How to use the reporting console in 1c. StavAnalit

The Report Console report can be used by a developer or an experienced user of an applied solution to create and format a report of arbitrary complexity. Thus, the user of the applied solution has the ability to create any reports without changing the applied solution and without involving developers.

To create a report, the Report Console uses all the capabilities provided by the Report Builder. The generated report is based on a query, the text of which can be composed in a special query editing window. When composing the request text, it is possible to use the query constructor:

In the query editing window, you can set query parameters, define formats for displaying fields, and specify options for outputting the report: in a table, chart, or pivot table.

The result of the query execution is displayed in the report console window, which allows you to configure various parameters of the generated report. In particular, the user can define the composition of the selected fields:

You can also set and change filters and groupings used in the report:

In addition, the user can control the placement of groupings and totals, specify various options for the report design, or create a custom layout that will be used to display the report results:

The Report Console allows you to save generated reports to a file on disk if you may need them later.

Thus, the Report Console is a universal tool with which experienced users application solutions can independently, using visual design tools, create arbitrary reports without changing the existing application solution.

Query Console 1c - handy tool for building and debugging queries in enterprise mode 1c. Using Query Console You can run a query to the 1c database and see the result of the query right on the screen in 1c enterprise. In this article, we will look at two consoles, one for 1c 8.2 ( usual forms), and the second one can work both in conventional and in controlled forms 1c 8.3.

Download Query Console 1c

In order to start working with processing, you first need to download query console 1c, below we will give download links, but for now, let's note the fact that the 1c query console can be classified and attributed to one of the following types:

  1. For ordinary forms (1s 8.2)
  2. For managed forms (1s 8.3)
  3. Mixed (works both on 1s 8.2 and 1s 8.3)

In our article we will look at two consoles, the first works only on 1s 8.2 (regular forms), and the second works on 1s 8.3 (managed forms). They are slightly different from each other, we will talk about the differences further, but for now, note that in managed applications, the console will work properly only in the "Thick client" launch mode.

Download the 1c query console for a regular 1c application 8.2

Below is a screenshot of the processing, you can download the 1c query console for a regular 1c application 8.2

Download 1c Query Console for Managed Application 1c 8.3

And this is the second console, you can also see its screenshot on the screen below, using the link you can download the 1c query console for the 1c 8.3 managed application

Description of the principles of operation and the main functionality of the 1c query console for a regular 1c application 8.2

This 1c 8.2 query console for a regular application easy to use, and does not require any special knowledge from the user. In the screenshot you can see a test field for writing a request, in it you can write a request either manually or using the constructor. Under the number 1 in the figure you see the "Parameters" button, by clicking on it we will see a form for substituting parameters into the request, we will return to it later. Under the number 2, you see the work area and the action bar with the request itself, here we can add requests, delete them, and also save them to separate file on disk. Under the figure number 3 in query console 1c 8.2 there is a setting for the output of the result, it can be displayed in the form of a table or hierarchically in the form of a tree, the second option is used when we need to see the hierarchy as a result of a query. Point 4 shows us whether there are temporary tables in the request, if there are, then we can debug them and see the result of execution, which is placed in a temporary table.

Now let's take a look at some specific points in 1c query console.

Above you see a window in which parameters are substituted into the request. By clicking on the "From the request" button, we will receive the parameters that are specified in the request, now we just need to set desired values and close the form. By the way, if you are editing a request and your previously added parameters on the form are no longer used, they will be highlighted in gray. If there are a lot of such parameters, you can delete them from the window using the "Delete unused" button.

If you have temporary tables in your query, then you can debug them in separate subqueries and see the result of executing this subquery, if in the main window of the 1c query console we see that there are temporary tables, then click on the "Temporary tables" button (point 4 on the main console window). After clicking, the window that we saw above will appear, it shows all the temporary tables of the query, click "Debug" and we will see the following window.

A brief description of the functionality of the 1c query console for a managed 1c application 8.3

We got acquainted with the main functions query console 1c 8.2, now it's time to consider query console 1c 8.3. This processing We will not consider in detail as the previous one, but briefly go over the main parameters and settings.

From functions:
1. Works in any configuration
2. The ability to create an arbitrary hierarchy with a convenient transfer of elements
3. Advanced editing of parameters (periods, inherited parameters)
4. Execution in the background (no configuration modification)
5. Comparison of query texts and query results
6. SKD
Flexibility, convenience and customization. The code is open.
Registration of wishes and correction of errors through [you must register to view the link] project Query Console for 1C 8.1 (desirable)

Features of the functional:

1. In the list of requests, you can create groups and select items.
2. Output to table, tree, layout, summary report.
3. Counting totals in a column in a table and tree.
4. Counting the amount of selection in the layout.
5. Execution in the background.
6. Function to show the last result.
7. The file menu contains a list of recently opened files.
8. Comparison of texts of queries and query results.
9. Format of fields
10. Measurement of the execution time.
11. Drag & Drop in the tree and in the builder settings.
12. Output of a copy to Excel, HTML, CSV.
13. Generation of text in embedded language.
14. More convenient input of a list parameter and a compound parameter.
15. Grouping the parameters of StartPeriod, EndPeriod and similar parameters into a group.
16. Inherited parameter whose value is taken from another request.
17. Filling in parameters from another request.
18. Parameters and their values ​​are remembered and substituted when using the parameter of the same name.
19. Multiple execution of the query for the test.
20. You can open the console in debug mode, and the parameters for debugging will be automatically received, you need to call the procedure "OpenForDebug" from the processing module by passing it as a parameter the objects "Query" Or "Report Builder", "QueryBuilder", "DataCompositionSchema" also got the builder settings. When the console is open for debugging, text (debug) is added to the header. Example: Expression = ExternalProcessing.Create ("C: d_ReportConsole2.3.epf"). OpenFor Debugging (QueryProducts);
21. Tray tips in case of end of long request or background execution.
22. Group processing of data
23. Editable layout
24. The parameter whose value is obtained by executing the text in the embedded language
25. Renaming parameters without using the constructor directly from the Table of parameters
26. SKD
27. Intuitive filling of parameter values
28. Contextual help
29. It is possible to import rcf files from the standard 1C console and dcf files of the standard layout console from 1C and sel format of the IR console.
30. Converting the query text to TSQL
31. Data Analysis
32. Custom mode
33. Export to CSV
34. Treatment manager functions
35. In the table and the tree of the result, values ​​of type NULL are highlighted with the color and text "Null"
36. Generation external processing based on ACS

On this moment, perhaps the best ACS console and not only. Huge functionality. The author has done an incredible job! Allows in enterprise mode to create a report on the ACS and export it to an external report with a choice of template.

From functions:
1. Works in any configuration
2. The ability to create an arbitrary hierarchy with a convenient transfer of elements
3. Advanced editing of parameters (periods, inherited parameters)
4. Execution in the background (no configuration modification)
5. Comparison of query texts and query results
6. SKD
Flexibility, convenience and customization. The code is open.
Registration of wishes and correction of errors through project Query Console for 1C 8.1 (desirable)

Key features
1. In the list of requests, you can create groups and select items.

2. Output to table, tree, layout, summary report.

3. Counting totals in a column in a table and tree.

4. Counting the amount of selection in the layout.

5. Execution in the background.

6. Function to show the last result.

7. The file menu contains a list of recently opened files.

8. Comparison of texts of queries and query results.

9. Format of fields

10. Measurement of the execution time.

11. Drag & Drop in the tree and in the builder settings.

12. Output of a copy to Excel, HTML, CSV.

13. Generation of text in embedded language.

14. More convenient input of a list parameter and a compound parameter.

15. Grouping the parameters of StartPeriod, EndPeriod and similar parameters into a group.

16. Inherited parameter whose value is taken from another request.

17. Filling in parameters from another request.

18. Parameters and their values ​​are remembered and substituted when using the parameter of the same name.

19. Multiple execution of the query for the test.

20. You can open the console in debug mode, and the parameters for debugging will be automatically received, you need to call the procedure "OpenForDebug" from the processing module by passing it as a parameter the objects "Query" Or "Report Builder", "Query Builder", "DataComposition Scheme" also got the builder settings. When the console is open for debugging, text (debug) is added to the header. Example: Expression = ExternalProcessing.Create (“C: d_ReportConsole2.3.epf”). OpenFor Debugging (QueryProducts);

21. Tray tips in case of end of long request or background execution.

23. Editable layout

24. The parameter whose value is obtained by executing the text in the embedded language

25. Renaming parameters without using the constructor directly from the Table of parameters

27. Intuitive filling of parameter values

28. Contextual help

29. It is possible to import rcf files from the standard 1C console and dcf files of the standard layout console from 1C and sel format of the IR console.

30. Converting the query text to TSQL

31. Data Analysis

32. Custom mode

33. Export to CSV

34. Treatment manager functions

35. In the table and the tree of the result, values ​​of type NULL are highlighted with the color and text "Null"

36. Generation of external processing based on ACS ()


This article is directed no longer for programmers, but for end users of 1C programs. Sometimes there are situations when you need to get a report that is not in the configuration. It is not always possible to use the services of a programmer, in this case, in any typical configuration there is a report "Kosol reports". The only drawback of this feature is that not every user will be able to use this report without difficulty; a certain level of knowledge and skills is required, as well as an idea of ​​the configuration structure. With the help of this report, it is possible to create reports of any complexity and with any design independently without launching the Configurator (in user mode). Thus, it becomes possible to create new reports without changing the applied solution and without involving developers. The console is shown on Rice. 1.

Rice. 1

The latest version of the reporting console in standard applied solutions based on a data composition system. The principle of this report is to create new reports from scratch. The basis for creating any report is a database query, with the help of which information is retrieved according to certain conditions, as a rule, in combination with the simplest processing of the received data: to group, sort, calculate values, etc. Knowledge of the query language in this case optional, since the query text from the simplest to the most complex can be composed using the query constructor. The query designer constructs a query by purely visual means. Using the "Next>" and "

Rice. 2

In order to start creating a query, no deep knowledge of configuration is required; it is enough to know the structure of the registers in which the required information is stored. Moving along the tabs of the query constructor, tables are set data sources, groupings, conditions, aliases for fields, ordering. After the request is ready, you need to configure appearance report, select the type of report, design, assign query parameters. The variant of the report output in the form of a list is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3

Thus, after mastering the report console, the user has unlimited possibilities in obtaining any information in any aspect, he is independent of the developer, all work is done in user mode, and therefore time and money is saved, and management decisions are made faster.