Experiment: Like Yandex and Google take into account keywords in the URL. Russian language in Cyrillic Urls URL

Publication date: 08/29/2012

It is necessary to use CNC to effectively promote sites, today any SEO schoolboy knows, after all, it is told by all True bloggers, write in the books and even talk on SEO-conferences ... However, it is worth a slightly deeper and ask "what is the confidence that Search engines take into account keywords from the URL when ranking? "In response you get something like" If the URL is released in fat, it means the search engine understands the dedicated words, and therefore takes into account them when ranking "... Feel a weak link in this thesis?

"Understands" not equally "takes into account"! For example, it is not necessary to go far - Meta Name Keywords. Do search engines mean the value of this tag, as well as keywords that are listed in it? Unquestioned. Does this tag effect? Unfortunately no. Perhaps the situation with key words in CNC?


What would not guess on the coffee grounds, I spent a small experiment. The purpose of the experiment is to check whether the site will be timed to keywords that are used in the URL, but which are not on the page.

  • Vlad. Posted by:
    10 Nov 2014 at 10:50

    google has two options for finding all the results and accurate matching, with accurate correspondence, it ranks pages on relevance and takes into account Cyrillic to Url, and if all values \u200b\u200bare in the search settings (which is enabled by default), what kind of request do not enter you, you will see Cyrillic Url This is due to either with the fact that everyone is widely used by translite or with the fact that when the "all values" settings google translates into Cyrillic and compares with the request, only this theory how to check I do not know.

  • chijkov. Posted by:
    02 Jan 2015 at 17:25

    Hello. Interesting studied, but here's the question, since you now know what more valuable for PS Cyrillic translation or translite, then why are you on our sites, including this not use this technique?

  • Sergius Posted by:
    09 Nov 2015 at 22:14

    Cool experiment. When do you have a Cyril, what is the link left? on a bunch of incomprehensible characters or or website.ru / articles ??
    If the links go to a bunch of characters, you should be sealed with the site promotion.

  • Independent

    1. Buy Cyrillic domain name.
    2. Order Hosting.
    3. Tie this domain name to this hosting.
    4. Create a website containing the Contacts page. The easiest way to create the "Contacts" directory and in it is "index.html".
    5. Pour the created site for hosting.

    Only that the site directory will not be called "Site. RF ", and" XN - 80SWG.XN - P1AI "(and on the network the address will be transmitted in this form): To ensure compatibility with any browsers, domain names are encoded by yards: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/punycode . Playing the encoding: https: //www.punycoder.com

    So the sphere below is wrong: the domain will be available anywhere in the world and the search engines will perfectly index. Andrei 2.

    Total 3.

    from the point of view of SEO - Replacing the URL of the Incoming Link?

    Andrey Sh. 4.

    Subject to changes in the content and / or lack of 301 redirect, the effect can be both positive and negative depending on many factors, in the first row of which the content of the new page, incoming internal links of the donor site and incoming external links to the donor page.

    Evgeny Yu. 3.

    If you change the URL of the incoming link, leaving the same Anchor as it was before, then most likely the reference weight that was previously transmitted will not be the same as with from the page with a new URL. Those. The new incoming link will transfer the minimum weight to the acceptor website and only with time will take the "weight". Thanks to the factors, for example: the age of the page, the number of traffic on it, the number of internal pages of the site, the anchorage of internal links, the number of external references and types Ankors for this page, etc.Anton Velichko -1.

    Total 2.

    What is the point in the Cyrillic domain ".rf", if there are such domains as ".ru" and ".su"?

    Gent. REGGER. 7.

    I believe that it was the first step to create our, unique, high-dimensional Internet with Sportloto and Komsomologians. It remains now to recognize the Latin of an insulting feeling of Russian, to separate the Internet from the West, at the same time from China with his aliexpress, and leave only one site "in contact", well, unless more classmates and the site of Rasha Tuday with the first channel.

    Sergey Razzov7

    Total 4.

    How to get a tick?

    Guest 1.

    So that my inbox was not clogged with a check mark, I write right away how to get it.
    Must not be:
    2. Games / Contests (%, Facts, LT)
    3. The future of mutual subscriptions / questions / Likes. (In responses).
    If you have everything good with this, then go further
    1. You should be more than 800 replies.
    2. More than 1000 subscribers, the more the better.
    3.Filigant Not yours, TC No your photos and / or this profile is made for other purposes (placement quotes from movies, life tips, funny memes, etc.). Must be your photo (2 wishes your own)
    4. Active profile, i.e, every day you go to ASK and respond to 5 or more questions in the last few weeks.
    If you have it all.
    5. Follow the link HTTP: //Support.ask.fm/ics/Support/TicketNewWizard.asp? Style \u003d Classic
    6. Fill out a few lines about yourself: Full Name-Your full name and surname, email - email address; INQUIRY TYPE - Account Verification; A few more profile URL lines opens - link to your account; Your Number of Followers - number of subscribers; Subject - write "Account Verification" (without quotes); * Explain in Details (Maximum 64,000 Characters)
    - We write "Hello! I want to get a tick and is ready to pass the verification procedure. " (You can also tell me about yourself where you have become famous than engage in, attach links to accounts, but this is a wish).
    7. Press the finish \u003e\u003e\u003e
    8.Dell letters from ASK, ready / refusal. If your ASK is suitable under the tick, then we will be asked to make a selfie with a leaflet on paper, where your username is written by your username and today's date and clearly seen completely your hand that you keep a sheet And your full face (most importantly) that's you.
    What to write on a piece? Take any leaf. Equipate with @ Your username and date, when this letter came. This letter will receive to a response letter. With the text "Here is the evidence" (without a pitchek)
    9. We still have a day letter. Where we congratulate us with receiving a tick. And rejoice.
    I sent a request on March 14 at night at 0:41; And this day was asked to make selfie at 16:00; And the next day he received a tick at 14:01
    I hope I explained in detail and you can get a tick, here told the slightest details. For her receipt.
    Screenhttps: //pp.userapi.com/c836439/v836439430/2b55c/anlmbxpbpws.jpg.
    If you have any problems, write to me Helpps: //vk.com/maksimovde. Run 300.

    Total 1

    28.03.2018 Time reading: 1 minute

    From December 21, 2017, Google publishes SEO-fragments (SEO Snippets) - short training video. Below is the transition of the next SEO fragment.

    Today, the question asks John Muller from Switzerland, i.e. I am the question as follows: is it possible to use non-English words in the URL? Owners of sites focused on users outside of English-speaking regions, sometimes it is unclear whether the local language and non-jaggie characters can be used in URLs.

    Google search engine uses URLs first of all in order to get to the content fragment - on it, the Bot google scans the contents of the page and adds it to the issuance. If the URLs are valid and unique, there will be no problems. For domain names and top-level domains, nonlaining symbols are encoded using the PUNYCODE converter. Sounds a little strange, so I will give an example: take my name Muller (Müller). Over the second letter there are points, therefore, as a domain name, it will look different after the encoding - "Müller" -\u003e XN-Mller - KVA. Both version equivalents for Google search engine. The rest of the URL can be encoded using the Unicode, UTF-8 system for non-Latin characters. Regardless of the language, make the URL simple for users - avoid gaps, commas and other characters. Use a dash to split words in the address. Some prefer to use the lower underscore sign - it is also possible, but the dash is easier to recognize. If your site is available in multiple language versions, use the appropriate language in the URL for the content pages in this language. So, summing up, I will say: to use non-English words in URLs can be done, it follows for non-English-speaking sites.

    So, today I wanted to write a little about the use of Cyrillic in CNC. In my opinion, Russian-speaking links would be very good if it were not ... There were rumors that they are not available to browsers, search engines and other systems, and something completely terrible in the browser address bar is displayed. That's about all the advantages, minuses, rumors and sales on sites, I would like to tell.

    So, an example of how you can use the Russian language in the URL can be seen directly in your browser's address bar. There must be written as follows:

    Http: //syt/news/2009/09/08/rucle_yask_v_url.html

    I'll look at what the official Specification HTML 4.01 speaks about this:

    B.2.1 NON-ASCII CHARACTS IN URI ATTRIBUTE VALUES Although Uris Do Not Contain Non-Ascii Values \u200b\u200bAuthors Sometimes Specify Them in Attribute Values \u200b\u200bExpeted Uris (I.E., Defined WITH % URI; in the Dtd.). For instance, the favoring href. Value is. illegal: href.="http://foo.org/hÅkon ">... We Recommend That User Agents ADOPT The Following Convention for Handling Non-Ascii Characters In Such Cases: - Represent Each Character in UTF-8 (See) As One Or More by Bytes. - Escape These Bytes With The Uri Escaping Mechanism (I.E., by Converting Each Byte to% HH, Where Hh Is The Gexadecimal Notation of The Byte Value). This Procedure Results In A Syntactically Legal URI (AS Defined In, Section 2.2 or Section 2) That Is Independent of The Character Encoding to Which The Html Document Carrying The Uri May Have Been Transcoded.

    What approximates the following:

    Although the URL (there is a difference between the URL and URI, but it is not important here), it is free to contain only Latin (ASCII) characters, it happens that the authors insert them into the link value. For example, in the following example, the value of the href attribute is illegally: href.="http://vasya.ru/vasya_Pupkin ">... We recommend browsers to do the following: - Replace each symbol of the URF-8 encoding - encode these characters to the uniform shielding of the URL, i.e. SixTvenic values \u200b\u200b(each byte will be% hh). As a result, your URL will be syntactically faithful.

    We will specify that the link here turned out in (shielded) outf-8 encoding, and her length, respectively, took. Whose webmasters are used as the main encoding Win-1251 (such as this site) must process the name of the links. Especially, for example, you can translate it into the encoding you need.

    In IE8, unfortunately, the net Russian will be only if the address is hand-made. But, such is IE \u003d).

    In Yandex, the Russian language in the URL is perfectly understood, and even used to search.

    Google words in reference values \u200b\u200bdoes not give, in addition, the words connected through the emphasis are considered from its point of view, it is better to use minus for separators (hyphen). This fact was warmly discussed on xpoint.ru. However, it also displays correctly formed Russian-speaking links.

    Now time for a small interview, I interviewed colleagues on this topic:

    If such as reference to UTF-8?
    Jelu (Programmer): Well, Krakozyabe from above) I generally think that it is bad it has long wanted to ask something about optimization. How does Russian language effect affect the URL optimization? @ (Optimizer): I do not know what even answer, I think it depends on what you want to get as a result, i.e. What this link is made for what. But I think that she will not give a big trust, but the meaning is transmitted by Anchor, I think that the Russian language is not here. @: I do not know how specifically the search engine refers to links in Russian. Well, if we talk in general about how it affects, I tend to think that in any way. The relevance is influenced by the text on the page, but not referring to her url. hello. Your opinion on the use of Russian language in the URL? OV3R (Programmer): Hello. Negative, at least because of various encodings your opinion on the use of Russian language in the URL? Jehi (programmer): Just found that bl *** Aya Sap cuts the ulles longer than 255 characters that I was upset. Since I have ullencod on\u003e 255 Sivolov from the Russian language. with ** and pi *** s. The rest of the long Russian urms are beautiful, pleasant, comfortable, everyone is understood and raised relevance. your opinion on the use of Russian language in the URL? Dark Lord: Shnyaga!

    Comment article, at least a few words!


      So, Yaroslav, in order to make the URL in Russian, it is assumed that you already have a URL implementation in English if you yourself wrote yourself a website.
      In the database, the URL is stored in the UTF-8 encoding [U], it does not matter what encoding the site itself. If the site is in encoding 1251, then when saving convert the encoding in UTF-8.
      When you show the link on the blog page - you also need the part that contains the Russian language to handle the PHP function Urlencode.
      Accordingly, then to find the news, you Parshet URL, and are looking for it that part it contains Russian. SQL query looks like this:
      Select ... Where ... Convert (`Caption_latin` Using UTF8) \u003d Convert (" ". $ PName." "Using UTF8) ... where CAPTION_LATIN The name of the column containing your URL in UTF8 encoding.

      i'm just a novice webmaster, so I do not understand something. To honestly, I would fit the instruction "for dummies" on this issue))
      how to save encoding in UTF-8?
      how to process the Russian php function?
      what is a party to the URL?
      I am expected if any questions will seem funny, but I'm just learning)
      It would be better to show an example code before and after (i.e. what changes to the code need to be made to get Russian letters in the URL), I think newcomers as I will have it easier to understand.
      Thanks in advance.

      2 years later, after publishing this article. People are might and maintain the ability to ask Cyrillic references; Yasha is happy about it; Suppers are also welcome; Not too long ago, registrars were allowed to distribute IDN domains; Even the zone on Cyrillic was introduced (although they give, as I understood, aliases for each domain in the unicode) ...
      All this can not but rejoice.
      But to make the right redirect (I mean 301) not everyone learned (?). Because Header`a does not accept Cyrillic links. What only do not share the sinders with rows before inserting in header ("Location:". Sude);

      The author (I ie) considerations of course there. Preparing Links for 301 redirect at all does not differ from the preparation of the HTML link. I have already written about my blog supports autofilling links.
      For the sake of interest you can erase in the address bar, or a month, or in general the date is entirely. Or you can just click. You will reveal to this article again.
      If you have the engine stores data in Win-1251, you should perform 2 actions:

      • Translate the field responsible for CNC links to UTF8 encoding
      • Display this field in the link using URLENCODE () in PHP. (not the entire link and only this part of the URL).
      If your engine keeps everything in UTF - well, you understand, right? \u003d)
    • Long, I hung up with this ...

      And before everything was done as it was said in the article: translated into UTF-8, then shielded. In different ways experimented ...
      And it turned out, the problem is that Urlencode () simply shielded the slash.

      Thank you, because of the article again, it took to deal with the function. Understood) Here is a F-PHP:

      fUNCTION REDIRECTTO ($ Redirect_Link)
      $ redirect_link \u003d iconv ("Windows-1251", "UTF-8", $ redirect_link);
      $ Redirect_Link \u003d Urlencode ($ Redirect_Link);
      $ redirect_link \u003d STR_REPLACE ("% 2F", "/", $ redirect_link);
      header ("Location:". $ redirect_link. "");

      Good afternoon. I have such a question ... about everything in order. I want to make URN be able to be in Russian (yes, so I put it)).
      Actually, what to do?)
      The user tries to go to the address host.domen / 2011 / Article-1 /
      How do I intercept it? Catch all requests sent to 404? But then the code 404 will be returned instead of 200. Or make a "soft error 404" with a refund code 200? (By the way, I do not understand this).
      Or configure.htaccess for redirect 301? But then a redirect will be done (paradox, yes?)) ... And because of the fact that the names of all files and folders on the host only Latin URL will change on host.domen / 2011 / Statja-1 / (This is the correct address of the page). But I do not want this) I want in the address bar and displayed host.domen / 2011 / Article-1 / Using ErrorDocument 404 Address in the address bar remains just like that. What allows a little to fool nature and use Russian on the server where it is impossible to do it) in general, there are ideas?

      I will dig while mod_rewrite

      Taki powerful MOD_rewrite tool. But the little is inconvenient to work with it. It could be done easier. Although it, apparently, is caused by its internal complexity. Or just the influence of the "old school". Still, when it was designed then. Well, yes, it's not the essence, I did all the main thing) But with the mod_rewrite, the option was not so flexible. It is better to leave such all the processing on PHP by collecting incorrect requests in 404.

      In our engine, the following rule is used for MOD_rewrite:

      RewriteCond% (Request_FileName)! -F
      Rewriterule ^ (. *) $ Index.php? Rewrite_url_query_toget \u003d $ 1

      You can simply rewriterule ^ (. *) $ Index.php, but in this case the address of the page you need to take from the $ _Server ["Request_uri" variable] that it will not quite rightly if the engine is installed in the folder, and not to the root.

      Collect pages through the processing of 404 requests, not entirely correct. First of all, it can be that by default 404 status will be returned. Secondly, Apache can try to give the page through the HTTP 1.0 protocol instead of HTTP 1.1, because the page 404 needs to be returned through HTTP 1.0, i.e. Without using the Chunked method for issuing, which will also result in an error. Etc.
      And mod_rewrite is indeed complicated precisely because of its versatility. With proper study, you can do a lot with the help of it.

      Well, the first two problems are solved by sending the HTTP / 1.1 OK header. But the fact that it is not quite right, I certainly agree) it is still a workaround. I would not touch him if everything was smoothly "glued down" with mod-rewrite. I bumbled, but somehow curved. Well, in an hour this mechanism does not master accurately. I will try to experiment with your teams in Mod_rewrite.

      Hello everyone! I saw a request to comment at least a few words, and here I have sites on WordPress, there this case is automated in all records and pages I use the name in Russian, it is displayed in all major browsers normally. And really for the user it is convenient.

      Cool your error page)))))

      You damn did not log in and did not check the box. Your comment is not saved. In case you do not bot, then here it is, copy and try again:

      In IE, your link is reflected encoded. I understand for IE in Russian links do not make? If you filter users on browsers and generate links in Russian for all, except IE and on translining for IE, then search engines will perceive this page as two. It turns out that it is necessary to do everything in translines or is there still solutions?

      In the address bar, enter for example: mysite /? Hi
      pHP code
      $ CHPU \u003d $ _Server ["Request_uri"];
      echo $ chpu;
      pHP code
      lacks something like that:% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% B8% D0% B2% D0% B5% D1% 82
      insert this code into the database and enjoy :)

      Vlad, in the page will be displayed only to the 9th version encoded. It is less than 5% of all browsers.

      Hello, a very interesting article, did not know much.
      However, I did not quite understand how I still solve the problem of displaying Russian characters in the URL.
      I looked at the "raw source" (in Opera it is CRL + U), and saw that you have a link, in fact - UTF-8 after shielding (escaped). But when you hover in the statusbar of the browser, krakoyar be visible, and after the transition, the Russian text turns out, as it should. As soon as I did not try - both with shielding, and without, and in all encodings (without converting in UTF-8 and with it). With any scenario, after the link, the link is obtained by shielding symbols.

      UPD: Understood. It turns out that such a focus does not pass with the parameter. Only with part of the path, but not query_string. It seems to me, it is worth completing this nuance - and then you never know. I needed to be just a way, but for the test I chose the parameter to squeeze. Interestingly, by the way, what caused this feature, and who still converts unshielded characters into a shielded view - browser or web server. It would be interesting to understand what goes to the server when the Russian letters are visible in the address bar. Is it decoracing from the browser, or are they really leaving without shielding?

      And yes, with the parameters, too, not everything is so simple - I once set a nginx without Apache, so there seems to be the parameters and remained in Russian without replacement ... and it didn't even have to change the PHP code so that it earned (although the database in that The same encoding was that on the developer server). Rewrite worked, and the data came "bad", something like that.

      On the so-called location.hash - i.e. All that exists after the lattice there is its own specification. Therefore, yes, the browser her alas shields.

    First of all, the article is intended for those who use the CMS Joomla content management system! 1.5, because I will explain all the features of the use of Cyrillic Urlons in the context of improving search engine optimization and issuing search queries in basic PS based on the technical solutions that I encounter when creating sites and in further work on their promotion. Nevertheless, the principles presented below will be relevant to all webmasters that are not overwhelmed in their practical activities such an important part of the work both on the Internet and search engine optimization to improve the issuance of Google, Yandex Etc.

    All the material set out below is based on my practical experience and will be supported by real examples of my work.


    Formation of Cyrillic Urlons in Joomla

    CMS Joomla!, Like other content management systems, have a mass of various improvements and additions in the form of components, modules and plug-ins that may be responsible for the presence and implementation of certain functions. Since here it is mainly about CEO, I use such a component as SH404SEF for the formation of Cyrillic Urlons. The task of this component lies in the fact that it can form urlas in Cyrillic. The process of forming such ulles is described in detail on Joomlaportal.ru

    There are some more similar components, but I stopped my choice on it, because it is convenient to work with him and I have not met any unreserved problems when using it. Moreover, I also had to work in a bundle with a component of the Virtuemart online store and I can say that practically for each required component is the possibility of using Cyrillic Urlons, whether it is a component of the online store or a site map.

    Creation of Cyrillic Urlons - What is important to take into account

    When setting up Cyrillic urms, it is important that they are not very long for several reasons. The search engine in the formation of a snippet cuts too long ulters if you are going to install contextual advertising modules on your site, consider the fact that with a very long urla (more than 30 characters), you will not be able to add the Google AdSense module to this page and track the conversion. Search engine sees Cyrillic Url Address in this form

    but nevertheless, it displays it in a normal letter.

    From here, the following will be described the advantages and disadvantages of such urms.

    Benefits of Cyrillic Urlons

    1 Laying in such an ul the keyword (direct entry or not direct) you get the opportunity to bring your article higher in search results. Of course, the quality of the material itself is very important (no one has canceled this), but this way you have the opportunity to add another key - why not?

    2 The fact that when forming a snippet, the search engine will show Cyrillic Url and will allocate fat keywords by search query, as in the example it is seen.

    Moreover, the article from the example appeared immediately after its indexation in the TOP 10 at the request of the KPU Gym, and after a short period of time, it became the first in the extradition after the emergence of the first comments.

    3 The psychological factor is very important, a man looking at such a beautiful Url, according to his question the subjects, will definitely pay attention to him and clicks, because it will immediately be confident that he will find the information you need. It is very important to take into account for online stores, especially when there is a significant competition on this or that product. And from aesthetic point of view, Togl Ul is not comparable to look more pleasant than on session identifiers and other various icons that do not talk about the average user.

    Disadvantages of using Cyrillic Urlons

    1 In the second paragraph, we recalled the features of using the contextual advertising module from Google - Adsense and how the search engine sees Cyrillic Url, the disadvantage is that there is a limit on the number of characters in the urla, when adding them to track the conversion.

    2 Search engine (like any other HTML editor sees one Cyrillic letter as a set of such characters, for example, the word search-optimization in the HTML editor seems so -% D0% 9F% D0% BE% D0% B8% D1% 81% D0% Ba% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B0% D1% 8F_% D0% BE% D0% BF% D1% 82% D0% B8% D0% BC% D0% B8% D0% B7% D0% B0% D1% 86% D0% B8% D1% 8F. For this reason, if you want to leave somewhere on the forum a message with reference, which is displayed in the address bar of the browser Cyrillic, then it will have this kind (see the 1st screenshot) .

    3 I noticed such a feature that if you are changing the host or simply restore the site from the backup, then after restoration, you need to include the function of supporting Cyrillic Urlons in the settings of the corresponding component. Naturally, in such circumstances, the links can fly and then visitors will see the page 404 instead of the desired request, at least before reindexing. Moreover, the PS does not like such things in principle, and visitors (potential customers) are unlikely to be cheated ...

    4 Also, if you have accumulated a lot of material (articles, goods in the online store), then the load on the database will steadily increase when using such a component. This is fraught with the fact that the hoster will begin to be bored (especially the govnoezer) and then see the previous point. Secondly, the site loading time will increase inexorably, and this will cause irritation from users, as a result, they will want to come with a smaller excitement to you.

    As a result of this article, I want to tell the situation with my projects at the moment. Personally, my decision, after weighing everyone, and consists in the fact that sites with Cyrillic urms (as a rule, these are made and replied by me online shopping) I decided to leave in the same form, in mind the evidence of the above-described "pros". Nevertheless, I do new sites without the use of Cyrillic Urlons using my own mod_rewrite, just as a pseudonym for the page fit the competent transliteration of the Latin. Again, from the point of view of your own practice, the competent translitement of the ullary or competent English writing is enough PS (at least Google) as a keyword that can not but rejoice!

    A couple of comments on how to configure the SH404SEF component

    If you have decided to install this component, it is important to know its advantages. Since we are talking about SEO on my site, then in this context and we will consider this issue. The SH404SEF component is wonderful in that:

    • creates a large number of technical URLs that refer to the main
    • thus, forms a semantic core of the site from the headers of the pages, which determines the subject of the site
    • subsequently, the PS characterizing the subject of the site, consider thematic search queries for which you create new pages relevant to your site.
    • it raises your site in search results on thematic requests, since the site is relevant and authoritative in the eyes of PS
    • in turn, this significantly saves the reference budget and allows you to enter the tops of the search engines by creating content

    So, to configure the SH404SEF, make sure that the section should be partitioned in the URL line, or the product category. If the section, category and product itself (their names) do not take a lot of space in the browser, you can make all them displayed. However, this applies only to the non-Cyrillic URL, along the above reasons.

    From here you can conclude that if the SH404SEF component is installed on the site and it was previously configured to form a Cyrillic URL, it is not worth removing the component. It is advisable to reconfigure it in such a way that the urms are formed by the Latin. Reindexing the PS site depends on the frequency of visits to its search robots. If the site is updated more often, then the robots come on it more often. In that period of time, while recoverying, take care of the appearance of 404 pages, provide visitors to rapid access to the main page of the site, the desired categories and sections of the menu, goods, etc.

    This article does not give an unequivocal answer to the question - use Cyrillic urms or not? However, I hope that the above-described advantages and disadvantages of their use will help you make the right decision on this issue.