What is better than Android or iOS - comparison. How many people in Russia use Apple's technique and smartphones on Android users which OS download more applications

Most studies in which are compared iOS. and AndroidOften analyze the situation in the United States or Europe. It is time to take a look at the domestic market of mobile operating systems. For the sake of this portal specialists Headhunter. especially for website conducted a study with the data of which we invite you to meet. Below you can find unique and comprehensive information on which mobile operating system is more popular and in demand from domestic users.

In total, 1521 people were surveyed during the study. The survey was conducted in the period from 9 to 13 December, so the information is absolutely relevant. Let's proceed.

Exactly 50% of respondents are the owners of Android smartphones. For iOS, the same indicator is 24%. As for the tablet, here are the leadership also for the mobile operating system from Google: 24% against 18% of Apple development. The fifth of the respondents or 21% do not own any device on the basis of compared systems.

Now let's see how active the respondents are used mobile devices in work. The iPhone is the most popular working tool - 56% of its users use a smartphone for certain tasks associated with the work. Android database smartphones are also very in demand in the work, but the share of such people is less than - 51%. But the tablets based on iOS and Android are used in the work equally. In favor of both mobile operating systems in this case, 34% of people answered.

For the Russian market, the "smart" devices is characterized by a tendency at which employers do not seek to provide employees with corporate smartphones or tablets. In cases where it is still happening, the choice drops to Apple devices. 5% iPhone and 7% iPad were purchased at the expense of employers. For Android, this indicator is at 2% in both cases. In any case, the numbers are quite small. Most wishing to use a smartphone or tablet in work have to acquire a device yourself for rare exceptions.

Then the respondents asked to choose 5 of the most common working situations when their mobile device helps. Here were obtained very interesting results. 91% of iPhone owners use a smartphone to communicate with colleagues. At the same time, there is no telephone connection, but mail, various messengers and social networks. Android is not far behind. In smartphones, this indicator reaches 88%, and the tablets are 76%. An iPad for a similar scenario uses 83% of respondents.

iPhone and iPad Many respondents use as a task scheduler: 50% and 54%, respectively. At the same time, Apple tablet more often than other devices are used to surf on the network and set texts. No matter how the manufacturers of the camera in tablets are not improved, smartphones are often used for photo and video filming. Moreover, the share of iOS and Android in this case is almost identical. But the tablets take their own when accessing professional services and tools. It can also be noted that almost all of the device under consideration are used by respondents as navigators, but Android database smartphones are still somewhat more often. Probably affects the availability of navigation programs.

It is interesting to know how users themselves satisfied with the use of iOS and Android in the work. Most of the respondents believe that in both cases, devices still have to grow. But the development of Apple is still famous for the satisfaction of users, which is reflected in the results of this study. The iPhone fully suits 37% of its owners, and the iPad is 38%. For Android, the indicator is noticeably lower: only 28% are satisfied with their smartphone, and completely satisfied tablet owners and less - 17%.

Of course, it is impossible to go around the topic migration of users between platforms. At the moment, most respondents are completely satisfied with their devices and are not going to move to the camp of competitors. Satisfied iPhone and iPad users typed 69%. In the case of Android 62% of respondents are completely calm and do not think about changing the smartphone. But only 57% of respondents are satisfied with the tablets with the mobile operating system from Google. But these are those who are pleased with everyone. On the change of the mobile platform, it is much more often about the owners of Android devices: 19% of smartphone owners and 21% of tablet owners. For iPhone and iPad, the indicators are significantly lower: 11% and 13%, respectively.

Finally, the authors of the study suggested a quick appearance. tablets with a 12,9-inch display. About the work in Apple's depths over such an iPad, we have already and more than once. But how much can it be in demand by such a device in work? Most firmly confident that there is no. Approximately a quarter of respondents believe that first you need to try to work with such a device. A little less than the fifth of the respondents are ready at least now go to a gigantic tablet in the work. It can be seen that iOS users are noticeably more alert refer to an increase in display sizes than Android adherents. Still, Apple managed to convince users that the big screen is not as convenient, as it may seem from the side.

These are the results of the study conducted by the Headhunter portal specifically for the site. Still, the domestic struggle of mobile operating systems is developing on the same scenario as around the world. Yes, we have some unique features, but they have little influence the final result. Android ahead of the number of users, but for the convenience of the work and loyalty of users, according to the research results, Google's development is still lagging behind a competitor in the face of IOS.

Thanks to the head of the press service Headhunter
Ivan Tyutyunji For coordination.

Put the rating.

Today we will not lead the next subjective opinions of individual people about who still the queen of mobile operating systems. Disputes between fans of a nesting apple and a green robot often overlook such an important thing as facts. What do the facts say?

Whose smartphones are best sold in the US

Despite the fact that the American market is very far from us, it is still one of the world's largest, which means that makes a decisive contribution to the world distribution of sales on smartphones, so we will begin with it. In mid-November 2012, Kantar WorldPanel Comtech introduced data on sales of smartphones on Android and iPhone, and then the shares of these OS were equal to 51.2% and 43.5%, respectively. Despite the subsequent jumps in the indicators when competitors in turn burst into the first place, the overall picture from November 2012 to February 2013 remained unchanged:

The following is a study from Comscore Mobilense, which took into account all users of smartphones over 13 years old. Important note: here statistics are not for the period, but covers everything past the current moment. That is, over the years of development and distribution of smartphones, by January 2013, the ratio of the owners of Android and iOS in the USA looks like this:

Whose smartphones are better sold worldwide

With the US, we figured out, and now the numbers are more important from the point of view of objectivity - global indicators. According to IDC in the fourth quarter of 2012, Android accounted for 70.1% of all sold smartphones, and Apple 21%.

Whose tablets are best sold worldwide

Who sells more in the world

From the variety of manufacturers Android smartphones, we allocate only Samsung, as the only "dominator". The remaining android producers go as "and Co.", but they all also make devices on Android. This is how things were in the 4th quarter of 2012 on a global scale.

Who sells more in the US

Strategy Analytics was about the ranks in the 4th quarter of 2012, Apple defeated the American market with a small advantage.

Who makes more money

Data is based on the study of Canaccord Genuity. In fact, this item does not relate to operating systems, but still.

Who has more applications

Even if tomorrow X will release the best OS in the world, she still does not attract anyone until it can boast the application store ... a large app store. Notice that by now both OS is more than 800 thousand applications, and with such quantities a further comparison is generally meaningless - and there and there is at all everything that can be wanted.

We do not write anything about the ratio of the applications sharpened under the tablets, because it is not possible to detect the necessary android data.

Who has the best applications

UTest is engaged in the fact that it collects ratings and reviews about all applications from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Then the data is transferred on the scale of 0-100, and by January 2013, the situation was such:

In other words, a certain secondary iOS application is 5.3% better than the Android application.

Which users download more applications download

CANALYS leads statistics according to which in the first quarter of 2013 each second downloaded application was Android app.

Who makes more money on applications

Again money - Apple is again out of competition. CANALYS data for the first quarter of 2013:

Who else on the Internet

NetMarketShare publishes monthly reports on the shares of various operating systems and browsers on the network, including mobiles:

And then funny things begin. StatCounter studies suggest that in March 2013 Android on the network was more than iOS.

Perhaps it's all about the incorrectness of the information collection technologies used by a company, but in general the morality is as follows: do not believe the statistics.

Who is more in the business sector

Citrix showed the distribution of mobile OS in the corporate sector for the 4th quarter of 2012:


What is the result? We see that in various aspects, the advantage passes from one giant to another, and give an objective response to the eternal question is not possible. Topic is closed?

According to statistical data for 2015, taken from various sources, the number of people who switched from Android on iOS in China and Europe grows. In Russia, the situation is somewhat different.

The situation in the global market

In the first 3 months of 2015 in Germany, England, France, Italy and Spain, the iPhone sales increased by almost 2%, in comparison with the same period of the previous year, the difference was 20.3%. According to analysts from Kantar WorldPanel, the transition to iOS a third of users has been made from Android smartphones. Research also states that an increase in popularity has occurred thanks to the release of iPhone 6 (as well as its improved versions of 6S and 6S PLUS).

In China, the IPhone sales increased even more impressive, in comparison with European countries: if in 2014 the number of users reached 17.9%, then in the 2015 percentage increased by 8.2% and reached 26.1%.

As for the United States, the number of iPhone users remains the highest in the world, and keeps at 36.5%.

Russian market

In Russia, the situation with the iPhone has developed quite different: unlike the countries of Europe, China and the United States, the percentage of new iPhone users is reduced. If in 2014, Apple smartphone sales accounted for 11%, then for 2015 it decreased to 7%.

Analysts report that such a situation in Russia turned out due to the fact that Russians prefer mobile gadgets worth less than 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, the first places in the rated platform are occupied by Android and Windows.

Analytian forecasts for 2016

Judging by forecasts for 2016, in terms of sales, it can beat the 2015 records. Experts encourage new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus success. It is predicted that the total number of devices sold worldwide per year can reach 245 million pieces.

The Chinese market for forecasts, as always, will accept Apple best. Smartphones on the IOS platform have all the chances to get out at first among all manufacturers in the Middle Kingdom.

The main cause of Apple's popularity in 2015 is the virtually absolute satisfaction with users of the new iPhone 6S (99%, as Tim Cook approves). Tamis Timson, analyst from Kantar, declares that 38 percent of the "Iphona" users shared their impressions and recommended him to friends, which also led to an increase in sales. Another reason for popularity is the expansion of the range. The iPhone 5S fell and is now in the lower price segment, while the iPhone 6S Plus quickly became an alternative to other smartphones with a large screen.

However, the forecasts of individual analysts are not so optimistic. In their opinion, complex economic processes in the PRC, as the main consumer of Apple products, may affect a significant decrease in demand for this product. Moreover, in all fronts Xiaomi and Meizu are coming, flagships who are not inferior to the quality of Apple devices, while the cost of Xiaomi smartphones and Meizu is more democratic.