What to buy McBook for work. What to choose: MacBook Air or MacBook Pro? MacBooks were divided into three families

At the beginning / mid-2017, the Apple laptop model range is represented by six devices and if Cupertinov residents do not plan to reduce and replace individual products, soon to navigate in it will be quite difficult. About how it is most convenient to do in the realities of today we will tell you below.

All Actual Apple Laptops in 2018

General information:

Apple's lightest and miniature laptop, the main features of which are 4 colors and the presence of only one USB-C port (which is used for charging, as well as to connect the peripheral devices using adapters (sold separately)). The laptop is popular with women.


Option 1. Intel Core M3 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 1.1 GHz, accelerating Turbo Boost to 2.2 GHz. Option 2.. Intel Core M5 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 1.2 GHz, accelerating Turbo Boost to 2.7 GHz.
Option 3.Intel Core M7 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 1.3 GHz, acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.1 GHz.

Color: Silver, Golden, "Gray Cosmos", "Rose Gold".

8 GB

SSD Drive: 256 GB or 512 GB.

Graphic processor: Intel HD Graphics 515.

Ports: One USB-C connector (including for charging) and 3.5 mm output for headphones.

Weight:0.92 kg.

Price: From 102 990 rubles to 134,490 rubles, depending on the configuration.

MacBook Air.

General information:

The cheapest Apple laptop. Since 2016, only a 13-inch version with "NOT RETINA" display is available. MacBook Air has the best time of autonomous work of all current Apple laptops.

The MacBook Air cover has a "luminous apple", in contrast to all new Apple laptops.


Option 1. Intel Core I5 \u200b\u200bdual-core processor with a clock frequency of 1.6 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 2.7 GHz). Option 2.. Intel Core I7 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 2.2 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.2 GHz).

Color: Silver.

Number of RAM: 8 GB

SSD Drive: 128 GB, 256 GB or 512 GB.

Graphic processor: Intel HD Graphics 6000.

Ports: 1 Thunderbolt 2 port, 2 USB 2 ports, 1 connector for SDXC cards, MAGSAFE 2 for charging and 3.5 mm output for headphones.

Weight: 1.35 kg.

Price: From 76,990 rubles to 115,490 rubles, depending on the configuration.

MacBook Pro.

General information:

The most productive Apple laptop. Selection of professionals (programmers, designers, photographers, edges, etc.) The laptop is represented by four models: two with 13-inch, one with a 15-inch Retina-display of 2016 release and one 13-inch model of 2015 release.

Laptops released in 2016 are equipped with improved wide trackpades and a new keyboard with the Butterfly system. The main innovations of MacBook Pro 2016 are - touch bar touch panel (instead of the F1-F12 function keys) and the touch ID of printing scanner. All the above-described innovations are not available in other Apple laptops.

At the same time, the cheapest version of MacBook Pro 2016 has not received a Touch Bar nor Touch ID.

MacBook Pro with a 13-inch release of Retina release 2015 is the only actual "prosper" whose cover of which has a "luminous apple".

In addition, there are no USB and HDMI ports in the new MacBook Pro.

What you need to know when buying MacBook Pro 2016:

MacBook Pro with a 13-inch Retina display (2015)


Option 1. Dual-core Intel Core i5 processor with a clock frequency of 2.7 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.1 GHz). Option 2. Option 3. The Intel Core I7 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 3.1 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.4 GHz).

Color: Silver.

Number of RAM: 8 GB

SSD Drive: 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB or 1 TB.

Graphic processor: Intel Iris Graphics 6100.

Ports: 2 Thunderbolt 2 ports, 2 USB 2 ports, 1 HDMI port, SDXC card connector, MAGSAFE 2 for charging and 3.5 mm output for headphones.

Weight: 1.5 kg.

Price: From 102,990 rubles to 193,990 rubles, depending on the configuration.

MacBook Pro with 13-inch Retina Display without Touch Bar and Touch ID (2016)


Option 1. Intel Core I5 \u200b\u200bdual-core processor with a clock frequency of 2.0 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.1 GHz).
Option 2.. Intel Core I7 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 2.4 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.4 GHz).


Number of RAM: 8 GB or 16 GB.

SSD Drive: 128 GB, 256 GB or 512 GB.

Graphic processor: Intel Iris Graphics 540.

Ports: 2 ports Thunderbolt 3 (each port can be used for charging) and yield 3.5 mm for headphones.

Weight: 1.37 kg.

Price: From 116,990 rubles to 193,990 rubles, depending on the configuration.

MacBook Pro with 13-inch Retina Display (2016)


Option 1. Intel Core i5 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 2.9 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.3 GHz).
Option 2.. Intel Core I5 \u200b\u200bdual-core processor with a clock frequency of 3.1 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.5 GHz).
Option 3.. Intel Core i7 dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 3.3 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.6 GHz).

Color: "Gray Cosmos" or Silver.

Number of RAM: 8 GB or 16 GB.

SSD Drive: 256 GB, 512 GB or 1 TB.

Graphic processor: Intel Iris Graphics 550.

Ports:Four Thunderbolt 3 ports (each port can be used for charging) and an output of 3.5 mm for headphones.

Touch Bar and Touch ID.

Weight: 1.37 kg.

Price: From 137 990 rubles to 214,990 rubles, depending on the configuration.

MacBook Pro with 15-inch Retina Display (2016)


Option 1. 4-Nuclear Intel Core i7 processor with a clock frequency of 2.6 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boot to 3.5 GHz).
Option 2.. The 4-core Intel Core i7 processor with a clock frequency of 2.7 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boost to 3.6 GHz).
Option 3.. 4-nuclear Intel Core i7 processor with a clock frequency of 2.9 GHz (acceleration of Turbo Boot up to 3.8 GHz).

Color: "Gray Cosmos" or Silver.

Number of RAM: 16 GB.

SSD Drive: 256 GB, 512 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB.

Graphic processor (3 options): Radeon Pro 450 with 2 GB of memory, Radeon Pro 455 with 2 GB of memory or Radeon Pro 460 with 4 GB of memory.

Ports:Four ports ThunderBolt 3 (each port can be used for charging) and 3.5 mm output for headphones.

Touch Bar and Touch ID.

Weight: 1.83 kg.

Price: From 179,990 rubles to 312,990 rubles, depending on the configuration.

Before the manuals for choosing McBuch needed, there was no need because the assortment of "apple" laptops was limited only by 2 models. The main criterion of choice was the sum of the potential buyer. Little money - take the air, a lot - Pro.

Now the buyer's headache has been gained because the range has expanded. Several compromise solutions appeared - in particular, "Liliput" MacBook (simple) and model Pro 13 without Touch Bar. The article will present topical models and will help you choose the best McBuck.

Before you go to the store behind McBuck, you should ask yourself a question: Do you understand why you need a "apple" device? It is better to carefully weigh all the "for" and "against", since the purchase of MacBook - the pleasure is not from cheap. For money that you spend on the most promotional laptop from Apple, you can buy a very good and powerful device with Windows "on board".

Why then users prefer products from Cupertino? She has a number of advantages:

  • MacOS operating system. The branded "ORDER" EPPL is closed, no viruses are scary. MacBooks work very quickly and save speed for a long time (since the system does not clog).
  • Keyboard "Butterfly". Modern Maccuchi have a "butterfly" type keyboard, which is characterized by a plus sign with a small key of keys and convenience of printing (if compared with traditional "scissors"). Users who have tried the "butterfly" claim that it is not so easy to return to the "scissors".
  • Mobility. MacBooks are easier laptops, it is easier to transfer them. The record holder of the model range is just a MacBook. He and kilogram does not weigh.
  • Energy efficiency. Some of the Apple models can keep charge for 12 hours - almost like smartphones.
  • Brand. Even if a person convince himself and everyone around him, McBook takes as an assistant on work, for sure he is still the first thing to lay out a photo in instagram with a cherished "apple" on the lid of the device.

The main disadvantage of MacBooks is a meager number of programs and games adapted to iOS. The second most important is, perhaps a small number of ports. At the MacBook model, for example, port is only one () - and that for recharging.

What McBook to choose in 2019?

Suppose you still decided to dwell on the "apple" device and found money to buy it. Further you are waiting for a pleasant headache - choose McBuck. About each of the models that are sold in 2018-2019, we will briefly describe below.

MacBook Air.

AIR is a suitable option for someone who doubts whether it can get used to MacOS after Windows, its features and closedness. This model is cheaper, since it is considered somewhat outdated. MacBook Air can be bought for 65-70 thousand rubles.

AIR is a very light laptop, weighs near a kilogram. It has ports in sufficient quantities (a pair of ordinary USB) and a slot for (which greatly simplifies data transmission, for example, from the camera). But with the screen, alas, trouble: his frames at present times look too large, and the resolution is funny - 1440 × 900 points. The keyboard is also not called modern - "butterflies" here does not smell, the key of the keys, according to user reviews, is unusually large.

Most likely, in 2019, AIR will become part of the story and disappear from the shop window. Therefore, you wanted to buy a cheap maccuck worth hurry.


The MacBook dimensions, published in 2016, is the most compact. It weighs even less than AIR - only 900 grams. A laptop call his tongue is not rotated - it is rather a netbook. Diagonal of the device screen - 12 inches. MacBook is an ideal assistant for those who have to visit the service on debt.

Even if you compare simply visually, you realize that MacBook is a newer and perfect product than air. "Baby" looks careful, its screen has a small frame. And when you use a little, make sure that Apple is only over the year (AIR released in 2015) made a big step forward. MacBook has a convenient modern keyboard type "Butterfly" and a contrasting screen with a resolution of 2304 × 1440 points. In addition, MacBook is distinguished by passive cooling, thanks to which it works silently.

We have already mentioned the major minus of this model - there is only one USB Type-C port. But this is a logical consequence of the compactness of the device. We also note that MacBook is essential more expensive than the AIR model - for him will have to give about 100 thousand rubles.

MacBook Pro 13.

With the MacBook Pro, everything is not so definitely as with the models described above. In this series, many modifications that differ not only in the amount of memory, but also on the screen diagonal, the presence / absence of Touch Bar, year of release - and, as a result, for the price.

Apple sells 3 options (except air):

  • MacBook Pro 2015 (price - from 106 thousand rubles).
  • MacBook Pro 2016 without Touch Bar (price - from 119 thousand rubles).
  • MacBook Pro 2016 with Touch Bar (price - from 149 thousand rubles).

Touch Bar is a touch panel that replaces the F1-F12 key row on the latest Apple laptop models.

Do not hurry to hang on the model of 2015 the label "Old" and refuse to buy it! This device has a good functionality and a reasonable price. MacBook Pro 2015 stands as much as the MacBook "baby", but at the same time:

  • It has a screen larger diagonally (13 inches versus 12).
  • Equipped with a powerful processor - in the best modification of I7 3.1 GHz.
  • Provided with a sufficient number of connections (2 USB, HDMI, slot under the SD card).

True, this model is not as convenient on trips - weighs a laptop over 1.5 kilograms. In addition, MacBook 2015 is problematic to find on sale in stores - apparently, in 2019 it will become completely impossible.

MacBook Pro 2016 without Touch Bar is difficult to call an alternative to MacBook - because of the big price difference (about 15 thousand rubles). But it is this "apple" laptop. Many users consider the best from the ratio of the "price - functionality" ratio. Pro 2016 models are easy to distinguish from the "predecessors" - the Touch Pad is just a giant.

It may seem strange, but the new models Pro for a number of criteria are even inferior to laptops released in 2015. They do not have USB connections and slots under the SD card - only USB Type-C. In addition, new models are less than 5800 mAh, and only 4300 mAh. The laptop charge is enough for only 5 hours of autonomous work. Perhaps for these reasons, users in 2019 will remember McBook about 2015 with nostalgia.

Let us dwell on the differences between the 2016 models with a touchbaster and without it. Their more than you probably think:

  • A laptop with Touch Bar has 4 Thunderbolt ports (only 2 at the younge model).
  • Device with a touchbaster has (Touch ID).
  • MacBook with a touch panel is more powerful (at least on numbers) - it has an Intel Core i7 with a clock frequency of 3.3 GHz. The model without a touchbar has a clock frequency of the processor below - 2.4 GHz.

Design, of course, is also important. Touch Bar is the image thing, thanks to which the laptop looks special. But is it worth overpaying 20-25 thousand rubles for such visual sizes? Let us leave this question open.

MacBook Pro 15.

The flagship model admires the design and functions to the same extent that it scares its price. In the simplest configuration, it stands as a used foreign car, in the "tricky" as the apartment in a deaf province.

MacBook Pro 15 is traditionally taking gickers suspended at performance, or successful entrepreneurs who have to work with large data volumes and require a laptop to perform resource-intensive operations. For example, for rendering video or in recording studio, this device will be indispensable.

The MacBook Pro 15 put Core i5 and Core i7 processors with the Broadwell architecture and a clock frequency of up to 3.1 GHz. For those who do not say this data, we will clarify: the performance of the laptop is enough for several years ahead - you will not have to think about updating.

Outstanding performance is the key dignity of the MacBook Pro 15, but it also has other advantages. This is a magnificent screen that differs in color coverage P3 (color space is 25% wider than when RGB), and loud speakers that sound no worse than columns, and a premium design. True, with all this laptop is inferior in autonomy, other actual models.

How much are MacBook in 2019: Table

Without pretending to pharmaceutical accuracy, we collected in the table prices for McBooks, relevant at the beginning of 2019:

128 GB

256 GB

512 GB

MacBook Air.

From 77 990 rubles

From 107 990 rubles

109 990 rubles

133 990 rubles

MacBook Pro 13.

From 109 990 rubles

From 125 990 rubles

From 168 990 rubles

MacBook Pro 15.

From 204 990 rubles

From 236 990 rubles

Prices are taken from Apple official website. If you explore "", it will be possible to find stores that sell cheaper.


Here we will not give banal tips in the spirit "Choose, pushing out from the amount of cash." If you firmly decided to buy MacBook, it is understood that you have a sum of 120-150 thousand rubles. Otherwise, there is enough money only for an outdated AIR, from working with which you will not get as much pleasure as from the use of new models.

The best purchase option in 2019 looks like model MacBook Pro 13 2016 without Touch Bar, which costs about 114 thousand rubles (B). This model was released only in 2016, it is considered one of the freshest and looks with its wide touchpad just great. But if you are not so important than the release of a laptop, like its autonomy and the presence of a variety of ports, it is better to buy MacBook Pro 13 2015. This device will also be cheaper - you will probably find a sentence for 100 thousand rubles.

But the MacBook models and MacBook Pro 15 are more specific. MacBook is a "modest kid" and "Ladiesky", nice primarily with its compactness. And Pro 15 - on the contrary, the apparatus for serious people, ready to spend serious money on high-quality equipment.

The MacBook Compact Laptop Line has been continued in the face of the 2016 model. The devices are endowed with a more powerful "stuffing" and are first available in the colors "Rose Gold". The laptop weighing 900 g and a thickness of 13.1 mm Apple calls "the future of all laptops." What is the strengths of a 12-inch MacBook and why many users may prefer a MacBook Air, then in our article.


The largest disappointment of MacBook can cause the number of connectors in the device - one USB-C and one 3.5 mm audio jack. Through USB-C is offered or charge the laptop, or connect the periphery. Obviously, MacBook is designed exclusively for wireless work. If you fully charge the laptop and connect it to Wi-Fi, and the files are saved either on the computer or in the "cloud", you can work with it. But if, for example, in the process of working with a file on a hard disk or playing a movie with a connection to a TV on a HDMI, a laptop will be discharged, you will have to turn off the external device before it is recharcted.

MacBook Air in this regard is more practical. In addition to the audio connector in the 13-inch model in the presence of two USB 3.0 ports, one Thunderbolt 2, SDXC card connector and a convenient magnetic connector MAGSAFE 2.


In the test GeekBench, the new MacBook is gaining 2360 and 4500 points in single-core and multi-core modes, respectively. In the first chip mode, 10% faster than the processor in the Macbook of the past generation. At the same time, it is 10% slower than the 11-inch MacBook Air. In the test, designed for multi-core processors, the difference between MacBook was 12% in favor of the 2016 model. But MacBook Air turned out to be faster again - by 13%.

In the Cinebench GL Benchmark, the MacBook 2016 video card manifests itself almost one and a half times better than last year's model. The basic models of the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro sample of 2015, it nevertheless gave way.

Display size

According to the dimensions, the new MacBook does not differ from last year's model - 28 x 19.6 cm. This is still the most compact Apple laptop - the easiest MacBook Air Weighs 1.08 kilograms. The 12-inch Retina display has a resolution of 2304 x 1440 pixels, MacBook Air has received typical 1440 x 900 pixels. Nevertheless, the difference is 1 inch - 13 against 12 inches is very significant. The MacBook Air user gets a larger screen, even if the "opponent" is not so clear.


Apple's logo on a 12-inch lid does not shine, as we are already accustomed, and by type iPhone and iPad is made of polished stainless steel. A similar insert in the form of his brand sign, the company first began to use in smartphones and tablets. According to most users, this is an annoying loss for Apple laptops.


The cost of the MacBook 2016 basic model is 107,000 rubles. For this money, the user receives a compact portable laptop with a supercine screen with a power required to solve the task "on the go". However, in terms of performance and functionality, MacBook loses MacBook AIR, the prices of which in Russia are significantly lower - from 70 to 92 thousand rubles. Just have to come with compactness and screen resolution.

For the same 107,000 rubles, it is even a much more productive 13-inch MacBook Pro with a Retina-screen and an Intel Core i5 processor with a frequency of 2.7 GHz.


The main advantages of a 12-inch MacBook in their price category in comparison with other Apple laptops are compactness, Retina-screen, for a long time without recharging and exclusivity, in particular pink color. Among the disadvantages are lower performance and less speed in solving complex tasks, limited by one USB-C and relatively high price. Accordingly, it will have to decide whether it makes sense to pay the premium price for design and portability.

Apple annually delighted fans of electronic new products with a variety of modern gadgets, among which the hotel niche occupies a computer technician. Brand computers are distinguished by high performance, reliability, advanced software functional and serious technical capabilities. There are several model lines of "apple" laptops that have many differences from classic. We will try to figure out what the MacBook Air differs from MacBook Pro and what is the difference between them and the usual MacBook.

The main series of Apple products

Before you give comparative characteristics, let's call the main varieties of portable apple computers.

  • MacBook. - Lightweight version of the AIR-family of compact format. The device is focused on solving mobile tasks. It weighs only 2.1 kg, has aesthetic, ergonomic design.
  • MacBook Air. - Universal series, represented by light and thin computers. Convenient to solve everyday work tasks. Different with high speed of work, lack of lags. In terms of performance, the Pro series is not inferior. However, if we consider the purchase of a device for complex, multi-faceted, professional work, for example, in graphic editors or three-dimensional programs, and choose that the MacBook about or MacBook Air , the decision will definitely be in favor of the first.
  • MacBook Pro. - Line of laptops with powerful, advanced filling and RETINA displays. Due to its parameters, these devices are able to replace stationary PCs. They easily cope with work in such heavy programs as AutoCAD, 3D Max, Photoshop and others.

Comparative characteristics and product description

Lighting the question than the Macbuck is different about from MacBook Air and just MacBook, it is worth considering the main technical parameters of these devices. Both laptops are quite productive and without much difficulty copes with the performance of standard tasks. The main feature that bribes most users is elegant, stylish design. Both laptops have a solid aluminum case, easily and silently open and closed. The EYR line is represented by 11.6, 13.3-inch samples, and "Pro" sterius can boast of diagonals at 13.3 and 15 inches. Maximum weights 1.35 (for Eyre) and 2.56 (for "pro").


Another indicator of what the MacBook Air from MacBook is different. pixel density. It is also worth considering the resolution of the monitor. These parameters affect the general quality of the image, the smoothness of the fonts and the naturalness of the images demonstrated. Thus, Mac Air is represented by the 13th Model (16:10) with a resolution of 1440 x 900 pixel and a standard 128 PPI density. The second sample is equipped with a screen 12 ", resolution 2304 to 1440 with a 226 PPI density. Similar indicators for MacBook Pro: 2560 x 1600 and 227 PPI (for 13 inches), as well as 2880 x 1800 and 220 ppi (for 15). Monitors cover a wide color range, correctly, bright and realistically display all shades, differ in high detail.

What is the difference between MacBook from MacBook Pro and Air: Processor

The second important component in the selection of the computer is the characteristics of the hardware. The technical characteristics of the processor depends on productivity, speed, the ability to cope with complex operations. Therefore, before buying a device, it is necessary to clearly understand what tasks it should decide. Processor indicators are the main thing what MacBook differs from MacBook Air and Pro. MacBook objectively inferior to two other model rules in terms of the speed of action. The 12-inch model operates on Intel Core M and Skylake architecture, which is somewhat inferior to Core i5 and 7. But the significant advantage of such laptops is the lack of a fan for cooling the processor, which ensures absolute silent when working.

MacBook Air stuffing is a chip with Broadwell-architecture and tested by Intel Core i5 / I7 (varies depending on the configuration). Three-hundredthly student representatives of the Pro-family function on Skylake, fifteen - on Broadwell. One and the second laptop is equipped with Core i5 (2.7 gigahertz) or Core i7 (3.1 and 2.8 GHz).


Graphic parameters are not the strongest side of the Notebook of the American brand. They will not suit the sophisticated gamers, accustomed to enjoy saturated, highly detailed 3D games. But laptops perfectly coped with a difficult multimedia content:

  • the advanced version of Mac Pro has great graphic features compared to MacBook Air. This is due to the use of a fairly powerful AMD Radeon video card with two gigabytes of memory;
  • The 13-inch modification of "Pro" without the Touch Bar function is equipped with Intel Iris Graphics 540, and the version with a touchscreen panel - Intel Iris Graphics 550. For the latter it is possible to improve the Radeon Pro 450/460 version.
  • in 15 "Apple laptop built-in Discrete Graphics Radeon Pro 455/460, Intel HD Graphics 530.

What is the difference between MacBook Pro from MacBook : Indicators autonomy

The total period of autonomous work is a mandatory parameter that is taken into account when choosing a laptop. In this regard, the portable devices "EPL" show quite good results. All brand products are capable of functioning in standby mode up to thirty days. Consider what the MacBook differs from MacBook Air , on the example of the comparative table of autonomy indicators.

Keyboard, Trekpad

Electronics "Apple" brand provides quick access to the Mac system functions. Force Touch The Trekpad is equipped with MacBook and MacBook about. AIR and PRO laptop keypads have standard mechanisms - "scissors". MacBook uses a new version of the keyboard mechanism, which is called the "Butterfly". Here, each button is a one-piece element with an enlarged support area. Such keys are more stable, stable, differ less height, more accurately react to touch and pressing.

Ports and SSD drive

What is better, MacBook or MacBook Air: RAM

The large amount of RAM allows you to install and simultaneously launch several programs and applications at once, perform many tasks without losing performance. Manufacturers offer one version of MacBook - 8 GB of RAM 1886 MHz. Similar parameters and in the thirteen Version version MacBook Air. Built-in memory 13 "MacBook Pro 2016 version and above - 8 and 16 GB, 15" - 16 gigabytes.

Operating system

Mac OS Sierra installed on all MAC portable computers models. OS is equipped with useful applications designed for security and confidentiality. Developers tried to make every effort to maximize the use of the system. Here already familiar to the fans of the Siri brand, the Finder tabs, the iBooks application. Thanks to the advanced features, integration with a smartphone, tablet or Apple Watch is available. The key difference between Ourseries from "EPL" is increased performance and period without recharging. Thanks to the changes, such as Timer Coalescing, App NAP, it is possible to work longer, to most effectively use the capabilities of the internal processor.


This is one of the elements in Apple laptops, allowing you to use FaceTime video links, perform video calls on Skype, which is required by objective estimates requires serious refinement. The twelve-seamy MacBook is equipped with a camera with a resolution of only 480 P, in other models, the camera 720 r. The latest MacBook Pro model is 1080 p. Therefore, for high-quality video filming, it will be necessary to purchase additional photo equipment.

Color solutions

MacBook is offered in various color variations: silver, gold, "rose gold", "Silver Cosmos". Breeding on the brand of the family "Air" and "Pro" in silver. Since 2016, MacBook Pro is produced in 2 colors: silver, gray space.

External monitors

Often McBook is used as a portable device with which the external LCD monitors are additionally switched. You can connect an additional device to MacBook using HDMI (using an adapter) or via USB-C connector. A compound with displays 3840 x 2160 Pixel (30 hertz) and 4096 x 2160 pixel (24 hertz) are allowed.

MacBook Air is able to function solely with Thunderbolt monitors resolution up to 3840 x 2160 Pixel. Wider capabilities in this regard possesses McBuck about. To it, you can connect the display 3840 x 2160 Pixel (15 "models capable of working at once with two LCD monitors).

What is better, MacBook Air or MacBook: General conclusions

Selecting the productive, functional device, it is necessary to clearly represent the tasks that are facing the user.

What is the difference between McBuck about from the air: generalizing comparative parameters:

  • MacBook Air is thinner, light, compact;
  • MacBook Pro is available with a diagonal of 15 ";
  • mcBook has a discrete video system, McBook has integrated;
  • processor MacBook about more productive;
  • AIR does not allow third-party intervention, the "pros" allows the system upgrade;
  • MacBook Pro is equipped with Retina monitor;
  • the smallest diagonal (11.6 ") - MacBook Eyre;
  • the resolution of the screen from the "Air" is higher when the sizes of the diagonal in typical matrices.

If you need a stylish, ergonomic laptop with decent performance, look at MacBook based on M7. For complicated, full-fledged work with multimedia content optimal solution will be the MacBook Pro. It is also suitable for those who are looking for a powerful, reliable, productive laptop for rendering of large static scenes or video. Apple Laptops Pro Series - an optimal alternative to a stationary PC, suitable for almost all users. The only negative is not the most convenient format for use on trips.

Connoisseurs of long autonomy, compactness, ease and convenience, it is better to choose a 13-inch Macbuck Air. Deciding which MacBook Air is better , it is important to determine for what purposes it is bought. A characteristic feature of the Ayr line is that only SSD drives are installed in them, and in the model of the "Pro" line also hard drives. Laptops "Air" are characterized by a more affordable price and a smaller storage. This line is a perfect solution for travelers and those who need an affordable laptop computer.

Thus, objectively answer the question: what is better, MacBook Pro or Air , only individual preferences, financial opportunities, personal goals will be helped.

We waited for the MacBook Pro line updates for five long years. Finally, Apple ripe and introduced three new laptop at once: one without touch panel Touch Bar and two with her. 13 inches and 15 inches, price: from 119,990 rubles to 349,590 rubles.

At the same time, the company stopped selling a MacBook Air with a screen diagonal of 11 inches. There was a logical question - on what Apple laptop now pay attention?

Here you will find many comparative tables with prices and options for selecting a specific model. All specified models are available for ordering in the Apple official online store. What to choose, I suppose you can understand after comparing each model.

In Assortment Apple today:

  • 7 models
  • 97 modifications

Note: If you tap on each table, it will open in a larger resolution and there you can consider all the characteristics "under the magnifying glass".

Macbook 2016.

Verdict: The updated model of last year is perfect for a set of text and easy photo processing. This model is clearly not for games and intensive loads.

MacBook Air 2015 13 ''

Verdict: Frankly weak screen and thickness that is now inferior to the entire line with the exception of last year's MacBook Pro. Buy MacBook Air in 2016 is simply illogical. The only plus is the lowest price among all models, but it will be more logical to purchase MacBook.

MacBook Pro 2015 13 ''

Verdict: There is no longer a 15-inch model and Apple offers an exclusively 13-inch version without discrete graphics. Choosing the Pro model, I recommend to stop on the version with 16 GB of RAM. The price tag here starts from 123,790 rubles per model with a 128-gigabyte drive.

MacBook Pro 2015 15 "

Verdict: An excellent productive laptop in which there is all the necessary ports, a chic Retina-screen and a productive processor, the clock frequency of which in the top package exceeds even the characteristics of the novelties. Curious, but models with a discrete video card from sale seized.

MacBook Pro 2016 13 '' (without Touch Bar)

Verdict: The younger model from the updated MacBook Pro, which is positioned as a more productive alternative to MacBook Air. And he wins in everything: from the screen to the processor and memory. Please note that RAM is somewhat slower than the touch bar models, but if the touch panel you do not need, that is, the ability to save from 30,000 rubles already on the basic version.

MacBook Pro 2016 13 '' (with Touch Bar)

Verdict: Junior model with touch bar Oled panel. The video card is built-in, Intel Iris Graphics 550: for the games will suit, but the miracle do not wait. A variant with averaged drive and 16 GB of RAM will save you from the torment of a laptop for several years.

MacBook Pro 2016 15 '' (with Touch Bar)

Verdict: The flagship model is the option of a laptop or for an obsessed designer, or for a person who will not notice that he spent 349,000 rubles. The lion's share in the cost takes the SSD-drive: in the top configuration, its value exceeds 100,000 rubles, but the feasibility of such an investment is still in question. The average model varies in the price range from 231 to 282 thousand rubles and depends on the size of the drive and power of the processor. All 15-inch MacBook Pro 2016 models are supplied with 16 GB of RAM.


Without many words…

The modest opinion of the author

In my disposal 15-inch MacBook Pro 2014 with integrated Intel Iris Pro graphics and 16 GB of RAM. I don't see any meaning to buy a new Pro and do it. If the purchase question was standing open now, rather preferred the 15-inch MacBook Pro 2015 release in the top configuration with discrete graphics.

Why? First, the marketing move on the increase in performance by 130% in the new MacBook Pro we already understood: