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VTB Bank (PJSC) (VTB Bank). General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1000. License of a professional participant in the securities market for carrying out brokerage activities No. 040-06492-100000, issued on March 25, 2003. Information about VTB Bank was included in the unified register of investment advisers by the decision of the Bank of Russia dated December 24, 2018.

1. The content of the site and any pages on the site (the "Site") is for informational purposes only. The site is not considered and should not be considered as an offer of VTB Bank to buy or sell any financial instruments or provide services to any person. The information on the Site cannot be considered as a recommendation for investing funds, as well as guarantees or promises in the future of investment returns.
None of the provisions of the information or materials presented on the Site are and should not be considered as individual investment recommendations and / or the intention of VTB Bank to provide investment advisor services, except on the basis of agreements concluded between the Bank and clients. Information about financial instruments and transactions with them, including ideas for investment, which contains universal and publicly available information, prepared for a wide range of people (including all clients or part of clients of a certain category, potential clients) is provided impersonally, not on the basis of an investment consulting agreement is not and should not be construed as an individual investment recommendation by the recipients of this information. VTB Bank cannot guarantee that the financial instruments, products and services described on the Site are suitable for all persons who have read such materials and / or correspond to their investment profile. Financial instruments mentioned in the information materials of the Site may also be intended exclusively for qualified investors. VTB Bank is not responsible for financial or other consequences that may arise as a result of your decisions regarding financial instruments, products and services presented in the information materials.

2. Before using any service or purchasing a financial instrument or investment product, you must independently assess the economic risks and benefits of the service and / or product, tax, legal, accounting consequences of concluding a transaction when using a specific service, or before purchasing a specific financial instrument or investment product, its willingness and ability to accept such risks. When making investment decisions, you should not rely on the opinions set forth on the Site, but should conduct your own analysis of the financial position of the issuer and all the risks associated with investing in financial instruments.
Neither past experience nor the financial success of others guarantees or determines that the same results will be obtained in the future. The value or income of any investment mentioned on the Site may change and / or be affected by changes in market conditions, including interest rates.
This document does not disclose all risks and does not contain complete information about the client's costs in connection with the conclusion, execution and termination of contracts and transactions with financial instruments.
VTB Bank does not guarantee the profitability of investments, investment activities or financial instruments. Before making an investment, you must carefully read the conditions and / or documents that govern the procedure for their implementation. Before purchasing financial instruments, you should carefully read the terms of their circulation.

3. None of the financial instruments, products or services mentioned on the Website are offered for sale or sold in any jurisdiction where such activity would be contrary to securities laws or other local laws and regulations or would oblige VTB Bank comply with the requirement of registration in such a jurisdiction. In particular, we would like to inform you that a number of states have introduced a regime of restrictive measures that prohibit residents of the respective states from acquiring (assisting in the acquisition) of debt instruments issued by VTB Bank. VTB Bank invites you to make sure that you have the right to invest in the financial instruments, products or services mentioned in the information materials. Thus, VTB Bank cannot be held liable in any form in the event that you violate the prohibitions applicable to you in any jurisdiction.
The information on the Site is intended for distribution only on the territory Russian Federation and is not intended for distribution in other countries, including Great Britain, the countries of the European Union, the USA and Singapore, as well as citizens and residents of these countries located on the territory of the Russian Federation. VTB Bank does not offer financial services and financial products to citizens and residents of the countries of the European Union.

4. All digital and calculated data on the Site are given without any obligation and solely as an example of financial parameters.

5. This Site is not advice and is not intended to provide advice on legal, accounting, investment or tax matters, and therefore should not rely on the content of the Site in this regard.

6. VTB Bank makes reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources it believes to be reliable. At the same time, VTB Bank does not make any assurances that the information or estimates contained in the information material posted on the Site are true, accurate or complete. Any information presented in the materials of the Site may be changed at any time without prior notice. Any information and estimates provided on the Site are not the terms of any transaction, including potential.

7. VTB Bank draws the attention of individual investors to the fact that funds transferred to VTB Bank as part of brokerage services are not subject to the Federal Law of 23.12.2003. No. 177-FZ "On deposit insurance individuals in the banks of the Russian Federation ”.

8. VTB Bank hereby informs you of the possible existence of a conflict of interest when offering financial instruments considered on the Site. A conflict of interest arises in the following cases: (i) VTB Bank is the issuer of one or more of the financial instruments in question (recipient of benefits from the distribution of financial instruments) and a member of the VTB Bank group of persons (hereinafter referred to as a member of the group) simultaneously provides brokerage and / or trust management services (ii) a group member represents the interests of several persons at the same time in the provision of brokerage, consulting or other services to them and / or (iii) a group member has its own interest in performing transactions with a financial instrument and at the same time provides brokerage, consulting services and / or (iv) a member of the group, acting in the interests of third parties or the interests of another member of the group, maintains prices, demand, supply and (or) the volume of trading in securities and other financial instruments, acting, inter alia, as a market maker. Moreover, group members may and will continue to be in a contractual relationship to provide brokerage, custody and other professional services with persons other than investors, while (i) group members may have at their disposal information of interest to investors and members the groups have no obligation to investors to disclose such information or use it in meeting their obligations; (ii) the terms of service and the remuneration of the group members for the provision of such services to third parties may differ from the terms and amount of remuneration for investors. When settling conflicts of interest, VTB Bank is primarily guided by the interests of its clients.

9. Any logos other than the logos of VTB Bank, if any are listed in the materials of the Site, are used exclusively in information purposes are not intended to mislead customers about the nature and specifics of the services provided by VTB Bank, or to gain additional advantages through the use of such logos, as well as to promote the goods or services of the copyright holders of such logos, or damage their business reputation.

10. The terms and provisions given in the materials of the Site should be interpreted solely in the context of the relevant transactions and operations and / or securities and / or financial instruments and may not completely correspond to the values ​​determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other applicable legislation.

11. VTB Bank does not guarantee that the operation of the Site or any content will be uninterrupted and error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the servers from which this information is provided will be protected from viruses, Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items and processes, or other harmful components.

12. Any expressions of opinion, estimates and forecasts on the site are the opinions of the authors as of the date of writing. They do not necessarily reflect the views of VTB Bank and are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

All rights to the information presented belong to VTB Bank. This information may not be reproduced, transmitted or distributed without the prior written permission of VTB Bank. VTB Bank is not responsible for any losses (direct or indirect), including real damage and lost profits, arising from the use of information on the Site, for the inability to use the Site or any products, services or content purchased, received or stored on the Site ... roll up

LLC VTB Capital Broker (VTBK Broker), License of a professional participant in the securities market for carrying out brokerage activities No. 045-12014-100000, issued on: February 10, 2009, License of a professional participant in the securities market for carrying out dealer activities No. 045-12021-010000 , issued on: February 10, 2009, License of a professional participant of the securities market for carrying out depository activities No. 045-12027-000100, issued on: February 10, 2009

  1. The content of the site and any pages on the site (the "Site") is for informational purposes only. The site is not considered and should not be considered as an offer by VTBK Broker to buy or sell any financial instruments or provide services to any person. The information on the Site cannot be considered as a recommendation for investing funds, as well as guarantees or promises in the future of investment returns.

    None of the provisions of the information or materials presented on the Site are and should not be considered as individual investment recommendations and / or VTBK Broker's intention to provide investment advisor services, except on the basis of agreements concluded between the Bank and clients. VTBK Broker cannot guarantee that the financial instruments, products and services described on the Site are suitable for all persons who have read such materials and / or correspond to their investment profile. Financial instruments mentioned in the information materials of the Site may also be intended exclusively for qualified investors. VTBK Broker is not responsible for financial or other consequences that may arise as a result of your decisions regarding financial instruments, products and services presented in the information materials.

    Before using any service or purchasing a financial instrument or investment product, you must independently assess the economic risks and benefits of the service and / or product, tax, legal, accounting consequences of concluding a transaction when using a specific service, or before purchasing a specific financial instrument or investment product, their willingness and ability to accept such risks. When making investment decisions, you should not rely on the opinions set forth on the Site, but should conduct your own analysis of the financial position of the issuer and all the risks associated with investing in financial instruments.

    Neither past experience nor the financial success of others guarantees or determines that the same results will be obtained in the future. The value or income of any investment mentioned on the Site may change and / or be affected by changes in market conditions, including interest rates.

    VTBK Broker does not guarantee the profitability of investments, investment activities or financial instruments. Before making an investment, you must carefully read the conditions and / or documents that govern the procedure for their implementation. Before purchasing financial instruments, you must carefully read the terms of their circulation.

  2. No financial instruments, products or services mentioned on the Site are offered for sale or sold in any jurisdiction where such activity would be contrary to securities laws or other local laws and regulations or would oblige VTBK Broker to comply with a requirement registration in such a jurisdiction. In particular, we would like to inform you that a number of states have introduced a regime of restrictive measures that prohibit residents of the respective states from acquiring (assisting in the acquisition) of debt instruments issued by VTB Bank (PJSC). VTBK Broker invites you to make sure that you have the right to invest in the financial instruments, products or services mentioned in the information materials. Thus, VTBK Broker cannot be held liable in any form if you violate the prohibitions applicable to you in any jurisdiction.
  3. All digital and calculated data on the Site are given without any obligation and solely as an example of financial parameters.
  4. This Site is not advice and is not intended to provide advice on legal, accounting, investment or tax matters, and therefore you should not rely on the content of the Site in this regard.
  5. VTBK Broker makes reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources, in its opinion, reliable. At the same time, VTBK Broker does not make any assurances that the information or estimates contained in the information material posted on the Site are true, accurate or complete. Any information presented in the materials of the Site may be changed at any time without prior notice. Any information and assessments provided on the Site are not the terms of any transaction, including a potential one.
  6. VTBK Broker hereby informs you about the possible existence of a conflict of interest when offering financial instruments considered on the Site. A conflict of interest arises in the following cases: (i) VTBK Broker may be the issuer of one or several financial instruments under consideration (recipient of benefits from the distribution of financial instruments) and a member of the VTB group of persons (hereinafter referred to as the group member) and at the same time the group member provides brokerage services and / or trust management services (ii) a group member represents the interests of several persons simultaneously in the provision of brokerage, consulting or other services to them and / or (iii) a group member has its own interest in performing transactions with a financial instrument and at the same time provides brokerage, consulting services and / or ( iv) a group member, acting in the interests of third parties or the interests of another group member, maintains prices, demand, supply and (or) trading volume in securities and other financial instruments, including acting as a market maker. Moreover, group members may and will continue to be in a contractual relationship to provide brokerage, custody and other professional services with persons other than investors, while (i) group members may have at their disposal information of interest to investors and members the groups have no obligation to investors to disclose such information or use it in meeting their obligations; (ii) the terms of service and the remuneration of the group members for the provision of such services to third parties may differ from the conditions and remuneration for investors. When settling conflicts of interest VTBK Broker is guided by the interests of its clients.
  7. Any logos other than VTBK Broker's logos, if any are given in the materials of the Site, are used solely for informational purposes, not intended to mislead customers about the nature and specifics of the services provided by VTBK Broker, or to obtain additional benefits through the use of such logos, equal as promoting the goods or services of the copyright holders of such logos, or damaging their business reputation.
  8. The terms and provisions given in the materials of the Site should be interpreted exclusively in the context of the relevant transactions and operations and / or securities and / or financial instruments and may not completely correspond to the values ​​determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other applicable legislation.
  9. VTBK Broker does not guarantee that the operation of the Site or any content will be uninterrupted and error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the servers from which this information is provided will be protected from viruses, Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items and processes or other harmful components.
  10. Any expressions of opinion, estimates and forecasts on the site are the opinions of the authors as of the date of writing. They do not necessarily reflect the views of VTBK Broker and are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

VTBK Broker is not responsible for any losses (direct or indirect), including real damage and lost profits, arising in connection with the use of information on the Site, for the inability to use the Site or any products, services or content purchased, received or stored on Site.

Quik is an Android editor with which you can transform your photos and videos into something incredible. The app focuses on footage captured with a GoPro camera, however, it can also work with smartphones and cameras from other manufacturers.

Working hours

You can work with videos in Quik in two modes. In the first, the user himself chooses which moments from the video seem to him the most vivid and emphasizes them with the help of various effects. In the second case, the application detects this automatically and processes it on its own. Do not forget to also take advantage of the "flashback" function, which will generate a video every day of the latest events in your life that happened in the last 24 hours - perhaps Quik will be able to randomly generate a good video for you.


With Quik, you can apply text to the material, control the font style, use various filters, crop photos and videos, create slideshows or entire clips from them. The program's library contains about 23 styles for videos with a variety of effects and transitions, as well as over 80 free melodies that can be set as background music for videos.


Key features

  • built-in library different topics video design;
  • only compatible with the most modern versions Android;
  • besides manual mode processing is present auto mode;
  • using the catalog of songs, you can select the background music for the video;
  • quick sending of the project to the social. networks or messengers;
  • Supports not only material shot with GoPro, but also photos / videos from a smartphone;
  • makes it possible to overlay text on video and photo;
  • Quik creates a video about the events in the user's life for the last day;
  • the application is distributed completely free of charge.

By continuing to use our site, you consent to the processing of cookies, user data (location information; device type; ip-address) for the operation of the site, retargeting and statistical research and reviews. If you do not want to use cookies, please change your browser settings.

VTB Bank (PJSC) (VTB Bank). General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1000. License of a professional participant in the securities market for brokerage activities No. 040-06492-100000, issued on March 25, 2003.


legal information
1. The content of the site and any pages on the site (the "Site") is for informational purposes only. The site is not considered and should not be considered as an offer of VTB Bank to buy or sell any financial instruments or provide services to any person. The information on the Site cannot be considered as a recommendation for investing funds, as well as guarantees or promises in the future of investment returns.
None of the provisions of the information or materials presented on the Site are and should not be considered as individual investment recommendations and / or the intention of VTB Bank to provide investment advisor services, except on the basis of agreements concluded between the Bank and clients. VTB Bank cannot guarantee that the financial instruments, products and services described on the Website are suitable for all persons who have read such materials and / or correspond to their investment profile. Financial instruments mentioned in the information materials of the Site may also be intended exclusively for qualified investors. VTB Bank is not responsible for financial or other consequences that may arise as a result of your decisions regarding financial instruments, products and services presented in the information materials.
Before using any service or purchasing a financial instrument or investment product, you must independently assess the economic risks and benefits of the service and / or product, tax, legal, accounting consequences of concluding a transaction when using a specific service, or before purchasing a specific financial instrument or investment product, their willingness and ability to accept such risks. When making investment decisions, you should not rely on the opinions set forth on the Site, but should conduct your own analysis of the financial position of the issuer and all the risks associated with investing in financial instruments.
Neither past experience nor the financial success of others guarantees or determines that the same results will be obtained in the future. The value or income of any investment mentioned on the Site may change and / or be affected by changes in market conditions, including interest rates.
VTB Bank does not guarantee the return on investments, investment activities or financial instruments. Before making an investment, you must carefully read the conditions and / or documents that govern the procedure for their implementation. Before purchasing financial instruments, you must carefully read the terms of their circulation.

2. None of the financial instruments, products or services mentioned on the Website are offered for sale or sold in any jurisdiction where such activity would be contrary to securities laws or other local laws and regulations or would oblige VTB Bank comply with the requirement of registration in such a jurisdiction. In particular, we would like to inform you that a number of states have introduced a regime of restrictive measures that prohibit residents of the respective states from acquiring (assisting in the acquisition) of debt instruments issued by VTB Bank. VTB Bank invites you to make sure that you have the right to invest in the financial instruments, products or services mentioned in the information materials. Thus, VTB Bank cannot be held liable in any form if you violate the prohibitions applicable to you in any jurisdiction.

3. All digital and calculated data on the Site are given without any obligation and solely as an example of financial parameters.

4. This Site is not advice and is not intended to provide advice on legal, accounting, investment or tax matters, and therefore should not rely on the content of the Site in this regard.

5. VTB Bank makes reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources it believes to be reliable. At the same time, VTB Bank does not make any assurances that the information or estimates contained in the information material posted on the Site are true, accurate or complete. Any information presented in the materials of the Site may be changed at any time without prior notice. Any information and estimates provided on the Site are not the terms of any transaction, including potential.

6. VTB Bank draws the attention of Investors who are individuals to the fact that funds transferred to VTB Bank as part of brokerage services are not subject to the Federal Law of 23.12.2003. No. 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals with banks of the Russian Federation".

7. VTB Bank hereby informs you of the possible existence of a conflict of interest when offering financial instruments considered on the Site. A conflict of interest arises in the following cases: (i) VTB Bank is the issuer of one or more financial instruments under consideration (recipient of benefits from the distribution of financial instruments) and a member of the VTB Bank group of persons (hereinafter - the group member) simultaneously provides brokerage and / or trust management services (ii) a group member represents the interests of several persons at the same time in the provision of brokerage, consulting or other services to them and / or (iii) a group member has its own interest in performing transactions with a financial instrument and at the same time provides brokerage, consulting services and / or (iv) a member of the group, acting in the interests of third parties or the interests of another member of the group, maintains prices, demand, supply and (or) the volume of trading in securities and other financial instruments, including acting as a market maker. Moreover, group members may and will continue to be in a contractual relationship to provide brokerage, custody and other professional services with persons other than investors, while (i) group members may have at their disposal information of interest to investors and members the groups have no obligation to investors to disclose such information or use it in meeting their obligations; (ii) the terms of service and the amount of remuneration of the group members for the provision of such services to third parties may differ from the terms and amount of remuneration for investors. When settling conflicts of interest, VTB Bank is guided by the interests of its clients. More detailed information on the measures taken by VTB Bank in relation to conflicts of interest can be found in the Bank's Conflict of Interest Management Policy posted on the Website.

8. Any logos other than the logos of VTB Bank, if any are given in the materials of the Site, are used solely for informational purposes, not intended to mislead customers about the nature and specifics of the services provided by VTB Bank, or to obtain additional benefits through the use of such logos , as well as promoting the goods or services of the copyright holders of such logos, or damaging their business reputation.

9. The terms and provisions given in the materials of the Site should be interpreted solely in the context of the relevant transactions and operations and / or securities and / or financial instruments and may not completely correspond to the values ​​determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other applicable legislation.

10. VTB Bank does not guarantee that the operation of the Site or any content will be uninterrupted and error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the servers from which this information is provided will be protected from viruses, Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items and processes, or other harmful components.

11. Any expressions of opinion, estimates and forecasts on the site are the opinions of the authors as of the date of writing. They do not necessarily reflect the views of VTB Bank and are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

VTB Bank is not responsible for any losses (direct or indirect), including real damage and lost profits, arising from the use of information on the Site, for the inability to use the Site or any products, services or content purchased, received or stored on the Site ...

These materials are intended for distribution only in the territory of the Russian Federation and are not intended for distribution in other countries, including Great Britain, the countries of the European Union, the USA and Singapore, as well as, albeit in the territory of the Russian Federation, to citizens and residents of these countries. VTB Bank (PJSC) does not offer financial services and financial products to citizens and residents of the countries of the European Union. roll up