Democratic shopping on Via del Corso. Democratic shopping on Via del Corso shops Main Trade Street Rome

June 25, 2019

One of the main shopping streets of the Italian capital is located in the historic center of Rome. Via del Corso, the shops of which attract their windows of tourists from all over the world, stretched from the south to the north almost half a kilometer, connecting the ideal direct line two squares of the Eternal City - Piazza Venice and Piazza Del Popolo. Part of the street, which begins from the People's Square, is a pedestrian, and the first floors of almost every building here are occupied by numerous shops, boutiques of eminent brands, beauty salons and restaurants.

Shops Main Trade Street Rome

It is well known that Italy is one of the leading countries in the field of clothing design and many other stylish things. Therefore, during a trip to Rome in no way should be neglected the possibility of updating your wardrobe, acquire gifts or souvenirs.

One of the features of Via del Corso is that there are many outlets with a unique combination of small craft stores and designer boutiques of leading global luxury brands such as Zara, H & M, Massimo Dutti, Pinko and others. In addition, here the largest shopping centers of Galleria Alberto Sordi and La Rinascente are located, which has become the very first representative of Rome. And for those who want to look at the Icon of the Italian automotive industry - Ferrari, be sure to visit the flagship store of this company.

It is interesting!

In 1887, on Via del Corso, two entrepreneurs from Milan - Bokokoni brothers, opened the first in Rome department store "La Rinascente", i.e. "Revival". Architect Julio de Angelas built a completely new palace, in which the glass and iron dominated. The building erected in the very center of the city marked the beginning of the transition of Rome XIX century to the modern urbanized city.

Stores in Rome are usually open from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 to 19:30 (in the summer months from 16:00 to 20:00), with the exception of Sundays and Mondays. However, in August, many of them can be closed for 2-3 weeks, as this month most residents go on vacation.

Attractions Corso

Visiting Via del Corso shops, Shopping in Rome allows you to simultaneously get acquainted with some architectural attractions of the main shopping street. It is located several sign objects of the Eternal City, which may probably be interested in tourists:

  • Palazzo Bonaparte, located on the corner of Via del Corso and, which was erected in 1657-1677 by the project of the architect Giovanni Antonio de Rossi. Here in the XIX century, Napoleon Maria Leticia lived, which could often be seen on the corner green balcony overlooking the square;
  • Palazzo Doryia Pamfili, which occupies a neighboring building of the construction of 1507, where there is a magnificent private collection of works of artistic art, the exposition of which is presented in;
  • ancient Church of the VII century Santa Maria In Via Lat, rebuilt in 1639 on the project of the architect Pietro da Corton (1596-1669), in which there are burials of some representatives of the Bonaparte family;
  • grand column Mark Aureliya and fountain of work Jacomo della ports on Piazza Piazza Column, which is surrounded by three palaces at once: Kiji, Ferrajoli and Kuengend;
  • Alberto Sorida Gallery with more than twenty shops inside the building, known earlier as a column gallery;
  • Basilica San Carlo al Corso, built in the period of 1610-1669. At the site of the ancient Christian church of the X century.

Via Del Corso is ends on one of the most beautiful areas of Rome -

Via Del Corso (Via Del Corso) is a wide street with a length of 1.5 km, on both sides of which one by one there are shops are mainly medium and slightly above the average price segments. The key trading "anchors" Via del Corso can be bolden by the flagship stores in several floors of H & M, Zara, Gap, Diesel, Nike, Adidas, as well as the main central trade gallery of Rome Galeria Alberto Sordi with stamps Pinko, Boggi, Tru Trussardi, Massimo Dutti, Aeronautica, Zara and Toy Store Imaginarium.

Familiar to all brands of the average price segment are compactly located for each other throughout the street on both sides. The peculiarity of this shopping is that it is very youth. And this is due not only to the set of relevant stores here - Guess, Diesel, Tezenis, Jack & Jones, Geox, Bata, Levi's, Energetic, but also the mood of the street as a whole. When it is overlapped for the movement of transport, teens just walk, sit in bars and cafes. And eat ice cream, which in itself is a separate landmark.

However, it is necessary to turn to any of the alleys towards Piazza Di Spagna, as you immediately get to the area of \u200b\u200bluxury shops and design brands. One of the bright examples is the elegant area of \u200b\u200bPiazza di San Lorenzo in Lucina, adjacent to Via Del Corso, where Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Bottega Veneta, Cristian Louboutin, San Laurent, shoe CAR SHOE and cute calm cafes are located around the perimeter. A little deep into the left of the square you fall on the street Via Sampo dei Marzio, where several shops selling apartments from high-quality cashmere and wool are located. Also on Via Del Corso Street there is a Disney Store.

Via Del Corso, in antiquity known as Via Lat, is one of the main streets of the historic part of Rome. It is notable for being an absolutely straight street, despite the fact that the region itself is full of narrow, looping alleys and small areas. In the past, Via Del Corso was considered a very wide street, but today its width is barely reaches 10 m - a two-way road and two narrow sidewalks fit here. The northern part of the street is completely pedestrian. The total length of Via Del Corso is about 1.5 km.

In the north, Via del Corso connects the northern city gates of the port Del Popolo and the area of \u200b\u200bthe same name with the city center - Piazza Venice at the foot of the Capitol Hill. On Piazza Del Popolo, you can see two baroque churches of Santa Maria De Miracoli and Santa Maria Montialyto, and along the streets are the Church of San Carlo Al Corso, San Jacomo In Augusta and Jesu E Maria. Piazza Column Square is notable for an ancient column Mark Aureliya and Alberto Sordery Gallery.

Starting from the 15th century, the street served the hippodrome for annual horses races without riders, known as the "Corsa Barbery", - hence the name Via Del Corso.

In general, the history of Via Del Corso begins in the 220th year BC, when, by order of Guy Flaming, the road was built, connecting the Rome and the Adriatic Sea coast in the north. The road began on the gate of the port of Final, not far from the current Piazza Venice. Gradually, the city was grew and expanded in the northern direction, and various public buildings were built along the road. In those days, the street was called Via Lat (literal translation - a wide street), which indicates its size. In the 4th century, three triumphal arches were built - Arkus Novus, Arch Claudia and Arco di Portogallo. The most significant monuments on Via Latu were the Temple of the Sun of Auralian, the Altar of the Peace (Ara of Palis), the column of Mark Aurelia and a number of others.

In the 15th century, Via Del Corso began to turn into a fashionable place for the construction of churches and the palaces known, but in spite of this, by the middle of the 17th century, many churches had facades, and some buildings were a combination of buildings of different periods. This applied to the attention of Pope Alexander II, who tried to force the owners of the palaces to bring their property to the appropriate appearance, but failed. He, however, drove the suspension or restructuring of some buildings, for example, was destroyed by Arco Di Portogallo, because she narrowed the street hardly half. In the 1659th year, the family of Pope, the famous Kiji dynasty, bought here Palazzo Aldobrandini, which was rebuilt and turned into a Palazzo Kiji. Later, the port of the port of Del Popolo was redone and the area of \u200b\u200bthe same name was cleared.

Today Via del Corso is a popular among residents of the city, a place for evening walks, as well as an important shopping street and a tourist attraction.

One of the most popular streets of Rome, as well as central avenue is Corso Street, or Via Del Corso (Via Del Corso). It is this place that attracts the most tourists mostly, thanks to a variety of most diverse stores. Street connects two squares: and.

A bit of history

This is a real paradise for shopping. But not only the shops are famous for Corso, it has a richest history. Initially, the street was called Via Lat, but in the middle of the XV century it was renamed Corso. The reason for this was the annual winter carnival celebrations, in the obligatory part of which horsepower were held, they were called "Corso". The spectacle was not for the faint of heart, but the Romans had a favorite entertainment. Discarded jumps only at the end of the XIX century on the orders of the queen Margarita. Also on this street, other fun, for example, throwing on each other with gypsum balls, which later (due to the application of physical injury participants) were replaced by more harmless "shells" - candy. There were such festivities for almost two weeks.

In the middle of the XIX century, gas lighting was performed on Corso Street, after which the fashionable and jewelry stores, antique and souvenir shops began to open one after another. Corso has become a favorite place for walking locals.


This street is truly a historic destination of the city, which is replete with architectural attractions. One of these is the Bonaparte Palace, erected Giovanni Antonio de Rossi in 1660. In the XIX century, Maria Veticia Bonaparte lived here, Napoleon's mother.

Not far from the palace there is another palace - Doria Pelfi, who is rightfully considered the pearl Corso. This is a truly colossal royal palace built by Cardinal Giovanni Fazio Santorio in 1507. The majestic structure struck the Pope of Rome Julia II, that Cardinal was forced to give the building to the nephew of Pontifice. The palace is a real treasury of unique frescoes, sculptures, statues, furniture and paintings with the works of Caravaggio, Velasquez, Rafael, and many others.

Another attraction of Corso is the church of Santa Maria in Via Lat, erected in the VII century. The building was built on the spot where an antique basil was once stood. As a result of flooding in the middle of the XVII century, the church suffered a lot, but was completely restored and restored for 23 years. The pride of this holy place is the ancient miraculous icon of God's Mother of God and a magnificent altar of Bernini. It was this church that became the last refuge for family members Bonaparte.

Decent attention is another building located on Corso Street - Carolis Palace. Its author is the architect Alessandro Speccia, which built the building at the beginning of the XIX century. The palace changed several owners until "Roman Bank" has not bought him, owning this beautiful building for more than a hundred years. To get inside the tourists will not be able for obvious reasons, which does not make it possible to admire the ancient screw staircase, a courtyard with a fountain and ancient columns. But the outside of the Palace is extremely beautiful, especially the central entrance to the balcony.

One of the favorite guests of the city is the area of \u200b\u200bthe column, in the center of which is magnificently rushing to the sky of the column of Mark Aurelia. Around the area there are three palaces: Kiji (the residence of the Prime Minister of Italy), Montechitorio (the building of the House of Deputies) and Kuengeing (office of the newspaper IL TEMPO). The present decoration of the area is a fountain, which is a huge bowl of marble work of the sculptor Jacomo della the port. The fountain was built at the end of the XVI century, and at the beginning of the XIX century, during the restoration, was supplemented with images of dolphins and shells. Further, on the street there is a legendary place - the former cafe "Arano", from which only the name is currently left. The history of the cafe began in the middle of the XIX century, it was here for many years politicians, writers, journalists and artists gathered. This is a real "holy of the saints" of the famous Corsa Street.
