Sirena scheme on the K155L3 chip. Circuit diagrams of generators on the K155LA3 chip3

Each radio amateur somewhere "fell" chip K1555L3. But often they cannot find them serious use, as in many books and magazines there are only flashes of flashes, toys, etc. with this detail. This article will consider the schemes using the K155L3 microcircuit.
To begin with, consider the characteristics of radio components.
1. The most important thing is meal. It is fed to 7 (-) and 14 (+) legs and fits 4.5 - 5 V. More than 5.5V, it should not be supplied to the microcircuit (it starts overheating and burns).
2. Next, you need to define the purpose of the part. It consists of 4 elements on 2nd or no (two inputs). That is, if you feed 1 input 1, and on the other - 0, then the output will be 1.
3. Consider the CCCC of the chip:

To simplify the scheme, it is deposited by separate items details:

4. Consider the location of the legs relative to the key:

You need to solder the chip very carefully, without heating it (you can burn).
Here are the schemes using the K155LA3 microcircuit:
1. Voltage stabilizer (can be used as charging the phone from car cigarette lighter).
Here is a scheme:

The input can be served up to 23 volt. Instead of the transistor P213, you can put KT814, but then you have to put the radiator, since with a high load it may overheat.
Printed circuit board:

Another option of voltage stabilizer (powerful):

2. Automotive battery charge indicator.
Here is a scheme:

3. Tester of any transistors.
Here is a scheme:

Instead of D9 diodes, you can put D18, D10.
SA1 and SA2 buttons There are switches for checking direct and reverse transistors.

4. Two options for rodents repel.
Here is the first scheme:

C1 - 2200 μF, C2 - 4.7 μF, C3 - 47 - 100 μF, R1-R2 - 430 Ohms, R3 - 1 com, V1 - KT315, V2 - KT361. You can also put transistors of the MP series. Dynamic head - 8 ... 10 ohms. Nutrition 5V.

Second option:

C1 - 2200 μF, C2 - 4.7 μF, C3 - 47 - 200 μF, R1-R2 - 430 Ohm, R3 - 1 com, R4 - 4.7 com, R5 - 220 Ohm, V1 - KT361 (MP 26, MP 42, CT 203, etc.), V2 - GT404 (CT815, KT817), V3 - GT402 (CT814, KT816, P213). Dynamic head 8 ... 10 ohms.
Nutrition 5V.

Such a beacon can be collected as a completed signaling device, for example, on a bike or just for the sake of entertainment.

The lighthouse on the microcircuit is easier nowhere. It includes one logical chip, a bright LED of any color of the glow and several elements of the strapping.

After the assembly, the beacon begins to work immediately after supplying power on it. The settings are practically not required, with the exception of adjusting the duration of the flashes, but it is at will. You can leave everything as it is.

Here is the concept of "beacon".

So, let's talk about the details used.

The K155L3 microcircuit is a logical chip based on transistor-transistor logic - abbreviated called TTL. This means that this microcircuit is created from bipolar transistors. The microcircuit inside contains only 56 parts - the integral element.

There are CMOS or CMOS chip. Here they are already collected on field TIR transistors. It is worth noting the fact that the TTL microcircuit power consumption is higher than the CMOS chip. But they are not afraid of static electricity.

The composition of the microcircuit K155L33 includes 4 cells 2I - not. Figure 2 means that at the input of the base logical element 2 input. If you look at the scheme, you can make sure that this is true. In the diagrams, digital chips are denoted by the DD1 letters, where the number 1 indicates the sequence number of the chip. Each of the basic elements of the chip also has its letter notation, for example, DD1.1 or DD1.2. Here, the number after DD1 indicates the sequence number of the base element in the microcircuit. As already mentioned, the K155LA3 microcircuits have four basic elements. In the diagram, they are indicated as DD1.1; DD1.2; DD1.3; DD1.4.

If you look at the fundamental scheme more carefully, then you can see that the letter designation of the resistor R1 * Has stars * . And this is not good.

So the diagrams indicate elements, the denomination of which must be adjusted (select) while establishing the scheme in order to achieve the desired mode of operation of the scheme. In this case, using this resistor, you can configure the duration of the flash of the LED.

In other schemes that you can meet, the selection of resistance of the resistor designated by the stars, you need to achieve a certain mode of operation, for example, the transistor in the amplifier. As a rule, in the description of the scheme, the configuration method is given. It describes how you can determine that the operation of the scheme is configured correctly. This is usually done after measuring current or voltage on a specific section of the scheme. For a lighthouse scheme, everything is much easier. The setting is performed purely visually and does not require measurement of stresses and currents.

On the schematic diagrams where the device is collected on chips, as a rule, it is rare to detect an item, the denomination of which must be selected. Yes, it is not surprising, as chips are essentially already configured elementary devices. And, for example, on old concept schemes that contain dozens of individual transistors, resistors and capacitors in the star * Next to the letter designation of radio components can be found much more often.

Now let's talk about the cloak of chips K155L33. If you do not know some rules, you can encounter an unexpected question: "And how to determine the number of the chip number?" Here we will come to the rescue so-called key. The key is a special label on the chip body, which indicates the point of reference pointing. The countdown numbers of the chip, as a rule, is configured counterclockwise. Take a look at the drawing, and everything will become clear to you.

To the conclusion of the K155L3 chip, a plus "+" power is connected at number 14, and to the output 7 - minus "-". Minus is considered a common wire, on foreign terminology is indicated as GND. .

The main feature of this radio carpentry schemes So this is what a digital chip is applied as a carrier generator K155L3..

The scheme consists of a simple microphone amplifier on the CT135 transistor (it is possible in principle any import with similar parameters. Yes, by the way, we have the program on the site a directory on the transistors! And completely free! If anyone is interested, then the details), then there is a generator modulator Assembled according to the logical multivibrator scheme, well, the anticress of the wire twisted into the spiral for compactness itself.

An interesting feature of this scheme: in the modulator (multivibrator on a logical chip) there is no frequency condenser. The whole feature is that the elements of the chips have their own response delay that is frequency. With the administration of the capacitor, we will lose the maximum generation frequency (and with 5V voltage it will be about 100 MHz).
However, there is an interesting minus: as the battery discusses the frequency of the modulator will decrease: the payback, so to speak, for simplicity.
But it is also a significant "plus" - there is no coil in the scheme!

The range of the transmitter can be different, but by reviews up to 50 meters it works stably.
The operating frequency in the area is 88 ... 100 MHz, so that any radio receiving device operating in the FM range is a Chinese radio receiver, car radio, a mobile phone and even a Chinese radio kale.

Finally: arguing logically, for compactness instead of the K155L3 chip3, it would be possible to install the K133L3 chip in the SMD case, but what the result will be difficult to say until ... so if you have to experiment in our forum will be interested to know what happened from it ...

Diagram of the car charger, represented on chips, relative complexity. But if a person is at least a little familiar with electronics, repeat without problems. This charger was created only for the sake of one condition: current adjustment should be from 0 to a maximum (a wider range for charging various types of batteries). Ordinary, even factory car chargers have an initial jump from 2.5-3 A and to a maximum.

The charger applies a thermostat that includes a radiator cooling fan, but it can be excluded, this was done in order to minimize the size of the charger.

The memory consists of a control unit and power part.

Scheme - Charger for Car Battery

Control block

The voltage from the transformer (TRP) approximately 15 V enters the diode assembly of KC405, the straightened voltage is used to power the D3 thyristor control and to obtain control pulses. Passing the RP, VD1, R1, R2 chain, and the first element of the chip D1.1, we obtain the pulses of about this form ( fig. one).

Next, these pulses using R3, D5, C1, R4 are converted into a saw, the shape of which is changed using R4. ( fig. 2.). The chip elements C D1.2 via D1.4 align the signal (give a rectangular shape) and prevent the effect of the VT1 transistor. The finished signal passing through D4, R5 and VT1 enters the control output of the thyristor. As a result, the control signal, changing the phase, opens a thyristor at the beginning of each half-period, in the middle, at the end, etc. ( fig. 3.). Regulation over the entire range smooth.

Car battery charger - printed circuit board

The meal of the microcircuit and the VT1 transistor is obtained from the roll05, i.e. From pasty "Draw". It is necessary to fasten a small radiator to it. Strong "Krenka" is not heated, but still weighing heat, especially in the heat. Instead of the CT315 transistor, KT815 can be applied, but it is possible to choose the resistance R5 if a thyristor does not open.

Power part

It consists of a thyristor D3 and 4 diodes CD213. D6-D9 diodes are selected for considerations that are suitable for current, voltage and they should not be screwed. They are simply pressed to the radiator with a metal or plastic plate. The whole thing (including thyristor) is mounted on one radiator, and insulating thermal conductive plates under diodes and thyristor are underway. I found a very convenient material in old burned monitors.

It is also in the power blocks from computers. To the touch, it looks like a subtle rubber. It is generally used in imported technology. But of course you can use the usual mica ( fig. four). At a thin case (so as not to bother) you can do on every diode and on a thyristor your separate radiator. Then no mica needed, but there should be no electrical connection of radiators!

Figures 1 - 4. Charger for automotive battery


Consists of 3 windings:
1 - 220 V.
2 - 14 V, for power management.
3 - 21-25 V, to power the power part (powerful).


Check the work as follows: connect to the charger instead of the battery light bulb 12V, for example, from the size of the car. When rotating R4, the brightness of the light bulb should vary from strongly bright, to a fully redeemed state. If the light bulb does not burn at all, then reduce the resistance R5 half (up to 50 ohms). If the light does not go completely completely, then increase the resistance R5. Adjust about 50-100 ohms.

If the light is not lit at all and does not help anything, then accommodate the collector and the emitter of the transistor VT1 with a resistance of 50 ohms. If the light is not caught fire - the power part is incorrectly collected if you caught fire, look for a malfunction in the control circuit.

So, if everything is adjusted and lights up, you need to adjust the charge current.

The diagram has a resistance of 2 ohms prov. i.e. wire resistance from nichrome on 2 Ohm. First, take the same, but on 3 Ohm. Turn on the charger and closer the wires that went to the light and measure the current (by ammeter). It must be 8-10 A. if it is greater or less, then adjust the current with the helm of the RProv. The nichrome itself can be a diameter of 0.5-0.3 mm.

Consider, with this procedure, resistance is great. It is heated and when charging, but not so much, it is normal. So provide its cooling, such as a hole in the housing, etc. But there will be no lovers to search for crocodiles, you will not spoke old, the charger will not be. Strengthen the resistance of RProv is better on a getinakse (textolite) platform.

And last - about ventilation

From the elements of Roll12, C2, C3, VT2, R6, R7, R8, the radiator cooling system is collected (mounted installation). By and large it is not needed (if you certainly do not make a super mini charger), it's just a fashion squeak. If you have a radiator (for example) from an aluminum plate 120 * 120 mm, then this is enough to remove heat (the area of \u200b\u200bthe factory radiator is even great). But if you really want a fan, then leave one roll to 12 V, and plug the fan to it. Otherwise, it is necessary to cheat with the VT2 sensor transistor. It must be attached to the radiator too through insulating thermal conducting plates. Me I used a processor fan from 386 processor, or from 486. They are almost the same.

All resistance of the device is 0.25 or 0.5 W. Two strokes are marked with an asterisk (*). The remaining denominations are indicated.
It should be noted that if the KD213 diodes are used to be used D232 or similar to them, then the voltage of the TRP of the TRP 21 in should be increased to 26-27 V.

Chip K155L3, like its imported analog SN7400 (or simply -7400, without SN), contain four logical elements (valve) 2nd - not. Microcircuits K155L3 and 7400 are analogues with the full coincidence of the pinout and very close operating parameters. Power supply is carried out through conclusions 7 (minus) and 14 (plus), stabilized voltage from 4.75 to 5.25 volts.

Chip K155L3 and 7400 are created on the basis of TTL, therefore - voltage 7 volts is for them Absolutely maximal. If this value is exceeded, the device burns very quickly.
The layout of the outputs and inputs of logical elements (pinout) K155L3 looks like this in this way.

The figure below shows the electronic circuit of a separate element 2 and non-chip K155L33.

Parameters K155L33.

1 Nominal supply voltage 5 V
2 Low-level output voltage not more than 0.4 V
3 high-level output voltage at least 2.4 V
4 low-level input current no more -1.6 ma
5 high-level input current no more than 0.04 mA
6 input punching current no more than 1 mA
7 short circuit current -18 ...- 55 mA
8 Current consumption at low output voltage no more than 22 mA
9 Current current at high level of output voltage no more than 8 mA
10 Static power consumption per logical element no more than 19.7 MW
11 Distribution delay time when you turn on no more than 15 ns
12 Distribution delay time when noting no more than 22 ns

The diagram of the heraner of rectangular pulses on K155L33.

It is very easily going to K155L33 generator of rectangular pulses. To do this, you can use any two items. The scheme may look like this.

Pulses are removed between 6 and 7 (minus power) by the conclusions of the chip.
For this generator, the frequency (F) in Hertz can calculate according to the formula F \u003d 1/2 (R1 * C1). Values \u200b\u200bare substituted in Omah and Farades.

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