Monitor with electron beam tube action principle. How is the CRT monitor

Hello, my blog readers who are interested in the monitor. I will try to make this article to be interested in everything, and those who have no longer found them, and those who have this device are pleased with the first experience of mastering a personal computer.

Today, PC displays are flat and thin screens. But in some low-budget organizations, massive kinescopic monitors can be found. The whole epoch in the development of multimedia technologies is connected with them.

The monitors received its official name from the Russian abbreviation term "electron beam tube" from the Russian abbreviation. The English analogue of which is the Cathode Ray Tube phrase with a corresponding CRT reduction.

Before the PC appeared in the houses, this electrotechnical device was represented in our everyday kinescopic TVs. At one time they were even used as displays (count). But about this later, and now let's figure it out a little in principle of the action of CRT, which will allow us to talk about such monitors at the greater level.

Progress of kinescopic monitors

The history of the development of an electron-beam tube and its transformation into CRT monitors with a decent screen resolution are saturated with interesting discoveries and inventions. At first it was an instrument such as oscilloscope, radar screens RLS. Then the development of television presented us more convenient to view the device.

If we talk specifically about the displays of personal computers available to a wide range of users, then the title of the first monica is probably worth sending the vector display station IBM 2250. Created it in 1964 for commercial use with the computer System / 360 series.

IBM has many developments to equip PC monitors, including the design of the first video adapters that have become a prototype of modern powerful and standards transmitted to the display image.

So, in 1987 I saw the light adapter VGA (Video Graphics Array) working with a resolution of 640 × 480 and aspect ratio of 4: 3. These parameters remained basic for most of the manufactured monitors and televisions before the appearance of widescreen standards. In the process of evolution of the ELT monitors, many changes in the technology of their production took place. But I want to stay separately at such moments:

What determines the form of a pixel?

Knowing how the kinescope works, we will be able to figure out the features of the ELT of Monitors. The ray produced by an electron cannon deviates the induction magnet to get exactly in special holes in the mask located in front of the screen.

They form a pixel, and their form determines the configuration of color points and the qualitative parameters of the resulting image:

  • Classic round holes whose centers are located on the vertices of the conditional equilateral triangle form a shadow mask. The matrix with uniformly distributed pixels provides maximum quality when playing lines. And perfect for office design applications.
  • To increase the brightness and contrast of the screen, Sony used aperture mask. There, instead of points, a number of rectangular blocks glowed. This allowed the maximum to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen (Sony Trinitron monitors, Mitsubishi Diamondtron).
  • Combining the advantages of these two technologies managed in a slit grille, where the holes had a type of rounded top and bottom of the elongated rectangles. And the blocks of pixels shifted relative to each other vertically. Such a mask was used in the displays of NEC Chromaclear, LG Flatron, Panasonic Pureflat;

But not only the shape of the pixel determined the advantages of the monitor. Over time and its size began to have a determining value. It changed ranging from 0.28 to 0.20 mm, and a mask with smaller, more dense holes allowed to create high-resolution images.

An important and, alas, the characteristic is noticeable for the consumer remained the frequency of the screen update expressed in the flickering of the image. The developers tried with all his might, and gradually instead of the sensitive 60 Hz dynamics of changing the displayed picture reached 75, 85 and even 100 Hz. The last indicator already allowed to work with maximum comfort and the eyes were almost not tired.

Working on improving quality continued. The developers did not forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. In such screens, this radiation is directed by the electron cannon directly to the user. To eliminate this disadvantage, all sorts of technologies were used and different protective screens and protective coatings were used.

The requirements for security monitors have been tightened and reflected in constantly updated standards: MPR I, MPR II, TCO "92, TCO" 95 and TCO "99.

Monitor who trust professionals

Work on the continuous improvement of multimedia video techniques and technologies with time led to the appearance of high-definition digital video. A little later, thin screens appeared with backlit from economical LED lamps. These displays have become an embodiment of a dream, because they are:

  • lighter and compact;
  • differed in low power consumption;
  • much safer;
  • did not have flicker even at lower frequencies (there is flickering of another kind);
  • had several supported connections;

And it was not clear to those specialists that the era of CRT monitors was completed. And it seemed that the return to these devices would not be. But some professionals who know all the features of new and old screens have not hurried to get rid of high-quality ELT displays. After all, according to some technical characteristics, they clearly won their LCD competitors:

  • excellent viewing angle, allowed to read information by siting on the side of the screen;
  • ELT technology allowed without distortion to display a picture with any resolution, even when using scaling;
  • the concept of non-working pixels is missing here;
  • the time of inertia residual image is negliguously small:
  • practically unlimited range of shades displayed and amazing photorealistic color reproduction;

It is the last two qualities that left the chance to once again show themselves. And they still have been in demand from the gamers and, especially, with specialists working in the field of graphic design and photo processing.

Here is such a long and interesting story at the old, kind friend, called the CRT monitor. And if you have at home or at the enterprise there is still such a thing, you can try again in the case and in a new way to appreciate its quality.

On this I say goodbye to you, my dear readers.

Device CRT monitor

The image is created by a beam of electrons falling on the inner surface of the electron beam tube (CRT or CRT - Cathode Ray Tube), coated with a luminofore layer (compound based on zinc sulfides and cadmium). The electron beam is emitted by an electron gun and is controlled by an electromagnetic field created by a deflecting monitor system.
For creating color images, three electron guns are used and three types of phosphor are applied to the ELT surface - to create red, green and blue colors (RGB), which are then mixed. Mixed with the same intensity, these colors give us white color.
In front of the phosphor is made special<маска> (<решетка>), a narrowing bundle and focusing it on one of the three parts of the phosphor. The monitor screen is a matrix consisting of a nest-triad structure of a certain structure and a form depending on the specific manufacturing technology:

  • three-point shadow mask (Dot-Trio Shadow-Mask CRT)
  • slit Aperture Grid (Aperture-Grille CRT)
  • nest Mask (Slot-Mask CRT)

CRT with a shadow mask
The ELT of this type of mask is a metallic (usually inquar) mesh with round holes opposite each triad of the luminophore elements. The quality criterion (definition) of the image is the so-called pitch of the grain or point (Dot Pitch), which characterizes the distance in millimeters between the two elements (points) of the luminofor of the same color. The smaller this distance, the more high-quality image can play the monitor. The ELT screen with a shadow mask is usually part of the sphere of a largely large diameter, which may noticeably on the bulge of the monitors screen with such a type of CRT (and may not be noticeable if the sphere radius is very large). The disadvantages of the CRT with the shadow mask should be attributed to the fact that a large number of electrons (about 70%) is delayed by a mask and does not fall into luminophore elements. This can lead to heating and thermal deformation of the mask (which in turn can cause color distortion on the screen). In addition, the ELT of this type has to use phosphor with a greater light output, which leads to some deterioration of color reproduction. If we talk about the advantages of the CRT with the shadow mask, it should be noted the good sharpness of the resulting image and their relative cheapness.

CRT with aperture grid
In such an electric, point holes in the mask (usually manufactured from foil) are missing. Instead, there are thin vertical holes from the top edge of the mask to the bottom. Thus, it is a grid of vertical lines. Due to the fact that the mask is made in this way, it is very sensitive to any type of vibration, (which may occur when a tapping on the monitor screen. It is additionally held with thin horizontal wires. In monitors with a size of 15 inches, such a wire is one at 17 and 19 two , and in large three or more. On all such models, the shadows of these wires are noticeable especially on the light screen. At first they can be somewhat annoyed, but over time you will be accustomed. Probably it can be attributed to the main disadvantages of the CRT with an aperture lattice. The screen of such ELT represents It is a part of a large diameter cylinder. As a result, it is completely flat vertically and slightly convex horizontally. Analogue of a point of point (as for COT with a shadow mask) Here is the strip step (Strip Pitch) - the minimum distance between the two rims of the luminofor is the same (measured in millimeters). The advantage of such ELT compared to the previous one is more rich colors and bo More contrast image, as well as a flatter screen, which significantly significantly reduces the amount of glare on it. The flaws can be attributed to a little smaller text clarity on the screen.

CRT with a slit mask
CRT with a slit mask is a compromise between the two previously described technologies. Here, the holes in the mask corresponding to one triade of the phosphor are made in the form of oblong vertical slits of small length. Neighboring vertical rows of such slots are slightly shifted relative to each other. It is believed that CRT with such a type of mask has a combination of all the advantages inherent in it. In practice, the difference between the image on the CRT with a slit or aperture lattice is not enough. CRT with a slit mask usually have the names of Flatron, DynaFlat and DR

Technical specifications
The technical characteristics of the monitors in the price sheets and on the package are usually expressed by one line of type "Samsung 550B / 15" / 0.28 / 800x600 / 85Hz ", which is decoded as follows:

  • 15 "- the size of the screen diagonal in inches (38.1 cm). In general, the greater the monitor, the more convenient in operation. For example, at the same resolution, the 17-inch monitor reproduces the image as well as 15-inch, But the picture itself turns out to be physically larger and the parts are allocated more clearly. However, the actual part of the CRT screen on the edges is hidden by the body or is deprived of the phosphor. Therefore, ask such a parameter as the visible diagonal. In 17-inch monitors of different manufacturers, this parameter may be from 15.9 " and higher.
  • 0.28 - point size. This is one of the main indicators of the quality of the monitor. In fact, this parameter characterizes the value of each pixel image: the smaller this size, the closer the pixels to each other and the more detailed image turns out. More expensive monitors have a point of 0.25 or 0.22. Keep in mind that with the size of the point greater than 0.28, a significant number of parts is lost and grain appears on the screen.
  • 800 x 600 - Recommended or maximum possible permission (in the example - recommended). This means that on the screen 800 pixels in the horizontal line and 600 lines vertically. With a higher resolution (1024x768) on the screen, you can display more different images, data simultaneously or a Web page without scrolling it. This parameter also depends on the properties of the video card: some video cards do not support high permissions.
  • 85 Hz - Maximum screen update rate (regeneration frequency, vertical frequency, FV). This means that each pixel on the screen varies 85 times per second. The more times the screen turns out every second, the contrast and more stable image. If you intend to spend a long clock in front of the monitor, your eyes will be less to be tired if the monitor will have a higher update rate - at least 75 Hz. At a higher resolution, the screen update frequency can be reduced, so you need to monitor the balance of these parameters. The update frequency also depends on the camcorder properties: some video cards support high permissions only at a low update frequency. The monitor screen with matte (anti-glare) coated can be very useful in a bright illuminated office. The same task can solve a special matte panel, fixed on the monitor.
  • TSO 99 - safety standard. Standards are established by Swedish technical accreditation (MPR) or European TSO standard. The essence of TCO recommendations is to determine the minimum acceptable parameters of monitors, for example, supported permits, the intensity of the luminosity of the luminofora, the reserve of brightness, energy consumption, noise, etc. The monitor compliance with the TSO standard is confirmed by the sticker.

Main advantages

  • Low price. Elt monitor 1.5-4 times cheaper LCD displays Similar class.
  • Longer service life. Working on failure Elt monitor several times higher than that LCD displays. Real service life LCD monitor Does not exceed four years, while the devices per CRT have to change due to moral rather than physical, obsolescence. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the lighting lamps have a number of models LCD displays Not subject to replacement, namely they are most often failed. In addition, image quality LCD displays Over time, it degrades, in particular, an extraneous tint appears. Elt screens have no problem "dead pixels", a small number of which is not considered marriage. In addition, the LCD matrices are very sensitive to static electricity, shocks and shocks. Plus all the low weight and small dimensions LCD displays Conduct such additional risks as the likelihood of falling from the table and theft.
  • Small response time while on LCD displays There is a significant inertia of the image. So if the task of creating animations for Web or presentations is LCD display It will be far from the best choice.
  • High contrast. On the LCD displays Only in the most recent models began to take advantage for the better, and in mass models about pure black color you only have to dream.
  • Lack of restrictions on the corner of the review, while on LCD displays They are, and very significant.
  • No image discreteness. Features of the formation of an image on the ELT are such that the elements are lubricated and therefore almost not visible to the naked eye. A. LCD displays The image has a distinct discreteness, especially with non-standard permissions.
  • Lack of problems associated with image scaling. On the Elt monitor can be in fairly wide limits to change the screen resolution, while on LCD Comfortable work is possible only with one resolution.
  • Good color reproduction. On mass LCD displays With TN + Film and MVA / PVA matrices, it's not all right with it, and they are still not recommended to use to work with color printing and video.


  • Radiation. Electromagnetic and soft x-rays. Although monitors are considered one of the most protected office devices, actually radiation from them above the roof. Let the monitor screen are protected. And behind what? And the fact that the main radiation from the monitor comes from its back. So if there are several computers in the office, it is better not to sit all day near the back cover of the neighbor Elt monitor, and rearrange the furniture so that it restrains him at least into the wall. But the screen, although protected, still rands pretty. I myself was sitting for very many models of monitors - from the monochrome, which were included with the 1982 release machines (on Intel 8086) - to modern CRT monitors highest price category. For all the sensations of about the same - after a while (the monitor is better, the more naturally, the time is more) felt certain discomfort. Even just close to the working monitor cannot be avoided. Still need to say about<пользе> Protective screens. Yes, they seem to protect the user, but they are usually just<отодвигают> electromagnetic field. It turns out that before the screen it is reduced, and somewhere a meter in a half, more seriously increased.
  • Flicker. It is theoretically believed that after 75 hertz, the human eye does not see the flicker. But this, believe me, not quite so. The eye and at a higher frequency of the screen update tires from this, let the imperceptible, flicker. Again, sometimes you go to the office, there is a computer there. It seems to be a new one, the monitor is normal, and as you look at it, so immediately there is badly done - the frequency of the renewal of Hertz 65. And those who have been working for him for several months, do not notice anything.
  • Non-obvious factor - dust. The point here is what. On the screen of the monitor, like on everything else, dust sits down. The screen, even if well protected, is electrified and electrified dust tempered on it. From the course of physics, it is known that the charges of the same name are repelled. And the dust stream begins to slowly fly in the direction of a suspected user. As a result, the eyes annoy. Sometimes very much. Especially if a person suffers to myopia and tries, removing the glasses, look closer to the image.
  • Burnout phosphora
  • High power consumption

3.5. Video System Computer

Elt monitor

ELT-based monitors - The most common and old graphic information display devices. The technology used in this type of monitors was developed many years ago and was originally created as a special tool for measuring AC, i.e. for oscilloscope.

ETT monitor design

Most of the monitors used and manufactured are built on electronic radial tubes (CRT). In English - Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), literally - cathode-ray tube. Sometimes CRT is decrypted as Cathode Ray Terminal, which is no longer the tube itself, and the device is based on it. The electron-ray technology was developed by the German scientist Ferdinand Brown in 1897 and was originally created as a special tool for measuring AC, that is, for oscilloscope Tube, or a kinescope, is the most important element of the monitor. The kinescop consists of a hermetic glass flask, inside which vacuum is located. One of the ends of the flask is narrow and long - this is a neck. The other is wide and fairly flat - screen. The inner glass surface of the screen is covered with a luminophore (Luminophor). As phosphors for color ELT, rather complex compositions based on rare earth metals are used - Yttria, Erbia, etc. The phosphor is a substance that, with the bombardment of charged particles, emits light. Note that sometimes phosphorus is called phosphorus, but it is not true, since the phosphor used in the coating of the CRT has nothing to do with phosphorus. Moreover, phosphorus lights only as a result of interaction with air oxygen when oxidation to P 2 O 5, and the price lasts very long (by the way, white phosphorus is a strong poison).

To create an image in the ELT monitor, an electronic gun is used, from where the electron flow occurs under the action of a strong electrostatic field. Through the metal mask or grille, they fall on the inner surface of the monitor glass screen, which is covered with multi-colored luminophore dots. The flow of electrons (beam) can be deviated in the vertical and horizontal plane, which ensures the sequential hit on the entire screen field. The rejection of the beam occurs through a deflecting system. Deviation systems are divided into sadlovoid-toroidal And saddot. The latter is preferable because the low level of radiation is called.

The deflection system consists of several inductance coils placed at the kinescope neck. Using an alternating magnetic field, two coils create a deviation of the electron beam in the horizontal plane, and the other two are in the vertical. The change in the magnetic field occurs under the action of alternating current flowing through coils and varying on a specific law (this is usually a sawdust voltage change in time), while the coils give the beam the right direction. Solid lines are the active move of the beam, the dotted line.

The frequency of transition to a new line is called the frequency of the lowercase (or horizontal) sweep. The frequency of the transition from the lower right angle to the left upper is called the frequency of vertical (or personnel) sweep. The amplitude of overvoltage pulses on the string coils increases with the frequency of strings, so this node turns out to be one of the most intense design places and one of the main interference sources in a wide frequency range. The power consumed by the bottom scan nodes is also one of the serious factors taken into account when designing monitors. After the deflection system, the flow of electrons on the path to the front part of the tube passes through the intensity modulator and the accelerating system operating on the principle of potential difference. As a result, the electrons acquire greater energy (E \u003d MV 2/2, where E-energy, M mass, V-speed), part of which is consumed on the luminosity of the phosphor.

The electrons fall into the phosphoric layer, after which the electron energy is transformed into light, that is, the flow of electrons causes the points of the phosphor to glow. These luminous points of the phosphora form the image that you see on your monitor. As a rule, in the color CRT monitor used three electronic gunsUnlike one cannon used in monochrome monitors, which are now practically not produced.

It is known that the person's eyes react to the main colors: red (Red), green (green) and blue (Blue) and on their combinations that create an infinite number of colors. The luminophore layer covering the front of the electron beam tube consists of very small elements (so small that the human eye can not always distinguish them). These phosphor elements reproduce the main colors, in fact there are three types of multi-colored particles, whose colors correspond to the main colors of the RGB (hence the name of the group from the luminophore elements - triads).

Luminofor begins to glow, as mentioned above, under the influence of accelerated electrons, which are created by three electron guns. Each of the three guns corresponds to one of the main colors and sends a beam of electrons to various phosphor particles, whose glow the main colors with different intensity is combined and the result is formed with the desired color. For example, if you activate red, green and blue phosphor particles, then their combination will form white color.

To control the electron beam tube, control electronics is also necessary, the quality of which largely determines the quality of the monitor. By the way, it is the difference as a control electronics created by different manufacturers, is one of the criteria for determining the difference between monitors with the same electron beam tube.

So, each gun emits an electronic beam (or flow, or a beam) that affects the luminophore elements of different colors (green, red or blue). It is clear that the electronic beam, intended for red luminophore elements, should not affect the phosphor of green or blue. To achieve such actions, a special mask is used, whose structure depends on the type of kinescopes from different manufacturers, providing discreteness (bit) of the image. CRT can be divided into two classes - three-beam with a delta-like arrangement of electron guns and with a planar arrangement of electron guns. In these tubes, slotted and shadow masks are applied, although it is more correct to say that they are all shadow. At the same time, the tube with a planar arrangement of electron guns is also called kinescopes with rays, as the effect of the magnetic field of the Earth into three planar-located beams is almost the same and when changing the position of the tube relative to the Earth field, no additional adjustments are required.

Types of ELT

Depending on the location of electron guns and the design of the flourishing mask, the ELT of the four types used in modern monitors are distinguished:

CRT with shadow mask (Shadow Mask)

CRT with the shadow mask is most common in most monitors produced by LG, Samsung, ViewSonic, Hitachi, Belinea, Panasonic, Daewoo, Nokia.This Mask (Shadow Mask) is the most common type of masks. It is used since the invention of the first color kinescopes. The surface of the kinescopes with the shadow mask is usually spherical (convex). This is done in order for the electronic beam in the center of the screen and at the edges of the same thickness.

A shadow mask consists of a metal plate with round holes that occupy approximately 25% of the area. There is a mask in front of a glass tube with a luminous layer. As a rule, most modern shadow masks are made from Invar. Invar - magnetic iron alloy (64%) with nickel (36%). This material has an extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion, therefore, despite the fact that the electronic rays heat the mask, it does not have a negative effect on the purity of the color of the image. The holes in the metal grid work as a sight (although not accurate), it is precisely that the electronic beam enters only the required phosphor elements and only in certain areas. The shadow mask creates a grid with homogeneous dots (more called triads), where each such point consists of three luminous elements of the main colors - green, red and blue, which are glowing with different intensity under the influence of rays from electron guns. By changing the current of each of the three electronic rays, you can achieve arbitrary color of the image element formed by triad points.

One of the weak places of monitors with the shadow mask is its thermal deformation. In the figure below, as part of the rays from the electron beam gun falls on the shadow mask, as a result of which heating and the subsequent deformation of the shadow mask occurs. What is happening the displacement of the shadow mask holes leads to the effect of the screenshot effect (RGB color displacement). A material mask material has a significant impact on the quality of the monitor. The preferred mask material is Invar.

The disadvantages of the shadow mask are well known: first, it is a small ratio of the transmitted and delayed mask of electrons (only about 20-30% passes through the mask), which requires the use of phosphors with a large light output, and this in turn worsens the monochridity of the glow, reducing the color reproduction range , And secondly, to ensure the exact coincidence of the three rays that are not lying in the same plane with their deviation to large angles are quite difficult. The shadow mask is used in most modern monitors - Hitachi, Panasonic, Samsung, Daewoo, LG, Nokia, ViewSonic.

The minimum distance between the luminophore elements of the same color in the adjacent lines is called dot pitch and is an image quality index. Pitch points are usually measured in millimeters (mm). The smaller the step of the point, the higher the quality of the image playing on the monitor. The distance between two adjacent points horizontally equal to the point of points multiplied by 0.866.

CRT with an aperture grill of vertical lines (Aperture Grill)

There is another type of tubes that use an aperture lattice. These tubes have become known under the name TRINITRON and for the first time were presented on the market by SONY in 1982. In the tubes with an aperture grid applies the original technology where there is three ray guns, Three cathodes and three modulators, but there is one common focus.

Aperture grille is a type of mask used by different manufacturers in its technologies for the production of kinescopes weighing different names, but the same in essence, for example, Tinitron technology from Sony, Diamondtron from Mitsubishi and Sonictron from ViewSonic. This solution does not include a metal lattice with holes, as in the case of a shadow mask, and has a grid of vertical lines. Instead of points with luminophore elements of the three main colors, the aperture grille contains a series of threads consisting of the phosphor elements of three main colors built in the form of vertical bands. Such a system ensures high contrast of the image and good saturation of colors, which together provides high quality monitors with tubes based on this technology. The mask used in the Sony tubes (Mitsubishi, ViewSonic) is a thin foil, on which thin vertical lines are protruded. It keeps on a horizontal (one in 15 ", two in 17", three or more in 21 ") a wire, a shadow from which is visible on the screen. This wire is used to quench the oscillations and is called Damper Wire. It is clearly visible, especially with a light background Images on the monitor. Some users do not like these lines, other on the contrary are satisfied and used as a horizontal line.

The minimum distance between the luminophore strips of the same color is called a strip pitch (Strip Pitch) and is measured in millimeters (see Fig. 10). The smaller the steps of the strip, the higher the image quality on the monitor. On an aperture lattice, it only makes sense horizontal point size. Since the vertical is determined by the focusing of the electron beam and the deflecting system.

CRT with a slot mask (Slot Mask)

A slot mask (Slot Mask) is widely used by NEC under the name "Cromaclear". This decision in practice is a combination of a shadow mask and aperture lattice. In this case, the luminophore elements are located in vertical elliptic cells, and the mask is made of vertical lines. In fact, the vertical bands are divided into elliptical cells that contain groups of three luminophore elements of the three main colors.

A slit mask is used, in addition to the NEC monitors (where the cells are elliptical), in Panasonic monitors with a PureFlat tube (previously called PANAFLAT). Note that it is impossible to directly compare the step size for the tubes of different types: a step of points (or triads) tubes with a shadow mask is measured diagonally, while the step of a aperture lattice, otherwise called the horizontal pitch of the points, is horizontally. Therefore, with the same step of points, the tube with the shadow mask has a greater density of points than a tube with an aperture grid. For example, the pitch of the bands is 0.25 mm is approximately equivalent to the step of points equal to 0.27 mm. Also in 1997 by Hitachi - the largest designer and manufacturer of the ELT - was developed by EDP - the newest technology of the shadow mask. In a typical shadow mask, the triads are placed more or less equilaterally, creating triangular groups that are uniformly across the inner surface of the tube. Hitachi reduced the distance between the elements of the triad horizontal, thereby creating triads, closer in shape to an equally-aided triangle. To avoid gaps between the triads, the points themselves were elongated, and are rather ovals than a circle.

Both types of masks - a shadow mask and an aperture lattice - have their advantages and their supporters. For office applications, text editors and spreadsheets, more suitable kinescopes with a shadow mask, providing very high clarity and sufficient contrast of the image. To work with raster and vector graphics packages, tubes with aperture grille are traditionally recommended, which are characterized by excellent brightness and contrast of the image. In addition, the working surface of these kinescops is a cylinder segment with a large radius of curvature horizontally (as opposed to CRT with a shadow mask having a spherical surface of the screen), which is essential (up to 50%) reduces the intensity of highlights on the screen.

The main characteristics of the ETT monitors

Monitor screen diagonal - The distance between the left lower and upper left corner of the screen, measured in inches. The size of the visible screen of the screen area is usually slightly smaller, on average per 1 "than the size of the tube. Manufacturers may indicate in the accompanying documentation two sizes are diagonally, and the visible size is usually indicated in brackets or marked" Viewable Size ", but sometimes only one is indicated. Size - the size of the diagonal of the tube. Monitors with a diagonal 15 ", which approximately corresponds to 36-39 cm diagonally, was distinguished. To work in Windows, it is desirable to have a monitor size of at least 17. For professional work with desktop publishing systems (NIS) and automated design systems (CAD), it is better to use a 20 "or 21) monitor.

Screen grain size Determines the distance between the nearest holes in the flowhelery mask of the type of type. The distance between the mask holes is measured in millimeters. The smaller the distance between the holes in the shadow mask and the more these holes, the higher the image quality. All grain monitors are more than 0.28 mm refer to the category of rough and cost cheaper. The best monitors have a grain of 0.24 mm, reaching 0.2 mm in the most expensive models.

Resolution monitor It is determined by the number of image elements that it is capable of playing horizontally and vertical. Monitors with screen diagonal 19 "support resolution up to 1920 * 14400 and higher.

Power consumption Monitor

Screen covering

Screen coverings are needed to give it anti-glare and antistatic properties. The anti-reflective coating allows you to watch on the monitor screen only an image generated by a computer, and do not hinder the eyes by observing reflected objects. There are several ways to produce an anti-glare (non-reflective) surface. The cheapest of them is etching. It gives surface roughness. However, the graphics on such a screen looks nonresko, the image quality is low. The most popular method of applying a quartz coating, scattering falling light; This method is implemented by Hitachi and Samsung firms. Antistatic coating is necessary to prevent sticking to the dust screen due to static electricity accumulation.

Protective Screen (Filter)

The protective screen (filter) must be an indispensable attribute of the ELT monitor, since medical studies have shown that radiation containing rays in a wide range (X-ray, infrared and radio emission), as well as electrostatic fields accompanying the monitor operation, can very negatively affect human health .

By manufacturing technology, protective filters are: grid, film and glass. Filters can be attached to the front wall of the monitor, hang on the top edge, insert into a special groove around the screen or put on the monitor.

Grid filters It is practically not protected from electromagnetic radiation and static electricity and somewhat deteriorate the contrast of the image. However, these filters looked good glare from external lighting, which is important when working with a computer.

Filter filters Also not protected from static electricity, but significantly increase the contrast of the image, almost completely absorb ultraviolet radiation and reduce the level of X-ray radiation. Polarization film filters, such as POLAROID, are able to rotate the polarization plane of the reflected light and suppress the appearance of glare.

Glass filters Made in several modifications. Simple glass filters remove the static charge, low-frequency electromagnetic fields weaken, reduce the intensity of ultraviolet radiation and increase the contrast of the image. Glass filters Categories "Full Protection" have the highest set of protective properties: practically do not give glare, increase the contrast of the image in one and a half or two times, eliminate the electrostatic field and ultraviolet radiation, significantly reduce the low-frequency magnetic (less than 1000 Hz) and X-rays. These filters are made of special glass.

Many of us still remember those inconsistent times when monitors with an electron-beam tube (CRT) were used to visually submit information in the PC, while TVs with CRT still can still be found in almost every home. Nevertheless, the eyelid of Kinescopes came to an end, and more perfect liquid crystal and plasma displays came to replace them. The opposite side of this progress was an unusually large number of unnecessary ETT monitors and televisions. According to some estimates, annually in different countries is emitted from several thousand to one million monitors and televisions, and the total number of outdated equipment, which is still kept in the owners' homes, can be calculated by millions. It is predicted that the flow of this "electronic garbage" runs out only by 2020-2025. However, the main problem is that kinescopes require special disposal.

To answer this question, let's look at the device with CRT and actually the kinescope itself, as well as materials that are used for its manufacture.
The main components of a computer monitor or TV is a kinescope, plastic case, printed circuit boards, wires, deflecting system, protective elements. The kinescope is about two thirds of the mass fraction of the entire monitor or TV, as can be seen from the following circular diagram.

Fractional composition of the ETT monitor or TV

In turn, the main structural elements of the kinescope is the ELT, cone, screen and internal magnetic screen with a mask.

Simplified schematic image of a kinescope

The fractional composition of the kinescope in mass percent has the following form:

Fractional composition of Kinescop

The inner surface of the screen is covered with four layers. The first layer is a carbon coating with various additives of surfactants. The second layer forms a coating from phosphors, which causes a wax layer to align and protect the surface. Aluminum coating forms a fourth layer applied to increase brightness. In the case of a kinekop cone, its inner side is covered with iron oxide layer, and external - graphite. The screen and the kinescope cone is interconnected using glass cement.

It is widely known that the kinescope is made of glass, the chemical composition of which varies depending on the functions of the elements of the kinescope. One of the main functions of glass is the protection against X-ray radiation. For this, about 34 wt.% PBO is usually introduced into the electron gun glass. A slightly smaller amount of lead oxide contains a kinescope cone (22 wt.% PBO). In the case of a screen of a kinescope, its glass is specially made of greater thickness to absorb hazardous X-ray radiation. In addition, this glass must have good optical properties, so it is made of barium-strontium glass (absorbs X-ray radiation in about one and a half times worse than lead glass). Note that in the screens of color TVs released until 1995, glass containing up to 5% by weight PBO was used. However, thanks to the efforts of the German Central Association of the Electrotechnical and Electric Industry (ZVEI) to increase the volume of cycling utilization volumes, most of the manufacturers have completely passed on the production of screens without the use of lead oxide. This example was not only followed by American manufacturers Corning and Corning Asahi Video (Thompson RCA moved in 1998).

In black and white TVs, the screen and cone of the kinescope is made of one type of glass, which, as a rule, contains up to 4 wt.% PBO. This difference in the chemical composition of glasses of different types of TVs is due to more powerful X-ray radiation in color TVs due to an increase in the accelerating voltage of up to 20-30 kV against 10-20 kV for a black and white TV. The averaged chemical composition of the glasskeep glasses is shown below in the table (depending on the manufacturer, the composition of the glass can change somewhat).

As the reader, probably, has already guessed, the main danger to the environment is a lead oxide, which is part of the Kirecop braid. The amount of lead oxide in one kinescope depends on its size and can vary from 0.5 to 2.9 kg with an increase in its measurements from 13 to 32 inches, respectively.

Lead (II) oxide content depending on the size of the kinescope

The feature of these glass is that lead ions are relatively easily leached from glass and enter the environment. For example, in the improper disposal of the kinescope, the leaching of lead ions can occur under the action of organic acids that are formed on the landfill for domestic garbage. Of all the lead-containing components of the kineskop, the most easily leaching occurs from glass cement.
Lead, as well as its compounds, is a toxicant with a pronounced cumulative action causing changes in the nervous system, blood and vessels. This circumstance implies the need for proper disposal of kinescopes by their disposal on special polygons or recycling.

Consider existing methods for the disposal of kinescopes.
As a rule, the disposal process begins with manually dismantling TVs or computer monitors. This operation is dismantled by the case, printed circuit boards, speakers, wires, protective metal casing, deflecting system and electron gun. Also, in order to safety on this operation, a vacuum is poured from a kinescope by doing the hole at the place of high-voltage output or through the neck of the electron gun. Protective iron clamp over the connection of the kinescope cone with the screen is also cut. All of these components are sent for further processing. As a result, it remains only a kinescope, which must be divided into a cone and screen due to their different chemical composition, which is important when they are subsequent disposal.

In practice, the separation of the cone and the screen is most often performed using a diamond saw, hot nichrome wire or laser. After that, an internal magnetic screen from the mask is extracted from the cutting kinescope, and the screen itself goes into the chamber, in which the phosophore is assembled with a vacuum cleaner (it is styled on a special test site). Thus, two types of glass are obtained at the exit - lead and barium-strontium.

This process is presented in the video below.

There is also a slightly different way to separate lead and barievo-strongencing braids. This method consists of the following technological operations: crushing of kinescopes, release of the magnetic fraction, mechanical removal of coatings, washing the glass with water, drying, and, finally, separation on lead, barium-strongeny and mixed glass with the help of special analyzers (X-ray fluorescent or ultraviolet) and pneumatic tubes . Note that in this technology, water is used in a closed cycle, and the amount of waste is 0.5% (glass dust, phosphor, coatings). This method of separation of glasses is used by SwissGlas AG (Switzerland), RTG GmbH (Germany), Sims (United Kingdom).

Let us now turn to the most important issue - utilization of lead and barium-strontium glass. Until recently, the glass data was mostly sent to the factories for the manufacture of new kinescops. However, with the advent of liquid crystal and plasma displays, the production of kinescopes ceased, which made this method of processing almost irrelevant. Nevertheless, in China there are three enterprises (Shaanxi Irico Electronic Glass, Henan Ancai Hi-Tech and Henan Anfei Electronic Glass), which can use up to 100 thousand tons of glass per year, which is only a minor part of the total (5.2 Millions of tons according to the report of the University of Qinghua).

It should be noted that the barievo-strongeny glass has been applied in the production of building materials due to the low leaching of barium ions and strontium, the concentration of which does not exceed the permissible norms. Therefore, it will be only about the utilization of lead glass.

Today, the only and most widely common method of processing lead glass is the use of it as a redemption for lead. For this, metallurgical smelting furnaces are used for lead, in which the flux is partially replaced by lead glass. However, the number of furnaces that are used by lead glass in their technological process is not quite large for the whole world. For example, DOE RUN (USA), Xstrata and Teck Cominco (Canada), Boliden Rönnskär Smetelter (Sweden), Metallo-Chimique (Belgium).

Due to the small number of furnaces and high costs for the transportation of recycling to them, this led to the fact that it was easier to send lead glass to the landfill. However, some companies involved in the disposal of "electronic garbage" chose a different way.
For example, to solve this problem, Sweeep Kuusakoski Ltd. company. (United Kingdom) Together with Nulife Glass, Sheffield University and Aalto University developed and on November 30, 2012 launched a furnace to produce a lead lead. The heating of the furnace is carried out by electricity, and the pre-crushed and mixed lead glass is used as a raw material (crumb size up to 3 mm). After the recovery process at 1200 o, the led granules and glass are obtained. This furnace can process up to 10 tons of glass or up to 2 thousand large TVs per day.

Report with opening ceremony

Alternative methods for utilizing lead glass were also proposed. In general, they all boil down to the idea of \u200b\u200busing glass for the manufacture of building materials (foam glass, for example) or as an additive to building materials such as brick, concrete, cement, decorative tiles, etc. Building materials with increased lead glass content can be used to protect against X-ray radiation. It was also proposed to use lead glass in the ceramic industry to create glaze, which racks for leaching.

The main disadvantage of building materials with lead glass additives is to reduce their mechanical properties. In addition, the results of the leaching tests were shown that the concentration of lead ions in most cases exceeds the permissible norms (according to American standards, the concentration of lead ions should not exceed 5 mg / l). We also note that in many countries the use of toxic substances in building materials is prohibited by law.

Above the designated problem can be solved by special chemical glass processing, the essence of which is to preliminarily leaching lead. In this method, leaching is usually carried out with the help of nitric acid for one hour, followed by washing and drying chopped glass. Next, leaching products are sent to a chemical plant for further processing, and the obtained glass crumb can be used in building materials. This method of recycling lead glass is applied in Hong Kong.

In conclusion, it should be said that the problem of disposal of old TVs and monitors with CRT will be relevant at least over the next decade. The situation with the decision of this problem may differ significantly in different countries of the world, which is primarily due to the absence or availability of technologies and enterprises for processing, state support, disposal culture. In the CIS countries, as well as in Ukraine, the situation in this regard can be said to have a depressing state. Only in many cases, kinescopes are on special polygons, and they only have to dream about their processing.

At night, I did not sleep from the spring hand, and to distract from sad thoughts, began to come up with a different invention. And I came up with how to make a miniature electrical monitor. CRT - because I basically love a lamp technique, and even more so the information display device. To begin with I'll show the result.

Warm LXDe Lamp Debian

The miniature electrical monitor size is only 1 cm! And do it very simple and can each! Go!

From the idea ...

Actually, the essence of the idea is simple. In old cassette VHS camcorders, an ordinary Little Kinescope appears as a display of the viewfinder. And once a long time in the magazine "Radio" I saw an article about how to make a TV from this kinesk. And then at night I thought: if you can make a TV, then you can make a monitor!

Remember: if you came to a cool idea in the head - google! Surely she came to someone else!

Of course, I decided to google. Upon request "ViewFinder Hack" there is a lot of interesting things, I will leave you on the confusion of this request. But I found one site, where comrade tries various ways to display information, and just one of the ideas to use a kinescope from an old camcorder.

Viewfinder from the camera

Warm lamp dv

These pictures are taken from this site. You probably also intrigued how to do it?

The idea is very simple and trivial. In the former times there was no such development of small LCD displays, all the more non-ferrous, and then the rules of the lamp. In the viewfinder of the old cameras there is an ELT (electron beam tube), and what is interesting, it feeds (in the sense of the tube scheme) small and accessible in the economy with a voltage of 5 V (you can take, for example, from USB). Current consumption is also small. The most delicious thing is that only a composite video signal is needed to enter this screen. A composite video signal gives us a VCR, a DVD player, cameras, almost every camera, phones Nokia N900, Nokia N9 (I can't say for others - I do not know), some video cards. The most interesting thing is that the composite video signal can be obtained even from the VGA video card using a fairly simple scheme.

VGA-TO-VIDEO converter circuit

As you can see, enormous opportunities for creativity are opened. Now you have to understand how to do it all.

What to do and who is to blame?

For the manufacture of such a miniature display, we will need an old VHS camcorder, straight hands, and one resistor 75 ohms (optional). Plus good mood, soldering iron, multimeter, free time and desire.
I want to say about the camera so that the cameras that in the viewfinder color image are not suitable at once. You can immediately check cameras that have a side screen. The older the camera is the better. The most saucer - cameras with an angular viewfinder or professional cameras. They usually have a fairly large display.
The instruction shown below is not universal! You may have to turn on the brain, search for documentation, poke the instruments into different nodes, but it can pass as well as me.
I want to note that in the very viewfinder there can only be a kinescope, and "brains" to be in the main building, but I was lucky.

So, the camcorder you managed to get. Failed? Blow to avita, shine, hammers, fucking, flea markets, there is this good in bulk for a penny! We will assume that you got it. I gave me a camera one good LJ friend who immediately understood the chip and presented me Panasonic NV-S600EN.

Camera in front of experiments

The camera was without a battery, without BP and in general it was not known - whether it works. For a start, I disassembled her. I can not give a universal instruction: disulfing that you can dislocate, all the curtains open, all the screws are observed. It makes sense to start parsing from the opposite cassette. In this way, the camera was divided into two halves, in the second there remained a switching handker with a viewfinder, and in another camera about steel gutters. He removed the scarf from the second half, the viewfinder, and the piece of plastic was removed at all. While the camera should not be disassembled, because We still need her performance.
I put the switch back to its native nest.

Switching fee

The viewfinder, after disconnecting it was horrified: it went from it ten (!) Wires. Seven colored and three gray, but after disassembly, it turned out that 7 colored passed to the buttons located on the viewfinder body (zoom). We remove these buttons safely. We get such a parsley:

Viewfinder, with three gray wires, one black ground wire and a zoom button

The viewfinder is interesting to look inside. I will not describe his device, I think if you wish, you can find a description of yourself.

With a covered lid, top view

I myself removed the "peephole" as unnecessary, although I use it episodically. The screen itself reminds us of old black-and-white TVs, which did not even see the modern generation.

Miniature screen

Three wires that go to the display, as you probably guessed, we will have: shared wire, +5 volts and composite video signal itself. It remains to determine who we have.

Hacking is an interest, plus the electrification of all devices

Praphrasing the known saying, we move on. Our task is now to solve the rebus from three gray wires: who, where, why and why. The simplest thing is to find a shared wire. I had no rechargeable battery, but her contacts sticking out. We take a multimeter in a call mode, with one end touch the minus of these contacts (I have been signed), others look at the contacts of the contacts of our three wires. One rang - this means a shared wire.
It should be noted that the battery can be hypothetically unleashed, in this case it is necessary to watch the general wire according to the camera inside the chamber, usually "will be called" all screens and wide polygons.
Now we collect the chamber back! Those. We do not quite collect, and so that all the electrical components worked. It looked like that

Electrically assembled camera

To determine other two signals, the camera had to be powered. Since the camera was orphaned, I wasted from the industrial BP, which we connected directly to the contacts for the battery. The camera agreed to work normally, only when the power parameters 6B, 6a. Before that, at the start, she blinked by the LED, the screen, jumped the engine and cut down. I assume that all the electrolytes worked there. After we brought the current to such astronomical sizes, she began and did not think.

Working camera

I could not deny the camera's performance and the display itself, I could not, on this, the TV was picked up to the camera, and there were all sorts of inscriptions on the screen.

My nickname is

The image from the screen was bad in the photo, but I can assure you - it is impeccable!
Okay, walked, made sure that everything works and further into the path. Now you need to know where we have food. We translate the multitimeter to the constant voltage measurement mode, one contact with the shared wire, another poke in the remaining two wires. If on one wire power will be somewhere 1.5-1.7 V, then it is most likely a video signal. On another wire will be about 5 V (it is necessary to understand what can be 4.8 V, as in my case). As a result, we draw everything on a piece of paper, and we get such a connection scheme.

Connection scheme

After all, we deal with the whole design, and begin the assembly of the new one.

New Life of the Old Display

Since the displays was 5 V, it was decided to power it from USB. I want to upset some who hoped that there will be 5V everywhere. After reading similar guides for the manufacture of products from displays, came to the conclusion that the displays is not required to 5 V! Maybe 6, and 12. So be alert!
But in my case everything is fine. We solder a USB cable and powered from charging.

Wool on the screen

On the screen should see familiar wool.
Please note that despite the meager currents there is a high-voltage transformer! And you should not climb your hands in the phone, but it will be bo-bo !!! Prudently all honest into the housing before turning on.

After successful launch, check the line input resistance. On the disabled display, measure the resistance between the shared wires and the wiring wire. If it is 75 ohms - calm and skip this operation. In my case it was 1kom. To match the line, a 75 ohm resistor should be soldered between the shared wire and alarm. In principle, the operation is not critical, but I have a video card and some other video outputs refused to show without consistent resistance. Of course, the resistor is better to fall as close as possible, I did everything on the switchboard.

Resistor 75 Ohm, size 0805

I didn't have a tulip-mother's tulip connector at hand, because of this, I found the SCART connector in my whp, I disassembled it and swept on the scarf inside. As a source of video signal, used its Nokia N9 with a debian on board.

Construction assembly, everything is clearly, I do not deceive you

Everything works immediately after connection. I have no nodal cable for Nokia, and I used the store for 200 rubles. It all started right away.


I will say honestly, it was very difficult to remove this photo at the beginning of the post, I spent an hour of experiments with light, exposure, aperture, etc. But the result is beautiful. Vivid it is even better! It is still very fun to see the video from such a screen.

And computer?

With the computer not so simple. There are several solutions to the problem. One of them is to buy an adapter VGA to S-Video, it is worthwhile penny, another option to solder it, the scheme above I led. The third option is to use S-VIDEO video cards, for example, such:

Found on Antlesole Vijushki

The video card has a circular connector similar to PS / 2. You need another appropriate adapter, comes with a video card. In the photo he hangs on the left. Since I did not plan to replace my video card on it old, so I just tried it to look like it.

My desktop on the big computer

It is duplicated on the micromonitor

Attentive reader will notice that some fields appeared. Change of permits (all) did not affect their presence. There is no sense, no desire to understand the reasons for their appearance. The fact that it works is installed, we return the video card to the place.

Hello. My surname "Total"

As a conclusion, I want to say that this handicraft does not have a practical meaning or I do not see it. The display has sufficient permission to even read texts on it, but it is so small that it is impossible to disassemble anything on it without an optical system.
It is possible that if it were possible to connect it as a third monitor, it would be possible to bring some useful information there, but again I do not know why.

So in fact - this is a fun entertainment that will be able to demonstrate to your children, friends and girlfriends. It looks spectacular when you take your phone, insert the wire and the image is shown on the screen :).

From these viewfoots, people make nightlife devices. For example, here
1. (eng.)
2. (rus)

Well, some make a wearable display:\u003d1283.

You can, if you wish to make glasses of virtual reality, but I loosely imagine how without a large gemmore, divide the video signal. So all this is entertainment and no more.

Thanks to Camra Freeman for the camera and my wife for patience :).