What is iCloud and Apple ID. How to untie the iPhone from iCloud when buying from hands and remove Apple ID former owner

If you do not untie the iPhone from the ICLOUD account of the previous owner, then at one fine moment an iPhone can be blocked and you will not be able to use it anymore. This can happen for example after updating iOS. After installing the new version of the operating system, you can see the message " Activate iPhone. Currently, this iPhone is tied to Apple ID ( [Email Protected]). Sign in with Apple ID, which was used to configure this iPhone » or "Activation Lock". ICLOUD locking occurs on the Apple server. Therefore, neither reset settings nor the flashing unlocks the iPhone.

The main thing is that you have to understand this issue is that if the iPhone is tied to ICloud and you do not know the login and password from the account, then you will not be able to use it for a long time. Exit - untie an iPle from Apple current owner when buying from hands to pay.

Ways to delete an account of the previous user described in this instruction are legal. They do not use any ICloud or iOS vulnerabilities and do not hack anything. Naturally, and miracles do not expect from them. If you have an iPhone of incomprehensible origin in your hands without a box and a check, which requires entering an Apple ID, which it was initially activated, you will not succeed. For this, actually there is a binding - so that you cannot use the device with the steal or deliver the device.

Lost iPhones and unfair sellers

There are also many cases when the unscrupulous owner sells an iPhone, consciously leaving its Apple ID on it, and after receiving the money, some time blocks it and requires you to pay extra money for unlocking. Then you will see a message. "This iphone is lost"or "Missing iPhone". Such a phone you do not unlock. Therefore, if you bought such an iPhone, demand a return money from the seller and warn that you will write a statement to the police about the fact of fraud. (Well, if you found a really lost device, then definitely return the phone to the owner).

On the Internet there are many ads where you promise to unlock any iPhone for money. Do not associate with such things. In the worst case, you will simply be deceived and unlock you, but in the best - they will ask a copy of the check, the photo of the box, the serial number and other information for the request in Apple, but you can do this procedure and it is described below in the article. The main thing is that you have all these things in the presence.

How to check if the iPhone is tied to an ICloud account using Apple ID or not

Step 1. Take an iPhone in your hands and click on the HOME key. If he prompts you to enter an Apple ID and password or log in to the touch ID, it means that it is not untied from the ICLOUD account and buy the device in such a state: it is impossible:

If on the Internet you will find instructions for checking the activation on the website icloud.com/activationLock, then you know, Apple has closed this service and it does not work anymore:

Step 2. Perform an iPhone cleaning. Go to Settings\u003e Basic\u003e Reset\u003e Erase Content and Settings\u003e Erase\u003e Enter the password code, click Erase iPhone (twice)\u003e Enter the password from ICloud.

Naturally, you need to pre-obtain the consent of the seller for it (and at the same time look at his reaction). After cleaning, go to the iPhone settings. Instead of the name of the owner, you must see the offer to enter ICLOUD.

How to untie the iPhone from the ICloud account of the previous owner

After you checked the phone, you have arranged his condition and you want to buy it from the hands, ask the owner to untie the device from the current account by any of the methods described below.

Method 1: Delate the iPhone from Apple ID using a computer.

If at the moment iPhone is not in touch and the system cannot detect it, you can also click All devices And on the cross in front of the iPhone, which you want to untie from your Apple ID, and then confirm the removal in the pop-up window:

As you can see, the warning says exactly what we need at the moment - deletion means unscrewing the gadget from the current Apple ID in order for this iPhone to activate and use another user with its iCloud account.

Method 2: Remove the device from iCloud on the iPhone itself.

If everything went without errors, it means that you managed to successfully untie the iPhone from the old ICLOUD account.

How to remove Apple ID of the old owner - sending an unlock request to Apple

This method allows you to unlock the iPhone if you forgot your login (email) and password from ICloud or purchased a device that requires you to enter someone else's Apple ID, but you can confirm the right of legal ownership by the phone. In this way, you can unlock the iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple TV. You will need:

  1. Photo copy of a purchase check. It should contain the address of the store, where the iPhone was purchased, and the serial number of the device. If the serial is not pricked in the check, write it down at the bottom S / N: 123456789XYZ And take a picture. Check is the most important argument when contacting Apple.
  2. Photo of the back wall of iPhone (naturally, without a cover).
  3. Photo tray with serial number and imei.
  4. Pack all photos to the zip archive.
  5. Try to remember the reference surname, the name and control questions that you specified when creating an ICloud account. If this is real, it will be a big plus. In the case when the account is not yours, skip this item.
  6. If you do not have an Apple ID, then create it.

All these things are better to create in advance, before contacting support, so that everything has passed faster and easier. Otherwise you will have to call back and every time to explain the new employee that you are trying to do and at what stage you are now.

Now you need to directly contact Apple. There you will request everything I described above: photo check with serial number, photo boxes. You are preducing your email to which you have access to this mement, and you will send a link to download files with photos of the check and other evidence of owning an iPhone. At the same time you will need to log in under your Apple ID. That's why you created it - so as not to get stuck at this step. In Russia, the support number on the unlocking iPhone unlock: 88005556734

What happens in this case

If the information provided by you suits Apple and they believe that you are rather a legitimate owner of an iPhone than the opposite, they are associated with the store, which is specified in your check, and check the fact of purchase. If the store confirms that the iPhone with the specified serial number was really purchased from them, Apple most likely unlocks your machine and you can enter your new icloud account. It matters the name of the seller. The more reliable and respectable the organization, engaged in this iPhone, the more chances that Apple will receive the answer on time. And this affects the positive outcome of the issue. Let's say it will be better if the phone was bought in the DNS trading network than Ip Vasya Pupkin.

Important! After you delete the icloud account, do not forget to check whether the iPhone is untied again. After cleaning, he should not request a password code nor a touch ID touch ID nor demand to enter an apple ID of the old owner.

We begin the cycle of articles about Apple services. And the first we will look at the services such as Apple ID and ICloud.

What is it?! Apple ID is a personal account of the user. Using one account you will have access to all all services on all your devices. To create an Apple ID, you need a valid gmail.com email address, a reliable password consisting of at least from one title, uppercase letters and numbers. Symbols should be at least eight. You will also need three answers to the check questions that are needed to confirm the individual and reset the password. It can also be created when setting up a new Apple device or when you first enter ICloud or iTunes.

Do not forget to add a backup email address and confirm it after registration, it will simplify data recovery if you suddenly forget them. When creating an Apple ID you will be asked to enter a bank card that you can use to pay applications in the App Store or to use Apple Music, as well as buying an additional place in ICloud. If you do not want to bind the map, that is, one trick. Before creating an Apple ID, you need to select any free app in the AppStore and click Download it, you click on the Create Apple ID button. Only in this sequence, Apple will make it possible not to enter your bank card. If you still decide to use all the advantages of Apple ID and are going to tie your bank card, then you know, it must be nominal, and released in the country in which you register your Apple ID.

Go to the essence of the question.

1. If you do not have gmail.com mail, then we create it on the link.

2. Go to the App Store. If you decide not to tie a bank card, then choose any free app and press Get. Then create an Apple ID.

And if you want to make purchases and enjoy all the benefits of Apple services, you can immediately (without selecting a free application) Click Create Apple ID.

3. Then you need to enter your mail, a reliable password (the password must contain at least one capital letter, one line, numbers and at least 8 characters)

It is advisable to enter an additional email, it will help when restoring Apple ID.

4. If you choose a way to create without a card binding, then you will appear next menu.

Everything is simple, fill out and click Crete Apple ID.

For those who decided to bind a map, you will need to choose the type of payment system (the card must be the name and the country that you specify). You must enter the card data in the corresponding field.

6. Now go to icloud and enter your data.

What is iCloud? This is a way to combine all files from your devices in one place. Access photo, video, contacts and other files can be obtained from everywhere and from any gadget. And for example, with the loss or stealing of your iPhone, you can easily track the phone, block or display any message. And purchases made in iTunes will be available on all devices. Sharing files can get up to six people. What will be very convenient in family use. You will always know about the location of your children.

In subsequent reviews, we will tell you more about the features and features of Apple services.

Apple ID is an email address that you use as a login for all apple services: iTunes Store, App Store, icloud and so on. Many of our readers have several identifiers, in connection with which I would like to translate interesting moments from the official article of the Apple Knowledge Base, which "sheds light" on some burning questions.

The use of the same Apple identifier to buy content in iTunes Store and ICloud is recommended for most users, since it is the easiest and correct Method.

But no one prohibits using different logins for ICloud (ID1) and shopping (ID2), and at the same time, according to Apple, "enjoy all the advantages of ICloud". Moreover, in addition to purchases id2 will be responsible for the operation of iTunes in The Cloud and iTunes Match. But do not forget about one essential nuance: you can change the computer association with a specific Apple ID no more than once in 90 days (details in this article, english).

If you use to work with the iCloud MobileMe account The new cloud service will offer to "drag" information from the old service. To log in in ICloud, you will need to use email that ends on @ me.com or @ mac.com.

However, users must make sure that they work on such operating systems:

  • iOS 5 or later for all Apple mobile gadgets.
  • OS X Lion 10.7.2 or later on your MAC computer.
  • Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) or Windows 7 on PC.

Also, MobileMe migration on iCloud can be started with this page.

Frequently asked Questions

Can I combine several Apple identifiers in one?

No, you can not merge two or more apple id. However, one identifier can be used to work with ICloud, and the second is for purchases.

Can I change my Apple identifier?

Yes. For example, if you receive a new email address, you can change your identifier from the old address to the new one. Details in this article. Identifiers @ Mac.com and @ me.com cannot be renamed.

I have a "overdue" Apple ID, tied to the address @ me.com. Can I use it from iCloud and receive email to this box?

Yes, if this is the address @ me.com. To use such an account followinstallation instructions ICLOUD. Your address @ Me.com will be renewed when you register in the new Apple cloud service.

Important: To configure ICloud you will need an active email address associated with your Apple ID. To add such an address, go to appleid.apple.com, log in with the "overdue" account with @ me.com and add a new active email address.

Once one of the main deficiencies of the iPad (and iPhone) was necessary to connect it to a computer using a cord and make a backup through the iTunes application. Starting with iOS 5, such a need began to disappear. After all, you can now make a backup directly to the cloud. In this case, the ability to make a backup across the computer remained.

I am sure many users do not realize the difference between the backup in iTunes and in ICloud. In this article, I will explain in this as it consists.

ICLOUD backup

Each Apple user highlights 5 gigabytes in the cloud storage facilities. To create backup copies in ICloud, you must enable them through the settings:

Settings-\u003e ICloud-\u003e Backup-\u003e Backup in ICloud

In the future, it is necessary to create a copy:

  • or immediately click the "Create backup" button
  • or connect the iPad to the power source (Wi-Fi must be connected, and the iPad is blocked). Backup copies will be created by a machine.

What is stored in the backup iCloud?

  • Shopping History (Music, Movies, Apps, Books) From iTunes Store, App Store, IBooks Store
  • Photos and videos. If you have an ICloud media library, then photos and videos will not be poured into the cloud
  • Settings
  • Application data
  • View of the screen and application order
  • Messages iMessage, SMS
  • Ringtones
  • Candy from the health and configuration HOMEKIT (smart home)

And now I explain the nuances in simple language. You need to know and understand it:

a) When restoring from a backup of ICloud, all the above data roll automatically. But bought (downloaded officially) The media content will re-download from the corresponding stores: Apps from App Store, music and video from iTunes Store, books from IBooks Store.

That is, if a backup in ICloud takes 3 gigabytes, this does not mean that the restoration will take 3 gigabytes of traffic. No, in essence you re-download the amount of information that you had on the iPad.

b) 5 gigabytes of free space in the cloud is enough except for the first time and with a single device attached to Apple ID. If there are several such devices, then you will have to buy an extra room in ICloud.

c) Backups in ICloud are subjected to mandatory encryption. That is, it is implied that no one besides you (even Apple) can access the backup data.

d) Restore the copy you can from anywhere in the presence of Wi-Fi. This does not require a computer.

e) other data like notes, contacts, etc. Also saved in iCloud (not in a backup), only this is set separately in the IOS settings.

Also in the backup are not saved:

  • data stored in other cloud services. For example, Gmail.
  • apple Pay Information and Settings
  • touch ID settings
  • content and data about it that you have not downloaded from official stores. For example, pirated mp3 files.

ITunes backup

To create a backup copy to iTunes, it is desirable (not necessarily, but I recommend it) Connect the iPad / iPhone to the computer through the wire. Enable iTunes-\u003e Find the device-\u003e Go to Overview-\u003e In the Backup Copies section, poke "This computer". Then click "Create a copy now."

Unlike a copy in iCloud, the iTunes backup encryption on the computer is not installed by default. To set a password to a backup, you must set a tick before creating a copy of the "Enable Local Copy" copy. This must be done if you are not sure of sufficient data security on your computer.

For example, several people use the computer. If you do not encrypt, then theoretically, anyone can read, for example, your SMS or applications data using special programs.

The backup copy of the iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch is saved by default on the main drive in the system. Change the default disc and even write a backup to an external disc.

Backup via iTunes can only be created in OS X and Windows operating systems. Owners Alternatives like Linux, apparently, forced to make copies in ICloud.

Backup fall almost all data and settings IOS devices except:

  • photos and videos located in the mediator icloud or photo stream
  • apple Pay Information and Settings
  • touch ID settings

The following data types are in a backup, if you use encryptionI wrote about just above:

  • Wi-Fi settings
  • Saved passwords in key bundles
  • Medical data
  • History of websites in Safari

Apps from App Store, Music and Movies and iTunes Store, books from iBooks Store do not fall backup and in case of iTunes. But unlike iCloud, here you can essentially to take them, making synchronization.

What to choose?

What method of creating a backup is preferable? My taste is the best option to use as both types of backup.

A copy of ICloud allows you to be calm for the safety of current settings. If everything works fine, then during each charging your iPad / iPhone / iPod will be self-resistant. Connecting to a computer is not required.

On the other hand, the backup copy of ICloud is critical to the use of the Internet. If you have a slow Internet (and in small cities or settlements this is the norm), I would recommend making backups through iTunes. Yes, and with a quick Internet, recovery from the backup can delay the clock.

Also, the local backup is not limited to anything - only a free space on the computer disk, and the copy of the iCloud requires a monthly subscription. For 5 gigabytes for a backup, library iTunes, etc. - this is not serious. Especially in the presence of two or more devices.

Another advantage of the backup in iTunes is associated with synchronization - it allows you to save various versions of applications. Updating application update in the App Store, and on the computer you have a last version. They took and rolled back. Or they deleted randomly some important contacts - they have already been synchronized with ICloud. In the backup of iTunes you can dig and restore.

Apple has created not enough branded services for iPhone users, which are successful in different extent - some are popular, some not very. The cloudy ICloud Storage is unambiguously refers to the first category. However, there are users who do not understand what is icloud and how to use it. And sorry, because this service pays a lot of useful options.

In this article, we will tell about the functionality of the service and its subtleties.

Today, users store a lot of useful and important information in smartphones and, having lost the device, the owner often regrets not so much about material damage as much-lost data. This state of affairs forced IT companies to come up with cloud services. In the "cloud", the user can store a backup copy of important data and during the loss of the gadget to restore the necessary information on another devission.

iCloud is one of the cloud storage services that is available by default all IOS users. By purchasing iOS-devices of any model - iPhone 4 or iPhone 6 S, iPad mini 1 or iPad Pro, etc., the user automatically gets 5 GB in the cloud (more space for an additional fee).

The physically "cloud" is a deleted company servers, simply speaking, this is a huge hard disk belonging to Apple, the place where the company is divided with each user.

Synchronization or backup

ICloud has two basic functions - synchronization and backup. Do not see the difference between these two concepts? And it is also significant. Let's figure it out in order.


The backup can be created automatically and manually. In the first case, copying is performed whenever the device is charged and connected to Wi-Fi. In the second, the user himself decides when to make a backup. To create a copy:

That's all! Pretty simple, right? Now, if an automatic backup is configured, you can never return to this menu, if the manual mode is selected, periodically go to the section and press the "backup".

In a backup copy of ICloud, almost all types of information that is available on the iPhone is saved, that is, there may be like data useful, such as phonebook contacts and not very - for example, some messages from whats App and other messengers. Of course, if you bought an extra room in the cloud and you have it where more than 5 GB are there, such a waste is not much disturbing, but if we are talking about 5 GB, the approach is to keep everything and immediately seems not very reasonable.


This is where synchronization is saved. If you return to the ICloud menu, on the backup item, you will see a bunch of other items, opposite each of which the slider will be.

If the slider is active, then synchronization with the cloud is automatically performed. For example, if the slider in front of the "Contacts" item is green, then all the phone book numbers are synchronized with the "cloud" through the Apple ID, which is registered in this iPhone. This means the following - if you lose this iPhone, buy a new one and in it insert the former Apple ID, you will detect all contacts from the lost device, even if you select the item not to "restore from the backup" from the initial device, and "configure as a new "

Thus, in essence, backup and synchronization - the capabilities that give the user about the same practical output - the data is attached to the Apple ID and are easily restored. But! Synchronization can be controlled, including and turning off the corresponding sliders, rationally spending space in the cloud.

"Find iPhone" and ICloud Drive

Just above we said - ICloud has two main options and considered them. However, there is a service and additional functionality. It is quite wide, but in the framework of the introductory article it is important to mention two special options.

Find iPhone

Using "Finding iPhone" Apple has implemented protection against theft. At some point, the iPhone began to steal so often that it was simply impossible to sit back. And now it appeared "Find iPhone". If you enable it, the so-called Activation Lock is activated. Every time after updating / recovering / resetting data, the iPhone with the Activation Lock will request an Apple ID password.

What does it give? Look, the thief stole your device. First of all, he, of course, resets the information, because to sell a smartphone with other people's data. And after resetting it, a surprise is waiting for it - the Apple ID parameter request that is not knowing the login and password of this account can not get around. What remains? Only hand over the device to spare parts or return the user for the remuneration.

In addition, using "Find iPhone" you can activate the "Disposable Mode". For this you need:

When activating the disappearance mode, the iPhone is blocked and the user message is indicated on the lock screen.

Another funny option "Find iPhone", which, for sure, will have to do so forgetful personalities. Next to the "Disposable Mode" button, there is a "Play" button, click on it, if you do not remember where the smartphone was put. And even if it is on silent mode, a loud beep sounds.

To enable "Find iPhone" - refer to the iCloud menu, find the item "Find iPhone", Tap it and in the Opening Menu, activate the slider of the same name. This way of activating the option is relevant to all iPhone models - and old 4 S, and new 6 S and "seven".

iCloud Drive.

Well, finally, let's talk about the ICloud Drive option. In general, it is easier to say that this is not an option, but an application, it just configures it through the main menu of ICloud.

The Aiclaud Drive application is pre-installed on the iPhone C iOS 9 and later platform versions. This is essentially Dropbox from Apple, well, or if you are not familiar with Dropbox - this is a kind of file manager. Documents here can be finished manually, and you can configure and automatically transfer - for this in the ICloud menu, translate the corresponding sliders under the ICloud Drive item to the active position.

Unfortunately, not all users understand why ICLOUD DRIVE is needed in iPhone and what to do with it. In our opinion, it is easiest to understand the example.

Suppose you started working on a file on the iPhone, but want to continue on a computer or iPad - you just throw the document in the iCloud Drive on the smartphone, then open this application on the device from which you want to continue working, and ... Actually, continue!

And right from ICloud Drive you can download the document in the desired program. That is, if the file supports, say, work with six programs, which are installed on a PC or mobile iOS-gadget, by clicking on the file and holding your finger on it, select the desired of all six programs.


iCloud - service is very cool and useful, and it is functional of it, of course, goes far beyond this article. However, now you know at least approximately what is aiklaud on the iPhone and, for sure, you have a desire to get to know the service closer. Detailed instructions and assistance in managing the service can be obtained on the official Apple website, reading the relevant sections or contacting the company's support service.