What is dfc in monitor settings. LG Technology Innovates World's Highest Monitor Contrast Ratio

General characteristics


The classic version of a portable heart rate monitor. It consists of a chest-mounted transducer with an elastic strap and a watch-like receiver located on the wrist. This device is irreplaceable:

For professional athletes and amateur athletes who want to train with maximum performance
- for everyone who wants to lose weight
- for people with heart disease

The chest strap heart rate monitor is commonly used in cycling sports such as running, cycling, swimming, and cross-country skiing. The main advantage of a chest heart rate monitor is measurement accuracy. It qualitatively measures your heart rate in any situation - whether you are at rest, engaged in light physical work, or actively involved in sports. The second important plus of the device with a chest strap is that you do not need to take any additional steps to measure the pulse: the heart rate is always displayed on the receiver screen.

Heart rate sensor functions

The DFC W117 cardiac sensor uses analog transmission data and allows you to track 3 possible heart rate zones. Additional features of the wrist monitor:

Time / date / alarm;
- calorie burn calculator;
- Configurable upper and lower heart rate limit with audible signal;
- maximum, average value and% of maximum value heart rate;
- chronograph;
- backlight of indications of the monitor.

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Warranty repair and return

Every product purchased from our store is covered by the manufacturer's distributor's warranty. Warranty and service maintenance takes place in specialized service centers, which you can find out about in the warranty card, the basis for the provision of warranty service are documents that must be transferred to the buyer when buying any equipment by a specialist, courier, forwarder delivering the equipment.

Eligibility for warranty and service

Every product purchased from our store is covered by the manufacturer's distributor's warranty. Warranty and service maintenance takes place in specialized service centers, which you can find out about in the warranty card, the basis for the provision of warranty service are documents that must be transferred to the buyer when buying any equipment by a specialist, courier, forwarder delivering the equipment.

Warranty obligations

During the warranty period, the manufacturer provides free repair of manufacturing defects and defects that appeared during operation, subject to the Buyer's compliance with all conditions and rules of transportation, storage, installation, adjustment, maintenance and operation of the equipment established by the Supplier. Repairs are carried out by an authorized qualified representative of the Supplier.

The warranty is void if:

Any damage to the equipment, its components, assemblies and mechanisms caused by non-compliance with the conditions and rules of the Supplier for the transportation, storage, assembly, adjustment, maintenance or operation of the equipment. Self-repair, alteration or modernization of equipment, replacement of original parts, performed without the written permission of the Supplier. Damage to equipment due to force majeure, including natural, man-made and social emergencies, unlawful intentional and careless actions of persons aimed at causing damage to equipment.

Obligations of the Buyer:

Keep the bill of lading, cash register receipt and warranty card. Transport, store, assemble, adjust, maintain and operate the equipment in strict accordance with the Maintenance Manual and warranty repair, Instruction for use and other recommendations of the Supplier. Notify the service department of the Supplier about the detected faults within 3 working days after the discovery of the defect

For of this product no video.

The segment of mass 19-inch monitors today cannot be called super-profitable, and the competition in it is very high. There is practically no technological progress here, unless, of course, the constant search for ways to reduce production costs is considered as such. This is necessary in order to stay profitable in the face of constant falling prices. Of course, not everyone follows this path, but agreeing with some of the marketing arguments can be tricky too.

Matrix type TN

Permission 1280 × 1024/1140 × 950

Viewing angles 170/170 °

Reaction time 2ms (GtG)

Interfaces DVI, VGA

Brightness min / max 50/230 cd / m²

Contrast 800:1

Dynamic contrast 5000: 1 (DFC)

Provided representative office in Ukraine

Excellent appearance and construction; good contrast panels

Congenital deficiencies of TN-matrices and deviations in color reproduction

Monitors are designed primarily for work, will easily fit into any interior

LG has been betting on the special design of its own devices for a long time, and in modern conditions such a policy brings very good results. So it should come as no surprise that the two new 19-inch Flatron LCD monitors look quite attractive as well. After all, coming to a store, customers often choose a display based on its cost and appearance, and in the second place they are interested in the characteristics.

Design, construction and characteristics

Let's say right away: there are no complaints about the new products on these points. The glossy black lacquer and rounded contours of the case make the devices very elegant, so they are sure to be appropriate in almost any interior. In addition, the design of the stand allows you to adjust the height of the panel over a wide range, which is very convenient.

In terms of characteristics, the main difference between the models is the aspect ratio: the Flatron L1972H belongs to the traditional "nine", and the Flatron L197WH - to the widescreen displays. Other parameters for both devices are almost the same, and are not in any way outstanding by modern standards - TN-type matrices, response time 2 ms (with acceleration pulse compensation). Only one parameter is of increased interest - LG indicates the contrast of its new monitors at 5000: 1 (DFC). We will now take a closer look at how such high rates were obtained and what the mysterious abbreviation in brackets means.

Dynamic contrast

LG Flatron L1972H and measurement results. The irregularity maps of the white (a) and black fields (b) are significantly enhanced

This phrase is already well known to users interested in the subject of display devices, since, for example, in the segment of consumer electronics, many manufacturers do not even give other contrast values. While the usage patterns of computer monitors and LCD TVs tend to differ significantly, LG has decided to take the same approach for the Flatron line of displays. Well, since this is the case, let's remember what is called dynamic contrast and what is its main difference from static.

In general, panel contrast is defined as the ratio of the luminance of the white and black fills. The difference between the concepts of static and dynamic contrast is that in the first case, the brightness of the backlight during measurements must remain unchanged, that is, they are carried out within the same image on the screen. Therefore, the static contrast ratio is a characteristic of the LCD panel and, by and large, does not depend on the operation of the control electronics of the monitor. In the second, there is no such limitation - the brightness of the white and black fills is measured separately. Therefore, in order to increase the dynamic contrast ratio, it is only necessary to reduce the luminance of the black field, which is easy to achieve by reducing the brightness of the backlight to the minimum level. Consequently, the dynamic contrast figure will always be much higher than the static one.

Systems like LG's DFC (Digital Fine Contrast) monitor the distribution of image brightness across the display field and adjust the backlight mode accordingly. If there is a white object (R = G = B = 255) on the screen, then the contrast in this frame will not differ from the static indicator, and DFC will not be able to improve it in any way. However, if there are no such objects, then it becomes possible to reduce the radiation intensity of the backlight lamps by performing the appropriate recalculation of the image in the direction of increasing brightness. In this case, the level of black luminosity will really decrease, which will have a positive effect on the perception of the picture by the viewer.

Thus, the dynamic contrast ratio is rather abstract, and in practice it can only be achieved by alternately displaying black and white fields. In addition, this improvement is important in the case of watching movies or games, where dark scenes are often encountered; however, it makes no sense for traditional PC work, and the static contrast ratio has a much more important effect on image quality.

Features and image quality

LG Flatron L197WH and measurement results. The irregularity maps of the white (a) and black fields (b) are significantly enhanced

TN-type matrices traditionally suffer from a number of "innate" drawbacks, which we have already written about many times - this is, first of all, a strong dependence of the color and contrast of the image on the angle at which the user looks at the screen. Unfortunately, this is also supplemented by a poor-quality calibration of devices in the factory for color temperature, which leads to the fact that the midtones have a pronounced shift in "cold" or "warm" shades compared to white. Manufacturers simply cannot pay more attention to this process, since it entails certain costs. And given that we are talking about mass devices, there is also little hope for the use of a hardware calibrator by the user in this case.

We have to admit that the new Flatrons are just a confirmation of this trend. The deviation of the color temperature from the standard in all color modes for both models is noticeable with the naked eye, while for the Flatron L1972H there is a shift in green tones (which is why our calibrator even refused to register the color temperature of the panel on gray dots), and for the Flatron L197WH - in blue, which makes the picture unnecessarily cold. After profiling, as expected, everything falls into place, and the error value ∆E does not exceed generally accepted norms.

The brightness adjustment range for both models is optimal, but for a more comfortable work, we recommend changing the default values ​​by 50% - for both brightness and contrast, which will avoid increased eye fatigue and oversaturation of light areas of the image. To correct deviations in the color rendering of these models in the User Color chromaticity mode, you should use the ICM profiles we created during testing - they, like more detailed test results, are available on the website ko-online.com.ua. However, it should be borne in mind that the use by the manufacturer of another batch of matrices in these devices can radically change the situation, and these measures will become irrelevant.

The dithering subsystem works flawlessly, no flaws are noticeable on the gradients. As for the dynamics, the implementation of the acceleration pulse technology is still not ideal here, as evidenced by the white border behind a black object moving against a light background.

The uniformity of the illumination of the devices is significantly different. If this is all right for the Flatron L1972H, the widescreen L197WH exhibits significant deviations in blackfield luminance, probably caused by the use of longer CCF lamps.


The new Flatron models will undoubtedly attract the attention of buyers by combining excellent design, good characteristics and affordable prices. At the same time, their disadvantages include significant deviations in color reproduction for all provided color modes, which can only be corrected by performing hardware profiling of the devices.

As for the dynamic contrast increased to 5000: 1, in our opinion, this indicator is not a priority for a computer monitor. On the other hand, static panel contrast measurements also show an improvement of 800: 1 (compared to 600-700: 1 in previous models), which is considered an excellent result for TN panels.

The classic version of a portable heart rate monitor. It consists of a chest-mounted transducer with an elastic strap and a watch-like receiver located on the wrist.

This device is irreplaceable:

For professional athletes and amateur athletes who want to train with maximum performance

For everyone who wants to lose weight

For people with heart disease

The chest strap heart rate monitor is commonly used in cycling sports such as running, cycling, swimming, and cross-country skiing.

The main advantage of a chest strap is its accuracy. It qualitatively measures your heart rate in any situation - regardless of whether you are at rest, engaged in light physical work or actively involved in sports.

The second important plus of the device with a chest strap is that you do not need to take any additional steps to measure the pulse: the heart rate is always displayed on the receiver screen.

The DFC W117 uses analog data transmission and allows 3 possible heart rate zones to be monitored.

Additional features of the wrist monitor:

Time / Date / Alarm

Calories Burned Calculator

Configurable upper and lower heart rate limit with audible alert

Maximum, average and% of maximum heart rate


Illumination of indications of the monitor

Digital Fine Contrast (DFC) technology enables new and existing monitors to deliver 5000: 1 dynamic contrast for incredibly vibrant colors

LG Electronics (LG), one of the leaders in the global digital display market, announces that the company's monitors, which will be produced from September 1, 2007, will provide a contrast ratio of 5000: 1 (which, thanks to DFC technology, is the highest in industry today).

Designed for clearer, clearer and more vibrant images, Digital Fine Contrast technology will be found on all LG monitors except the M8W, L18, L196WS and Emotional series. LG has long been a leader in the highest contrast monitors with 1600: 1, 2000: 1 and 3000: 1 models.

DFC 5000: 1 technology dynamically controls brightness as the screen changes, thus ensuring the viewer is at the optimum brightness level. This means that LG monitors are capable of viewing movies that sports programs or TV at the level of the most high-tech TVs. In addition, the signal source is analyzed and, depending on the received data, the monitor settings are adjusted.

This technology provides deep blacks and stunning color differentiation in dark scenes. Thus, due to the extremely high image quality, the viewer can avoid eye strain.

LG is not limited to the introduction of DFC only in existing models, but also announces the release of two new monitors with a contrast ratio of 5000: 1 and many other innovative features.

The L206WU LCD monitor is ideal for those users who need multitasking and need more than one monitor but do not have the ability or desire to install an additional graphics card. The user will be able to simultaneously connect up to 6 monitors via USB. Also, this multipurpose monitor is equipped with with DVI-D interfaces and D-Sub. It automatically detects the optimal connection and configures the operating system... For laptop users who would like to have a larger monitor at home or in the office, this model is also ideal solution... The wide 20-inch screen features cutting-edge technology that delivers a 5000: 1 contrast ratio with up to 2ms sensor response time for crisp, clear images. L206WU is Windows Vista certified.

If, when choosing a monitor, you put maximum speed at the forefront, then you will have to realize one simple truth - you should not look at anything other than TN + Film models. Yes, they have their obvious drawbacks, but in general, not a single type of LCD panel can do without drawbacks. At the same time, there is an obvious advantage: such matrices not only allow increasing the vertical scanning frequency to 180-240 Hz, but also can demonstrate high speed pixel response, without which the visual effect of the increased scan rate would not be so obvious.

In addition, to play at a professional level the best option there will be displays with a low working resolution, allowing to reduce the load on the system and increase the stable level of frames per second. At the same time, you can choose any screen diagonal - according to your needs, but, probably, you should still look at models from 27 inches. Let us also recall the normal desire of each person to save money on a purchase - and as a result, our choice will be reduced to literally several available options that are on sale. One of them is the LG 27GK750F monitor. Let's take a closer look at it.

⇡ Background

The hero of today's review was announced in February 2018, and already in March it could be purchased in Russian stores at a price of 27,000 rubles. At the moment (June 2018), the minimum bar has dropped to 25,000 rubles, and the number of available competitors has remained at the level of two models - both from Acer. There is not much to choose from, as you understand, and if you set yourself the goal of buying the most advanced display in terms of technology and filling, then the LG 27GK750F is in the most advantageous position.

LG 27GK750F
Diagonal, inches 27
Aspect ratio 16:9
Matrix coating Matt
Standard resolution, pix. 1920 × 1080
PPI 82
Image options
Matrix type Borderless TN + Film
Backlight type W-LED
Max. brightness, cd / m 2 400
Contrast is static 1000: 1
Number of displayed colors 16.7 million
Vertical frequency, Hz 30-240 Hz + AMD FreeSync Support
BtW response time, ms ND
GtG response time, ms 2/1 (at 1 ms MBR mode)
Maximum viewing angles
horizontal / vertical, °
Video inputs 1 × DisplayPort 1.2a;
2 × HDMI 2.0
Video outputs No
Additional ports and devices 1 × Audio-Out (3.5 mm);
2 × USB 3.0
Built-in speakers: number × power, W No
Physical parameters
Adjusting the screen position Tilt angle (from -5 to +23 degrees), installation height (0-110 mm), swivel (~ 20 degrees right-left)
VESA mount, dimensions (mm) Yes, via the included adapter (100 × 100 mm)
Kensington lock mount Yes
Power Supply External
Max. power consumption
in operation / standby (W)
30 / 0,3
(with stand), L × H × D, mm
625 × 466-576 × 272
(without stand), L × H × D, mm
625 × 370 × 40
Net weight (with stand), kg 6,35
Net weight (without stand), kg 4,6
Estimated price 25,000-28,000 rubles

LG Display did not have the fastest TN + Film matrices (at least they are unknown to the Internet), so the LG 27GK750F is most likely based on a TN + Film gaming matrix manufactured by AU Optronics, model M270HTN02 of an unknown version, created by specially for use in "frameless" monitors. It is an 8-bit (6-bit + FRC) panel with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels (Full HD standard) and a native vertical scan rate of 240 Hz. The aspect ratio of the matrix is ​​usual - 16: 9, W-LED-backlighting without the use of SHI-modulation is used, providing a color gamut at the level of sRGB space. The monitor can be classified as a “bold pixel” solution, but those who buy such models, as a rule, know what they are doing for the sake of a high sweep frequency.

The declared maximum brightness of the monitor is 400 cd / m2, the static contrast ratio is 1000: 1, the viewing angles are 170 degrees in the horizontal and 160 degrees in the vertical plane. The response time, measured by the GtG method, corresponds to the class of the monitor - 1 ms, but only when the 1 ms MBR backlight mode is activated, without which the display response is declared at the level of 2 ms GtG.

AMD FreeSync adaptive sync technology, which operates in an unknown range and is not compatible with the aforementioned Motion Blur Reduction (MBR), has a positive effect on image stability. The latter is provided to allow you to achieve the same sensations as when working with a CRT display, due to the insertion of the so-called black frame. It can be activated at frequencies of 120, 144 and 240 Hz, after which it will no longer be possible to refer the monitor to Flicker-Free models.

The manufacturer has installed two new HDMI 2.0 ports and one DisplayPort 1.2a in the 27GK750F. To work with peripherals there are 2 USB port 3.0 and 3.5 mm audio output for connecting headphones or an external speaker system, because there is no built-in speaker in the monitor.

The design of the novelty was rethought in comparison with the appearance of its predecessors, and not only was it changed appearance but also the look of the OSD menu.

LG 27GK750F is made in a classic, frame design, which, of course, is not so modern, but monitors with frames are better suited to work in difficult lighting conditions. The ergonomics of the stand allows you to change the angle and height of the monitor on the center column, as well as turn it left or right. Possible flip to portrait mode (Pivot). You can further expand the capabilities using a VESA mount and a bracket suitable for your parameters, which will have to be purchased separately.

⇡ Package contents and appearance

The LG 27GK750F monitor comes in a black and red box of a familiar design with high-quality printing. There is no carrying handle, there are only special cutouts on both sides.

The package contains several photos of the model from different angles and the inscription LG Gaming Monitor. The designers decided to get rid of unnecessary "tinsel".

Only on the upper edge of the package and on the side with the stickers is it written that this is a 240 Hz model with AMD FreeSync support, 1 ms MBR mode and Black Stabilizer function.

According to the main sticker, it becomes known that the copy that came to us was produced in China in December 2017 by LG itself.

The delivery set fully corresponds to the capabilities of the model, will suit the overwhelming majority of consumers and includes the following:

  • power cable;
  • external power supply;
  • DisplayPort cable
  • HDMI cable;
  • USB cable for connecting to a PC;
  • plastic holder for cables and headphones;
  • plastic holder for the mouse cable;
  • user guide;
  • warranty booklet;
  • CD with software, drivers and instructions;
  • a sheet listing the delivery kit (varies depending on the delivery version);
  • sheet with additional information.

As we already said, LG 27GK750F is one of the few models where the developers have kept the frame design. It seems that they decided to leave the fancy RGB lighting system for the external space only for the 850th series, although the appearance of the rear of the models is identical. However, we understand everything perfectly well: the 27GK750F is not a top-level monitor, so here, well, it was impossible to do without saving on everything that could be saved at all.

Nevertheless, the monitor adopted from its older brothers a high-quality and stable stand in the form of a small tripod with a reduced angle between the two legs, which ultimately led to an increase in the depth of the entire structure. Now, all other things being equal, the distance between the user and the screen will be less, and this is not very good.

The central column has been changed, and thanks to this, the model has the ability to rotate the hull ~ 20 degrees to the right and left. In addition, there is a tilt angle adjustment in the range from -5 to +23 degrees and a height change of 110 mm.

Rotation to portrait mode is provided, and in both directions. Because of this, the centering of the case has not suffered much, there is almost no backlash. The only thing that disappoints in the ergonomics of the monitor is the minimum installation height: almost 10 centimeters remain from the bottom frame to the table!

The base of the stand is made of metal, on which there are three rubber feet. The upper part is made of ordinary matte plastic, without imitation of metal, but with red overlays - for the sake of beauty.

The cable routing system is a plastic element attached to the central column. Thanks to its shape, it plays the role of a headphone suspension - an essential attribute of all gaming monitors. But LG's designers went even further, offering players a "gimbal" for the mouse cable! In fact, it is a small plastic hook attached to the bottom edge of the case on the right side. I wonder what awaits us next?

The LG 27GK750F monitor is equipped with a TN + Film-matrix with a matte protective coating (you can hardly call it semi-matte, although you want to), which allows you to save the user from glare, but reduces the clarity of the picture due to the resulting crystalline effect.

You can additionally learn about the version of the monitor (REV00) by looking at the sticker on the body of the device. We have already got acquainted with all the rest of the information earlier.

All video interfaces are located at the rear of the case and are oriented towards the rear for easy connection. It also houses USB ports and a 3.5mm audio output.

The quality of the materials, the finishing of the edges and the painting of the model are all at a very good level. The joints of the elements are normal, the gaps are small and uniform. The case does not crack or creak when applying adequate physical impact, but the structure is not very rigid - the model lends itself easily to twisting. In addition, we can note the poor fixing of the red overlays on the stand, as well as the use of the glossy frame around the perimeter of the case, which is rapidly losing its original gloss. The rest of the elements of the LG 27GK750F are highly practical and do not raise the slightest questions. Feel free to set the monitor to 4 on a five-point scale. We will not talk about design - it tastes and colors.

⇡ Menu and control

Controlling the monitor is supposed to be the same as in the case of most other modern LG models - using a five-way joystick located in the center of the lower edge of the device. It has a built-in not very bright power LED with a red glow, which can be turned on (by default it is deactivated) if necessary.

There are no complaints about the convenience of control, the menu responsiveness is high, the processing of pressing the joystick is almost instantaneous. With any initial action of the joystick, a menu of five items appears on the LG 27GK750F screen.

Among the quick access options it offers are to turn off the monitor, go to source selection, turn on the game submenu (for easy preset mode selection) and hide the OSD from the screen. You can also quickly change the volume level when connecting external speakers or headphones.

The appearance of the menu of LG gaming monitors at the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018 has changed significantly, and, from our point of view, for the better. Now the OSD menu does not occupy one quarter of the entire screen area, it looks much more modern, albeit less strict. The design began to resemble some of the solutions of competitors, but there is nothing wrong with such borrowing.

The number of red elements has significantly increased, and an upper information strip with the main game "chips" has been added. The number of sections has been reduced, the logic of building the menu has changed. It has become easier - and for ordinary consumer this is only a plus.

Due to the default Russian localization of the menu, some names sound rather strange, but with an understanding of what is at stake, there are no problems. The first section contains only preset modes. The user is prompted to simply select one of them.

The "Game Settings" section contains options that will primarily interest an advanced gamer. Here you can activate the black frame insertion system or AMD FreeSync adaptive synchronization technology, adjust the visibility of shadows and the degree of panel overclocking, as well as enable one of the four types of on-screen sight, in case it is not in the game, but you still want to win. However, this is rather cheating.

All the basic adjustments affecting the color rendering of the image are placed in the section "Adjusting the picture". Here we are greeted by a classic set of settings: brightness, contrast, sharpness, gamma and color temperature modes, as well as manual adjustment of RGB gain and black level (only for HDMI connection). There is also the possibility of activating the dynamic contrast ratio (DFC) system, which LG describes with the phrase "Automatic screen brightness control", which is generally not far from the truth.

The last section, "Basic", offers to turn off the power LED, select the language of the menu localization, turn off the energy-saving Smart function Energy, activate automatic sleep mode in case of long inactivity (4, 6 or 8 hours), USB fast charging and DP 1.2 mode, lock the menu and reset all settings to factory defaults. A special subsection provides basic operating information on the monitor, including operating time.

Access to service menu in the case of the hero, the review was not found, as in most monitors of the company.

⇡ Testing methodology

The LG 27GK750F has been tested with an updated methodology using the X-Rite i1 Display Pro colorimeter in conjunction with the X-Rite i1 Pro reference spectrophotometer. software package Argyll CMS with dispcalGUI graphical interface and HCFR Colormeter program. All operations were carried out in Windows 10, during testing the screen refresh rate was 240 Hz.

In accordance with the methodology, we will measure the following parameters of the monitor:

  • white brightness, black brightness, contrast ratio at backlight power from 0 to 100% in 10% steps;
  • color gamut;
  • color temperature;
  • gamma curves of three primary RGB colors;
  • gray gamma curve;
  • color deviation DeltaE (according to the CIEDE1994 standard);
  • uniformity of illumination, uniformity of color temperature (in kelvin and units of deviation DeltaE) with a brightness in the central point of 100 cd / m 2.

All measurements described above were performed before and after calibration. During our tests, we measure the main monitor profiles: default, sRGB (if available) and Adobe RGB (if available). Calibration is carried out in the default profile, with the exception of special cases, which will be discussed further. For monitors with wide color gamut, we select sRGB hardware emulation if available. Before starting all tests, the monitor warms up for 3-4 hours, and all its settings are reset to factory settings.

We will also continue our old practice of publishing calibration profiles for the monitors we tested at the end of the article. At the same time, the 3DNews test laboratory warns that such a profile cannot 100% correct the shortcomings of your particular monitor. The fact is that all monitors (even within the same model) will necessarily differ from each other by small color errors. It is physically impossible to make two identical matrices, so a colorimeter or spectrophotometer is required for any serious monitor calibration. But even a “universal” profile created for a specific instance can generally improve the situation with other devices of the same model, especially in the case of cheap displays with pronounced color defects.

⇡ Operating parameters

The manufacturer offers six preset modes in the LG 27GK750F monitor. When testing the monitor, we used the Display Port 1.2a interface as it maximizes all the advantages of the model and does not require additional settings dynamic range (as opposed to HDMI).

By default, the settings for the main parameters looked like this:

  • mode - player 1;
  • brightness - 100;
  • contrast - 70;
  • Smart Energy Saving - min;
  • pace. colors - user (50/50/50);
  • response time - fast;
  • black stabilizer - 50;
  • gamma - mode 2.

During manual setting(100 cd / m2 and 6500 kelvin) they took the following form:

  • mode - player 1;
  • brightness - 14;
  • contrast - 50;
  • Smart Energy Saving - off;
  • pace. colors - user (45/49/50);
  • response time is normal;
  • black stabilizer - 50;
  • gamma - mode 2.

The factory settings are very far from ideal - the picture on the screen is whitewashed, the contrast is too high, the extreme light areas merge together. Therefore, in the course of manual adjustment, we needed not only adjustments to brightness and color temperature, but also changes to the contrast value. In addition, we deactivated the power saving system and reduced the panel overclocking, but the "Gamma" mode remained at the default settings.

⇡ White brightness , brightness of black , contrast ratio

The initial check was carried out at the factory settings of the monitor.

Brightness in the menu (%) Brightness of white (cd / m2) Black brightness (cd / m2)
100 434 0,45 964
90 404 0,42 962
80 376 0,391 962
70 347 0,361 961
60 317 0,331 958
50 288 0,3 960
40 258 0,269 959
30 227 0,237 958
20 197 0,205 961
10 165 0,173 954
0 137 0,144 951

The maximum brightness in this case turned out to be higher than the one declared in TX and amounted to 434 cd / m2, but the minimum value could not fall below 137 cd / m2 - this is too much, especially when working in a dimly lit room.

After reducing the contrast to 50% to improve color reproduction, the minimum brightness drops to 76 nits at a contrast ratio of 530: 1 versus ~ 960: 1 at default settings. From our point of view, this is a better option for long-term work and games, even despite the drop in the depth of the black field - you will hardly notice it.

Pulse width (%) Brightness of white (cd / m2) Black brightness (cd / m2) Static contrast (x: 1)
100 242 0,258 938
90 231 0,241 959
80 215 0,227 947
70 197 0,209 943
60 182 0,193 943
50 166 0,176 943
40 153 0,16 956
30 136 0,143 951
20 120 0,125 960
10 102 0,107 953
0 83 0,089 933

After activating the 1 ms MBR mode, the operating brightness range changes significantly. The minimum drops to 83 cd / m2 at standard settings contrast ratio (and up to 47 nits with a contrast level of 50%), and the maximum is reduced to 242 cd / m2, while maintaining the original contrast ratio. This working range is much better suited to a wide variety of ambient lighting conditions. However, the load on the eyes in this mode is higher due to SHI modulation with a large duty cycle at a frequency equal to the vertical frequency (optional: 120, 144 or 240 Hz).

Results with standard settings

The LG monitor's color gamut triangle is noticeably shifted relative to the sRGB standard and with great accuracy repeats the possibilities previously. The pivot points are located in such a way that the lack of pure saturated stimuli can be felt when working with blue, turquoise and green colors. The means of getting rid of shades outside the triangle is to use ICM / ICC profiles and software products with support for color management system (CMS).

At factory settings, the monitor has a gamut of 91.5% sRGB and 64.4% AdobeRGB. The result is good, for those who like to play will go. But working with color, especially taking into account other features of TN + Film-models (banding [banding], low picture stability), is out of the question.

The white point is set at an average level, which cannot be said about the stability of the gray wedge - all the shades have parted in different directions, and this negatively affects the impression of the picture on the screen.

On the gamma curves, we can note two color channels that stand out against the general background, due to which the picture on the screen has become more contrasting than it should be.

In addition to the RGB imbalance, it is worth noting the killed extreme light shades (highlights). This feature cannot be seen on standard gamma curves, but we decided to confirm it using a separate test consisting of 20 light shades. You can see how half of them go into oversaturation, and only adjusting the contrast level saves from this. By the way, this is the very rare case when this parameter is really worth changing! In 99% of monitors, it is set adequately already from the factory.

The monitor passed the color accuracy test with an average result, but solely for the reason that there are not so many test shades in it. If there were more of them, the results would be much lower. And if you think that such a factory setting will beautify the games and please the unassuming user, then we will disappoint you - even during normal operation it is annoying.

⇡ Results after calibration

As you already understood, you cannot do without setting up the LG 27GK750F monitor. In the absence of measuring instruments, it will be enough to reduce the contrast value to 50-55% and adjust the brightness. Without activating 1 ms MBR, you can safely set it to 10-15% of the maximum.

We also adjusted the RGB Gain values ​​to bring the white point to ~ 6500 Kelvin. After the performed manipulations, the sRGB and AdobeRGB color correspondence decreased by ~ 1%, which will be invisible in real work.

Immediately after calibration, the gamma curves were close to ideal, but the above is an example of what happened to them (with the applied profile with LUT edits) after half an hour.

Yes, we managed to overcome all the problems associated with the distinguishability of extreme light areas, improve the visibility of shadows, but in general, the monitor does not have high color stability, and therefore the final result did not please us at all.

⇡ Results in 1 ms MBR mode

We could not ignore testing the monitor in a mode called 1 ms MBR, which switches the backlight to a strobe mode with a high duty cycle, that is, with “black frame insertion”. This is a rare feature for fast AMD FreeSync-enabled monitors. As a rule, only models with NVIDIA G-Sync are equipped with a similar mode, but even among them there are exceptions.

After activating Motion Blur Reduction, the nominal brightness is almost halved, and the color match is almost identical to the results obtained with the factory settings.

White point and grayscale CG stability remain in place. Simply put, it's just as bad.

The same problems remain on the gamma curves, and a person who wants to see a more or less decent picture on the screen cannot do without adjusting the "Contrast" parameter.

The monitor's floating color rendition and slightly changed operating parameters ultimately affected color accuracy. In the Argyll CMS test, the LG monitor averaged 2.94 DeltaE94 units and 6.04 at its maximum.

⇡ Results in "Reading" mode

Let us consider separately the "Reading" mode, which is knocked out of general list game presets - it should reduce the strain on the user's eyes during long-term work at the monitor in low ambient light conditions.

The contrast ratio is reduced to 80: 1, the brightness is immediately set to 0%, all other settings related to color reproduction are blocked. The grayscale color temperature stability is improved over other modes, but the overall experience is not affected in any way.

The gamma curves show a sharp decrease in the contrast of the picture and an even more obvious gap in the distinguishability of the extreme light areas. But with the distinguishability of shadows in this case, everything is just "wonderful" - it is superfluous. However, this is the idea of ​​the "Reading" mode - to reduce the strain on the eyes. The manufacturer has definitely achieved this, but whether the user will like the picture on the screen is a big question.

It is enough to look at the results of the Argyll CMS test in order to definitely not want to enable this mode. No comments, only emotions ...

Backlight uniformity

The uniformity of the display backlight was checked after lowering the brightness at the center point of the monitor to a level of 100 cd / m2 and a color temperature of ~ 6500 Kelvin. The illumination unevenness compensation system is not used in the model under study, which was quite expected. Let's also recall the floating color rendition of the LG 27GK750F, which, quite possibly, slightly affected the test results. Please understand this.

The picture above shows a photo of a white field with a certain exposure adjustment during shooting (in the dark) and further software processing for more visualization uniformity of illumination. From it you can immediately understand that our specimen has certain problems with the uniformity of illumination in a bright field, but they are distributed more or less evenly along the entire contour of the matrix, as is often the case with gaming TN + Film solutions.

The average deviation from the center point was only 7.5%, and the maximum deviation was 25%. The result is quite impressive, but the monitor would have surprised us even more if there was no blackout in the lower right corner. Then, in terms of uniformity of brightness on a white field, he would take one of the prizes in his class.

The maximum brightness is stable only at the center point of the screen. The further away from it, the more obvious the problem of uniformity of the backlight. Especially our specimen had no luck with the upper left corner.

Color temperature uniformity is no worse than brightness. The average deviation was 1%, the maximum was 4.1%, and the difference between the minimum and maximum after adjustment was slightly over 400 Kelvin. The result is worse than that of the more expensive rival Acer, but the reason for this is the same bottom-right corner of the panel.

The surface plot with color temperature deviations expressed in DeltaE units confirms the above: the maximum deviation is only 3.8 units, and the average is 2.1. For game model the result is more than decent, although it can be seen that the farther from the center, the higher the deviations - such are they, TN + Film-models.

Now let's look at the uniformity of the backlight and the various color effects in the case of the black field. We will do this using two photographs taken at different distances from the screen (~ 70 and 150 cm).

When moving away from the screen, Glow completely disappears, but the irregularity of the backlight becomes visible in the form of some slightly more lightened and darkened areas. The phenomenon is not the rarest, and sometimes it really manifests itself on game models. Most likely, all samples of LG 27GK750F demonstrate something similar.

⇡ Gradient quality and responsiveness

The LG 27GK750F, according to the manufacturer, uses an 8-bit matrix (most likely, using the FRC method), which provides good quality gradients with default settings and after manual edits (the first example above). But we did not succeed in clearly reflecting all this in the photo - the viewing angles do not allow. The gradient is actually horizontal, but in the photo it looks like a diagonal circular.

The monitor uses a modern TN + Film-matrix with a native refresh rate of 240 Hz (with the word "native" we mean that no additional overclocking is required through the monitor settings). Full HD resolution makes it much easier to achieve high and stable frame rates than WQHD and UWQHD solutions. However, even if you have powerful gaming components in your PC, you should definitely not rely on 200-240 frames per second in any game at high graphics settings. Perhaps the achievement of such indicators is the exception rather than the rule. And lowering the graphics settings will not always save the situation: sometimes the developers impose restrictions on the maximum FPS - and there’s nowhere to go.

That is why we will not start a discussion about the necessity and practicality of such a high vertical frequency. We can only note the fact that when switching from a 60-Hz monitor to a 120-144-Hz model, the difference catches the eye of any user when performing any task, but when replacing a monitor with a 120-144 Hz scan with a modern model with a maximum refresh rate of 165 , 180 or 240 Hz, it will be difficult to feel the difference, and for some it is even impossible.

Speaking about the hero of the review, we can note the high quality of OverDrive factory overclocking. There are no clearly distinguishable artifacts during real work at the monitor, and the loops are minimal. There is no fundamental difference between the OD modes - we chose "Normal", but the "Fast" set initially was also good. Perhaps, it is worth giving up only the latter, called "Faster".

Despite the initially high matrix speed and similarity to 240-Hz 24.5-inch solutions, the LG 27GK750F model, like the similar Acer Predator XB272bmiprzx, but with the G-Sync module on board, lags behind them a little. This leads to the fact that activation of the ULMB backlight mode makes more sense - moving objects really become as clear as possible, the perception of what is happening on the screen is significantly improved. Feels like working behind a fast CRT display.

Separately, we note that the use of AMD FreeSync technology, which works, albeit in an unknown frequency range (most likely, it is 48-75 Hz) and allows you to achieve the absence of microlags and picture tears at a highly floating FPS level, implies the need to disable the 1 ms MBR mode. Only one thing can be used.

The absence of frame skipping at a frequency of 240 Hz was confirmed by a special test from the UFOTest package. With this, the monitor, like a real gaming model, has no problems.

⇡ Viewing Angles and Glow - the effect

Viewing angles are one of the main problems of TN + Film displays, and this also applies to the hero of the material, despite the relative novelty of the matrix. If you have come across TN + Film matrices for the last 5-7 years, then there will be no revelations for you. Just before buying, you need to be aware of why this monitor is being purchased and what obvious disadvantages (due to the technology of the matrix itself) it has.

The stability of the picture in different parts of the screen is low, the color shift is clearly visible, and if the user moves relative to the monitor, then even more so. In some cases, such as when working with spreadsheets and documents, you can clearly see the differences between the bottom and top of the screen. And if you leave the monitor settings at their default values, then the impression of the viewing angles will be even worse.

But all this is not such a problem if only the speed of the matrix is ​​important for the buyer, or if he has not worked with monitors with other types of panels until now. However, once you get acquainted with IPS and even * VA matrices, you begin to pay attention to this.

⇡ Crystal effect , Cross-hatching , PWM

The monitor LG 27GK750F uses high-quality matte coating matrices with good anti-reflective properties.

The approach is not the most modern, but even with such a surface the manufacturer has achieved quite a good result - the crystal effect on the screen of the new LG is not striking, the picture does not ripple (there is no "sand"), when the viewing angle is changed, the FE is practically not enhanced. The Cross Hatching effect did not affect the studied display model either.

Due to the principle of the technology, flickering backlighting is indispensable here. Its presence is also confirmed by tests: setting the vertical sweep to 240 Hz, during the measurements, we got a flicker of the screen backlight at exactly the same frequency. The eye strain is higher than without MBR, but the visual perception of moving objects on the screen, even with normal scrolling of Internet pages and working documents, is noticeably different. In which mode to use the monitor is up to you. It is fast in both modes.

⇡ Conclusions

The LG 27GK750F tested monitor is designed for those who value speed - and only it. This is a monitor for hardcore gamers - people who have absolutely no interest in color accuracy, who will not be annoyed by the negative aspects of the TN + Film matrix. There are plenty of such buyers, and we are sure that new model LG will not get dusty in store warehouses, especially given its adequate cost.

Now, for many, esports and tournament victories are becoming exactly the same profession and earning a living as any hobby for photography, video and graphics, where the requirements for a working display are completely different. And for these purposes, many of the shortcomings are easily covered by the advantages of the model. In its new product, LG has eliminated some of the shortcomings of the previous series and made the 27GK750F fully consistent with all the needs of the main target audience.

At the same time, the display will definitely not become a universal tool for everything and everyone. Non-professional gamers can perhaps opt for this as a second device for frequent evening tournaments. If you are interested in the 27-inch Full HD version, then you will not have to think for a long time. On the market there is one problematic Acer with a frame drop at 240 Hz, another representative of this manufacturer with a stand without the possibility of transformation, a BenQ monitor without any adaptive sync system and almost twice as expensive Acer Predator with G-Sync. Our today's experimental is in this "zoo", as you know, the golden mean.

From the file server, the site can be used for this monitor, which we received after the hardware calibration procedure.


May not suit:

  • features inherent in the TN + Film-type matrix (low image stability, strong color shift and poor viewing angles).
  • the minimum distance of the lower frame of the case to the table is about 10 cm - rather high installation of the case on a stand;
  • lack of a built-in speaker system;
  • floating color rendering (for true connoisseurs of this class of monitors, this is an insignificant problem);
  • the visibility of the crystalline effect is reduced, but the picture is still more pleasant for models with a semi-matte finish;
  • Bold pixel;
  • insignificant increase in speed (of course, not for everyone) against the background of high-quality 144-180-Hz models released earlier and at a lower price;
  • strong Glow-effect on a black field - TN + Film can't do it any other way.