Useful VKontakte groups list. "Pavliks in Contact": Publics for self-education

Any social network (social network) consists of users, such as you and me, and various kinds of publics (groups). They can be both in the form of online stores, flea markets, and simply an informative page of a particular catering establishment, a creative association or a circle of "skillful hands".

Human psychology is such that in any community - real or virtual - he is trying to find his place and his group (the effect of the so-called clustering). It is this feature that marketers use to attract customers to a particular area.

Selection of publics according to personal preferences

Anyway, anyone who loves to paint will subscribe to art stores, artist or gallery pages, art history communities, etc. The musician will probably look for flea markets with instruments, video tutorials and performers with whom he would like to play together or from whom I would like to learn.

"VK" gives such an opportunity for more high level than any other social network available. Surely you can easily choose the best VKontakte groups just for yourself, based on your hobbies. But what, this is where all the possibilities end? Where are the great benefits of this social network?

Why VKontakte?

Let's look at how VK can especially attract users.

  1. Russian speakers from all over the world, unite! The ru domain is accessible from anywhere in the world. Therefore, its capabilities are much wider than those of the same
  2. Simple interface.
  3. Access to music. The second and third points may seem surprising at first glance, but the first time you test such options in other social networks, everything will fall into place, and it will become obvious to you that was simply created for this.
  4. What to see in the feed and what to disable is up to you, not the statistics module.

List of groups everyone should join

The best VKontakte groups are publics with a population of over one million. Despite the fact that groups breed like Australian rabbits, sometimes a large group - 20 thousand subscribers or more - can simply collapse out of the blue. For a millionaire, this is practically impossible. And the main secret of these publics is that they are created for women. Because the regular readers of "VK" are the fairer sex.

Many so-called male groups have a target audience of girls. Just ask yourself the question of how many men will subscribe to a public discussing clothing and outfit, albeit a man's? And how many women will choose a group where breasts and priests are constantly flashing?

We offer only some of the best VKontakte groups. Their list is constantly updated, but for the last year and a half they continue to keep their leading positions:

  • (life hack and everything connected with it);
  • (RIA Novosti, news in Russia and the world);
  • (good news, stories from the lives of those who were helped and those who helped);
  • (humor).

Male choice

The best VKontakte groups for guys, which 99% of men subscribe to and only rare women, generally do not carry highly intellectual information in their bulk, but among their posts there is a purely male topic.

All this is just a cunning marketing ploy, because the bulk of men are also not particularly distracted by the naked ass flashing in the feed, but news on his online game will only be in such groups.

A striking example of this is, because there are not so many girls gamers among us. And even those publics where the description contains the word "male" may not be interesting to all this contingent, for example: - a men's group dedicated to fashion on VKontakte.

5 best examples such groups, see below:

  • - "Cynic Quote";
  • - "Guys will understand";
  • - "Academy of Decent Guys";
  • - male group for Ukrainian boys, if you speak the language, you can subscribe - posts are relevant in every country;
  • - this page was not in vain here - it is with its help that you can follow the appearance of new official pages of public people dedicated to cinema, music, cuisine, etc.

The last public is not so much on the list of the best itself as it keeps track of which are the best VKontakte groups. Its beauty is that there are dry facts, strict censorship and, of course, news. If you don't know the news of cinema yet, you can easily track it down, because before the premiere of a new film, it appears in cinemas. Official page"In contact with".

Deep dive into the net

Do you make money online, do you have your own store or do you freelance? Then you have to follow the huge amount of news. Remember that not all posts are displayed in the feed, because the Internet is very crowded. And the further, the more and the more expensive its use by both the user and advertisers. And if the first does not think about the fact that it is "heated" by 6 rubles, then the second, in order to "heat" it by 6 rubles, spends 10 thousand rubles.

So you've decided to dive deep and start promoting. Then for you the best VKontakte groups are official:

  • - VKontakte team. All legal and controversial issues of publics can be found here. The initial publication of the updated instructions and rules takes place immediately. So you need to study it all along and across before starting to create any VK element.
  • - the first swallow is sent here with the advent of a new online game.
  • - all VK applications for Android. Information, bugs, features and more.

Advertising "VKontakte"

Each VK user cannot complain about explicit advertising on the Internet. But we are not talking about its complete absence. Advertising - publications on your favorite public pages, which somehow force the reader to subscribe to another group where the product is already on sale. Such an indirect and unobtrusive belief is very pleasant, because everyone believes that they are making an independent choice.

If you want to buy a publication, remember that there is such a resource on the network as - a group of reviews about advertising placement publics. Check reviews here to get out of trouble. From time to time it is not bad to look for reviews about yourself. If you find negative, that's good too, because you will know what else to work on. And of course, for the development of the resource, it is worth leaving your comment, good or bad - it's up to you.

Online store or business page

Did you want to make your website to promote goods and services? You can use the free VKontakte platform for testing. In order for a search engine to find it, you need money, but for the very beginning, so that the whole environment knows about your products, this is the most the best option... Many do not switch over time to other resources because of the convenience and cheapness.

Fast and a lot

In conclusion, we suggest paying attention to the promising pages where they talk about making money with a minimum investment. Do you remember how it was said earlier about the overabundance of information? This is the reason why promoting a page honestly and quickly will not work.

Today they are engaged in fast acquisition of subscriptions with the help of promotions: "Publish, like, and random will choose a winner." But among such promotions, there are thousands of pages that do not give anything for free. They don't give anything at all. And stocks are often with fake photos from various flea markets (like OLX or Avito). Their goal is as many publications and subscriptions as possible. After 20 thousand, they sell a page for further promotion of a different topic with completely different people.

So, you choose the best VKontakte groups yourself. Nobody will forbid you to unsubscribe if the material goes on completely uninteresting to you personally. And after reading the article and searching the information you need you will already see an impressive list of publics from several dozen. Only with time will you be able to understand the productivity of each of them.

That's all. Have a good mood and inspiration from VKontakte!

Self-development proceeds on the basis of the formation of certain knowledge. To gain knowledge, you need to read books, articles, that is, receive valuable information that can later be used to achieve your goals. The process of self-development can be started only if you have already been able to choose the right direction for your actions. We recommend that you join a group in contacts, for example -, or Or you can turn your attention to the official group of Alexander Sviyash, who is considered a true master of spiritual balance. That is, in fact, unlimited possibilities open before you. All you need to do is use these opportunities in your own development.

Self-development from "A" to "Z"

Many people who decide on personal self-development understand that this process has multifaceted aspects, and is not always successful solely for the reason that we simply do not have enough strength to bring the business we started to the end. To get the perspective of active action, it is imperative to properly motivate and stimulate yourself. V this case, the most reasonable option would be to search for information that can guide us on the true path. There are many groups in contacts that collect visitors by interest. In this case, you have a great opportunity:
  1. get valuable information;
  2. to honor interesting articles on self-development and psychology;
  3. get answers to your questions;
  4. communicate with those people who are just like you are interested in self-development.
It is for this reason that such groups in currently have become incredibly relevant and in demand, because they actually allow you to get maximum prospects and opportunities for the formation of new knowledge necessary for the subsequent process of self-development, education, and the formation of true purposefulness.

Features of self-development in the company

Of course, it is very difficult for a person to start something new. It is for this reason that such a negative aspect is formed, as the lack of desire to continue their own self-development. However, if you correctly approach the aspect of studying full-fledged methods of self-development and self-education, then you will receive a ready-made plan of action, the use of which will become an indisputable basis for the formation of the truth of the success of your life. In a company, it is much more interesting to carry out certain steps using one method or another. First, there is a kind of competition. Secondly, you can always talk about one or another topic, consider all together certain mistakes, and again rush "into battle" for your own well-being.

The self-development process includes the following stages: ...

Alexander Sviyash is a master of positive thinking, a psychologist who has written over 13 books. Moreover, it should be noted that the circulation of these books is very, very significant. Books translated ...

The social network "VKontakte" has long ceased to be just a platform for communication and entertainment. More and more people turn to her for work, business and, of course, to find something useful and interesting. Not sure what to read? We offer you the top 10 informative publics, in which you will definitely find a lot of new information for yourself.


"Waiter, keep the TV commentator's nose even, otherwise friendly milk will retire my pants" - this is what the status of a well-known educational public says "Arzamas"... The educational project is active not only on its website, but also in social network"In contact with". The public talks about their courses, which they teach online, offline (and completely free), and these courses have a variety of topics. Do you want to know with which stories you should start reading Bulgakov? Or maybe you are interested in contemporary life in Paris? Or maybe you want to better understand the era of Peter I? Then the public "Arzamas" will gladly share this information with you and give you a hyperlink to its website.

"Boring English 7Daily"

We know firsthand how long and painful you have been trying to learn English. Well, haven't you learned it yet? There is a solution! Public "Boring English 7Daily" will help you in this difficult task. The community page has beautiful pictures with text on English language and with translation in Russian. The advantage of this method is that you learn and memorize the entire sentence, rather than trying to memorize individual words taken out of context. Scientists have proven that this way a person quickly learns many new words. And the visual image contributes to this. Forgot what the sentence means - remember the picture. Your brain will restore the associative array in your head, and you will remember everything with ease.


Are we alone in the universe? What is there outside of our galaxy? What is the difference between black and white holes? The Cosmonaut community will be able to answer these questions. Here you can get comprehensive information about new discoveries of space in an accessible form, see rare photographs from satellites, learn something new about the constellations and much - much more. In the comments under the posts, you can express your opinion on a particular topic, enter into a discussion with experts in space. The public very often makes reposts from social networks of astronauts working on the ISS, who see us hundreds of millions of kilometers away through a window. They take amazing photos of our planet and share it with their subscribers. Look at you too. Such a sight will not leave you indifferent.


Do you know what the bottom of a wine bottle is called? What is the name of the space between the eyebrows? These and other questions will be answered by the public "Vocabulary" and teaches you many other words that you may not have even heard of. Learn new words, use them in speech as often as possible, try to speak beautifully. A person with a large vocabulary always stands out from the crowd and is respected in society. Remember this!


And this public will be useful to the beautiful half of humanity. It's about the community ""... Every girl, girl, woman dreams of looking good, but in pursuit of promoted brands, promises and tricks of sellers, she forgets to look at the composition of the cosmetic product. But it is often not only unhealthy, but even life-threatening! This public teaches lovers of cosmetics to choose products correctly, to understand the composition of products, and also to distinguish natural cosmetics from organic ones. If you are worried about what your face cream consists of - feel free to contact the public "" and check the composition. And with the help of reviews from other users, you can choose safe cosmetics for yourself and learn a lot about the world of beauty.


The next public will be of interest to those who are fond of history. "Amateur"- the official community of the magazine of the same name. Here, various historical facts and events are presented to the reader not one-sidedly, but from an objective point of view. Thus, the reader begins to show interest in history as a whole and the will to decide for himself how to perceive this or that situation. In this public, no one will conjecture for you what you could think of yourself. No one will impose their point of view on you. This is how history should be presented.

"Tea spoon of painting"

Do you distinguish Manet from Monet? If you think about it, then this public was created just for you. Community

We continue to tell you how to spend time on social networks with benefit. This issue contains several curious groups on the VKontakte social network that will make you more erudite.


The creators of the Why? try to explain to readers how the world works by answering their questions. So, the subscribers of the group can find out about why a person falls into a lethargic sleep or why Phineas Gage is a person without a brain. Each of the answers belongs to a specific category. For example, science, health, psyhology, history, animals, other, nature. We recommend subscribing to everyone who is curious and who wants to know as much as possible.

Number of subsites: 1 631 213

Increasing sorrow

The main topics are philosophy, history and literature. In the group you can see short films about mathematics, quotes from books on philosophy, "intellectual" comics, memes, photographs and much more. The creators of the public manage to talk about the serious, not boring and often witty.

Number of subscribers: 1921


Group H Λ T E T H E F R E N C H is dedicated to French theorists and philosophers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It contains curious texts, rare photographs of prominent philosophers, audio lectures and films. In addition, the creators, avoiding excessive seriousness, publish ironic memes in the group.

Number of subscribers: 4 445

Interesting facts from various fields: biology, literature, political science, philosophy, psychology, geography. The group will be interesting to all curious; for those who are not enough formal information from textbooks.