What is stored in the shared folder. Microsoft shared what is it

To the question, is it possible to delete the Microsoft Shared folder and the System folder in Common Files? I'm trying to increase the disk space given by the author Alexei Burik the best answer is no.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: is it possible to delete the Microsoft Shared folder and the System folder in Common Files? i am trying to increase disk space

Answer from Yergey Gusev[guru]
1. "If a pregnant woman has a sharp belly - she is carrying a boy, and if it is wide, she will give birth to a girl" - almost always the belly is small and straight indicates the birth of a boy and the wrong one - a girl, and bifurcating - twins.
2. "The right side of a pregnant woman is given out - she will give birth to a boy, the left - a girl."
3. "A pregnant woman with a clean and ruddy face will give birth to a boy, and with a spotted face - a girl" - a thin and skinny face of a pregnant woman also indicates the birth of a boy, and a full and puffy one - a girl.
4. "White nipples of the mother indicate pregnancy as a boy, and dark - as a girl."
5. "A woman who preferred herring during pregnancy is pregnant with a boy, and who preferred beets, radishes - with a girl."
6. "Light three months of pregnancy - a boy will be born, heavy - a girl."
7. "The pregnant woman stands with her left foot forward - a boy will be born, with her right foot - a girl."
How to determine the sex of the child
Expectant mothers are extremely curious. Determining the sex of a child is one of our favorite activities. Whoever says that this is not true, deceives herself. Boy or girl? Girl or boy? Knowing in advance, you can arrange a nursery "in tone". And look at the stroller by color. Choose a name and call the baby by name - let him get used to it! Well, how? Do you want to determine the sex of the baby before it is born? Then read on.
Determination of the sex of the child by folk methods.
Method one. If you have to wax more often than usual, then you are pregnant with a boy. Pregnant boys have more "hairiness".
Method two. The shape of the mother's tummy directly indicates the sex of the child. If it is pointed, there is a boy inside. If smoothly rounded - wait for the girl.
Method three. If you don't like your reflection in the mirror, you will have a girl. Boys generously endow their mother with beauty. Girls, like real women, are concerned about their own appearance.
Method four. The general mood of the expectant mother also indicates the gender of the child. If your mood is great for most of your pregnancy, you're having a boy. Unreasonable irritability, excessive vulnerability and resentment are signs of a girl. Dealing with two female entities at once is very difficult!
Method five. Determination of the sex of the child through the ring.
Requires the help of a third party. The person can be a friend, acquaintance, work colleague, and so on. The wedding ring is hung on a thread. The expectant mother holds out her left hand, palm up. The arm may be bent at the elbow - this is not essential.
The ring on a string is lowered three times between the thumb and forefinger of the “subject”. Then the ring should be held over the palm. It all depends on how the ring behaves. Describes a circle - a girl. Swinging in a straight line - a boy.
This method is applicable not only to pregnant women. It allows you to determine the gender of the child, and the number of future babies. The ring "takes into account" already born children. The procedure must be repeated again until the ring stops rotating. Now you can stop. Important: it is better to take the ring without a stone,
and the third party must not be an interested party. Otherwise, the result will not be quite “clean”. The interested hand sometimes itself sets the movement to the ring. And the reality does not always converge with our desires, unfortunately.
Especially for the doubters: it's not the ring. It's about ourselves. More precisely, in our intuition. Who, if not her, should know about everything that happened to us, is happening and will happen! It is intuition that makes the ring move, remember this.
Determining the sex of a child, whether by folk or scientific means, is a game with one unknown. If we know everything in advance, there will be no room for pleasant surprises, right? Therefore, take the gender of the child for granted. No, better as a gift. And not before, but after the birth of a baby or baby.

Answer from Yaroslav Lyashenko[expert]
without these folders, the system will not work, it is required for proper operation

Answer from Denis Ryzhanov[guru]
Here are some tips on how to clean your C drive:
Here's another:

There is a .trash system, which means there is probably a .trash of a certain program of some kind.

Another person wrote that the .trash folder is not just a basket, but some kind of Linux one, I don’t quite understand what this means, here is his comment:

I also read that the basket folder can have another name - .Recycle Bin, they write that it can be deleted, nothing will happen, it's a basket.

Guys, I found another useful comment (by the way, I find this on the w3bsit3-dns.com forum):

Yeah, and then there is a picture here showing the checkbox in question, see:

I also found out that letters in the mail can also be moved to a folder called trash, by the way, I found a picture in the subject (this mail application apparently):

I don’t know what kind of program it is, but here are pictures, maybe it’s a gallery, but in the end, when deleting pictures, they also end up in Trash:

Another example of the Trash folder, this is already a Gmail application, also mail:

Well, here is the .trash folder itself, we also see that there is a .Shared folder and both of them are hidden:

So guys, now I understand why one person wrote that the .trash folder is Linux:

So what can be concluded in the end?

  1. The .trash folder usually means the trash or the place where deleted files are sent.
  2. In theory, you can delete .trash, in this folder those files that you deleted, that is, nothing important. But the folder can take up decent space.
  3. The trash folder can also be in some mail program, and it serves the same - the place where letters are sent after deletion.
  4. When clearing the .trash folder, the phone may hang a little - this is normal.
  5. The .trash folder is hidden, so many file managers simply don't see it.

That's all friends. I hope you found out what the .trash folder is, so now I just have to wish you good luck and good mood!!

4Shared is a potentially unwanted program that, once installed; will also help a few questions on your main browser and computer. It often attacks the most commonly used web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer and Google Chrome. Contrary to what this program promised it might not work as well as advertised. In fact, 4Shared is the one that will threaten your system and can cause a number of problems on the system.

The author of this unknown software makes extensive use of very sophisticated technology to distribute 4Shared. It automatically becomes available in the right computer system after you download and install some programs that are offered for free. At the end of the process, you might just be surprised with the presence of the 4Shared adware.

4Shared adware releases a bunch of pop-ups. It includes coupons, banner ads and other relevant ads online. 4Shared ads appear all the time you surf the web. The only way to stop these pop-ups from appearing is to remove the 4Shared extension. Moreover, pop-ups from 4Shared might push more system issue like other potentially unwanted software and malware to be added in the system. This can happen at any time, so you will have to fix this problem urgently.

If you really want to have normal PC performance and also stop annoying pop-ups and keep your system free from any problems, then you should remove this adware as soon as possible.

4Shared behavior

  • Changes user Main page
  • 4Shared connects to the Internet without your permission
  • Integrates into the web browser via the 4Shared browser extension
  • Internet connection slows down
  • Change desktop and browser settings.
  • 4Shared deactivates installed software.
  • 4Shared shows commercial ads
  • Browser redirection to infected pages.
  • Distributes via pay-per-install or bundled with third party software.
  • Shows fake security warnings, pop-ups and ads.
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Steals or uses your sensitive data

4Shared implemented by Windows OS versions

  • Windows 8 25%
  • Windows 7 23%
  • Windows Vista 8%
  • Windows XP 44%

Warning, multiple virus scanners have detected possible malware in 4Shared.

Antivirus softwareVersionDetection
VIPRE Antivirus22702 Wajam (fs)
NANO AntiVirus0.26.0.55366 Trojan.Win32.Searcher.bpjlwd
Baidu International3.5.1.41473 Trojan.Win32.Agent.peo
K7 AntiVirus9.179.12403 Unwanted Program (00454f261)
ESET NOD328894 Win32/Wajam.A
Kingsoft AntiVirus2013.4.9.267 Win32.Troj.Generic.a.(kcloud)
Tencent1.0.0.1 Win32.Trojan.Bprotector.Wlfh
VIPRE Antivirus22224 MalSign.Generic
Dr. Web Adware.Searcher.2467

Geography 4Shared

Remove from Windows 4Shared

Remove 4Shared from Windows XP:

Remove 4Shared from Windows Vista or Windows 7:

Remove 4Shared from Windows 8:

Remove from your browsers 4Shared

Remove 4Shared from Internet Explorer

Remove 4Shared from Mozilla Firefox

Stop 4Shared from Chrome

You may be reading this on your Mac, but you probably have a Windows laptop or virtual machine. For example, in order to solve with the help of the OS from Microsoft those tasks that are quite problematic to solve in macOS. In this case, it makes sense to use the guide to remove unnecessary applications on Windows.

First of all - where to find these installed programs. If you have Windows XP, please uninstall it entirely or find another use for it. If you have Windows 7, 8 or 10, then go to the settings and type "Programs" or "Uninstall" in the search. Both will allow you to find the "Add or remove a program" item. Today we are interested in the "Delete" part.+

If you downloaded the list for the first time, you may be surprised at the abundance of all sorts of obscure programs. This is normal - as Delfi writes, there are really so many of them.+

1.Microsoft Silverlight

Once upon a time, the presence of various extensions and add-ons for browsers was simply necessary for viewing sites. One of these add-ons was Microsoft Silverlight, however, today this technology is practically not used, since even Microsoft itself has stopped supporting it - in the Edge browser in Windows 10, for example, it is no longer there from the word “completely”. So find it and boldly delete it - there are hardly any sites on the Internet that require Silverlight right now.

2. Anything with "Toolbar" in its name

Bing Bar, Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer, Ask Toolbar, Yahoo! Toolbar, Babylon Toolbar, Yandex Toolbar - their name is legion. All they do is litter the OS with their presence. You can remove decisively, quickly and ruthlessly, since if there were a lot of these add-ons, then their removal will have a positive effect on the speed of work.

3. Pretty much anything with "Cleaner" in its name

Another class of programs, once popular, but today mostly useless - all sorts of "cleaners" that promise to speed up the computer and protect it from any infection. Full-fledged antiviruses are best protected from trojans, and cleaning the registry or deleting temporary files in an age when free disk space is calculated in terabytes and memory in gigabytes is a rather unpromising business.

The only exception to this rule is if there is not enough memory, the disk is also not rubber, then leave CCleaner, so be it. It is no longer quite the (p) t that it once was, but in certain situations and, as we have already said on weak machines, it can help.

4 Java

Another hello from the past. If you are working with some special programs or web services, you may need Java. But if you are an ordinary user who needs the Internet from a computer, to see photos and play games, then Java can safely say “Come on, goodbye.”

However, remember that you deleted it. If something suddenly stops running soon, you will have to go here, download and install again.

5. Skype Click to Call

If you don't use Skype, it's best to uninstall it completely. Otherwise, it makes sense to abandon this “add-on”, which can be useful only to those who have turned Skype into their default phone and now and then call with it all the numbers that they only meet on the Internet. Removing this plug-in will not affect the functioning of Skype, and the PC may start working faster.

By the way, be careful - Skype will definitely try to install the add-on again at the first opportunity.

6.Quick Time

QuickTime is not very popular on Windows however, if for some reason it is installed on your computer, it is better to remove the program. Developers have discovered two critical vulnerabilities in QuickTime for Windows that allow arbitrary code to be remotely executed on a computer after opening a special web page or file. To date, attacks using these gaps have not been registered, however, what will happen tomorrow is unknown.

Despite the severity of the vulnerabilities, Apple will not fix them, as they decided to stop supporting QuickTime for Windows. The last update for this application was released in January 2016, but more updates, including bug fixes, are not planned. Users are strongly advised not to use this product again. In this respect, QuickTime for Windows follows the fate of Windows XP and Java.

7. "Junk" programs of manufacturers of laptops, printers, etc.

Each laptop manufacturer and many manufacturers of peripherals, such as printers, cameras and other things, strive to install all kinds of garbage in the OS, and they put it together with Windows, in fact, even at the factory. Often it is difficult to understand what is at least a little useful and what is not. In this case, it is recommended to install a simple utility Should I Remove It?, which will audit installed programs and tell you what is worth keeping, and what is useless and even harmful.

Hello guys) Let's talk about something like Common Files, but you shouldn't think that this is a program, no, it's just a folder, yes, it's located in Program Files, but it's not a program. This is a folder and at the same time a system folder. Inside it is stored data from other programs, what exactly is still unclear. But definitely not user data, no, we can say that something is official there.

You are probably thinking, is it possible to delete the Common Files folder? No, guys, this cannot be done, because most likely there will be problems, if not now, then in the future.

By the way, I remembered. Somehow there was a time I optimized Windows and deleted folders there, watched how Windows works, stable or not .. In general, I sort of set everything up and deleted the excess. Well, I backed up all the configured Windows. Then I work at my computer and I need to install the program, but it is not installed! Despite the fact that it is put on a clean Windows for sure, that's for sure! More shortly children, there were still jokes in that Windows. The moral of all this is this: do not delete the system, because it can go sideways not now, then later)

My Common Files folder is located in C:\Program Files (x86):

So just in C:\Program Files:

That is, in principle, there is no difference, everywhere there is a folder with the same name, right? If you go to the Common Files folder, the one in Program Files (x86), then this is what the content will be:

Here we see the Java, microsoft shared, nsklog, Services, SpeechEngines, System, Yandex folders, what are these folders? These are all the program folders that you have on your computer, as well as just Windows system folders. It doesn't cost anything to delete here, because there may not be glitches, or there may be either now or in the future. In short, I had glitches after I no longer remember what I deleted from the Common Files folder .. REMEMBERED! I deleted some folder, in the name of which there was the word Share and after that the mobile Internet from the modem did not work for me)

I also found out that in Common Files there are so-called common files, that is, files that are used not by one program, but by several. Also, databases and service reports can be stored there.

If your hands still itch a lot and you want to delete Common Files, okay, there is an option. You need to make a system disk image to another physical disk. That is, you need to make a backup, you don’t need to download and install any programs, because in Windows itself (well, except for Windows XP) there is a standard tool for creating a backup copy. You can get into it from the Control Panel, look for backups or restore there, I don’t remember what it’s called exactly. We created a backup, made sure that it was saved on another disk, to check, restore from it and if everything is ok, then you can experiment. I confess that I did it myself, you can delete and see how it works, turn off services, in short finish Windows for yourself and at the same time, if anything, then restore everything as it was before from the image!)