Filled Apple keyboard. Mac keyboard dirtier toilet bowl

Sometimes it happens that the key of your laptop refuses to respond to pressing or simply insufficiently works sufficiently, causing a lot of irritation. Do not hurry to run to the service center, and familiarize yourself with the simple instruction that Apple itself shared.

Immediately note that this guide refers to the 12-inch MacBook, and to all newer models. To independently clean the laptop keyboard, you must first start getting a sphawed aircraft.

It is necessary to use the tube that guides the air flow with the cylinder. The end of the tubule from the keyboard must separate approximately one and a half centimeters. Also, when spraying, it is recommended to keep the canter as soon as possible.

Take your MacBook at an angle of 75 degrees to the surface and spray the air throughout the keyboard or only by non-working movements moves from left to right.

Then you need to turn the laptop to the right and spray the air again from left to right. Repeat the action by turning the MacBook left.

We hope that this method will save you too much time and money on a hike to a service center. By the way, you will probably want to ask why on the illustrations an angle of 75 degrees in reality is a 105-degree angle. We have no answer on this question. In addition to the assumption that someone in Cupertino regularly skipped geometry lessons at school.

This morning drank tea and leafed the news on the Internet, shed tea to the keyboard, quickly pulled the batteries, turned it over and shook over the sink, rubbed a towel (also leaving in the inverted state), I came from work in an inverted state), I came from work in an inverted) So smoothly, slowly return to the place when you press, get stuck, crunch, stick, etc.

Twalily twisted in his hands, I realized that the body was all-metal, and the rear plastic part was incurred, googled the forums and was convinced of his assumption.

I had to do everything "outside", the digital block works fine, only letters are buggy, so I did this

The buttons on the scissor mechanism are taken off with a nail (well, or a screwdriver), to remove the button, it is necessary to carefully hook it from above and pull up to click if the click does not occur, then pull the left and right upper angles, after the upper part of the button is disabled - carefully disable Similarly, be extremely careful, you can break the mechanism.

Buttons we put on the table with rows, so as not to confuse their location, we will put them in the place in the right side of the rows.

For washing, we will need a tube with a clean water or isopropyl alcohol, for example, liquid for wiping monitors is quite suitable.

It is necessary to evenly spray the liquid in open push-button mechanisms (when moving quickly with a quick hand), after spraying, we will wait 20-30 seconds after spraying, we move carefully each scissor mechanism and we gently wipe each hole (sticky tea is usually sticking), we wipe the entire keyboard, bluntly blow the hair dryer and Watch the keyboard does not heat up, otherwise you can damage plastic mechanisms.

Now we wipe each button around the perimeter and from the inside and install it back, you just need to put the button in the niche and gently press it on and sell across all the corners.

Special attention deserves the elongated tabs such as tabs, caps, the intention of the thDD, they need to first turn the lever into the holes, and then put the button and snap.

I do not advise you to remove the buttons once again, because Slightly they wear out of such operation and fall out themselves, so remove only problem buttons.

This method can also help if dust or wool crashed into scissor mechanisms, when the buttons clog the buttons, they begin to creak, shindle, lose the smoothness of the stroke, etc.

By the way, on the last keyboard, which I was treated to work - I slightly lubricated the perimeter of the space and the lever at the place of his contact with the metal, it saved me from the squeak.

It is worth noting that the keyboard turned out to be very stable to moisture, usually, when undermining the keyboard ceases to respond to pressing, and the contact tracks turn into a porridge.

But at the same time, I would advise Apple to make some better quality devices and stable operations, often reliability and ergonomics inferior to the appearance of devices (for example, a mouse).

Although the sake of fairness should be noted that all these apple gadgets in the United States cost almost as similar works from competitors, and the accessories of the Duck are very damped at all, in some stores, branded headphones can cost about 3000-4000 rubles, and in the US for about 3 times Cheaper, keyboards, too, on the same Avito, I found at a price higher than the new in the "special places", I just have friends who bring devices from various suppliers without extra charges)) When I bought a AirPort Express router for 3400, then Some "branded" stores of the city price reached 5,900.

There are cases when you need to remove individual MacBook Air or Pro keyboard buttons. Most often it happens when the keyboard shed liquid or under the buttons, solid particles fall, which in turn leads to stipulation (viscous pressing) or sealing individual MacBook keys. Today we will learn to eliminate the troubles of this kind with your own hands.

The most common case is when the keyboard spill a sweet liquid (tea with sugar, compote, "Buratino", etc.). To restore performance in this case, it is necessary to remove the seed keys and clean the mounting mechanism under them.

Each MacBook keyboard button is attached to a miniature mechanism. It resembles the mechanism of "scissors", and consists of two tiny plastic rectangles inserted into each other and interconnected by the central hinge (see the picture below). This mechanism is responsible for the smooth movement of the keyboard buttons of your MacBook.

So, if the buttons are hired or not pressed, it means that it interferes with something. Let's remove them and see what's the matter. This procedure is not complicated, but requires accuracy and attention.

To dismantle the buttons, we need a tool to raise the edge of the button itself (it can be a small flat screwdriver, a plastic blade, etc.) and something flat and thin (for example, tweezers) for disconnecting the mechanism.

On the Internet there are many videos on this topic, but be careful, following the advice that you give. So in one of the video "Cleverhead" removes the buttons of any keyboards only lifting the right angle of the button. Try this way with MacBook and your keyboard will lose a pair of "teeth."

Immediately I want to warn, the mounting of the AIR and Pro buttons is slightly different and different techniques are used for removal.

In order to remove the MacBook Air keyboard buttons.

Step 1

It is necessary to raise the bottom edge of the button with a plastic blade (flat screwdriver). Do not be afraid to raise the bottom edge, but do not overdo it. The plastic mechanism is pretty pile and easily gives rise to the bottom edge by 1.5 - 2 mm above the aluminum case.

Step 2.

Horizontally wake tweezers in the resulting slot on the right, and smoothly press down. In this way, you will free up the lower right angle of the button from the engagement with the mechanism.

If the button has not been released completely, insert the tweezes on the left, move a bit to the bottom edge and slightly push down. Both lower corners are free.

Step 3.

After the button was removed, examine the mechanism for the possible causes of inoperability. Is it possible to eliminate the problem (clean the sweet jam or remove solid crumbs) without removing the mechanism?

If not, then remove the plastic mechanism. To do this, we do a tricky maneuver: insert the blade of the stationery knife into the slot between the parts of the mechanism (as shown in the figures above), push the plastic parts of the mechanism and display the edge of the inner part upstairs.

We also do the same on the other side. Thus, the parts of the mechanism come out of interpretation and easily remove them from the fasteners on the housing.

Step 4.

To restore the button, put the "scissors" mechanism in your place and add it to the bottom of the keyboard. You will hear the "click-click" - the mechanism has engaged in engagement with the basis.

Food + Drinks + Keyboard - a rattling mixture that entails clogging of contacts, sticking keys and other unpleasant consequences for the user. In general, the picture is not pleasant. Despite the fact that the Apple keyboard the distance between the keys and the case is minimally to avoid hitting the dust housing, fibers and microparticles will not be possible. Consequently, sooner or later there is a need for clearative work inside the keyboard. We will try to tell how to do it correctly and without unnecessary financial costs.

Cleaning process We will divide for 3 stages:

1. Preparatory

2. Outdoor cleaning

3. Internal cleaning

4. Installation keys in place

1. Preparatory stage Includes the collection of the necessary materials and disconnect the keyboard from the computer. So, we will use: cotton wands, toothpicks, credit / discount card, water, microfiber rag, alcohol / specialized gadget care fluid.

Apple recommends purchasing Lysol Wipes or Clorox Kitchen Disinfecting Wipes - Where to look for these miracles on the expanses of our endless Motherland we will not tell me, but here you will share the experience of users of the world network. Advanced Apple User Recommend to buy agent for glass "Minute". To use or not by advice - to decide to you, Apple does not recommend using other cleaning products other than specialized.

Turn off the keyboard or use the special KeyboardCleantool program, which automatically blocks the keyboard. And it is better to do something else. By the way, download the utility - the thing is useful, it is not necessary when it wants to wipe the clave microfiber or block access to the printing technologies to young researchers, who usually find teams to format the hard disk PC.

2. External cleaning of the keyboard It is mechanically cleaning the keyboard housing from dust and dirt, using microfiber and a small amount of special means or water.

The user remember that the fabric should only be slightly moistened - excessive moisture can send the keyboard on the cemetery of apple accessories.

3. Internal Cleaning Keyboard - The most responsible and labor-intensive process. Best patience and free time, friends.

  • Patty top top corner little keys Nail / toothpick / credit card and lift it smoothly enough to understand how internal fasteners are located. This is very important, because the coarse force can lead to a breakdown of built-in mechanisms.

After estimating the location of the attachments, we use the key in the desired direction until it clicks.

Now you can remove the key completely.

A roller that clearly demonstrates the process of removing the keys and the versatility of the fasteners - the tych.

  • Remove large keys. In addition to standard fasteners, they have more metal fasteners and clamps.

  • This is how our keyboard without keys looks like. Please note that movable aluminum mounts we also take carelessly.

  • Arming with wet napkins for disinfection of monitors or paper towels with a small impregnation of alcohol (yes, you can even take vodka). But it is better to give preference to special. means. And launder each key, throwing out the napkins as they are contaminated. If the "Seer" keys and napkins do not take them, then the users of the global network are recommended to use the eraser.
  • Internal elements wipe the lobby (!) Napkin moistened with a small (!) Amount of water. Crumbs blow into manual - at the same time, lungs are practicing.

Whatever cleaning method you have chosen be careful and do not damage internal contacts and connections.

4. It's time set the keys - In the trash can a mountain of napkins, and the keyboard shines purity. Small keys will be inserted back after a small click on the case - until it clicks. Large (those with metal fasteners) must coincide with the built-in grooves, but the principle is the same.

Finally, publish little Cheat Sheet for Location Keys for Russian and Latin Keyboard Layouts from Apple. Use and do not worry that the keys may be seed:

We told how to clean the Apple keyboard with the help of progressive means, but no one has canceled scientific progress. Now there are mini vacuum cleaners for clave, special cleaning lysons and brushes. What kind of preferred do you prefer when it comes to bring order in the hold of your keyboard?