How to improve cellular reception. How to strengthen cellular signal

Coating networks at cellular operators is not solid. And no one will do it with solid - it is economically unprofitable. A certain contribution to the propagation of radio waves is made here, which is why the radioline zones may occur in certain points. Bad reception of the cellular signal - this problem is relevant for many people, especially for those who live outside the city, away from the nearest base stations. Let's try to solve this problem together.

On the Internet thousands of complaints on cellular operators - people complain that they are experiencing problems with communication. Unfortunately, no one will do so that the signal is taken everywhere and with the same force. It is impossible due to economic reasons, it is impossible due to certain physical reasons. Russian operators in general work well, and they have a decent coverage area - this is confirmed by the evaluative comparisons with European operators. Just you just a little lucky with a location.

If you complain about the bad level of the MTS signal in your area, nothing prevents the neighbors and find out what operator they use. It is possible that the Beeline or Megaphone will work with you much better, pleased with the stable admission. Even tele2, not always distinguished by a wide coverage area, in recent years has significantly increased coverage of its networks - you can try.

Transfer of the number to another operator

You can argue - they say, I do not want to change the operator, even if the signal of another operator is caught at times better. This is called "the neighbor's neighbor called the ears." Do not change if you do not want - sit in the wilderness and rejoice in the absence of communication. For others, we can offer a reasonable solution - if MTS is not caught in your area, and Beeline is caught, go to the biline office and write an application for transferring the number.

The advantages of this approach:

  • Already in 8-9 days you will earn a mobile phone - it will be served in the network of another operator, and you will forget what poor network coverage is.
  • You can choose a more profitable tariff plan.
  • You will stay with your number - it is not necessary to change it at all.

This is the optimal way to combat the poor reception of a cellular signal, but it will require preliminary research - it is necessary to determine which operator works best in your area.

Buying another phone

It cannot be said that this is the most optimal way to solve a problem with a bad signal reception. All modern tubes have approximately the same sensitivity. Therefore, the purchase of another smartphone may pour into extra costs. And conversations of the admirers of Apple that iPhones "catch anywhere", no more than a myth.

Find a phone with high sensitivity for bad conditions of reception problematic. A few years ago they were, but then somewhere disappeared. People living in remote areas advise to look for old Nokia and Motorola mobile phones - they differed in high sensitivity.

  • DEXP LARUS X2 Rev.2.
  • BQ Rome BQD-2051.
  • Termit Fixphone V2.

Their cost does not exceed 3000 rubles, and the antenna protruding from the buildings will provide increased sensitivity.

It is more difficult to solve the problem with the reception of 3G and 4G signals, since only modern phones work with them.

Using external antennas

Improve voice quality and increase mobile Internet speeds will help external antennas. They are connected to phones equipped with appropriate sockets. Unfortunately, they are equipped with an extremely limited number of models. Let's see, to which tubes we can connect external antennas, allowing to improve the reception of the cellular network signal:

  • Huawei ETS5623 is a stationary cell phone complete with a remote antenna and cable motor 10 meters. Cost - about 4 thousand rubles. Excellent solution with poor reception of the signal of cellular networks.
  • Runbo H1 is a very expensive smartphone worth almost 60 thousand rubles, performed in a shockproof and waterproof case. It is equipped with a connector under the outer antenna.
  • Kit MT3020B is another landline apparatus equipped with a socket under an external antenna that comes in the kit. The cost of the phone is about 5.5 thousand rubles.

We also recommend paying attention to the tubes of the past decade - they are often equipped with connectors for antenna (including hidden under the back cover) to work in conditions of poor reception of the cellular signal.

Cellular communication is needed not only for voice transmission, but also to access the mobile Internet. And if we cannot find a smartphone with a connector under an outer antenna, then 3G- and 4G modems are fully with them. Literally to each second modem you can connect an antenna that will significantly improve the quality of the reception.

Passive repeaters

The use of passive repeaters allows you to improve the reception of a cellular signal without expensive electronics. Most often these are self-made devices, which are a bunch of two small antennas. Also in designs are used beer cans, copper wire, some other unthinkable household goods. All this is not serious, and also limits the freedom of movement around the house - you have to talk on the phone with a direct location next to such a repeater.

There is one more interesting technical solution. If the smartphone does not have a nest under the antenna, you can do as follows:

  • Buy one directed GSM antenna and one pin GSM antenna.
  • Set the directional antenna on the roof of the house, on a tree or post up to 10 meters high (the more, the better).
  • Install a pin antenna in the house.
  • Connect both antennas cable.

1. What is a cellular signal and why increase it?

The principle of operation of the cellular network lies in the fact that between your mobile phone and base station The operator is organized by the radio channel in the high-frequency range (from 450 to 2700 MHz). Voice calls, SMS, as well as Internet data are transmitted through this channel.

The difference between different cellular standards is reduced to what frequency and how this radio channel is organized.

Picture 1. An example of a radio channel between your phone and the base station of your cellular operator

When planning cellular networks - the installation site of the base stations was chosen in such a way as to ensure confident reception of the GSM / 3G / 4G-LTE signal, regardless of your location - on the street, at home, in the car or train. But the laws of physics do not go anywhere, therefore, there are obstacles on the path of spreading cellular signal - buildings arise (especially reinforced concrete), trees and other interference, then the signal, reflecting from the obstacles, loses part of the energy and weakens. Those. The power of the radio signal fades at each reflections from any obstacles and sooner or later completely disappears. What happens to the mobile phone I think you already understand - the cellular signal disappears

The maximum distance on which your GSM-900 mobile phone can catch the signal of your operator:

  • within the city - order 7 km
  • outside the city - no more 30 km

For cellular networks of the CDMA standard - the maximum distance is about 2 times more, and for networks 3G. and 4G-LTE Approximately 2 times less than the above values. Those. The higher the frequency on which your mobile operator works, the smaller coating area they can provide with the help of 1 base station.

Figure 2.An example of the distribution of the radio signal from the base station of the cellular operator

Therefore, due to the weakening of the radio signal, "dead zones" or "holes in the coating" appear - i.e. Places where there is no cellular signal, or the connection is unstable and intermittent.

Most often, this phenomenon is subject to:

  • premises of offices and apartments - in the old Fund (with thick walls), in the city center and in the "wells", on the ground floors;
  • underground parkings - where radio signal almost does not penetrate;
  • country houses and cottage villages - due to the remoteness of houses from base stations of operators;
  • industrial hangars and warehouses - most often constructed from metal or reinforced concrete, which are excellent protective screens from the radio signal passage;
  • trade and entertainment centers are also built of metal structures;
  • high-altitude business centers and houses - where above 10-12 floors or there is no signal at all, or an effect occurs, called interference.

This problem can be corrected using a cellular signal amplifier!

2. How to strengthen cellular signal?

As mentioned above, it will be able to solve the problem of a bad coating strengthening the cellular signal

What is the strengthening of the cellular signal? This is a procedure consisting in installing and configuring an intermediate repeater (amplifier) \u200b\u200bbetween the base station of the mobile operator and directly to your room in the zone of bad reception (in the apartment, office, etc.). To speak more precisely, gSM signal gain - This is a whole range of equipment that serves to improve cellular quality

In addition to the GSM repeater, there are several important elements in such a system:

  • street antenna (donor) - to receive a signal from the base station of your operator;
  • internal antennas (servers) - to transfer the reinforced signal to your mobile phone;
  • connecting cables and power dividers

Figure 3.. Example of equipment for amplifying a cellular signal

System mounting process for cell communication signal gain requires a qualified radio engineering approach, because Conjugate with the solution of many nuances and subtleties associated with the choice of the necessary frequencies, the location of all elements, as well as equipment models. After all, the quality of the amplifier interacting with the base station of the cellular operator operator, which means the quality of the GSM / 3G / 4G-LTE signal to be directly dependent on the decision.

This means that the procedure associated with the analysis of current installation of the situation, the choice, installation and configuration of the cellular signal strengthening system - the prerogative of only qualified specialists, and only they need to trust in solving this problem

Imagine that You will receive after installing the cellular signal strengthening system.:

  • confident reception of a cellular signal on all phones in your room;
  • lack of missed calls;
  • high quality speech;
  • reducing harm to your health from powerful emissivity of a mobile phone;
  • increase your phone from the battery
  • and the most important thing - You will be sure that you are fine!

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3. I have a bad cellular signal. Will my mobile operator help me?

Cellular operators are developing, optimized and constantly improve their network by setting new base stations using mini and pico-basic stations of a limited radius of action, as well as offering major corporate clients of femto cells (micro base stations). With their help, operators minimize the number of "dead zones". However, for the operator, it is costly to install the above-mentioned basic stations only in densely populated areas, i.e. Points of telephone concentration

Those applications that you will feed as a resident of a cottage village, a country house, or as an owner of industrial or office premises - cellular operators are executed in rare cases, due to their low payback

Just imagine that the average price of a new base station within the city feature is about 50 000 USD.And the city comes to 70-100 000 USD! Therefore, the reasons for such behavior of operators become extremely clear.

Short test for you! Compare these costs with how much you or your company spends on mobile communication per month and count for how many years, the operator will pay for a new base station built for you?

4. So what to do? Who can help?

A natural solution of such problems will be the gain of a cellular signal using a special device - GSM repeater, whose work is described above. A few days after the order of such a service - there will be a good coating in your room, guaranteeing high-quality communication.

With the development of technologies, similar GSM systems become an integral part of engineering systems of various buildings, along with standard communications, such as the power supply system or heating system. Increasingly, when designing buildings, the equipment is taken into account by their GSM repeater, because this system, which is laid in the building project, at the construction stage, is much cheaper and more efficient in operation.

Summarizing this brief articlebecomes clear that the gain of the cellular signal is a number of procedures for installing special technical equipment aimed at improve cellular and make your communication with friends, close and colleagues more enjoyable and affordable.

If the zero level of the mobile phone signal or the connection of subscribers is unstable, then correct this situation can be several ways.

  1. Change cellular operator. The warranty that the signal of another telecom operator will be better noted, especially since the main cellular companies in Russia (Beeline, MegaFon, MTS) work according to one standards and in one frequency range.
  2. Install femto (miniature cellular base) is a number of complex regulatory procedures (revision of tariff plans, creating a project, examination, obtaining a sanitary passport for the resolution of the GCRC) for several months.
  3. Install an antenna booster, but then the cellular communication will only work on one mobile phone.
  4. Install a communication signal strengthening system in the apartment.

Consider the last option in Read more:

Cellular Amplifier Opportunities

Installation in the apartment of the cellular strengthening system does not require permits, but is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Radio Jigger of the Russian Federation. These requirements know and takes into account every qualified installer of radio equipment, therefore, the installation and adjustment of the new signal amplification system, it is better to entrust the professional.

The amplifier installed in the GSM apartment (it is also called the repeater or repeater), thanks to the wireless signal transmission, several subscribers are served simultaneously. This is a bidirectional device of transmission of radio wave - from the operator to the subscriber and vice versa.

A set of signal amplification system consists of several elements:

  • external antenna,
  • repeater
  • internal antennas.

The internal antenna may be alone if the apartment area is less than 200m 2, or several combined power divisors, when the apartment area is more than 200m 2 and a large number of rooms. The antennas are accepted and emitting signals, and the repeater filters the noise, highlights the main frequency of receiving signal and enhances it.

The whole complexity of the gain of the amplification system consists in a competent selection and placement of antennas: they should not cause interference in the work of mobile phones of neighbors and its own telecommunications operator, and also not to cause "self-excitation" of the repeater (when the emission sectors of the external and internal antennas intersect). The interference caused by an amplifier is fixed and can lead to penalties, and the "self-excitation" of the repeater - to the failure of it

There are several positive properties of home repeater:

  • the output power of the mobile phone (radiation power) is reduced, and therefore, the negative effect of it on the human body is reduced;
  • phone batteries at low power work with less wear, i.e. The service life increases;
  • internal antennas, radiating radio waves, is installed on the ceiling or in the non-working zone, and therefore their effect on the residents of the apartment is minimal.

The overall dimensions of the repeater are so insignificant (approximately 140x245x50 mm) that it not only does not affect the interior of the room, but remains inconspicuous. When moving to a new apartment, the communication amplifier is easily dismantled and transferred. to a new place. How to install repeater qualitatively. You can find out.

It is now quite difficult to find people who have a landline telephone at home. This is due to the fact that all technologies develop very quickly. Stationary phones have already left our lives, they just do not need. People use mobile devices that receive a radio signal. Unfortunately, today you can find places where there is no mobile communication. This happens if there are any obstacles on the way for the signal, for example, forest arrays, high buildings, or simply large distance to the repeater. In this case, you can install the signal amplifier in this way you can improve the quality of radio signal reception. But how to choose good in this article you will find the answer to your question.

We define a cellular standard

To go to the selection of amplifiers, you need to determine which cellular services you need more - voice calls or mobile Internet.

If you plan to improve the quality of communication, then it is better to choose the GSM repeater. Otherwise, it is necessary to use a good 3G antenna or high-quality 3G repeater.

It is also necessary to pay attention to what standard your operator works. From this will depend on the selection of the repeater. For example, the TELE2 operator works in the GSM-1800 standard. In this case, you must select a suitable cell network amplifier.

Of course, there may be another situation when you need to enhance 2 signals immediately. What to do in this case? Some companies produce 2 band GSM / 3G repeaters. Before buying, you need to decide on these parameters so that in the future do not regret buying.

Check the level of mobile signal

In the second stage it is necessary to check the level of the cellular signal at the moment. To do this, take several phones and rearrange the SIM card between them to determine the exact level of the signal. The sensitivity of the antennas on different phones may differ, and you need to get a more accurate coefficient for the amplifier drove the cellular network.

How to determine the reinforcement coefficient for the repeater?

  • Go to the house, and look at the level of the signal that the phone shows. If within 1-2 divisions, and on the street the smartphone shows a full scale or close to this value, then the gain will be at least 65 dB.
  • In the case when on the street, your phone shows only a few divisions, you need to take the beeline mobile network signal, MTS or MegaFon with a coefficient of more than 75 dB.

Mobile network signal amplifier must be more than 60 dB. Weak repeaters will not bring you the desired result. The room will be a weak signal and, in addition to this, a restriction is imposed on the number of simultaneously talking subscribers.

Measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe house

You need to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where the mobile communication signal must be improved. This parameter is also very important, since a large surface imposes an additional restriction on the repeater output power.

For example, if you need to improve the signal in the territory of about 160-210 square meters. m, you will need a conventional amplifier with an output power of about 100 MW.

Choosing a repeater

When choosing an amplifier, besides all the characteristics, look at the brand of this model. Do not save equipment on it, so you just do not achieve the desired result. If you have found a repeater that will fit all the characteristics, but the price will be much cheaper than the competitors, most likely it is a fake. The quality of such devices leaves much to be desired, all the characteristics that are written by the manufacturer remain on paper. Therefore, it is better to choose an expensive and high-quality amplifier model than just throwing money to the wind.

Connect 2.0

If you are looking for a high-quality and inexpensive model, you should contact domestic manufacturers. Russian company REMO has developed a Connect 2.0 amplifier. It is an antenna and modem. The price of this repeater is 1000 rubles.

Connect 2.0 is designed for 3G / 4G and mobile communication in GSM networks. You can achieve not only high-quality signal amplification, but also an increase in the range of Wi-Fi.

This equipment has pretty good characteristics:

  • The gain - up to 90 dB.
  • The operating frequency range is about 2 GHz.

The repeater of the Russian company is quite compact. The kit also includes a three-meter cable.

This amplifier of the cellular network "MegaFon", MTS or Beeline is quite simple. If you can't figure it out, see the applied instructions. Remember that you first need to set the parameters on your modem (it is compatible with almost all models), and then connect to the antenna.

Customer feedback differ from each other. Some write that the signal has improved noticeably, while others say that almost nothing has changed. You must understand that this is a budget model, and it may not justify all your expectations.


The American company NEXTIVITY presented a rather good Cel-Fi RS2 amplifier. This device can not only improve the 3G and GSM signal, it is also noticeably capable of expanding the coating zone. Manufacturers made a unique repeater that does not require an antenna, and it has a connection so simple that even a child can cope with it.

The kit is 2 blocks that need to be located where you find the best signal level. It can be determined using the phone or the repeater itself by moving the device throughout the house. The signal level can be seen on the indicator located on the housing of one of the blocks when you turn it into the outlet.

On the second block there is an indication scale. It is necessary to establish it where the readings on it will be the largest. Unfortunately, this unit also requires power from the mains, so installing both blocks need to be connected.

This cellular signal amplifier MTS, Beeline or MegaFon is installed without auxiliary antenna, but copes with its tasks. This is a pretty good and high-quality model that provides a high level of signal. Of course, there is a noticeable minus - this is the price. NEXTIVITY CEL-FI RS2 costs about 40,000 rubles. Because of this, this repeater is usually set in offices, and not in private houses.

Only positive feedback can be seen about this amplifier. And this is normal, since the expensive foreign model is perfectly coping with its functions. People praise this device, but the only problem is the price.


TAU-2000 is a good cellular network amplifier for the phone, which supports the main Russian operators. This equipment is represented as an antenna and an external block to which a smartphone is connected or a modem.

This model is usually used for large rooms, as it has a rather large output voltage. If you caught the average signal from the base station, then this receiver is capable of improving it and transfer to a distance of about 100 meters.

Of course, Tau-2000 can also be used for home, and for the car. The coverage area will be closely related to the quality of the input signal. With a good connection, you can cover about 15 m 2. The price of this receiver is 13 thousand rubles.

Before buying, you can consider reviews about this device. Users most of them leave a lot of positive comments and only a few negative. This speaks about a high-quality amplifier, which costs to buy.


The high-quality receiver will cost quite expensive. If you really want to improve the signal, then you should not buy. By choosing an amplifier, pay attention to the characteristics, this will depend on it. If you need to cover a large area, choose a receiver with a high output power. Remember the gain of which will depend on the reception of the signal. You can also make a cellular signal amplifier with your own hands. In this case, it will be necessary to choose the material on the basis of your needs, and move to work. If you do everything right, then its characteristics will correspond to the budget model.

Devices for improving the quality of the cellular signal signal can solve problems associated with the implementation of phone calls outside the city, in the garage and other places in which the source signal is not distinguished by reliability. However, such devices will cost you somehow, so in some cases it is advisable to assemble the cellular amplifier with their own hands.

Types of 3G and 4G Alarms for Phone

Amplifier received by wireless mobile phones are two species:

  • passive
  • active.

To begin with, consider each of them in more detail.

Active cellular signal amplifiers

Active variety has the need to join the power supply. Setting such a device is the most effective method of improving the quality of the received signal. These devices include various modifications repeitors and repeaters.

Their main advantage - ensuring the network coverage is quite large latitudeThat allows you to use them without physical switching with a mobile phone.

All varieties of repeater devices operate on the principle of signal transmission from the station (base) to an external antenna setting configured to the appropriate wave. Next, through the cable, the resulting antenna signal enters the repeater, designed to enhance the power of the signal and transfer it to another antenna installation - an antenna of internal equipment - either on a splitter (in the presence of several connection points in the circuit).

When making data transfer, a qualitative increase in the network signal is similarly observed - both mobile, so internetural. In addition to the main function, installing such an appliance as a repeater, allows you to reduce the effect of the electromagnetic field of mobile devicesWhat, in turn, can very positively affect the health of ordinary consumers of mobile technology.

Attention! The distance between the basic station and the repeater point point can reach 40 kilometers. In this regard, the installation of such devices helps to cope with the problems of obtaining cellular data on the territory of country houses and sections.

Active repeaters, among other things, need additional settings. When they are connected, first of all, connect to high-frequency antenna connectors and the power adapter. In order to avoid the failure of the repeater due to the instability of the voltage in the supply electrical network, it is advisable to connect it to it by means of a power filter or voltage stabilizer. Next, it is necessary to adjust the gain factor, which should be at least 15 decibels.

In fact, the device under review can be configured both automatically and manually. In the latter case, the potentiometer handle is used for this. Also, its functioning is largely affected by the location of the internal and external antennas.

Automatic setting assumes the setting of the parameters of the aforementioned gain factor so that we have the maximum signal power at the output from the repeater. With this type of setting, the device will automatically adjust the base station signals.

Passive cellular signal amplifiers

PassiveIn turn, is an antenna that can autonomously implement its functions, but with a small radius of action. In addition, the passive signal amplifier can act as an element of a more powerful active amplifier driven from the electrical network.

Such an amplifier has the ease of connection. The signal caught with it will be high-quality in all places of your stay. In this case, the quality of this signal directly depends on the power of the antenna.

In the key of a conversation about the disadvantages of such an appliance, it is worth mentioning the need to directly connect to a mobile phone, which may not be a specialized connector, and the possibility of some inconveniences due to the deterioration in the mobile qualities of the phone used together with the antenna connected to it.

Attention! Antennas as cellular signal amplifiers are often used by sailors trying to solve the problems of the absence of a cellular network on the vessel located in the sea.

In solving the question of how to improve the cellular signal with the help of sweater materials, it is often resorted to an independent assembly of passive cellular amplifiers, since their design is extremely simple and can be reproduced even in the absence of any serious skills in the work of such work.

Antenna for cellular communication with your own hands

In order to collect an antenna capable of improving the signal reception quality by a mobile phone, you will need the following materials and elements:

  • plastic or plywood, as well as a piece of foil (or foil textolite);
  • 10 meters of coaxial cable;
  • 30 centimeters wire;
  • fasteners;
  • connecting elements;
  • insulating tape.

The assembly of such an antenna begins with the segment of the metal wire of a suitable form. Usually it is bent in the form of a rhombus. The ends of the resulting wire circuit should be beatened inside and attach a coaxial cable to them. The other end of the cable product should be fixed on a piece (with a side of about 40-100 millimeters) foil textolite. In the absence of the latter, it is possible to stick to a piece of plastic or plywood of the corresponding size of the foil rectangle.

Now it remains only to establish a diamond circuit of our antenna to the roof either on the pillar (most importantly - higher) and check the quality of the gain. To do this, bring your phone to the foil plate and watch the level of the network signal accepted by it.

Important! Such an antenna can be used in the range of ambient temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius.

The above-described scheme for organizing the system of improving the quality of mobile data is the most primitive and common. If it is necessary, the foil element at one of the ends of the coaxial cable is possible to replace the connector to the construct for your phone, or on the splitter. Thanks to the last you can enhance the quality characteristics of the network at several points. Accordingly, the splitter will be retrieved by the cables necessary for this, at the ends of which connectors can also be installed to connect phones.

However, it should be borne in mind that the more branching in such a system, as well as the longer your cable route will turn out, the less effective in the work will be the collected amplifier.

Now you know enough about how to strengthen the cellular signal on the phone to carry out these activities not only by purchasing factory products, but also with your own hands.

The devices for improving the quality of the received mobile data will allow you to stay in touch with the outside world, being almost in any corner of the globe. In addition to basic functions, they will reduce the level of radiation by mobile devices, eliminate unwanted interference, as well as increase the battery discharge time, as well as its service life.