Spy program on the computer.              Information security lab Computer spy in Russian

When using the Internet, you should not think that your privacy is protected. Detractors often follow your activities and seek to get your personal information with the help of special malware - spyware. This is one of the oldest and most widespread types of threats on the Internet: these programs enter your computer without permission to initiate various illegal actions. It is very easy to become a victim of such programs, but getting rid of them can be difficult - especially when you do not even know that your computer is infected. But do not despair! We will not leave you alone with threats! You just need to know what spyware is, how it gets into your computer, how it tries to harm you, how to eliminate it, and how you can prevent future spyware attacks.

What is spyware?

History of spyware

The term "spyware" was first mentioned in 1996 in one of the specialized articles. In 1999, this term was used in press releases and already had the meaning that is assigned to it today. He quickly gained popularity in the media. It wasn't long before the first anti-spyware application was released in June 2000.

"The first mention of spyware dates back to 1996."

In October 2004, media company America Online and the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance (NCSA) conducted a study of this phenomenon. The result was incredible and frightening. About 80% of all Internet users have somehow encountered spyware on their computers, approximately 93% of computers had spyware components, while 89% of users did not know about it. And almost all users affected by spyware (about 95%) admitted that they did not give permission to install them.

Today, the Windows operating system is the preferred target for spyware attacks due to its widespread use. However, in recent years, spyware developers have also turned their attention to the Apple platform and mobile devices.

Spyware for Mac

Historically, spyware writers have targeted the Windows platform as their primary target because it has a larger user base than the Mac platform. Despite this, the industry experienced a significant spike in Mac malware activity in 2017, with most of the attacks carried out through spyware. Mac spyware has a similar behavior to Windows spyware, but is dominated by password stealers and general purpose backdoors. Malicious activities of software belonging to the second category include remote execution of malicious code, keylogging, screen capturing, random file uploads and downloads, password phishing, etc.

“In 2017, the industry experienced a significant spike in Mac malware activity, with most of the attacks carried out through spyware.”

In addition to malicious spyware, so-called "legitimate" spyware is also not uncommon in the Mac environment. These programs are sold by real companies on official websites, and their main goal is to control children or employees. Of course, such programs are a classic "double-edged sword": they allow the possibility of abuse of their functions, since they provide the average user with access to spyware tools without requiring any special knowledge for this.

Spyware for mobile devices

Spyware does not create a shortcut and can stay in the mobile device's memory for a long time, stealing important information such as incoming/outgoing SMS messages, incoming/outgoing call logs, contact lists, email messages, browser history, and photos. In addition, mobile spyware can potentially track keystrokes, record sounds within range of your device's microphone, take photos in the background, and track your device's position using GPS. In some cases, spyware even manages to control the device using commands sent via SMS and/or coming from remote servers. Spyware sends stolen information via email or by exchanging data with a remote server.

Keep in mind that consumers are not the only target of spyware hackers. If you use your smartphone or tablet at work, hackers can attack your employer's organization through vulnerabilities embedded in the mobile device system. Moreover, computer security incident response teams may not be able to detect attacks carried out through mobile devices.

Spyware typically infiltrates smartphones in three ways:

  • An unsecured free Wi-Fi network that is often installed in public places, such as airports and cafes. If you register on such a network and transfer data through an insecure connection, attackers can monitor all the actions that you perform while you remain on the network. Pay attention to warning messages displayed on your device screen, especially if they indicate a failure to authenticate the server identity. Take care of your security: avoid such insecure connections.
  • Vulnerabilities in the operating system can create the prerequisites for the penetration of malicious objects onto a mobile device. Smartphone manufacturers often release updates to operating systems to protect users. Therefore, we recommend that you install updates as soon as they become available (before hackers try to attack devices running outdated programs).
  • Malicious objects are often hidden in seemingly ordinary programs - and the likelihood of this increases if you download them not through the application store, but from websites or through messages. It is important to pay attention to warning messages when installing applications, especially if they ask permission to access your email or other personal data. Thus, we can formulate the main rule of security: use only proven resources for mobile devices and avoid third-party applications.

Who is attacked by spyware?

Unlike other types of malware, spyware developers do not aim to target any specific group of people with their products. On the contrary, in most attacks, spyware deploys its networks very widely in order to hit as many devices as possible. Consequently, each user is potentially a target of spyware, because, as attackers rightly believe, even the smallest amount of data will sooner or later find its buyer.

"In most attacks, spyware deploys its networks very widely to hit as many devices as possible."

For example, spammers buy email addresses and passwords in order to send malicious spam or act in the guise of others. As a result of spyware attacks on financial information, someone can lose money in a bank account or become a victim of scammers using real bank accounts in their machinations.

Information obtained from stolen documents, images, videos and other digital forms of data storage can be used for extortion.

Ultimately, no one is immune from spyware attacks, and hackers don't give much thought to whose computers they infect in pursuit of their goals.

What should I do if my computer is infected?

Spyware that enters a system tends to remain undetected and can only be detected if the user is experienced enough to really know where to look. So many users continue to work, unaware of the threat. But if it seems to you that spyware has penetrated your computer, you must first clean the system of malicious objects so as not to compromise new passwords. Install a reliable antivirus that is capable of providing proper cybersecurity and uses aggressive algorithms for detecting and removing spyware. This is important because only aggressive antivirus actions can completely remove spyware artifacts from the system, as well as restore damaged files and broken settings.

After cleaning your system of threats, contact your bank representatives to warn about potential malicious activity. Depending on what information was compromised on the infected computer (especially if it is connected to the network of an enterprise or organization), the law may require you to inform law enforcement about the facts of virus penetration or to make a public statement accordingly. If the information is sensitive or involves the collection and transmission of images, audio and/or video files, you should contact a law enforcement representative and report potential violations of federal or local laws.

One last thing: Many identity theft protection vendors claim that their services can detect fraudulent transactions or temporarily block your credit account to prevent harm from unwanted programs. At first glance, blocking a credit card seems like a really good idea. However, Malwarebytes strongly recommends that you do not purchase identity theft protection.

"Many vendors of identity theft protection claim that their services can detect fraudulent transactions."

How to protect yourself from spyware?

The best protection against spyware, like most types of malware, depends primarily on what you do. Please follow these basic guidelines to ensure your cyber security:

  • Do not open emails from unknown senders.
  • Do not download files from unverified sources.
  • Before you click on a link, hover your mouse over it to check which web page it will take you to.

But as users have gained cybersecurity expertise, hackers have also gotten smarter, creating ever more sophisticated ways to deliver spyware. That is why installing a proven antivirus is essential to counteract the latest spyware.

Look for antiviruses that provide real-time protection. This feature allows you to automatically block spyware and other threats before they can harm your computer. Some traditional antivirus and other cybersecurity tools rely heavily on signature-based detection algorithms - and such protection is easy to bypass, especially when it comes to modern threats.
You should also pay attention to the presence of functions that block the very penetration of spyware into your computer. For example, it can be anti-exploit technology and protection against malicious websites that store spyware. The premium version of Malwarebytes has a proven track record of being a reliable anti-spyware solution.

In the digital world, dangers are an integral part of the Internet reality and can lie in wait for you at every turn. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to protect yourself from them. If you maintain a reasonable balance between using antivirus and taking basic precautions, you will be able to protect every computer you use from spyware attacks and the malicious activities behind them.
You can view all of our spyware reports

Have you ever experienced a feeling of anxiety about the safety of confidential data on your computer? Do not rush to answer that you do not have confidential information. If you think you have "nothing to steal", you are most likely wrong. If you have made a purchase at least once in an online store, paying with a credit card or electronic money, then your computer is already a bait for a potential thief. The problem exists, and the ideal solution for it has not yet been invented. Of course, there are various ways to protect confidential data, for example, restricting access rights in the system, antivirus software, firewalls, etc. We have repeatedly talked about many of them on the pages of 3dnews. However, relying entirely on antivirus and password protection would be somewhat arrogant. In addition to the danger of a virus attack, there is a completely different kind of threat due to the human factor. What happens when you are away from work? Perhaps, while you are finishing your cup of coffee in the buffet, during your lunch break at work, someone reads your e-mail correspondence?

Having received someone else's computer even for a few minutes, an experienced user can easily find out all the information of interest to him - the history of negotiations on ICQ and e-mail, the list of passwords used in the system, links to resources that the user viewed, not to mention access to documents on disk. Utilities that help spying will be discussed in this review. Such programs can be used both at work to control the working time of employees, and at home as a means of parental control or as a tool to obtain information about the private life of your spouse. Note that due to the specifics of spyware, antiviruses and firewalls are often very suspicious of them, often mistaking them for malware. The developers of some utilities even place a corresponding notice on their websites. However, in most cases, it is enough to configure the firewall once, and it will no longer respond to spyware.

Power Spy 2009

Developer: eMatrixSoft
Distribution size: 5 MB
Spreading: shareware Power Spy can be called a universal spy. It is suitable for monitoring the workplaces of employees, and for monitoring the activities of the child at the computer, and in order to find out what your wife is doing on your home PC in your absence. The program can record all keystrokes, save screenshots of windows opened by the user, fix the addresses of visited websites, intercept messages sent by e-mail, as well as via instant messaging systems (MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, ICQ, AOL Messenger, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Messenger and Skype text chat). In addition, it is possible to save all windows opened by the user, applications launched, passwords typed and information that is entered into the clipboard.

In stealth mode, Power Spy is completely invisible to the user, it does not appear in the list of running applications, does not show an icon in the system tray, it is not in the list of installed programs and in the Start menu, and besides, the folder where Power Spy was installed , is also hidden. To interrupt the program or uninstall, you need to enter a password, and you can uninstall the program using its window. The administrator can call up the program window with the collected data by pressing a certain key combination. Information about activity on the computer is presented in a convenient way: screenshots can be viewed in slideshow mode, information about keystrokes is organized chronologically by application and window, the Email tab contains the text of all letters that the user has read and sent. In addition, the program saves the contents of all documents that users have worked with. Moreover, if the file was opened several times, then Power Spy will save it only once, which allows you to reduce the size of the report. In addition, you can set up Power Spy to email reports in HTML format or upload them to an FTP server.

Real Spy Monitor 2.89

Developer: Share Star
Distribution size: 1.4 MB
Spreading: shareware Another utility that will help you to be aware of who is doing what and when on the computer. The program supports multiple Windows accounts and, by compiling a report, indicates which user performed certain actions. When setting up the application, you can select accounts under which the application will automatically start.

Reports compiled by Real Spy Monitor include information about all keys pressed and window titles in which typing was performed; about visited sites (addresses, titles, loading time); about opened windows (title, path to the executable file of the program) and files; about running applications with start and close times. In addition, the program records messages exchanged between users of IM clients and can take screenshots at specified intervals. The collected information can be viewed in the program window (called by a keyboard shortcut), and also received as an HTML report. To search for information among a large number of log files, a search is provided, there is a function of automatic cleaning of obsolete data.

If you use a program to monitor the activities of children, then evaluate the possibility of installing filters on launched applications and opened sites. In the Real Spy Monitor settings, you can specify the path to executable files that cannot be run by a particular user. As for sites, you can block certain resources by blacklisting the full address of the resource or the keyword that the program will look for on the page. For young children, you can set more severe restrictions - allow access only to those sites that appear on the "white" list.

Maxapt QuickEye 2.8.8

Developer: STBP "Maksapt"
Distribution size: 5 MB
Spreading: shareware If some other programs of this review can be equally successfully used both for monitoring the actions of company employees and for tracking users on a home PC, then Maxapt QuickEye is primarily aimed at corporate users. The main emphasis is placed on tools for viewing and analyzing reports. Thanks to this, the boss can quickly find out how much time each employee has been actively working at the computer, and what programs they have run. Interestingly, Maxapt QuickEye not only captures open applications, but also takes into account whether active work was carried out with them. Thus, if the application window was open all day, but the user worked with it for only half an hour, then Maxapt QuickEye will display this in the report.

In the Maxapt QuickEye window, the applications that users work with are grouped into categories. Thus, by going to the "Games" or "Communication via the Internet" category, you can see on which computer and for how long such programs were active. All data can be presented in the form of a table grouped by computers or by time. In addition, you can see the report in the form of a chart or graph.

The reports provided by Maxapt QuickEye also contain information about the presence of employees at the workplace. The program captures the moments of entering the operating system, turning off the computer, switching it to sleep mode, and then automatically calculates how many hours and minutes the employee spent at the computer. In this case, the time when the computer was in sleep mode is subtracted from the total time when the computer was turned on. With Maxapt QuickEye, you can not only get reports on what employees spend their working time on, but also restrict the use of certain applications. Using the utility, you can create a list of allowed and prohibited programs for each employee, set a working time schedule.

Mipko Employee Monitor 5.0.4

Developer: LLC "Mipko"
Distribution size: 4.8 MB
Spreading: shareware Previously, Mipko Employee Monitor was called KGB Keylogger. The main advantage of this utility over various keyloggers is that activity can be tracked remotely. Even during the installation process, the installer warns about the presence of an antivirus in the system and the need to configure it accordingly by adding Mipko Employee Monitor to the list of trusted applications or exclusions.

The program is very flexible to work with multiple users, in this sense, Mipko Employee Monitor is an indispensable tool for a system administrator. For each of the users whose computers you want to monitor, you can install different monitoring options. So, for example, for one user, you can set up tracking only for the typed text, for another - to track only visited websites, for the third - to keep statistics of running programs, etc. The program can work using the alarm mode. This means that when a user types certain words, Mipko Employee Monitor marks the user's activity with an alarm icon, and, with appropriate program settings, sends a warning message to the administrator by e-mail or uploads to an FTP server. The program is perfectly masked, its monitor cannot be found either in the list of running processes or in the list of services. To show or hide the Mipko Employee Monitor, type runmipko at the Windows command prompt or use a keyboard shortcut. Mipko Employee Monitor allows you to use tracking filters. So, you can make a list of programs whose activity you want to monitor, while monitoring the rest of the running applications will not be performed. The size of the log for each of the users who are monitored can be strictly limited. By default, the program keeps records of user activity for up to 90 days, if necessary, this period can be increased or decreased.

The information about user activity that this program collects would be incomplete if it were not possible to create screenshots of the screen. A snapshot can be taken only for the active window or the entire workspace of the screen. By the way, on configurations with multiple monitors, you can also take screenshots. When capturing the entire workspace, the image is obtained as two combined screenshots - the first and second monitors. Screen capture is performed either at regular intervals or when a new window is opened. In the absence of any activity, the creation of screenshots automatically stops so as not to generate the same and useless pictures. Mipko Employee Monitor intercepts messages in all popular instant messaging programs - ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Miranda IM, Skype, Google Talk, Mail.Ru Agent, Qip.

Actual Spy 3.0

Developer: Keylogger Actual Spy Software
Distribution size: 1.6 MB
Spreading: shareware With this program you can get information about different types of active use of the computer. So, she monitors the contents of the clipboard, saves information about the time of launching and closing applications, takes screenshots of the desktop at certain intervals, keeps track of the time to turn on / off and restart the computer. Actual Spy keeps track of keystrokes and visited sites, and also monitors documents sent for printing. The program saves changes in files and directories, records any links used by the browser.

The program is hidden using a keyboard shortcut and after that it is not visible either in the tray or in the list of running applications. Despite this "disguise", Actual Spy impersonates itself by adding a corresponding entry to the list of programs in the Start menu, so if you decide to use this keylogger, do not forget to delete the folder of the same name in the menu. The user activity report can be saved in text or HTML format, on one or more pages. When viewing the report generated by Actual Spy, the disadvantage of the program immediately catches your eye - it accepts keystrokes only in the English layout. Therefore, if it is necessary to read, say, the text of an e-mail in Russian, reading will turn into solving a rebus. However, Russian text copied to the clipboard is displayed correctly. Please note that the demo version of the program can perform its functions for forty minutes. Sometimes this is enough to protect your work computer during your lunch break.

NeoSpy 3.0

Developer: MC Software
Distribution size: 2.7 MB
Spreading: shareware

For spyware, the most important thing is not to impersonate yourself. The developers of NeoSpy made sure that the program was invisible on the computer after installation. When installing the utility, you can choose between administrator or hidden installation. In the latter case, shortcuts will not be created in the Start menu and on the desktop, the folder with the program will be hidden, it will not be visible in the list of installed applications. To launch NeoSpy, the administrator will need to use the "Start>Run" command. NeoSpy is able to intercept messages sent using various IM clients. It is gratifying that not only clients that are popular among English-speaking users are supported, but also those that are installed by most Russians. We are talking about Qip, Miranda and Mail.ru Agent. In addition, NeoSpy can intercept messages sent using &RQ, ICQ, SIM and other programs.

With NeoSpy, you can collect information about all applications that run on your computer. The program saves the start and run time, the path to the executable file, the window title. In addition, the report will indicate whether a screenshot was taken for each of the programs. Screenshots can be viewed in a built-in utility with easy navigation. The module for viewing screenshots has a special scale indicating the time, so if you want to know what the user was doing at the computer at a certain time, just move the slider on this scale to the desired position. Using NeoSpy, you can monitor the Internet activity on your computer. The program not only saves the addresses of visited sites, but also records when you connected to the Internet and disconnected from it (of course, if the connection is not permanent), monitors the amount of incoming and outgoing Internet traffic. By and large, NeoSpy makes it possible to track all the actions that were performed on the computer. So, the program saves everything that was typed on the keyboard, stores the data that was entered into the clipboard, tracks changes in files, the creation of new files and their deletion. In addition, if necessary, you can save a complete list of applications installed on your computer.

Modem Spy 4.0

Developer: soft cab
Distribution size: 380 kb
Spreading: shareware This program offers a completely different way of "espionage" - telephone. If a modem is connected to the computer, then with the help of a small utility, Modem Spy, you can record all telephone conversations. A very handy feature, especially if your desk phone doesn't have this capability. Recording telephone conversations can be performed automatically, while the program will keep statistics of telephone conversations in a special call log. During the recording process, the sound of the interlocutor will not sound too quiet, since the program uses automatic signal gain control.

Audio recordings can be saved in any audio format - MP3, WAV, etc. Recorded telephone conversations can be played back through a sound card or played directly into a telephone line. Modem Spy can record conversations, even with those models of modems that only support data transmission (data modem). To do this, you need to connect the modem and the line input of the sound card using a special adapter. You can also use the super-spy mode (Super Spy), in which call recording will be performed without the user noticing. Another feature of the program is recording from a microphone in voice recorder mode. Directly from the Modem Spy program, you can send the recordings made by e-mail. If the technical characteristics of the modem allow, the program can determine the number of the caller. You can record conversations without the knowledge of the remote subscriber, or with his prior notification, by turning on the appropriate program setting. Modem Spy has many options that allow you to fine-tune the modem to work with a telephone line - correctly detect a busy signal, detect silence in a conversation and cut it to get a file with a smaller size, enable recording after a certain call, etc.

Willing Webcam 4.7

Developer: Willing Software
Distribution size: 4.6 MB
Spreading: shareware When it comes to phone espionage, we can't help but mention video surveillance. It can be carried out using a webcam connected to a computer. This simple device, which many are accustomed to using to communicate with friends, may well be a real spy. You can turn a webcam into a spying device, for example, using the WillingWebcam program. Using it, you can remotely monitor what is happening near the computer next to which the webcam is installed. WillingWebcam can take pictures constantly at certain intervals or only when movement is noticed in the frame. The resulting photos can be sent by e-mail or uploaded to an FTP server. In addition, WillingWebcam can notify the user about the appearance of new pictures in other ways: by sending an SMS, by launching another application, by playing an audio file.

The video recorded using the program and the pictures taken may be accompanied by text inscriptions, as well as an indication of the recording time. In addition, there are many effects that can be used to improve the image quality, such as sharpening. WillingWebcam has a built-in module for viewing images and video files, organized by Explorer type. In it, you can view thumbnails of images, play saved video, select different modes for viewing the list of files. If desired, images can be viewed in full screen mode. WillingWebcam can work in stealth mode. In this case, it will not be visible either on the taskbar or in the system tray. To exit the program from this mode, the default key combination is used, but it can be changed to another.

Elite Keylogger 4.1

Developer: WideStep Security Software
Distribution size: 5.3 MB
Spreading: shareware WideStep Security Software releases three versions of its keyloggers at once - Family Quick Keylogger, Perfect Handy Keylogger and Elite Keylogger. The last option is the most functional and has the most features. For example, the Elite version is absolutely not detected by antiviruses, while Perfect Handy Keylogger is detected, but not by all antivirus packages, and Family Quick Keylogger is detected by any antivirus program. Due to the fact that the keylogger works at a low level of the system kernel, Windows does not slow down and good "compatibility" with antivirus programs is ensured. Nevertheless, when Elite Keylogger was launched for the first time, Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 was suspicious of the new object and recommended that it be quarantined.

The appearance of Elite Keylogger suggests that it is designed not just for tracking the user, but for continuous monitoring of activity for a long time. You can view activity statistics in the program by day using the calendar built into the program. Elite Keylogger allows you to define lists of Windows users who should or, conversely, should not be tracked.

Elite Keylogger controls ICQ, MSN, AIM, AOL and Yahoo internet pagers, keeps track of e-mail, application activity and printed documents. The monitoring result can be sent by the program by e-mail, uploaded to an FTP server or copied to a specified folder on a network drive. In the program, you can set a period of time after which all user activity logs will be automatically deleted. You can also set the maximum size of the activity report, as well as set the size of the log file, upon reaching which it will be sent by e-mail. We draw your attention to one detail - if you want to remove this keylogger, then neither with the help of the standard Add or remove programs tool, nor even with the help of special utilities that control Windows startup, this can be done. In order to uninstall Elite Keylogger, you need to go to the Options section and use the Uninstall keylogger button in the interface of the utility itself.


Those who want to try the user activity monitoring utility may notice that the choice here is quite large. The demand for such software is consistently high. First of all, such applications are in demand by organizations and firms where strict discipline reigns, and strict requirements are imposed on employees regarding what they do in their workplaces. If until recently the term "keylogger" meant a utility that recorded keystrokes, today such applications make it possible to control almost any type of activity - mouse clicks, launch programs, change system settings, etc. Moreover, using the programs described in this article , you can control remotely, tracking in real time what the user is doing, what window he has active, what text he is typing, and even with whom he is talking on the phone. Those who are concerned about privacy can be advised to use comprehensive protection (for example, an antivirus package and a utility for monitoring activity) and rely mainly on themselves. Because a thief, unfortunately, has a master key for every lock.

If you are already interested in spyware and monitor this market, then your situation is favorable, all that remains is to choose a program and find out the truth. But for many users, the problem arises precisely in the choice - who to believe that really works, and how much does the best quality cost? If you're at a crossroads, then this spyware review of the best software on the market is for you...

Thanks to my ex-wife, I became a pro at spying. So, I found out that various bugs, cameras and other attributes are of little use for catching an unfaithful spouse, since the main activity is usually carried out in social networks and chat messages. Therefore, only the wiretapping program is able to give a complete picture. But which program should you choose?

First of all, you must clearly understand that Google is such a service, in the Internet issuance you will receive a lot of offers from detective agencies to magical ways to read any information over the air. Therefore, to save you time searching, I give you a clear breakdown right here and now:

- Only airborne infections are transmitted through the air !!! Remember this!
— Detective agencies are expensive!
- The program of wiretapping should not cost more than 500 dollars! Because for this money she should not only transfer data to me, but also cook borscht and feed the cat. Spy tech doesn't cost that much.
— There are a lot of spyware sellers on the Internet, and only a few manufacturers. Vendors buy software from manufacturers and resell it to you with a walrus. Therefore, it is always more profitable to buy from the factory.

Separating sellers from manufacturers is easy if you're good at it. Googled at times and location, and IP, and links and the brand itself. Therefore, I present to your attention the TOP 3 manufacturers of spyware from which you can choose:

Manufacturer: Flexispy Ltd., USA Website: https://www.flexispy.com/en/

First of all, I would like to note the FlexiSPY product. Its manufacturers spare no expense in new developments, product safety and customer support in their own language. For this they respect and first place!

Advantages over competitors by points:

- Invisibility
For me, the most important thing is my safety, the program should not give out its work, because there is always a chance to build relationships ... In almost a year of testing, FlexiSPY has never shown a single unmasking sign!

- The widest functionality
Basic functions such as interception SMS, calls, tracking by GPS and internet activity FlexiSPY is cracking like nuts.

Demanded functions - interception of messengers, FlexiSPY also has the widest range - 18 current ones and they are not going to stop - WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, LINE, Skype, WeChat, iMessage, BBM, Blackberry PIN, Yahoo, Snapchat, Hangouts, KIK, Telegram, Tinder, Instagram, QQ

Moving on to advanced features - camera and microphone access are offered in the full Extreme package - recording telephone conversations subscriber, camera shots and environment record phone through the microphone.

I can't help but note the unique features of FlexiSPY - call pickup and listening to the environment in real time. To date, due to legal nuances, these functions have been canceled for all other programs.

When my wife went with her ‘colleagues’ to a bar, I heard a lot of interesting things right here and now, and not later in the recording, so sometimes these features are simply vital ...

- Price
The product has a golden mean in this respect as well. Quality costs money, but reasonable. Therefore, the cost of programs starts from 68 USD per month, which is quite acceptable. You can upgrade to the advanced version by paying the difference at any time. There is no need to reinstall anything!

— Russian support
The product has instructions and support in Russian. When I installed the program, I received advice on rooting and jailbreaking, including in Russian. This is very helpful for insecure users.

- Stability
Many competitors - Shadow copy, StealthGenie, SpyBubble and others - have been forcibly shut down in recent years due to legal issues that are very contentious in this business. Of course, no one returned anything to users, so you need to choose a stable service.
The product has existed since 2005, those 10 years, and this is more than stable for the spy business!

Unfortunately, the developers never released a Russified version of their personal account, referring to the fact that they have users all over the world. However, a very important part is still translated into Russian - this is the section for installing and configuring the program.


Producer: Bitex Group LTD., England Website: https://www.mspy.com

The next winner of the rating is a manufacturer called mSpy. I cannot but note that these developers also know their business and release cool software. But there is one feature for the Russian-speaking audience - they do not have a Russian version of the site. Therefore, if your English is not very good, then read above about the competitor, and if this is not a problem for you, then below is my review about mSpy.

Advantages of mSpy over competitors by points:

- Price
The cost of a standard mSpy package starts from 29.99 USD, which is undoubtedly lower than the main competitors and this is the main advantage. For this money, you will get the basic functions of spy software - SMS, MMS, call history, contacts, email, photos and videos, Internet activity, calendar, notes, applications, GPS tracking, as well as full service maintenance.

- Solution without jailbreak
You can give a standing ovation here! Of course, anyone forced to spy on someone wants to do so without access to the device... but the reality is that this is impossible. However, the mSpy developers offer one solution that I cannot call an alternative, but it may suit a certain category of users - transferring data to a personal account from iCloud.

This solution is available only for iOS devices, only if you know the username and password for your iCloud account, and only if data synchronization with the cloud is enabled on the device.
The available functionality in this case is Whatsapp, iMessage, SMS, MMS, call history, contacts, internet activity, calendar, notes, apps for 69.99 USD per month.

These are mSpy's unique features that no other competitor has.
If you control your child, then blocking applications and websites is a very important function, you must agree. The child will not be able to open and view what you do not want, but you cannot forbid him.

In the case of spouse control, it is likely that a situation may arise when you do not want any subscriber to get through. But do not forget about alternative methods of communication.

— Skype for support
Customer support is important for every client, especially when you buy not Russian software, but speak only your native language. In this case, of course, you need to choose a program that is supported in Russian. However, large corporations cannot approach each client individually, and they use special sites to support their clients, this is not very convenient for users who are used to simple communication methods. In this case, the advantage of mSpy is obvious - customer support via regular Skype at any time!

Like FlexiSPY, mSpy has not translated their personal account into any other language from English. This is a disadvantage in using the program for many users.

talk log

Producer: Talklog.Net

The third place in the ranking is occupied by a very interesting software. talk log, but it only works on the Android platform. It is interesting in that it is sold by the manufacturer, and it is completely Russian-speaking.
This is a huge advantage, you might think, but the functionality of this application is very small.

In details:

Russian-speaking software
The entire program is in Russian, including the installation file. I myself tested on my phone, and I must say that the installation takes no more than five minutes, everything is very simple and clear to the most dense user. However, I recommend that you read this post to the end.

Due to such an easy installation, TalkLog cannot be considered as a full-fledged tracking program, rather, as a lightweight monitoring application for some phone functions - calls, audio control, SMS, MMC, media, location, Internet activity, applications and the ability to turn the device off and on.

Built-in chats are completely absent, well, who uses SMS nowadays? The cost of the program corresponds to the functionality.

Since the program is installed without , it remains in the application list and can always be detected by the user, but this is the difference between downloading a powerful tracking program to the root folder of the phone and installing a simple application in 2 clicks - remember this!

I can briefly summarize this long post like this - if you are looking for value for money, you are worried about not being identified and you want to know everything, then your choice. If you are on a budget or looking for some way to read information through iCloud without accessing your phone, definitely choose mSpy. Well, if you need a solution for Android, while you do not want to use customer support and want to see only the general activity of the subscriber without details and at a very low cost, then talk log should suit you!

If you have questions or suggestions I will always comment once!

There are dozens of spyware / mobile spyware that can be remotely installed on a mobile phone in "silent mode" and spy on its owner without revealing their presence. Previously, it was believed that by adhering to the so-called cybersecurity hygiene, you can reliably protect yourself from such interference in your personal life. Today, however, even those who avoid risky behavior on the Web, who use the most advanced protection and the latest software updates, can become a victim of mobile spying.

Thanks to the latest security measures, some of the mobile spies can be tracked down. However, in order to keep these protections up to date, you need to be able to configure them. After all, the attackers, just like the security guards, do not sit still and make significant efforts to hide their programs from automated defense systems. At the same time, it becomes more and more difficult to set up protection over time, and it becomes easier to carry out successful attacks. Including because, at the suggestion of Western intelligence services, the most modern information technologies are now in the public domain.

There is an opinion that the widely publicized leaks of high-tech CIA toys today are not at all a demarche of Snowden and WikiLeaks, but a controlled leak of information aimed at directing competitors in the "arms race" in a deliberately losing direction; that they continue to invest time and money in tools that no longer provide a competitive advantage. Cyber ​​operations and infocentric wars are no longer the key to it. Today the ball is ruled by knowledge-centric wars, the essence of which boils down to the fact that "people are broken by professionals, not machines."

Thus, today we are witnessing an ever-increasing exponential asymmetry in cybersecurity: attackers are in more favorable conditions than defenders.

Below are a few examples of mobile spyware that are distributed as legal - under the guise of so-called parental control systems and the like. All of them hide their actions from the owner of the mobile phone.

FlexiSpy mobile spy

FlexiSpy. This program was initially classified as a mobile Trojan due to its aggressive behavior; but then it became softer, and it was removed from the category of mobile Trojans. It allows you to spy on mobile phones and tablets.

Spy for Android and iPhone FlexySpy

Offers about 130 functions, including those that are equipped with Mspy. Of the unique features: access to the video camera, viewing wallpaper.

Just like Mspy, it uses a secure Internet account to collect and provide information - using a client-server architecture, with a web interface.

Mobile Spy. Has most of the features of FlexiSpy; in addition, it can block applications, install new applications, and interact in real time with the mobile phone's user interface control panel.

Spy for Android and iPhone Mobile Spy