How to copy email. How to copy an electronic signature from the registry to a media? What is a digital signature and a private key certificate

When transferring electronic reporting to another computer or reinstalling the encryption program, you need to copy electronic signatures. In the step-by-step instructions, we show how to correctly copy electronic signatures through the ViPNet CSP program.

Step-by-step instructions on how to copy an EDS certificate

Step 1. Open the VipNet program

Most likely you will not find a shortcut on the desktop. To open the program, follow four steps:

  1. Go to menu "Start"
  2. Open item "All programs"
  3. Find a folder named VIPNet
  4. Click on the icon with the name "ViPNet CSP"

The VipNet encryption program will open.

Step 2. Open the electronic signature for copying

In the left part of the window that opens, go to the tab "Containers". A list of electronic signatures that are on your computer will appear.

Select an electronic signature to copy from the list. Click on the button "Copy".

Step 3. Choose a place to copy the electronic signature

The system will prompt you to select a directory to which the signature will be copied. Click on the button "Review".

In the window "Browse folders" Specify the location for copying the electronic signature. Then click "OK".

Attention! The directory to which signatures are copied should not be named infotecs or containers, if you are planning to completely uninstall ViPNet CSP.

Step 4. Copy the electronic signature

In some cases, the system will ask for an electronic signature password. Enter it and click OK.

The electronic signature has been copied.

Often people who use electronic digital signatures for their needs need to copy the CryptoPro certificate to a USB flash drive. In this lesson, we will look at various options for performing this procedure.

By and large, the procedure for copying a certificate to a USB drive can be organized in two groups of ways: using the internal tools of the operating system and using the functions of the CryptoPro CSP program. Next, we will look at both options in detail.

Method 1: CryptoPro CSP

First of all, let's consider the method of copying using the CryptoPro CSP application itself. All actions will be described using the example of the Windows 7 operating system, but in general, the presented algorithm can also be used for other operating systems of the Windows family.

The main condition under which it is possible to copy a container with a key is the need for it to be marked as exportable when it is created on the CryptoPro website. Otherwise, the transfer will fail.

  1. Before starting manipulations, connect the USB flash drive to the computer and go to "Control Panel" systems.
  2. Open section "System and safety".
  3. In the specified directory, find the item "CryptoPro CSP" and click on it.
  4. A small window will open where you need to move to the section "Service".
  5. Next click the button "Copy...".
  6. A window for copying the container will be displayed, where you need to click on the button "Review…".
  7. The container selection window will open. Select from the list the name of the certificate from which you want to copy to a USB drive, and click OK.
  8. Then the authentication window will be displayed, where in the field "Enter password" it is required to enter a key expression with which the selected container is password-protected. After filling in the specified field, click OK.
  9. After that, you return to the main window for copying the private key container. Please note that in the field of the name of the key container, the expression will be automatically added to the original name "-Copy". But if you wish, you can change the name to any other, although this is not necessary. Then click on the button "Ready".
  10. Next, a window for selecting a new key carrier will open. In the presented list, select the drive with the letter that corresponds to the desired flash drive. After that press OK.
  11. In the authentication window that appears, you will need to enter the same arbitrary password to the container twice. It can either match the key expression of the source, or be completely new. There are no restrictions on this. After entering, press OK.
  12. After that, an information window will be displayed with a message that the container with the key was successfully copied to the selected media, that is, in this case, to a USB flash drive.

Method 2: Windows Tools

You can also transfer the CryptoPro certificate to a USB flash drive exclusively using the Windows operating system by simply copying it through "Conductor". This method is only suitable when the header.key file contains a public certificate. In this case, as a rule, its weight is at least 1 Kb.

As in the previous method, descriptions will be given using the example of actions in the Windows 7 operating system, but in general they are also suitable for other operating systems of this line.

At first glance, transferring a CryptoPro certificate to a USB flash drive using the operating system tools is much easier and more intuitive than actions through the CryptoPro CSP. But it should be noted that this method is only suitable when copying a public certificate. Otherwise, you will have to use the program for this purpose.

Copying using Windows

If a floppy disk or flash drive is used for work, you can copy the container with the certificate using Windows tools (this method is suitable for CryptoPro CSP versions not lower than 3.0). Place the folder with the private key (and, if available, the certificate file - the public key) in the root of the floppy / flash drive (if it is not placed in the root, then working with the certificate will be impossible). It is recommended not to change the name of the folder when copying.

There should be 6 files with the .key extension in the folder with the private key. As a rule, the public key is present in the private key (the header.key file in this case will weigh more than 1 KB). In this case, copying the public key is optional. An example of a private key is a folder with six files and a public key is a file with the .cer extension.

Private key Public key

Copy on Diagnostics Profile

1. Go to the "Copy" Diagnostics profile at the link .

2. Insert the media to which you want to copy the certificate.

3. On the required certificate, click the "Copy" button.

If a password has been set for the container, the message “Enter the password for the device from which the certificate will be copied” will appear.

4. Select the media where you want to copy the certificate and click "Next".

5. Specify a name for the new container and click the "Next" button.

6. A message should appear indicating that the certificate was copied successfully.

Bulk Copy

  1. Download and run the utility. Wait for the entire list of containers/certificates to be downloaded and tick the ones you need.
  2. Select the Bulk Actions menu and click on the Copy Containers button.

3. Select the media to store the copy of the container and click OK. When copying to the registry, you can check the box "Copy to the computer's key container", then after copying the container will be available to all users of this computer.

4. After copying, click on the "Update" button at the bottom left.
If you want to work with copied containers, you need .

Copying with CryptoPro CSP

Select "Start" > "Control Panel" > "CryptoPro CSP". Go to the Tools tab and click on the Copy button.

In the Copy Private Key Container window, click on the Browse button .

Select the container you want to copy and click OK, then Next. If you are copying from a root token, an input window will appear in which you must specify a pin code. If you have not changed the pin on the media, the default pin is 12345678.

Come up with and manually specify a name for the new container. Russian layout and spaces are allowed in the container name. Then click Done.

In the Insert Blank Key Media window, select the media on which the new container will be placed.

You will be prompted to set a password for the new container. We recommend that you set a password that is easy for you to remember, but that outsiders cannot guess or guess. If you don't want to set a password, you can leave the field blank and click OK.

Do not store your password/pin code in places that are accessible to others. If the password/pin-code is lost, the use of the container will become impossible.

If you copy the container to a ruToken smart card, the message will sound different. In the input window, enter the pin code. If you have not changed the pin on the media, the default pin is 12345678.

After copying, the system will return to the Tools tab of the CryptoPro CSP. Copying completed. If you plan to use a new key container for working in Extern, .

To copy a key container:

If the required media is not available:

Important! To use the generated key media, reinstall the certificate from the copied container:

  • Open the menu "Start" - "Control Panel" - "CryptoPro CSP" - "Tools" - "View Certificates in Container".
  • Click "Browse", mark the desired container, click "OK" and "Next".
  • Click Install.
  • Answer yes to the question about replacing the certificate.
  • Click "Finish" and "OK".

Now the installed certificate is bound to the container from which it was installed.

Video instruction on creating a copy of a key container.

How to copy a digital signature to a USB flash drive

Copying an EDS from Rutoken or other media to a USB flash drive may be necessary to ensure the safety of the signature, for ease of use, or to transfer a copy to a trusted person.

Copying an EDS from a secure medium is carried out using the CryptoPRO CSP program (current version 3.9).

We will need:

Copying EDS from Rutoken to a USB flash drive

1. We insert into the computer at the same time a media with an EDS (Rutoken) and a USB flash drive.

2. Run the CryptoPRO CSP program. (all pictures in the instructions are clickable)

3. Open the Service tab

4. Click the Copy... button

5. In the window that opens, click the Browse... button.

6. In the window that opens, select our certificate (electronic signature key) by pressing

9. Enter the name of the new EDS copy, for example - myetsp(copy)

10. Click Finish

11. In the window that opens, select our flash drive by clicking

12. Click OK

13. Enter a new password for the copy, for example, the same 12345678 in both lines

14. Click OK

After that, the window will close, and a folder with a name similar to myetspoc.000 should appear on the flash drive - this is a copy of our digital signature. Now this file can be copied to an unlimited number of media or sent if necessary by e-mail.

Be careful and attentive, an electronic digital signature is an analogue of your handwritten signature and seal!

You can set up a workplace for working with EDS on trading floors for free in automatic mode. For more information, follow the link: automatic digital signature setup

How to copy certificates in the CryptoPro program

My new post will be devoted to the Crypto Pro program, it seems nothing complicated, but all the time there are troubles with this software, either because you have to deal with it once or twice a year, or such software, but in general I decided to make a memo for myself and for you.

Task: Grant access to the program Kontur Extern on two machines, OK, let's get started.

What we have: One already working key on the SD card.

What you need: We need any SD card media, a USB flash drive can also be uploaded to the registry, or you can use the so-called RUtoken. I will install on RUtoken, and you can use any of the options.

Yes, another small remark, if you have a domain computer, then it's better to do all this under the admin account.

And so let's get started

Find the program in the start menu or control panel,

We start the program.

Go to the Tools tab and click on the Copy button.

Next, press the Browse button and select the key we need to copy, I have it in the Description format. Select it and click Next.

You will need to enter a password of 8 any characters. Enter a password and click Next.

In the next window, we need to set the name of the container (I always use 2 organizations that are convenient for me and I use name-01 and 02 markings, you can also use the organization's TIN for separation.) and then click the Finish button.

Here you will once again need to enter the password for the new container, do the same and click OK.

In the next dialog box, you need to select the media where to copy our container, I choose RUtoken and you need to select the media where you are going to install the container.

That's basically it, almost everything, the key is copied. It remains only to install it for a specific user.

There are two options here:

Option 1.

Again we go to CryptoPro, open the service tab and click on the button View certificates in the container.

In the dialog box that opens, open the container we need and click OK. then click the Next button.

In the next window, click the Install button, if it is not there, click the Properties button.

In the window that opens, click the Install Certificate button. The Certificate Import Wizard will open, click Next.

In the window that opens, leave everything as it is and click Next.

If the certificate is installed successfully, you should see the following dialog box.

Option 2.

Installation through the menu to install a personal certificate.

To install the certificate, we need the certificate file itself, (a file with the .cer extension) it is located on the medium where we copied it, in my case it is rutokin.

And so, open CryptoPro again, go to the Service tab and click the Install personal certificate button.

In the window that opens, find this certificate by clicking on the Browse button.

In the next dialog box, check the box next to Find container automatically, after which the program will automatically find the container you need. Then click the Next button.

Then a window may appear with a choice of where to store the certificate; you need to select Personal and click OK.

Then a dialog box may appear where you need to click the Yes button.

Then wait for a message about successful installation.

After that, you need to remove your device to which the container with keys refers and insert it back, after the device is found, you can try.

If you have any questions, because there may be different changes in different versions of CryptoPro, then ask, leave your comments, I will always be happy to help you.

How to copy a certificate to CryptoPro CSP - Software and Applications

Programs and Applications

Sometimes situations arise when you need to install a certificate with a key on another computer or make a backup copy of it. When working with USB flash drives, you can make a working copy of the private key using the available Windows tools, the main condition is the presence of CryptoPro CSP 3.0 installed.

Next, you need to follow the proposed instructions step by step, but it should be remembered that a copy can only be made through CIPF (cryptographic information protection tool), otherwise, for example, if you copy through Explorer, you will not be able to run the key on another computer.

Instructions for copying a certificate through CryptoPro CSP

1. Click on the CryptoPro CSP 3.0 shortcut or open it via Start - Control Panel.

2. In the system window, go to the "Hardware" tab and configure the readers by selecting from the list of installed readers, after that - "Add". Use "All removable drives" and "Registry" in case they were not in the list.

4. In the next window that opens, run the "Browse" command in order to enter a name in the empty field. When choosing a name, first confirm the operation, then click on the "Next" button. In some cases, when working with a rutoken, you may need to enter a password (pin code) - enter the sequence 12345678.

5. Create a name for the container where the data is copied. The keyboard layout can be both Russian and Latin. Spaces are also allowed in the name. Once defined with a name, click Finish.

6. Then the system will ask you to insert a blank key medium to which the container will be copied. Do this and click OK.

7. You can set a password for the copy being created - this is an optional step, so you can simply click "OK", leaving the field blank. If the copy is made to a rootken, then again you need to enter the standard security combination - 12345678.

The copying process will be completed when the system returns to the "Service" tab on the screen.

How to copy the private key container in CryptoPro?

Copying the private key container is a mandatory action when reinstalling SBiS on another computer. You can also copy the certificate if you want to create a spare digital signature key.

Copying a private key container to a USB flash drive, floppy disk or token is a rather complicated process, in order to avoid mistakes it is important to strictly follow our instructions.

CryptoPro: certificate copy

Step 1. Opening the CryptoPro program

Follow the steps below to open the program:

Click the Start menu, then go to Programs ⇒ CryptoPro ⇒ CryptoPro CSP and enable the Tools tab.

In the opened Service window, click the Copy Container button.

Step 2: Copy the private key container

After clicking the Copy Container button, the system will display the Private Key Container Copy window.

In the open window, fill in the Key container name field.

Step 3. Entering the Key Container

There are 3 ways to fill in the Key Container Name field:

    Manual input

    Select from the list by pressing the Browse button

    Search by EDS certificate

In addition to filling in the Key container name field, you must fill in the remaining search options:

  • The entered name specifies the key container - the switch is set to User or Computer, depending on the storage where the container is located;
  • Select a CSP to search for key containers - the required cryptographic provider (CSP) is selected from the proposed list.

After all fields are filled in, click the Next button.

If a password is set for access to the private key, the system will ask you to enter it. Enter a password and click OK.

Step 4. Entering a new key container

The system will re-display the Copy Private Key Container window, in which you must enter the name of the new key container and select the radio button Entered name sets the key container to User or Computer, depending on where you want to place the copied container.

Click image to enlarge

After entering, click Finish.

Step 5. Selecting media for the copied container

A window will appear on your screen in which you need to select the media for the copied container.

Electronic document management more and more integrated into our lives.
Today, this issue concerns not only office employees of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, working with electronic documents is increasingly facilitating the solution of everyday problems for ordinary citizens and at home. Of course, with the expansion of the applicability of electronic documents, the distribution of electronic digital signature, for short - EDS.
It is about increasing the convenience in working with EDS that we will discuss further, namely, we will consider how to add an EDS key to the CryptoPro registry on the computer.

What is a digital signature and a private key certificate

Electronic digital signature is used in many software products: 1C: Enterprise (and other programs for conducting business or accounting), VLSI++ , Contour.Extern (and other solutions for working with accounting and tax reporting) and others. EDS has also found application in servicing individuals in resolving issues with government agencies.

EDS- this is a kind of guarantor in the world of electronic document management, similar to a regular signature and seals on paper

As with the signing of paper documents, the process of signing electronic media is associated with " editing"primary source.

Electronic digital signature of documents is carried out by converting an electronic document using the owner's private key, this process is called document signing

To date private key certificates most often distributed either on ordinary USB flash drives or on special protected media with the same USB interface ( Rutoken , eToken and so on).
At the same time, every time when it becomes necessary to sign documents (or identify a user), we need to insert the key carrier into the computer, and then manipulate the certificate. Accordingly, after completing the work, it is enough for us to simply remove the media from the computer so that no one else can use our signature. This method is quite safe, but not always convenient.

If you use the digital signature at home, then every time enable/disable token gets bored quickly. In addition, the carrier will occupy one USB port, which is not always enough to connect all the necessary peripherals.
If you use an EDS at work, then it happens that the key is issued by the certification center alone, and different people have to sign documents. Carrying a container back and forth is also not convenient, and there are also cases when several specialists work with the certificate at the same time.
In addition, both at home and, especially, at work, it happens that on one computer it is necessary to perform actions using immediately multiple digital signature keys.

It is in those cases where the use of a physical certificate carrier is inconvenient, you can register the EDS key in the CryptoPro registry(more about the Windows registry in general terms can be found in the corresponding article: Changing Windows Registry Settings) and use the certificate without attaching the media to the computer's USB port.

Adding a Registry Reader to CryptoPro CSP

First of all, in order for our CryptoPro to be able to work with keys registered locally, it is required to add the variant of such a reader itself.

To install a new media type in the CSP utility, run the program as an administrator with the right mouse button or from the menu of the utility itself on the General tab

Now go to the Equipment tab and click on the button Set up readers...
If there is no option in the window that opens Registry, then to display it here, click on the Add...

  1. Click the Next button in the first window.
  2. From the list of readers from all manufacturers, select the option Registry and click Next again.
  3. Enter an arbitrary reader name, you can leave the default name. Click Next.
  4. In the last window, we see a notification that after completing the reader settings, it is recommended to restart the computer. Click the Done button and reboot the machine yourself.

The first stage has been completed. Reader Registry added , as evidenced by the corresponding item in the window Reader Management (We remind you that this window is called along the path CryptoPro - Hardware - Configure readers...)

Copying the key to the CryptoPro CSP Registry

To register key container to local storage, connect the physical media with the key to the computer.

Now run the CryptoPro utility again, open the Service tab and click on the Copy... button.
Next in the window Private Key Container Copy Wizards click the Browse button (or By certificate...) and select our key carrier, confirming the choice with the OK button, after which we proceed to the next window with the Next button.

In the new window, set an arbitrary friendly name for the created key container and click the button Done. Then, to write the key, select the type of reader we created earlier Registry, confirming the selection with the OK button.
After confirmation, we need to set a Password on the created key container, by default, most often, a password is used 12345678 , but for more secure work, the password can be set more difficult. After entering the password, click on the OK button.

Everything, key container added to the CryptoPro Registry .

Installing the CryptoPro CSP private key certificate

At the end of setting up the signing of documents without connecting the key carrier to the computer, we only have to install private key certificate from the created media container.

To install a certificate in CryptoPro, you must do the following:

  1. In the CSP utility, on the Service tab, click on the button View certificates in container...
  2. In the window that opens, click on the button Browse, where we select the desired media by the name we specified, confirming the selection with the OK button. Click Next.
  3. In the final window, we check the correctness of the certificate selection and confirm the decision with the Install button.

Now we have installed Private key certificate from local media Registry .

CryptoPro setup is complete, but you should remember that many software products will also require rewrite the new key in the system settings.
After we have done this, we can sign documents without connecting a key, be it Rutoken, eToken or some other physical medium.