Plugat photos. Search similar photos online

The definition of the fake image is similar to Factsheking - the steps are the same, the tools differ slightly. Do not forget to turn on logic at the very beginning: could this photo be done in principle at that time and in the place with which it correlates? If the order with logic is moving on.

Step 1. Is it original photo or not?

Suddenly someone already laid it before? Check through Google Image Search or Tineye. Google Image Search Find similar images of it allows you to sort them in size and date. Tineye makes it possible to compare the pictures found in themselves and also shows the size of the file and the date of its appearance on the Internet.

The better the size of the image you use, the greater the likelihood that faster stumble upon the original.

Perhaps the image you are looking for, consists of two parts of the compound parts. Divide the image in any graphic editor and look for each part. The image can also mirror, so try changing it through a graphic editor in this way and re-conduct a search.

Processed image in Foto Forensics. Source:

Check how the image has been subjected to digital processing, you can Foto Forensics. . It finds the "defined" areas in the image or inserted into it when editing. After processing, the program issues a photo where editable fragments will be stand out against the background of others.

Kazakhstan Case

Residents of the East Kazakhstan region, according to the Portal "Ust-Kamenogorsk and East Kazakhstan" portal in mid-July, began to receive the photos of grades and sheeps killed by them, with the text claiming that this happened in their terrain.


Turn on internal skeptics and check through Google Image Search.

As we can see, the photo gradin is used in the event that happened in July, or rather the 18th number in Spain, where Grad was held.

Source: Google Image Search

Other photos, with killed sheep were used even earlier - on the imgur image aggregator it is dated 2015. The image quality there also leaves much to be desired and suggests that the file is also not original.

Source: Tineye.

In short, the cataclysm clearly occurred in the distance from Eastern Kazakhstan.

Step 2. Who is the author of the photo?

  • What is on his avatar? A photo or image can be checked again through image search (see Step 1).
  • When was the account registered? How active is he?
  • What videos, comments, posts make a user? Does he poured his own or other people's images?
  • Who is the site owner or blog (in case the blog is on a separate domain)? You can check through the service

Greetings, friends! Recently about the question - how to check the photo on the coincidence on the Internet? It is no secret that search engines are very preferably related to unique texts. So they are also not indifferent to photographs, because they believe that no one has canceled the copyright. Thinking over the theme, I realized that there are several ways to find out how "clean" photo and does not have copies in the World Wide Web.

Immediately I want to say that truly unique photos can be found exclusively on specialized sites. They are called differently - photo banks, drains and so on. Only there are copyright photos that you can buy or download free. It depends on how generous one or another photobank is as far as it is popular and how much the author of the snapshot or picture appreciates itself and its creativity.

What methods there are

After analyzing the situation, I realized that I could talk in detail about three different search methods. All of them are usually effective and give a good result. Which one will choose - the personal matter of everyone. My task Tell you about everyone in the maximum details. So, start:

  • search engines Google and Yandex;
  • site;
  • etxt Antiplagiat program.

Let us dwell on each point in more detail.

Google search systems and yandex

Very often google in the minds of people is a search engine. A little less frequently - Mail. However, the service keeps in itself a lot of interesting things both for an ordinary user and for webmasters. One of his such "chips" is just checking images on uniqueness. The coincidence search algorithm is quite simple - the system simply monitors how often this or that image has met on the network according to the user specified by the user and issues exemplary coincidences (among which it can be desired picture or photo).

To check the image on uniqueness, you will need to go to the site In the usual search bar on the right side you will see a small icon of the camera.

By clicking on it, you will be offered two options: specify a link to the picture on the Internet or download your own file. For example, we need to know how unique image from our hard drive. By clicking on the second option, "Download File", you will see a line "Select File". When you click on it, a small dialog box will open in which you will be prompted to find a photo on your computer and download it to check. Selecting the desired image, you should click "Open". After that, the system will load the picture and starts searching for the photo. He usually takes a split second, and after that you will learn whether there are copies of the image on the network or it is unique.

It is important to take into account that Google can show very similar pictures, but this will not mean that your photo does not have uniqueness. You just need to carefully view the results of the issuance and everything will immediately become clear.

It is about the same and with domestic. To search through it, you need to go to

To check the picture you need to drag it into the search string. The system will think a little and give a similar picture or "say" - nothing, they might not found.

As for me, Google works several Yandex chunks, and the result he is usually more accurate and better.


To search through this Internet resource you need to go to the site It is very simple and has an intuitive interface. Right in the center you will see a small string. From the left side of it there is a button to download the file to the site and the subsequent check, and on the right, the Search button. It is needed in order to check how many references to the desired image can be found if you enter the URL of the photo.

The site is different from among the similar in that it works very quickly online and easy to learn. After loading the picture, it will show how many times it meets on the Internet. Interestingly, it practically never shows similar images. Although it may always be lucky for me - I do not know. Or unique or not, other options are not provided.

Etxt Antiplagiat program

If you are too lazy to always open the browser, click links, download photos to the network, you can use the free software for computers called ETXT antiplagiat. This is the official utility from the content exchange, which once specialized only on texts and translations, and now tries himself as a photobank. Any user can put on sale their copyright or drawn pictures, but they all tested for uniqueness inside the system. We also need to check, and not to put up for sale, so download the program from the official site: And install it.

After that, you need to go to the "Operations" menu and select the "Unique Image" item. Next, you will see the button on the right side of the search string. By pressing it, you will open a dialog box where you can find the original pictures on your computer and download it to check. The program works clearly and reliably. The only minus is sometimes the search can be a little delay.

Etxt Antiplagiat - the program for checking the uniqueness of textual and graphics information. In search results, it gives the addresses of sites on which fragments of the coinciding text and the desired images are detected.

As you can see, nothing complicated in the check of images on uniqueness is not. But if you are sure that there are no more such pictures anywhere else, you will definitely not be afraid of penalties from search engines or, more worse, lawsuit from copyright holders!

And what means to search for similar pictures or photos do you use? Be sure to write in the comments. Perhaps your method will be more efficient.

PS: Interesting Facts for searching for pictures in Yandex

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Hi friends! We all know that the site promotion primarily depends on unique content. Under the content, not only text part should be understood, but also video and images. The relevance of this article is the search robots or another request and on the loaded pictures. Therefore, it is important to know how.

You probably agree that the "brought" images of "calling" eyes of visitors. Beginners webmasters basically download them from other sites, add an entry and consider that the picture is unique. Many simply do not know how to check the picture on uniqueness, in contrast to the services to check the text on uniqueness.

How to check on unique picture

You can check the picture on the uniqueness of online services. I use the service.

Image check can be set in two ways. Download the file from Computer 1 and specify a link 2 on the image that has already been on the Internet.

In seconds, the picture will be checked from more than 18 billion! Options and service will issue a response as a list of sites on which the image is located and the picture itself. As you see completely identical pictures not. They are edited in the editors. But the main thing that robots learned to read the electronic code. And to achieve uniqueness it is necessary to "sweat".

How to check pictures on the uniqueness of Google is not the only audit service. More opportunities in Google and Yandex. Check here is identical, so I'll show you on the example of Google. Go to service check pictures in Google.

Click on the camera icon. And also to choose download a picture from a computer or specify the address of the site. Google will show even more matches than Tineye.

As you can see, you can in three clicks.

Suppose you have some image (drawing, picture, photo), and you want to find the same (duplicate) or similar to the Internet. This can be done using Special Google search engine tools and Yandex, Tineye Services, as well as a stunning PHOTOKKER Lite browser extension, which combines all these methods. Consider each of them.

Search for a photo in Google

  1. Specify the link to the image on the Internet
  2. Download the file from the computer

As a result, we get a complete list of similar pictures on the image, which was chosen as a sample:

There is another good way working in Chrome browser. Being on the page with the picture you are interested in, bring the mouse cursor to it, click the right key and in the prompt, select "Find image (Google)":

You immediately move to the search results page!

Search by pictures to Yandex

Yandex has no less just than the Google :) go and press the camera icon in the upper right corner:

Specify the address of the picture on the Internet or download it from the computer (you can drag and drop into a special area at the top of the browser window):

The search result looks like this:

You instantly get access to the following information:

  • What networks are the size of the image you downloaded as a sample to search
  • List of sites on which it meets
  • Similar picture (modified on the basis of the original either by which the algorithm has decided to make their meaningful similarity)

Many probably have already heard about online service Tineye, which Russian-speaking users are often called Tinai. It is designed by experts in the field of machine learning and recognition of objects. As a result, Tinai is great not only for finding similar pictures and photographs, but their components.

The indexed base of images of Tineye is more than 10 billion positions, and is the largest Internet. "There is everything here" - this is the phrase, it is impossible to characterize the service better.

There is another way to search in one click. By default, the "Show Search Icon" item is activated in the application settings. When you visit some photo or picture, the round green icon pops up, pressing the search for similar images - the search results for Google, Yandex, Tinay and Bing will automatically open in new tabs.

The extension was created by our compatriot, which, by the nature of hobbies, is closely related to the photo. Initially, he created this tool to quickly find his photos on other people's sites.

When it might take

  • You are a photographer, post your photos on the Internet and want to look at which sites they are used and where your copyright is impaired.
  • You are a blogger or copywriter, write articles and want to pick up a "unresolved" image to your material.
  • What if someone uses your photo from VKontakte's profile or Faisbook as an avatar on a forum or a false account in any social network? But such more than possible!
  • You found a photo of a familiar actor and want to remember what his name is.

In fact, cases when the search can be used in photography, a huge set. You can still give such an example ...

How to find original image specified

For example, you have some kind of photography, possibly cropted, or the exconvenous, and you want to find its original, or the option in the best quality. How to do it? Conduct a search for Yandex and Google, as described above, or by PHOTOKKER LITE tools and get a list of all the pictures found. Further, guide the following:

  1. The original image, as a rule, has a larger size and better quality compared to a modified copy resulting from cropping. Of course you can put the picture in Photoshop any size, but when it is increased relative to the original, artifacts will always be observed. They can be easily noticed even with a fluent visual inspection.
  2. Original photos often have watermarks denoting the authorship of the picture (surname, site address, company name, etc.). Of course, a watermark can add anyone to absolutely to any image, but in this case you can search the sample photo on the site or by the author's name, for sure it is posting his portfolio online.
  3. Finally, a very simple sign. If your sample photo is black and white (sepia, etc.), and you found the same, but full color photo, then you are clearly not the original. It is much more complicated than to translate the color photo to black and white :)

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Recently, the number of fake pages in various social networks is shrinking all reasonable feathers. This is especially true of the site. " Under Fake is a fake either fake page. Since such profiles are usually created without the costs of strength and energy, it is not difficult to calculate them.

When evaluating the page, pay attention to the following signs:

  • User wall.
  • Account age.
  • Video files.
  • Subscribers and friends.
  • Photo and avatar.

To create the effect of a living user, the fake often upload a large number of avatars and pictures into an album, leave a lot of posts on the wall and a large number of all kinds of reposts.

However, it is not worth looking at the total number, but by number. If all information on the page (even if it is much) placed within one or more days, then this is at least suspicious. Live accounts are always filled gradually.

The next feature is a large number of advertising entries on the wall. All the pictures of photography (or part of them) are advertising. Usually people duplicate on page such entries only in rare cases.

So this is also one of the indicators not a real account. Although if the wall or the entire page is completely empty, it also makes you think.

Making a fake account can such moments as:

  • Small number of entries on the wall.
  • Lack of own notes.
  • There is no: repucts, likes and comments friends.

Age Account

Each user of VK during registration is assigned its ID number. So you can understand when the page was created approximately.

In some cases, the ID number is hidden.

No problem. Go to "Friends" and see the address there.

If the number is one hundred million, it means that the page has created approximately in 2010 year. If 190 million, then in 2012 and so on.
If it has been created quite recently, it also has a chance that it is a fake.

Popular video

Perhaps two options: the video is too small and the video is too much.
Fake users usually do not bother about adding video, so there are few of them. If, on the contrary, they should look at a lot that it is for the video.

Sometimes fake users deliberately add popular video in order for more transitions on them. These are usually loud events (the last political or simply scandalous incidents), the content of entertaining character and erotica.

As for songs, they are also usually very small. At best, one or two dozen.
Subscribers and friends
The next step is viewing friends. Fake accounts it looks like this.

But there are and fake carefully following their accounts and removing blocked pages. Here you should already look close to your friends. If there are a lot of promotional profiles, it should alert.

Separately, it is worth viewing the number of subscribers.

Not always if the page has a lot of subscribers is a fake. However, there will be few benefits from such communication. Over time and you are among those pages. These people do this in order for their accounts above ranked in the search.

The first thing to pay attention to is the photo on the avatar. If it is a male profile, then it is usually an entrepreneur in a solid suit or a sports handsome, riding a belt. If female, then the girl will most likely be in a swimsuit and express the most positive emotions. Seeing such applications for friends, few people can resist and not see who it is.

Following the page, you should view the number of all photos. Typics are usually filling the pages in detail, so the photo will certainly not more than 50, but rather even up to 20. True, this is not a proof, perhaps just the other photos are hidden by privacy settings. If most photos are not visible to the face and are depicted only chest, back and so on, then 90% can be said that it is a fake.

Typics are usually stealing photos from other users or copy photos of stars.

Typics are usually stealing photos from other users or copy photos of stars. Photos of the type of next are the most popular.

How to learn fake or not Vkontakte by photo: Outcome

Check it easy enough. You just need to send to the picture and click the right mouse button. Then click "Find Picture (Google). All pages on the network will open, where this photo was posted. To accurately, you can check several photos. And if there are many coincidences with other Internet resources, then, most likely it is a fake.

Typically, for the calculation of the fake account, about ten minutes is enough. If you follow the rules described above, this skill is developed quite quickly.

P.S. I apply screenshots of my earnings in partner programs. And I remind you that everyone can, even newcomer! The main thing is to do it right, and therefore learn from those who already earn, that is, professionals.

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