An environment for creating a blog without registration. How to start writing your blog from scratch: a plan for my example

Hello new bloggers! Vasily Blinov is in touch and today I am presenting a new large column in which we and a team of authors will analyze the question of how to create your own blog on the Internet and make it popular.

You can create a blog in dozens of ways, now there are a lot of different tools for this. Depends on what you want to get. I think most of you are interested in the question, and this is the primary reason why you are now reading my article.

Such interest is quite normal and, I would say, correct, so do not be shy and deceive yourself that you want a blog for the soul. Money is an indicator of success, a motivator, a force that leads to action, without them, as practice shows, not a single blogger has become successful. Remember that the greater the financial result, the more interesting and useful you can do for people and society as a blogger.

Based on this, I set myself the task of showing how to make such a blog and what you need to learn for this.

Where is the best place to blog?

We are all people of different development, predisposition and I cannot give a universal answer here. It is easier for someone to record video, so there are no better options. Someone just wants to share short stories and photos, they and other social networks. networks.

And someone, like me, prefers to write a story and convey information in text, in the best traditions of blogging, from the time when diaries were written on paper. Combining text and video material on the pages of your blog.

Yes, I think creating your own blog site is the best option. Of course, there are various special services like, LiveJournal and others, they are free, but they have a lot of drawbacks that block the opportunity to become popular and engage in monetization.

Therefore, the ideal option is to create a personal blog on your own domain and hosting, be the full owner of it and be able to do whatever you want.


Below you will find step-by-step instructions leading to dozens of lessons and individual articles on the topic. I think this instruction will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who have been blogging for a long time.

It is still incomplete, in the process we will edit it and supplement it with new questions. You can also participate in its improvement and write in the comments questions that you have not yet found the answer to.

I must say right away that we will not touch on some technical issues related, for example, to layout. If you have any problem with the design of the site or its functions, then contact the layout designers. How and where to find a layout designer, I'll tell you in a separate lesson.


  • How to choose a niche for a website?
  • Lesson in BZ.
  • Lesson in BZ.
  • How to structure the site (headings)?
  • Lesson in BZ.
  • Come up with a title and description for the site

Create a blog

Tuning and optimization

  • Configuring the Hyper Cache Plugin
  • Installing a logo (favicon)
  • breadcrumbs
  • Social sharing buttons
  • How to backup the database and the entire site
  • Customizing the 404 Error Page

Connecting analytics

  • Connecting Yandex Metrica
  • Connecting Yandex Webmaster
  • Connecting Google Analytics
  • Connecting Google Webmaster
  • Connecting LiveInternet statistics
  • Browser extensions LiveInternet and RDS Bar

Basic WordPress Tutorials

  • How to create rubrics?
  • How to create new entries (articles) and edit them?
  • How to create a page (adding required pages)?
  • How to set up widgets?
  • How to customize the menu?
  • Page settings dropdown menu in admin?

Article writing and optimization

  • Article structure (headings)
  • Collection of keywords for the article
  • Competitor analysis
  • An overview of the service. The service helps you analyze competitors and collect search queries for competitor articles.
  • How to set up the KeyCollector program?

A blog is an informational type of site, ideal for traffic monetization. By making periodic entries on the topic, the blogger will attract the audience, make her want to comment, come up with new topics for posts, expand the number of headings, increase the detail and quality of information. The main thing is to clearly understand what and for whom it will be conducted. The matter remains small: in fact, to create a blog as a site, not an idea.

You can create a blog with your own hands in several ways. Let's immediately discard unrealistic options - write from scratch in a notebook, use frameworks and self-written engines - you don’t even have to delve into this topic. Difficult, inefficient, and not relevant in our time. You can also order a ready-made blog from a freelancer or a web studio - but this option is also uninteresting for most.

Where is the best place to start a blog?

There are only two ways leading to the creation of a website - using a CMS or a website builder.


With engines in the CMS format, the situation is obvious - you need to buy hosting and install a distribution kit on it, for example, the WordPress engine.

Website builder

There are many theoretically attractive options among website builders, but not every one of them will work.

So, from everything that happens on the topic of the question, we have identified two working options: the WordPress engine + hosting and some kind of website builder (we will choose which one below).

Create a WordPress Blog + Bluehost Hosting

The official website of developers recommends using Bluehost services. This is a large, technological provider, one of the world leaders in the industry. It has a dedicated line of tariff packages with server settings and control panel optimized for efficient work with WordPress.

We list the significant advantages of Bluehost:

  • Automatic installation of WordPress in 1 click;
  • The servers are equipped with SSD disks, which gives high speed and reliability;
  • The maximum set of supported technologies (MySQL, PHP, Perl, Zend Optimizer, cron, VPS/VDS, editing .htaccess, etc.);
  • Convenient control panel (modified version of cPanel);
  • Free testing for a month and assistance in transferring sites from other hostings;
  • Non-failure operation of servers, high performance;
  • Using cloud storage, CloudFlare CDN technology - sites on Bluehost in Runet work as fast as in Europe or America, for example;
  • About 120 data centers around the world - one of the largest and most technologically advanced networks in the world, serving more than 2 million domains; Reliable protection against DDoS attacks;
  • Bully resistance - if competitors start complaining, putting pressure on the hoster, your blog will not be closed;
  • 24/7 technical support service (but communicates only in English).

Hosting for 1 blog will cost $2.95 (50 GB of storage, a domain for 1 year and an SSL certificate as a gift), 100% moneyback can be used within 30 days after payment. If you are interested in seeing the technical characteristics of the hoster's hardware, additional services, the nuances of tariff plans, and more, take a look at the official Bluehost website.

Creating a blog on the uCoz blog builder

Online designers captivate with convenience: you don’t need to buy, install, bundle and configure anything separately - hosting, a set of templates for different topics, marketing and SEO tools, as well as other functionality necessary for building a site are included. Maintaining such a site is much easier and much faster.

When we talk about a blog, we mean a site that contains author's materials on a specific topic: software, cars, music, food, construction, or something else.

To create such a site, the engine must meet a number of requirements. Often, platforms with a visual WYSIWYG editor (like uKit) are not quite suitable for large, regular blogs, because they are not convenient for frequent publication of text content. If you need to give free rein to your thoughts once a week, laying out your impressions about a movie you watched or a new book, then almost any designer will do.

If the blog is planned to be serious, progressively growing in volume, with sections, a developed media grid, a convenient commenting system, subsequent promotion and monetization, then you need a reliable functional website builder.

Make a blog yourself or order a turnkey one?

The answer is obvious - it is better to create a blog yourself. From a technical point of view, the task is simple, absolutely everyone can start blogging - even a schoolboy or a pensioner. The main thing is to own a PC at a general average level, navigate the Internet, be able to type, think logically and follow instructions.

You can order a ready-made blog if you have extra money or you are so far from working with a PC that the idea of ​​​​creating a site is associated in terms of complexity with the development of nuclear physics from scratch or so. That is, a blog is needed, but even in your fantasies you cannot imagine creating it yourself. And you really don't want to do it. Well, or you are a celebrity who needs a reliable strong result in order to surely meet the expectations of the audience.

For most people, it does not make sense to order the creation of a turnkey blog for the nth amount of money from third-party developers who will assemble it on the same WordPress / constructor and set up the output of publications. You yourself can do it in one evening - there is nothing to pay here.

Having worked on your own, you can save a decent amount of money - about 5-7k rubles when ordering work from a novice freelancer, experienced developers and web studios will be much more expensive. In terms of the ratio of time / effort investment to this amount, the idea will be very cost-effective. Saved money is better spent on promotion, buying a premium template or contextual advertising.

A blog is clearly not the type of site that is worth buying off the shelf. In the process of work, it is important to learn how to maintain and maintain a blog on your own, it is real and easy. Constantly paying someone to add posts and administer the blog? This is not rational, at least, agree. Also expensive and slow. A blog is a type of site that is not ordered, but created and maintained independently.

How much does it cost to make a blog?

It is not possible to create a blog completely for free. At a minimum, you will need to buy a domain name. Domain registration is always paid - the price depends on the .com, .net, .pro zone. You can buy a domain on the uCoz constructor (from $11/year) through the control panel of your site. And if you connect the "Optimal" tariff for a period of one year, you can get any domain for free as a gift of your choice.

The cost of maintaining a blog on WordPress will cost roughly ~$40 to $200 per year: Bluehost hosting ($31/year) + domain (about $8/year) in the .com zone. The expense item can be replenished with a purchased unique template (from $40), paid plugins (there are many of them) and, possibly, specialist services - creating some kind of module, modifying the template, some other coding or customization.

The cost of maintaining a blog on uCoz differs depending on the tariff and the term of a one-time renewal (for a month, a year or 2 years) and ranges from ~$28 to $153 per year. For example, if you pay for two years, you will receive a 30% discount, if you pay for a year at once, you will get a 20% discount. And you can also get a guaranteed 50% discount by paying for a suitable tariff plan in the first two days after registering the site in the system.

Creating a blog on WordPress and uCoz has approximately the same cost. The difference is that for this money uCoz is much more ergonomic, allows you to control the process from one control panel, has a wide range of modules out of the box, templates, and gives you a domain. Just don't forget about -50% discount at the start. This is the recipe for a happy blogging life.

How to blog so people read it

Blogs are different. Initially, this concept meant something like a personal diary. A person shared his knowledge, experience, opinion about the events around him, and all the records were arranged in chronological order, forming a news feed. Now a blog means a site whose content is displayed in the format of a news feed. It can be a thematic resource like ours, where it is not about personal experience and impressions of any events, but a certain niche is described from an expert point of view. The personality of the author can fade into the background, the most important thing is useful content. It turns out something like the author's encyclopedia on the chosen profile.

The general point is that you should understand the subject of the blog, be able and willing to write regularly in its direction. Otherwise, your fuse will not be enough for a long time. And stability is important. If the blog is for the soul, and you don’t think about monetization in advance, then write according to your mood. However, rare publications are unlikely to gather an audience for you. Lack of demand can also discourage blogging. So combine approaches for the soul and for business, pleasure and discipline are the best bunch.

A lot of people don't blog just because they think it's hard, time consuming and money consuming. In fact, everything is not so scary. If desired, anyone can blog, for this you just need access to the Internet and any device that allows you to send messages. Even the absence of a computer is not an obstacle now - in some cases, an ordinary smartphone is enough.

If you want to join the huge global community of bloggers, do not be shy, anyone can blog. Where to start - a simple algorithm will tell you, literally from the first thoughts and awareness of desire and to the bitter end.

and why do you need it?

For the average Internet user, there are no significant differences between a website and a blog. By and large, these types of Internet resources differ only in structure, which is not obvious at first glance. However, a blog is easier for the average user, it is somewhat reminiscent of a notepad - a convenient form of a diary. It is the diaries that make up a huge part of the blogs of the network. The owner writes there everything that comes to mind, shares music, pictures, his own opinion on any occasion, and this is also a blog. How to start creating a network diary for a beginner? It is enough to choose any free blogging platform, register and start publishing, look for friends, create your own social circle.

It is a bit more difficult to create a so-called standalone blog, located on a separate paid hosting, with a second-level domain. At the same time, your resource does not depend on the official policy of the blogging platform, which gives a certain degree of freedom. How to start a blog from scratch if you want to become the owner of a fairly popular project that benefits people? Here is a step by step guide to answer all your questions.

Set a goal and make a plan

Why do you need a blog? This question is rarely asked by novice bloggers, so failure is quite possible. In general, there are only three reasons: a diary of interests, a resource dedicated to a hobby or profession, a commercial resource that brings profit to the owner. In most cases, it is quite difficult to combine all three goals, it is simply impractical. A personal diary is very simple, but a commercial blog should be built according to principles that contribute to success.

How to start blogging to earn money by advertising or selling some of your services or products? Make a plan and stick to it, this will help you to gradually carry out all the necessary actions.

Simple plan example:

  • decide on a topic;
  • make a semantic core;
  • prepare a starter content pack;
  • provide design;
  • build a blog and run it;
  • continue to support the resource with regular publications.

Topic of your blog

For a profitable commercial blog, it is better to choose a narrow topic. This allows you to focus on the search queries that visitors use to find your resource. Of course, you can write about anything, not limiting yourself to one topic, but then the blog will look like a fair where food, furniture, shoes and pets are sold at the same time. It's not as bad as it sounds, it just takes a lot of effort to organize the information, and the sheer variety of topics makes blogging difficult. Where to start if you have already decided on a topic?

For example, you love traveling and decided to dedicate your Internet resource to this. The topic of travel is broad enough not to get bored, and allows you to combine stories about countries and cities, tips for tourists, the features of buying tickets and booking rooms in hotels around the world.

How and where to create a blog?

If you decide not to bother with buying a domain and hosting, there are many opportunities to create a blog without the slightest investment. This has its advantages: if at some point you do not settle with the money, then you do not risk suddenly seeing a resource “disconnected for non-payment”. On the other hand, you are dependent on the owners of a resource that provides its space for creating blogs to everyone, you can suddenly find an advertisement that does not bring profit to you, or one far from perfect day you find out that the service is closed. When thinking about how to start a blog and where to host it, you can not pay too much attention to the passionate supporters of standalone blogs or any particular platform. Everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular free blogging platforms are Wordpress, Blogger, LiveJournal. They are fundamentally different from each other. If "LiveJournal" is more suitable for keeping a personal diary, then "Blogger" is perfect for anything. "Wordpress" is considered a universal resource to create a blog. Where to begin? You can try all three platforms to make your choice. If you ever decide to switch to WordPress, then it will be an excellent training base.

Why is posting regular?

If you only have a few posts on your blog, chances are they will quickly become outdated. As an example, news resources are best suited - it is news that becomes outdated at a record speed. How to start blogging to keep readers' attention? People want to see something new, get fresh impressions. If a visitor is interested in some topic, he will be glad to see that something new, interesting and useful is constantly published on the selected resource.

However, the muse is sometimes capricious, and if you create content on your own, it is better to take care of some stock of publications in case of departure, illness, or simply a prolonged lack of inspiration. A very useful feature is scheduled posting, when you post an article or other materials, marking some distant date as the publication date. It will become available to readers strictly on the day and hour you set, this creates the illusion that you are in place and do not let visitors get bored. You want to create a blog. How to start publishing information and what frequency to choose? Depends on the theme, not every theme has a flurry of daily updates. Stock up on materials for some time in advance, this will help establish regularity.

Where to get pictures?

Many bloggers, without hesitation, take any pictures they like from the Internet. However, images can be copyrighted, and multiple repetitions create a somewhat tainted situation for search engines. It is not enough to figure out how to start writing a blog, it is advisable to deal with sources and other types of content. Ideally, if you create images or videos yourself, but you can buy them from photographers or take them for free from photo banks, where permission is given for the free and free publication of images under certain conditions.

Where do blog readers come from?

There are several ways to attract readers to your blog. You can advertise the resource on other sites and blogs, place an ad in such well-known systems as Google or Yandex. For personal diaries, subscribing to other blogs with similar content works well - usually the owners mutually add each other as friends, forming a kind of community, but this system does not work with commercial blogs. This is where the laws of competition come into play.

With blogging behind, how do you start attracting visitors? In search of information, Internet users usually set appropriate queries to the main search engines, Google or Yandex. The drop-down options are looked through in search of the necessary information. This is what experts rely on when optimizing a blog or website for better traffic in search engines.

Search engines and semantic core

Many beginners are interested in how to start blogging and where to get visitors. It is better to rely on search engines in this matter, and for this you need to take action even before you prepare the content. What is it that optimizers talk about so much? If you do not delve into special terms, this is the semantic content of the resource. For example, you are going to dedicate your blog to beauty and cosmetics. The backbone of the semantic core will be the main areas of cosmetology skin care, decorative cosmetics, certain types of makeup and care techniques. Narrower topics, novelties of the beauty industry, special articles and master classes are already strung on this backbone.

If you've already created a blog, where do you start the battle for visitors from search engines? If you remember, you have found the necessary information more than once by asking the appropriate question in Google or Yandex. Rest assured, you are not the only one doing this. Search engines collect and systematize user search queries, based on this, you can compile a list of key phrases that interest visitors, and demand creates supply.

How do bloggers make money?

A successful blog with a steady flow of readers can make money from advertising. At the same time, advertising can be both direct and through special systems. The largest search engines offer their own products - Google Adsense and Yandex.Direct. With the help of simple scripts, you can place contextual advertising on your blogs and earn income from clicks and impressions.

When newbies are wondering how to start blogging, they are rarely aware of the true purpose. Therefore, attempts to monetize the blog may be a failure - from the very beginning it was necessary to take a course on the most effective commercial preparation. However, it is never too late to make appropriate adjustments, the main thing is not to be afraid to move forward!

What's the best way to spend your weekend? You can gather all your friends and rush somewhere to the islands. Or is it better to stay at home and read a book, or maybe just sleep? In order to remember and analyze their experiences in connection with such events, people came up with the idea of ​​​​keeping diaries, hiding them under a pillow or burying them in the garden to keep secrets.

But time passes, and human needs change with it. People get bored just writing words on paper, knowing that no one will read it. There was a desire to find out the opinions of others, but at the same time preserve all the sacrament of keeping a diary. The Internet has given such an opportunity, because now you can do it the way you want:

What is it and why

An Internet blog is a place where a person can freely express his worldview in any accessible form.

  • Text entries. Initially, this was the only way, but even now it remains the main one;
  • Images. Pictures can perfectly reflect all the most important things;
  • Audio and video. Why not fill your blog with pleasant music and beautiful videos.

After paper diaries were replaced by online counterparts, many more opportunities opened up before people.

Now you can create a blog on the Internet not only to publish your most intimate experiences. The following are the main reasons why people keep internet diaries.

  • Advertisement for something. A blog can be dedicated to a particular company or product. In this case, all entries are connected by one topic, and it is likely that the readers of such a diary are the target audience;
  • News. For journalism, a blog is also a great platform, because people are only interested in the latest events, and in most online diaries, the latest entries are displayed at the very top of the page;
  • Traditional application. On the World Wide Web, you can create a personal blog, and this is still extremely relevant for many people. The advantage over the paper version is the ability to receive comments from other users while maintaining complete anonymity;
  • Earnings. If the blog is popular, it can generate good income. Advertising has become the goldmine of the Internet business, and the goal of many online diaries is to attract as many visitors as possible.

What is the best way to create

If any of the above reasons encourages a person to act, then he will first of all think about where it is better to create a blog. The Internet will offer a great variety of options, but in fact, they can be divided into two categories: paid and free. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach should be considered.

To use the free option means to choose one of the many services provided by the World Wide Web. In this case, you just need to register - and your blog is ready. The advantages of this approach include:

  • Ease of use. You don't need to know the technology behind the blog, you just need to add new posts;
  • Lots of neighbors. Millions of people are interested in the most popular blogs, and among them, with a high degree of probability, there are like-minded people;
  • Rapidity. From the thought Where to start a free blog? It may take five minutes before the first post.

However, this approach also has some drawbacks.

  • Your options are limited by the functionality of the service. It is difficult to fully express one's ideas when the means of expression are clearly defined;
  • You do not fully own the blog. It's hard to try to make any money from your online diary if advertising is strictly prohibited. In addition, blog owners can add their own ads, and this is unlikely to decorate your page.

The paid version of Internet diaries is associated with the purchase of hosting and the creation of your own blog site. You can write everything from scratch or use existing content management systems.

The positive aspects of paid blogs include:

  • Unlimited functionality. You decide how and what will happen in your blog. Completely new ideas can be brought to life;
  • Income. To create a blog for making money, it is better not to resort to free services. You can advertise in any form and quantity.

The cons are:

  • The need to pay for hosting and domain name;
  • You will have to know the internal structure of the blog, and not just publish new posts.

Blogs Google and Yandex

In 1999, the ambitious company Pyra Labs launched Blogger, the first service of its kind. However, in 2003, Google turned its attention to this popular project and acquired Pyra Labs along with all the technologies that the company was developing.

To date, the service is running successfully. Creating a blog on Blogger is as easy as typing in a search engine, and millions of users can attest to this.

For the domestic search giant, everything turned out much sadder. Since 2007, Yandex has supported the service, and at first, this blog hosting business was doing quite well. But in recent years, the popularity of the service has fallen significantly, and in June 2014 Yandex announced the closure of and the transfer of user materials to LiveJournal:

Where to start a free blog?

There are many online services where you can create a blog for free. Let's take a look at some of the most popular options.

— One of the most popular blogging platforms. It provides a huge number of functions both to ensure the appearance of the online diary and to improve the technical parameters:

— Already discussed in this article, blog hosting from Google is very popular among Internet users. Differs in simplicity and convenience of use:

— A popular service from a domestic manufacturer. The blog contains elements of a social network that empower users:

— Twitter. This service belongs to the category of microblogging, as the length of messages is strictly limited. However, it is impossible not to mention this incredibly popular and fast-growing project:

How to make money on a blog?

In order for the Internet diary to bring real money, you need to follow certain rules when creating it.

  • Refuse to use free services. Registration in five minutes beckons with its simplicity and speed, but it is better to immediately abandon this option, since subsequently the opportunities for earning will be significantly limited;
  • When choosing hosting, carefully check the reputation of providers. Do not immediately rush to the cheapest options. After all, it is not very pleasant when, at the most crucial moment, technical problems overtake you;
  • Pick the right domain. The domain name should reflect the topic of the blog, then visitors are more likely to pay attention to your blog.

In order to attract advertisers, it is necessary to have a significant ( and more or less permanent) the number of unique visitors, and for this you have to promote the blog. To do this correctly, you need to follow the basic recommendations.

  • Constantly update information;

Today, blogs are gaining popularity. Many celebrities create them. And there is nothing surprising here, because the Internet is a great opportunity to communicate with a large number of people at the same time, and create a blog means to realize this possibility.

Officials, popular artists, athletes have blogs. In general, almost everyone. Do you have it?

If not, and you do not know where to start, then below I will provide you with step-by-step instructions for creating your own diary. After reading it to the end, you will imagine how you can create a blog for yourself in a short time.

Step 1 - Domain and hosting

Domain and hosting are essential attributes of any blog. Without them, in principle, its functioning is impossible. First we need to choose a hosting. Hosting- this is a service for hosting a resource on a web server, or the provision of a service for hosting someone else's web server on your "platform". It is website hosting that is in the greatest demand, since hosting someone else's web server is only necessary for large sites. There are two types of hosting - free and paid.

If you do not know where it is better to create a blog, then for a start I advise you to create it on a free hosting. You will not pay money for it, but you will simply experience certain restrictions. This may be an advertisement that will subsequently be displayed in your online diary. In addition, you are completely dependent on the administration of the free blog service (hosting), because they can ban your blog at any time and all the work will go to waste.

So it was once with my first diary, which I created in LJ ( But still, for beginners who do not know where it is better to create a blog, I would advise you to start with free hosting (blog service). You will just practice, learn about some features of promotion (seo, smo, etc.), see if you can write posts and whether you will like this process.

I will describe some free blogging services. is a great platform. LiveJournal has a large audience, so creating a personal blog in this blog service, in my opinion, is promising. There is great functionality here: the ability to add friends, the ability to earn money by placing Google AdSense contextual advertising, and many other features. Only, as you can see, the active promotion of a blog in LiveJournal is punishable by a ban, so you should act very carefully. You can read more about LiveJournal blogs in my post in fact, I myself once started with him. As far as I know, now has closed all outgoing links from blogs hosted on their blog service from indexing by search engines. This suggests that there are no prospects for making money on various kinds of selling links, so the service can be chosen exclusively for training.– also suitable for a beginner website builder. There is no need to install any modules or engine. The interface is intuitive. No support for PHP and MySQL databases free hosting from Yandex. Probably the most popular. Everyone who wants to create a blog is given unlimited space for a personal diary. Hosting does not support scripts and PHP In general, there are an incredibly large number of free blog hosting. You can always find them by entering the query "Free hosting" in the search line of Yandex or Google. You will get a lot of results.

By the way, the popularity of such services according to Yandex can be viewed at In the event that you already have some knowledge and are sure that you will not abandon your blog, then it is better to create it right away on a paid hosting. The advantage is that there will be no annoying ads, but there will be a large number of various functions.

Below is a list of some paid hosting: good hosting. But paid. On the search ( there are a lot of positive reviews about this hosting. The service is gradually gaining momentum and I think it has excellent prospects. Support works quickly, many functions are implemented. By the way, this service is one of the five largest hosting providers in Russia. They currently have four rates in total. The price per month today ranges from 99 to 450 rubles per month. My blog once also huddled on this hosting. By the way, for everyone who registers using my ref, a bonus will be awarded upon registration on the hosting Another good paid hosting. In total they have 4 tariffs to choose from. The only difference is the amount of disk space provided. True, there have been cases of hosting failures.

When creating a blog, you need to consider some more nuances:

    Paid hosting provides the ability to receive an unlimited amount of traffic (this is in general)

  • All paid hostings support PHP and MySQL databases
  • Using paid hosting, you get the opportunity to make yourself a subdomain on your blog
  • Many paid hosting companies provide their customers with ready-made technical solutions. These can be various scripts, etc., that improve the work of the created blog and its functionality.

You can find paid hosting in a similar way to the process of finding a free one. Just enter the query "paid hosting" in the search bar of Yandex or Google. Let's say you liked some kind of hosting. Do not rush to order from them. Be sure to check if there are reviews about this service. Go to at least the same serch and in the search bar on the forum type the name of the host you are interested in. You will definitely be given some topic where the work of this hoster will be discussed.

An exception can only be hosting providers operating not in Russia, but somewhere in America or Canada. Such hostings can also be used, just be aware that they will work a little slower than ours, since you need to make a correction for the distance.

Now that you have finally decided where it is better to create a blog, we register on the hosting. After that, you will be provided with passwords and data from the panel to the FTP account. Be sure to save this information. Preferably on removable media. In general, this is where the choice of hosting ends.

Domain for personal diary

Now that we already have hosting, it remains to choose a domain. If you are going to work for a Russian audience, then it is better to purchase a domain name in the .ru zone. You can also consider the .com and .net zones. I do not recommend the rest for the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. Most hosting providers provide the ability to register a domain through them.

Or you can register it with a third-party registrar that specializes only in providing domain registration services. Choosing a domain name for a website is a simple procedure. The main thing is to come up with a name for it in advance.

Today, to register a domain in the .ru zone, you will need to provide the registrar with your passport details, as well as indicate your place of residence. In addition, the newly created domain will need to assign the DNS server of your hosting. You will find this data in the hosting control panel.

DNS (Domain Name System)- domain name system. It is designed to convert domain names to IP addresses. Or maybe vice versa - it is intended for converting IP addresses into domain names. DNS is for domain delegation. After you register a domain and assign DNS servers, you will need to park the domain with your hosting.

Depending on the host, the name of this service may vary slightly, but usually there is a “domains” tab in the control panel, where there is an option to “park the domain”. Here you need to register our registered domain in the appropriate field, and then wait. By the way, the most detailed description of domains is described in the article. That's it, this step is over. Now the next step in creating a blog is installing the WordPress engine.

Step 2 - Choose an Engine

Now it's time to choose an engine for the blog we created. As in the case of hosting, you can create a personal blog both on a free and paid engine (CMS).

One of the popular engines is Data Life Engine. This is a paid engine. If you do not know where it is better to create a blog, then just evaluate the capabilities of paid engines and draw conclusions. Many additional modules have been created for this engine, so almost any website can be built on this CMS.

Installing this engine is not difficult. To do this, we need the Total Commander file manager. Upload files from the archive with our engine to the server via FTP, and then run the installation file. This is usually done by typing _http://yourwebsite/install.php in the address bar. Nothing further is required of you, except to follow the proposed instructions. When installing the CMS, you will need to create a MySql database. You can do this through your hosting control panel.

In principle, each archive with the engine should always contain installation instructions, so you can't go wrong. After installing the engine, go to the settings. True, I will not describe it, since this is a separate topic for conversation. You will need to install the theme, plugins, etc.

The next popular engine is WordPress. I recommend this CMS to all beginners. This is perhaps the best engine for a blog. WordPress is a free blogging engine. You can download the distribution kit on the website, or a Russian-language and modified version by Lecactus ( Installing the engine comes down to the fact that we need to upload files via FTP to the server, fill in the MySql database data in the “wp-config-sample” file, and then start the installation.

This is also done by typing _http://yoursite/install.php in the browser's address bar. In general, the archive with the engine must have installation instructions, so you'll figure it out. The engine is intuitive. I myself once started with him, when I didn’t know anything at all, but gradually figured it out with honey at random.

And the last popular engine that webmasters use is Joomla. This engine weighs a little less than WordPress. This CMS is installed like DataLife Engine. As for the functionality, Joomla does not shine at all, but, despite this, many webmasters like it. This concludes the second step of creating your blog.

Step 3 - Fill the created blog with content and carry out internal optimization

The first two steps are very important. But this does not mean that they are the highlights. Creating a personal blog is one thing. And it is completely different to promote it. One of the most important components of promotion is filling with unique content. Content is the entire material of the site - pictures, texts, videos, etc.

It is very important to respect the uniqueness of the content. That is, all the material you post on the blog should not have exact copies on other sites. Material can be obtained by rewriting or copyright. I wrote about what it is in an article.

Redrawn text is, of course, also good, because it is unique. But such content is filled mainly with those network diaries that are intended primarily for making money. If you want to create a high-quality author's project, then, of course, it would be better to write texts that have not been published anywhere before. It is the uniqueness of information that attracts people. It is important to understand simply the fact that if the text is unique to search engines, then this does not mean that it is unique to people. If the idea is not new, then your blog is unlikely to gain much popularity.

Previously, as an experiment, I created one of my first diaries on the blog service, and then, out of ignorance, I simply took and copied materials from other sites. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that after a while my blog got banned by Yandex and Google. Hence the conclusion: there is no need to steal content, it is fraught with a ban in search engines or a decrease in positions in the search results.

Now about internal optimization. Creating a personal blog is not difficult, but after that you simply have to delve into the basics of search engine promotion and optimization.

Below I will give some tips for internal optimization:

  • The first thing to do is to choose the keywords under which you will promote your resource.
  • After you decide on the queries, you need to select the most relevant pages for each query

    You should not optimize one page for many requests at once. Enough 1-3

  • Keywords must be written in the title of the page and in its description
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of keywords in the text. If you make text densely stuffed with keywords in such a way that the readability of the text is lost, then search engines will quickly determine this and the page will fall under the “You are spam” filter.

  • Keywords can be tagged and
  • Alt tags for images should also contain keywords.
  • At the end of each article, include a list of related articles. This will increase the coherence of the text material and also increase the number of page views.

  • It is desirable to indicate the most popular articles in a prominent place in the sidebar
  • Site navigation should be simple and convenient. All blog pages should be available in 2-3 clicks from the main page

    It is desirable to provide each article with social network icons so that visitors can add those materials that they like to social bookmarks or other social services.

  • Be sure to make a separate page with your contact details

Step 4 - Promotion and monetization

If you think you already know how to create a blog, then you are wrong. Suppose you created it, filled it with content, and carried out internal optimization. But what's next? Do you think that visitors will immediately pour in to you? Not at all. Promotion is perhaps the most difficult process in this whole business.

There are many ways to promote, but I will give only those that you will need at the initial stage:

1. First, add your blog to search engines:

2. In order for new pages to be indexed by search engines faster, run each new post in social bookmarks.

3. One of the most popular ways to promote websites today is the promotion of articles. This is a rather expensive and laborious method. One of the most popular article exchanges today is If you have a certain capital and are ready to invest in the development of your site, then I recommend this exchange

4. You can promote a newly created blog using services such as, GoGetLinks, Sape, etc. There are many more ways to promote, but at the initial stage this is quite enough. After your site has crossed the bar of 300 visitors per day and TIC>20 and PR>1, you can start monetizing it. Read more about selling links using a blog through specialized services in the article. Here we are at the finish line.

Now we know how to create our own blog, where it is better to create it, and we have the initial skills of seo-optimization. If this knowledge is not enough, then I advise you to look at the article