How to remove vibration. How to manage sound and vibration settings on Android device

Vibration is one way to notify the user about the call, an SMS message or another event that requires its attention. But, modern smartphones use vibration not only for this. Modern smartphones also use vibration to confirm the user pressing on the screen. Such a function is called vibrootklik. If you do not like that your smartphone vibrates during an incoming call or while clicking on the screen, then you hit the address. In this material you will learn how to disable vibration on Android, as well as how to turn off the vibrootkill when you click on the smartphone screen.

How to disable vibration on android with an incoming call

In order to disable vibration with an incoming call on the Android you need to open the settings and go to the "Sound" section.

After that, a window with sound settings opens. In order to disable the vibration with an incoming call, remove the checkbox opposite the "Vibrating Call" function.

In some firmware, this function can be called differently. For example, "vibration when calling" or "vibration with an incoming call".

How to disable vibration when typing on Android

If you want to disable vibration when typing (vibration), then to do this, go to the settings and go to the "Language and Enter" section. Here will be displayed a list of keyboards that are installed on your android smartphone. In order to disable vibration when typing, you need to click on the image of the gear, opposite your keyboard.

After clicking on the image of the gear, the keyboard settings must be opened. Here you need to find the "vibro-block of keys" function and turn it off.

Also on this page, you can enable or disable other functions that relate to the keyboard. For example, you can turn off the keys sound, an increase when you click on the key, as well as add a new text input language.

Android users receive feedback on the actions performed through the keyboard vibrootch. What if this feature interferes? The answer is simple: remove! Any owner of a smartphone or tablet can control vibration on its device: Configure it for calls, messages, various notifications or completely disable.

How to turn off the vibrootklik at the system buttons of a smartphone or tablet with android OS

If you do not like that the device vibrates each time you press the key, or you just want to save the battery charge, you can disable the response. This is done like this:

How to install the vibrootch system keys

If you, on the contrary, like how the device is responded with vibration when typing, it is necessary to do the steps described above, with the exception of the last stage. When you go to the settings of sound notifications, you will need to move the slider to the active position.

Turn on Android vibrootrick for system buttons

How to manage a vibration clock: video

For what reasons vibration on the device with android can aby

There are a number of reasons why vibration does not work. Most often it happens when charging the gadget. If you define exactly, in what situations the vibrootklik gives failure, it will be easier to eliminate the problem.

Vibration does not work if:

  • the function is disabled in the notification settings;
  • third-party programs conflict with the system;
  • under the device, dust and dirt have accumulated, which do not allow the gadget to launch vibration;
  • the device was mechanically exposed (for example, fell on asphalt);
  • software is incorrectly functioning due to the factory marriage or unsuccessful firmware.

To eliminate the problem independently, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the vibration slider settings are in an active position.
  2. Restart the device and check if the response works.
  3. Update the firmware. If the problem was in the software, it will eliminate.
  4. Make sure that the gadget is fully charged and is not in power saving mode, because in this case the device saves energy and can disable vibration for this.
  5. If nothing helped and the problem persists, contact professionals for diagnosis and repair.

How to Strengthen Vibration on Phone and Tablet with Android

If there is a vibration adjustment menu in the keyboard settings, you can enhance the response yourself. Just go to "Settings" and move the slider:

Strengthening the vibration color on the keyboard used in Android through the "Advanced Settings"

If the gadget does not provide extended settings, it is recommended to use special programs from Google Play, for example, Customize Vibrance.

Customize Vibrance - application for creating and setting up vibration styles

With this utility you can adjust the vibration intensity, set a certain rhythm, for example, the imperial march. You will even be able to configure the gadget so that the response is triggered with certain actions, for example, if the subscriber took the tube or a wireless connection appeared.

Adjust the response through the Customize Vibrance:

You can create a response in two ways: "to dismiss" the rhythm finger across the screen or enter some kind of phrase that the program considers and converts into ripples.

Vibration Notifier - Vibration Management Program

Another simple and stable utility capable of helping to set up a vibration signal on the smartphone. It can be downloaded to Google Play. You choose the action when the vibration will be performed, and the rhythm.

Program Interface VIBRATION NOTFIER Pretty ascetic

How to turn off / enable vibration when calling

Is it possible to change or increase the vibration signal for SMS notifications

Disable or enable the response only for text messages internal Android means it is impossible. To do this, use third-party services, such as Customize Vibrance. Choosing an "on the incoming SMS" item, you can easily configure vibration for SMS - you will be offered several styles at once.

How to set up program response

You can manage application notifications directly in their settings. How to do this, consider on the example of Viber.

How to remove the response while touching the keyboard

To disable vibration when you press the keys, do the following:

Android engineering menu: how to find out if vibration works

Android smartphones and tablets have a special engineering menu in which you can check the help of the vibromotor. The user is also open to the user - you just need to dial a certain code in the embedded application for calls.

Combinations needed to enter the engineering menu - Table

To check, select the "Vibrator" section.

Using the engineering menu, be careful, otherwise you can harm the phone. If you want to change any parameters, it is better to save their initial values \u200b\u200bso that then you can "roll back" to them.

In the engineering menu you need to choose Vibrator

How to use Android Engineering: Video

The vibrootkalklik at Android smartphones and tablets is quite flexible under the needs of users at the expense of standard funds. If your own gadget capabilities are not enough, it is recommended to download one of the programs from Google Play - Customize Vibrance or Vibration Notifier.

Vibrootkalklik on the modern phone is often very useful and allows you to receive a signal about a new event on the device without creating a sound signal, inappropriate in a number of cases. But there are situations where the vibration of a mobile device can cause irritation. For example, not everyone likes the vibration block on the device at the time of connection when calling. That is why users are often looking for the ability to disconnect this function. In this article, we explain in detail how it is easy and without any problems to achieve vibration on the smartphones of Lenovo and Samsung. For Android smartphones of other brands, everything is done in an almost similar way.

Table of contents

Turn off the vibration function with incoming calls and touch touch

At the time of receipt of the incoming call, the communicator (depending on which mode is set) begins to reproduce the melody. At the time of connection with the subscriber, it may include vibrational sign. It turns off through the apparatus settings. Different models of smartphones and on different versions of Android steps to a disconnect item vibrootklik may differ.

Let's turn off the vibration on the Lenovo smartphone. You can perform this in a few simple steps:

1. Go to the menu "Settings".

2. Click on the item "Sound profiles". After that, you will find a selection of four main profiles.
3. Select the profile that you use.

4. To cancel vibration when calling, just remove the check mark near the line "Vibration".
5. To remove the function of the vibration color when touching the smartphone display, go down the menu slide slightly and delete the checkbox next to the item. "Touchscreen sounds".

Most communication devices from Lenovo C OS from Android 4.2.1 and above allow you to deactivate vibration just as described above. Also, vibration can be turned off on smartphones produced by Samsung. The only nuance here is that in a number of Android versions, the necessary settings can be placed quite standard, but it should not be founded.

Phone holders from the South Korean giant can disable the vibration following the following instructions:

1. Open item "Settings".
2. Next click on the tab "Options" (in a number of Android versions, developers called it "My device") .
3. Go to the tab "Sound".
4. Remove the mark with "Vibration when calling".
5. Similar actions, in relation to paragraph "Feedback".

If you have done everything as described, your smartphone will no longer produce vibration when you touch it screen or connect with the subscriber.

Turn off the vibrootkalcline when typing

The phone was originally created for voice communication, but today every day many of us are gaining hundreds and even thousands of text characters on it, so the presence of constant vibration in this process may cause irritation. In addition, you should not forget about the charge of the battery, which due to the work of the vibromotor is discharged even faster. Turning off the vibration block on Lenovo devices is performed by following the following items:

1. Open the menu on the phone "Settings".
2. Go to the item "Language and input".
3. In the keyboard list that opens, click on the gear icon next to the item. "Google Keyboard".
4. Select "Settings".
5. Remove the tick next to the string "Keywords: VibroTactive Key.

The use of this manual will allow you to get rid of key vibrations on most Lenovo brand devices running on the basis of Android 4.x.x.

For numerous SAMSUNG smartphones, there is almost a similar instruction:

1. Open the menu "Settings".
2. Select "Options" (or in a number of versions "My device").
3. After that, go to the item "Language and input".
4. Mark item "Samsung Keyboard".
5. In the settings that appeared, cancel vibration.

Performing these actions will make it possible to deactivate the vibration of the phone when printing text information. On the same menu page, you can refuse the sound of the keys.

Disable vibration using the application

We considered the disabling vibration on the basis of two brands on the basis of phones, but for many others everything is almost similar. However, it is possible that you may encounter an Android-based device in which it will be difficult to find the necessary items. We accounted for this, so you can resort to third-party applications as a chopsticks. For example, one of these Customize Vibrance.

The main functionality of this application is the ability to install vibrations for various events, as well as their complete shutdown. The application is available for download in the official store. Google Play..

On this we say goodbye to you and hope that our tips were helpful to you!

Vibration on modern smartphones is used in many cases requiring attracting the user's attention. For example, with incoming calls, SMS messages, to confirm the activation of the keys, etc. However, vibrootkalkalkal (namely, this feature is called) may not just like the owner of the mobile device, but sometimes it is inappropriate or even cause irritation.

Therefore, it is clear that the desire of a person, especially recently the owner of the apparatus with OS Android, set up his gadget, which is called, "for himself" and learn how to disable key vibration on the android smartphone.

Immediately I want to make a reservation that this procedure is very simple and does not require the installation of third-party applications, root rights and other actions with system files.

How on your phone or tablet android disable key vibration

Our actions should look like this:

We go to the Main Settings menu item ("All Settings"):

We find the section "Language and input", click. A submenu will open in front of the Google keyboard strings (on some devices "Android keyboard") we need to press the image of the gear (or three screenshots).

Now the window will appear with the settings of this section. Here we will remove the tick in the key of the "VibroTactive keys", and if you wish to get rid of the sound during a set of text, you can remove the tick and in the "Sound of the keys" line (if there is a button for saving the settings, click "Save"):

Ready! After the manipulation of the keyboard was done, the keyboard will not be accompanied by vibrous. Well, if the need to restore the function, repeat the path passed and put the box in the appropriate line.

As we see, the procedure is so simple that it was quite decently able to describe even a beginner video unit:

You can adjust the volume level on the phone, as well as change the ringtone, the vibration parameters and notification sounds.

Attention! Some of these actions can be performed only on devices with Android OS 10 and later versions.

How to reduce or increase the volume

If you press the volume control buttons when nothing is played on the device, the multimedia volume will change. To change the volume for other sounds, such as Ringtone, follow these steps:

Volume adjustment buttons increase or reduce sound strength for the current audio source. For example, if you watch the movie, the multimedia volume changes.

Note. If your phone is connected via Bluetooth to multiple devices, you can choose which of them you use to listen to music, watching video and games. In the section "Music, Video, Games" click Where to play.

How to turn on vibration or turn off the sound

To enable vibration for calls and notifications or disable all signals, follow these steps:

Council. To disable the sound when the phone is calling, press the volume button.

How to manage ringtons

How to change sound and vibration settings for other signals

How to enable vibration for notifications

If such a function is supported in the application, this can be done in its settings, upon receipt of notification or in the phone settings.