Why does mts withdraw money for distributing the Internet. Single internet from mts

With all the advantages of the new tariff, there is no Internet distribution to other devices. More precisely, such an opportunity exists, but you will have to pay an additional 30 rubles per day for it. The conditions are not entirely favorable for subscribers, given the popularity of distribution Wi-Fi MTS Unlimited. Moreover, it is not clear why a client of a cellular company cannot spend his, connected under a contract, Internet traffic as he pleases. Lack of logic in the solution this issue makes subscribers look for options self-configuration giveaway the Internet from their mobile devices.

Free internet distribution options at My Unlimited tariff

The cellular operator controls the distribution using the TTL command, which limits the time spent by the subscriber in the connected Wi-Fi networks... All mobile devices set their own TTL value when transferring data to the public network. With the active distribution of data, this value is reduced by one point. Thus, mobile operator can consistently track changes in Internet traffic during operation wireless network... How to bypass MTS Unlimited for Internet distribution? Right! Correct the current TTL value using a telephone or personal computer.

Changing TTL on a personal computer

This method is applicable for those who seek to use wireless internet only on the computer. For 32-bit Windows order the settings are as follows:

  • go along the chain "Standard" - "Run" - write regedit in the line;
  • then sequentially Hkey_Local_Machine, System, Current Control Set, Services, Tcpip, Parameters;
  • in the Parameters line, click the "Create" tab;
  • put DWORD, be sure to assign the name Default TTL;
  • put a mark next to decimal system;
  • as desired value set 65;
  • to restart a computer.

Attention! For 64-bit Windows principle settings are saved, the only word DWORD should be replaced with QWORD.

Changing TTL using your phone

To do this, you first need to get root rights. By connecting such options, your phone will automatically void the warranty period. Follow the steps in the following order:

  • Download and install the program " King ROOT».
  • Open the application and click on the big green button.
  • If the "King ROOT" program is not suitable for the phone, try using other installers, for example, "SuperSU" or "FramaRooT".
  • Use the program "TTL Master" in the list Google applications Play.
  • After starting the installer, a circle with numbers with a value of 63 will appear on the screen, you need to go to the settings by the corresponding icon.
  • Change the "TTL value" and "TTL value in the input field" by specifying the numeric value 64.
  • Write down the settings and click in the main field of the program on the "Bypass restrictions" tab.
  • Switch the signal reception in the phone to the "In flight" mode and after a few seconds return it to its original state.

The setup is complete. Now you can distribute wifi for free from MTS Unlimited.

How to determine the effective TTL on Windows

To check the correctness of the TTL change through the "Run" command, type cmd, then ping At correct setting value on personal computer will come out equal to 65.

The cost of distributing Internet traffic when using the Smart Unlimited tariff

Currently, this tariff is no longer included in the list of offers for connection. Since 2018, it has been replaced by the My Unlimited tariff. It is used only by subscribers who subscribed to the service in 2017. For 350 rubles a month, the client is provided with 10 GB of Internet, 300 minutes each and SMS-messages. Since November 2017, the mobile operator has introduced a limit on the distribution of Internet traffic from using Wi-Fi by setting an additional payment for its use.

Hey! After the holidays, I went to rake questions in the mail, and dug up an interesting message about the distribution of the Internet by MTS. I had to deal with this before, but here it is quite interesting. People connected to themselves the tariff "Smart Unlimited", which included as much as 10 GB of mobile traffic.

It is clear that on holidays you need to share everything, and the Internet too, but MTS introduced restrictions - to distribute Wi-Fi you need to pay 30 rubles per day (but you want it for free), and this is already higher than the price of the tariff itself, and any home Internet will cost less. At the same time, such options were not included in the initial conditions. MTS in Unlimited changed horses at the crossing, and people either left or started looking for workarounds in search of their cheap unlimited internet(although it is still possible to argue about unlimited for such a price). In this article, I would just like to show how the operator calculates the distribution of the Internet, and how you can get around this prohibition without overpaying. Begin!

Perform actions at your own peril and risk! Our portal site does not call for illegal actions, any information is submitted for educational purposes in the field information technologies... The operator can change his verification algorithms at any time.

The basics

One of the main operator checks to determine the distribution is the TTL (time-to-live) parameter check. Both in Tarifische and in Unlimited, this check was also done on this number. And if anything diverges, it is immediately prohibited. I'll try to briefly explain what it is:

  • TTL is a number.
  • TTL decreases every time by 1 when a network packet passes through a node (phone, router, provider's router, etc. up to the site).
  • TTL was created to limit the endless search for a target in the network (for example, if it is set to 32, then no more than 32 route points can be used to find the target site, and if it is exceeded, the connection is dropped).
  • The TTL at the intermediate node can be used to calculate the number of points traveled.

Total - the operator can check the TTL on their routers, and understand by the discrepancy in the standard number that there is a distribution over Wi-Fi. One of our options for getting around the ban is to change the TTL parameter yourself on devices that are connected to the distribution phone. This can be done on smartphones and laptops. We will try!

For easy reference, I also offer a video instruction:

What TTL should I put?

I supplement with the advice of the Borodach:
1. If you connect via USB - set TTL 64
2. If you connect via Wi-Fi - set TTL 65

On the computer

This section is for those who connect to a distributing smartphone from a computer or laptop. I represent detailed instructions by changing TTL.

  1. Launch the registry editor. The easiest way to do this is by pressing the "Win + R" keys and entering "regedit" there:
  1. In the launched editor, go through the branches: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters"

  1. Edit - New - DWORD parameter (on 64-bit systems - QWORD). We set the name "DefaultTTL", the value is 65 (for the decimal number system). As a result, it looks like this:

We save all the values, restart the computer and rejoice. Now you should be able to easily distribute the Internet from your phone to your laptop.

For reference - the value will not affect the normal value in any way. wired Internet or wi-fi from the router, tk. this is just the maximum number of nodes visited, but for the mobile operator it will see that you are connected directly, and not through the distribution (64 by default, but since we are connected through one node is an extra smartphone node, then it was necessary to set one more - 65).

If suddenly something does not work out - write about it in the comments, we will figure it out.

To check the correctness after rebooting, go to the command line (the same combination Win + R, only the command "cmd"). And there we enter the command:

The value of our TTL should appear:

The picture above should not be 64, but 65 !!! I just couldn't restart my laptop to apply the new settings. You should have exactly 65 here !!!

On Android

Now is the time to move on to smartphones. Perhaps, they most often try to distribute the Internet. Especially if we are talking about schoolchildren) Here, too, you can safely change our TTL. We will try.

You need to change TTL not on the distributing phone, but on the one that connects !!!

To make changes, you need to get on your phone ROOT access... The easiest way is to install the King ROOT application, SuperSU or their analogues. The methods look individually for their model, our article is not about that. Not all devices can be rooted.

And now the instructions for further actions:

  1. Install and run through Google play TTL Master app.
  2. A number should be displayed on the screen (usually 63). Our task is to increase it by one. Enter 64 in the field and apply:

  1. We do not restart the smartphone, but we cut off the Wi-Fi connection - as one of the options, it is easier to switch to the "Airplane" mode. After we reconnect, the settings should be successfully applied.

When you restart the phone, the settings are reset to defaults !!!

You can get by with some kind of Root Browser, tk. all settings on UNIX-like systems (including Android) are stored in files. Open the file through our downloaded browser:

And in the parameter ip_default_ttl change 63 to 64. Reset the connection through the "In flight" mode and get the same result.


Some have reported that a SIM card is bound by hardware to an IMEI-based device. If you want to, on special forums like w3bsit3-dns.com, you can find instructions for replacing it for your handset, but initially I do not recommend doing this - there is a risk of getting a "brick", and the restriction is mostly introduced by TTL.

In another strange instruction I saw working with hosts file- they say the operator of the tariff plan can block individual addresses. Then here you can beat the values ​​with your hands, but for me it's easier to initially interrupt your DNS with public ones from the same Google. Then everything will fall into place.

Almost any modern smartphone can work to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. To do this, all other devices must be located within the coverage area of ​​an organized access point. But sometimes distribution means something completely different - the service "One Internet" from MTS. It will allow you to use traffic on several devices at once, even if they are located in neighboring cities. Let's see what this service is, how to connect it and how to set it up.

MTS is doing everything possible to make communication services more accessible for each subscriber. It should be noted that she does it pretty well. Thanks to the recently appeared service "Single Internet" from MTS, we can distribute traffic from our smartphone to any other devices - these are other smartphones, tablets and modems. The main thing is that some kind of Internet package is connected to the head number. The main advantages of the service:

  • The minimum subscription fee is only 100 rubles / month;
  • You don't need Wi-Fi to distribute traffic - distribution is carried out at the level cellular network MTS;
  • You can save on monthly fees - it will be charged only from one device.

Indeed, if a person needs Internet from MTS both on a smartphone and on a tablet, then he does not need to connect the options separately on each device - just connect a single Internet package on the smartphone and distribute traffic to the tablet. In the first case, by connecting two "Internet-Mini" packages, we will receive a total subscription fee 1000 rubles / month And in the second - only 600 rubles / month (for the package and for "One Internet"), since the dedicated package can be enough for both a smartphone and a tablet.

To distribute the Internet, we can use the following options and tariffs:

  • MTS option "Internet-Mini" - 7 GB are provided for 500 rubles / month, the minimum solution for "Single Internet";
  • Option "Internet-Maxi" - here we get 15 GB during the day and unlimited at night for 800 rubles / month;
  • Option "Internet-VIP" - a powerful package of 30 GB of daytime and unlimited night traffic for 1200 rubles / month;
  • "Smart" tariff - 5 GB for 500 rubles / month;
  • Tariff "Smart Zabugorische" - 7 GB for 250 rubles / week;
  • Tariff "Smart Top" - 20GB for 1950 rubles / month;
  • "Smart Unlimited" tariff - 10 GB for 550 rubles / month.

note that on the presented tariffs, in addition to Internet traffic, there are solid packages of minutes and SMS.

A little about the limits - you can distribute no more than 50 GB of traffic in one month. If you use the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, then only 10 GB will be allocated for distribution (you can safely forget about unlimited Internet on all devices).

As already mentioned, the head unit in the One Internet service from MTS is a smartphone - you just need to choose a suitable tariff or option. The maximum number of connected devices is 5. Moreover, SIM cards in these devices can be issued to other subscribers as well - it does not matter. But if the number is served in another region, then MTS will not be able to distribute traffic through the "Single Internet" service.

Service connection

Let's see how to connect the "Single Internet" from MTS. To do this, we need to organize a group - we go from a smartphone to the operator's website, select the "My group" block and click on the "Invite device" link - in the field that opens, indicate the phone number of the invited subscriber and confirm our actions by clicking the "Invite" button.

On the invited device, you also need to go to the Internet, to the MTS website. A notification about the invitation will be displayed on the screen - press the "Accept" button. Congratulations - now you can use general traffic within the Single Internet service. Similarly, you can connect up to four more devices... Another confirmation method is to reply with the number 1 to the received SMS notification.

The cost of "Single Internet" from MTS is 100 rubles / month for the first month of connection and 4 rubles / day for all subsequent months. There is no charge for adding devices.

Disconnection of the service

In order to disconnect the "Single Internet" from MTS on recipient devices, you should go to the operator's website. Here you need to exit the group. Both parties, after completing the exit, will receive a confirmation SMS... You can also send 0 to the free service number 5340 for this. After that, the traffic will be billed according to the current tariff plan.

Let's see how to disable the One Internet service from MTS on a distributing smartphone. This is done through the same operator's website or by sending the USSD command "0 *" (separated by a space, without quotes) to the service number 5340. automatic shutdown- this will happen if all previously connected consumers are disconnected from the dispensing device.

Hello everyone, dear site visitors! After the recent publication of an article on how to make a SIM card work with SMART Unlimited and Yota tariffs via a USB modem, I received many comments that, they say, everything works, but a new problem arose.

The fact is that when using the Internet on a laptop, people began to receive messages from MTS about withdrawing funds for distributing the Internet to other devices. This problem takes place, and in this article I will tell you and give a solution on how to get around this MTS limitation.

How to connect to the closed tariff of the operator in order to significantly reduce the cost of unlimited Internet? [advertising]

Friends, it is possible to connect closed mobile tariffs... These are the rates that cellular operators connect to large enterprises employing 1000+ people. In a regular salon, such rates cannot be issued. And what is the salt, you ask? The answer is data unlimited tariff plans much cheaper than those that are available to "mere mortals"... (Tariff, Unlimited and others). The savings on the Internet / calls are very noticeable. And most importantly - no troubles with the distribution of the Internet, and use in modems.

Possible work through Guarantee-service, which negates any risks of receiving a tariff. He will receive money from you only when you insert the SIM card into the phone, and make sure that the tariff meets the declared characteristics. In St. Petersburg - there is a delivery to the metro.

How to use SMART Unlimited on a laptop, sharing the Internet via a USB modem or phone via wi-fi.

So, in the last article, we. Thus, we made the operator think that our modem is a telephone. However, just changing the IMEI of the modem is not enough. At the tariff "Unlimited", as well as in unlimited tariffs there is one "nuance" from Iota, which is usually kept silent when selling a contract.
As you know, many modern mobile phones have the function of distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi, USB and Bluetooth. We look at the terms of the tariff:

Using a modem as a phone, we, as it were, distribute the Internet from a phone (modem) to a computer via USB. According to the terms of the tariff, the distribution of the Internet from your mobile phone other devices are subject to additional charges. That is, for the fact distribution of the Internet from a modem, from you every day they will begin to withdraw funds from the balance, in the amount of 30 rubles per day.

And, of course, MTS will take money from you every day, and in case distribution of the Internet from the phone via Wi-Fi or BlueTooth.

Agree, not a very pleasant fact. But, you shouldn't be upset! This impudent rip-off of the people by the "poor" operators can be bypassed!

To do this, you need to figure it out how does the operator know that you are distributing the Internet to other devices.

How not to pay 50 rubles "for distributing the Internet" for a laptop. What is TTL?

To begin with, each data packet transmitted from your device (laptop, phone, tablet) has a special parameter called "TTL". It stands for "Time To Live", or packet lifetime. I will not go into details - for our noble goal (to deceive the operator), we need to know about the ttl parameter as follows:

  1. The default TTL for the packet different for each device... For example, phones on iOS and Android have default TTL equal to 64. A computer on Windows OS has tll = 128.
  2. When passing through each gateway (router), The TTL of the packet is decreased by one... V this case, our router is a phone or a modem. That is, if our initial ttl = 128 (we are sitting with a PC), then when passing through a modem / phone it will become equal to 127 (128 minus 1).
  3. The operator compares the TTL of packets coming from the subscriber and sees different ttl values ​​for packets. For example, from the smartphone (modem) OpSoSu comes ttl = 64, from the laptop, after passing through the smartphone / modem - ttl = 127.
  4. The operator sees that TTL packets "jump"... 64-127-127-64-127- ... Thus, he understands that the Internet is accessed not only from a smartphone, but also distribution to other devices is in progress, and sends SMS notifying that distribution costs 50 rubles per day.

All this is shown schematically in the picture:

Accordingly, all we need to do is align the TTL values ​​transmitted from our modem (smartphone) to the operator. Most likely, your phone / modem has TTL = 64. Accordingly, on the laptop to which you are distributing the Internet, you need to set the value " Default TTL»One more, that is, equal 65 .

How to change TTL on a computer.

So, now I will tell you how to change TTL on a computer or laptop under Windows control 7, 8, 10. It's quite simple, you just need to do a few mouse clicks:

So, The default TTL in our laptop is now 65.

When passing through a modem / phone, it will drop to 64, and the operator will not be able to determine that you are distributing the Internet to a laptop. And, accordingly, he will not withdraw 30 rubles every day! Which is what we needed.

How do I find out the current TTL on Windows?

You can check your ttl, making sure it has changed to the correct one. For this we "ping" our own computer. First, go to the command line (press the Win + R keys and enter "cmd"). There we type the command "ping" - this is the address of your computer in local network(localhost). As we can see - TTL = 65, which is what we needed.

If something remains unclear, watch the video on my YouTube channel:

MTS Unlimited - how to bypass the fee for distributing unlimited Internet to a laptop:

Was released some time ago tariff plan"Smart Unlimited" containing 10 GB of traffic. People used it to share Wi-Fi. But the MTS company decided to make money on this - the distribution of the Internet began to cost 30 rubles per day. This is more expensive than the monthly tariff fee. You can get rid of this injustice. In this article we will talk about how to bypass the restrictions on the distribution of Wi-Fi on the "Smart Unlimited" tariff.

If you look sensibly, the MTS company acted dishonestly in relation to subscribers. Why not reciprocate, because what difference does it make where users spend their traffic?

To control the distribution of Wi-Fi, telecom operators use TTL (stands for "Time to live"). It is difficult to explain what it is. Let's consider only the principle of operation:

  • All devices set their own TTL value, which is taken into account when sending data packets to the network.
  • The packet passes through the router and then decreases its value by one. For example, from 64 (the default value used by mobile devices) to 63.
  • The carrier monitors this and knows when the Wi-Fi is being distributed.

To get around the ban, there is one solution - adjust the TTL value. This is done either on a mobile device or on a computer.

Correcting TTL on the computer

This method is suitable for those who transfer Wi-Fi exclusively to a computer. We'll have to tweak the registry data a little.

Instructions for Windows 32 bit:

  • You need to enter the registry. Call the "run" menu by pressing "win" + "r" at the same time. Write in the input field - "regedit".
  • Let's go to the necessary settings - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters".
  • Click on the "Parameters" tab. Next, we are looking for the "Create" item.
  • We select "DWORD". Be sure to assign a name - "DefaultTTL".
  • We put a tick next to the decimal number system.
  • It remains to set the TTL. Recall that as it goes through the router, it increases by one point. We put the value - "65".
  • We save. We reboot the system.

The instruction for Windows 64 bit is practically the same. We go to the registry, follow the specified path. The only difference - Instead of "DWORD" we create "QWORD". Do not forget to restart your computer.

If you follow the steps not for your version operating system then nothing will work. Fees will continue to be charged.

To check if the action was performed correctly, do the following:

  • We share Wi-Fi using mobile device... We connect to the network from a computer.
  • We go to the "Network Control Center and general access". Next, select the network used and view its properties. In the item "Default gateway" we find out the IP, write it down.
  • We call the program "Run" using the buttons "win" + "R". We enter "cmd" into it.
  • Opened command line... We enter the request - "ping + recorded IP" (be sure to leave spaces). Then click on "Enter".
  • If TTL = 64, then everything is correct.

If you do not want to go into the computer's connections, then enter "ping" in the CMD. When using this IP, TTL = 65.

As you can see, circumvention of restrictions is profitable and simple.

Correcting TTL on Android device

This method allows you to make sure that your phone can transfer Wi-Fi to absolutely any device for free.

For everything to succeed, you need to get ROOT rights on Android. This is done as follows:

  • Download the "King ROOT" application. It cannot be found on Google Play.
  • Install the APK. We launch the application.
  • A large green button will appear, click on it.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get ROOT rights. It depends on your phone model and its firmware. If it does not help, use other applications: "SuperSU", "FramaRoot", "Root360".

By obtaining such rights, users are deprived of guarantees for their devices. Be careful.

Let's move on to the next part of the instruction:

  • Download the "TTL Master" program. It's easy to find on Google Play. But it's better to find another version using a search engine - 3.0.1.
  • Install and launch the application.
  • We see the interface on which there is a circle with numbers. The value is indicated there - "63".
  • We go into the settings using the appropriate icon.
  • Change the "TTL value" and "TTL value in the input field". You must specify that the TTL is 64.
  • We save the settings.
  • We return to the main interface of the program. Click on the "Bypass restrictions" button.

Now you can share Wi-Fi without spending any money.

If you reboot the device, the settings are reset from the phone. We repeat the points from the beginning, after which it will be possible to use the network again.

Is the Internet distribution free of charge at the “MTS Unlimited” tariff? This can be checked using the method indicated in the instructions for the computer. And also you should not receive messages from MTS.


Operators do not have to control how users use traffic. Therefore, the above instructions are provided to help you save your money. It is suitable not only for MTS, but also for other mobile operators.