Removing ATA password with HDD. How to remove the password from the hard disk

Situations with blocked laptops on password BIOS and HDDs arise mainly for the following reasons: installed and can not remember the password or relatives decided to play with the laptop, installed and forgotten. When replacing HDD (hard drives), password requests are also possible. What to do in this situation to the usual user?

There are available ways to solve this problem that you can try to implement yourself and more complex cases in which without the help of a specialist of service companies with special equipment can not do, we will continue about these two versions.

For this we need:

  • Find out the manufacturer and accurate laptop model, they are on the label under the battery compartment or right on the bottom of its body (bottom). Write this data;
  • To find out which tips in the form of codes gives a laptop on the screen, if any, with several unsuccessful password input attempts in the query window. Record these codes.

The laptop and codes model are our source data, then we start searching for the manufacturers of laptops and forums of help, both paid and free, solutions options: Special utility programs, tables with response codes (ASUS), Universal Password Master Laptop Manufacturers . Each manufacturer of laptops has its own specifics and we will tell about it below.

The exceptions are Lenovo's laptops (most of the models) and some Hewlett-Packard models, for which the manufacturer in case of such an incident offers only one solution - the replacement of the motherboard, but we will talk about it in the second version.

The specificity of the Password Master from laptop manufacturers is as follows:


Wizard password, to unlock a laptop, look at the password table by date, which will appear after entering 3 incorrect passwords. The date format is such, for example, 07-07-08.


The BIOS Sony password utility is calculated by the Password Wizard 7 last digits of the laptop serial number that you want to enter the utility field.


After 3 attempts to print a password, a laptop shows a message System Disabled.where 12345678901A1234. - Service code from sixteen letters and numbers. The program will show the master password for the entered service tag that is printed after the utility is launched. Fig.3. Download utility.


2 utilities are offered to obtain a password wizard, depending on what an error message is issued a laptop.


The device for laptops Dell has two episodes: 595B and D35B. After 3 incorrect password inputs, the laptop issues System Disabled.where 12abc1a.- Service code (seven letters and numbers). The program itself calculates the master password for the installed tag service, after the utility is launched.

Hewlett-Packard and Compaq

A utility is offered for some Hewlett-Packard and Compaq laptop models.

After 3 input attempts in the password, the laptop will show a message System Disabled.where ABC1234ABC.- Service code (10 arbitrary letters and numbers). The program will calculate the wizard password for the entered service tag that needs to be printed after the utility is launched.


A utility is offered for some Hewlett-Packard and Acer laptop models with BIOS InsyDeh20. After 3 unsuccessful password input attempts, the laptop will display a message. System Disabled.where 12345678 - Service code (arbitrary letters and numbers). The program will calculate the master password for the entered service tag that needs to be printed after the utility is launched.


A utility for laptops with a PHOENIX BIOS installed is offered. After 3 password input attempts a message appears System Disabled [*]where * - Service code (arbitrary letters and numbers). The program calculates the master password for the entered service tag that needs to be printed after the utility is launched.

Apply for help from specialists

It is recommended to start with access to technical support (Support) of a laptop manufacturer, come to their official website and write a letter. The advantage will be the presence of a check and warranty, make photos of these documents and attach to the letter. Describe in detail the problems that have arisen, the laptop model and codes that gives the laptop, send and wait for the answer. Answer options are usually two: can send a master password that immediately unlock the laptop is the best option or offer contact your local corporate service center.

If in response to the letter was offered to contact the corporate service, then call them, we clarify the problem solving options: a password-removed wizard or need to take a laptop to them.


Before you put a password in a laptop on the BIOS and HDD, read the above password removal options in the case of a force majeure situation so as not to be without a working laptop and to understand the existing ways to solve this problem, their cost specifically for your laptop model.

However, this would not be a problem if people had not forgotten these most established codes. If you first encountered such a situation and do not know how to remove a password from a hard disk on a laptop, then this article is intended for you.


If you installed the code on the internal media and forgotten, then you cannot even load the OS installed on your PC. That is, the ability to use a laptop or a computer for direct purpose will be simply absent. In such a situation, the user remains only to delete the set password because there is no other access to the computer.

Online service

There are several ways to remove the password with HDD, and one of them is the famous online service. BIOS PASSWORD REMOVAL FOR LAPTOPS».

To get rid of the forgotten code by using it:

  • Enter it incorrectly 3 times (any combination of numbers or letters).
  • After that, a special code should appear in the window.
  • Copy the figures received.
  • We introduce the same combination on the site, according to the above link.

After a few seconds after entering the combination of numbers in a specially reserved line, you will receive a code that will help reset the password from your drive.

It should be clarified that this program is suitable for all models and manufacturers of Winchesters (Seagate, Hitachi, Toshiba, WD, etc.). Moreover, it does not matter which operating system is installed on your computer or laptop, because This service is considered universal.


You can only remove the password from the hard disk in the BIOS only if the cipher was originally installed via BIOS.

All you need to use the standard default settings option:

Thus, we dropped the password with HDD.

Second way

The following option is free, specially created for a variety of hard disk operations.

To begin, it is necessary to get acquainted with the scheme of the password protection of the drive:

  • Winchester can have a high or maximum level protection.
  • Using the MHDD application, you can set a user protection level.
  • Master password installed by the manufacturer can only be changed.
  • The application of the master password makes it possible to unlock the disk exclusively at a high level of protection.
  • In the case of the maximum level of protection, the hard drive can be unlocked only if the user code is installed.
  • If the maximum level of protection is set and there is no user password, you can unlock the drive only by destroying all data using the Security Erase Unit Ata command.

Given the above information to remove the password from the hard disk, follows:

Thus, you can extremely remove the previously forgotten cipher entered.

Third way

Also remove the password from the hard disk will help the program HDD_PW.exe (18Kb). In order to remove the code with it, you want to do the following:

  • Find out the error code (when loading clicking F2 and enter the wrong combination of numbers three times, after which a special code appears on the screen)
  • Run the MS-DOS application.
  • Select the name of the utility in the window that opens.
  • On the gap to enter the error code that has learned earlier and add via space 0.
  • By pressing "input", several passwords will appear before you, one of which is necessarily suitable.

After entering the code, be sure to change it to the new and write down.

When implementing such steps on the 64-bit system, you may have some difficulties. The system can issue a mistake due to the inconsistency of the utility. In this situation it is necessary:

  • Download DosBox, Install and Run.
  • Mount the disk "with" command "Mount C C: /".
  • After that, when you start, press "F2", we recruit 3 times the wrong cipher and do the same actions.

To exclude the likelihood of such situations, it is recommended to get rid of the cipher, turning it off in the PC settings. If you need an acute in it, you should write it in a notebook or any other place so that I don't have to reset again.

In the event that you have a Lenovo laptop and when you start, the "ENTER HDD PASSWORD" message is displayed on the screen, the method disassembled in this video:\u003dDKLZJRTYTEQ&t\u003d174s.

Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Today we will talk about neither so frequent, but important. I have come across such a problem as a set password on a hard disk or BIOS. Probably many do not quite understand, but perhaps I do not understand at all about what I mean. Now I will explain more.

Password on bios.

BIOS is a software located in a permanent storage device (ROM), which is engaged in self-testing devices and a loader search. Naturally, the bios functionality is much wider than described above, but we will not dig deeply, and consider directly on our article. The BIOS password is set to avoid third-party manipulations.

How to remove password with bios

The BIOS password installed does not allow you to get into it and in this case there are three options for solving this situation: Into the CMOS battery on the motherboard, rearrange the jumper (jumper) CMOS on the motherboard in the opposite direction (not provided in laptops) or just close the contacts of the jumper .

And the last way to remove the BIOS password using the BIOS Password Removal For Laptops online service. If you know the password and you are simply inconvenient to constantly enter it, you can turn it off by entering the settings.

Password on HDD.

Here the destination and the password function is a little different. If in the first case you just can't get into the BIOS, then when you are installed on the HDD, you will not be able to load the operating system. And this is the lack of ability to use a computer or a laptop for direct purpose.

How to remove password with hdd

If we reviewed three options to solve problems with the bios, then in order to remove the password with HDD, I have only one for you, all the same bourgeois online service. So did not describe above how to use this site. To unlock the password you do not remember, you need to enter it incorrectly three times (for example, 1234 or what you want). After the attempts made in the window, the code will appear, enter it on the site and in response to receive the code to reset the password from the hard disk.

How to put a password on hard disk or bios

Set these passwords to protect data and from different manipulations. In each bios, such a function is provided. On the current computers and laptops there is a Security tab where you can install passwords. About this in more detail in pictures.

Installing passwords on the bios and hard drive

Set Supervisor Password. - Install administrator password
Set User Password. - Install user password
HDD Password. - Password on hard disk
Password on boot Used to enable and disconnect the password when loading.

Well, that's all, my small article came to an end. See you soon!

The best "thank you" - your repost .sp-force-hide (Display: Block; Background: #FFFFFF; Padding: 15px; width: 560px; max-width: 100%; border-radius: 8px; -moz- Border-Radius: 8px; -Webkit-Border-Radius: 8px; Border-Color: # 289DCC; Border-Style: Solid; Border-Width: 2px; font-face: arial, "helvetica neue", sans-serif; background -repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; Background-size: auto;). SP-Form Input (Display: Inline-Block; Opacity: 1; Visibility: visible;). SP-Form .sp-form Fields-Wrapper (Margin: 0 auto; width: 530px;). SP-Form .sp-Form-Control (Background: #FFFFFF; Border-Color: #CCCCCC; Border-Style: Solid; Border-Width: 1px; font -Size: 15px; padding-left: 8.75px; padding-right: 8.75px; Border-Radius: 4px; -Moz-Border-Radius: 4px; -Webkit-Border-Radius: 4px; Height: 35px; width: 100 %;). SP-FORM .SP-Field Label (Color: # 444444; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;). SP-Form .sp-Button (Border Radius: 4px; -Moz-Border Radius: 4px; -Webkit-Border-Radius: 4px; Background-Color: # 0089BF; Color: #FFFFFF; Width: AUTO; Font-Weight: Bold;). SP-Form .sp-Button-Container (Text-Align: Left;)

Most recently had to face a terrible situation. Winchester was born, though on the 8GB of just, but still this is also money (:
When you turn on the computer and define devices, stumbled on the hardware definition, the computer issues a message.

HDD Locked. Please Enther The Password

Introducing the problem, I found a lot of interesting information regarding wanted screws. After reading everything below, I did what is even lower (:

Solutions exist paid (expensive and 2 options with the preservation of information (more expensive) and without it - cheaper).

Wizard Passwords for HDD. Master ATA Password.

Contrary to widespread misconception, it is impossible to "wage" or "block" using a master password. Master password can only be changed. Master Password can unlock the drive in case the user password is forgotten, but it is possible only if the level of protection "High" was set. If the protection level is "Maximum", you can unlock the drive only knowing the user-password. If the protection level is "maximum", the User password is unknown, but the master password is known, then it is possible to unlock the drive with the destruction of all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command. This is implemented in the MHDD (FASTERASE command), however, this procedure in MHDD works only with USER passwords.

Thus, the drive blocked with the level of protection "High" can be unlocked using either Master or password user. If the level of protection "Maximum", then unlock
The drive can only be using the password user or the master password, but with the destruction of all data.

Manufacturers install factory master passwords, and if they do not change them in advance, then they can be used to unlock a salary drive, whose protection level "HIGH".

You can install the User-password by submitting the PWD command to MHDD. This establishes the level of protection "HIGH". The ability to install another level in MHDD is not available for security reasons. Also, the entered password is displayed in the MHDD.log file. After installing the password, the drive must be turned off.

Unlocking the drive, savaged with the level of protection "High" is possible using a user or master password. If the password is unknown, then, in general, unlock the drive is impossible, although there are two ways:

1. If the password is not encrypted by the drive itself, it can be tried to read it from the surface using technological commands;
2. It is possible to unlock using specially designed methods.

If the password is known, then the order of unlocking the drive in MHDD is:
1. Submit the Unlock command, select the user password, and enter the password. This temporarily removes the storage lock (before power off).
2. Submit the DISPWD command, select the user password, and enter the password again. It completely removes blocking.

According to the ATA / ATAPI standard, you cannot suppress the DISPWD command, without unlocking the drive by the Unlock command.

If the password is unknown, and the protection level of "Maximum", then without special means it is not necessary. If the password is unknown, and the level of protection "HIGH", and the master password has not changed, that is, the ability to unlock the drive, knowing the factory master password.

List of famous Master passwords:

Winchesters Fujitsu: Thirty two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Seagate Winchesters: The word "seagate" without quotes, with a capital letter, supplemented 25 spaces up to 32 simavols. In the MHDD to the password request, you must enter the word seagate, and then 25 spaces. Also, the Council from one of the site visitors: if the password does not fit - try to enter the word seagate and 25 points.

Winchesters Maxtor: The phrase "MAXTOR INIT Security Test Step" - the register is important! At the end of the phrase - one space. Password length - 31 symbol.

SAMSUNG Winchesters: 32 characters "T". In MHDD, you must enter 32 symbols T to the password request.

Winchesters Western Digital: The phrase "wdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwd", without quotes.

IBM Winchesters:
DTTA series: "CED79ijufnatit", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.
DJNA Series: "von89ijufsunaj", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.
DPTA series: "von89ijufsunaj", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.
DTLA Series: "Ram00ijufotselet", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In the MHDD to the password request, you must enter the shown the phrase and then 16 spaces.

Hitachi Winchesters, DK23AA, DK23BA, DK23CA series: Thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Winchesters Toshiba., All Series: Thirty two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Below are User-passwords installed in certain situations with various popular programs:
MHDD. Versions 3.x occurs when an internal error occurs: 32 letters "A" or 32 letters "B" (large Latin).
HDDL., happens with an unsuccessful attempt to quickly erasing: "Fuck".
HRT.: 32 characters with code 0. In order to enter such a password in MHDD, it is enough to press the password request ENTER.
HDD ERASE 4.0.: While cleaning the disk installs the IDRIVE password - it can be removed it!

That's just prog HDD ERASE 4.0. I got a screw, all because I was after the end of the Erise's ending, the car rebatched ...

Frequently often users set a password on HDD. However, this would not be a problem if people had not forgotten these most established codes. If you first encountered such a situation and do not know how to remove a password from a hard disk on a laptop, then this article is intended for you.

If you installed the code on the internal media and forgotten, then you cannot even load the OS installed on your PC. That is, the ability to use a laptop or a computer for direct purpose will be simply absent. In such a situation, the user remains only to delete the set password because there is no other access to the computer.

Online service

There are several ways to remove the password with HDD, and one of them is the famous online service "BIOS Password Removal for Laptops".

To get rid of the forgotten code by using it:

  • Enter it incorrectly 3 times (any combination of numbers or letters).
  • After that, a special code should appear in the window.
  • Copy the figures received.
  • We introduce the same combination on the site, according to the above link.

After a few seconds after entering the combination of numbers in a specially reserved line, you will receive a code that will help reset the password from your drive.

It should be clarified that this program is suitable for all models and manufacturers of Winchesters (Seagate, Hitachi, Toshiba, WD, etc.). Moreover, it does not matter which operating system is installed on your computer or laptop, because This service is considered universal.


You can only remove the password from the hard disk in the BIOS only if the cipher was originally installed via BIOS.

All you need to use the standard default settings option:

Thus, we dropped the password with HDD.

Second way

The following option is a free MHDD utility, specially created for a variety of hard disk operations.

To begin, it is necessary to get acquainted with the scheme of the password protection of the drive:

  • Winchester can have a high or maximum level protection.
  • Using the MHDD application, you can set a user protection level.
  • Master password installed by the manufacturer can only be changed.
  • The application of the master password makes it possible to unlock the disk exclusively at a high level of protection.
  • In the case of the maximum level of protection, the hard drive can be unlocked only if the user code is installed.
  • If the maximum level of protection is set and there is no user password, you can unlock the drive only by destroying all data using the Security Erase Unit Ata command.

Given the above information to remove the password from the hard disk, follows:

Thus, you can extremely remove the previously forgotten cipher entered.

Third way

Also remove the password from the hard disk will help the program HDD_PW.exe (18Kb). In order to remove the code with it, you want to do the following:

  • Find out the error code (when loading clicking F2 and enter the wrong combination of numbers three times, after which a special code appears on the screen)
  • Run the MS-DOS application.
  • Select the name of the utility in the window that opens.
  • On the gap to enter the error code that has learned earlier and add via space 0.
  • By pressing "input", several passwords will appear before you, one of which is necessarily suitable.

After entering the code, be sure to change it to the new and write down.

When implementing such steps on the 64-bit system, you may have some difficulties. The system can issue a mistake due to the inconsistency of the utility. In this situation it is necessary:

  • Download DosBox, Install and Run.
  • Mount the disk "with" command "Mount C C: /".
  • After that, when you start, press "F2", we recruit 3 times the wrong cipher and do the same actions.

To exclude the likelihood of such situations, it is recommended to get rid of the cipher, turning it off in the PC settings. If you need an acute in it, you should write it in a notebook or any other place so that I don't have to reset again.

In the event that you have a Lenovo laptop and when you start, the "ENTER HDD PASSWORD" message is displayed on the screen, the method disassembled in this video:

Password reset with HDD or BIOS

Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Today we will talk about neither so frequent, but important. I have come across such a problem as a set password on a hard disk or BIOS. Probably many do not quite understand, but perhaps I do not understand at all about what I mean. Now I will explain more.

Password on bios.

BIOS is a software located in a permanent storage device (ROM), which is engaged in self-testing devices and a loader search. Naturally, the bios functionality is much wider than described above, but we will not dig deeply, and consider directly on our article. The BIOS password is set to avoid third-party manipulations.

How to remove password with bios

The Mounted BIOS password does not allow you to get into it and in this case there are three options for solving this situation: resetting BIOS settings I reset the CMOS battery on the motherboard, rearrange the jumper (jumper) CMOS on the motherboard in the opposite direction (not provided in laptops) or simply Close Contacts

and the last way to remove the BIOS password using the BIOS Password Removal For Laptops online service. If you know the password and you are simply inconvenient to constantly enter it when you enter the BIOS, you can turn it off by entering the settings.

Password on HDD.

Here the destination and the password function is a little different. If in the first case you just can't get into the BIOS, then when you are installed on the HDD, you will not be able to load the operating system. And this is the lack of ability to use a computer or a laptop for direct purpose.

How to remove password with hdd

If we reviewed three options to solve problems with the bios, then in order to remove the password with HDD, I have only one for you, all the same bourgeois online service. So did not describe above how to use this site. To unlock the password you do not remember, you need to enter it incorrectly three times (for example, 1234 or what you want). After the attempts made in the window, the code will appear, enter it on the site and in response to receive the code to reset the password from the hard disk.

How to put a password on hard disk or bios

Set these passwords to protect data and from different manipulations. In each bios, such a function is provided. On the current computers and laptops there is a Security tab where you can install passwords. About this in more detail in pictures.

Installing passwords on the bios and hard drive

Set Supervisor Password - Install Set User Password Administrator Password - Install the HDD Password Password Password Password The Password On Boot hard drive is used to enable and turn off the password when loading.

Well, that's all, my small article came to an end. See you soon!

I will be grateful if you use the buttons:

How to remove a password with a BIOS and HDD on a laptop.

Turn on the laptop and see this ... A wonderful picture is not true? I suppose those who have forgotten the password for the BIOS safely, or someone's smartly smartly joked with a laptop, I will not agree with me. You have not yet been reset the forgotten password BIOS on a laptop? Believe me, this occupation is not for the faint of heart, where the chances of success strive for zero.

The fact is that, in contrast to ordinary computers, in laptops, passwords are usually stored in non-volatile memory. There is no jumper to reset the BIOS to factory settings, and the removal of the battery rarely leads to a password reset. It remains to rely either for good luck in the selection of the unlock code, or to replace the BIOS and any "shamdes" with eeprom legs (there are such materials on the network). So think again before the laptop pass through the BIOS.

If my warnings did not stop you, admire the picture below, something similar to see, breaking the Notebook to remove the password.

Now scary? Okay, I joked, so dramatically disassemble emachines E510 for another reason. In this case, everything was easier ...

Password Removing with BIOS Laptop Emachines E510

In general, brought a laptop with a request to see what you can do and lead to the working condition. Previously, he visited the service where he was verdict about the need to replace a pellets hard disk. Apparently there, before the heap, installed and password on the BIOS (so that there was no temptation to turn somewhere else?). I don't care, but the owner of the password on the inclusion of the notebook does not have, but after all, the password on the hard disk is asked after ...

Well, for a start, let's try to remove the password with the BIOS laptop. By climbing on the net, I realized that the last delivel councils ended in the year in 2005. Now free nobody share the secrets. True, specialized forums (which first need to register), where different codes are postponed to unlock at the request of the participants, however, sources are kept in the strictest secrecy and they are a ray of mystery (probably to emphasize their chosenness before the rest).

At the end of the article, I will give a reference to one such a mysterious source that helped unlock the Toshiba hard drive without communicating with these "guru". And the English-speaking Google brought me there.

Remove the password with the BIOS on the emachines E510 it was not at all difficult, it was necessary to move the batteries only. Honestly, success was not particularly hoping, but sometimes simple methods are very effective. I do not argue that this way of unlocking is suitable for all laptops, but it is worth trying, the more he does not require any special knowledge and skills.

Laptop Emachines E510 almost the Dream of the Deliveryman (if no serious repair is required), because Provides easy access to the internships. For example, you can remove it with only one back cover, the truth is the latch well, very tight. After removing the cover, we get access to the desired battery:

Attention! Before climbing the contacts, you need to turn off the power and remove the battery from the laptop. Just in case, he held a screwdriver (it was she closed) a couple of minutes, because I didn't know exactly and I don't know how much it is necessary. The main result is a password on the BIOS as it did not happen! However, happiness was not long ...

Password removal with HDD Toshiba MK1246GSX

Here I was waiting for the main ambush. To understand what we are talking about, read the article Password System of Contemporary HDD. The article is not mine, just posted in my blog, so as not to disappear (I am pleased to add a reference to the original source when I find out the author).

The article brought only to familiarize yourself with what we are dealing with, the advice from it did not help. If you carefully read the text, then noted that the Master password from the laptop is not recommended, it converts it. However, I did not accidentally wrote at the beginning of the topic about specialized forums and Guru. It is not necessary to be a genius to understand - unlock codes are clearly not from the head, but I do not believe in supernatural possibilities and chosenness.

We climbed into the brings of the Internet and stumbled upon an entertaining article BIOS Password Backdoors in Laptops on DogBert's blog "s Blog. There was also a link to the online calculator for removing passwords.

The meaning is that after three incorrect attempts to enter a password to access the hard disk, a certain code is issued - Encrypt HDD KEY:

It's time to share, promised at the beginning of the topic, reference: BIOS Password Removal for Laptops. Many thanks to the author of this resource. On my request (entered your Encrypt HDD KEY) two unlock codes were issued, for Acer, HP and Fujitsu-Siemens. The code for Acer fits perfectly, because emachines is almost the same Acer. Password with HDD was removed safely :)

How to remove a password from a hard disk?

Removing the password on the hard disk and the laptop BIOS is a fairly common problem with which users often encounter. There are several ways (utilities) that can help remove the password. At the moment, many utilities are popular in solving this problem. To correct this situation, you need to follow certain rules.


If you put a password and forgot it, these programs will help you:

Bios_pw.exe (18KB) To remove the password on the computer's BIOS.

HDD_PW.EXE (18KB) To remove the password from the hard disk.

To do this, press "F2" when booting and scored the wrong password three times.

Enter the error code from five digits through a space, which gives a laptop with an incorrectly typed password.

Add via the digit 0.

Now click "Enter". The program will provide you with several passwords. Of these, one must come to the bios.

After you enter passwords on the BIOS or HDD, do not forget to change them to new ones.

In the event that you try to do the above-described actions on a 64-bit platform, difficulties may arise.

The system will give out that it is impossible to start the utility or component, since the program is not compatible with a 64-bit version. The solution is pretty simple.

Download DosBox from the developer's site, install and run.

First, lock the C drive. Make it with the following command: "Mount C C: /".

Password Modern HDD

Immediately make a reservation that the article is not mine and rather ancient (approximately 2005). It is an addition to the previous post how to remove the password with the BIOS and HDD on the laptop. It was not possible to determine the exact primary source, so if you have information about the author, I will gladly post a link.

Any modern drive supports the password system. Before working with a password system of drives, you need to learn two things:

  1. The drive can be placed either with high ("High") level or maximum ("maximum"). The difference is described below. MHDD reports the level of protection when identifying the drive (F2).
  2. You can pass the drive by sending the appropriate command by selecting the mode (High or Maximum), and sending a new User password to the drive. In MHDD, you can wage the drive with the PWD command.

Contrary to widespread misconception, it is impossible to "wage" or "block" using a master password. Master password can only be changed. Master Password can unlock the drive in case the user password is forgotten, but it is possible only if the level of protection "High" was set. If the protection level is "Maximum", you can unlock the drive only knowing the user-password.

If the protection level is "maximum", the User password is unknown, but the master password is known, then it is possible to unlock the drive with the destruction of all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command. This is implemented in the MHDD (FASTERASE command), however, this procedure in MHDD works only with USER passwords.

Thus, the drive blocked with the level of protection "High" can be unlocked using either Master or password user. If the protection level of "Maximum", you can unlock the drive only using the password user or the master password, but with the destruction of all data.

Manufacturers install factory master passwords, and if they do not change them in advance, then they can be used to unlock a salary drive, whose protection level "HIGH".

You can install the User-password by submitting the PWD command to MHDD. This establishes the level of protection "HIGH". The ability to install another level in MHDD is not available for security reasons. Also, the entered password is displayed in the MHDD.log file. After installing the password, the drive must be turned off.

Unlocking the drive, savaged with the level of protection "High" is possible using a user or master password. If the password is unknown, then, in general, unlock the drive is impossible, although there are two ways:

  1. If the password is not encrypted by the drive itself, you can try to read it from the surface using technological commands;
  2. Unlocking with specially designed methods.

If the password is known, then the order of unlocking the drive in MHDD is:

  1. submit the Unlock command, select the user password, and enter the password. This temporarily removes the storage lock (before power off).
  2. submit the DISPWD command, select the user password, and enter the password again. It completely removes blocking.

According to the ATA / ATAPI standard, you cannot suppress the DISPWD command, without unlocking the drive by the Unlock command.

If the password is unknown, and the protection level of "Maximum", then without special means it is not necessary. If the password is unknown, and the level of protection "HIGH", and the master password has not changed, that is, the ability to unlock the drive, knowing the factory master password.

Famous Master Passwords

Winchesters Fujitsu: Thirty two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Seagate Winchesters: the word "seagate" without quotes, with a capital letter, supplemented 25 spaces up to 32 simavations. In the MHDD to the password request, you must enter the word seagate, and then 25 spaces.

Winchesters MAXTOR: The phrase "MAXTOR INIT Security Test Step" - the register is important! At the end of the phrase - one space. Password length - 31 symbol.

SAMSUNG Winchesters: 32 characters "T". In MHDD, you must enter 32 symbols T to the password request.

Western Digital Winchesters: the phrase "wdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwd", without quotes.

IBM Winchesters:

dTTA Series: "CED79IJUFNATIT", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.

dJNA series: "von89ijufsunaj", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.

dPTA Series: "von89ijufsunaj", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.

dTLA Series: "Ram00ijufotselet", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In the MHDD to the password request, you must enter the shown the phrase and then 16 spaces.

Hitachi Winchesters, DK23AA, DK23BA series, DK23CA: Thirty-two blank. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Winchesters Toshiba, all series: thirty two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Important note: If you are trying to unlock a drive that has been blocked by a laptop, then note that laptops change the Master passwords automatically. Also, the password entered from the laptop keyboard is different from the password that the laptop sends to the drive. The password entered from the keyboard is pre-encrypted, and only then sent to the storage.

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