What to do if the computer does not see the digital signature. Installing and configuring an electronic signature The computer does not see the digital signature what to do

Validation difficulties on the RTS-Tender website arise due to the fact that the EDS browser Plug-In does not see the RuToken key or only the signing certificate. To find out why the PC does not see the electronic signature key, the instructions from the supplier of specialized software, the thematic forum on the website of the Federal Tax Service or resources dedicated to digital signature, as well as specialists from the technical support service of the crypto software manufacturer will help.

How it should work

Why does the computer not see the digital signature? It seems that there is a key in the form of a flash drive (the same RuToken), and the Crypto-Pro utility is installed, but the ES check is not performed. The main reason is that the PC does not initially see the EDS flash drive. This usually occurs because the key is trying to run on a device with an unsupported OS. After all, each key-flash drive is made for its own environment, and a banal OS update can lead to loss of compatibility with the existing EDS key (flash drive).

When the crypto provider is installed on a supported device, according to the instructions, but the computer still does not see the EDS, the problem may be in the key itself. To figure it out, contact support. There you will be asked for screenshots:

  • CSP versions/builds (General tab);
  • errors when connecting the EDS container.

In addition, tell the specialists where you received the EDS, on which media you have the container installed (root-token, e-token, flash drive or registry) and what OS is used (bit depth, assembly).

The computer does not see the digital signature certificate: first steps

If the computer does not see the electronic signature certificate, then in the Windows operating system you need to go to the address:

Start - Control Panel - CryptoPRO CSP - Service - Test - According to the certificate. This way you can understand if the certificate is installed in the user's Personal Store with a binding to RuToken.

If the user's browser does not see the EDS and he cannot register on the site or connect a digital signature, you need to determine whether the site of interest is added to the trusted ones:
Start - All programs - CRYPTO-PRO - EDS settings browser Plug-In.

It is better to use the Internet Explorer browser, as the java script may not work correctly in other browsers.

If the computer does not see the EDS, then first of all you need to visit the thematic forum of the CryptoPro company. If the issue is not resolved on your own, then contact the support service (send the event logs of the system and applications there, indicate the version / assembly of CSP, OS).

Key/certificate not installed

Why "CryptoPro" CSP can not see the keys? You should check the following parameters:

  • whether the program is installed correctly (whether the Windows Installer service is running);
  • have access to the network;
  • the correct key was issued in the certified center.

When installing, it is advisable to do this:

install a personal certificate following the installation wizard

specify through "Browse" the location of the certificate file with the .cer extension

select the container of the private key (through the "Browse" select the certificate on the reader - flash drive / floppy disk)

If the previous keys were once installed incorrectly and the new media is not installed, then you need to clean the registry (Windows). To do this, in the CSP panel there is a button "Delete remembered passwords".

If there were no errors in the application events, but they were shown in the system event logs, you need to check the Sfc / scannow files, and then re-register the MSIExec / unregister components, then - MSIExec / regserver.

Difficult case

If the computer does not see the EDS, what should I do? At the same time, the plugin does not see the certificate, but it is installed and the site is added to the trusted ones. The error is rare, but sometimes it occurs even for those users who have fulfilled all the requirements of the instructions for using the CIPF. For example, installed a root certificate. The procedure is detailed on page 35 in section 2.5.2 titled "Viewing and Installing a Personal Certificate Stored in a Private Key Container". If, after all the requirements are met, the computer still does not see the electronic signature (the absence of a certificate on cryptopro.ru), then the problem is most likely in the certificate revocation list of the certification authority (CA). If access to the Internet from the company operating the EDS was provided through a proxy server, then in online mode the program will not see the installed certificate in the revocation directory. Everything will work if you put this directory locally on your computer.

What to do when an error occurs when sending reports in the "SBiS ++ Electronic reporting" program "A valid client certificate is missing" or "Access denied"? In this scenario, the report cannot be sent. The first thing that comes to mind is something with a certificate! However, you should not panic: you can fix this error yourself by checking the certificate and configuring the readers correctly. To do this, follow our instructions!

Error in SBiS++: The taxpayer "LLC "Name" does not have a valid EDS certificate (electronic digital signature).

The reasons:

  • Incorrect update of the system "SBiS ++ Electronic reporting";
  • There is no private key carrier;
  • One of the chain of custody certificates is out of date;
  • There is no valid EDS certificate (electronic digital signature);
  • The carrier is missing in the added CryptoPro readers.


Checking the presence of an EDS on the media, reloading the certificate in the SBiS ++, performing a system check.

Step 1: Checking for the presence of an EDS carrier

First you need to check the presence of the certificate on the media. If the certificate is installed on removable media, check that the media is present on the computer.

When you have made sure that the media is present in the computer or the certificate is installed in the Computer Registry, you can start checking CryptoPro.

Step 2: Run CryptoPro for verification

To check, you need to run the CryptoPro program from the Control Panel.

If you have Windows XP, then there are two ways:

  1. Start\Settings\Control Panel\CryptoPro CSP.

If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you need to look for the program here:

  1. Start\Control Panel\CryptoPro CSP;
  2. Start\Control Panel\System and Security\CryptoPro CSP.

The shortcut of the CryptoPro program is shown in Figure 2. Run the program for verification by double-clicking the left mouse button.

Step 3: Run Administrator Rights

After the CryptoPro program window appears, it must be launched with administrator rights (this does not always happen automatically). To do this, click on the highlighted link in the lower half of the program window "Run as administrator".

After launch, this inscription will disappear - this means that you launched the program with administrator rights. Now you can start checking the digital signature on the media.

Step 4: View the certificate in the container

To view the certificate, go to the service tab.

A window will open prompting you to enter a name for the container. To select a certificate, click the Browse button.

A window with a container selection will appear on your screen. Select a container and click OK and Next.

Before you in the window "Certificates in the container of the private key" data about the certificate will appear.

If data is displayed in the viewport necessary you a certificate, you can continue to correct the error. If not - on the screen you see the data of the certificate of another organization - browse the certificate by selecting other containers until you find required certificate. When the certificate is found, click "Finish" and close the CryptoPro window.

Step 5: Reader Setup

If the required certificate is still not found in the container selection list, you can view the presence of your carrier in the added CryptoPro readers. To do this, go to the “Hardware” tab in CryptoPro, click on the “Configure readers” button in the “Private key readers” section.

The "Manage readers" window will open, click the "Add" button to check the media in the added readers.

The "Reader installation wizard" will start, in the first window click "Next", a window will appear asking you to select a reader.

In the right half of the window, in the "Available readers" section, see if your media is on this list. If present, select it and click Next, then Finish. If the required reader is not in the list, then the media is already in the list of added ones. You can continue checking.

To reload the certificate, open the program "SBiS ++ Electronic reporting" in the main window, where the "Calendar of the taxpayer" is located. Select the required taxpayer in the "Taxpayer" section and click on the "Edit" panel (see Figure 12 for an example).

Double-click to select an employee and delete a valid certificate from him by pressing the “Delete” key on the keyboard (see example in Fig. 14).

After deleting, double-click on the white field in the "Issued to" column. The "Certificate Creation Wizard" will appear, select "Install from media" and click "Next" (see Figure 15 for an example).

In the next window, select the “Upload certificate” item, a window will appear with the choice of a container (see Fig. 16 for an example).

If you click on the certificate with one click, all information about the owner of the certificate will appear. After selecting the certificate, click "Select" and "Finish".

After performing the previous steps, it is advisable to conduct a full system check by clicking the "Service" button on the top panel and selecting the "System Check Protocol" item. During a communication session with the operator, windows may appear prompting you to install a certificate, respond to all such offers "Yes". If the system check protocol ended positively, then the system is ready for reporting. In this case, re-sign the report that you were trying to send before the error occurred and send it again.

List of documents for a legal entity:

1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) not older than 30 days.

2. Passport

3. Company details

4. SNILS (Insurance Certificate of State Pension Insurance)

5. TIN certificate

List of documents for an individual entrepreneur (IP):

1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP)

2. Passport

3. SNILS (Insurance certificate of state pension insurance)

4. TIN certificate

List of documents for an individual:

1. Passport

2. TIN certificate

2. SNILS (Insurance Certificate of State Pension Insurance)

2. A window pops up: "Error! The CAPICOM library cannot be loaded, possibly due to low access rights on this local machine."

If you get a window "Error! The CAPICOM library cannot be loaded, possibly due to low access rights on this local machine" pops up while working on the roseltorg.ru website, you need to:

1. Click on the yellow bar under the site address with the text "This website is trying to install the following add-on: "CAPICOM User Download v2.1.0.2" from "Microsoft Corporation". If you trust this website and add-on and want to install it , click here...";

2. Select "Install ActiveX Control";

3. Click on the "Install" button; this procedure must be performed until the window with this message stops popping up (this is individual for each computer). This is a one time setting.

3. How to install a personal certificate?

Installing a personal certificate (your organization's certificate) can be done in the following way:

Through the menu "View certificates in the container"

1. Select Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP, go to the Service tab and click on the button View certificates in a container(see fig. 1).

Rice. 1. “CryptoPro CSP Properties” window

2. In the window that opens, click the Browse button to select a container to view. After selecting the container, click on the OK button (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Window for selecting a container for viewing

3. In the next window, click on the Next button.

Rice. 3. Window "Selected private key container"

4. If the version of CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2 (product version 3.6.6497) or higher is installed, then in the window that opens, click the Install button, and then respond in the affirmative to the certificate replacement notification (if it appears).

Rice. 4. Certificate view window

5. In the window that appears about the successful installation of the certificate, click OK

Rice. 5. The window "Message about the successful installation of the certificate"

6. then press the button ready

Rice. 6. View window for the selected certificate

5. Close the CryptoPro CSP window by pressing the OK button

Detailed information on installing the certificate is available at the following link.

4. How to set up email.

Outlook Express security settings are configured as follows:

1. Select the menu item Tools -> Accounts and open the Mail tab.

2. In the displayed list of accounts, select the one you want to configure and click the Properties button.

3. In the displayed dialog, select the Security tab, which allows the user to specify their personal certificates that will be used when selecting the user's private keys to generate an electronic digital signature and decrypt incoming messages. The certificate selection dialog only displays certificates that have a matching email address and are allowed for email security

5. In the displayed dialog, select the Security tab:

6. In the displayed dialog, set the following modes:

a. Enable user when sending encrypted mail / Always encrypt messages when sending encrypted mail . Setting the enable mode allows the sender to decrypt messages sent to them.

b. Include my digital ID when sending singed messages. Setting this mode will automatically add the sender's certificate to all messages. This mode allows you to exchange certificates using a signed message, and then use the received certificates for subsequent encryption of messages between recipients.

c. Send messages with an opaque signature/ Encode message before signing. When message mode is enabled, all attachments will be merged into a single attachment with a digital signature included. If the mode is disabled, the signature is generated as one separate attachment for all attachments.

d. Add senders certificates to my address book automatically. When this mode is enabled, certificates transmitted as part of a signed message will be automatically added to the address book.

e. Check for revoked Digital Ds:

i. only when online / Only when online. Setting a verification token causes each operation to generate or verify an electronic digital signature to be accompanied by a certificate revocation check. To check for revocation, a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is used, the location of which is recorded as an appendix in each user's certificate. By default, this option is not enabled, and Outlook Express does not track if user keys have been compromised.

ii. Never / Never.

Revocation check is not performed.

5. How to sign a document.

There are 2 types of sending a signed document.

The first way is to sign the document itself and the second way is to sign the entire letter.

To create and send a signed message:

1. Click the Create Mail button or select the menu item File -> New -> Mail message.

3. To send a signed message, check the status of the Sign button. It should be pressed and the sign of the signed message should be visible on the right side of the screen.

4. After the message is prepared for sending, click the Send button:

The second way is when the file itself is signed. The Microsoft Office package allows you to attach digital signatures to a specific document. For this you need:

1. On the Tools menu, select Options, and then click the Security tab.

2. Click the Digital Signatures button.

3. Click the Add button.

4. Select the desired certificate, and then click the OK button.

For other data formats, you must use the CryptoArm program.

6. CryptoPro expires.

During installation, the serial number of the product according to the license you purchased was not entered.

7. Mail does not see the certificate.

When setting up e-mail, at the stage of signing a document, the mail does not find the required certificate. This happens when the e-mail address, which is indicated during the production of the EDS, does not match the valid e-mail box.

8. When installing CryptoPro, at the last step, the system displays a message about the incorrect installation of the program and rolls back. How to be?

The problem occurs due to incomplete (or incorrect) removal of the previous version of Crypto Pro from the computer. To remove the files remaining from the previous version, you must use the CryptoPro trace cleanup program clear.bat. You can download the program from here: ftp://ftp.cryptopro.ru/pub/CSP_3_6/clearing.zip

9. Where can I find the EDS signing public key?

All signatures issued by our company have the public key inside a container on a secure medium. In order to extract it from the container, you must:

With the media included in the system unit Via the CryptoPro Start à Control Panel à CryptoPro àService à View certificates in the container. In the dialog box that appears, select the desired container via the browse à Next. In the EDS public key data view window, select properties à Composition tab à Copy to file and specify the path to save the certificate.

10. CryptoPro does not see the container on the flash drive. Prompts you to select another medium.

Depending on what type of media you are using, the solutions are different. If you use smart cards such as Rutoken, MsKey, Etoken, then most likely you do not have drivers installed to work correctly with the key.

If your key is on a USB 2.0 flash drive, then you need to look at the version of the CryptoPro core. If you are using CryptoPro 3.0, then you have gone astray. In order to set it up you need to:

When the media is included in the system unit Via CryptoPro Start à Control Panel à CryptoPro àHardware Configure readers Add. In the reader installation wizard window that appears, select Drive on the right side of the screen (since in CryptoPro all USB media are defined as floppy disks). In the next window, select the correct name for the flash drive, that is, the name under which the flash drive was defined in "My Computer".

If you are using CryptoPro 3.6 and the container is not visible, then the medium is damaged. It should be submitted to the office to determine the status of the key.

11. We received an EDS, what to do next? How to register on the trading platform?

The entire procedure for accreditation, filing an application for participation in the auction and holding the auction itself is described in the regulations of a particular electronic trading platform, which can be found on the website of this platform. There are also various auxiliary video materials, instructions for working in the system. Or you can contact us to purchase our service of assistance in accreditation on any electronic platform.

12. To check which operating system is installed on your computer

- Go to the explorer in My Computer.

- Right-click on the display and select "Properties" from the menu that appears.

— The window that appears contains information about your system.

13. To find out which version of Internet Explorer is installed on your computer

- Launch Internet Explorer.

- Select "Help" from the horizontal menu at the top of the browser.

— The window that appears contains information about the current version of the browser.

- Possible option

14. To install a newer version of Internet Explorer 8

- Specify the following address on the command line:

- In the presented window, click "Download for free".

- Click "Run" in the window that appears.

- Then click "Run" again.

- When installation is complete, you must restart your computer.

The introduction of modern means of personal identification is a huge step in the development of electronic document management. Many believe that the development of such a direction does not make practical sense, that the use of such tools is necessary only for a small number of users and nothing will exceed a simple signature in reliability and convenience, but this is far from the case.

An electronic digital signature allows you to determine the authenticity of a person in a digital workflow, which significantly increases its efficiency and saves time and money.

An electronic digital signature (or EDS) is, in fact, electronic props, which allows you to protect the digital version of any document from forgery. The legislator defines an EDS as an analogue of a handwritten signature, which is used to identify a person in electronic document management.

In practice, several variants of EDS are used.

Does not contain cryptographic protection elements. Security is ensured by using a login, password and connection codes.

In general, it is used only for the actual identification of the user, and is not used to protect a specific document.

Such a signature can still certify documents, however, this requires execution certain conditions:

  • adding to a specific document;
  • use complies with the internal rules of workflow;
  • the presence of information about the identity of the sender of the file.

Unskilled refers to an enhanced signature, but the degree of its protection is less than that of a qualified one. However, in this case cryptographic methods of protection are already used. Using such a signature allows not only to sign a document, but also to make changes to it with their subsequent confirmation.

Qualified i is considered the most secure option. Cryptographic protection methods are used, the confirmation of which is carried out by special authorities. It is difficult to use in practice, but there is a definite plus - reliability. You can connect such a signature only in a special certification center.

When signed with such a seal, the document is equated to a paper counterpart signed by an official, with a special seal.

Methods, services and test results

The use of EDS is undoubtedly practical and convenient. However, each user must have the skills to check its validity, which protect against possible violations by counterparties.

Checking is not difficult. To do this, just use one of several services. So, you can check the authenticity of a document signed with an EDS by uploading it to the site crypto.kontur.ru.

This service will allow you to quickly analyze the document and get the result. To use it, you need to properly configure your computer, but it's not difficult, you just need to follow the instructions on the site.

If you can’t install the ES on your computer on your own, you should contact the certification centers. At the end of their work, an act of installing an electronic signature means is drawn up.

The second service provided by the State Services Portal is also not difficult to use. Using the link www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/eds, you can download a file signed with an EDS, and the service will verify its authenticity.

Using the www.iecp.ru/ep/ep-verification service, you can verify not the document, but the signature itself. It is necessary to upload a file of the appropriate format, the system will check:

  1. Certificate validity period.
  2. Whether the signature is on the revoked list.
  3. Whether the EDS belongs to the number issued by accredited centers.

The most popular way to check is to check through the State Services portal. However, there are many more services that are approximately the same in terms of their effectiveness.

In general, verification methods can be divided into two types:

  1. Verification of a document signed with an EDS.
  2. Checking the EDS itself.

Both methods are recommended for best performance. In addition, it is periodically necessary to check the EDS itself in order to exclude its invalidity.

Another way to check the EDS is to install the appropriate program on a PC. Typically used CryptoPro because of the many full-fledged functions for working with EDS.

The result of any verification is confirmation or non-confirmation of the authenticity of the digital signature or the document signed by it. Such services simply need to be used for work, as they fully allow you to ensure the security of electronic document management.

In the event that work through is carried out on an ongoing basis, then the use of software from CryptoPro is recommended.

How to install an EDS

To install an ES on a PC, you will need to download the appropriate software and follow the instructions.


First of all, you need to install on your computer CryptoPro CSP program. Further:

  1. Run the program in any of the ways. As an option - open the Control Panel, the "Programs" menu and find the one you need there, or find it through the search if the location is not known. The launch is performed on behalf of the administrator.
  2. After starting the program, a window will appear in which you need to find the "Service" tab.
  3. Next, look for the menu "View certificates in the container."
  4. The "Browse" window appears, in which you can see information about the name of the container and the reader. Press OK.
  5. In the next window, "Certificates in the Private Key Container", no action is required. Just skip it by clicking Next.
  6. A window with user data will appear. You need to select "Properties".
  7. We install a new Certificate, for this we select "Install Certificate".
  8. In the next window, do nothing and just click "Next".
  9. Next, you need to select the item "Place all certificates in one store", for this we click "Browse" and select the "Personal" folder.
  10. The last step is to click Finish.


There is also a useful plugin from CryptoPro that allows you to create and verify signatures on web pages. CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in can work with any modern browser, including Chrome and Yandex.

Many people think that it is necessary to use Internet Explorer to work with EDS, but this is not so. It is enough that the Internet browser supports Java.

This plugin allows:

  1. Sign documents for electronic document management.
  2. Validate web form data.
  3. Notarize any files sent from the user's computer.
  4. Sign messages.

Using the plug-in, you can check both a regular ES and an improved one. An important plus is that it is distributed completely free of charge.

No special skills are required to install the plugin, everything happens automatically. You just need to run the installer file, then select "Run", "Next" and "OK". The program will do everything itself.

If you encounter any difficulties with installing or operating the program, you can always contact the company where the signature was purchased for help. In most cases, they give detailed instructions and provide assistance over the phone.

Setup and activation

For the full-fledged operation of the EDS, its correct configuration and activation is required. For this, it is necessary, in addition to installing the CryptoPro program and the corresponding plug-in, to install a number of system programs and drivers which will ensure stable operation.

  1. First of all, the Rutoken drivers are installed. To do this, you need to run the installer file, before that, remove the electronic identifier from the USB. After starting, follow the instructions of the program.
  2. After installation, you should restart your computer and connect the identifier. The system will automatically detect it.
  3. Next, CryptoPro CSP is installed. This step was described in the previous section.
  4. After these manipulations, you need to install the root certificate. It must be downloaded from the certification center website. Then you need to find the cacer.p7b file among the downloaded files, click on it with the mouse, right-click, and select "Install certificate". Click next, then select "Place certificates in one store", then "Browse" and select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities". Then "Next" and "Finish".
  5. If a pop-up window appears, you will need to click "Yes" several times, then "OK".
  6. The next step is to install a personal certificate. Click on Start and look for CryptoPro CSP. Select "Service" and "View certificates ...", then "Overview". We choose and accept. After acceptance, a pop-up window will appear in which you should enter the pin code of the electronic media, and then click "Install".
  7. The next important step is to bind the key to the certificate. As a rule, it occurs automatically, if not, then you should be guided by the instructions of the certification center.
  8. You should also install CAPICOM, which is distributed free of charge on the Microsoft website. You need to run the installer file and follow the instructions.

Proper configuration of the electronic signature will avoid many problems. Therefore, all steps must be done very carefully. If you have any questions, it is better to once again contact the certification center.

Detailed instructions for installing and activating the CryptoPro program can be found below.


How reliable is the use of EDS?

The reliability of the use of an electronic signature is at a fairly high level; a regular digital signature is equated to a handwritten signature. It is almost impossible to hack the system, and the chance of forging it is much lower than the chance of forging a handwritten signature.

Is it relevant to obtain an EP for an individual?

Federal Law can use a signature for any electronic document management. In addition, the use of such a signature significantly expands the capabilities of the public services portal.

How much does an ECP cost?

The cost of an electronic signature is not very high. For an individual, it will cost about 1,000 rubles, the maximum cost for a legal entity is up to 2,500 rubles.

How to install and configure Rutoken, you will learn from this video.

    CryptoPro CSP license expired / can't enter license?

    CryptoPro CSP is a paid product and requires the purchase of a license. After receiving the electronic signature, you will be given a set of documents with the SCPEP revocation card, which indicates the type of license and serial number, if it was purchased.

    The license is:

    • built-in (valid for 1 year, manufactured and valid with a signature, does not require a license number to be entered)
    • annual (valid for 1 year, requiring a license number)
    • permanent (unlimited - unlimited in terms of use, requiring the entry of a license number).

    The built-in license is recognized by CryptoPro CSP versions 3.9 R4 and all versions 4.0.

    The serial number of the annual or permanent license must be entered if this has not already been done.

    The serial number must match the product version. The product version can be viewed in the CryptoPro CSP program on the “General” tab at the top right (4040Х-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ for CryptoPro CSP 4.0 version and 3939Х-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ for CryptoPro CSP 3.9).

  • CryptoPro CSP does not see the signature?

    Make sure the signature is installed on the computer.

    Launch CryptoPro CSP => Tools tab => View certificates in container button => Browse button. If the list is empty, try a different USB port on your computer. If this does not help, then you need to install the driver in accordance with the type of media and bit depth of the Windows system. The type of media is written on the case of the media: eToken or ruToken, and the bit depth of the system can be viewed by right-clicking on the computer icon and selecting Properties: 32 or 64 bit system Windows.

    You can download drivers here.

    The site / portal does not see the signature?

    Launch CryptoPro CSP => Tools tab => "View certificates in container" button => "Browse" button.

    If the signature is not defined, then see the answer to question number 2 above.

    If the signature is determined, then click the "Next" button, then the "Properties" button, open the "Certification Path" tab. The chain of certificates must consist of the Certification Authority and the full name of the EDS owner (certificates must not have crosses or exclamation marks).

    If the CA certificate has a red cross, select it by clicking on it, click View certificate, then the "Install" button (you must specify the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store in the import wizard).

    If the certificate has an exclamation point, the certificate of the certification authority must be downloaded //here and also installed in trusted certification authorities.

    If the cross has not disappeared, you need to update the version of CryptoPro CSP (for Windows 10 there is a //special version of CryptoPro CSP 4.0)

    If the certificate chain is displayed correctly in CryptoPro CSP, then there are problems in the InternetExplorer settings (see the answer to question #4 below).

  • Setting Internet Explorer (IE)?

    For InternetExplorer to work correctly, a plug-in for working with an electronic signature must be installed (you can download it //here)

    Automatic updating of InternetExplorer must be turned off, otherwise the settings will go astray. You can turn it off in the Help menu => About => uncheck Install new versions automatically.

    ActiveX settings must be enabled on your computer, this can be done in the Start menu => type Internet Options in the search bar and select this item => in the window that opens, select the Security tab => click on the Trusted sites (sites) zone so that it is highlighted => then click the Other button (find the list of ActiveX Controls and Plugins and set the option for each to Enable).

    We go to the site where an electronic signature is required for work, and add this page to Trusted sites / sites through Browser Options, the Security tab, highlighting the Trusted sites / sites zone and clicking the Sites / sites button. The Add button should be active, you need to click on it, on the checkbox: For all sites in this zone, server verification is required (https:), you must uncheck it. If the Add button is grayed out (inactive), then the page has already been added to the list of websites and you do not need to add it again. Close the properties. Refresh the page in the browser with the F5 key. If messages about add-ons appear at the bottom or top of the browser, then you need to allow them to run.

    Can't login to the site (certificate not matched/authorized)?

    Review question 3, if the problems are not related to the settings, then when you enter the site you will receive a message: The client certificate is not associated with the system user (or the selected electronic signature is not authorized).

    Perhaps you have not passed accreditation on the site, if so, then see // instructions for accreditation on the electronic site. If accreditation is nevertheless passed, but you received a new signature, for example, due to the fact that the old signature has expired, then you need to link it to your personal account, for this you need to fill out an application for adding a new user on the site and attach it to the application the following documents:

    For legal entities: either a decision to appoint a head, if the signature is for the head of the organization, or a power of attorney for an employee of the organization, if the signature is made for the employee (in this case, an archive is attached to the site with a decision on the appointment of a head and a power of attorney from the head to the employee). For commercial sites, a copy of the TIN of the organization may additionally be required.

    For individual entrepreneurs / individuals: passport, TIN.

    Examples of the page for adding members on popular sites:

    Sberbank-AST (in the section For Participants => Registration => Adding a new user) http://www.sberbank-ast.ru/freeregister.aspx

    ZakazRF (in the section Registration => Registration of a new user of the organization) http://web.zakazrf.ru/Participant/RegistrationUser

    MICEX (in the section For Participants => Registration of a power of attorney) https://app.rts-tender.ru/supplier/lk/Accreditation/EmployeeRequest.aspx

    RTS-Tender (button Login => Accreditation => Submit a request to add a new user) https://app.rts-tender.ru/supplier/lk/Accreditation/EmployeeRequest.aspx

    Roseltorg - on this site, you must first log in with a login and password or with an old still valid electronic signature, information with the name of the organization and the username with icons will appear at the top right. You must click on the pencil next to the username, a menu with buttons will appear, among which you need to find the button: Link a new EDS.

    B2b-center - you need to go to your personal account (using your login and password or the old valid signature). Select in your personal account Information about the organization => My electronic signatures => Upload a certificate through the tab => Registration of certificates. You must check the checkbox: The certificate is already installed on the computer.

    Fabrikant - you need to go to your personal account (using your login and password or the old valid signature). Select the Certificates line in your personal account. Upload the certificate through the Upload new ES tab.

    What is the password for the container of my signature?

    When using an electronic signature for the first time, a window pops up: Enter the password for the container

    The default password is 12345678.

    The password for the container can be changed. If you have a ruToken carrier, then you need to install // Rutoken control panel. After starting the program, enter the administrator's PIN in the Administration tab (by default, the administrator's PIN is 87654321). Next, click the Unlock => Change button, select a user and set a password.

    If you have an eToken carrier, then you need to install // the eToken driver in accordance with the bitness of the Windows system (you can see the bitness of the system by right-clicking on the computer icon and selecting Properties: 32 or 64 bit Windows system). Launch eTokenProperties, click on Detail View (gear icon on the top right). Select the name of the eToken from the list on the left (the name will be highlighted before the eTokenPKIClient Settings line). In the window that appears on the right, you must click on the icon: Change password (in the form of a pencil and keyboard).

    How to register on the GIS-housing and communal services?

    The GIS housing and communal services service authorizes organizations through the public services portal. Therefore, all accounts must be created on the gosuslugi.ru website. First you need to register the head as an individual. The created account is activated using an electronic signature issued to the organization. After activating an individual, you can add an organization. Confirmation is carried out using the same EDS. If necessary, you can add employees of the organization (they must also have an individual account on the gosuslugi.ru website, confirmed by the same electronic signature). After that, the head of the organization needs to log into the personal account using the EDS and, having selected the role of the organization, add an employee from the account of the legal entity. In the personal account of the organization, the manager can assign administrator rights.

    How to understand what type of signature is needed to work on a particular site?

    Tell the consultant the exact name of the site (electronic address of the site) for which you need an electronic signature.

    How long does it take to produce an EDS?

    An electronic signature is made within 1 business day after payment is received and a minimum package of documents (copies of a passport and SNILS) is provided.

    Is it possible to update the electronic signature remotely without visiting the center for issuing electronic signatures?

    Issuing and re-issuing an electronic signature remotely is not possible. This is contrary to the safety requirements established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. To obtain an electronic signature, it is necessary to verify the identity of the recipient in //any ES issuing center.

    How to sign a document using an EDS?

    Word documents can be signed with an electronic signature in the following cases:

    1. If the document was created in Microsoft Office 2003/2007, then no additional software is required.

    2. If the document was created in Microsoft Office 2010/2013, then you will need to install additionally the CryptoARM program - this is a program that meets the requirements of Russian law in terms of ensuring a legally significant status. After signing the document, a file with the .sig extension is created, which unambiguously confirms the fact of signing the document.

    What is a certificate chain?

    The chain of certificates is used to confirm the authenticity of the ES certificate. The chain includes certificates of the parent certification authority, intermediate certification authorities (including the CA that issued the user's ES certificate) and the user's certificate. If the certificate chain is built incorrectly (in the certificate properties window on the Certification Path tab, the certificates of the main and intermediate certification authorities are missing or marked with a cross), then the end user certificate is considered untrusted and cannot be used.

    What is Capicom / Cadescom?

    Capicom and Cadescom are extension programs for Internet Explorer. They are necessary to work with the electronic signature in the browser. CryptoPro EDS BrowserPlug-in includes both of these extensions.

    How to add a site to trusted nodes (sites)?

    In order to add the site of an electronic site to trusted sites in a browser, go to the site of the site through the Internet Explorer browser and open "Internet Options". On the Security tab, click on the Trusted Sites zone and click the Sites button. Uncheck "All sites in this zone require server verification (https:)". Click the "Add" button, then close the "Trusted Sites" and "Internet Options" windows and refresh the browser page by pressing Ctrl + F5.

    How to enable ActiveX settings?

    Go to the site site through the Internet Explorer browser and open the browser properties. On the Security tab, click the Trusted Sites zone (Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer 8) and click the Custom button. In the list of options, find the "ActiveX controls and plug-ins" section. For all options in this section, select Enable. Click "OK", confirm the request to save the settings. Close the Internet Options window and refresh the page by pressing Ctrl + F5.

    Is CryptoPro CSP a free program?

    CryptoProCSP is a paid product. The free trial period of the product is three months from the date of the first installation. After this period, to continue working with the program, you must purchase a license.

    What to do if the license for CryptoPro CSP has expired?

    When the CryptoPro CSP license expires, you must purchase a new license. As a rule, the license expires together with the validity of the electronic signature, so you may encounter such a situation very rarely. However, if you encounter a problem, then you have three types of CryptoProCSP licenses to choose from:

    • Annual, the license is valid for 1 year.
    • Perpetual, permanent.
    • Embedded in the ES, it is valid during the entire validity period of the ES and cannot be used separately from it.
  • How to enter the serial number of the CryptoPro CSP license?

    To enter the CryptoProCSP license serial number, run the program. On the General tab, click the Enter License button. Enter the license number in the "Serial number" field.

    What should I do if I cannot enter the CryptoPro CSP license serial number?

    If you are unable to enter the serial number of the CryptoProCSP license, then your serial number does not match the version of the installed program. The serial number of the CryptoProCSP license must match the product version. For version 3.9, the serial number must start with 3939, for version 4.0 - with 4040. You must install the version of CryptoProCSP for which your license number matches.

    How to remove CryptoPro CSP?

    Uninstalling CryptoProCSP takes place in two stages. First, uninstall the program using standard tools, through the "Control Panel", then run the cspclean.exe utility. After the utility completes, you must restart your computer.

    How to update CryptoPro CSP?

    To install a newer version of CryptoProCSP, run the installer and confirm the update request. You do not need to uninstall the currently installed version of the product.

    How to copy an electronic signature?

    To copy an ES, launch CryptoProCSP, go to the "Service" tab and click the "Copy" button. By clicking "Browse", select the signature you want to copy. Click OK, then Next. Enter a name for the container to be created. It must differ from the original container name by at least one character. Click Done. Select "Registry" from the media list and click "OK". You can set a password for the new container or leave the password fields blank.

    In what cases is it necessary to reissue an electronic signature?

    An unscheduled reissue is carried out in cases where the data that is in the signature changes. For legal entities, such data are: the abbreviated name of the legal entity, legal address, TIN / KPP / OGRN, user's full name, position, SNILS and email. For Individual Entrepreneurs: full name, TIN/OGRNIP, registration address, SNILS, email. For Individuals: full name, TIN, registration address, SNILS, email. If the data has changed, the signature can still be used, but it loses its legal force, so you may be rejected in electronic auctions with such a signature.

    How to reissue a signature?

    The procedure for re-issuing (renewal) of an electronic signature is the same as for the initial production of an electronic signature. You need to re-submit copies of documents and, upon receipt of a signature, verify your identity in our office.