Standard firmware. Setting up the router D Link Beeline

To start setting up the router D Link Beeline, we will need to open its web interface in the browser, to do this in the address bar, enter, after which you should appear such a sign.

In it you need to enter a new password of the router, then the sign will be released in which you want to enter a username and password.
By default, in routers, ADMIN login when you enter a login, enter the password you came up with and entered the step higher if all the data is correct, then you will be taken to the web interface of the router. After you entered the router, you need to change the language into Russian how to do this is shown in the picture below.

Setting up D Link Beeline Router.

To further configure the D LINK router under Beeline, we need to click on the web interface (Click "n" Connect), after which you must open the router setup wizard in which you need to choose
L2TP + Dynamic IP, the following tab will open, there is nothing unnecessary to touch in it, go to the next item by pressing the Next key. We must open a page in which
You need to enter a login and password to access the Internet, then register a VPN server, in Moscow it is, then click further, then apply. If all settings are entered correctly, the Internet should appear, but on this setting D Link Beeline Router is not completed, we need to configure the wireless network, and settings with wireless networkyu must be available after checking the connection.

Setting up a Wi-Fi network router D LINK.

After the router connected to the network after a successful setting, the next content window should be released. See the picture below.
In this window, a check mark should be a tick opposite the router, if not, then we put and press further in this window, we need to enter the name of your wireless network,
You can come up with any, at your discretion, then press further. In the next window, we need to put a password for Wi-Fi Network,
We choose the protected, and enter the password, the password must be difficult, and then not friendly neighbors will use your Internet for free, from which your connection speed will suffer, and then click Next, in the next window, click Save.

When the router saves all the settings, it will open the television setup window.
It is necessary to specify the port to which your prefix connects and click further if you do not have a console, then you must click skip, then save everything. This is completed on this to the router.

Probably the fact that the D-Link device under the name DIR-615 is indeed modern - not obvious to all. The first hardware revision was released several years ago, and called "B1". This version Now it is impossible to buy in stores. Setting up the router D LINK after updating the revision - did not become much more difficult than it was before. At the same time, quality and reliability has changed for the better.

Router DIR 615 Rev. M1.

First, consider, in what cases it is recommended to purchase such a router. The wireless access point here is a dual-band (far from all necessary). If the provider organizes a connection via a DHCP or PPPOE protocol, it is better to choose something easier. And only if the user is a subscriber connected to the VPN external network resources, the DIR-615 M1 model will be a good choice for daily work.

The most "heavy" protocol VPN connection is "L2TP". In a similar mode, the router without any problems will provide the speed of information exchange with a provider about 30-35 Mbps. Do I need more? Decides the user. When breaking vPN connectionsIt will automatically recover (this should be that, but in all whether the firmware options works - there is no information). For Beeline Provider - it is necessary to find out whether the local support will support this model.

Actually, the DIR-615 router is designed to be a universal subscriber device. Prosses include reliability at a relatively small cost. And to minuses, nevertheless - not the most high speed connections. Go to the setting.

Setting basic options

Sequence of preliminary action

If you look at rear panel Devices, then some differences from ordinary "home" routers, like DIR-300, it is impossible to notice here: the same four LAN ports and one port for the Internet connection. There is no "POWER" buttons

Rear panel router

Connections are best done in the manner below:

  • The "Internet" port must be installed a provider cable connector; One of the LAN ports connect with network card Computer (via Patch Cord)
  • On the computer - check the correct setup of the network card

Wired connection

  • Next, you need to connect the power supply and send a computer to reboot

Additionally, we note that if the router is not purchased in the store, you need to "reset the settings".

Turning on the power, you need to wait a minute, clamp the RESET button (without releasing it 10-15 seconds), then wait a little more. The router will be ready for configuration.

In the new interface D LINK, the router starts the same way as in any other: from the transition to the address To do this, you need to open the browser, type the value in the address bar, press ENTER

First interface tab

How to configure L2TP connection

First of all, the Web interface - switch to Advanced mode

Main interface tab

In the official instruction in English, we switched to the next chapter: "Creating an L2TP connection with a dynamic IP address". This is the connection - we will customize.

On a separate sheet - it must be recorded:

  1. VPN subscriber login and password
  2. IP address or domain name Server

Start setting L2TP.

Tick \u200b\u200b"Enable" - must be exhibited. If necessary, execute "cloning" mAC addresses (Value - copied from the network card).

Continue setting L2TP.

In the VPN section - exhibit 2 ticks ("Keep Alive", "Connect Auto"). And further, you need to correctly fill the fields with an asterisk.

Finally, set ticks in the last section

Setting L2TP, Completion

For example, we disconnected the built-in "Firewall", and installed the "IGMP MultiCast" option (for watching television through network computers). Last queue - click the "Save" button on the tab.

About the connection activity - says the presence of a green point on the WAN tab. Successful setup!

Enable wireless network

If you need to enable the wireless network, wiFi Setup ROTETER D LINK - Produced on the "Wi-Fi" tab -\u003e "Basic Settings"

Setting up a wireless network

Here, if you need to work on a hidden name, you set the Hide Access Point checkbox.

Next, you need:

  1. Set Network Name (SSID)
  2. Set the region
  3. Channel number - We leave "Auto"
  4. Network mode - We left "Mixed". However, if all devices on the network can work using the "802.11 N" protocol, it is better to install "n only".

By setting all the necessary values, click "Change" (button in the lower right corner). And then, in the "System" menu on top of the page - activate the "Save and Reboot" item. Successful Routing!

The "Security Settings" tab to enable encryption mode - should contain values:

  1. WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK
  2. 8-digit key
  3. Tick \u200b\u200b"Pre-Authentication" - Do not set
  4. It is better to use the algorithm "AES"
  5. Key Update Time - 1 hour (3600)

How to make a port of ports in the router - shown here:

To the question how to set up DIR-615 on biline? Posted by the author Personal Area Removed The best answer is i did not approve the answers not so ...
i understood .. I just started answering thinking that you have a connection through a modem (SIM) Beeline ...

Answer from Prodorushka[guru]
In general, so. I suffered with this problem for several days. I tried to install from the disk, changed the firmware. Then she spat on the step as recommended in those support Beeline and everything worked. And both companies and Wi-Fi.
2. Enter in the address bar and press the ENTER key. A window will appear with a proposal to enter a login and password to access the router. In the User Name field, enter Admin, leave the Password field blank. Press the Log In button.

3. In the SETUP section, select Internet Setup and click the Manual Intrnet Connection Setup.

4. MY Internet Connection IS - Select RUSSIA L2TP (Dual AccSess), go below.

5. ADRESS MODE Mark the Dynamic IP line with a circle, in the L2TP Server IP Adress field, enter User Name - Enter your username, Password - enter your password. Reconnection Mode - Select Always MTU - in this field the value must be set to 1400. Press the Save Settings button.

6. Wait until the router saves the settings and reboots, usually takes 1-2 minutes. After downloading, the router will automatically establish a connection.

Configure Wi-Fi Routher Network

1. Go to the Setup section, select Wireless Settings, click the MANUAL WIRELESS CONNECTION SETUP button.

2. In the Wi-Fi Protected Setup section, remove the tick in front of the enable string. Go to the Wireless Network Settings section. Put the box in front of the Enable Wireless item and select from the Always list, in the Wireless Network Name field, enter your wireless network name, such as My_WiFi. 802.11 MODE Select from the Mixed list, check the box in front of the Enable Auto Channel Scan item. Channel Width - select from the AUTO 20/40 MHZ list. Visibility Status - Put the circles next to the Visible string. Sunday below.

3. Now we need to protect our wireless network from unscrupulous neighbors, hackers and other bad people. To do this, in the section in Security Mode - select WPA Personal. We go to the WPA, WPA MODE section - select Auto (WPA or WPA2). CLIPHER TYPE - TKIP AND AES. Group Key Update Interval - Leave 3600. In the Pre-Shared Key field, enter a password to access your wireless network, pay attention to the password should not be shorter than 8 characters, as well as do not contain Cyrillic. Press the Save Settings button. Wait until the router reboots and you can use the wireless network.

Update firmware

1. Go to the Tools section and select the Firmware section.

2. In the Firmware Upgrade section, click Click the Browse button and select Firmware. Click the UPLOAD button. Wait until the router updates its firmware, it usually takes up to 5 minutes. Firmware updated.

  • How to setup router D-Link DIR-615? I recently purchased this device and I can't configure something. Of course, it is most likely in me, since before this router I didn't have such devices at all. In short, I will not lie, I can't even enter the router settings, I dial the address in the Opera browser and the white page comes out. Router connected to a stationary computer with installed windows 7. There is still a laptop that I want to connect to the Wi-Fi router. Elena.
  • Great admins, such a question, how to set up a D-Link DIR-615 routerIf I have Home Internet from biline and also Beeline TV? I explain everything in order. A month ago, I decided to connect the Internet and home TV - Beeline. I called Beeline and gave an application. The masters came and pulled out of the corridor the cable of the Internet provider and connected it to some black box (turned out to be outdated 5-port switches) D-Link DES-1005A and this switch was connected using a LAN cable with my computer, and Internet appeared on it . Next, connected to my TV-console TV, which, in turn, also connected with a DES-1005A switcher, with another network cable. Appeared homework digital television. All this is good, but we still have a laptop. On his computer uneducation, I thought that the D-Link DES-1005A switch can distribute Wi-Fi, but in its comments you explained to me that it is not so possible to distribute any Wi-Fi. Svitche D-Link DES-1005A has long been removed from production and nothing can not be able to create a regular wired local network. Here I have a question, if I want, what would I have Wi-Fi, then I will have to buy a router? I called the Beeline for the consultation, I began to immediately offer their corporate Bilain Router, and as they say in support, only with him they guarantee the normal operation of the Internet.

Tell me how to set up a D-Link DIR-615 router with all what I have now? Or it will be better in a different way: - Can I replace the outdated D-Link DES-1005A switch D-Link DIR-615 router? Anatoly.

How to set up a D-Link DIR-615 router

Friends, in this article We will configure the D-Link DIR-615 router for Beeline Provider, but the article will come in handy and to those users who have another Internet provider, as the difference in the settings is minimal. At the end of the article brought short instructions For Provider

First of all, our router is correctly connected. Connect the local Internet cable conducted by your provider to the WAN port on the router, everything can be seen on the test, it is written on it, and the router and your stationary computer Connect each other network cable (in our case blue) via LAN-port number 1.

Updating Firmware D-Link DIR-615

Secondly - update the firmware router D-Link DIR-615. According to my observations, almost all on sale D-Link DIR-615 routers have an outdated version of the firmware 1.0.0. On the official D-Link website posted a new version Firmware 1.0.18 for our router. FROM new firmware The router will work more stable, the interface will be painful and the most important thing in the settings is now present the ability to configure Internet television.

We go to the D-Link website, as we see, there are two versions of the firmware for hardware revisions K1 and K2,

Determine which firmware you need, very simple. On the reverse side of our router there is a sticker and on it all information about our router: serial number, MAC address and revision. As you see, I have k1.

In order to flash our router and configure it, go to his settings, for this we need to dial in the address bar of any browser numbers and press ENTER. If you have after that, the login and password input window will not appear to enter the router settings, then you need to clean the browser cache, or reset the browser completely, or try using another browser.
We type in the address bar of the browser figures and press Enter, the login and password input window appears, they are admin and admin.

Immediately you will be prompted to change the simple password used to another. Whatever the neighbors on Wi-Fi have not visited the settings of our router, specify a new password and confirm the change. And here we are in the main window of the D-Link DIR-615 router settings, there are blue buttons on a white background, after changing the firmware, the settings interface will change to a more comfortable and beautiful.
Select the configure button manually,

A conductor window opens, select the firmware file

And click to open, update.

Updated occurs software. A new interface of the D-Link DIR-615 router settings opens. We enter the admin login and password, then change the password to more complicated.

Friends, before you set up a D-Link Dir-615 router, leave it for five minutes alone. We need to make small settings in our operating system.
In Windows XP. Start - Control Panel - Network connections - Connecting over the local network - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) -C. and.

In Windows 7 and in Windows 8. Enter the Properties - Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and set the setting Get an IP address automatically and Get the DNS server address automatically.
Now we return to our router. So, entered the admin login and password,

Celebrate L2TP + dynamic IP.

Get the DNS server address automatically.

Enter the username. Password. Password confirmation. The address of the VPN server Apply. Further.


The router setting goes to Wi-Fi settings.



Network authentication. Select a secure network. Invent the security key and further.

You can connect a TV console directly to the router..

For example, I connected home TV - Beeline to the port of Router No. 4, I highlight it with the left mouse and below.

If you do not have a home TV - Beeline, you can skip this step. Save.

Configuring the connection
The whole difference between Beeline Provider and in the Network Protocol. uses network Protocol channel level PPPOE, it should be selected when the router is settings.