Troubleshooting the error "The plugin is loaded, but no objects are being created. Troubleshooting the error "Plugin is loaded, but no objects are being created Signing plugin initialization error plugin is not installed"

On some sites you have to deal with certificates and dongles, and at first you have to solve various problems to make it work. In this article, we will talk about the error of the CAdES plugin when it is loaded and objects are not created.

Solving the problem with the plugin

As follows from the contents of the error, the CAdES plugin itself seems to be loaded; it is in the system, but something interferes with its operation. Usually the problem occurs in older versions of Firefox up to version 51 (in newer versions, the plugin simply does not work). In this article, an electronic trading platform is taken as an example, and there are three ways to solve the problem.

Method 1: Enable the plugin for the current site

Enabling the plugin only for the current site is justified for security reasons when the browser is used for personal purposes and opening a wide variety of pages. And also if you need to complete the task with electronic keys only once.

Method 2: Enable the plugin for all sites

If the security issue is not very worrying, because. the computer is used exclusively for work on several sites, you can enable the CAdES plugin for all sites. Then it will work immediately after the page is loaded. This can also help if you can't find the dark gray box to enable the plugin.

Method 3: Using a different browser

For some unforeseen reasons, the CAdES plugin may still refuse to work. Therefore, another way to resolve the error is to use a different browser. Most browsers are based on the Chromium engine, they are all somewhat similar, so let's look at the example of Google Chrome.


As you can see, there are several ways to solve the problem with the incorrect operation of the plugin. Depending on your preferences and circumstances, you can choose the one that suits you best.

Hi all! Surely, many users could observe the error “Failed to load plugin” on their monitor screen when playing online audio, video, or when trying to start some kind of flash animation (game, banner, application, etc.). If you have landed on this page, then most likely you have seen a similar error. Today in this small instruction we will eliminate the error " Failed to load plugin» in the browser quickly and easily.

First, friends, let's figure out what a plug-in is in a browser. A plugin is, in other words, an add-on that extends the capabilities of an Internet browser. There are a huge number of plugins today, and they are all in different directions. Basic plug-ins are installed in any browser in order to correctly display web resources. If a message appears in the browser stating that the plugin could not be loaded, then most likely the problem is in Flash Player. Below we will consider several ways by which you can fix this error.

1st way. We update the Internet browser

This method is the simplest, and helps in most cases. I will show all the manipulations using the example of the popular Google Chrome browser. If you are using a different browser, don't worry, all steps are the same. So, in order to update the browser, let's go to the menu - Help - About the browser.

On the "About" page, find and click on the "Update" button.

After the update, we check if the error “Failed to load the plugin” appears again. If these steps did not solve the problem, move on to the next method.

2nd way. Clearing history in the browser

This method will help in the case when such an error appears only on some resources. Everything is quite simple - you need to clear the cache and cookies in the browser.

Cache - temporary browser files that store all the web components of the viewed resources (images, pages, video files, design, etc.). Thanks to the cache, the browser quickly loads the pages of previously visited sites, since the download of resource components is carried out not via the Internet, but from the local disk of the computer.

Cookies are also temporary files that store the user's personal data (logins, passwords, site settings, etc.). When you go to any page, the browser sends all this data to the server, and therefore we can access any resource without re-entering the login and password for authorization.

So, let's clear the Cache and Cookie in our browser in order to try to resolve the error. We go to the menu, select "History".

After we click on the "Clear history" button and carefully look so that the checkboxes are checked, as shown in the screenshot below.

After that, it remains only to restart the browser.

3rd way. Disable extra plugins

If the first two methods did not help, then we proceed to disable the extra plugin. First of all, let's open the page with installed plugins. For each browser, the address is different:

If you are using Chrome, then type chrome://plugins in the address bar
If you are using Yandex, then type browser://plugins in the address bar
If you are using Opera, then type opera://plugins in the address bar
If you are using Firefox, then type about:plugins in the address bar

When the plugins page opens, take a closer look to see if the extra Flash Player plugin is present. If there is one, then I recommend disabling it (usually it has the PPAPI type).

After disconnecting, restart the browser and check again.

4th way. Reinstalling Adobe Flash Player

If none of the above methods helped, then I advise you to reinstall Adobe Flash Player. To do this, first of all, uninstall the old version of the flash player in the Control Panel - Programs and Features. Then download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player from the official website.

I hope my little instruction on fixing the error " Failed to load plugin' helped you. If you solved this problem in any other way, you can write in the comments, this will help many users! Thank you for your attention and all the best!

In programming, data initialization is an important task, because in this step we set the prerequisites for the application - attributes, required files and data, database connection, and so on.

WordPress has a fixed initialization procedure. When implementing the page life cycle, the WordPress platform runs a lot of actions, many of which we have covered previously. The system has a set of initialization hooks that are used to initialize the application before executing its basic functionality.

It is very important for theme developers and designers to understand exactly how hooks are used, as well as what are the most common mistakes in using initialization hooks, in order to create quality applications.

In this article, we'll cover the importance of initialization hooks in WordPress, as well as show you how to use them in a variety of situations.

Introduction to initialization hooks

WordPress offers a wide range of hooks that can be used in plugin and theme development.

In the case of a typical page request, all action hooks are executed in a specific order. In general, all hooks are executed after the base WordPress application has finished loading.

So initialization hooks are mainly used to, you might guess, initialize how they work in plugins and themes. Let's take a look at the available init hooks in WordPress in order of execution:

  • Init is run after WordPress has finished loading, but before any headers are passed. In general, this hook is used by plugins to initialize the process of their work.
  • widgets_init is used to register application widgets in the sidebar. The register_widget function is executed within this hook.
  • admin_init is executed as the first action after the user has accessed the WordPress admin panel. In general, it is used to initialize settings specific to the admin area.

Apart from these three hooks, WordPress also has another hook called admin_bar_init which is executed after the admin bar has been initialized. The WordPress Codex does not contain a description of this hook, but it is used by only a small number of plugins.

You can learn the complete process of executing action hooks in WordPress in the codex.

WordPress executes each hook in a specific order (which is described in the codex). It is also important to consider the order in which events occur in each action hook. Let's look at the following situations to understand the difference.

Define admin_init inside the init hook

If we need to, we can define WordPress hooks within other hooks. In a typical request, the init hook is executed before the admin_init hook. Let's try to display something by placing admin_init inside the init hook:

Add_action("init", "test_init"); function test_init()( add_action("admin_init", "test_admin_init"); ) function test_admin_init() ( echo "Admin Init Inside Init"; )

After executing this code, we will get the desired output through the echo statement.

Define init inside the admin_init hook

Let's look at the code and output of the script when an earlier hook is defined in a hook that comes later in the execution order.

Add_action("admin_init", "test_admin_init"); function test_admin_init() ( add_action("init", "test_init"); ) function test_init() ( echo "Init Inside Admin Init"; )

In this case, we won't get any output - as expected - because the init hook runs before the admin_init hook, which is not allowed after the admin_init hook is defined.

As you can see, it's very important to understand how hooks are executed in order to create successful plugins. The order in which events appear is important for all WordPress hooks.

Examining the init and admin_init hooks

Among all the initialization hooks, it is very important to pay attention to init and admin_init, since these two hooks are used very often in many plugins. Using all other initialization hooks is much easier compared to these two hooks.

We will also look at the functionality of the init and admin_init hooks.

The init hook is executed on every request for both the front-end and back-end of the WordPress site.

The admin_init hook is executed after the admin section has completed its boot process. So this hook is executed for all requests to any admin page. Users must be registered in order to take advantage of this hook.

Since both of these hooks are executed on every request, we should think about the functionality based on the implementation of these hooks, as this can significantly affect the performance of the site.

How to use init hooks

Initialization hooks are often used by most of the existing WordPress plugins and they are very important for controlling the process of their execution.

WordPress doesn't tell us exactly what we should and shouldn't include; therefore, developers can make minor mistakes, which, in turn, can lead to a noticeable decrease in performance. In this section, we will show you how to effectively use the init and admin_init hooks.

Let's take a look at the best practices for using initialization hooks:

Hook init

  • Custom Post Type Registration – The WordPress developers recommend using the init hook to register new custom post types.
  • Initialize Plugin Configuration and Settings - Plugin configuration and configuration settings need to be defined per request, so it's good practice to put them inside this hook.
  • Accessing submitted user data (using $_GET and $_POST) - we can intercept the submitted user data without using any action, however in this case it is recommended to use the init hook as it guarantees execution for each request.
  • Adding new rewrite rules - we can set new rewrite rules using the init hook, however they will only work after a reset.
  • Adding or removing custom actions - plugins contain many custom actions to extend functionality. There may be situations when we need to add new actions or remove old ones. In such cases, it is important to apply these actions in the init hook.
  • Plugin text domain upload – WordPress supports numerous languages, and so we can upload a file containing translated strings. This should also be done in the init hook.

Hook admin_init

  • Access Control - It is important to check the access rights of logged in users before allowing user access to a particular set of features and functionality. admin_init is the first action that will take place in the admin area, so we can use it to control access.
  • Adding New Options - We can use this hook to add new settings or options pages to an existing WordPress options area.

There are many other possible uses for these hooks, but these features have hooks of their own, so you don't need to use initialization hooks.

Common Mistakes in Using Initialization Hooks

We often encounter situations where developers misunderstand the use of initialization hooks. Incorrect use of these hooks can lead to serious performance problems.

Let's identify common errors, as well as ways to work around them:

  • Updating rewrite rules is a very resource-intensive operation, during which all rewrite rules are updated and reordered to add new ones or remove old ones that are not required. Many developers update rewrite rules inside init actions. This results in unnecessary performance overhead in every query. We need to define a way to manually update the rewrite rules using buttons, or update the rules for rare actions like saving plugin settings.
  • Database access - To implement various functionality, you must have access to the database, but it is also important to prevent unnecessary database calls inside initialization hooks, since they are executed on each request. For this purpose, the ideal solution would be to bind database hooks to hooks with specific functionality, avoiding massive performance overhead.
  • Performing Update Procedures - Plugins should include update procedures to update their capabilities in new versions. Typically, developers use initialization hooks to check the plugin version and existing settings before performing the update process. We can offer users to update the plugin on a separate screen instead of automatically doing checks on every request.
  • Using initialization hooks instead of hooks for specific functionality is the most common mistake many developers make. WordPress has a wide range of hooks related to unique functionality. It is very important to use functional hooks to avoid conflicts and make the code extensible. Hooks like init and admin_init can be used in place of specific hooks, so many developers tend to use them without realizing the devastating effect they have.

Examples of common use cases for init and admin_init hooks by developers instead of the recommended hooks:

  • admin_menu - We can add menu pages using the add_menu_page function. To create pages in the admin menu, it is recommended to use the admin_menu hook. However, many developers use the admin_init hook because it is executed after the admin_menu hook.
  • wp_enqueue_scripts - The recommended way to add styles and scripts is to use the wp_enqueue_scripts hook. However, many developers use wp_enqueue_script inside the init hook to load scripts and styles.

There are a lot of similar situations where developers use a generic init hook instead of a specific hook for specific functionality, and this approach should be avoided if possible.


WordPress initialization hooks play a vital role in plugin and theme development. Many developers use hooks incorrectly, creating unnecessary performance overhead. In this article, we discussed the correct use of these hooks, as well as common errors in their use and how to work around them.

Now we can apply the same techniques to hooks used in plugins. Many plugin developers use their own action hooks to make plugins extensible. For such plugins, we can define plugin-specific initialization hooks to allow developers to "hang" initialization tasks onto predefined hooks.

The rules for installing the CryptoPro CSP plugin in Mozilla Firefox differ depending on the browser version - 52 and higher, or older.

Mozilla Firefox version below 52

To sign documents in Mozilla Firefox:

  • Turn off automatic updates. To do this, go to "Menu" ⇒ "Settings" ⇒ "Additional" ⇒ "Updates" (Fig. 1).
Rice. 1. Location of update settings in Mozilla Firefox
  • Install version 51.0.1 from Mozilla Firefox official website.

To install the CryptoPro Browser plug-in, follow these steps:

  1. Download the installer from the official website of the Crypto-Pro company and run the executable file.

2. In the CryptoPro Browser plug-in installation window, click the "Yes" button (Fig. 2-a).

Rice. 2-a. Installing CryptoPro Browser plug-in

3. Wait for the installation to complete (Fig. 2-b).

Rice. 2b. Installing CryptoPro Browser plug-in

4. Click the "OK" button and restart the Internet browser (Fig. 2-c).

Rice. 2-in. Installing CryptoPro Browser plug-in


After installing CryptoProBrowser plug- init is necessary to check whether the add-on for working with the electronic signature CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in for browsers is installed in the browser.

5. Open the browser, press the "Browser menu" button, select the "Add-ons" section (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Browser menu

6. Open the "Plugins" tab. Opposite the plugin "CryptoPro CAdES NPAPI Browser Plug-in" in the drop-down menu, select the option "Always enable" (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Add-ons management

7. Restart your browser.

Mozilla Firefox version 52 and above

To install CryptoPro Browser plug-in follow the steps:

  1. Follow the link , then select "browser extension" (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. CryptoPro website

2. Click "Allow" (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Request resolution

3. Click "Add" (Fig. 7).