What does the error in the profile mean. Failed to load your google chrome profile correctly

Which has a lot of advantages compared to other programs. It is fast, has many useful tools and simple interface. However, he is not immune from mistakes. The most common of these is the following: “Your profile could not be loaded correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read/write permission."

How to fix this kind of error and run Google Chrome?

Fixing Google Chrome error

To fix the error in Google Chrome, you need to close the browser and follow these steps. Open "My Computer" or "Explorer" and enter the folder address:

  • For Windows XP - %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data;
  • For Windows 7 - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\

Here we find the Default folder. You need to rename it to Default1.

Now open the browser and close it again. A new Default folder will be automatically created. We return to the Default1 folder and copy all the files except Web Data (it needs to be deleted). Move copied files to new folder default.

Now delete the Default1 folder and restart the browser.

IN currently among all browsers in the Russian-speaking region and not only in the lead, Google Chrome is knocked out. More and more users prefer it for its speed and simplicity user interface. However, errors happen even in the most reliable programs, and Google Chrome is no exception. Since now almost any of the Internet browsers provided is striving for greater personalization, which allows the user to work more optimally on the World Wide Web. One of the most common errors related specifically to browser personalization that many users encounter is incorrect profile loading. A typical error message looks like this.

Google Chrome error

Or it may be generally interesting and incomprehensible - there will be several such notifications on the monitor at once.

Not, given error does not globally affect the operation of the browser in particular and the computer in general, this situation is general. However, over time and the manifestation of such a failure repeatedly, this whole situation begins to irritate so weakly. To correct the current situation, it is enough just to follow step by step what will be written below.

To begin with, after the appearance of the next error message, it is worth closing it (or them, if there are several windows). After that, in the browser itself on the right upper corner find the icon with three horizontal stripes and click on it.

A list of options will appear on the monitor. Select "Settings" with the left mouse button.

In the settings window itself, closer to the bottom of the window, there will be a "Delete user" button. We click on it.

After that, the program, through the next window, will take an interest in the user's confidence in deleting the user and all data about him without the possibility of recovery. Here you need to firmly stand your ground and confirm the removal. You should not regret getting rid of the user profile, because this will in no way affect either the speed or the functionality of Google Chrome itself. It's just that the browser itself will become more impersonal and stop collecting data about the user.

Yes, it is not normal that a browser that claims to personalize its work specifically for a specific registered user is not able to correctly load data about him, which, at times, is particularly annoying. But, as mentioned above, no program can be completely protected from the appearance of seemingly most unexpected errors. Their appearance is often due to the fact that any program is constantly being added and improved. And this, in turn, can lead to the fact that some parts of the program code come into conflict and may block some previously working modules. And it's already personal decision each user to continue using this product, because no global problems no, or look on the Internet for a more thoughtful software with similar features. If a person is satisfied with everything and personalization is not so important to him, then it would be more logical to simply delete the user profile in the way described above.

Failed to load your profile correctly... For some time now, after booting the system and connecting to the Internet, I began to pop up a small window with such a sweet and innocent message: “Your profile could not be loaded correctly. Some features may not be available. Make sure your profile exists and that you have permission to read and write to it." Usually I work in the Google Chrome browser, so he sends me his “greeting” for a whole week, which completely spoils my already not joyful mood. I'm stuck at work, I can't do anything. I come home to rest and write a new article for my sites, and here you are - get a fascist grenade. Some people may not care about such warnings, but everything that gets out of control makes me nervous. This is my computer, and everything should work on it the way I want, and not the way he wants. We have a constant struggle with him, with varying odds, who will curb whom. This time I took mine. I still found his "wormhole" ...

Failed to load your profile correctly

I know what to do with it, but I just can't bring myself to stop this disgrace. Yes, it somehow didn’t bother me, until I felt uncomfortable that I couldn’t download pictures or programs to my computer. And the further, the worse.

At first, I got out of the situation by simply opening another browser, inserting a link from the required page there, and from there downloading a file or picture. But soon I got tired of these “dancing with a tambourine”, and I finally decided to let Google know who is the owner on my computer.

To begin with, I changed it to spite Google, then I rebooted my computer, and downloaded it already through.

If you are afraid to "screw up", then I advise you to systems in Windows XP. See how to do the same in Windows 7.

After the system has booted into safe mode, pressed the magic keys on the keyboard Windows + E to go to File Explorer.

In this window, in the address bar, I entered a command for Windows XP, because I mainly work on this system. I like her more, and eats less resources.

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\

If you have other systems ( WindowsVista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8 ) , then enter the following command in the address bar:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\

In the newly opened catalog window, I found the folder Default and renamed it to BackupDefault.

IN easy mode you will never be able to rename this folder, so be sure to go into safe mode.

I rebooted the system, entered in normal mode and saw that the annoying window did not appear anymore. With a sinking heart, she launched her browser.

And, here it is - happiness! Everything works fine! Everything is downloaded, and even passwords do not need to be re-entered.

Just in case, I went and looked in the %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ folder. It now has a new folder Default.

Some move the Bookmarks.bak file from the old folder to the new one and rename it to Bookmarks , but I don't advise you to do this, otherwise your problems may go round and round. And in the end, you will repeat the entire procedure described above again. But if you have a lot of free time and like to experiment with your computer, then the flag is in your hands.

Many who use the google chrome browser sometimes encounter one error when starting the browser: “Your browser could not load correctly. google profile chrome".

She seems to be not critical, but every time she makes her distracted and waste time. To solve this error, consider a couple of methods.

Important! Before these procedures, save all bookmarks in advance, write down passwords that you do not remember, etc. settings.

The easiest way to get rid of the error, though some of the settings and bookmarks will be lost.

1. Open the google chrome browser and click on the three bars in the upper right corner of the browser. A menu will open in front of you, you are interested in the settings item in it.

3. After restarting the browser, you will no longer see this error. All you have to do is import the bookmarks.

Method 2

This method is for more advanced users. You just have to do a little manual work here...

1. Close Google browser Chrome and open Explorer (for example).2. In order for you to be able to access hidden folders, you need to enable their display in Explorer. For Windows 7, this can be easily done by clicking on the organize button and choosing folder options. Then select View from the View menu. hidden folders and files. A couple of pictures below show this in detail.

For Windows XPC:Documents and Settings Administrator Local SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeUser DataDefault

For Windows 7C:Users Administrator AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data

where Administrator is the name of your profile, i.e. account under which you sit. To find it, just open the start menu.

3. Find and delete the "Web Data" file. You launch the browser and see that the error “Your profile could not be loaded correctly ...” no longer bothers you. Enjoy the Internet without errors!

Error "Failed to load your Firefox profile" means that the browser did not find the folder in which your profile is stored. This may mean that the folder has been deleted, moved, or the files in it have been corrupted. Later in the article, we will talk about how to fix this problem.

Error in Firefox: "Your profile could not be loaded."

All your bookmarks, history and settings are stored in a special folder that the browser creates. Every browser has such a folder, and it is located in a certain path on your system drive. To find it open command line and type the following path in it:

Default Firefox Profile Folder Path

If there is no profile in this path, then the folder has been moved, renamed, or removed from the computer altogether.

How to return a Firefox profile to its original location

In the event that you know where your profile folder is located, then follow these steps to resolve the error “Your Firefox profile could not be loaded. It may be missing or unavailable":

  1. Return your profile to its original location.
  2. If you change the folder name, you must restore it to its original location.
  3. The next step is to make a new profile using the manager. Name the new profile with a name you remember exactly, then click the "Select Folder" button and select the folder that was moved before the wizard completes.

What to do if you can't find your Firefox profile

You could delete the profile folder yourself without noticing it, you may have mistaken it for garbage, etc. Then it remains only to create a new browser profile. Before creating, you need to close the browser.

Delete profile in Mozilla

In the event that your profile is in the default folder, but the error “Your Firefox profile could not be loaded. Perhaps it is missing or unavailable ”reappears, which means there is only one thing left - delete the old one and create a new browser profile.

Deleting a Firefox profile without a manager

A profile can be deleted from the system without a special manager. If you have problems finding the manager or otherwise, we will need to remove the profiles.ini file. For this:

Ready. The next time you start the browser, the profile is created automatically, because the program cannot work without this folder.

How to clean Firefox?

The error "Your Firefox profile could not be loaded" may not necessarily be related to the profile folder or its files. The error can be caused by other files that the browser stores in the cache and other storages. The program has a special function that clears the browser of unnecessary, already junk files, which facilitates its work, and also eliminates various problems.

This cleaning removes some extra files profile, leaving only the most important for you, creates a new profile folder and moves all saved files into it. The old folder is then deleted. The browser leaves the following files for you:

  • Your frequently visited pages in cookies.
  • From all sites popular for you passwords.
  • All your bookmarks remain in place.
  • For the sites you visit most, there is information to fill out forms. As well as download history.

By following these simple browser profile recovery methods, you can solve the error “Your Firefox profile could not be loaded. It may be missing or unavailable."