IPhone 6 is charged in the off state. Why the iPhone is charged only in the off state? The main causes of malfunction

Problems with charging batteries arise from the owners of smartphones quite often. There is no charge indication, the battery does not accept the charge, difficulties are observed with the plug connection to the socket. Apple's owners often have a different problem - an iPhone is charged only when it is turned off. Why does this happen and how to deal with it?

It should be noted that with some breakdowns you can cope on your own, but with others you will have to go to the service center.

Checking accessories

Why is an iPhone charged only when it is turned off? It is possible that the problem is related to the malfunction of the used charger - they often fail, ceasing to charge custom gadgets. How to check the service memory? To do this, try to find another charger and connect it to your iPhone. If charging went, we try to turn on the smartphone - if the charger is properly, charging must go and in the on state.

If the charge process never started, it means that the problem lies in the smartphone itself - the likelihood of breakage in the charge controller is high. In this case, the iPhone should be taken to an authorized service center, where they will be used by the service specialists.

Another way to check the serviceability of the smartphone is to connect your charger to another iPhone - if it starts charging, then the problem is in the iPhone. Going behind the charger to the nearest communication salon, you should take care of buying an original accessory. The thing is that when using compatible memory, you can lose the warranty on the iPhone. Sometimes their use is caused by the occurrence of concomitant breakdowns. The low quality of non-original accessories is compensated by their cost, but we recommend overpaying and acquire an original memory.

As practice shows, the likelihood of an iPhone breakdown as a result of the use of non-original accessories is very large - often the batteries and charge control circuits are often.

Long Cable Problems

Aliexpress.com inexpensive cables for iPhone increased length - up to 2-3 meters. They are comfortable, but large length increases the resistance of the conductors, which leads to a decrease in the charging current. The problem is solved by an increase in the diameter of the wires, but some Chinese manufacturers for some reason do not know about it. As a result, the device is almost not charged due to lack of current. But in the off state, the other vice versa is enough.

We draw conclusions:

  • Carefully read the reviews for the Cable Bought;
  • Choose a cable with a current of at least 2 A;
  • Do not buy a frankly cheap cable - it will be made of low-quality materials and thin livers.

I would like to buy a long cable - choose proven models based on other people's reviews (read the forums - there are many recommendations on accessories).

Magnetic Cable Problems

The widespread magnetic cables can also be caused by incorrect IPhone charging. When using them, a decrease in the charging current is often observed. The reasons for this two are too large the length of the conductors in combination with a small diameter, as well as bad contact in the magnetic connection.

A good magnetic cable provides a charging current of at least 2-3 A. It is necessary to check the statements of sellers, explore the purchasing reviews and study the technical characteristics. Remember that cheap cables are equipped with rapidly oxidized contact groups - oxidation leads to a decrease in the charging current. Choose a more expensive cable from a well-known brand and get an accessory that provides proper charging current.

Cheap Power Banks

Chinese manufacturers literally poured the market with cheap external batteries. They are sustaining the phenomenal capacity with minimal sizes. But in general, this is normal - modern lithium-ion batteries are compact enough. Another thing is that the charging current in cheap batteries is small. This is exactly what the iPhone is charging only in the off state - when there is almost no power consumption. Conclusion - use external batteries (chalk) with a charge current of at least 2 A.

As for solar batteries that are not equipped with buffer batteries, they are not at all able to give an adequate charged current.

Checking the battery and software

Is your iPhone charge only when off? It is possible that the problem is associated with the battery - this often happens after long-term operation of the iPhone, as a result of which the battery loses its properties. The only thing we can take in this situation is to leave an iPhone to charge for the night, in the off state. Sometimes it allows you to restore the battery functionality.

If the battery never started to take the charge when the smartphone is turned on, unnecessary applications should be removed - sometimes their quantity is so large that power consumption exceeds the charging current. As a result, the normal charging is broken, and in the off state, when nothing interferes with it, it works well. Remove rarely used programs and try to test charging again.

If your iPhone is charging only in the off state, you can try to do the following:

  • Perform a reset to factory settings - sometimes it helps to eliminate serious errors that make normal functionality impossible;
  • Update software - after such procedures, smartphones begin to operate in the same mode;
  • Check the maintenance of the cable - often problems with the charge are connected with it;
  • Check availability of charging from the computer - another way to check the help of iPhone.

The instructions listed above and did not help? Then the problem is associated with the breakdown of the smartphone itself. The warranty apparatus is best to pass to the store, and if the warranty has already expired, you should contact any service center (preferably authorized).

Fair, not overpriced and not understated. The service site should have prices. Be sure! Without "stars", it is clear and in detail, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If there are parts up to 85% of the complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. On modular repair you need much less time. The site contains an approximate duration of any repairs.

Warranty and responsibility

The guarantee should give any repairs. On the site and in the documents everything is described. The guarantee is confidence in their forces and respect for you. Warranty at 3-6 months is good and enough. It is needed to verify the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and real terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will help you.

Half success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so good service works with suppliers to direct, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven parts of current models so that you do not have to spend your extra time.

Free diagnosis

It is very important and has already become a good tone rule for the service center. Diagnostics is the most complex and important part of the repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device for its results.

Repair in service and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, so offers free shipping. And for the same reason, the repair is performed only in the workshop of the service center: the right and technology can be done only at the prepared place.

Comfortable graph

If the service works for you, not for yourself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule must be convenient to have time before and after work. Good service is also on weekends, and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals is made up of several points.

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service knows for a long time.
If the company has been in the market for many years, and she managed to establish themselves as an expert, they appeal to her, they write about it, they are recommended. We know what we are talking about, as 98% of the incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers are trusted and transferred to us.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of technology, you can be sure of:
1. The queues will not (or it will be minimal) - your device will take place immediately.
2. You give to the repair of the MacBook expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices.

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
To make you imagine what you need.
The problem will try to solve. In most cases, the description can be understood what happened and how to eliminate the fault.

Different difficulties when trying to charge the battery arise from the owners of iPhones quite often. The most common problems are the lack of charge indication, the unresponsibility of the battery to charge, the inability to connect the plug to the jack. But sometimes a very specific problem appears, in which the iPhone is charged only when it is turned off. Because of what happens like and how to cope with such a nuisance, if this happened to your smartphone, our article will tell. But first, we note that the sources of this problem are several, and in some cases the user can solve them on their own without resorting to the help of the repair shop.

Oddly enough, if the iPhone is charged only in the off state, then the "blame" the problem can be accessories, and, more precisely, their faults. Does your device charge exclusively in the off state? Maybe the charger itself failed - this happens often. To find out whether this is a source of the problem, you just need to try to charge the gadget by another device. If the process goes well, you need to turn on the device, and if after that everything will remain as before, it means that the case was in terms of the same charge.

And if the process never started, most likely there are serious breakdowns inside the iPhone 4S (or any other phone model), for example, the charge controller is often breaking. In such a situation, only experts can help. The gadget will need to be taken to repair, where the master will open the body and replace the outstanding item to a new one. Doing it yourself, especially in the absence of all kinds of experience, it is extremely not recommended, since all parts inside the hull are very fragile. In addition, you need to know the algorithm for assembling the device so that each detail always remains in its place.

Another method should be mentioned, which will make it possible to conclude that the source of the problem is still - Inef. You need to connect the gadget to another phone from Apple, and if the first starts charging, it means that it is.

Deciding to buy a new charging for the iPhone 4S or another version of the gadget, take care that it was the original accessory. If you use compatible devices. Warranty for the repair of the device will most likely be lost. In addition, it is often that the use of such charging becomes the cause of the breakdown. Of course, such accessories are magnified cheaper. But is it worth risking to subsequently overpay for the repair of a smartphone, which could be avoided?

As the practical experience of many Apple phone owners showed, non-original accessories often cause various breakdowns of the phone. In particular, the battery and charge control scheme fail.

Check the battery and installed software

Iphon charge problem only in the off state can be associated with the battery itself, which loses its qualities after long-term use. And the only solution in this case is to leave the device for charging for the night. Perhaps the battery at least partially will restore its functionality. But this, of course, will be temporary output from the position, and not solving the problem. Sooner or later, the battery will have to be replaced.

If the iPhone is charging only in the off state, the reason may be in the presence of a large amount of software that causes increased energy consumption exceeding the charge current. Because of this, the charge process cannot leak normally when the device is turned on, and nothing prevents the battery to charge nothing. To resolve this problem, the user should be removed from the memory of the smartphone rarely used programs, and then spend the test work test again.

1 Make a reset system settings to factory. Sometimes it can help restore all the functions of the device. 2 To update all programs, which often leads to the fact that the iPhone begins to work in normal mode. 3 carefully inspect the charger cable - it is possible, it is damaged. 4 Test charging using a computer to determine the malfunction of the phone itself and its internal components, if any occur place.

But if no advice helped, it is better to pass an iPhone, which is under warranty, back to the store, where it was bought or exchanged for a new one. And if the warranty period has already ended, you need to contact an authorized repair shop.
Now you know why the iPhone is charging only off, and what to do in such situations. And then we will analyze the rules of competent charging of the devices from Apple.

Rules of competent charging iPhone

To charge your "apple" gadget never failed, you need to know and comply with certain rules for recharging the device. By the way, it is so important that a separate page is devoted to the manufacturer's resource on the Internet.

So, these rules say the following:

1 It is impossible to charge the battery under extreme temperature conditions, and specifically when the thermometer is lowered below -40 or rises above +50 degrees Celsius 2 use only the original accessory (at least a certified USB-cord). Why it is so important, consider on a specific example. If the charge voltage of the lithium-ion battery is increased by only 4-5%, then it will start losing a capacity of 2 times faster at each cycle. To avoid this, a PMIC controller, controlling charging factors, and not allowing the values \u200b\u200bto be released for valid boundaries, was built into the manufacturer's network adapter. We are talking about temperature, voltage and current forces. 3 Never allow the complete discharge of the gadget battery (up to 0%). 4 Do not charge the device to 100%. 5 Once a month you need to discharge your gadget to 100%.

The most optimal temperature range, according to Apple, 16-22 degrees, and the risky value - above + 35 degrees, at which it is extremely recommended to put a gadget for charging. Housing overheating has a strong negative effect on the battery, quickly cutting its resource and leading to the emergency breakdown.

But, of course, literally understand these advice and all the time walk with the thermometer in his hands no one thought. It is enough to avoid direct sunlight on the machine, do not leave the phone in hot weather in the car and do not put on recharging under the pillow. Compliance with these non-hard rules will help you increase the life of the battery.

In Chinese adapters (so-called "Nounemes"), such a controller is not always present. In this regard, the output voltage can be very high and will lead to the combustion of the power controller, and then to the complete dissent of the battery.

Therefore, the advice is very simple here - always use only original accessories.

If the user often comes to this, the battery resource is exhausted much faster. The fact is that the operation of the batteries is based on cycles (1 cycle \u003d total consumption of 100% battery capacity), and each time the iphone owner discharges it completely, it accelerates the "death" of the batteries.

This action does not affect the duration of the battery life, but, nevertheless, it is extremely undesirable. Of course, the built-in controller, which was mentioned above, will not give the device to overheat. But the period of autonomous work of the gadget will significantly decrease.

Users advise you to leave the device under charging all night. With this approach to the process, the battery will be charged for at least a day with the active work of the user, without additional recharging, for 2 years.

It is difficult to describe the chemical reactions flowing in the iPhone battery, we only note that the battery will overreve it, which is manifested in reducing its capacity. The battery output also contributes to non-compliance with the rules of operation by the user of the smartphone. And over time, all this leads to the fact that the controller loses the ability to accurately determine the level of battery charging, and, as a result, the device is disconnected even at the charge level from 1% or more.

To calibrate the controller and bring the battery indicator to the norm, the phone requires completely discharge. But this, according to the advice, Apple needs no more than once in 30 days.

In conclusion, we note that each user of the iPhone is usually suitable for the process of charging its device. A single scheme cannot be suitable for everyone, since each has its own rhythm of life and the like. It should be remembered that the battery will be. Even if the gadget does not use at all. But at least a bit (not strictly) to adhere to the above rules developed by the manufacturer itself, it still costs to maximize the life of the battery of your smartphone.

How to repair:

  • 1 Free diagnose brought
    by you or our courier device.
  • 2 We produce repair, as well as we give a guarantee for new set details. On average, the repair lasts 20-30 minutes.
  • 3 Get a working device yourself or call our courier.

Possible reasons why it happened:

  • There was a breakdown of the device itself for charging;
  • The power controller failed;
  • In a connector, designed for charging, hit a foreign object;
  • Failure in the program;
  • Other hardware problems.

Why idhone is charged only off

The reasons for which 6 and 6 plus are not charged, can be banal - not a good socket or the charger itself. In this case, you need to use another power source and charging EPL. Also, the cause of not working capacity may be too short for charging. From the outlet, the phone should be charged at least twenty minutes; From the adapter - half an hour.

When such measures did not help, it is worth showing the device to specialists to establish causes and further repairs, if required.

iPhone 6 is charging only in the off state

When problem, when the iPhone does not show the level of charging and is generally constantly in the off state, the program fails. What to do: Try to solve the problem with rebooting the gadget.

To perform this manipulation, you must simultaneously hold the HOME and power and power key for fifteen seconds. In the event that it did not help, you need to try using the HOME and POWER keys, for 30 seconds, translate your smartphone to recovery mode. If these measures did not help, you need to contact the service center.

IPhone is charging only when turned on

A broken connector relates to another trouble. Carefully inspect him, perhaps a foreign item hit it or it was damaged. If there are such suspicions, do not try to do anything, as this can lead to deformations and the appearance of additional microscopic cracks.

With this problem, you need to refer to the repair specialists to replace the connector. Also not rare cases when the other breakdown in the iPhone leads to the fact that the phone does not respond when turned on. For example, it is a fall on the floor or moisture. It is not necessary to try to independently solve the issue with the repair, it is better to immediately ask for help to qualified technician repair technicians.

In some cases, the cause of slow charging 6 and 6+, when it is included, can be the problem with the battery. The battery replacement will be needed here, but the exact reason can always help install only the diagnostics of the device itself.

We serve employees of these companies

Problems with charging batteries arise from the owners of smartphones quite often. There is no charge indication, the battery does not accept the charge, difficulties are observed with the plug connection to the socket. Apple's owners often have a different problem - an iPhone is charged only when it is turned off. Why does this happen and how to deal with it? It should be noted that with some breakdowns you can cope on your own, but with others you will have to go to the service center.

Why an iPhone is charged only when off? It is possible that the problem is related to the malfunction of the used charger - they often fail, ceasing to charge custom gadgets. How to check the service memory? To do this, try to find another charger and connect it to your iPhone. If charging went, we try to turn on the smartphone - if the charger is properly, charging must go and in the on state.
Why the iPhone does not charge - 7 reasons

If the charge process never started, it means that the problem lies in the smartphone itself - the likelihood of breakage in the charge controller is high.. In this case, the iPhone should be taken to an authorized service center, where they will be used by the service specialists. Another way to check the serviceability of the smartphone is to connect your charger to another iPhone - if it starts charging, then the problem is in the iPhone.
not charging in the included Highscreen Thor state