the menu consists of a list of manufacturers. Upon transition, the visitor is taken to a page with an ad unit. CTR (click-through rate) of such sites reaches 8-10%
The plus in this site construction is that you only need to promote one page, which saves time and money. There are much more cons. These ways to generate ad revenue are discouraged by Google. When checked, such a site will be thrown out of the index and will be banned from displaying ads. In the worst case, the account may be blocked in the AC. Another disadvantage: you can make money on such sites by being in the twentieth and thirtieth positions in key queries... If you get into the TOP 10, then competitors will definitely write a complaint to the site. The result has already been described above.
Pseudo SDL... Such sites do not impersonate car dealerships, although the pages are promoted using the same keywords. The text does not indicate that it is on this site that the visitor will be able to buy a car. The site, rather, is positioned as an assistant in choosing and buying a car of your dreams. By going to the selected section, the visitor will find an article on how to buy a car or specifications, or description, or all together. In the most prominent places are placed ad units... The CTR is lower than in the TOS example. The visitor can read the article, satisfy their curiosity and leave the site. But there is also a huge plus: if the site contains interesting, unique texts, then throwing it out of the search will be difficult. And Google will not apply sanctions against the site.
Now about the income that can be received from such sites. You can earn from a few euros to several hundred. It all depends on the topic, place in search results and the correct placement of ad units.
Promotion of such sites is associated with tangible costs. Topics with high CPCs are very competitive. But if there is a goal and desire, then several such sites can help significantly improve the financial situation.

Most recently, mfa sites began to interest me. I knew what mfa was, but only superficially. Now I study this topic deeper and gladly share my knowledge with you.

So what is an MFA? Translated from English, mfa (Made for Adsense) are sites that are made specifically to make money on Google Adsense contextual advertising. In fact, they are not useful for people and search robots, therefore, the lifespan of such sites is 2-4 months. During this period, they can bring a very good income.

In other words, the IPA sites are babos-collecting sites. Everything sounds so sweet, but there is a certain risk, you may not receive this money, since your account will be blocked in Adsense. Those who do not take risks do not drink shampoos. Now let's take a closer look and start with the features.

What is an IPA? Features of Made For Adsense Sites

1. As mentioned above, the main task of MFA is on contextual advertising, therefore all forces are concentrated on this activity.

2. Websites made for adsense are immediately recognizable, they have a simple design. Runet adopted this manufacturing technology from the bourgeoisie. Simple design allows the user to focus on the main content where the advertisement is placed and not be distracted by various pictures and other nonsense.

4. The content on the sites of the mfa does not contain useful information, it can be placed under medium to low quality content.

5. Another disadvantage of such sites is that they have a high bounce rate and a small number of pages viewed. You can read about the bounce rate.

6. MFA sites have high CTRs due to ad masking and simple design.

7. Visitors come from search engines, and articles are geared towards specific keywords that are commercial with low competition and high cost per click. See an example mfa site:

What do you need for an MFA website? 7 steps to nirvana

On the English-speaking Internet, Adsense feeds thousands, even tens and hundreds of thousands of webmasters. Both students and pensioners can earn in it. For some, Adsense has become the main source of income.

Today, there are webmasters who receive tens of thousands of dollars a month, thanks only to Adsense.
In Runet, these indicators are more modest, but nevertheless, they are and are constantly growing, the number of people who want to earn money on the Internet is growing, and the number of advertisers who are ready to place advertisements on Adsense partner sites is also growing.

The whole path, from the moment you first came to the Internet to make money using the Google Adsense program, to the moment when you receive your first check, can be divided into several stages that make up the pyramid of success in google program Adsense.

Starting from the bottom, the basics, we will gradually rise to the top of the pyramid, wealth and power. To be successful, we need to go through the main stages or steps.

The first step is the definition and setting of the goal, the lower step of the pyramid.

It seems that this point does not in any way relate to the topic of earnings, but in practice it has been proven that the correct definition and setting of a goal is half the success!

The second step is preparation.

At this stage, after we have set ourselves the task, we need to collect the necessary information.
If we decide to build a house without knowledge, then the first thing we do is buy a couple of smart books or go to search for information on the Internet. Our case is no exception! Before you start to act, you need to know what exactly we need to do to make money.

The third step is choosing a niche for the site.

The future earnings on the Google Adsense program depend on the niche. It depends on the niche (?) Whether you will eat dry bread or bread with butter and caviar.

Defining a niche for newbies and experienced internet businessmen is not so easy. In runet, despite its great age, there is already quite a lot of competition in various topics.

There are sites about sewing and sewing, oh culinary recipes let alone business. There is a feeling that there are no free niches, and it is stupid to climb into an existing niche. Nonsense!!! There is always a niche, yes, perhaps already occupied by one or two projects, but these are not thousands of sites that are in such niches as humor or business.

Do not be afraid that there are a lot of sites in your chosen niche. You can always compete with them, even if they are Internet giants.

The fourth step is website creation.

The main rule that I have learned is that you cannot stand still, you must constantly act! I am sure that this is what helps to achieve success. After going through the previous two steps, people usually start to slow down, continue to think, collect more and more new information, which is already pouring over the edge, like water from an overflowing glass.

Take action, do not stand still! Even if you are not confident in your abilities, in the correctness of choosing a niche, start somewhere, budge, and I assure you, things will go faster! As a result, you will achieve success much earlier.

Even if you are a full teapot, even with a teapot strainer, there is no need to be upset! There is a lot of free information on the Internet, even if it is not as high-quality as paid, but still, you can use it to start making money on the Internet.

The fifth step is registration in the Google Adsense program.

The basis of such earnings is income from Google Adsense contextual advertising. This step is an important step in building your online business. I hope you take my advice and take action.

But at this stage I will contradict myself. It is not worth applying for registration immediately after you create the sites. Google doesn't like this very much. It is better to spend this time on writing articles, developing the community around the project and other useful things, and after a month or two you can apply.

The sixth step is work, work and more work.

Advertising headlines on banners on the Internet promise you easy and big money. In this case, you do not need, neither strain, nor sweat, everything will be by itself. In reality, this does not happen. Everywhere you need to work, somewhere 24 hours a day to earn money, somewhere less. And Adsense is no exception.

You will be overwhelmed with work that will take a lot of time and effort. Over time, the work will not decrease, but you can shift it onto the shoulders of other people and take a deep breath, and at first you will have to sweat.

At this stage, it is necessary to work tirelessly, forcing the brain to think about all future actions. Fill the site with interesting and useful content, attract visitors to it. In general, the task is not easy! But she, like everyone else, is solvable. There would be desire and strength.

The seventh step is skimming.

Well, now we finally got to the top of the pyramid, you may not believe it, but you will climb it. You will achieve your goal - this is getting money. You will receive a check from Google for all your efforts, for that courage, for your efforts and time spent.

But this is only the first pyramid, it is the smallest. There are hundreds of pyramids ahead of you, more and more. Your goals in parallel with them will all grow and, in the end, you will reach nirvana ...

That's all for me.

How do you feel about the MFA site? Did you work with them? Would you like to try yourself in this area? I will read it with pleasure in the comments.

Subscribe to blog updates and we will explore the MFA sphere together!

Best regards, Mikhed Alexander.

There are very few examples of sites made specifically for Adsense on the Internet. Still, no one wants to burn up their site for earnings, which brings stable passive income.

For those who do not know, let me remind you mfa site - translated as made for adsense or in russian made for adsense... Those. this is a site to make money on it with the help of advertising google networks... Usually these are small sites with several pages, tailored for medium and low frequency keywords. They do such projects soundly and according to certain rules.

As a first example, I will give the site You can copy the link and go to see how it looks. This brilliant creation of a webmaster collects a lot of traffic, at first glance, it has signs of a quality site. But there are very few pages in it. All are optimized and linked to each other. The topic is specific and the project has nothing to do with the official TricolorTV website. Let's take it as an example. We multiply and use.

Here is another example of an MFA site. This project is built on automatic parsing of pages from the Instagram of famous stars. The traffic is 85,000 visitors per day. Estimated monthly profit of $ 2,000 or 120,000 rubles. Each page contains Adsense ads. Traffic comes through the use of Instagram content.

If you wander through the pages, you will notice that there are no texts. Everything is downloaded from the original project.

Here is another example of a low-quality MFA site, which is in 12th place in Yandex's results -

There is no text or information here at all. One ad from Google Adwords. To simulate the work, the admin screwed up a chat that is filled by visitors who accidentally come here.

Surprisingly, such a wretched creation occupies the top 20 of Yandex. Of course, you can and should do it better than you can and do. It is enough to add a few pictures and a text description to a similar project and it will squeeze this shit out.

Profitable themes for MFA sites with a lot of traffic

As you can see from the above examples, the theme for the site can be absolutely any. In the first example, high traffic is achieved by imitating the original site of the company. The second example uses the recognition of the stars of the Russian show business.

In the third example, the availability of the Beeline operator's commands for people is used, while on the official website you will have to rummage through the pages to unearth the necessary information.

How to choose a topic with high traffic for your MFA site, which will bring profit?

The easiest way is to get a newspaper that is popular in your city. Choose several companies and firms that are constantly advertised in it. And make a small website for them. There is about 1 page for each company, indicating phone numbers, address, product and add reviews and comments.

Small and medium-sized companies usually do not have their own sites on the Internet and they add information about themselves to different directories, where it is poorly presented and optimized. On this you can build a good MFA that will attract people in your city and quite a lot. People will leave the site using Adsense's ad units.

You should not take topics in which there is a lot of competition. This is work, business, earnings, construction, finance, banks, loans. It is very difficult to break through and get traffic in them, but micronisheye for individual companies on several pages can do a good job.

This can be a description of a company that manufactures plastic windows, sells furniture, and provides services. You can add your own information. You can also add prices from the ceiling.

Why you shouldn't create a website with many companies? WITH big amount companies, the quality of the site will begin to suffer and it will turn into a directory. And in this area too, there is too much competition. It is better to make several pages, but with high quality.

Few examples and more needed? Write in the comments and I will definitely add.

google adsense site

Some readers and webmasters have questions, can a website made for people be an MFA? Indeed, if you use specially made sites to make money on Google, then why can't you use normal ones? There are many examples of excellent and well-made projects on the network that are worth Google Ads Adsense and Yandex direct.

A site with good content, an interesting blog for readers can also be tailored for ad network to earn money from Google. A large number of visitors to such sites will only increase profits, which will go on for a long time.

Views: 1,050 534
Added: 07/17/2017
  • Kolobok // 10/13/2017 at 21:36 Kolobok
  • tulvit // 13.10.2017 at 21:45 tulvit

    Kolobok, Runet or Burzh? If Runet, then, perhaps, it has not yet been introduced into all languages.

  • //13.10.2017 at 21:56 Spryt
  • //13.10.2017 at 22:00 Spryt

  • tulvit // 13.10.2017 at 22:24 tulvit
  • //13.10.2017 at 22:48 Spryt
  • tulvit // 13.10.2017 at 23:19 tulvit

    > Here is the site, here is the adsense.
    > this is not a post about making websites for people

    This. By the site I mean the site, well, which is the site. And not satellites, mfa, and so on. And reasoning in the same context.

    That is, suppose we have a project on hand. On which you work and will work. Brings, say, $ 500 at AdSense. Want to increase your income. And here, first of all, for a long run, you need to look at deeper reasons, and not at a banal split test. It’s as if SF had shot and interest in its development had not faded.

    > Well, it will cut off income in a year - okay, I have ten more sites.

    Already more like doors.

    > Therefore, I look at your words and experience with very great skepticism.

    There are forums and a bunch of third-party experiences. I, in principle, a generalized opinion and express, as of a couple of years ago, when the topic was actively googled. At the very least, the relayed experience was not delivered much.

  • //13.10.2017 at 23:41 Spryt
  • tulvit //13.10.2017 at 23:55 tulvit

    > That is, in fact, to score on your unicorn site, and start sharpening it clearly under the selling keys

    It's like something bad to come from the needs of the users. Through a bundle of webmasters + analytics + adsense, you can pull out the site clusters that bring the highest income, but do not get traffic, especially if you remember the distribution of clicks among the top 10, where, in fact, top1 takes the lion's share, and then does not go down strongly. Well, and ask questions, why these sites are ranked higher? How can you reduce the bounce rate on these inputs? Are visiting users getting exactly what they are looking for? And so on. This is not a gray approach, but there is nowhere to be whiter.

    > Websites, doorways, MFAs, applications, bourges, SDLs, services - no difference.

    what_ji_with_ us_became.zhpg

  • //14.10.2017 at 00:09 Spryt
  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 00:31 tulvit
  • //14.10.2017 at 00:55 Spryt
  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 01:28 tulvit
  • Alexey //14.10.2017 at 01:29 Alexey
  • //14.10.2017 at 01:49 Spryt
  • //14.10.2017 at 01:56 Spryt

    Sorry to interfere. Octopus, on the first point the question is: what, it is not worth testing at all, if the attendance is 10-30 unique a day? It's just that there are a couple of dozen sites, and it won't be easy for everyone to reach them. But the split test does not ask for it - I set it and forgot it for six months. Or are there nuances that I don't know? Why shouldn't you test on low traffic volumes?

    Because in order to give an initial assessment (not a final one, but just a primary one), you need to unscrew at least 10k block impressions. With split test, into two blocks - 20k. With 30 unique views per day and 3 views per person, it will take six months =) And the income from the site will, in the best case, be a couple of dollars a month, is there any point in bothering?

    In general, I would not place the context on sites with less than 300 unique ones, with the rare exception of the type of financial sites.

  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 02:13 tulvit
  • Anon // 10/14/2017 at 03:05 Anon

    What should I see on this screen that will surprise me?

    Well, when you come across this and your RPM drops 3-4 times, and along with it, the same amount of income on mobile phones (in your case, 40-45 per day will remain from the former $ 90), then you will understand)

  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 03:18 tulvit

    Anon, ATP, did not know such a thing existed. Invalid click protection for sites with strange ctr.

  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 03:25 tulvit

    * and, as I understand it, can be applied to the entire account as a whole, and not to individual sites, which is sadness, of course

  • Anon // 10/14/2017 at 04:13 Anon

    Invalid click protection for sites with strange ctr.

    can be superimposed on the entire account as a whole

    The filter is applied to a separate site. It is unlikely that they will filter the entire domain, unless it is, of course, an MFA mesh.

  • Titman // 10/14/2017 at 10:19 AM Titman
  • Titman // 10/14/2017 at 10:20 AM Titman
  • Anon //14.10.2017 at 11:03 Anon

    * filter entire account

  • //14.10.2017 at 12:39 Spryt
  • //14.10.2017 at 12:42 Spryt

    Ok, let's see how you will start talking later and will tear the hair out on your head when you eat and grab such a "filter"

    The irony is that the placement of adsense on this site just violates the rules - you cannot place blocks on pages without content, and indeed on photo hosting))

    In my case, the CRT of the page was normal, and I would even say that it was very low. Before the filter for the first time, CTR 1.05, RPM 1.68 $ were. After the work was done, the filter was removed, the steel indicators were CTR 0.7, RPM 1.31. A month later, the filter flew in again and with such indicators.

    Has the filter arrived in the "program rules" section?

  • Anon // 10/14/2017 at 13:03 Anon
  • //14.10.2017 at 13:24 Spryt
  • Anon // 10/14/2017 at 2:33 PM Anon

    I have never seen such blocks, complaints about similar ones too

    So they appeared relatively recently. In the internet, even in the bourgeois, there is practically no snot and whining about this.

    Maybe I have it on some sites

  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 16:13 tulvit
  • Vasya //14.10.2017 at 19:26 Vasya

    toolwit you are a stupid goner, fuck are you fucking?

    > Results of September, 2017
    > Adsense: $ 34, or RUB 1,972

    Why are you fucking rubbing the fucking thing about adsense when you only cut a penny?

  • //14.10.2017 at 19:26 Spryt
  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 20:46 tulvit
  • //14.10.2017 at 21:30 Spryt
  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 21:56 tulvit
  • //14.10.2017 at 22:44 Spryt
  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 23:09 tulvit

    > Are you saying that it is also impossible to make money on the Amazon?

    > You think he will be allowed by the company to get into their conversion tracking

    Yes, in all seriousness I think.

    > I have already given above two screenshots that refute your thesis (an increase in CTR leads to a drop in CPC)

    Sometimes, an increase in CTR leads to an increase in the same CPC. There are a lot of factors, yes.

    > Therefore, consulting with a guaranteed result and adequate payment for work.

  • //14.10.2017 at 23:16 Spryt

    No, I say that “head-on” decisions such as the narrow-cut shops generated by the Amazon IPA or a pile of articles under the keys are a thing of the past. I draw a conclusion on the basis of the fact that at some point I let through the entire thematic English blogosphere and forums.

    There are no complaints about this, it is as transparent as possible and more than adequate. It seems that at one time there was someone on the heart who worked according to the same scheme, I can hardly find a topic, it was about 5 years ago, but there are no EMNIP pitfalls for all the time did not arise from either side.

    Yes, I thought so too. From my side it too good use forces, especially those sites that I can not buy. Such activities in this moment I like more than coding (which I haven't opened in a couple of months, if not more, apart from minor edits).

  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 23:28 tulvit
  • //14.10.2017 at 23:34 Spryt

    When I last checked, there was something like “choose a niche, get together, order copywriting, publish, profit”. What is it "in the forehead". Maybe I missed the little things, on which everything is based.

    You have just described the principles by which 90% of sites were created (informational, okay). Only some of them get a conditional ehow, while others - dors. The difference is precisely in the nuances in all critical areas - the choice of a niche, the choice of products, copywriters ($ 100 per article), promotion.

    Also, hundreds (thousands) of articles have been created in runet exactly according to the same patterns, which generate millions of traffic every day. Again, because of the nuances, as a result of which some sites get norms, while others - UG. If you do not use arguments about morality, but look purely at business processes, then there are all the norms for both durability and profit.

  • tulvit //14.10.2017 at 23:50 tulvit
  • The term "MFA" has arrived on the Internet relatively recently. He comes from abroad when contextual advertising just beginning its development.

    Their secret lies in the fact that webmasters completely ignore the interests of the visitor, focusing their attention on optimization. MFA sites are generated in whole packs, have template design and are guided by foreign traffic. This allows you not only to cover the costs of their maintenance, but to get a multiple payback.

    CTR can reach 20%, and sometimes even more. Huge traffic flows, high rates, low cost - all this makes MFA a very profitable business.

    General structure and characteristics of MFA

    MFA is a website whose pages are tailored for a separate search query... This allows you to reduce your promotion budget and get a targeted visitor.

    The design should be simple, with the attention of users focused on the ads. The blocks themselves are masked to the color scheme, giving the impression that this is a single component of the site or navigation.

    The interests of users are not taken into account, and the visitor may not meet the object of his search. As a result, he clicks on more interesting links (ads).

    MFA site creation

    Search engines actively fight sites that have signs of doorway or MFA. Many webmasters have their own best practices and schemes for creating MFA. Exists special programs that generate multi-page sites tailored for low-frequency queries.

    As a result, the process is fully automated. Today there are certain difficulties in this direction. Search engines remove such sites en masse. Thus, the webmaster is forced to adjust the MFA to the generally accepted canons of the SDL (sites for people). Such resources tolerate changes in algorithms better, they are in the search results longer, although they have a low CTR.

    MFA vs. AdWords Advertisers

    Many people understand that MFA takes the lion's share of the income of decent webmasters, undermines the credibility of Adsense, and scares off advertisers.

    But this myth does not find its confirmation, because MFA is a source of targeted visitors. The user knowingly goes to the advertiser's website.